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SAVILE By Alex Gibbons

1. INT. JIMMY SAVILES HOUSE. DAY The room is smokey and dark. Back of JIMMY SAVILES chair. The cigar is in JIMMY SAVILES hand burning away. Hand falls slumping against the chair. The cigar falls out of his hand onto the floor. INT. KARIN WARDS HOUSE. KITCHEN. DUSK 2. 1.

Montage of JIMMY SAVILE commemoration. Flicks from commemoration to news stories regarding the recent death of JIMMY SAVILE on a TV screen zooming out. KARIN WARD is standing with the remote. She promptly puts it down next to her and continues to fold and iron the laundry. She stops. Then proceeds to start crying into a piece of laundry. INT. INTERVIEW ROOM . FLASHBACK. 3.

Interview with KARIN WARD with LIZ MACKEAN. KARIN WARD is sitting being interviewed. LIZ MACKEAN is wearing a professional suit with short blond hair while KARIN WARD is looking vulnerable in a brown cadigan. KARIN WARD I can remember seeing him(beat)having sex with one of the girls from Duncroft. In Jimmy Saviles dressing room. INT. KARIN WARDS HOUSE. KITCHEN. DUSK. 4.

CUT TO KARIN crying in the same place. She sits down on the dining room chair still crying. CUT TO the interview. INT. INTERVIEW ROOM. FLASHBACK LIZ MACKEAN Was Jimmy Savile there ? 5.




KARIN WARD Yeah. LIZ MACKEAN Hed have known what was going on ? KARIN WARD Oh yes. He laughed about it, he though it was funny. END FLASHBACK KARIN is sitting crying on the chair. FADE OUT EXT. JIMMY SAVILES CAMPER VAN. DAY. FLASHBACK TITLE:1970 BOB LANGLY is walking to the entrance to the caravan where he sees a GIRL exit the caravan. The GIRL is no older than 12. She looks at him briefly and then runs off. JIMMY SAVILE steps onto the open door of the caravan and lights up his cigar. He looks at BOB and winks at him then jumps out walking to him. BOB smiles as JIMMY walks towards him. BOB LANGLY (smirking and jokingly) Bit young for you aint she Jimmy? SAVILE turns around and takes his cigar out his mouth. He gestures towards BOB. JIMMY SAVILE (Quite seriously) When you think like that, youre over. SAVILE promptly puts the cigar back in his mouth and smirks at BOB. BOB then gives a very reserved smile. When SAVILE turns to walk away BOB looks in disgust. BOB LANGLY(V.O) I didnt believe him. JIMMY SAVILE walks away from the caravan. TITLES 6.


Montage of JIMMY SAVILE commemoration. From commemoration to news stories regarding the recent death of JIMMY SAVILE. INT. HAUT DE LA GARENNE. 1970S 7.

KAREN looks starstruck at JIMMY SAVILES arrival as she along with others clamber over each other to get to him. He has the signature cigar in his mouth adressing every girl as quickly as possible. SAVILE Hello everyone! OH aint you lovely, whats your name?! KARIN WARD (Enthusiastically) KARIN SAVILE Well KARIN would you and a few other girls like to go out for a car ride?! KARIN WARD Definitely She looks to her friends in disbelief like a child who has met their hero. SAVILE grins as he goes off talking to other girls propositioning the same question. CUT TO SAVILE is leading some other girls while holding their hands to his car, a rolls royce. The car pulls off down the dirt road. INT. SAVILES CAR. DAY The car on the inside is full of girls smiling out of the anticipation of meeting their idol. SAVILE You know if you are good girls, you might just go to the television centre. The girls giggle to themselves and begin chatting amongst themselves. 8.




GIRL#1 Oh I hope we can go to the television centre. KARIN WARD I know, I cant wait SAVILE is in the front smiling to himself while looking at KARIN in the seat next to him. The car stops and they all get out for what seemingly just rural land. He looks to KARIN. SAVILE You know I said you were good you can got to the television centre? All the girls speak among themselves .As they all are standing round him. KARIN looks up to him as she looks down to her. KARIN WARD Yes! Oh really can I? SAVILE Well can you do something for me? He smiles to himself and looks at KARIN whom innocently looks at him seemingly unaware of the nature of his request. FADE OUT .INT. KARIN WARDS HOUSE. KITCHEN. NIGHT. 8.

KARIN sits there with her head kept up by her hand. Her eyes are red from the crying. Another tear streams down her face. INT. BBC BUILDING: MEIRON JONES OFFICE. DAY. 9.

MEIRON is sitting at his desk. Looking at the computer. His facial expression indicates something was terribly wrong. TITLE(EMAIL):I think we should stop working on this and focus on other elements...because we really dont have a strong enough story without it. LIZ walks into the room, MEIRON still fixated on the computer with a disappointed look on his face.




MEIRON JONES Just got an email from PETER. LIZ MACKEAN About what ? LIZ sits down on the seat opposite. MEIRON reluctantly looks up at LIZ with his hands together on the desk and looks at LIZ. MEIRON JONES He basically says we should no longer look into new leads. LIZ MACKEAN (confused) Okay(beat)but why? MEIRON JONES Apparently the story is not strong enough. LIZ MACKEAN What? We have evidence, witnesss, victims. Hell, one has already been interviewed. They sit in silence for a while both slumping into their seats. LIZ looks around the room confused. MEIRON just checks over the email once again. LIZ MACKEAN Is this to do with the tributes? MEIRON JONES I was just thinking that. But after he died, we had the go ahead. LIZ MACKEAN Okay then. LIZ gets up and proceeds to storm over to the door angrily. She turns to say something then stops and slams the door. MEIRON stands up. MEIRON JONES LIZ, Where are you going ? Before she could hear him she left the room. MEIRON sits back down with his head in his hands while looking oup occasionaly to re-read the email.




LIZ MACKEAN paces the office. PETER RIPPONS is sitting in an office chair. PETER RIPPONS Im sorry, but if you cant fit the criteria than it cant be aired. LIZ MACKEAN (angrily) Oh come on, You know we wont run it like this, it wouldnt work. PETER RIPPONS You dont understand. With the Crown Prosecution Service dropping the case we. He stops. LIZ leans forward over the desk and squares up to PETER. As PETER regresss back into his seat. LIZ MACKEAN Dont give me that(beat)you know we have substantial evidence. PETER RIPPONS There is no use LIZ. LIZ takes a deep breath and sits down in the chair opposite PETER. She looks around with her hands tapping the chair. Taking deep breaths. LIZ MACKEAN What now then? PETER RIPPONS Its out of my hands. Im sorry. It just wont work. She stands up and walks towards the door. Angrily she turns back to PETER. LIZ MACKEAN This is bullshit(beat)and you know it. LIZ slams the door and the room is left silent.


INT. BBC BUILDING:HALLWAY. DAY LIZ walks out into the hallway angrily and is met by a MEIRON JONES who sees her walking past. MEIRON JONES LIZ!


LIZ keeps walking in the same fashion without hearing him. He promptly follows her almost running after her. MEIRON JONES LIZ! wait. He taps her on the shoulder and turns her around. She looks at him while trying to make her face as so he cannot see how angry and upset she is. However the emotional leak of anger is still apparent. MEIRON JONES (continued) Where have you just been? LIZ MACKEAN I went to talk to PETER. MEIRON JONES Oh no LIZ. He looks at her disapprovingly and sighs, then he looks down at the floor. LIZ MACKEAN Oh dont give me that look, you know whats at stake here. MEIRON JONES But there are proper ways of dealing with this. Storming in there wont change a single thing. MEIRON holds his head in his hands as if hes in pain. Then nods his head to passing employees pretending everything is normal. LIZ MACKEAN Im sorry, I just. MEIRON JONES I know(beat)I know(beat)I got an email from PETER.




LIZ MACKEAN (sigh) Okay. A brief moment of silence ensues with them both standing agitated and looking down at the floor. MEIRON looks up while LIZ keeps her head looking down at the floor. MEIRON JONES You okay? LIZ MACKEAN (Abruptly) Yes. MEIRON rubs her on the arm to provide a bit of comfort and then walks away leaving LIZ in the same position thinking. FADE OUT EXT. OUTSIDE JIMMY SAVILES CAMPER VAN. 1970S DAY. FLASHBACK POLICE are outside the caravan. They knock on the door and wait a few seconds. SAVILE then answers the door. He is grinning. JIMMY SAVILE Anything I could do for you chaps ? POLICEMAN #1 Yes, Were on the look out for a sixteen year old runaway. If you see her, give us a call. JIMMY SAVILE (winking) Thats okay. Ill give her back when Im finished with her. SAVILE smiles and then closes the door. The POLICEMAN smile amongst each other and walks away. SAVILE turns back around a YOUNG GIRL having a drink at the table. He grins. FADE OUT



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