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Logon to the active node : C:\ prcstate active C:\ hostname ap0412162631b

Check for any active alarms in the node : C:\ alist C:\ burbackup -savedatadiskinfo C:\bur\APG40_date.ddi Execute burBackup with these parameters: -SaveDataDiskInfo C:\bur\APG40_05march05.ddi [y=yes, n=no]?:y Partition information of disks 2-4 successfully saved in C:\bur\APG40_05march05.ddi C:\ copy C:\bur\APG40_date.ddi \\ap0412162631a\C$\bur\ 1 file(s) copied. where ap0412162631a is the passive node name

Logon to the passive node now : C:\ prcstate passive C:\ hostname ap0412162631a C:\ burbackup Image name:APG40A_date Execute burBackup with these parameters: -src C:\ -dest D:\ -ImageName "APG40A_date" [y=yes, n=no]?:y burBackup execution completed 794 directories and 8474 files copied or equal and 0 files locked C:\>burbackup -src D:\ -imgdest \\ap0412162631b\images\nodea\ Execute burBackup with these parameters: -src D:\ -imgdest \\ap0412162631b\images\nodea\ [y=yes, n=no]?:y burBackup execution completed where ap0412162631b is the active node name Logon to the active node : C:\ prcstate


active C:\ hostname ap0412162631b C:\ prcboot Do you want to REBOOT this node ? [y(es)/n(o)]:y REBOOT INITIATED!

! wait for 15 minutes let the booted node rejoin the cluster ! Logon to the passive node now : C:\ prcstate passive C:\ hostname ap0412162631b C:\ burbackup Image name:APG40B_date Execute burBackup with these parameters: -src C:\ -dest D:\ -ImageName "APG40B_date" [y=yes, n=no]?:y burBackup execution completed 794 directories and 8474 files copied or equal and 0 files locked C:\>burbackup -src D:\ -imgdest \\ap0412162631a\images\nodeb\ Execute burBackup with these parameters: -src D:\ -imgdest \\ap0412162631a\images\nodeb\ [y=yes, n=no]?:y burBackup execution completed where ap0412162631a is the active node name ! See to it that backup of both the nodes is done regularly at an interval of 15 days or after any changes in the APG configurations !

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