Dusk Moritat Bio

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Ulth Khan doesnt remember the earliest part of his life.

As long as he can remember he was a member of a Moritat cell on the sinister world of Dusk, being trained and shaped into a skilful assassin. All he knows from before that is the story his recruiter a woman named Garma Khan used to tell him about how she found him bathed in blood, wandering through the fens and bogs near the Moritat temple. She estimated him to be 5 years old at this point, but the estimate may have been mistaken since Ulth grew into a giant of a man, so he may have been younger and just big for his age. Even so, he kept in mind the age of 5 for that moment and counted his current age from there. Although Garma didnt know what had happened to Ulth, she knew from the way she found him that he was a prime candidate for Moritat training. A short time into his training it became apparent that he revelled in bloodshed to such a point that other trainees thought it frightful. Together with his large stature, this made him something of an outsider, even among the students of the Moritat. His recruiter however kept him close with surprising love and affection. And Ulth truly considered her family as well. One day, while training in the temples courtyard, an older student of Garmas became violent; questioning the training methods Garma was using and attacked her. Though she was not mortally wounded, Ulth, who was not there when it happened became so enraged that he broke the door of the students room down with a single cut from his greatsword and slaughtered him and his roommates in an orgy of flying blood and flesh. Some of the Reapers working out of the temple found his extreme reaction unsettling, but most praised him for his bloodlust and his loyalty, judging that the Moritats teachings would make him just as loyal to the God-Emperor. Thus, his training continued until he was sent out into the galaxy for his travail.

Ulth Khans Moritat training has made him aggressive and highly loyal. His universe revolves around honing his skills and destroying as much of the enemies of the Emperor as he can. He generally does not get along well with other people and very quickly becomes aggressive in tense situations and arguments. Yet since he left the temple and needed to interact with other people at times, he started trying to force himself not to give in to his aggressive instincts as much. To him, the inquisition is a great way to prove himself to the Moritat, hopefully allowing him to reach the goal of becoming a Reaper. His love of blood might be shocking to other Acolytes and bystanders. His primitive upbringing and Moritat teachings combined gave him the superstition Thirsty Blade (from the Core Rulebook).

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