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0 August 2011 English

System Configuration Documentation (IMG Activities Organisation Management and Personnel Administration)
SSTL 1,6th Floor, Crow Court #128, Cathedral Road Chennai 600 086

1. Use 1
The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of your organization and is organized according to aspects of personnel, time management and payroll. A personnel area is further divided into several personnel subareas. In this step, you define the Personnel Areas in your company, adapting the functional scope of a Personnel and Time Management to your organization.

1.2 Prerequisites

1.3 Procedure
1.To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: 2. Choose New Entries, enter the values and SAVE the entries.



Personnel Area Code

EMMVEE PV General EMMVEE PhotoVoltaic EMMVEE Toughned Glass EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Corporate

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

2 Maintain Personnel Sub Areas

3.1 Use
The employee group allows you to divide your employees into groups and allows you to define their relationship to the enterprise. This will help you to distinguish your employees between persons actively employed and retirees. In this step, you define the Employee groups in your company.

3.2 Prerequisites

3.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New Entries, enter the values and SAVE the entries. It is recommended to use the SAP standard entries

3.4 Result
To make use of the following SAP standard entries Pers area Pers Subarea Pers area 1100 1101 EMMVEE PV General 1100 1102 EMMVEE PV General 1100 1103 EMMVEE PV General 1100 1104 EMMVEE PV General 1100 1105 EMMVEE PV General 1100 1106 EMMVEE PV General 1100 1107 EMMVEE PV General 1100 1108 EMMVEE PV General 1200 1201 EMMVEE PhotoVoltaic 1200 1202 EMMVEE PhotoVoltaic 1200 1203 EMMVEE PhotoVoltaic 1200 1204 EMMVEE PhotoVoltaic 1300 1301 EMMVEE Toughned Glass 1300 1302 EMMVEE Toughned Glass Pers subarea HRD Admin IT Sub Staff Receptionist Purchase Electrical Finance A/cs Maintaince PV Stores PV Quality PV Production PV Maintaince TG Stores TG

1300 1300 1300 1300 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600

1303 1304 1305 1306 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613

EMMVEE Toughned Glass EMMVEE Toughned Glass EMMVEE Toughned Glass EMMVEE Toughned Glass EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate EMMVEE Corporate

Quality TG Despatch TG Marketing TG Production TG Marketing PS Engineer PS Quality PS Supply Chain PS Stores PS Production PS PV Systems Qaulity DB Stores DB Lathe DB MS Tank Fab DB SS Tank Fab DB Enamel Plant DB Tank Insultn DB Collector DB Struct Sectn DB Despatch DB Installation DB Design&Dvlp DB Elect Gn Mtn DB Purchase DB HR Admin DB Finance A/cs DB IT DB Production DB FAC Admin Press Human Resource Finance A/cs Mktg & Sales Information Tec Service Mktg Bgl South Mktg Bgl North Rest of Karnatk South India Central India North India MD Office Installation

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

The employee subgroup represents a subdivision of the employee group. When you define employee subgroups, you are essentially begun to set up your personnel structure. Features are allocated to this in later steps. Employee Grades can also be used as a criterion to determine Employee Subgroups. The following business subtasks are provided among other things: Specification of processing in payroll accounting Specification of validity of primary wage types Specification of validity of work schedules Specification of validity of pay scale groups Specification of validity of time quota types

4. 3
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New Entries, enter the values and SAVE the entrie The Following Employee Sub groups have been created interpreted as Grades): Active Employee Directors 11 12 13 14 40 40 40 40 Active Employee Active Employee Active Employee Active Employee Core Managment Senior Managment Middle Managment Junior Management

80 92

40 40

Active Employee Active Employee

Shop Floor & Others Contractors

5 Assignment of Personnel Area to Company code

5. Use 1
In this step, you allocate each of your personnel areas to your company code. When you create a personnel number, the corresponding company code is allocated to it in the infotype Organizational allocation (0001), depending on the enterprise structure in which the employee is situated.

5. Prerequisites 2
Company and the Personnel Areas should exist.

5. Procedure 3
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose corresponding company for the personnel areas created and save the details.

5. Result 4
The Following Personnel Areas assigned to company code

SAP Best Practices 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

System Configuration Documentation 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 40 40 40 40 40 40

EMMVEE PV General EMMVEE PhotoVoltaic EMMVEE Toughned Glass EMMVEE PV Systems EMMVEE Solar Dobasepet EMMVEE Corporate

5 Assign employee subgroup to employee group a

5a.1 Use
In this step, you assign your employee subgroups to their respective employee groups. In addition to this, you determine whether the employee group/employee subgroup combinations are allowed for the country groupings. Example The employee subgroup for trainees ahould be assigned to the employee group active and not to the employee group pensioners.

5a.2 Prerequisites
You must have created the employee subgroups and employee groups.

5a.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: 3. Assign your employee subgroups to the relevant employee groups. Familiarize yourself with the SAP sample entries. Delete all the sample entries that you do not need. Define the permitted country groupings for the employee group/subgroup combinations.

5a.4 Result
Assigned the following Grades to Country India: All emp subgroup assigned to Ctry Grp India 40

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6 Maintain Number Ranges

6.1 Use
In this step, you specify the number ranges for your Personnel Development objects and the type of number assignment.

6.2 Prerequisites

6.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Use the Sub Group 01$$ for the number range specifications for the objects to be created (Organisation Units, Positions etc.) You must assign a unique number to every object. You have the following options: Internal number assignment In this case, the R/3 System assigns numbers and the number ranges are indicated by the letters "IN". External number assignment In this case, the user assigns numbers and the number ranges are indicated by the letters "EX". Select the specified row (01$$) and select the number range maintenance to maintain the number ranges. In the new screen specify the required number ranges to be used and use the appropriate box for the tick mark, to select Internal or External Assignment.

6.4 Result
The following are the SAP standard number ranges, it is recommended to use the standard settings. Subgroup $$$$ NR int. assignment IN EX NR. Ext. assignment

7 Maintain User Parameters

7.1 Use
The necessary settings for the user will be set here, which includes the Country Grouping (MOL = 40), User Group (UGR=40), Authorization settings etc. Most of the HR Master Data and others are set for the User Group 40. Hence If you do not specify the User Group, views will differ.

7.2 Prerequisites

7.3 Procedure
Select the Parameters and Save the details

7.4 Result
Parameter Id PDK PRO_02 PRO_09 PRO_10 SCL SU53_STYL E WLC Parameter Value X Short Description ISHMED: Patient Hist. Docu/Diag/NursAcui/NursServ/MR/Req Project Management: Information Fields Shown Project Administration: Position Tree Display Project Administration: Position Editor Upper and lower case in source code: 'X' = lower, ' ' =upper Layout of SU53 and SU56 (CLASSIC or TREE) Workflow: User-specific settings


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System Configuration Documentation

8 Maintain number range intervals for personnel numbers

8.1 Use

In this step, you define the number range(s) for personnel number assignment. You have two basic options: Internal number assignment In this case, the SAP System assigns the personnel numbers. External number assignment In this case, the user assigns the personnel numbers. To go for External Number Assignment for the existing employees before Go Live and subsequently move to Internal Number Assignment. The number range intervals are not linked to the automatic recording of customizing changes. You must transport all the changes that are made during the maintenance of number range intervals manually. To do this, choose Interval -> Transport on the initial number range interval maintenance screen.




Enter the from and to range along with the current number and save the details



Following entries have been created Ranges

No 01 02

From Number 00000001 90000001

To Number 90000000 99999999

Current Number 0

External X

9 Determine defaults for number ranges

9. 1 Use

To define the default rule number for Number Ranges when hiring new employees.

9. 2


9. 3

To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Select the Parameters and Save the details

9. 4


The default rule as 01 has been defined, which is Internal. Line 000010 000020 000030 Variable Key 40 40 1 F C D D Operations MOLGA PERSG &NUMKR=01

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1 0
10. 1

Maintain Forms of Address


In this step, you can set up forms of address for employees. For each form of address, you must specify the form-of-address key, a short and long text and the gender. There are three gender keys (1 = male; 2= female; ' ' = not specified). Do not change these keys.

10. 2


10. 3

To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter Form of Address key, Title and the description, choose the appropriate gender and the save the details

10. 4


Used the SAP standard settings and created address key 6 for gender type 2 Form Key of 1 Address F. Of Address Mr Long Text Mr Gender 1

2 3 4 5 6

Mrs Miss Ms Dr Dr.

Mrs Miss Ms Dr Dr

2 2 2 1

11 Create Name affixes

11.1 Use
In this step you create possible academic titles, aristocratic titles and marks of nobility for employees/applicants and family members. Name affixes are structured as follows: 'S' - academic title after name (USA only) 'T' - academic title before name (e.g. Dr) 'V' - Aristocratic prefixes between first and second name (e.g. von, van) 'Z' - Aristocratic titles between first and second name (e.g. Baron, Count)

11.2 Prerequisites

11.3 Procedure
Choose New entries Select type of name affix, enter Name affix, Output text and save the details

11.4 Result
Used the SAP standard settings.

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Maintain titles

12.1 Use
In this step you create possible academic titles or aristocratic titles you use for your employees. Example Academic titles Dr., Prof. Aristocratic titles Duke, Baron

12.2 Prerequisites

12.3 Procedure
Choose New Entries enter the Name affix, Output text and save the details entered

12.4 Result
Used the SAP standard settings

1 3

Create Marital status

13.1 Use
In this step you create the possible marital status designations for employees. The standard SAP system contains the most common marital status designations. Create additional marital status designations to meet your requirements.

13.2 Prerequisites

13.3 Procedure

13.4 Result
Used the SAP standard settings
Marital Stat. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Description Single Marr. Wid. Div. NM Sep. Unknwn RegCou

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1 4

Create Religious denomination

14.1 Use
In this step you create possible religious denominations for employees.

14.2 Prerequisites

14.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the required Religion denomination key, Abbreviation and Description of the Religious denomination and Save the details.

14.4 Result
Created the following religious denomination along with existing SAP standard details : Key 60 61 Abbr SIKH JAIN Denomination Text Sikhism Jainism

1 5

Define Family types


Infotype An infotype is a collection of logical or business-related characteristics of an object. Data is not stored field by field on the human resources database, but is grouped together in logical groups. Examples : Family infotype, Organizational Assignment infotype, Basic Pay infotype Additional family member types can be created in this step. Every family member type represents a subtype of the infotype Family (0021). Subtype An infotype can be subdivided into a subtype, for example: Infotype 'Family' - Subtypes 'Spouse', 'Child' Infotype 'Addresses' - Subtypes 'Home address', 'Holiday address' Subtypes 'Permanent residence', 'Secondary residence' Standard settings You create additional family types in this step. Every family type represents a subtype of the infotype Family (0021).



Infotypes shall exist


To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

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a) Enter the value 0021 in the field Infotype. b) Enter the number of the new infosubtypes. c) Enter a short text for the family type. d) Determine the time constraint of the family type. Definition of Time Constraint A time constraint indicates whether more than one infotype record may be available at one time. The following time constraint indicators are permissible: 1: An infotype record must be available at all times. This record may have no time gaps. You may not delete the record last stored on the database because all records of this infotype would otherwise be deleted. 2: Only one record may be available at one time, but time gaps are permitted. 3: Any number of records may be valid at one time, and time gaps are permitted. Other possible time constraint indicators are as follows: A: Only one record may ever exist for this infotype. It is valid from 01/01/1800 to 12/31/9999. Splitting is not permissible. View V_T582B Infotypes, Which are Created Atomically controls whether the system automatically creates the infotype, record for an employee hiring or an applicant data entry action. Infotypes with time constraintA may not be deleted. B: Only one record may ever exist for this infotype. It is valid from 01/01/1800 to 12/31/9999. Splitting is not permissible. Infotypes with time constraint B may be deleted. T: The time constraint varies depending on the subtype. Z: Refers to time management infotypes. The time constraint for these infotypes depends on the time constraint class defined in view V_T554S_I Absence: General Control. Collision checks are defined in view V_T554Y Time Constraint Reaction.



Created the following family member types in addition to SAP standard settings starting from 91 to 94. Sub Type Name Time Constraint Object ID

1 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 91 92 93 94

Spouse Divorced spouse Father Mother Child Legal guardian Brother Sister Stepchild Emergency contact Related persons Father-in-law Mother-in-law Sister Brother

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3



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1 6
16. 1

Create Address Types


In this step various address types can be created which can be subtypes of infotype 006, Addresses. Example : Possible address types include the following: Permanent residence, Secondary residence, Mailing address, Standard settings The standard SAP system contains the most common address types, It is recommend adopting the standard settings.

16. 2


16. 3

To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the required subtypes, Name, time constraint and save the details.

14. 4
STyp 1 2 3 4


Renamed the following SAP standard Address types.

Name Permanent Address Temporary Address Home Address Emergency address Constraint 1 3 2 2

5 6

Mailing address Nursing address

2 2

1 7

Define State

17. Use 1
This section of the implementation guide (IMG) will help in ensuring that all the states in which you do business are correctly entered in the system. (SAP Standard advisable)

17. Prerequisites 2

17. Procedure 3
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the country, region id description and save the details.

17. Result 4
Retained the SAP standard States.

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1 8

Maintain Communication types

18. Use 1
In this step you define the valid communication types, which will be stored for addresses. Examples Employees may have a second telephone and fax machine at an address. Activities 1. Enter the different communication types which your organization uses. 2. Enter the communication category for each entry. 3. Save your entries.

18. Prerequisites 2

18. Procedure 3
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the type, category, text and save the details

18. Result 4
Retained the SAP standard Communication types
FAX1 FAX2 TEL2 TEL3 VOIC WORK 2 1 1 1 3 1 Telefax Telephone Telephone Telephone Voice mail Telephone

1 9

Create Bank connection types

19. Use 1
In this step you create the types of bank connection you require, the bank connection types are defined as subtypes of infotype 0009, Bank Details. Example - Possible types of bank connection: Main bank connection Additional bank connections Bank connection for travel expenses Main bank details for Off-Cycle Other bank details for Off-Cycle The standard SAP system contains the most common bank types, it is recommended to use the standard settings.

19. Prerequisites 2

19. Procedure 3
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the subtype, Name of the connection, time constraint and save the details

19. Result 4
Retained the SAP standard Bank connection types
Subtype 0 1 2 5 6 Name Main bank Other bank Travel expenses Main bank details for Off-Cycle Other bank details for Off-Cycle Time Constraint 1 3 2 3 3

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2 0
20. 1

Define Payment method


In this step, you set up the payment methods in your system. Example The indicator "U" for a payment method means that amounts are transferred to the employee's account. The indicator "S" for a payment method means that the amount is paid by check. The standard SAP System contains indicators for all the common payment methods, it is recommended to use the SAP default setting It is recommended to use the SAP standard settings.

20. 2


20. 3

To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: The Payment methods has to be maintained by Finance Department

20. 4


Payment methods in company codes

Pymt. Method C D T E Description Cheque DD payment Bank Transfer Cash Payment

2 1
21. 1

Determine Default Payment Method


In this step, with the help of the feature Default value for payment method, you can define a payment method, which is later proposed as a default for certain countries and infotypes when you create bank details. Example You can use "U" (bank transfer) as the default indicating the payment method in Human Resources. Requirements Decide which indicator you wish to use as the default for the payment method in infotype 0009, Bank details. The indicators for the payment method are now defined. Standard settings Feature ZLSCH, Default value for payment method proposes the indicator almost always used for the payment method as a default. Recommendation Use the default setting. Activities 1. Call up the decision tree for feature ZLSCH. 2. Check the default settings. 3. Refer to the feature documentation. 4. If necessary, maintain the new entries according to your own needs.

21. 2


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System Configuration Documentation

21. 3


Call up the decision tree for feature ZLSCH. Check the default settings. Create the country node IN under country key LAND1, further create return value as `T (Bank Transfer) Save and activate the Feature.

21. 4


Created T as default payment method in feature ZLSCH to default while creating Employee Payment method infotype 0009

2 2

Maintain types of Identification


In this step you set up the types of Identity Cards, which an employee may possess. You also specify if the assignment of a certain IC type to an employee in infotype ID Data (0185) is to initiate the request for additional information, such as whether the employee possesses a work permit. The SAP standard delivery system contains IC types for all currently issued Identity Cards. If you want to use these entries, you first must copy them from client 000 since the table in which they are stored possesses delivery class C. Example : Superannuation for India, PAN Number, Gratuity for India, Passport Number





To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose the Country type then choose New Entries - Enter type of identification, Description and save the details.

Id Type

ID Color Addtl. Info Work Permit Module Name Program Name

Following are the Identifications created along with the SAP standard

01 02 03 04 05

Superannuation for India PAN Number Gratuity for India Resident status TAN No

Maintain Residency types

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23.1 Use

In this step you maintain the residency types you want to use in the infotype Identification (0185). The SAP standard delivery system contains the most common residency types as sample entries. If you want to use these, you first must copy them from client 000 since the table in which they are stored possesses delivery class C. Example : Citizen, Resident of India, Non-Resident of India





Select New entries. Enter a two digit, alphanumerical key that identifies the residency type. Enter a short description. Save your entries.



Following Residency types are created Res.Type Text 01 Citizen 02 Resident of India 03 Non Resident of India

2 4

Specify Examination types

24.1 Use

In this step you define the examination types that you want. The examination areas are subtypes of the infotype Internal medical service (0028). Example In your enterprise, the following examinations are carried out regularly: 0000 medical examination for hiring 0001 eye test 0002 hearing test 0003 reaction test

24.2 Prerequisites

24.3 Procedure
Enter the required subtypes for the infotype Internal medical service. (0028). Define a text for the subtype. Define the time constraint per subtype.

24.4 Result
Retained SAP standard details

2 5
25. 1

Define Examination Area


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The examination area is a medically relevant entity that can be made into the object of a medical examination for the employees in your enterprise. Example You want to determine the following examination areas for the examination type Medical examination for hiring: 01 height 02 weight 03 blood type

25. 2 25. 3


Infotype and the corresponding Subtype (Examination types)


Define the necessary examination areas per examination type. Note that you can define a maximum of 30 examination areas per examination type. Define a text for the examination areas.

25. 4


Retained SAP standard details

2 6
26. 1

Define Permissible values for Examination Areas


In this step you define the permissible values for the examination areas. You must define permissible values for every examination area. Example For the examination type Medical examination for hiring, you have defined the examination area "height / women". You have stored the following input values for this examination area: 01 small (up to 1.60 meters) 02 normal (up to 1.70 meters) 03 tall (more than 1.70 meters)

26. 2 26. 3


Infotype, corresponding Subtype (Examination types), Examination area

To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

Create the permissible values for entering your findings for each combination of examination type and examination area. Define a text for the results of your findings.

26. 4


Retained SAP standard details

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2 7

Define Examination results

27.1 Use
The last action you have to perform to set up the infotype Internal medical service (0028) is to store the possible outcome of the examination type in this step. Example The following input values are defined as outcomes of the examination type Medical examination for hiring: 01 able to work 02 unable to work

27.2 Prerequisites
Infotype, corresponding Subtype (Examination types)

27.3 Procedure
Define the outcome of the examination Enter the result, description and save the details.

27.4 Result
Retained SAP standard details

Define International terms of employment

29.1 Use
In this step, you define the possible terms of employment. Example You need an additional, optional means of distinguishing your human resource master data.

29.2 Prerequisites

29.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: For the selected Country group choose New entries and add Contract id and Contract text and save the details.

29.4 Result
Created the following details : Contract 01 02 03 04 Contract text Confirmation Probationer Trainee Apprentice

3 0

Create Payroll Area

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In this step, you set up the payroll areas (accounting areas) that your enterprise needs. The payroll area fulfills two functions that are necessary for payroll: It groups together personnel numbers that are to be processed on the same date. It determines the exact payroll period. Example You define one payroll area for salaried employees and one for industrial workers.





To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter Payroll Area Id and Payroll area text put a tick in Payroll for PA if you want to run payroll for the Payroll Area.


Payroll Area text Corporate Sonapannhalli Payroll for PA X X

Created the following details :

Payroll Area 11 12

3 1
31. 1

Check Default Payroll Area


In this step, you define default values for the payroll area for your employees. When master data is being maintained, the payroll area is proposed as a default in the infotype Organizational assignment (0001). Example When new employees are hired or organizational changes take place in employee subgroups "wage", the payroll area "01" is proposed; for the employee subgroups "salary", the payroll area "02" is proposed. In the standard SAP System, the payroll accounting area is determined according to the HR country grouping, the employee group and the employee subgroup.

31. 2 31. 3


You must have created the payroll areas.

To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

Call up the feature Default for payroll area (ABKRS). If necessary, change the decision tree according to your requirements.

31. 4


The Feature ABKRS in the previous version had the Personnel Area and Personnel Sub Area fields for building decision tree, but in MySAP version these two fields are removed, hence not created the Default Payroll Area.

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3 2

Create Control Record

32.1 Use
In this step, you set up the system controls for the payroll control record. This control record has the following functions in payroll: It determines the current payroll period for the exact date. It defines the payroll past for the retroactive accounting recognition. It locks the master data and the time data to prevent changes from being made during the payroll run. This lock is valid for the payroll past and the payroll present. Changes, which affect the future, can still be made. It determines the earliest retroactive accounting period.

32.2 Prerequisites
You must have created the payroll areas.

32.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Create a new control record for each payroll area. Assign the necessary data to each of these control records.

32.4 Result
Created Control record details for the following Payroll Area (earliest retro acctg. period is 01 -2010):

33.1 Use

An organizational object used to depict the basic structure of an organization. Organizational units are functional units of an enterprise. Depending on how tasks are distributed in an enterprise, an organizational unit can be a department, group, project team, or other unit. Organizational units are different from other enterprise entities such as company codes, business areas, and personnel areas. Those enterprise entities are used to depict administrative or accounting structures in the corresponding components.

33.2 Prerequisites

33.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

33.4 Result
Following Organizational units created using transaction code PPOM_OLD :

3 4

Define Jobs

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A job describes a group of tasks, authorities and responsibilities and defines the level of education required to perform this work. It is assigned to different positions on the basis of the amount of work to be performed. Jobs are areas of activity in a company, which are described by tasks. Examples include "secretary", "clerk", or "financial accountant". Jobs can be created across organizational units.



Organization Unit should exists if created through Organization structure using Transaction code PPOM_OLD.



To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:



Following jobs are created using transaction code PPOM_OLD : Created by EMMVEE Users Not configured

3 5

Define Positions

An organizational object (object type key S) used to distribute tasks to posts in an organizational plan and to model the reporting structure between posts. Positions are concrete posts in an enterprise, which can be occupied by holders (employees or R/3 users), for example purchasing administrator, European sales manager, or secretary in the marketing department. Positions are not the same as jobs. A job is not a concrete position in an enterprise. It is a construct that enables you to create a number of positions with similar tasks and features.



Organization Unit and Jobs should exist, if created through Organization structure using Transaction code PPOM_OLD.



To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:



Following Positions are created using transaction code PPOM_OLD : Objec Position Position Text Start Date End Date t
S 99999999 Default position 01.01.1800 31.12.9999

Created by EMMVEE users Not configured

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3 9

Contract Elements

39.1 Use
In this step, you can create contract categories. Example An employee has a limited contract, and another has an unlimited contract like Confirmed Employee, Probationer, Trainee, Apprentice.

39.2 Prerequisites

39.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, c Choose New Entries Enter Contract type, Contract Text and Fixed-term Contract (This indicator is used to control displaying and entering data for the contractual end date when infotype 0016 Contract Elements is maintained), then save the details.

39.4 Result
Created following Contract types. Contract Type C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Text - Contract Type Confirmed Probationer Trainee Apprentice Temporary Fixed term Contract X X

4 0

Determine Periods of Notice


In this step, you can define the periods of notice that you require within your enterprise. Example An employee must give six weeks' notice before the end of a quarter; another employee must give a month's notice before the end of the month he/she plans to leave. It is recommended to use the default SAP settings.





Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New Entries enter period of notice and Description and save the details.



Retained SAP standard details Period of Notice 01 02 03 04 05 06 12

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4 1

Determine Default Contract elements

41.1 Use
In this step, you can determine default values, depending on various control features for the following fields: Period of continued pay, Sick pay allowance period, Probation period, Contract category Period of notice Example You want to set up the default for the employee subgroup 'Salaried employees' in the infotype Contract elements (0016), so that this employee subgroup has 42 days' continued pay, 6 months' sick pay supplement and a period of notice that is 6 weeks before the end of the quarter. Industrial workers are to have the default of 42 days' continued pay, no sick pay supplement, a one-month probation period and a period of notice that is one week before the end of the month.

41.2 Prerequisites
You need to have defined the periods of notice in the step "Determine periods of notice". You need to have created the contract categories in the step "Define contract categories".

41.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

41.4 Result
SAP standard entries are retained not configured.

4 2

Define Objects on Loan


In this step, you can store objects on loan to be given for employees in the organization. Example An employee receives work clothing from the enterprise, and another employee received certain tools on loan.





Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Select new entries and enter the Subtype (Loan type), Description and save the details.



SAP standard entries are retained added the following entries : Sub Type
1 2 3 4 5 901 902 903 904

Key(s) Clothing Books Tool(s) Company ID Safety Shoes Mobile Phones Shields Acid/Alkali proof Rubber Gloves

SAP Best Practices

905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912

System Configuration Documentation

Chemical Respirator Nitrile Rubber Gloves Leather Gloves Helmets Canvas/cotton Gloves Surgical Gloves Dust mask Gumboot

4 3

Determine Task Type

43.1 Use
In this step, you define task types with standard lead times and standard follow-up times as well as indicators for additional tests. Example You want to talk to a new employee two weeks before the end of his/her probation period.

43.2 Prerequisites

43.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Select new entries and enter the Task type, Description, Lead / Follow up time, Check for Public Holiday calendar and save the details.

43.4 Result
Created following Task types : Task Task Type Text Type 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Expiry of probation Temporary contract Pay scale jump Work permit Severe challenge Training period Dismissal protection Expiry inactive con. Expiry temp.contract Appraisal Unit Months Months Months Months Months Days Days Months Months Days Operator 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Lead/Follow Up Time 1 2 2 6 6 10 10 2 2 10

SAP Best Practices 40 50 51 70 71

System Configuration Documentation 1 1 1 2 4 Days Months Months Months Months 40 50 51 70 71

Prior attachment Expiry of probation Permanent - One Year Next appraisal Work permit expires

4 4

Create Education Establishment Types

44.1 Use
In this step you create education establishment types for your employees/applicants. Example These may include the following: Elementary school, High school, Technical college, University

44.2 Prerequisites

44.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Select new entries and enter Education establishment type and description and save the details.

44.4 Result
Created following Education establishment types : Edu.Est.Text Edu.Est.Type
1 2 3 4 School College University Others

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

4 4

Create Education/Training

In this step you create traineeships/professions attained by employees/applicants. Example These might include the following: Mechanic, Chemist, Technician, Engineer





Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries enter Education / Training Id and the corresponding description and save the details.



Creating following Education / Training types E & T typ e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

E & T Text

E & T ty pe
44 45 46 47 48 49 50

E & T Text

E & T ty pe
87 88 89 90 91 92 93

E & T Text

Primary Secondary PUC / High School Matriculation Certificate Diploma Post Grad Diploma



8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Advance Diploma Bachelor Degree Master Degree PhD 1stStandard 2ndStandard 3rdStandard 4thStandard 5thStandard 6thStandard 7thStandard 8thStandard 9thStandard ACS AMIE ASSLC Automechanic BA BArch BBA BCA BCom BE BEd BHM BIT BL BLib BLIS BLM

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

DCP DCT Degcorrespondence Degree DME DMEE DPharm Hotel HSC ICSE ICWAI ICWAI INTER Intermediate ITI ITIAttendentOperator ITIFitter LLB LLM MA MBA MBBS MCA MCom MCSE MD ME MEd MFA MFM MHRM

94 95 96 97 98 99 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 11 0 11 1 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 8 11 9 12 0 12 1 12 2 12 3

MTM MVSC NoCertificate PG PGBM PGDBA PGDBM PGDFM PGDHRD PGDHRM PGDIM PGDiploma PGDM PGDMM PGDOM PGDPM&IR PGDRD PGHM PGJMC MHRM Physicist Shorthand Higher SSC SSLC Translator Others Ist Class Boiler Attendant 2nd Class Boiler Attendant ITC LME

SAP Best Practices

38 39 40 41 42 43 BPharm BS BSc BSW BTCM BTech

System Configuration Documentation

81 82 83 84 85 86 MIRPM MLib MLIS MLM MMS MPharm 12 4 12 5 12 6 12 7 Shorthand Lower Typing Higher Typing Lower First Aid Certification

4 6

Define Institute Type

46.1 Use
In this step, you create institution types for your employees/applicants. These types are divided according to organizational attributes. Example These may include the following: Public, national, private

46.2 Prerequisites

46.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

Choose New entries enter Institute type Id and description and save the details.

46.4 Result
Created the following entries interpreted for future reference : Institute type 1 2 3 Description national public private

4 7

Create Educational Certificates

47.1 Use
In this step you create the educational certificates obtained by employees/applicants. Example Possible educational certificates include: High school, diploma, BSc, MA, PhD

47.2 Prerequisites

47.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

Choose New entries Enter certificate type id and description and save the details.

47.4 Result
Created the following certificates along with the SAP standard entries :
Cert. Type 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cert. Description No final certificate Final certificate Diploma Post Grad Diploma Advance Diploma Bachelor Degree Master Degree Cert. Type 7 8 Cert. Description PhD Others

4 8
48. 1

Determine permissible certificates for education type


In this step you determine which educational certificates are permissible for the education types created. The specifications you make here are used to check whether the educational certificate is allowed for the education type specified when entering data on an applicant's education. To mark an educational certificate as permissible for an education type, you must specify the educational certificate key and the accompanying education type key. The system then automatically provides the text for the key. Example Permissible educational certificates for the education type "University" might include: MA, BSc, First degree, PhD etc.

48. 2


You should already have created the required education types in the step "Create education types". You should also have created the required educational certificates in the step "Create educational certificates".

48. 3

Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the Institution type and the corresponding Certificate type and save the details.

48. 4


Retained SAP standard Branches of study details. Retained SAP standard Permissible Branches of study for Education type details.

5 Create employer's industry sector. 1

51.1 Use
In this step you create all industry sectors in which a previous or current employer of an employee/applicant operates. An industry sector classifies enterprises according to the area of industry to which they belong. Example - Possible industry sectors include: Plant engineering and construction, Chemical industry, Mechanical engineering, Retail, Insurance, Pharmaceutical Industry

51.2 Prerequisites

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

51.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the Industry type id and the description and save the details.

51.4 Result
Created the following Industry types : Industry Description
1 2 3 10 11 12 13 Chemical Industry Cement Phamaceutical Ind. Refineries Textile Industry Banking Sector Research Institute

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Educational Inst. Automobile Information Tech. Steel Medicine Marketing Retail Others

5 Create activities in employment 2

52. 1 Use

In this step you create all activites performed by an employee/ applicant in the service of a previous or current employer. Example Possible activities might include: Electrician, Accountant, Programmer

52. 2


52. 3


Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the Industry type id and the description and save the details.

52. 4


Created the following details : Job

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Bricklayer Cook Programmer Translator Systems analyst Accountant Chemist Marketing Executive Junior Engineer Senior Engineer Technician Fitter Grinder Store Keeper Executive Assistant Programmer System Analyst Project Manager Project Leader Consultant Manager Deputy Manager General Manager Vice President President Pharmacist Associate Business Manage Secretary Company Secretary

Marketing Representative

000000041 000000042 000000043 000000044 000000045 000000046 000000047 000000048 000000049 000000050 000000051 000000052 000000053 000000054 000000055 000000056 000000057 000000058 000000059 000000060 000000061 000000062 000000063 000000064 000000065 000000066 000000067 000000068 000000069 000000070

Assistant Officer Chief Financial Officer Area Business Manager Executive Chartered Accountant Senior Chemist Junior Chemist Male Nurse Doctor Director Group Leader Operator Team Leader Team Members CEO COO Trainee Data Entry Operator Research Associate Junior Executive Senior Executive Asst Vice President Executive Secretary Assistant Helper Worker Professor Lecturer Telephone Operator Administration

SAP Best Practices

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

System Configuration Documentation

000000071 000000072 000000073 000000074 000000075 76 Asst.General Manager Deputy General Manager Senior Manager Engineer Businees Manager Others

Regional Manager Divisional Manager Assistant Manager Research Scientist Lab Assistant Scientist Senior Scientist Officer

5 Work Contracts from Other Employers 3

53.1 Use

In this step you create all activites performed by an employee/ applicant in the service of a previous or current employer. Example Possible activities might include: Electrician, Accountant, Programmer





Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the work contract type id and description and save the details.



Created the following work contract types : Contr.text Contract 01 Trainee 02 Apprentice 03 Contract 04 Permenant 05 Probatiner 06 Terminated 07 Resigned 08 Consultant 09 Temporary Definition of Infotype / Subtype / Object Id

SAP Best Practices Infotype

System Configuration Documentation

A set of data grouped according to subject matter The Human Resources component aims to enable the user to process employee data in an effective structure in accordance with business requirements. The data structure of infotypes mirrors a logical set of data records. Their four-digit keys can identify Infotypes, example the Addresses infotype (0006). To facilitate reporting on past employee data, infotypes can be saved for specific periods. You can edit infotype records individually or by using fast data entry. The following functions are used for infotype records: Create, Change, Copy, Delimit, Delete Subtype Further subdivision of an infotype, i.e,categories of information within an infotype. Some infotypes do not need to be divided into subtypes. When you create an infotype with subtypes, you must specify the subtype in which you want to store information. An infotype can be subdivided into a subtype, for example: Infotype 'Family' Subtypes 'Spouse', 'Child' Infotype 'Addresses' Subtypes 'Home address', 'Holiday address' Subtypes 'Permanent residence', 'Secondary residence' Object Id A unique eight-digit number identifies an object. The object ID is assigned to the object when the object is created. If an enterprise uses internal number assignment, the system assigns the object ID. If an enterprise uses external number assignment, the user assigns the object ID.

55a Infotypes
55a.1 Use

In the step "Set up infotypes", you store the infotypes you require to enter employee data for administration, time recording and payroll. Please see the glossary definition for the term infotype. Please also see the glossary definition for the term subtype. Subtypes may require further subdivision: object ID. At least one infotype text is assigned to an infotype. Several different texts for the same infotype must have different screen types.

55a.2 55a.3

Prerequisites Procedure

To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO View reference V_582A

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll data Basic Pay Define EE Subgroup Grouping for PCR and Coll.Agrmt.Provision Check the infotypes that have been entered. If necessary, change the infotype entries or texts. Additional infotype texts



Following infotype characteristics modified based on requirement:

EE Gro up Name EE Grp of EE Sub Grp Name of ESG ESG for PCR ESG for CAP


All subgroups ESG For PCR 3 ESG For CAP -3 Cgrp 40

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

5 Infotype Menu 5
55.1 Use

In this step, you define the infotype menus for maintaining and displaying Human Resources master data. These menus can be defined so that they are dependent on the user group (user parameter UGR). If there are no entries for an infotype menu for the user's user group or if the user has not maintained his/her user group, then the infotype menu is determined using the reference user group. Example You want to include an infotype in an infotype menu or define a new infotype menu for a user group.



Infotypes shall exist.



Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose menu category "I" and the infotype menu. Define whether the menu is to be dependent on the user group. If necessary, assign the system response for the case where the user has not maintained the user group or where there are no entries in the menu. Assign a reference user group which can be used to set up the menu, if necessary. Infotypes in the infotype menu Choose menu category "I" and the infotype menu. Copy the infotypes into the menu for the user group.



Created the following User group dependency on menus and info groups : Infotype Menu
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

Basic personal data Contract data Payroll Data Time Data IT Data



40 40 40 40 40

Created the following Infotype Menu : a) Basic Personnel Data User Group No. Infotype 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 b) Contract Data User Group 40 40 40 c) Payroll Data User Group 40 40 40 40 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 6 105 21 28 22 23 591 37 185 32


Infotype Text
Actions Organizational Assignment Personal Data Addresses Communication Family Member/Dependents Internal Medical Service Education Other/Previous Employers Nominations Insurance Personal IDs Internal Data

No. 02 03 04

Infotype 0016 0041 0019


Infotype Text Contract Elements Date Specifications Monitoring of Tasks

1 2 3 4 5

8 9 78 15 3


Infotype Text
Basic Pay Bank Details Loan Payments Additional Payments Payroll Status

SAP Best Practices 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 d) Time Data User Group 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 e) IT Data User Group 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 No. No.

System Configuration Documentation

6 7 8 9 10 21 22 23 37 45 57 267 185 591 40 183 Insurance Loans Membership Fees Additional Off-Cycle Payments Personal IDs Nominations Objects on Loan Awards

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 7 50 2011 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2051


Infotype Text Planned Working Time Time Recording Info Time Events Absences Attendances Substitutions Overtime Absence Quotas Monthly Calendar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 590


Infotype Text
Previous Employment Tax Details Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) Exemptions Car & Conveyance Income From Other Sources Section 80 Deductions Section 80 C Deductions Long term reimbursements

5 Determine choice of infotype menus. 6

56.1 Use

In this step, you define the infotype menu choice which appears in a dialog box when Human Resources master data is maintained and displayed, if the user chooses the pushbutton "Other menu" to change the current infotype menu. This choice can be defined so that it is dependent on the user group (user parameter UGR). If you have defined the set-/get-parameter PMN (infotype menu), the corresponding infotype menu appears when you call the initial HR Master Data display/maintenance screen for the first time. Otherwise the infotype menu "01" is used. If there are no entries in the table for the user's user group, or if the user has not maintained his/her user group, then the infotype menu choice is determined using the reference user group. Example You have defined a new infotype menu and want this to appear in the dialog box.



Infotypes shall exist.



Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: User group dependency of the choice of infotype menu Choose menu category "S" and menu "01" for the infotype menu choice. Determine whether the menu is to be dependent on the user group. If necessary, assign the system response for the case where the user has not maintained his/her user group or where no entries exist. Assign a reference user group which can be used to set up the menu if necessary. Infotype menus in infotype menu choice a) Choose menu category "S" and menu "01" for the infotype menu choice. b) Include the infotype menus for the user group.

56. Result

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

Changed the following Text for Menu type 01 - : Menu 01 Text Master Data X User-Dep Reaction 40 Ref

Created following for Menu type S and Menu 01: User Group 40 40 40 40 40 No. 01 02 03 04 04 Menu 01 02 03 04 05 Text Basic personal data Contract data Payroll Data Time Data IT Data

5 Define Infogroups 7
57.1 Use
In this step, you define the info groups that are processed when actions are carried out. This must be carried out before you proceed to the next step where you must define the work list, i.e. the info group, for every personnel action that is to be carried out. The info groups can be defined so that they are dependent on the user group (user parameter "UGR"). If there are no entries for an info group for the user's user group or if the user has not maintained their user group, then the info group is determined using the reference user group. In addition to this, the info group can be set up so that it is dependent on the employee's control data. You can do this by using feature Info group modifier (IGMOD). Example When hiring an employee, the infotypes Personal data (0002), Organizational assignment(0001), Address (0006), Planned working time (0007) etc., are created one after the other. The standard SAP System contains one info group for every action. The info groups are generally dependent on the user group. In this case, the country grouping is used as a value of the user group. The info groups are set up independent of the employee's control data, i.e. the feature IGMOD has "space" as its return code.

57.2 Prerequisites

57.3 Procedure
Carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

57.4 Result
Created the following :

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

a) User group dependency on menus and info gr Infogroup modifier Menu Text
Hiring Organisation Reassignment Confirmation Transfers Promotions Leaving

User Dep X X X X X X


40 40 40 40 40 40

01 02 04 07 08 10

b) Infogroup modifier Using the feature IGMOD, you can default the Infogroup, which is defined as the Infogroup Modifier. c) Info group 1. Hiring
Use r gro up 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Infog r mod. N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S C


Text Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin




Infotype text

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

2 1 6 7 8 9 21 21 21 22 22 1 11 12

Personal Data Organizational Assignment Addresses Planned Working Time Basic Pay Bank Details Family Member/Dependents Family Member/Dependents Family Member/Dependents Education Education

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g Hirin g


22 23 23 23 16 19 591 591 591 591 591 591 2006 2006 2006 105 105 28 580 581 587 588 588 588 27 1 2 3 1 CELL 10 1 BNES BNGR BNMB BNPF BNPN BNSU 30 31 32

Education Other/Previous Employers Other/Previous Employers Other/Previous Employers Contract Elements Monitoring of Tasks Nominations Nominations Nominations Nominations Nominations Nominations Absence Quotas Absence Quotas Absence Quotas Communication Communication Internal Medical Service Previous Employment Tax Details Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) Provident Fund Contribution Other Statutory Deductions Other Statutory Deductions Other Statutory Deductions Cost Distribution

2. Organisation Reassignment

SAP Best Practices User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr 40 40 01 02 No

System Configuration Documentation Operation Infotype Sc Infotype Text Subt ype


0001 0007

Organizational Assignment Planned Working Time

40 40

3. Trainee to Probation User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 COP COP COP COP COP COP COP COP COP COP LIS9 COP COP COP 1 16 19 7 8 15 588 588 588 37 185 2006 2006 2006 Organizational Assignment Contract Elements Monitoring of Tasks Planned Working Time Basic Pay Additional Payments Other Statutory Deductions Other Statutory Deductions Other Statutory Deductions Insurance Personal IDs Absence Quotas Absence Quotas Absence Quotas

N o





Infotype Text

1 2 3 30 31 32

4. Confirmation User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr

40 40 40 40 40 1 2 3 5 6 COP COP MOD INS COP 1 16 19 7 8 Organizational Assignment Contract Elements Monitoring of Tasks Planned Working Time Basic Pay





Infotype Text

Subt ype

40 40 40

7 8 9


2006 2006 2006

Absence Quotas Absence Quotas Absence Quotas

30 31 32

5. Extention of Probation/training User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr 40 40 40 01 02 03 COP COP COP 0001 0016 0019 Organizational Assignment Contract Elements Monitoring of Tasks No Operation Infotype Sc Infotype Text Subt ype

6. Change in Pay User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr 40 40 40 01 02 03 COP COP COP 0001 0008 0589 Organizational Assignment Basic Pay Individual Reimbursements No Operation Infotype Sc Infotype Text Subt ype

7. Transfers User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr 40 40 40 40

1 2 3 4





Infotype Text

Subt ype


1 6 6 7

Organizational Assignment Addresses Addresses Planned Working Time

1 4

SAP Best Practices 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8. Promotions User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 9. Demotions User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr 40 40 40 40 40
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

System Configuration Documentation COP COP COP COP COP COP COP COP
8 15 9 16 19 2006 2006 2006 Basic Pay Additional Payments Bank Details Contract Elements Monitoring of Tasks Absence Quotas Absence Quotas Absence Quotas

30 31 32





Infotype Text

Subt ype


1 16 19 7 8 589 2006 2006 2006

Organizational Assignment Contract Elements Monitoring of Tasks Planned Working Time Basic Pay Individual Reimbursements Absence Quotas Absence Quotas Absence Quotas

30 31 32





Infotype Text

Subt ype


0001 0016 0019 0008 0589

Organizational Assignment Contract Elements Monitoring of Tasks Basic Pay Individual Reimbursements

10. Leaving User Grp Inf. Grp. Mdfr 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DIS DIS DIS DIS LIS9 DIS LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 LIS9 2 1 6 8 9 580 581 583 584 584 585 586 587 588 588 588 591 591 591 591 591 185 185 185 Personal Data Organizational Assignment Addresses Basic Pay Bank Details Previous Employment Tax Details Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) Car & Conveyance Income From Other Sources Income From Other Sources Section 80 Deductions Section 80 C Deductions Provident Fund Contribution Other Statutory Deductions Other Statutory Deductions Other Statutory Deductions Nominations Nominations Nominations Nominations Nominations Personal IDs Personal IDs Personal IDs





Infotype Text

Subty pe

1 2


SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

5 9

Create reasons for personnel actions

59.1 Use
In this step, you specify the number ranges for your Personnel Development objects and the type of number assignment.

59.2 Prerequisites

59.3 Procedure
To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Select the Action type and enter the reasons you would like to mention for the corresponding action and save the details.

59.4 Result

6 0

Change action menu - User group dependency of the action menu


In this step, you define a menu of actions which appears if the user chooses the function "Personnel actions" in HR master data maintenance. The menu can be defined so that it is dependent on the user group (user parameter "UGR"). If there are no entries in the table for the user's user group, or if the user has not maintained their user group, then a so-called reference user group is determined, which is used to set up the menu. Example You want to include your own personnel action in the menu, or you want to set up a menu of certain personnel actions for a group of users.



You have already checked the existing personnel actions and, if necessary, created your own actions.



To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: User group dependency of the action menu Choose menu category "M" and menu "01" for the personnel actions. Determine whether the menu is to be dependent on a user group. If necessary, assign the system response for the case where the user has not maintained the user group or where there are no entries. Assign a reference user group which can be used to set up the menu, if necessary. Actions in the action menu Include the new entries for the user group. Further notes Notes on creating batch input sessions:

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

The user parameters are not available when processing sessions in the background. Thus, if you coordinate the batch input session with a certain user group, this value must agree with the reference user group. Otherwise, the system calls up a totally different action. SAP recommends that you do not call up the action in batch input with transaction "PA40", but that you use transaction "PA30" instead. Put the key of the action into the subtype field and assign the function code for "Create".



Following entries are created : Menu 01 02 Text Actions Fast entry actions User-Dep for X X Reaction 40 40 Ref.

6 1

Change action menu Action Menu


In this step, you specify the number ranges for your Personnel Development objects and the type of number assignment.





1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Choose New entries Enter the User group, number, choose the action and save the details.



Created following details : Menu 01: Actions User Grp Name of Action Type 40 Hiring 40 Organizational reassignment 40 Confirmation 40 Transfer 40 Promotion 40 Leaving

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

6 2

Create Dynamic Actions


Here, you control the initiation of actions when maintaining an infotype record. This can be the maintenance of an additional infotype record or performing a routine. For each action, you can determine whether it is always carried out when you change an infotype or a subtype or whether it is only carried out if you change certain fields. You can state whether the action is to be carried out for "Change", "Create" and/or "Delete" record. You can store the conditions for executing the action, for example, the comparison of the old and new value of a field. Finaly, you can also specify default values for a record that is to be created. Example When you create the infotype Contract Elements (0016), you predefine a period for the probation period. The system creates a date/deadline record so that you can invite the employee to an employee inteview. The social insurance number does not exist. The system creates a date/deadline record.



Determine which infotype, subtype or field is to trigger a dynamic action. Determine the infotype operation (please refer to the field documentation). You can now set up different actions using a sequential number: P - plausibility checks, that is conditions. If you also use Recruitment, you must make sure that the dynamic action is started for the correct application. You do this, by first calling up the transaction class: PSPAR-TCLAS="A" for Personnel Administration. PSPAR-TCLAS="B" for Recruitment. I - infotype accesses W - infotype values F - access for internal or external routines Calling up an internal routine: just specify the name of the routine, this must be in the infotype's module pool "MPmmmm00". You cannot assign usingparameters. Calling up external routines: specify the name of the routine and, in parentheses, the name of the program in which the routine can be found. You cannot assign usingparameters. For additional information, refer to the documentation for the column variable function part. Further notes Creating a date/deadline record Dynamic actions are normally used for creating date/deadline records. However, the date of the deadline does not have to match the initializing date, but can be varied by a certain time interval. You can add or subtract a number of time units for an outgoing date. The time units "days" (internal 010), "weeks" (011), "months" (012) and "years" (013) are supported. Example: A year after an examination (infotype Internal Medical Service (0028)), the employee is to undergo a subsequent examination. used to store the contents of CSAVE. This means that the individual names of the infotypes are given. SAP recommends that you use the *-workarea for the infotype structure in each case (for example: *P0006). Internal table DYNMEAS: contains the infotype accesses (see indicator 'I'). Internal table INITIAL_VALUES: contains the default values for an infotype that is created or copied. (see indicator 'W'). You want to call up a report - for example, the writing of a letter. Include a submit statement for this report in your routine. Note on creating a batch input session: Dynamic actions are not processed in a batch input session. In batch input, you must specify the exact sequence of the screens. To ensure this is the case, you must have already programmed the dynamic action checks before you create the batch input session. To avoid errors only the static actions are processed when you program and process a

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation



Create the dynamic action as required.

Subty I pe n 0 9STF 0 0 9STF 0 0 9STF 0 0 9STF 0 0 1SAD 2 0 1SAD 2 0 1SAD 2 0 1SAD 2 Fi eld Fun ct. Cha r. 04 04 04 04 Se q. No . 10 0 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 Ind. for step I W W W Variable function part

INS,0267,1STP/D P0267-BEGDA=P0045-BEGDA P0267-BETRG=P0045-DARBT P0267-OCRSN='0002'

06 06 06 06


INS,0015/D P0015-LGART='2SRE' P0015-BETRG=P0267-BETRG P0015-BEGDA=P0267-BEGDA

6 3

Create Screen Header


In this step you can change the infotype header, that is, the first three lines of the individual and list screens. Header Structure per Infotype In the view Header Structure per Infotype (V_582A_B), a header has been assigned to every infotype. It is also determined whether the data is valid from the system date or on the record's validity start date. Header Modification Depending on the transaction class (A = Personnel Administration, B = Recruitment) and the country grouping, a header modifier is assigned to this infotype header in the Header Modification view (V_T588I). Infotype Header Definition You can display any standard SAP infotype and subtype fields in the infotype header. In addition, you can use all applicant infotypes. When doing so, set up the Infotype Header Definition view (T588J) to suit your requirements. Note, however, that not all infotypes will be relevant to your requirements. For example, the Actions infotype (0000) is only intended for employees. Likewise, the Applicant Actions infotype (4000) only has relevance for applicants. Passport Photos In addition to any infotype fields you can also include passport photos of your employees in the infotype header in Infotype Header Definition view (T588J). In the System Table view (T77S0), determine the document type with which you want to enter the passport photos in the optical archive. Infotype Header Data Selection Control In the Infotype Header Data Selection Control view (T588H), you can control the selection date for data in the infotype headers depending on the

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

infotypes/subtypes you want to edit or display. Field names for screens different from DDIC entry In the Field names for screens different from DDIC entry view (T588L), you can create your own key fields and long texts. SAP recommends that you do not use your own key fields, since the documentation for the fields cannot be automatically adjusted to your changes. Example You want to display the pay scale grouping of an employee. 00 - Initial screen of transactions PA20, PA30, PA51 and PA61 PB20, PB30, etc. 10 - Infotype 0000 - Actions Infotype 4000 - Applicant Actions 03 - Infotype 0001 - Organizational Assignment 01 - Infotype 0002 - Personal Data 04 - All infotypes of Time Management 02 - All other infotypes Header IDs are assigned a header modifier, from which the structure of the respective headers is defined, as well as the HR country modifier and transaction class in table T588I Assignment of Header ID/ Country Grouping to Header modifier.

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Set up Integration with Personnel Administration

67.1 Use
In this step, you activate integration between Organizational Management and HR Master Data in Personnel Administration. This guarantees data consistency between the two components. Example A person is to be transferred from the position "Controlling administrator" to the position "Manager of controlling". As soon as this transfer has taken place in Organizational Management, the corresponding changes are made in the "Organizational assignment"

infotype (0001) in Personnel Administration. A person can also be transferred between positions in Personnel Administration using the personnel action "Organizational Change". The relevant changes will then be made in Organizational Management.

67. 2


Using the entry "PLOGI PLOGI", you specify the active plan version that is to be the integrated plan version for Organizational Management, Personnel Development, Personnel Cost Planning, Shift Planning and Training and Event Management. The entry has the function of a main switch: If this entry has the value ' ' (switch "off"), integration is switched off. If a plan version is determined using the switch, integration in this plan version is active for all persons who correspond to the feature "PLOGI" (see below). The entry "PLOGI ORGA" must contain an 'X'. This activates integration between Organizational Management and Personnel Administration via infotype 0001 ("Organizational Assignment"). Activating integration has the following effects: Changes to Organizational Management objects (organizational unit, job, position, cost center) relevant to integration are transferred to Personnel Administration Changes to the organizational assignment of employees (infotype 0001) are transferred from Personnel Administration to Organizational Management. Activating integration The sequence in which you carry out preparations for activating integration depends on which one of the following is true of your enterprise: You have Personnel Administration set up and want to install Organizational Management for the first time. You have Organizational Management set up and want to install Personnel Administration for the first time. You want to install both applications for the first time. In all three cases, you must ensure that Personnel Administration (infotype 0001) and Organizational Management (organizational assignment of employees) contain consistent data. If the master data regarding the organizational assignment of the person is available in infotype 0001 (organizational unit, job, position and cost center), you must start report RHINTE00. If Organizational Management data is available, start report RHINTE10. This will create the relevant information in the Personnel Administration tables.

SAP Best Practices

System Configuration Documentation

If the organizational assignment (position and organizational unit of a person) is also to be transferred from Organizational Management into infotype 0001 in Personnel Administration, you also have to start report RHINTE30. If you are installing both applications and integration is active, you can only maintain the organizational assignment (infotype 0001) of a person in Personnel Administration using an action. Alternatively, you can assign persons to positions in Organizational Management. We recommend that you always make organizational changes using an action in Personnel Administration as by doing this, you will also be able to adjust information on working time and salary for this person. You can build up one of the databases for the two components first without active integration and then proceed as described above. In all three cases, report RHINTE20 can correct any inconsistencies that may occur. To activate integration, you must check or make the following settings in addition to those you have already made in the step "Global Settings in Personnel Management": 1. Basic Settings Integration switch for organizational assignment (T77S0: PLOGI ORGA) Default position (PLOGI PRELI) Update file PAnnnn (PLOGI PRELU) Department switch (PPABT PPABT) Default value for personnel subarea (PPINT BTRTL) Default value for personnel area (PPINT PERSA) Transfer short or long texts from Organizational Management to Personnel Administraiton (PLOGI TEXTC, PLOGI TEXTO, PLOGI TEXTS) 2. Participating in integration

67. 4


Defined the following Personnel Calculation Rule and Collective Agreement Provisions for Employee Group and Employee Subgroup.
Group PLOGI PLOGI PLOGI PLOGI PLOGI PLOGI PLOGI PLOGI PLOGI SemID EVCCC EVCRE EVEGC EVENB EVPAC ORGA PRELI PRELU TEXTC Value abbr 02 X 02 02 X 99999999 Description Master data action: company code change Generate event with entry T77INT (action designat. Master data action: employee subgroup change Enhanced integration (X= on, Space= off) Master data action for country reassignment Integration Switch: Organizational Assignment Integration: default position Integration: PA update online or batch Integration: transfer short text of job



Integration: transfer short text of org.unit Integration: transfer short text of position Switch: department Default value for personnel subarea Default value for personnel area

1 If Positions are not reflecting while creating employees even after creating Organisation structure along with the corresponding positions Execute the following report program for reflecting RHINTE10 2 If the employees are not getting reflected under the corresponding positions in the Organisation structure Execute the following report program for reflecting employees under positions RHINTE00

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