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How great is God's Word?!

Week 17, Day 1: Monday, 27 April 2009

Judges 13, 14

What is it that the Israelites can’t seem to overcome? (13:1)

What happens every time God’s people disobey? (13:1)

What was the vow of the Nazirite? (13:5; see Numbers 6)

Who decided Samson would take up the Nazirite lifestyle? (13:7)

Who was is that Manoah did not recognize? (13:16-18, 22)

How did God enable His leaders? (13:24)

Was a Jew to marry a Philistine according to God’s commands? (14:2)

What was the Law for a Jew after handling an animal carcass? (14:6-9)

What sort of people was Samson marrying into? (14:15)

Proverbs 27

What are some of the subtle things we do to boast about ourselves? (27:2)

How powerful is jealousy? (27:4)

Can a rebuke be at times the best show of love? (27:5)

How could verses 27:7 and 27:8 relate to each other concerning marriage?

Does God want us to develop relationships of trust and confidence in our

neighborhoods, and does this require a certain level of vulnerability? (27:10)

Does God intend for us to ever go it alone? (27:17)

How do verses 27:20, 21 relate to 27:1, 2?

Romans 9

Who are God’s children? (9:8)

On what does your salvation depend? (9:16)

What prevented the Jews from suffering the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah?
What mistake did the vast majority of the Israelites make? (9:32, 33)

Week 17, Day 2: Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Judges 15, 16

Who was Samson serving and defending, God or himself? (15:3)

What was Samson’s weakness? (16:1, 4)

Compare 16:21 with Matthew 5:29.

To the very end, what was Samson’s focus? (16:28)

Did God accomplish His purpose through Samson despite Samson’s sin? (16:30)

Proverbs 28

Can unbelievers understand justice? (28:2)

What happens to those who get rich quick? (28:8)

Who falls into trouble? (28:14)

Compare 28:8, with 28:16, and 28:19, 20.

Romans 10

What is your heart’s desire? (10:1)

Is zealousness for God enough? (10:2)

What causes many religious to stumble? (10:3)

Who is saved? (10:13)

Week 17, Day 3: Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Judges 17, 18
What crime did Micah commit against his mother? (17:2) Compare to Proverbs 10:1,
19:26, 28:24,

How does Micah’s mother respond to his terrible sin? (17:2) Review Proverbs 29:15.

What was Micah’s mother’s vow? (17:3) How far out of touch have the Israelites
with the Lord’s commands? How much did she actually give to the silversmith?

What happened to the Israelites to make them sink so low? (17:6) Compare with
Proverbs 29:18.

How were Levites supposed to live? (17:10, Numbers 18, Numbers 35, Deuteronomy
12:19, Joshua 21)

How badly did Micah misinterpret his relationship with the Lord? (17:13)

Did the Levite really know what God’s will was? (18:5, 6)

What sort of people did the Danites decide to slaughter? (18:7, 10, 27)

What sort of character do the Danites and the Levite reveal in themselves? (18:17-

Did the Danites worship God in His House? (18:31)

Proverbs 29

How does 29:3 apply to Samson’s life (Judges 16:1)

How does 29:6 apply to what you learned about Samson?

Did Samson turn away anger? (29:8)

Does God keep account of all men’s actions? (29:13)

Will conflict exist between the wicked and the upright? (29:27)

Romans 11

Is it easy for us to sometimes feel defeated? (11:3)

How is the Remnant chosen? (11:5)

Does God use even man’s failures for His glory? (11:11, 12, 15)

What does God want to result from the salvation of the Gentiles (11:11, 14)

Should we be prideful in our faith? (11:19-24)

Can we fully understand God’s ways? (11:33)

Week 17, Day 4: Thursday, 30 April 2009

Judges 19, 20

How far has Israel slipped that a Levite would take a concubine? (19:1)

What are the consequences of marrying an ungodly person? (19:2)

Could the Israelites be trusted anymore? (19:12-20)

How far had the people fallen? (19:22)

How hard were the hearts of the homeowner and the Levite? (19:24)

Why did the Levite cut up and send out the concubine’s body? (19:29, 30)

Compare 19:13 with Romans 1:32.

What were the consequences of Israel’s sin? (20:12-48)

Proverbs 30

Does God know exactly what you need and what you cannot handle without
temptation? (30:7-10)

How do those who are pure in their own eyes treat others? (30:12-14)

Do sinners manage to justify any action? (30:20)

Does anything good come from a married woman who is unloved? (30:21-23)

What is to be learned from 30:24-28?

Romans 12
How are you to worship the Lord? (12:1)

How can you discern God’s Will? (12:2)

What attitude should we have when showing mercy to others? (12:8)

What does genuine love look like? (12:9-21)

How are we to treat those who persecute us? (12:14, 17-20)

How are we to treat those who are socially unacceptable? (12:16)

What is our daily task? (12:21)

Week 17, Day 5: Friday, 1 May 2009

Judges 21

What should we learn from Judges about emotional, ungodly oaths? (21:1, 5, 18;

Can people justify terrible actions as a godly calling? (21:3, 10-24) Note that the
Israelites used a time dedicated to God to perpetrate their second immoral act.

What happens to society when men do not follow God’s laws? (21:25)

Proverbs 1

How does a disciplined and prudent person live (1:3)

Do you ever gain so much wisdom that you don’t need to review God’s Word? (1:5)

Is wisdom easy to find if you want to find it? (1:20-23)

Romans 13

Does God enable all governments, even bad ones? (13:1)

Why is love fulfillment of the law? (13:10)

Week 17, Day 6: Saturday, 2 May 2009

Ruth 1, 2
Why might there have been a famine in the land? (1:1)

Do you demonstrate the same loyalty and fidelity in your relationships as Ruth did?

Did Naomi, though in Moab for many years, continue to follow God’s Laws? (1:11-
13; see also Deuteronomy 25:5)

Did Ruth ever lose hope, give up, or abandon Naomi in her desperate times? (2:2)

Does God control circumstances to bless His people? (Chapters 1 and 2)

Proverbs 2

Where does wisdom come from? (2:6)

How do you get wisdom from your brain to your heart? (2:1-4)

Psalm 49

What hope did David have? (49:15)

Week 17, Day 7: Sunday, 3 May 2009

Ruth 3, 4

What type of reputation did Ruth have in town? (3:11)

Did Ruth and Boaz obey the marriage laws? (Deuteronomy 25:5-6)

Did the Israelites recognize the important role of women in their history? (4:11; see
also Joshua 6:25, Judges 4:9, and Matthew 1:5)

God’s plan resulted in what important lineage? (4:17, Matthew 1:5-16)

Proverbs 3

Where do God’s people place their trust and turn for wisdom? (3:5-7)

To whom does God reveal His ways? (3:32)

Psalms 50, 51

What sort of sacrifice do God’s people make to Him? (50:5; see Romans 12:1)
Compare Psalms 50 with Proverbs 4.

What was David’s plea to God? (51)

Compare 51: 17 with Romans 12:1

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