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Pastor Chris Adams

Good News
Hillsboro Presbyterian Church

July 2013

The Creative Care graduates receive their childrens bibles as a gift from HPC.

Worship Ministry Team Updates:

e want to thank our summer acolytes who bring the light of Christ into the sanctuary each Sunday. They now have a new duty ringing the bell to signal the beginning of worship. Summer acolytes are Akur Kur, Ellen Moth, Carlie Mitchell, Annalise Dodson, Abby Cannon, Noah Rosdeutscher, Ben Grizzle and William Kindoll. Also,

thanks to Laura Grizzle for arranging the acolyte schedule.

hanks to Joan Adams who has made many of the paraments that grace the pulpits in the sanctuary. New this year were beautiful red paraments for Pentecost. Joan also designed the green badges worn by our deacons who serve at funerals and other occasions. These badges enable visitors to identify a church member, if they need help finding their way around our campus, or have any other questions. Several

folks assisted in the needlepoint, with Joan doing the assembly. We will be working on more, so if you would like to help, Joan can supply the material.

lease check the flower book in the hallway as there are dates available in July to provide flowers for worship. You may take these flowers home, or leave them for distribution to shut-ins. Details are in the book. Please sign up it is a great way to honor a special occasion. - Suzy Bennett

A note from Chris I

have this vivid memory from the old television favorite, The Brady Bunch. Middle son, Peter Brady has been the victim of a couple practical jokes perpetrated by his brothers and sisters. So with great dramatic flare he stands before the family and declares his intention to get even, When you least expect it, expect it! Perhaps such a statement might ring true for us as Gods people too. I must admit over the course of my life and practice of faith, there have been many occasions when I did not expect anything powerful or convicting to happen, only to discover the Holy Spirit had other plans. Some of the most amazing and transforming things are things we never expected to happen. Summer is perhaps the time when we dont expect much to be going on in church. Our friends are away on vacations and some folks miss just about every week. Even our staff is a bit in flux it seems with comings and goings. I wonder if this summer is that time to remember Peter Bradys words slightly modified, When we least expect it, expect it! We have just welcomed home our mission travelers from Aus-

tralia. Our ministry teams are working hard on Fall and Winter plans. We are actively caring for members in need and those in our community that are struggling with illness and poverty. This month, our children will gather together for Vacation Bible School, which is always an amazing week of ministry. Hillsboro Theological Seminary will host three weeks of mission discussions, highlighting the ways we are engaging the whole world with the good news of the gospel. Its amazing how much is happening at church even in the summer. Imagine the vivid memories connected to our faith that will be created this month at HPC. Children of all ages, our own and those in our community will be together. Youth are sharing the goodness of God in the stories of their adventure. Finally, our adults are working our salvation day to day in important and faithful ways. Thats no practical joke Peter Brady, thats our awesome church. When we least expect it, expect it! Thanks be to God! Blessings, Chris+



Chris Adams Pastor

Hudson Neely Minister of Discipleship Amy Dillon Director of Child & Family Ministry Shawn Cothran Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Whitley Gaffney Director of Communications Stephen Nix Director of Music Ministry Carole Shean Financial Administrator Alice ODwyer Child Care Coordinator Cynthia White Director of Creative Care Tim Gmeiner Church Organist
615.665.0148 |

Registration Still Open for VBS

Theres still time to register for the Everywhere Fun Fair! Registration is open for children aged 3 through completed 5th grade and runs 9am-noon each day. Completed 1st through completed 5th graders are invited to participate in Hi-5 from noon-2pm following VBS for high energy fun! This is a great opportunity for our elementary kids to explore their talents through a different enrichment class every day. A free lunch will be provided for our Hi-5 attendees. There is no cost for VBS for the week and it is the perfect opportunity to invite friends to participate. If you would like to volunteer or have questions contact You can register online at hpcnashville. org or at Sunday worship. Amy is also looking for volunteers for a Childrens Church Team to assist Sunday mornings. Theres no planning or prep involved, just an opportunity to pour love and joy in our little ones hearts!

June Treasurers Notes

Finances Looking Back For May 2013 giving was $18 Thousand short: we received only $52 Thousand, but we planned for receipts at $70 Thousand. Expenses continue to be managed under budget, but with Mays low results for giving we have lost ground for the year. Our spending has exceeded our income by $26 Thousand for the year so far. Finances Going Forward For our 2013 budget we estimated total

expenses of $899M; for the year so far our ministry teams are managing $37 Thousand under that level thats good! For income in 2013 we estimated $850 Thousand as reliable figure; we are $33 Thousand behind for the year so far thats not so good! Giving Plans If you are thinking about committing to a Giving Plan for 2013 and have any questions please feel free to speak to Pastor Chris or anyone on the Finance Team including Peter Keene, Don Fiete, or me. If youve not yet submitted your

2013 Giving Plan, please prayerfully consider how you can support HPC ministry in 2013. What Do We Do Now? Double-check that we are keeping up with our giving commitments this year so that HPC can remain stable and fully prepared for the great things God has planned for us to do. As always we extend sincere thanks for the faithfulness everyone has shown in giving their time, talents, and money to HPC.

Guatemala Ministry

On August 11 after worship, Pastor Chris and Roger Marriott will be inviting those interested to discuss the Guatemalan Ministry in the parlor. This will be the first of six monthly gatherings that will culminate in a trip to Guatemala February 14-22. We will explore questions that will arise over time as we learn more of the practical application of the tenets propounded in the recently studied book When Helping Hurts. These gatherings are for all those interested in this subject whether they plan on going to Guatemala or not. The Guatemala team will be presenting at Hillsboro Theological Seminary Wednesday, July 10. The HPC Zimbabwe team would like to invite all those interested to join them Wednesday, July 17 at Hillsboro Theological Seminary for news on the ministry and information on their next scheduled trip in Spring, 2014. HPC has been an instrumental part of so many miracles in Zimbabwe, and they invite you to witness Gods goodness first hand.

[on a mission]
Summer is the season of traveling, and we want you to travel with us! Join Hillsboro Theological Seminary on Wednesday nights from July 10-24 for Hillsboro Theological Seminarys summer course. Each week well take an international journey as we hear presentations from...

July 10: Guatemala Team July 17: Zimbabwe Team July 24: Mission Australia report from Studio 100 Wednesdays, July 10-24 Dinner at 5:43pm followed by class at 6:30pm

Zimbabwe Ministry
July On Call Schedule June 28- July 4 July 5-11 July 12-18 July 19-25 July 26-Aug 1 Stephen 268-8781 Chris 516-0596 Amy 417-6748 Shawn 805-218-9301 Hudson 864-680-8766 New HPC Phone Extensions x10 Carole x11 Amy & Shawn x12 Whitley x13 Chris x15 Hudson x17 Stephen
*remember this extension to easily reach your party when calling the church office

HPC Volunteers Welcome Visitors from Nashville Rescue Mission

n Sunday mornings the church bus is driven downtown to the Nashville Rescue Mission on Lafayette Street where many of Nashvilles homeless population reside. Anyone there is invited to come to Hillsboros 10 a.m. Unity Worship Service, visit the clothes closet after the service, then receive a hearty sack lunch to take with them back to the Mission. Several Hillsboro members have made relationships with our guests and have made them feel very welcome during their visits. Several come most every week. Brian credits his 8 month sobriety pin he recently received to drawing closer with God by coming to Hillsboro. This Ministry is supported by a number of groups and people. Friends Life prepares 10 sack lunches every Friday that are picked up at their location, put in Hillsboros refrigerator and then handed out after Sundays Worship Service. Akur Kur, Jozi Ndagigimana and Vinny Muhawenimana have volunteered to get the lunches out and deliver them to the guests on the church bus just before the trip back to the Mission. Penn Cobb, Doug Turner, Russ Phillippi, Craig Short, Tom Limbird and Ben Cannon have all participated at times driving the bus to and from the Mission. The Worship Ministry Team has been very supportive of this Ministry and has been very thoughtful in coming up with ways to make the visitors most welcome. There are several opportunities to help out with this
Hillsboro Presbyterian Church

Ministry for those that feel a calling. Some Fridays Friends Life is not able to prepare the 10 sack lunches. If someone would like to be a backup for preparing the sack lunches, there is a definite need. It may be one or two weeks per quarter that Friends Life are unable to do it. Also if anyone has access to a large quantity of small mustard and mayonnaise packets these could be included in each of the lunches each week. There is also a need for drivers. Since the church bus seats under 16 people, there is no need for a special license to drive. Driving could be as seldom as once every month or two months and just one way for a specific Sunday. Riding with a current driver can be arranged to learn the route, times and process. The congregation has been extremely supportive and generous in keeping the clothes closet well stocked. One of the biggest needs of those who have been coming to the Worship Service is transportation. Nashville MTA sells different kinds of bus tickets. One that is most useful and convenient is a 7 day pass for $24.00 (all the rides you can take in a week). See Penn Cobb if you would like to help out with this need. Sometimes all it takes for someone homeless to get and keep a job is the ability to get to it. Another need is $10.00 gift cards from McDonalds, Subway or Burger King. Sometimes there are more homeless guests than sack lunches and a fast food gift card can be provided instead. - Penn Cobb
July 2013

5820 Hillsboro Pike Nashville, TN 37215

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