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Communication and Load Balancing Using SCADA Model Based Integrated Substation

Neha Kardam School of Engineering, Gautam Buddha University, Gr. Noida, India M. A. Ansari School of Engineering, Gautam Buddha University, Gr. Noida, India Farheen School of Engineering, Gautam Buddha University, Gr. Noida, India

Abstract With the increase in automation, the industrial control systems are automated with computers. Computer control and monitor the industrial operations that exist in the physical world with virtual simulation tools. In this paper, we present a SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) based fully automated master station in the integrated substations environment. The idea is, to enable all the substations to communicate with master station and to balance the load through SCADA model. The scenarios we are taking into the consideration include automatic load balancing. Load is balanced in two modes namely, manual mode and automatic mode. This model helps the engineers and research scholar to test their system before the real implementation. This model for integrated substations drastically reduces the time latency if compared with conventional model. It reduces the time as well as human intervention in the critical tasks such as responding to faults, load balancing actions, etc. The proposed model is fast, scalable, flawless and robust.
Keywords SCADA, Master station, integrated substation, automatic load balancing.

substation and also to balance the load in the substation. The proposed model has the advantage to operate in real time. This is done by directly connecting the integrated output obtained through different IEDs, digital relays and energy meter etc. to SCADA model. With this, SCADA model will display the real value of the process occurring in the substation. On the basis of obtained real time values the SCADA model will work. This model has many advantages as it reduces the cost of hardware connection while providing the fast, convenient protection, and data transfer capability. Main focus is on real time information i.e. the state of the substation can be obtained at any instant. Hence, this increases the overall reliability of the substation [6]. This paper includes the study of following, as listed below:(1) In this paper, we study the digital technology used in station (WAN or internet) communication network, which is developed to integrate the protection, control and data acquisition using SCADA model. (2) This paper proposes a SCADA based model to communicate the master station and the substation as well as to balance the load between different substations. It includes master station from where the main control is done. Substations are divided in to four zones. The communication is done in a fast effective way. (3) In addition, to balance the load, the operation is carried out by two modes of operation namely; manual mode and automatic mode. With the help of any of the mode the load can be balanced. II.



Increasing progress towards digital technology leads to the electric substation automation. In which digital communication takes place between electronic transducers, digital protective relays, and other component of the automated substation. In conventional substation the point to point wiring were used for transferring the analog data. This data is not suitable for high speed transmission. Many researchers in the world are doing study for making electric substation automated. New development in the field of microelectronics have led to the novel design and testing of many equipment of the automated substation. The devices which have been developed includes like microprocessor based digital relay, microprocessor based fault event recorder, digital alarm sequence recorder and digital current and voltage transducers. These types of devices are generally capable of sending and receiving the data in the digital form. Further step in substation automation is to develop the communication network like local area network (LAN), Wide area network (WAN), or on internet bases with in the substation and other devices are connected such as SCADA system [1]. The purpose of the paper is to incorporate a SCADA based communication network between master station and

For long period, the conventional substation was built on a set of a standalone system. Each subsystem requires separate wire sets and physical connection from the switchyard to the master station. In conventional substation the monitoring and control is done from the central location but the information obtained at the master station is limited. Mostly systems are standalone and non-remote accessible. Standalone systems are characterized by inherent redundancy in data acquisition and control circuits [1]. Each sub system has its own separate

978-1-4673-6150-7/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE


input and output circuits. Figure 3 shows the conventional substation panel/rack wiring. It shows how complex wiring is used in conventional substation for data communication. Conventional substations are made using standard design. High voltage switchgears are put in combination with copper cables for all the interfaces between the primary and the secondary equipments [1]. According to the substation size, its location and by its control and monitoring complexity, the large numbers of cables used are decided. These cables used are of different lengths and sizes according to the use. They are installed in substation and are cut in specific length with respect to the requirement. If in case any fault occur or any malfunction arise in substation then these cables gets damaged.
Fig.2. Conventional substation panel/rack wiring.



Since early 1980, SCADA system are recognised and came into existence [3].SCADA system are the industrial control system. These system works on computers. They control and monitor the process that exists in the physical world. SCADA systems have three important components, which are as follows: A. Master station behaves as a centre to monitor and control the data obtained from the zone station. B. Zone station is working as a mediator. As it takes data from the substation and sent the data to the master station. Master station responds according to the data obtained and sent back to zone station. Zone station sent the response of master station to the substation equipments.
Protection panel Protection panel Protection panel Protection panel

C. Equipments are used to make the communication between the master station and the zone station [4]. Initially SCADA systems were dominated by the zone station which is equipped with RTUs that has proprietary protocol [4]. With the advancement of the digital technology, SCADA systems are connected with various components such as RTU, IEDs, Energy meters, I/O modules and gateway with different protocols. Gateway is defined as the network node which is equipped for interfacing with the other networks with different protocols. Gateway can communicate with the impedance matching devices, RTUS, rate converters IEDs, energy meters, and fault isolators are connected to provide the system interoperability. Gateway should have redundant communication port [4]. Gateway is essential features for routers; it can do arithmetic and logical calculations. Gateway can be connected to two or more control station with different protocols for communication. Gateway is also connected to human machine interface (HMI) which act as a replacement of the control panel of the substation. Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) is the microprocessor based controllers in power system. Its function is to receive data from the power components and then to issue the control commands such as

Fig.1.The conventional substation

In such conditions cables are replaced by new cables and again they are cut in to specific lengths, so this becomes the labor intensive process. This is true especially in the case where old substations are rebuilt when insulation deteriorate. The distances that cable wires are needed to cover between different equipments in the substation are exposed to electromagnetic transients [1]. This leads to possibility of equipment damage and event failure. Hence such failures in the substation prevail to the unhealthy protection and control operation. In some cases for the purpose of the safety issues the open CT circuits are used while the primary is energized. Under these circumstances the secondary e.m.f. is so high that it may danger to the peoples life.


tripping circuit breaker or sensing alarm etc. In zone station, IEDs are installed to communicate with the gateway according to the specified protocol standard. Human machine interface (HMI) is a computerized device with which user can interacts with the SCADA system. In HMI system, user can provide the input and the system can provide the output to the user in response to input. Local HMI means single computer with the application of HMI [4]. For substation automation the standard protocol has been provided namely, IEC 61850. With the help of IEC 61850 the communication can be established between local HMI and gateway. Figure 4 shows the communication between the master station and the zone station. CONTROL CENTER

connected to the industrial I/O systems for different applications. C. Window Viewer Window Viewer is the runtime scenario. In this the developed work in Window Maker can be made to run or executes. Historical data, real trends, and alarm events etc can be obtained with the help of Wonderware intouch. Each tag is configured while preparing the model. Type of tag is defined according to the type of tag input. Script is implemented in the application key of the model for balancing the load, and to find the real trends for each zone. Sliders are used to define the working voltage range of the substation. V.







-- - - - -


Fig.3.Zone Station Configuration [4].



A wonderware intouch, Human machine interface (HMI) finds application in the industrial environment, where electrical components can be represented graphically. Plant operator monitor and control the industrial process with this user friendly graphical interface. An intouch HMI application defines a tag as a data item [5]. Tag can be used to make the specific component accessible as data item from a manufacturing environment [5]. Intouch consist of three main components namely: A. The intouch application manager It is used to organize the applications that we create. It is also used to configure the following: Window Viewer as an NT server, Network Application Development (NAD) for client and service based architecture, Dynamic Resolution Conversion (DRC). B. Window Maker Window Maker is the development scenario, where object oriented based graphics are created. These windows can be

The proposed SCADA model is prepared in Window Maker application of wonderware intouch software. The developed model is run or executed in Window Viewer application of wonderware intouch software. Several windows are prepared to make the model. It is the replica of power system control station which exists in the physical environment. User id and password is needed to open the power system grid. Once the power system grid is opened, the home page appears. Home page consist of the main master station and is connected with four different zones namely zone 1, 2, 3 and 4. Master station is the one from where the main control is executed. When particular zone is clicked then the separate window will appear. Each zone has its own substation environment. From home page, the main page for substation control can be opened. In main page master station is connected to four zone stations. In this window communication takes place between master station and zone stations. From home page load balancing window can be opened. In load balancing window there are three boards. First board consists of master station and each button for four substations. Second board is used for manual balance for load. It consists of different buttons for load balance and reset button for switching OFF all substations. Third board is used to balance the load automatically. VI.

Below are the screen prints of the proposed SCADA model. The developed model is obtained from Window Maker. When the developed model is executed in Window Viewer, we get the following results in the form of screen print. A. Communication Between Master Station and Zone stations Figure 4 shows the main power system grid. Before entering to the power system grid, user password is required.


turned ON. As in figure 7, master station along with four zone stations are turned ON. ON condition is represented by green color.

Fig.4. User password required before entering to power system grid

After entering to the power system grid, four zones will appear. By single click on the particular zone, the next window will appear of the clicked zone. For example, On clicking zone 1 and zone 2 of the power system grid. Two windows will appear of zone 1 and zone 2 as shown in figure 4 and 5.

Fig.6.Master station and four zone stations in OFF mode

Fig.4. Zone station 1

Fig.7.Master station and four zone stations in OFF mode

Fig.5. Zone station 2

Below is the RYB phase waveform obtained for each zone as shown in figure 8. Each phase is 120 degree apart. The voltage taken in to consideration is 220v. Formula used for zone 1 implementing the RYB phase is as follows:Zone 1: 220 * sin (ss) * mcb1 220 * sin (ss-120) * mcb1 220 * sin (ss+120) * mcb1 Similarly, the same formulation is done for all the remaining zones with different mcb names. In this ss is the tag defined for implementing the waveform. ss is the real memory type tag. It is also used to create the script for waveform.

When main window is clicked on the power system grid then master station with all four zones will appear. When the master station is OFF then all zones will be OFF. Even if any particular zone is forcedly made to start, then also it will not start until unless master station is turned ON. Below in figure 6, master station is in OFF state with its entire four zones in OFF mode. OFF mode is represented by the red color. While when the master station is turned ON, then also zone stations are not turned ON directly. When master station is ON then, according to the requirement zone stations are

Fig.8. RYB phase waveform for four zones


B. Load Balancing In Substation Load balancing window consist of master station board, four substations and two boards of load balancing operation. The load balancing is done in two modes, which are as follows:1) Manual mode It is represented by load balancing board as in figure 9. 2) Automatic mode - It is represented by automatic load balance board as in figure 9. Master station consists of four buttons as s1, s2, s3 and s4. S1 is substation 1 similarly all substations are defined. The working voltage which we have taken into consideration for substation is between 0 to 60 KV. If voltage increases above 60kv then substation turned OFF. In figure 9 below the entire substation are in OFF mode.
Fig.11. Manual load balance between s1 and s2.

Similarly if s3 load is exceeded as shown in figure 12, then it is balanced by single click on s2s3s4 button as shown in figure 13. Load is shared by s2, s3 and s4. The same way if any of the substations load exceeded then it can be balanced manually by entire four substations, by single click on s1s2s3s4 button. Reset all is used to turned OFF all the substations simultaneously to 0kv.

Fig.9. All substations are in OFF mode


Manual mode:

Fig.12. s1, s2 and s4 are turned ON while s3 substation faulty

In figure 10, substation 1, 3 and 4 are turned ON manually while s2 load exceeds so it is turned OFF automatically. In such condition load is balanced manually by clicking s1s2 button on load balancing board. Pink color shows that load has been shared between substations. For example; load has been shared between s1 and s2 as shown in figure 11 on master station board.

Fig.13.s2 load balanced by s2, s3 and s4.


Automatic Mode:

Fig.10. s1s3s4 substations are ON while s2 is faulty

In automatic load balance board, when set all is clicked then the entire substations are turn ON. It will run automatically. When any of the substations load exceeds or become unbalanced then the entire substation will balance the load as shown in figure 14.


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[2] [3] [4]

Fig.14. Load is balanced automatically.

VII. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have reviewed the conventional substation and substation automation using SCADA. SCADA based substation model has been presented. In addition, substation communication and load balance has been analyzed. SCADA model can help in the development of the substation automation. It includes: Time saving while balancing load.

[5] [6]



Saving in the maintenance of the cost and failure identification. Flexible operation, easy to adapt.


Handy interface. Entire information of the state of the substation is available at a single location.


Reduction in space of the control centre.


Although the system is very good and outperforms the current state of art, yet there are problems like too many requests from the substation to the master station may lead to conjunction problem. If the master station fails, whole system goes down. It is expensive to maintain this type of computing, as it requires IT professionals to maintain the master station and other technical issues. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are very thankful to the Dean of School of Engineering who encouraged us to work on this project and under their valuable guidance this work was carried out. They were the constant source of encouragement in the completion of our research work. This valuable guidance is not only useful in completion of our work, but it is a constant source of inspiration for us in our future life.







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