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Additional Mathematics Project Work 1 2013 SELANGOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS PROJECT WORK 1/2013 Introduction One

of the mathematical concepts which we must be familiar with is logarithms. Before the days of scientific calculators, logarithms were used to multiply or divide extreme numbers using mathematical tables. For these calculations, ten was the most common base to use. Logarithm to the base of ten is also called the common logarithm. Other bases such as two, five and eight can also be used. The ancient Babylonians had used bases up to 60. Logarithms have many applications in various fields of studies. In the early 17 th century it was rapidly adopted by navigators, scientists, engineers and astronomers to perform computations more easily.

PART 1 a) Write a history on logarithm. b) Find and explain the applications of logarithm in two different fields of study. Explanation of each application should include the following : i) The field of study chosen. ii) Examples of problem solving related to the field of study.

PART 2 The volume, V, in cm3, of a solid sphere and its diameter, D, in cm, are related by the equation V = mDn, where m and n are constants. You can find the value of m and of n by conducting the activities below. a i) ii) iii) b Choose six different spheres with diameters between 1 cm to 8 cm. Measure the diameters of the six spheres using a pair of vernier callipers. Find the volume of each sphere without using the formula of volume. (You can use the apparatus in the science lab to help you) Tabulate the values of the diameter, D, in cm, and its corresponding volume, V, in cm3.

Find the value of m and of n using logarithms with any two sets of values obtained in the table above. 1

Selangor Education Department

Additional Mathematics Project Work 1 2013 PART 3 (A) In our daily life, the relation between two variables is not always in a linear form. For example, the relation between the volume, V, and the diameter, D, in Part 2 above. Plot V against D using suitable scales. When the graph V against D is drawn, the value of m and of n are not easily determined from the graph. If the non-linear relation is changed to a linear form, a line of best fit can be drawn and the values of the constants and other information can be obtained easily. a) Reduce the equation V = mDn to a linear form. b) Using the data from Part 2, plot the graph and draw the line of best fit. c) From the graph, find i) ii) iii) the value of m and of n, thus express V in terms of D, the volume of the sphere when the diameter is 5 cm, and the radius of the sphere when the volume is 180 cm3.


FURTHER EXPLORATION a) b) Compare the equation obtained in Part 3 (B) c (i) with the formula of volume of sphere. Hence, find the value of . Suggest another method to find the value of .

REFLECTION What have you learnt while conducting the project? What moral values did you practise? Express your feelings and opinions creatively through the usage of symbols, drawings, lyrics of a song or a poem.


Selangor Education Department

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