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The Moody Theory

Authors Note There will be statements in this document that are subjective. The gist of the concept is thoroughly dispassionate; meaning, I did not display any extensive bias, although some of the theories are my beliefs. I apologize for any caustically dissenting opinions. For instance, I state that the fourth dimension is time, which is a separate theory. Introduction Today, theoreticians have provided a wide range of evidence as to how every occurrence in the universe can bepragmatically or abstractlyexplained. Notwithstanding, this evidence only provides what we know. Theoreticians who work on the other side of knowledge conclude that real possibilities are literally infinite. The two notions combine for this relative conclusion: Using any branch of reasoning (mathematics, science, and so on) will explain anything imaginable, though the value of uncertainty will always be there. Should uncertainty be more substantial to veracity than what is certain? The answer lies in the eye of the beholder. Moving further, if there were more dispassionate evidence for the theory stating reality and our senses/intuition see eye-to-eye, we would know everything can be explained in a reasonable way. This brings us to a much more relevant note: magic. The Wizarding World is centralized around the efficiency, aestheticism, exclusiveness and profoundness of magic. Therefore, if all occurrences have an explanation, all branches of Wizardry have competent foundations, most lying in science. The Statement The Moody Theory states that Alastor Mad-Eye Moodys magical eye perceives multiple dimensions. Moodys eye lies in the fifth-dimensional realm in third-dimensional space. Technically, this is considered a hypersphere, though because humans are third-dimensional creatures, we see the eye normally (second-dimensionally). Because of this, Moody has what is considered photographic memory, although a more perfect form. Given that the 5th dimension of information, the eye instantaneously recall such information at n time (4th dimension), see at 360 degrees in all possible fivedimensional directions simultaneously, and see through objects that neither reflect nor absorb light (invisibility cloaks). It is not to say that the eyes powers are all passed onto Moody. The photographic memory may be a power exclusive to the eye. The Explanation Let us begin with a simple recap of the basic dimensions. The very first dimension, zero-dimensional space, is simply known as vertexes. Informally, dots. These vertexes do not withstand any actual space, thus being zero. The next dimension, first-dimensional space, requires only one piece of data in order to take up space: length. Therefore, the first dimension is a line conjoined by two vertexes (more widely accepted as a line segment). Moving on, second-dimensional space requires two pieces of data to be part of space: length and height. Typically, these are Euclidean shapes made of multiple lines, forming a

plane. The most common representation of these figures is the square. Next, there is the third dimension, requiring three arguments to pass as a third-dimensional object: length, height, and depth. The thirddimensional object occurs when multiple planes are put together. The subsequent dimensions are considered ethereal. The fourth dimension is controversially known as time, thereby requiring four arguments: length, height, depth and time. This occurs when multiple thirddimensional objects are put together, generating what is known as a tesseract. As there are many abstract theories about the fourth dimension, the status quo for what it is can be opinionated. Third-dimensional organisms are of time, though we can just barely conceive it. We perceive a small glimpse of what time is, yet we never understand it fully because we cannot observe it in our realm. Beyond that, there is a hypothetical dimension that is even more controversial and against status quo. The fifth dimension describes that, as time has past and present (left/right on a timeline), the same can be said for other directions possible (up, down, other angles). A popular ism regards the fifth-dimension as information. At any rate, the dimension is mostly hypothetical. We cannot say that it is not there, we simply cannot perceive (nor conceive for that matter) its presence.

Figure 1 provides a visual representation of these dimensions. The meat of this idea is that the organism in the n dimension sees everything in the n-1 dimension. That means that organisms dwelling in any dimension will see all things in the dimension below that of their own. Thus, the 0-dimensional organism sees nothing (negative first dimension?entirely different theory), the 1-dimensional organism sees everything as vertexes, the 2-dimensional organism sees everything as lines, the third-dimensional organism sees everything as planes, the 4-dimensional organisms sees everything as cubes, and the fifth-dimensional organisms perceives all objects as tesseracts. To test this, look around. Do you recognize all shapes in the third dimension, looking through them, seeing their depth, or do you recognize them as the second-dimensional figures we use to represent objects? Of course, we can conceive the depth, so we know that they are not flat, but they are conceived as planes. Think about what it would be like to see everything as they are trulythird-dimensional. Now,

Figure 1: The basic dimensions.

think about the experience of seeing all things in the fourth dimension as a fifth-dimensional object. In a hypothetical scenario, if we were to put on glasses that could allow our vision to see in the fourthdimension (in the fifth dimension), we would be enhancing our vision to the fourth power. At last, we can piece together our puzzle. If Alastor Moodys eye is fifth-dimensional, humans in the third dimension can only see it in the second dimension, and literally in the third dimension. If humans were sixth-dimensional, we would see the eye for its multiplicity of vertexes and planes and tesseracts and 5polytopes. It is continually rotating in other dimensions, ostensibly why it spins so quickly (despite the fact Moody has paranoid personality disorder). Albeit, the World of Wizardry and Witchcraft is mainly comprised of third-dimensional objects, thus the ability to see past the third dimension is futile most of the time. The eye has the capability to see things not only as tesseracts, yet also in the third dimension for what we cannot observe. He does not need third-dimensional light in order to see, thus the ability to see past objects that neither reflect nor absorb light. To harness the powers of the eye is to conquer all knowledge, given the theory that the fifth dimension is information. As mentioned before, not all powers of the eye are passed onto the beholder. It likely takes time to adapt to the eye. The Proof Empirical evidence of the dimensions can be found in many resources that I neednt and shant cite. The three (four) spatial dimensions have much evidence, though seldom known is evidence of the fourth time dimension and the fifth hypothetical dimension. If you would like evidence on this, the evidence of String Theory is enough (String Theory believes there is 10 dimensions). As for evidence of the theory: Given the evidence of dimensions, the concepts should be enough for the make and build, and why we cannot perceive it for its true state. In the fifth volume of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, there is a succinct quote from Alastor Moody that hints at this theory, found on page 50, chapter three, The Advance Guard, paragraph nine: Damn it, he [Moody] added angrily, putting a hand up to the magical eye, it keeps sticking ever since that scum [Bartemius Crouch Jr.] wore it The reference intimates that the magical eye takes time to adapt to. This statement cannot be necessarily justified, although a fifth-dimensional object would not stick from the in ocular fluids, nor sweat. The problem was, however, resolved by dropping it in a glass of water. Not only can Moody see through invisible objects, but also solid objects. This is another proof he can see fourth-dimensionally. Moody can see in all third-dimensional directions at all times, as also stated by a following reference in the Order of the Phoenix. The status quo tends to think it is rotated to see in all directions, although because he can see in the back of his head, it is implied he can see in all directions concurrently. References's_magical_eye The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, volume 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, volume 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling The final citation belongs to my intuition. This idea, in its entirety, is completely original.

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