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A few points before using our worksheets.

♥ This is not a complete maths curriculum, but a lesson plan that will help you teach your
children the numbers 1 – 10.
♥ There might be concepts that your child does not understand. Please do not be
concerned as we only used them to deepen the understanding, recognition and writing of
the numbers 1 – 10.

Remember that every activity needs to be fun. Do not let them get bored. If they are
tired, stop. Do not force them to do anything they don’t want. Example: My son dislikes
colouring. He is now 7 and still does not like to draw or colour in. That is OK!
Number Activities

Bible Story: Israel’s first king – 1 Sameul 8 -10

1. Count the body parts

♥ Count with them their body parts, but only 1 and 2.

♥ Example: 1 eye – 2 eyes, 1 ear – 2 ears, etc.

2. Memory Game

♥ Let them remember three instructions in a row.

♥ Example: Touch your nose, mouth and hair.
♥ If they can master three things in a row, then go to the next level.
♥ Example: Touch your nose first, your stomach second and your foot last.

3. Creative work (Follow steps)

♥ Copy one hut for your child.

♥ Let her follow the steps below:
♥ Make some mud in a bowl.
♥ Paste the mud on the walls of the hut and decorate it with a stick to make patterns.
♥ Collect some sticks outside – matches will work best.
♥ Put glue on the roof and stick the matches to the roof - so it looks like thatch.
Number Activities

Bible Story: Noah’s ark – Genesis 6 - 9

1. Flash Card Exercise

♥ Flash the number 1 and 2 and give them instructions? Start with the first one and
when they’ve done that correctly, go to the next level?
♥ Example:
♥ Easy: Touch your head 2 times.
♥ Difficult: Touch under your foot 1 time and the top of your foot 2 times.

2. Number concept up to 2

♥ Preparation: Cut out strips of paper?

♥ Let them follow some of these examples.
♥ Sort the strips in groups of 2?
♥ Flash the numbers 1 and 2 and let them take out so many strips?
♥ Take out 2 strips and put them under your chairs?
♥ Take out 1 strip and put it next to the other one on your desk?

3. Creative work

♥ Give your child different colours clay. If you do not have clay, my website have
various recipes to make your own.
♥ Let your preschooler model out the numbers 1 and 2 by rolling it into sausages.
Number Activities

Bible Story: Three wise men – Matthew 2:1-12

1. Mathematical literacy

♥ Hand out pictures of animals? Count together to 3?

♥ Let them show 3 with their fingers? Let them put the animals from biggest to smallest?
♥ Let them show you which is first, second, third?

2. Auditory number discrimination

♥ Repeat what I say: 2-3-3, 3-1-3-2 etc. Ensure your child learns his/her telephone number?

3. Numerical concepts

♥ Use the family pictures for this exercise.

♥ Pack them from old to new?
♥ Take out the oldest and latest photo?
♥ Sort male/female, big/small.
♥ Put all together? Take out 3 children?
♥ How many are boys?
♥ Put the youngest child on your book? Add two children? How many children are there
now? One child walks away, how many are left?

4. Number recognition

♥ Use numberline. Ask them to tell you what number comes after 3? What comes before 2

5. Creative Work

♥ Get a very big box? (Carton box will do fine.)

♥ Get some paint and let your child paint the box with one colour?
♥ Help them paint the number 3 all over the box.
♥ Decorate with a nice border and use as a toy box?
Number Activities

1. Cardial and ordinal counting

♥ Give them the fish pictures?

♥ Count out 2 fish?
♥ Count out 2 more?
♥ How many do you have?
♥ Take away all the smallest fish? How many are left?

2. Number manipulation

♥ Flash a number – 1 to 4? Your child needs to take out so many insects?

♥ Draw a square and tell them to pretend it’s a cage for the insects?
♥ Then ask your child to do the following: In the cage are 4 insects, 2 jump out. How many
are left?
♥ Oops one jumps back – how many do you have now?

3. Rhytm counting

♥ Get two sticks and bang them together?

♥ Tell your toddler to jump as many times as they hear the sticks bang?
♥ Let them do various exercises doing the same? No more than 4 beats.

4. Creative work

♥ Make a necklace with 4 different kinds of materials? Make knots between each object.
Number Activities

Bible Story: Jesus feeds thousands with five fish and – Matthew 14:13 - 22

1. Symbol recognition

♥ Flash number cards 1 – 5? Let them say the number you flash?
♥ Flash dot cards with the number 1 – 5? Let your child make so many lines on her

2. Count to five in additional language

♥ Let your child count in an additional language to five – help them if necessary?

3. Cardinal and Ordinal counting

♥ Use any objects such as smarties, cubes, pens etc.

♥ Put objects in a row?
♥ Which one is first, third, fifth?
♥ Let them put the number cards in order?
♥ Which number is bigger than 4?
♥ Which is smaller than 3?

4. Dot cards

♥ Flash dot cards up to five? Let your child write the number if they can? If not – let them
draw lines?

5. Creative work

♥ Give your child thick pink crayons?

♥ Let them draw a picture with five objects hard and clear? Example: 5 flowers.
♥ When the picture is finished let them paint over it with black paint? The paint will not stick
to the pictures and the pictures will stand out.
Number Activities

1. Number Manipulation

♥ Let your child count up to 6? (Slow, then fast, then soft)

♥ Give her/him a magazine to cut out 6 pictures of food?
♥ Let them group the 6 pictures into good and junk food?

2. Preparatory mathematics

♥ Let your child collect 6 pieces of sticks from a tree?

♥ Let her sort it from small to big?
♥ Ask her to tell you which one is first, third, second, fifth etc?

3. Number Concept

♥ Discuss the concepts of a dozen and half a dozen eggs?

♥ Show them a dozen and half a dozen eggs?
♥ Cut out the pictures of eggs as counters?
♥ Tell them a story that they need to act out with the counters: Example: Mom buys half a
dozen of eggs. She boils 2 eggs for lunch and one fell out of the box and broke. How
many eggs are left?

4. Creative work

♥ In this exercise they need to draw six pictures of something they like?
♥ The pictures need to be drawn with a cotton button and bleach (Under supervision) on
white paper?
♥ After the picture is done and dry, you need to iron it for them?
♥ Magically the picture will appear in brown.
Number Activities

Bible Story: The Creation – Genesis 1

1. Counting dot cards

♥ Flash the dotcards up to 7? Let them tell you how many dots are the cards?
♥ Count together to seven? If you have dominos, teach them to play the game?

2. Number cards

♥ Give them the number cards up to 7?

♥ Let them sort it in the correct sequence?
♥ Ask them which number is before 6?
♥ What number is between 5 and 7 etc?
♥ What number is 5 etc?

3. Creative work

♥ Give your child 7 squares of white paper?

♥ They need to staple the paper together to form a book?
♥ Let them write their name and number seven on the top of the page?
♥ Other pages need to be decorated with their favourite caracters, making a picture book.
Number Activities

1. Number recognition

♥ Give your child 8 smarties?

♥ Let them sort it according to colour?
♥ Let them pretend to be a pharmasist?
♥ Ask them to give two pills to the baby? How many is left? Play this until none is left?

2. Number Symbol

♥ Give them their blackboards?

♥ Flash a number between 1 – 8? Let them write the number on the blackboard?

3. Counting

♥ Let your child count to 10?

♥ Give them 8 ice-cream sticks or 8 pieces of cardboard that they can draw faces on?
♥ These faces are the patients in a hospital and they must pretend to be the doctor?
♥ Ask them to divide their patients into two groups?
♥ Tell them that 5 of the patients got tired of waiting and left. How many remained in the
hospital? Keep playing this game until they grasp the concept.

4. Creative work

♥ You need to buy some icing sugar, a little bit of butter and sugar crystals?
♥ Let them to mix it all to form a nice paste?
♥ They then model it to the number 8 and leave it to dry.
♥ This sweet number can be eaten later.
Number Activities

1. Number manipulation

♥ Let them to count to 10? Play with smarties or jellybeans.

♥ Let them count from 5 – 9, then from 3 – 9 etc?
♥ Ask them to divide 8 tablets between 4 people – guide them if necessary?

2. Cardinal and ordinal counting

♥ Give your child 9 pictures of cars? Let them count how many they have?
♥ Tell them that there is 3 carwashes. How many cars must go to each carwash to make it

3. Numberline

♥ Use the numberline and ask them questions like:

♥ What numbers are between 5 and 8?
♥ What number is after 9? What number is before 5?

4. Creative work

♥ Get some Fruity Loops cereal?

♥ Let your child string 9 fruit loops and then make a knot? String another 9 fruit loops and
make a knot?
♥ String until the necklace is full?
♥ To be eaten as a treat.
Number Activities

Bible Story: The Ten Commandments – Exodus 19 - 20

1. Rhytmic Counting

♥ Let them count to 10? Let them sort the numbercards in order?

2. Number manipulation

♥ Give your child the pictures of the tools? Let them put it into a line?
♥ Ask questions like: Which one is third, which is seventh etc. etc?
♥ Flash number cards and ask them to write the number on the blackboard?

3. Creative work

♥ With this one you need to shop around for 10 different sizes of boxes.
♥ Give them glue and let them make their own creation by pasting the boxes together?
♥ Final touch is paint.

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