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Touch points:

Touch points are essential in determining the medium which should be used to advertise the product. Selection of wrong touch points can be expensive and also might create a wrong perception of the brand. For the Infinity Package of Link3 we have targeted a demography consisting of teenagers and university going students, specifically the age group of 18-25 years. In order to determine the touch points, we focused on the behavioral traits of such an individual. From the observations, these are the following touch points obtained:

1. Cellphone Social Networking Sites: It is found that the most common and frequented touch point for our demography are the social networking sites. Since Facebook is used most, we have decided to use it as a source for advertising.

The advertisements will be placed on the official page of Infinity Package of Link3 and also the Facebook advertising will be used. Small versions of the advertisements will appear on the right hand side and will be directed towards our demography. Facebook Insights tool will be used to pinpoint exactly the consumers we are targeting.

2. Newspaper The demography that we have selected will browse the morning papers on weekends and also during regular days. On weekends, they will visit the pages related to sports and entertainment and on weekdays it will be strictly the 1 st page and the sports page. Hence, keeping those points in mind we will place the advertisements on the front page and the sports page. The front page ads will be published only during the 1st few days of the launch and will be targeted in creating a hype and buzz. The ad campaign will be a teaser. The first day the advertisement will appear with only few visuals and no further information,

followed by the next day providing all the necessary required information about the new package and its features. The regular advertisements will appear on the sports page and the entertainment section on regular basis.

We have decided to use Prothom Alo and The Daily Star as our medium of advertisement. This is mainly because the probability of our target subscribing to these dailies is considerably higher.

3. Magazines On weekends, its likely that the targeted demography will browse through the supplements and also the weekly magazines. For this reason, advertisements will also appear in them during weekends and whenever they are published.

The supplements which we have considered are The Star Campus and PC World Magazine. Both have readership consisting mainly of teenagers and university going students. The ads that will be placed here are specifically designed for the medium selected and will appeal to broader demography.

4. Billboards The billboards will be the most common medium used for the advertisements. Most of the billboards selected will be along the path taken by the demography selected and will have ads targeted for that location

Billboards will be placed near restaurants and popular food junctions, and the advertisement will be based on food naturally. The billboards will be placed such that they are also easily visible to anyone going along that path. Connecting the ads to the location will serve the purpose better.

Also, advertisement will be placed along the highways and university areas where there are hangout spots. This will be a good attraction and therefore the exposure and awareness of the brand and product will equally increase.

All the advertisements will be placed accordingly and should be a good exposure of the brand and product to those who are within the targeted demography and also those who are not in it.

5. Television Since the targeted demography is unlikely to watch local TV channels, we have decided that there will be no TVC in the advertising campaign. However, we have decided to use slots of special occasion such as IPL Cricket Matches, International Football Matches and Important International Televised events as a sponsoring source. The advertisements will appear ONLY during the major events and not on regular basis. The advertisements will not be TVCs however, they will be graphics incorporated within the viewing screen and will offer product information and features.

Budget: Newspaper:
Name of Publication Page Inch Column Size (col- No. of Card Rate inch) Ins. Gross PCI Total Card Rate Gross Cost % Discount Total Net Cost Negotiated Gross Mar-13 D1 12

National Dailies
Daily Star (week days) Prothom Alo Front page Front page 10.0 6.0 8 8 80 48 1 1 9,000 12,000 720,000 576,000 1,296,000 Net Cost Agency Commission VAT Total Client Cost 720,000 576,000 1,296,000 847,059 677,647 1,524,706 60,988 203,548 1,560,536

Mon 1 1


The ads will appear for the 1st month on regular basis on the front page of both Daily Star and Prothom Alo. It will also appear on the inner pages, mostly on the Sports section and entertainment section. This information is provided below.

Name of Publication


Inch Column

Size (col- No. of Card Rate inch) Ins. Gross PCI

Total Card Rate Gross Cost

% Discount

Total Net Cost

Negotiated Gross

Jun-13 D1 12

National Dailies
Daily Star (week days) Prothom Alo Sports Section Entertainment 20.5 20.5 8 8 164 164 1 1 6,500 9,500 1,066,000 1,558,000 2,624,000 Net Cost Agency Commission VAT Total Client Cost 1,066,000 1,558,000 2,624,000 1,254,118 1,832,941 3,087,059 123,482 412,122 3,159,605

Mon 1 1


After Initial launch, the advertisements will appear less regularly but will still be on the same pages. This will take place from the 2nd month.
Name of Publication Page Inch Column Size (col- No. of Card Rate inch) Ins. Gross PCI Total Card Rate Gross Cost % Discount Total Net Cost Negotiated Gross 13 14 15 Jul-13





National Dailies
Daily Star (week days) Prothom Alo Sports Front 3rd Page 5 5 8 8 40 40 3 3 4,000 12,000 480,000 1,440,000 1,440,000 Net Cost Agency Commission VAT Total Client Cost 480,000 1,440,000 1,920,000

Tue WedThu Fri Sat Sun Mon 564,706 1 1 1 1,694,118 1 1 1

2,258,824 90,353 301,553 2,311,906


Sl No. 1 Website TG size 900,900.0 CPI Bid Maximum daily impression Total unit daily budget Campaign Period (Days) Total Net Cost Gross Cost Estimated Transection fees 0.07 714,000 714 $50.0 30 $1,499.4 $1,764.0 $8.8 4% A/C on Gross cost Total Payable to Client $70.6 BDT $1,589.4 129,533

Facebook impressions will be used to set target size and using the maximum amount of daily impressions, the amount calculated per impression and average campaign period, it can be determined that the total cost of the whole Facebook campaign will cost Tk. 1,29,533.00 without taking into consideration VAT. Billboards: Billboards at most locations go for at a rate of Tk. 1,400 per square feet. Since we have targeted around 8 Billboards of large size around prime locations in Dhaka, the total area of billboard advertisements will be 27,000 Square feet. These are billboards of average size 20*40. At the rate provided, the total cost for billboards excluding the print and setting up will total to 8960000 Tk.

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