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Coordonator: lector univ. dr. MINEA ALINA Autori: lector univ. dr. MINEA ALINA lector univ. dr. ASTRATINEI CARMEN lector univ. drd. ALIBEC CAMELIA lector univ. drd. ZECHIA DANA asistent univ. drd. ION ANA asistent univ. drd. MATE RALUCA asistent univ. drd. CIZER LAURA



INTRODUCERE .................................................................. 7 1. .THE NOUN ..................................................................... 9 1.1 NOUN + VERB AGREEMENT ........................ 15 2. THE ARTICLE............................................................... 17 3. QUANTIFIERS .............................................................. 29 4. THE PRONOUN ............................................................ 47 5. THE NUMERAL............................................................ 59 6. THE ADJECTIVE .......................................................... 67 7. THE ADVERB ............................................................... 77 7.1. ADJECTIVE + ADVERB MISCELLANEOUS..... 87 8. VERB TENSES .............................................................. 91 8.1. PRESENT CONTINUOUS ..................................... 91 8. 2. PRESENT SIMPLE................................................ 95 8.3 PRESENT CONTINUOUS AND PRESENT SIMPLE ........................................................................ 102 8. 4. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE............................ 106 8.5. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS................. 111 8.6. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS ............................................................ 114 8.7. PAST SIMPLE ...................................................... 118 8.8. PAST CONTINUOUS .......................................... 122 8.9. PAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUS....... 125 8.10. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS, AND SIMPLE PAST........................ 128 8.11. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS ............................................................ 129 8.12. TENSE CONSOLIDATION ............................... 138 ANSWER KEY ................................................................ 152 1. THE NOUN .................................................................. 152 1.1. NOUN + AGREEMENT....................................... 156 2. THE ARTICLE............................................................. 156 3. QUANTIFIERS ............................................................ 158


4. THE PRONOUN .......................................................... 160 5. THE NUMERAL.......................................................... 162 6. THE ADJECTIVE ........................................................ 165 7. THE ADVERB ............................................................. 169 7.1. ADJECTIVE + ADVERB MISCELLANEOUS... 172 8. VERB TENSES ............................................................ 173 8.1 PRESENT CONTINUOUS .................................... 173 8.2. PRESENT SIMPLE............................................... 174 8.3. PRESENT CONTINUOUS AND PRESENT SIMPLE ........................................................................ 175 8.4. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE............................. 177 8. 5. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS................ 178 8.6. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINOUS ............................................................... 180 8.7. PAST SIMPLE ...................................................... 182 8.8. PAST CONTINUOUS .......................................... 183 8.9. PAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUS....... 184 8.10 PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS, AND SIMPLE PAST........................ 184 8.11. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS ............................................................ 185 8.12. TENSE CONSOLIDATION ............................... 187 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................ 190


Aceast culegere de exerciii de limba englez se adreseaz studenilor din anul I, ca parte practic a problemelor teoretice de gramatic cuprinse n cursurile pentru anul I de studiu de la toate domeniile i specializrile. Culegerea poate fi folosit de ctre toi studenii deoarece include exerciii pentru nivelele elementar, mediu i avansat. Exerciiile sunt structurate pe capitolele importante din morfologie: substantiv i determinanii substantivului, cu capitole separate pentru articol, pronume i numeral, adjectivul i adverbul cu grade de comparaie i verbul cu timpurile verbale prezente i trecute. Timpurile verbale au exerciii separate pentru fiecare i exerciii mixte pentru grupurile de timpuri ntre care trebuie fcut diferenierea, iar la sfritul capitolului exist exerciii mixte cu toate timpurile prezente i trecute. Exerciiile sunt n general structurate de la simplu la complex, pentru a permite


studenilor s se familiarizeze cu structurile i dup aceea s poat aplica teoria predat la cursuri. Culegerea de exerciii este un instrument util de nvare sau exersare a gramaticii limbii engleze care poate fi folosit att la orele de seminar ct i individual de ctre toi cei care i propun s-i mbunteasc performanele n domeniul folosirii corecte a structurilor verbale i nominale. Culegerea conine diverse tipuri de exerciii: cu variante de rspuns, de completat spaiile libere, cu propoziii care trebuiesc reformulate, exerciii cu cuvinte n parantez ce trebuie puse la forma corect, traduceri, etc. La sfritul crii exist un capitol ce conine cheia exerciiilor, unele dintre ele avnd menionate variante posibile de rspuns.

Exercise 1. Use a collective noun for the following: 1. father, mother, sons and daughters; 2. the eleven players in a game of football; 3. a multitude of persons; 4. the group of sailors working on a ship or boat; 5. scores of sheep together. Exercise 2. Use a compound noun to illustrate: 1. a desk for writing at; 2. an engine driven by steam; 3. a wall made of stone; 4. a man who makes a wall by laying bricks one on top of the other; 5. a machine for washing clothes; 6. a box for holding matches; 7. a room in which you sleep; 8. a room in which you wash; 9. a pen containing ink in it; 10. a railway carriage in which people can take their meals. Exercise 3. Give the plural of the following nouns .Use them in sentences. a) bus, town, woman, box, fly, key, bee, Englishman, tooth, wish, goose, city, potato, book, child, leaf, life, foot, apple, toy, ball, wolf, safe, ox. b) brush, thief, Chinese, German, donkey, shelf, fish, cliff, Swiss, inch, sheep, louse, bamboo, handkerchief, axe, proof, phenomenon, dynamo, means, piano. c) echo, loaf, niece, half, chief, volcano, Japanese, deer, mouse, knife, birth, daughter, buffalo, atlas. Exercise 4. Give the plural of the following nouns; explain the differences between the two forms and use them in sentences: fruit, fish, damage, air, compass, pain, color. Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable noun: Model: a . . . of cards; a pack of cards: 1. a of boots; 2. aof sheep; 3. aof cattle; 4. a of hounds; 5. a of birds; 6. a of mosquitoes; 7. a of fish; 8. a of trousers; 9. aof swine; 10. a of robbers; 11. a of stockings;

10 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 12. a of whales; 13. a of footballs; 14. a of wolves; 15. an at a concert; 16. a of flowers; 17. a of lies; Exercise 6. Give the feminine correspondents of the following masculine nouns: a) man, father, brother, milkman, Englishman, son-in-law, sportsman, nephew, boy, Mr., husband, uncle, chairman. b) widower, wizard, waiter, bachelor, lord, king, bridegroom, hero, dog, bull, horse, gander, ram, peacock ,drone. c) duke, prince, actor, god, host, waiter, manager, tzar, sultan, poet, nephew, vixen. Exercise 7. Form nouns by adding the appropriate nounforming suffixes to the following adjectives: SUFFIX -ness -ism -th -dom -(I)ty/iety 1 short cruel sane gay free 2 existential foolish social short wide 3 mean childish anxious long strong

Exercise 8. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs and adjectives: 1. to bleed, to bath, to sing, to believe, to breethe, to feed, to lose, to live, to prove, to choose; 2. broad, deep, long, strong, wide, new. Exercise 9. Use the saxon genitive (s) in the following sentences: 1. He knows nothing about the climate of this country. 2. Do you know the name of the typist of the manager? 3. The new car of the friend of his cousin is a Dacia 1300. 4. Jane doesnt know the time table of her daughter. 5. She does not doubt the good intentions of the parents of her husband. 6. You can easily notice the first signs of spring. 7. The dresses of the shop-girls are the best advertisment. 8. They all welcomed the protection of the police. 9. These are the best plays of G.B. Shaw. 10. He has been studying the folklore of Scotland for several years. 11. The parents of all the children are present at the meeting.

1. THE NOUN 11 _____________________________________________________ 12. She wont say a word about the purpose of her life. 13. The industry of Romania is in full swing. 14. The high note of the nightingale can be easily heard. Exercise 10. Translate into Romanian: 1. Weve run out of orange juice; youd better go to the grocers and buy some. 2. My husbands new suit is not ready yet; it is still at the tailors. 3. When you go to UK dont miss the chance to go to Madame Tussauds. 4. They usually buy fresh fruits at the greengrocers every Monday morning. 5. Have you ever seen St. Jamess? 6. They decided to go to the lawyers tomorrow at noon. 7. On your way home you might stop at the tobacconists and buy some cigarettes for me. 8. I have been an employee at Fords for twenty years. 9. Ill go to the hairdressers later. 10. Before my coming back home, I dropped into the bakers where I bought a loaf of soft bread and these delicious rolls. Exercise 11. Translate into English paying attention to the genitive case: 1. Strzile acestui ora sunt foarte largi. 2. Cstoria copiilor prietenilor mei a avut loc acum dou sptmni. 3. Acesta este noul profesor de matematic al fiului meu. 4. nainte de a ncepe orele, am fcut o plimbare de douzeci de minute. 5. Personalul acestei companii este format din treizeci de oameni. 6. n intervalul de o lun care urmeaz, terminm toate examenele. 7. La vrsta lui, o cltorie de zece ore cu trenul trebuie s fie foarte obositoare. 8. Nu trebuie s uitm niciodat de drepturile celor sraci. 9. O ateptare de cinci minute nu mai conteaz. 10. Ziarul de ieri a publicat multe tiri interesante.

12 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 12. Form derivative nouns from the following : Verbs: 1. to decide 2. to approve 3. to discuss 4. to refer 5. to discover 6. to teach 7. to weigh 8. to grow 9. to pay 10. to perform 11. to limit 12. to betray. Adjectives: 1.national 2.wise 3. likely 4. Free 5. great 6. weak 7. kind 8. happy 9. true 10. deep 11. high 12. warm Nouns: 1. dictator 2. friend 3. scholar 4. leader 5. child 6. piano 7. music 8. mathematics 9. science 10. host 11. widow 12. waiter. Exercise 13. Rewrite in the plural: 1. This is a box. 2. Thats a lorry. 3. Wheres the knife? 4. Is it your watch? 5. This is a new house. 6. Thats an old chimney. 7. That isnt my dress. 8. Thats a shoe. 9. Whos this man? 10. Hes a farmer and this is his wife. 11. Thats a row of people. 12. Is it a new bridge? 13. There is a match in the box. 14. Theres no child in their family. 15. Is there a dictionary on his desk? 16. Is there a desk in that room? 17. The face of that woman is attractive. 18. The house isnt large but its comfortable. 19. Whos that person? 20. Which book is yours? Exercise 14. Put into the singular: 1. Balls are round. 2. Houses have roofs. 3. These are phonemes. 4. Foxes are animals. 5. Roses are beautiful flowers. 6. Watches are small clocks. 7. Dogs have tails.

1. THE NOUN 13 _____________________________________________________ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Those boys are good friends. These are simple sentences. These arent boxes. The children are at school. These are my notebooks. My friends want to study German. His brothers work hard all day. Housewives have to work very hard. Children receive a lot of pleasure from this game. They live in small houses. The postmen bring letters three times a day. The boys wake up at six. There are some pictures on the walls.

Exercise 15. Match A and B in order to obtain compound nouns. Use them in sentences:
arm bottle fast Yellow lawn telephone chewing central air tea alarm post baby heart burglar fairy credit bus bank contact sitter pages heating chair directory mower conditioner bag opener food gum clock stop tale attack office lenses card alarm account

14 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 16. Underline the nouns in the texts and put the plural ones in the singular: Thieves stole the cameras and videos from two shops in Stapleton Road yesterday. They also took several boxes of video-cassettes and hundreds of audio cassettes. Two police officers were injured in a fight last night. One policeman lost four teeth. Three other people were also injured. The police were called to the Central car park where there was a fight involving about two dozen young men and women. Dozens of cars and two buses were damaged. Example: pl. thieves = sg. thief Exercise 17. Complete the sentences with the plural form of the words in brackets: My hotels a bit primitive. Ive seen (1 mouse)_____ in my room! And there are (2 fly)_____ everywhere during the day and (3 mosquito) _____ at night. But the (4 beach) _____ are beautiful. There are a lot of old (5 church) _____ on the island and Ive taken lots of (6 photo) _____ of them. Every day I buy two small (7 loaf) _____ of bread and some (8 fruit) _____ , usually (9 peach) _____ , (10 orange) _____ and (11 tomato) _____ . but the (12 shelf) _____ in the shops are almost empty, so yesterday I went fishing and caught two (13 fish) _____ for my lunch. There arent any (14 bus) _____ so I walk everywhere. My (15 foot) _____ really hurt. I want to go into the mountains. They say there are (16 wolf) _____ there. The (17 person) _____ are very friendly. Sometimes (18 family) _____ come out to say hello when I walk past. The (19 man) _____ have two or three (20 wife) _____ and dozens of (21 child) _____. I dont think their (22 life) _____ have changed for (23 century) _____. Its certainly one of the most unspoilt (24 country) _____ Ive ever been to. Exercise 18. Which are the 15 countable nouns in this news report? Hi! Youre listening to GWR Radio. What a terrible morning! There have been several accidents on the roads. A number of people were hurt in an accident on the M 32 motorway when two cars crashed near Junction 4. And there are a few problems for

1. THE NOUN 15 _____________________________________________________ rail travellers. Many trains between cities in the west and London are running twenty to thirty minutes late. Exercise 19. What are the eight uncountable nouns in the news report of the explosion at Brislington? An explosion has destroyed a chemical factory in Brislington. Thanks to the courage of the firefighters no one was hurt. The air around the factory is still thick with smoke, and for their own safety, residents have been told not to drink the water. Residents are worried about their childrens health and the damage to the environment caused by the explosion.


Exercise 20. Choose the right form of the verbs in brackets: 1. His family (is/ are) in Bucharest now. 2. The news (was/ were) a great surprise for all of us. 3. People (rush/ rushes) home when the days work is over. 4. Our football team (plays/ play) this evening. 5. Your group (is/ are) made up of thirty students. 6. The audience (is/ are) listening to the piano player. 7. The cattle (is/ are) entering the ranch yard. 8. The committee (agrees/ agree) with all the changes. 9. The furniture in my daughters room (is/ are) new and modern. 10. The crew of the ship (was/ were) gathered on the upper deck. 11. The parliament (is/ are) voting a new law. 12. The luggage (was/ were placed) on the luggage rack. 13. Where (is/ are) my glasses? 14. Mathematics(is/ are) his favourite subject at school. 15. My cousins trousers (is/ are) very expensive. 16. Proceedings of the conference (is/ are) published within a week. 17. The particulars of the witness (is/ are) taken down by a young policeman. 18. There (is/ are) enough money in the drawer. 19. Measles (is/ are) a very dangerous catching disease. 20. The customs (is/ are) not far from here. Exercise 21. Choose the correct form of the verb: 1. Clothes (isnt/ arent) cheap nowadays. 2. People (doesnt/ dont) buy clothes that are too expensive. 3. 60 pounds (is/ are) a lot of money for a pair of jeans. 4. The government (is/ are) trying to keep prices low.

16 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 22. Choose the correct verb forms: His clothes (1 are/ is) _____ very old. His trousers (2 has got/ have got) _____ holes in them and his glasses (3 are/ is) _____ broken. All his belongings (4 is/ are) _____ in a bag on his back. The police often (5 stops/ stop) _____ him and (6 asks/ ask) _____ him questions. People (7 avoid/ avoids) _____ him in the streets. His earnings (8 are/ is) _____ very small. He gets 40 pounds a week from social security. For him 40 pounds (9 is/ are) _____ a lot of money. Im not interested in possessions, he says, mathematics (10 are/ is) _____ my passion.


Exercise 1. Put the following sentences into singular: 1. Nouns are words. 2. Cities are big towns. 3. Horses are animals. 4. Roses are beautiful flowers. 5. Tables are pieces of furniture. Exercise 2. Fill the blanks with the requested articles and translate the text: LITTLE TOMMY AND HORSE Tommy: Father, . . . teacher does not know what horse is. Father: Why do you think so, Tommy? Tommy: You know, I drew horse yesterday and showed it to teacher and he asked me what it was. Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate article: 1. Would you like cup of tea and cake? 2. It is better to tell . . . truth than tell . . . lies. 3. Where is hat I bought yesterday? 4. Smith, man I told you about, is very man. 5. I like to eat . . . bread and butter in . . . morning. 6. Little Tommy goes to school only in morning. 7. He went to . . . bed with . . . bad cold. 8. He crossed lake in record time. 9. He collects . . . butterflies, . . . stamps, and matchboxes. 10. In autumn of 2003 we went on excursion to . . . Danube Delta. Exercise 4. Fill the gaps with the appropriate articles: 1. Take little tea; it will do you lot of good. 2. Out ofsight, out mind.

18 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 3. l like lot of. . . sugar in my tea. 4. supper is last meal of day. 5. bad drivers are punished by law. 6. Take chair and make yourself at home; he will be back in minute. 7. This is . . . answer to problem teacher gave us. 8. There wont be another train for at least hour. 9. We had dinner together at good restaurant yesterday. 10. Danube, Rhine and Thames are three important European rivers. Exercise 5. Put the articles a, an, the into the gaps: 1. He came to see me last week and brought English handbook with him. 2. good dictionary is . . . great help to . . . students. 3. last night I met Tommy; he said he would come here today if . . . weather were fine. 4. Come to see me on Saturday at latest. 5. He works hard by day and sleeps soundly at night. 6. help came at last and swimmer was rescued. 7. He works every day from . . . early morning till late at . . . night. 8. He went into inn and asked for bread and butter. 9. By way, he said, where is shop you told me about? 10. What is matter? Have you had accident?

1. THE NOUN 19 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 6. Put the articles into their correct places: Our sun is enormous body with diameter about 108 times that of earth. It would take train, moving at 60 miles hour; over five years to travel round its circumference. But those little pinpoints of light we call stars are also suns, and some of them are very much larger and brighter than one which warms our earth. One of them has diameter three hundred times greater than that of our sun. Of thousands of millions of stars, which can be seen through powerful telescope, only six thousand or so are visible to naked eye, and their distance from earth is so tremendous that their combined light is only about hundredth of that shed by full moon. (The Childrens New Illustrated Encyclopedia) Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the right articles: When sea was not too rough we were often out in little rubber boat taking photographs. I shall not forget first time sea was so calm that two men felt like putting balloonlike little thing into water and going for row. They had hardly got clear of raft when they dropped little oars and sat roaring with laughter. And as waves lifted them away and they disappeared and reappeared among seas, they laughed so loud every time they caught glimpse of us that their voices rang out over desolate Pacific. We looked round us with mixed feelings, and saw nothing comic but our own bearded faces; but as two in boat should be accustomed to those by now; we began to have suspicion that they had suddenly gone mad. Sunstroke, perhaps two fellows could hardly get back on board Kon-Tiki for sheer laughter, and gasping, with tears in their eyes, begged us just to go and see for ourselves. Two of us jumped down into dancing rubber boat, and were caught by sea which lifted us clear. We sat down at once and roared with laughter. We had never before had outside view of ourselves in open sea. raft looked exactly like old Norwegian hay-loft lying helpless, drifting about in open sea, hay-loft full of sunburnt bearded ruffians.

20 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ If anyone had come paddling after us at sea in bath we should have felt same spontaneous urge to laughter. (Thor Heyerdahl) Exercise 8. Fill in the spaces with the definite article wherever necessary: 1. She is not Mrs. Smith I am looking for. 2. My parents live on upper floor of an old house; when wind blows, all windows rattle. 3. Carpathians are not so high as Alps. 4. Danube is Romanias longest river. 5. clock in dining room is just striking 6. room Helen rushes into as soon as she arrives home is kitchen. 7. Spring is first season of year. 8. Id like to see Mr. Smith, please. Do you mean Mr. Smith who works in our department or Mr. Smith sales manager? 9. British Library is one of largest libraries all over world. 10. What is French for boy? 11. Mike you met at my place yesterday was not Mike I was talking about a week before. 12. I have never feared death but death of my father was greatest loss of my life. 13. Ask them to come downstairs when breakfast is ready. 14. Eatons have also been invited to diner at Ritz. 15. She goes to school in morning and plays tennis in afternoon. 16. She has always said that English language is difficult. 17. On Sundays I like to stay in bed till noon and spend time reading Sunday papers and magazines. 18. Up to a point, Creang is Mark Twain of Romanian literature. 19. I have always appreciated sublime of landscapes in Alps.

1. THE NOUN 21 _____________________________________________________ 20. If you leave home at 7 you can reach school in time. 21. My mother comes to school sometimes to speak to headmaster. Exercise 9. Put the indefinite article a or an in the blanks wherever necessary: 1. We usually have lunch at 1 oclock, which, as rule, consists of three courses: salad, dish and sweet. 2. Go to the grocers and buy dozen oranges and pound of coffee beans. 3. The Smiths I am talking about live in wonderful house and drive new Ford. 4. . old man suffering from cold should be given hot tea three times day. 5. What name to give to cat! 6. There was once lonely old woman who lived in hut in the outskirts of large town. 7. What hot day for November! Its such pity we cant go for hike or take long walk in the wood. 8. Jack! Mr. Thomson wants to see you at once! 9. Our friends gave us wonderful supper at the ambassador. 10. She needs moments peace after such bad piece of news. 11. The youngster was driving with sixty miles hour when all of sudden deer crossed the motorway. He stopped few moments later and fled in panic without taking back look. 12. He was puzzled that he should be in his office at time when the General Manager was so busy. 13. During the installation of newly selected government there may appear many surprise. 14. Mr. Sydney did not appear to be man who was making joke. 15. He was not addicted smoker but, now and then, late at night, he was longing for cigarette.

22 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 10. Fill in the spaces with the definite, indefinite or zero article wherever necessary: 1. Good morning , uncle, said boy with large smile on his face. 2. From photos of friends and relatives, Mr. Abbot selected picture of Nick Price, man who had come to visit them, sometime in early 50. 3. She put book back on piano and went to look out of window. 4. His voice was low and carefully modulated voice of man self-conscious about impression he made. Have you ever been to Argentine? he asked with undertone of regret in his voice. . 5. Most critics admit that writer we are talking about is new Shaw of English literature. 6. Let me offer you cup of coffee, Professor. 7. He speaks French and English quite fluently but he has never been to France or United Kingdom. 8. sky was starry, moon was shining brightly and night was so warm and lovely that all guests decided, all of sudden, to take bath in cool waves of Atlantic 0cean. 9. That was not sort of remark expected of right sort of chap who studied at UCLA. 10. Nick was reminded of joke he had heard at his club at lunch. 11. He had terrible feeling that operation was going to be Waterloo of his career. 12. You may go either to National Theatre to see play or to Capitol Cinema to see film. 13. Prime Minister picked up telephone and changed his days appointments to make time to see deputy secretary in Cabinet Office. 14. few days later we went to Henrys dinner at Ritz where we met old Mr. Snow who claimed to be uncle of my wife. 14. Such power and freedom of decision had only five times before been given to American president.

1. THE NOUN 23 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 11. Here are some expressions with the noun hand, preceded by the definite, indefinite or zero article: a. to bite the hand that feeds one; to give somebody the glad hand; the hidden hand; by the left hand; to have/ get the upper hand; the skips hand; a picture by the same hand; on the right hand; on the one hand; on the other hand; at the best hand; to be on the growing hand. b. to have a free hand; to have an open hand; not to lift a hand; with a heavy hand; a hand for; an old hand at; a good hand at/ in; a poor/ bad hand at; to have a hand like a foot; a cool hand; to have a hand in smth.; to take a hand at a game; to make a (good/ fine/ fair) hand. c. hand in hand; the matter in hand; to take in hand; light in hand; at hand; by hand; to bind hand and foot; supplies on hand; to have a free hand; to have an open hand; to shake hands; clean hands; off hand; hand and glove; hand over; from hand to mouth; out of hand; at first hand; second hand; from good hands. 1. Choose some of them and make sentences of your own. 2. Find some more new set expressions and build up sentences of your own. Exercise 12. Put the definite or the indefinite article into the blank spaces where necessary. Translate the jokes. A) (1. ) landlord was sitting with his shephard on (2. ) hill commanding (3. ) fine view of (4. ) valley. Seeing (5. ) flock of (6. ) sheep at (7. ) rest in (8. ) shadiest nook, he observed to his companion, John, if I were (9. ) sheep, I would prefer to lie in(10. ) sun. Ah, my lord, retorted (11. ) shepherd, were you (12. ) sheep, you would have more sense. B) If (1. ) earthquake engulfed England, (2. ) English would manage to meet among (3. ) ruins and organize (4. ) dinner just to celebrate (5. ) painful event. Thats what (6. ) people of (7. ) other nationalities are apt to say about (8. ) English.

24 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Should (9. ) English be consulted on (10. ) subject they would say (11. ) same thing about (12. ) French and their love of (13. ) good dinners. C) (1. ) outside temperature being ten degrees below (2. ) zero, it was unusually cold in (3. ) school room. What is (4. ) Latin for cold? asked (5. ) schoolmaster addressing one of his boys, who seemed to be suffering from cold more than (6. ) others. Oh, sir, answered (7. ) lad, his hands thrust in his trousers pockets, I cant tell you for (8. ) moment, although I have it at my fingers ends. D) Dr. Crisp was invited to (1. ) party in (2. ) country place. (3. ) dinner being late and(4. ) company not quite to his taste, (5. ) doctor strolled out into (6. ) garden and then to (7. ) nearby churchyard. When (8. ) dinner was served at last and (9. ) doctor had not yet returned, one of (10. ) guests wondered where he could have gone. (11. ) master of (12. ) house, annoyed by Dr. Crisps (13. ) absence, explained that (14 ) churchyard being not far from there, (15. ) doctor had gone to visit his former patients. E) (1. ) Englishman, driving in (2. ) hackney-coach through France, was annoyed at (3. ) slowness of (4. ) pace. He tried to make (5. ) coachman drive faster but all in vain. (6. ) man couldnt understand either his English or his broken French. Then it occurred to (7. ) Englishman, both his English and his French being Greek to (8. ) coachman, to use (9. ) high-sounding words that might frighten (10. ) fellow. So he roared into his ear. Westmorland, Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham! which had (11. ) desired effect, (12. ) coachman taking these words for some terrible threat. F) In 1870 Mark Twain was walking along (1. ) streets of Boston when he noticed in (2. ) shop window (3. ) machine he had never seen before. He entered (4. ) shop,asked (5. ) shop-assistant how (6. ) ,,monster functioned and bought it for

1. THE NOUN 25 _____________________________________________________ 125 dollars. He brought home (7. ) machine he had nicknamed (8. ) monster and started practising on it at once. (9. ) machine was (10. ) typewriter and Mark Twain typed (l1. ) whole book on it. When he brought his manuscript to (12. ) editor, (13. ) latter was delighted. He made Mark Twain promise him to bring everything he would write later on typed, on this wonderful machine. (14. ) Tom Sawyer was (15. ) first book Mark Twain had typewritten. G) You certainly know that (1. ) waterproof coat is often called (2. ) mackintosh. But perhaps you dont know that (3. ) word is (4. ) surname. In (5. ) year 1823 in (6. ) Scotland there lived (7. ) man whose (8. )name was Charles Mackintosh. (9. ) climate of his country being rainy, he would often get drenched to (10. ) skin and heartily disliked it. One day, having some rubber at his disposal, he decided to rubberize his coat. Now he could walk outdoors in any weather, his rubberized coat protecting him from (11. ) rain. Most of his friends and (12. ) friends of his friends admired (13. ) waterproof coat and wanted to have their own coats rubberized likewise. Soon (14. ) tradesmen took up his invention. (15. ) Waterproof coats became all (16. ) fashion and (17. ) staple product of (18. ) town, (19. ) name of (20. ) inventor, though not (21. ) inventor himself, getting (22. ) worldwide popularity. Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the where necessary. I hate 1 ___ November! It doesnt get light till 2 ___ 8 oclock in 3 ___ morning. Then its dark again as early as 4 ___ 4 oclock in 5 ___ afternoon. After 6 ___ Christmas, 7 ___ days start to get a bit longer, but 8 ___ weather starts to get colder. On 9 ___ Friday 10 ___ last week, 11 ___ temperature was minus 10 C. 12 ___ next week 13 ___ weather forecast is 14 ___ same.

26 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 14. Put a or an before these words: 1 job, 2 union, 3 unusual name, 4 enormous ice cream, 5 holiday, 6 honest man. Exercise 15. Put in a/ an where necessary: 1. She works in restaurant in street near the station. 2. For lunch she only has apple and glass of milk. 3. Annies friend works in pub. Shes barmaid. She works three evenings week. She earns 4.50 hour. Exercise 16. Match the two parts of the sentences. a. I normally go to the dentist once 1. A dozen b. These roses cost $ 20 2. A litre c. The car was doing 150 kilometers 3. A year d. Lamb is selling at 7.50 4. A week e. The Sunday Mail is published once 5. A metre f. Electric cable costs 50 cents 6. A kilo g. How much is the oil? ~ 2.50 7. A day h. The mail is delivered twice 8. An hour Exercise 17. Complete the sentences with a/ an or the. 1. ___ taxi they phoned for arrived late at their house. 2. ___ taxi-driver didnt say he was sorry. 3. ___ traffic jam was caused by ___ accident on___ motorway. ___ car had collided with ___ lorry. Exercise 18. Put in the where necessary: 1. We had ___ breakfast at ___ home in London before we left. 2. ___ bus station was on 38th Street. 3. We went to ___ hotel by ___ taxi. 4. Were flying home ___ next Thursday. Exercise 19. Complete the sentences, using the where necessary. 1. Our hotel manager went to ___ school in England, then went to ___ university in the States. 2. The New York police arrested a man for the shooting. He was a cleaner at ___ university.

1. THE NOUN 27 _____________________________________________________ 3. Hell appear in ___ court next week. Hell definitely go to ___ prison. Exercise 20. There are seven examples of the in this text. How do you know which thing or person the writer is referring to, in each case? a. because it is only one in the immediate situation; b. because it is only one anywhere; c. because it has been referred to before, in the text; d. because the writer is specifying which one, by adding extra information. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon. The words that he said are famous: Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for the mankind. He and his co-pilot Buzz Aldrin then planted a flag and collected rocks. The flag is probably still there. The rocks have helped the scientists understand the history of the solar system. Exercise 21. Complete the sentences with a or an, the or no article. 1. How much are the leeks? Theyre 80 pence a pound. 2. I went to ___ wonderful concert by ___ London Symphony Orchestra. 3. ___ local school is soon to be closed. 4. I usually go to ___ work by ___ train. 5. Is ___ meat in ___ oven? 6. Is this ___ first time youve been to ___ Isle of Man? 7. Hes ___ art teacher and shes ___ electrician. 8. A lot of people give ___ money to ___ charity at this time of the year. 9. What ___ beautiful face that childs got! 10. ___ British usually have ___ butter on their bread. 11. ___ life is very difficult for ___ unemployed these days. 12. ___ leader of ___ opposition is in danger of losing her seat at ___ next election.

28 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 13. I like to have ___ cup of ___ tea when I wake up in ___ morning. 14. I saw ___ fox this morning. I think it must have been ___ same one that I saw last week. 15. Can I have ___ apple? 16. Have you ever seen ___ Acropolis in ___ Athens? 17. ___ police have had a lot of support from ___ general public over this issue. 18. ___ shirts on ___ washing-line should be nearly dry now. 19. ___ people dont like him because of his selfish life. 20. I bought my sister ___ book and ___ bottle of ___ perfume for her birthday but I dont think she liked ___ perfume.


Exercise 1. Fill in much or many like in the example: Example:sugar Answer: much sugar 1 pupils 2 time 3 money 4 wine 5 children 6 water 7 fun 8 dogs 9 people Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer: 1. Football is a subject I know very .. of. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 2. ...........................people can live without any money. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 3. I am glad so many people have passed the test. In fact, there were ................. who havent. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 4. There are ...... leftovers for you in the fridge, she cried out. a) few

30 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ b) a few c) little d) a little 5. I will succeed, with ...... help from my friends, he said. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 6. Shes gone already? And I am only ........... minutes late! a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 7. I was told that ......... care could have prevented the accident. Is that true? a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 8. In ....... cases it is clear who it is that is responsible for a marriage break-up. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 9. There is ............ doubt that Anns team will win the quiz. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 10. The ....response I got from her really drove me crazy, he sighed. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little

31 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ 11. Good friends one has so ..... that one should treasure them. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little 12. Give the boy ......... extra money, the old man said. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little Exercise 3. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers a few, a great deal, a little, a lot, a lot of, a majority of, enough, many, much of, plenty, several of, some 1. Im having . of trouble passing my driving exam. 2. . the movies were rated PG. 3. information proved to be outdated. 4. Were close to the project deadline, but there is still time left. 5. Although there are brilliant students in this state thousands, even, only . will choose to remain in the state after graduation. 6. We were able to destroy . the parasites with our antigen, but of them survived to cause trouble. 7. Although . of the lawn is open to the sun, there are of shade trees to make it comfortable. 8. I think he drank wine last night. 9. .. the evidence was taken from the police safe last night. Exercise 4. Choose the correct answers in the following dialogue: Peter: Hi ! What are you up to?

32 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Nick: Oh, Im just looking for a) many b) some c) any antiques at this sale. Nick: Have you found a) something b) anything c) nothing yet? Peter: Well, there seems to be a) a few b) few c) little things of interest. It is really a shame. Nick: I cant believe that. Im sure you can find a) a thing b)something c) anything interesting if you look in a) all b) each c) some stall. Peter: Youre probably right.Its just that there are a) a few b) few c) a lot of collectors and they a) every b) each c) all seem to be set on finding a) a thing b) anything c) much of value. Its so stressful competing with them. Nick: How a) much b) many c) few antique furniture do you think there is ? Peter: Id say there must be a) many b) several c) much pieces. However only a) a few b) few c) little are really worth a) the high b) a high c) high prices they are asking. Nick:Why dont you take a break? Would you like to have a) any b) some c) little coffee? Peter: Sure, Id like to have a) any b) little c) one. I could use a) some b) a few c) a little minutes of downtime. Nick:Great, lets go over there. Theres a) a few b) some c) little seats. Exercise 5. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few 1. It seems to me that weve had .. assignments in English this term. 2. How . material can we be expected to read in one week? 3. Ive had headaches already because of stress. 4. depression can be attributed to being overworked. 5. Our yard looks awful this summer. There are too .. weeds.

33 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ 6. I didnt use . fertilizer last spring, and that has made a difference. 7. Also, Ive paid .. attention to how rain weve had. 8. Im afraid its rained . times this summer, and the grass is turning brown and dying. 9. . experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the fall. 10. It didnt seem to do my lawn good. 11. . advice you get from experts doesnt seem to help. 12. of my neighbors ignore their grass, and they have better lawns this year. 13. They say . knowledge is a bad thing. 14. I know .. instances where that proves true. 15. ... people know as much about computers as Tom does. 16. But it does him good when the whole system goes down. Exercise 6. Fill in some or any: 1. We needbananas. 2. You cant buy posters in this shop. 3. We havent got . oranges at the moment. 4. Peter has bought . new books. 5. She always takes sugar with her coffee. 6. Ive seen nice postcards in this souvenir shop. 7. There arent pencils in my bag. 8. Ive got .. magazines for you.

34 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 7. Fill in much or many. 1. Commercialism has educated the public to accept mass production, of it bad. 2. Sheewood Forest now is a strange place dominated by old trees-- .. of them gaunt and skeletal. 3. Although I borrowed so from .. sources, I am, of course, responsible for the general line of the argument. 4. If too new houses were built for the Catholics, the Protestant majority would feel in danger. 5. The independent radio stations try to attract as . listeners as possible. 6. The book is full of criticism.The author is critical of marriage, religion, education. Tooto mention. 7. The changed pattern of family life is due to and complex causes. 8. The United Kingdom has 233 people to the square mile three times as as the USA. 9. In the whole galaxy there are at least 100,000 millions suns , of which are very like our own. 10. People watching television are entertained as . by what they hear as by what they see. 11. One should not try to assess a culture without knowing its language: so .. of its character is connected with its actual use of words. 12. How .. pilgrims from America have breathed in the aroma of a long-established culture on the Pont des Arts in Paris? 13. It is hard to say how . antique texts were available in Celtic monasteries. 14. The high mountain peaks of Snowdonia are the main stronghold of the once . hunted wild goat. 15. The islands off the Pembroke coast are havens for thousands of rare wild animals and plants.

35 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ Exercise 8. Fill in some or any: 1. Have you had practice in driving a lorry? 2. Have you had . practice in driving a lorry? (expected answer : yes) 3. . days I feel like giving up my job altogether. 4. Have you got .. old clothes to sell? I know . body who wants to buy 5. There isnt .. bread left, is there? 6. No, but there is cheese salad for supper. 7. As we felt very hungry we ate of the cake. 8. Are there .. letters for me today? 9. Hes a very lonely man. He hasnt got friends at all. 10. I want advice about my future studies, please. 11. He begged us not to tell one that he had borrowed . money. 12. It reassured me to meet .. one who had the same problems as me. 13. I do not know of . country whose inhabitants are so hospitable as the Irish. 14. First we had more tea and then we had lunch. 15. You dont know . thing about true love. 16. We could see one leave the house in a hurry. 17. Is there news about the lost trawler? 18. There must be more milk in the fridge but Im sure there isnt cream. 19. Why all these precautions? They are expecting .. trouble, arent they?

36 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 20. Have you read .interesting books on politics lately? 21. We cant buy . thing else. Im afraid we havent got . money left. Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with the best quantifiers: 1. No one with ..sense of duty would have sent the poor boy home. 2. Conventional morality seems to have lost of its power. 3. Most modern buildings are completely without fantasy, emotion, character or colour of kind. 4. Neither in hotels nor . else was to be found a room of . kind. 5. Mr. Moiri was convinced that .. in town he could buy bracelets made of lions whiskers. 6. .. of those who have been born and bred in Africa are well aware of young Africas problems. 7. .. (all) of those who have been born and bred in Africa are well aware of young Africas problems. 8. The world is full of people who do not belong .. in particular. 9. I doubt if theres in our class who could answer this question. 10. I understand quite well that you broke down. It would be hard for .. to bear such misfortune. 11. Mediterraneans cannot understand why .. people find octopus repulsive. 12. The old man was tortured by the gangsters but he refused to give . information. 13. ... leaving litter in these woods will be prosecuted. 14. .. more coffee, Wilma? Yes, thank you, dear. And of your delicious iced biscuits, please. 15. Is there .. more I can do for you?

37 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ 16. He was so happy with the present. He would rather have had it than .. he could think of. 17. Im out of cigarettes. Have you got ..? (= open question) 18. There are . on the table. 19. There arent .. 20. Well, there were yesterday night. Exercise 10.Choose the best replacers for a lot of: 1. Dan isnt married and enjoys .freedom. a) a great number of b) a large amount of 2. . people wish to break the mould that shapes their lives. a) plenty b) a great deal of 3. Discipline is making yourself do something when theres still . time. a) plenty of b) a great many 4. The doctor prescribed an existence as quiet as possible, supported by . good food a) a large number of b) plenty of 5. and . .rest. a) a great many b) lots of 6. There were .. superstition and cruelty in GraecoRoman world. a) plenty of b) a great number of 7. Time is slow to obliterate history in Wales. . Roman forts remain and can still be visited. a) a great number of b) a great deal of

38 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 8. . historic places are looked after by the Ministry of Public Building and Works. a) a great deal of b) a great number of 9. Theres still . megalithic culture visible in North Wales, particularly in Anglesy. a) a great deal of b) a great number of 10. After a week with Pyms publicity, Mr.Bredon had learnt . things that were unknown to him before. a) a great number of b) a great deal of Exercise 11.Concord with the quantifiers: 1. A large number of guest workers .. offered subsidized passages to Australia every year. a) is b) are 2. An increasing number of migrants to their countries of origin. a) returns b) return 3. A pair of slacks .. more expensive than you think. a) is b) are 4. Lots of coal . lying on the road. a) was b) were 5. A lot of people that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. a) believes b) believe 6. Plenty of little white sheep gazing in the valleys. a) was b) were 7. There . lots of fruit on the table. a) was

39 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ b) were 8. Because of the inflation lots of private property . offered for sale. a) is b) are 9. A number of carefully selected volunteers . in hospitals and mental homes. a) work b) works 10. There a lot of salmon in the rivers. a) was b) were 11. A large number of people . applied for the job. a) has b) have 12. Lots of practice very useful. a) is b) are 13. There plenty of parking spaces behind the theatre. a) is b) are 14. A lot of difficulty . caused by mother tongue interference. a) is b) are 15. There .. lots of racial trouble in some larger English towns. a) is b) are Exercise 12.Complete with the best food quantifiers: 1. two .. of cereal 2. two .. of wine 3. a ...... of mayonnaise 4. a .. of eggs 5. a ...... of butter

40 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. a .. of cake ten ... of cheese two ...... of rice a ............. of toilet paper two ...... of bread two ...... of soup two ...... of gum two ...... of lettuce a .......... of toothpaste

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences, using very little or very few and a little or a few. 1. I know that a lot of coffee is not good for you. So I drink _____ coffee. 2. I eat _____ cooked vegetables. I prefer raw vegetables. 3. For breakfast I have _____ orange juice and _____ grapes. 4. For lunch I have _____ cheese and _____ raw vegetables. 5. For dinner, I have _____ rice, perhaps some fish, and drink _____ wine. 6. In general I eat _____ sugar, _____ fat and _____ snacks like crisps or biscuits or chocolate. Exercise 14. Complete the sentences using all, very, and each. Sometimes more than one answer is possible: The government is planning to build a new road round the village of Melcombe. Theyre going to cut down 1 _____ the trees in Melcombe wood. Theyre going to demolish 2 _____ house on the route. The Department of Transport has written to the owners of 3 _____ the houses to say that it will give 4 _____ of them a good price for their house. But the families dont want to sell their homes and theyve 5 _____ written to the Department to protest. 6 _____ time the government plans to build a new road, people ask: What about 7 _____ the pollution? Doesnt 8 _____ new road just create more traffic?

41 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ Exercise 15. Complete the sentences with some and any: 1. Doctor: Take the tablets and if there are ____ problems, come and see me immediately. 2. Teacher: If theres ____ more noise, Ill give you ____ extra homework. 3. Car salesman: You can put ____ petrol in it super or regular, leaded or unleaded. 4. Hotel receptionist: You can have ____ room you like. 5. Shopkeeper: There are ____ oranges over there. Choose ____ you like. Exercise 16. Match the two correct halves of the sentences 1. How much A potatoes did you buy? 2. There isnt much B information did you get? 3. There are very few C time left. 4. We didnt buy any D waiters in the restaurant. 5. How many E fruit last week. 6. Ive prepared some F work so far. 7. He has found little G sandwiches, has he? 8. Shes invited a lot of H food with you? 9. Have you got any I delicious soup for you. 10. John hasnt eaten many J friends to dinner. Exercise 17. Complete this dialogue with this, these, that or those: Customer: Can I have half a kilo of 1_____ tomatoes on the shelf behind you? Assistant: 2 _____ here, do you mean? Customer: Yes, thats right. And have you got any of 3 ______ oranges you had last week? Assistant: No, we havent got any of 4 _____ but 5 _____ here are just as nice. Customer: All right, Ill have a kilo of 6 _____ please. Assistant: Anything else? Customer: Yes, can I have a cabbage please? Assistant: How about 7 _____ one? Customer: Yes, 8 _____ looks fine.

42 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Assistant: Anything else? Customer: No, 9 _____ s all thanks. Assistant: 10 _____s 3.45 altogether. Exercise 18. In each sentence,choose the best word to complete the gap from the choices (a, b, c, or d). 1. Youve been eating sweets, havent you? I found the .. on the carpet. a) wrappers b) silver c) paper d) skins 2. All Ive eaten today is a of crisps. a) pack b) packet c) bar d) stick 3. Im on a diet, but I think I might have a small of cake. a) part b) segment c) slice d) cut 4. The soup will taste nicer if you add a .. of salt. a) pinch b) slice c) pack d) lump 5. I was so hungry I ate a whole .. of biscuits. a) packet b) pack c) cake d) bar 6. Please put a new of soap in the bathroom. a) pack b)packet c) bar d) segment 7. He cut himself when he was opening a . of soup. a) box b) jar c) tin d) bottle 8. Theres always a .. of corn flakes on the table at breakfast. a) jar b) packet c) pack d) tin 9. Can I have a .. of Coca-cola, please? a) jar b) can c) box d) packet 10. I try not to have more than one .. of chocolate a day. a) jar b) bar c) block d) pack 11. Put all your shopping in my ; itll be easier to carry. a) pack b) basket c) packet d) bucket 12. Could we have a of tea for two, please? a) pot b) jug c) jar d) bottle Exercise 19. Choose the best answer: 1. Ive got ___ money. Lets have coffee.

43 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ a) a little b) a few 2. Ive got ___ stamps that you can use. a) a little b) a few 3. Ive got ___ time. Do you want to talk? a) a little b) a few 4. She can speak ___ Spanish. a) a little b) a few 5. I write ___ letters every week. a) a little b) a few 6. We had ___ rain last night. a) a little b) a few 7. They made ___ mistakes, but it was OK. a) a little b) a few 8. Lets go outside for ___ fresh air. a) a little b) a few 9. There are ___ new hotels since you last visited, the resort a). a little b) a few Exercise 20. Choose the best answer: 1. How ___ apples did you buy? a) much b) many 2. How ___ do you weigh? a) much b) many 3. How ___ does it cost to fly to America? a) much b) many 4. How ___ brothers and sisters do you have? a) much b) many 5. How ___times a day do you brush your teeth? a) much b) many 6. How ___ was your computer? a) much b) many 7. How ___ photos did you take? a) much b) many 8. How ___ water did he drink? a) much b) many 9. How ___ people did you invite?

44 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ a) much b) many 10. How ___ mistakes did you make on the test? a) much b) many Exercise 21. Very much or much ? 1. Im ______ worried about whats happening to the Euro. 2. Ive been ______ concerned about you. 3. Michael Swan is a ______ admired writer. 4. Im ______ disappointed in you. 5. The management structure has been ______ simplified compared to what it used to be. 6. His leadership style has been ______ imitated. 7. The boss is ______ annoyed about what has happened. 8. This report is ______ improved. Youre getting much better. 9. We were ______ shocked to hear the news. 10. I feel ______ isolated on this issue. Nobody agrees with me. 11. I was ______ helped by the fact that I studied Japanese management styles at college. 12. She has been ______ criticised for her handling of the problem. 13. My wife is ______ firghtened of snakes. 14. The audience was ______ amused by his speech. 15. I was ______ surprised to hear from him after all this time. 16. Ill be ______ surprised if we hear any more about this. 17. Hes ______ worried about his job. It doesnt look safe. 18. Ive been ______ helped by the support you have given me. 19. Thats Janes husband , unless Im ______ mistaken. 20. I feel ______ confused about this point of grammar. Exercise 22. A little/ little or a few/ few ? 1. _____ learning is a dangerous thing. 2. Ive had ______ drinks but Im not drunk. 3. You wont change her mind so there is ______ use in trying. 4. Michael Cane was born in South London, not the East End. ______ people know that. 5. I need ______ help. Im a bit stuck. 6. There werent many people there. Just ______.

45 3. QUANTIFIERS _____________________________________________________ 7. Will you have ______ strawberries? Theyre very good. 8. Will you have ______ more ice cream? We might as well finish it. 9. Theres ______ point in continuing. Were all too tired. 10. Could you spare me ______ minutes? 11. I dont know if we can fit the cupboard into our house. Theres _____ space as it is. 12. All this kitten needs is ______ love and attention. 13. Theres ______ I can do about this. Its outside my control. 14. Martin is a good student. He has ______ problems with English. 15. Generally Peter is good but sometimes he has ______ problems. 16. I need to borrow ______ dollars. Can you help me out? 17. We made good time because there was ______ traffic on the road so early in the morning. 18. I think Coventry will win the match but ______ people agree with me. 19. I can only speak ______ words of Chinese. 20. Im going to give you ______ advice. Study harder. Exercise 23. Much or many? 1. Bob: Hey Linda. Want to come skiing with us? 2. Linda: Youre not serious. Its five oclock and its getting dark. 3. Bob: I know, but were going to Morin Heights. They have night skiing and its not too expensive. 4. Linda: How _____________is a ski pass? 5. Bob: After 6 p.m. its only 10 bucks. 6. Linda: How ___________people are going? 7. Bob: Eight in all, if you come. 8. Linda: Eight! How _______________cars are you taking? 9. Bob: Just two, with four people in each. Coming? 10. Linda: Maybe I will. How _______________time do I have to get ready? 11. Bob: Lots. Were not leaving until six.

46 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 12. Linda: I may need to go to the bank first. How ____________money do I need? 13. Bob: Only about twenty bucks. Ten for the ski pass, three for gas, and if we get hungry, we can stop at a McDonalds. A big Macs just a couple of bucks, and how ______________big Macs can you eat? 14. Linda: Okay. I have enough money for that. So tell me, what are the skiing conditions like? How _____________snow do they have at Morin Heights? 15. Bob: Lots. The skiing conditions are perfect. Trust me. 16. Linda: And how ____________intermediate trails do they have? Im not an expert skier. 17. Bob: Lots. Dont worry. Youll be fine. (Later, on the way home from the ski hill) 18. Linda: Wow! What a great ski hill. I even skied on the expert run. I dont know how_________times I fell, but it was a lot of fun anyway. So tell me, Bob, how ___________do I owe you for gas? 19. Bob: Let me check how ___________gas I have left in the tank. Thats how I know how _________liters I used. Yeah, I used about 20 liters, so thats 12 bucks divided by four, so each person owes me three bucks. Is that okay? 20. Linda: Of course.


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use I, me , you, she, her etc. 1. I want to see her but she doesnt want to see me 2. They want to see him but doesnt want to see 3. She wants to see him but doesnt want to see . 4. We want to see them but. dont want to see . 5. He wants to see us but . dont want to see 6. They want to see her but doesnt want to see. 7. I want to see them but . dont want to see . 8. You want to see her but .. doesnt want to see .. Exercise 2. Write sentences beginning I like .. , I dont like , or Do you like? 1. I dont eat tomatoes. I dont like them. 2. George is a very nice man. I like 3. This jacket isnt very nice. I dont like .... 4. This is my new car. Do ? 5. Mrs Clark isnt very friendly. I ? 6. These are my new shoes .? Exercise 3. Complete the sentences. 1. I want that book. Can you give it to me? 2. He wants the key. Can you give ? 3. She wants the key. Can you ..? 4. I want that letter. Can you ..? 5. They want the money. Can you .? 6. We want the photographs. Can you ? Exercise 4. Finish the sentences. 1. Im going to wash my hands. 2. Shes going to wash .. 3. Were going to wash 4. Hes going to wash .. 5. Theyre going to wash . 6. Are you going to wash ?

48 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. Use my, his, their etc with one of these words: coat homework house husband job key name Jim doesnt enjoy his job .It s not very interesting. I cant open the door. I havent got Sally is married works in a bank. Its very cold today. Put on . when you go out. What are the children doing? Theyre doing .. Do you know that man? Yes, but I dont know . We live in Barton Street. .. is at the end on the left. Exercise 6. Finish the sentences with mine, yours, etc. 1. Its your money. Its yours. 2. Its my bag Its 3. Its our car .Its 4. Theyre her shoes. Theyre . 5. Its their house. Its . 6. Theyre your books. Theyre . 7. Theyre my glasses. Theyre .. 8. Its his coat. Its . Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences with they, them, their. 1. Has everybody collected their luggage? 2. Tell everyone Ill wait for . here. 3. If somebody has called, .. would have left a message. 4. Nobody offered to help . probably didnt have the time. 5. If anybody wants to know, tell .. to phone this number. Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with some or any. 1. We didnt buy any flowers. 2. This evening Im going out with friends of mine. 3. Have you seen . Good films recently? No, I havent been to the cinema for ages. 4. I didnt have money, so I had to borrow ..

4. THE PRONOUN 49 _____________________________________________________ Can I have . milk in my coffee, please? I was too tired to do . work. You can cash these travellers cheques at . Bank. Can you give me information about places of interest in the town? 9. With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on .. train you like. 10. If there are words you dont understand ,use a dictionary. Exercise 9. Fill the gaps with each other, ourselves, yourselves or themselves. 1. They spent the whole evening arguing with each other. 2. Their house is very beautiful; they designed it themselves 3. Mary met John in April, but they didnt see . again until July. 4. Theyre not friends; in fact, they dont like .. at all. 5. Dont ask me to help you. You must do it .. 6. We didnt buy it A friend bought it for us. 7. I could hear two people shouting at .. 8. Were working in the same office now, so Ron and I see .. every day. Exercise 10. Complete the sentences using both, either, neither + of + us, them (e.g. neither of us). 1. I went to the concert with Mary, but neither of us enjoyed it very much because it was very boring. 2. There are two flights we can catch to New York. Both flights cost the same amount, so we can choose .. . 3. I played two games against Harry, and I lost because he is a much better player than me. 4. I saw Jane and Alison walking down the street and I waved at them, but .. saw me because they were talking. 5. I looked at George, and George looked at me. Then started to laugh because it was such a funny situation. 5. 6. 7. 8.

50 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 6. A man spoke to us but . could understand him, so we didnt answer. 7. Tim and I wanted to go to the game, but could get tickets, so we didnt go. 8. I wanted to buy a new camera. There were two cameras in the shop that I liked, but they were very expensive. I couldnt afford ., so I didnt buy anything. Exercise 11. A Spanish student is in England, learning English. She is talking to a French friend. Complete the text with reflexive pronouns or each other. A funny thing happened to me yesterday. Juan and I were sitting in a restaurant, speaking Spanish to 1 _____ , of course. I noticed that the English couple at the next table were listening. After a few minutes they introduced 2 _____ and we started talking to 3 _____ . The English couple said they were trying to teach 4 _____ Spanish. They were finding it difficult because they could only speak to 5 _____ and they knew they were making a lot of mistakes. So we arrange to give 6 _____ language lessons. I would teach them Spanish and they would teach me English! Its very difficult to teach 7 _____ a language, because you dont get a chance to speak it, unless you talk to 8 _____ of course. Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun. 1. Thats the man ____ helped me yesterday. 2. Please dont tell him ____I said. 3. The house ____ overlook the sea is Naylas. 4. Thats the village ____ my mother was born. 5. Did you see the people ____ money we found? 6. Anyone ____ arrives late will be punished. 7. Did he explain _____ went wrong? 8. Hes the painter _____ last exhibition was such a failure. 9. I read the magazine ____ was lying on the table. 10. It was my teacher ____ told me to do the exercise.

4. THE PRONOUN 51 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 13. Put the correct possessive adjective or pronoun: 1. I cant play tennis because Ive forgotten _____ tennis shoes. 2. Jessica cant play because shes forgotten _____ too. 3. Amy cant play because hes broken _____ arm. 4. Rachel and Amanda cant play because theyve forgotten __ rackets. 5. Jilly and Laura have lost _____ ! 6. Clares at home. Shes looking after her cat. Its broken __ leg. 7. Can you play Lee? Or have you forgotten _____ racket? Exercise 14. Put in the pronouns. 1. Theres no need to shout. I can hear ...you. 2. You and I work together. ..re a good team 3. Weve got a bit of a problem. Can .....help ....., please? 4. This is a good photo, isnt it? Dave is in ..... somewhere. Yes, thats ..., look. ..s next to Sophie. 5. Who did this crossword? I did this morning. 6. Is this Carols bag? No, .... hasnt got one. It doesnt belong to ... . Exercise 15. Complete the dialogues. Use mine, etc and my, etc. Example: A: Is that bag Kates? B: I think its hers. Yes, its got her name on it. 1. A: Is that briefcase yours? B: I think Yes, 2. A: Is that violin Steves? B: I think Yes, 3. A: Are those tapes Joannes? B: I think Yes, 4. A: Is that book mine? B: I think Yes,

52 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 16. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun. Example: Have the children taken coats with ..? Answer: Have the children taken their coats with them? 1. Hey, come back! Thats . bicycle youre taking. 2. Hey, come back! That bicycle is .... and I need it. 3. .... have to listen carefully or you might misunderstand him. 4. .. are going to build the new road through our village; well have to move. 5. I wished .... a safe journey as he left. 6. There are five of .., so we cant all fit in one car. 7. We were terrified by noise. But ... was only John trying to play the saxophone. 8. I had already lost my key, and then Maria lost ...!We were locked out. 9. John cant play tomorrow; hes broken ..... ankle. Exercise 17. Choose the correct words in italics: 1. This is my/ mine umbrella. Your/ Yours umbrella is over there. 2. This umbrella is my/ mine. The other one is your/ yours. 3. Mary and Bob have their/ theirs books. In other words, Mary has her/ hers and Bob has his/ him. 4. A honeybee has two wings on each side of its/ its body. 5. Its/ Its true that a homing pigeon will find its/ its way home even thought it begins its/ its trip in unfamiliar territory. 6. I have a pet. Its/ Its name is Squeak. Its/ Its a turtle. Its/ Its been my pet for two years. 7. Our/ Ours house is almost the same as our/ ours neighbors house. The only difference in appearance is that our/ ours is gray and their/ theirs is white.

4. THE PRONOUN 53 _____________________________________________________ 8. When I was in Florida, I observed an interesting fish-eating bird called anhinga. It/ They dives into the water and spears its/ its prey on its/ its long, pointed bill. After emerging from the water, it/ they tosses into the air and catches it/ them in mid-air, then swallows it/ them head first. Its/ Its interesting to watch anhingas in action. I enjoy watching it/ them. Exercise 18. Fill in the gap with who, which, where or whose or if possible leave it blank. Example: Thats the car....was in the accident. Answer: Thats the car which was in the accident. 1. People . drink and drive often go to prison. 2. Hes the man ......... daughter won the competition. 3. I want to go to a place ...... the sun shines. 4. The man ... I saw wasnt the Director. 5. Pollution is a problem .... just wont go away. 6. There were some children ... playing in the park. 7. Borstal is a place .. children ... have broken the law are sent. Exercise 19. Fill in the gap with one, ones, it, they or them. Example: Im having prawns. ....... taste lovely. Here, try ............ Answer: Im having prawns. They taste lovely. Here, try one. 1. If you dont like the red coat, take the blue ...... . 2. I dont need the coat. Take ...... if you want. 3. I needed a pen so I asked to borrow ..... . 4. I needed his pen so I asked to borrow ..... . 5. I couldnt get a good seat. The best ... were all taken. 6. I couldnt get a seat. ........ were all taken. 7. I couldnt get a good seat. The best of .. were all taken. 8. I see youre making coffee. Could you make me ..... too? 9. I need those boxes over there. Could you pass me ..? 10. No, not that box, the other .... .

54 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 20. Complete the sentences with pronouns. In some of the sentences, there is more than one possibility. Choose the appropriate singular or plural verb in parentheses where necessary. 1. I have a wonderful family. I love them very much, and they love me (loves, love) 2. I looked up some information about the average American family. I found out that ............. (consists, consist) of 2 to 3 children. 3. The crowd at the soccer game was huge. .. exceeded 100,000 people. 4. The crowd became more and more excited as the premiers motorcade approached. ............ began to shout and wave flags in the air. 5. The soccer team felt unhappy because .......... had lost in the closing moments of the game. 6. A basketball team is relatively small ...... (doesnt, dont) have as many members as a baseball team. 7. The audience clapped enthusiastically. Obviously ........ had enjoyed the concert. 8. The audience filled the room to overflowing .......... (was, were) larger than I had expected. 9. The class is planning a party for the last day of school .......... (is, are) going to bring many different kinds of food and invite some of ........ friends to celebrate with ....... 10. The class is too small. ........... (is, are) going to be canceled. Exercise 21. Complete the sentences with appropriate reflexive pronouns. 1. Everyone drew self-portraits. I drew a picture of ... myself 2. Ali drew a picture of ................. 3. Rosa drew a picture of ................ 4. The children drew pictures of ....... 5. We drew pictures of ...... 6. Olga, you drew a picture of ............., didnt you?

4. THE PRONOUN 55 _____________________________________________________ 7. All of you drew pictures of ..........., didnt you? 8. When one draws a picture of .........., it is called a selfportrait. Exercise 22. Add a phrase with the word in brackets and one or ones. Example: (red) I need a pen, a red one. 1. (big) Pass me the dictionary, please,........... 2. (white)Why have we got blue envelopes? Havent we got any ............ 3. (second hand) Daves bought a fridge, .......... 4. (cheap) I lost my watch, but it was only ................. 5. (large) Get some eggs, ..........., please. Exercise 23. Put in the missing words. Use I, it, him, her, mine, herself etc. Jane: Helens lost ... her .. purse. There was fifty pounds in it. Olivia: Oh, dear. 1...........hope 2...........gets 3..........back. Jane: 4..........must have dropped 5............somewhere. 6..........s rather annoyed with 7......... . Tessa: That was a bit careless, wasnt 8...........? Ive never lost 9............purse. Maria: I lost 10...........once, but 11 ....... got 12 ...... back. A man found 13 .......... and gave 14 ......... back to 15 ................ . Olivia: 16..................were lucky. That was very honest of 17.............. . Hannah: If I found a purse, 18 ......... would keep the money for 19 .............. . Tessa: most of the people would, wouldnt 20 ............. ? Exercise 24. Put the correct form its or its. 1. The town has lost ........only cinema. 2. The meeting wont last long. Ill see you when .......... over. 3. You should give the book back to ............ owner immediately.

56 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 4. The sofa was a nice colour, but I didnt like ........... shape much. 5. I want to go out, but .......... raining. 6. Im not buying this table-cloth because ......... got a hole in it. 7. The company wants to improve ........... image. 8. The dog isnt eating ......... food because ........ cold. Exercise 25. Rewrite the sentences in brackets using it. Example: We sometimes go surfing in Cornwall. (Surfing is really good fun.) Its really good fun. 1. I bought a shirt in the market. (The shirt was really cheap.) ...................................................................................................... 2. Someone wanted to see you. (The caller was a friend of yours from the college.) ......................................................................................................... 3. Our telephone is out of order. (The situation is a real nuisance.) .......................................................................................................... 4. Ive taken my pullover off. (The weather is getting quite hot.) ...................................................................................................... 5. What about some lunch? (The time is one o clock.) ............................................................................................

4. THE PRONOUN 57 _____________________________________________________ 6. Dont lose your credit card. (To keep it somewhere safe is important.) .......................................................................................................... Exercise 26. Put in ourselves, themselves or each other. Example: We could all do more to keep healthy. We dont look after ........ .ourselves The hostess introduced the two guests to each other. 1. The two boxers did their best to knock ............ out. 2. We talked to ........................... in French because its the only language we both know. 3. People who talk to .................. may get strange looks from other people. 4. Wed better set off early to give .................... plenty of time to get there. 5. The guards who shot a gunman claimed they were defending . 6. Luckily we managed to get two seats next to ....................... Exercise 27. Put in the correct pronoun, e.g. me, myself, etc Example: We looked up and saw a man standing in front of us Charlotte is very self-confident. She has a high opinion of herself. 1. Were very busy. We cant even allow a holiday. 2. Its a pity you didnt bring your camera with

58 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 3. Peter talked to the woman sitting next to 4. I think Dave is rather selfish. He only really cares about . 5. My mother likes to have all her family near . 6. To be successful you must believe in . Exercise 28. Complete with personal pronouns. The other day when I was shopping a woman stopped ..me and asked . the way to the post office. . gave her directions and thanked . politely, then ran off quickly in the opposite direction. . put my hand in my pocket and found that my wallet was missing. .. must have taken it while were talking. . shouted and ran after but .. was no good. .. had disappeared in the crowd.


Exercise 1. Tick () the correct form in each pair. 1. (49) fourty-nine/ forty-nine 2. (600) six hundred/ six hundreds 3. (4th) four/ fourth 4. (12th) twelvth/twelfth 5. ($2,000) two thousand dollars/ two thousands dollars 6. (23rd) twenty-three/ trenty - third 7. (78) eighty-seven/ seventy-eight 8. (8th) eight/ eighth 9. (17) seventeen/ seventeenth 10. (5th) fiveth/ fifth 11. (7,000,000) seven million/ seven millions 12. (9th) ninth/ nineth 13. (30th) thirteenth/thirtieth 14. (395) three hundred and ninety-five/ three hundred ninety-five Exercise 2. Write out the following numbers. 15. (211) 16. (14) .. 17. (462) 18. (2nd) . 19. (20th) 20. (5,000) . 21. (1st) .. 22. (68) .. 23. (12th) 24. (34th) 25. (9,000,000) .. 26. (150) 27. (310) 28. (3rd) .. 29. (8th) .. 30. (25th) 31. (111) 32. (19th)

60 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps in this interview, using the dates and years in brackets ( ). A. When were you born? B. I was born on the thirteenth of October, nineteen sixty-five. (13.10.65) A. When did you go to secondary school? B. In (1976) A. And when did you leave secondary school? B. Seven years later. My final exam was on .. (16.6.83) A. Did you start university in the same year? B. Yes, on . (29 September) A. Did you spend three or four years there? B. Well, I left in (1987). Thats four years. A. And your first job? When was that? B. I started work in an office on (10.1.88) A. Did you enjoy it? How long did you stay? B. It was terrible! I left two months later, on . (9th month) A. What did you do then? B. I went to America. I spent two years in New York. I returned to England in (1990) Exercise 4. Complete the following with a number. Write your answer in words. 1. We live in a ................. dimensional world. 2. There are ............. players in a football team. 3. Im sorry things are a bit untidy. Were all at ....... and ......... at the moment. 4. This train seems to be late ........... times out of ................ 5. At first I was confused, But then I put ............. and .............. together. .................. s company, ............... s crowd. 6. Hes a great player. He gives .............. percent in every game.

5. THE NUMERAL 61 _____________________________________________________ 7. Protests flooded in from the .................. corners of the world. 8. We split the prize money ......, and Ive already spent my half. 9. Life begins at .................. Exercise 5. Complete the following with ordinal numbers (third, sixth etc.). Write your answers in words. 1. I believe the Government should increase its aid to the ................. World. 2. We shouldnt treat immigrants as ..................- class citizens. 3. The Americans celebrate Independence Day on the .............. of July. 4. More progress has been made in the ................. century than in the whole of history. 5. In the last sixty years the Olympic 100m record has improved by four ............... of a second. 6. Theyre good friends. Theyve been on ................... name terms for years. 7. Applications will be dealt with on a ...................... come, ................ served basis. 8. Most people have a special party for their .................... birthday. Exercise 6. I. Read the following numbers: 408; 5,729; 25,100; 721,963; 4,201,953; 22,760,449. II. Read the following fractions: 1/ 3; 7/ 8; 9/10; 2/ 7; 19 ; 6 9/ 12; 3 5/9; 6.08; 0.7; 2.69; 18.259; 3.41; 0.001; 10.58 Exercise 7. Read the following dates: 21 June 1994; 2 April 1903; 5 August 1800; 3 December 1860; 30 May 1701; 28 September 1066; 23 July 1900; 22 February 1915; 1 January 1980; 12 November 1913.

62 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 8. Read the following phone numbers: 118605; 255799; 197300; 380177; 553192; 670029; 126603; 713350; 0726555999 Exercise 9. Read the clock: 3:25; 6:45; 9:00; 1:15; 2:30; 4:50; 7:11; 8:53; 12:30. Exercise 10. Translate into English: 1. I-am scris de trei ori pn acum, dar nc nu mi-a rspuns. 2. Venus este mai aproape de soare dect pmntul, iar lumina solar care ajunge pe Venus este de dou ori mai intens dect cea care ajunge pe pmnt. 3. Zeci de mii de microbiti au urmrit meciul de ieri. 4. Phileas Fogg era sigur c va putea nconjura pmntul n numai optzeci de zile. 5. Pe parcursul anilor 80 guvernul Thatcher a refuzat s sprijine industriile vechi i neprofitabile. 6. n Marea Britanie orele de curs se desfoar de obicei de la nou dimineaa pn la trei i jumtate sau patru dup amiaza. Exercise 11. Match the rules for formal writing 1-6 with the examples a)-f). 1. Use symbols for dates and large amounts 2. Use words for ordinals (first, second) 3. Use words for two numbers together 4. Use words at the beginning of a sentence 5. Use words for estimates 6. Use words for numbers below ten a) b) c) d) e) f) Well need twenty four-person crews. Twelve people took part in the fire-fighting training. $ 100,000 will be paid on 28 August. There are three main recommendations. We have about two hundred employees. This is our third annual report.

5. THE NUMERAL 63 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 12. Write the phrases from the list below on the appropriate lines 1-6. Considerably more than 50%, around 50%, a little over 50%, exactly 50%, almost 50%, a little under 50%, much less than 50%, about 50%, precisely 50%, slightly more than 50% 40% 1 48% 2a ../ 2b 48-52% 3a ../ 3b . 50% 4a ../ 4b .. 52% 5a ../ 5b 60% 6.. Exercise 13. A student at an International school is going to give a talk about his country, Pacifica. Look at the notes he has made and complete the sentences from his talk (using words, not figures). PACIFICA TODAY Population: about 2,000,000 Capital city: Port Antonio (pop. 50,276) Annual rainfall: 0.08 cm (in north); 210 cm (in south) of people live on coast 1/3 cant read or write Number of cinemas: 44 Lowest temperature ever recorded: 0.5C Highest temperature ever recorded: 34.7C Further information: phone Pacifican Tourist Office (Kensington 41025) 1. The population of Pacifica is _______. 2. ______ of the population live on the coast. 3. ______ of the population cant read or write. 4. There are _______ cinemas in Pacifica.

64 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 5. The lowest temperature ever recorded was ______. 6. The highest temperature ever recorded was ______. 7. _____ people live in the capital, Port Antonio. 8. The annual rainfall is ______ centimetres in the north and ______ centimetres in the south. 9. If you want any further information you could phone the Pacifican Tourist Office. The number is ______. Exercise 14. How do you say these numbers in English? Write your answers after each one. 1. 462 2. 2 3. 2,345 4. 6.75 5. 0.25 6. 31/3 7. 1,250,000 8. 10.04 9. 47% 10. September 11. 3 July 12. 6028477 (phone number) 13. 5 centigrade 14. in 1903 15. in 1876

Exercise 15. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. After the game I heard the crowd was over twenty thousands. We arrived on the ten September. There are two hundred twenty altogether. I got twenty-five from forty in my test. My birthday is thirty-one August. My phone number is seven twenty three, six nought nine.

5. THE NUMERAL 65 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 16. Write answers to these problems. 1. 23 and 36 is .. 2. 24 times 8 is . 3. 80 minus 20 is .. 4. 65 divided by 13 is 5. Add 10 and 6, multiply by 8, then subtract 40 and divide by 11. What have you got left? 6. Divide 33 by 11, multiply by 7, add 10, and subtract 16. What number is left? Exercise 17. Answer the questions. Write your answers in words. 1. When were you born? 2. How much do you weigh? 3. What is the number of the flat or house where you live? 4. Is that an odd or an even number? 5. What is the approximate population of your town? 6. What is the approximate population of your country? 7. What is the normal temperature of a healthy person? 8. How many kilometres are there in a mile? Exercise 18. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below. Digits; scores; odd; odd; round; Roman; dozen; gross; even; good; average; ordinal; cardinal; hat-trick 1. Hes a very good footballer. He scored a in the last game and nearly got a fourth goal. 2. It was after midnight but there were still of people in the streets. 3. 1,2,3,4,5 etc. are numbers. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. are numbers. 4. Could you go and buy a eggs, please? 5. Each packet contains a of paper-clips. 6. I, II, III, IV etc. are known as numerals. 7. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc. are numbers. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc. are numbers.

66 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 8. There are normally seven in a London telephone number. 9. There were twenty- people at the meeting. I dont know exactly how many. 10. It was a bargain. I paid $10 but it was worth a fifteen. 11. The students ages vary. The is about 22. 12. OK, Ill lend you the $95 you need. Well, lets make it a number. Heres $100.


Exercise 1. There are twelve adjectives in this story. Underline them. I went for a long walk in the countryside yesterday. It was a hot day, and soon I was tired and thirsty. There was a small house by the side of the road, and I decided to ask for a glass of cold water. I rang the bell and an old lady opened the big, wooden door. She looked kind and she offered me a glass of fresh juice. It tasted great! Exercise 2. Choose from the following adjectives to fill in the sentences below: hungry, new, terrible, expensive, sad, wonderful, Italian, fresh, difficult. 1. Gold rings are normally expensive. 2. This food smells ..............! I love fish and chips. 3. It was a ............. exam. Im sure I havent passed. 4. Ive just bought a ............ sports car. 5. I met my wife in Rome, but she isnt ............. 6. He looks .............. I dont think he likes his job. 7. Are you .................? Shall I buy some sandwiches? 8. This orange juice tastes ...............Is it .................? Exercise 3. Look at these sentences. If you think the adjectives are in the wrong order, change the order. If you think the order is correct, put a tick (). 1. She lost a gold, small ring at the disco yesterday night. 2. I have an old, Italian painting in my living room. 3. Im looking for my cotton, green shirt and my brown, leather shoes. 4. George has a Spanish, modern villa near the sea. He goes there every summer. 5. I live in an old, white house near the river. Ive got a black, large dog! 6. I had an interesting talk with a Polish, young student last week.

68 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 7. We are having lunch in a big, Japanese, new restaurant in the centre of town. 8. I left my books in a red, plastic bag on the bus. I was so stupid! Exercise 4. Write the comparative form of these adjectives: cold, big, careful, expensive, good, fat, famous, new, modern, young, cheap, delicious, rich, long, hungry, nice, happy, difficult, old, beautiful, friendly, hot, bad, small, sad. Exercise 5. Put the words in brackets ( ) in the right order to make sentences. 1. (the world Antarctica coldest is place the in) 2. (city the Manchester in England is friendliest) 3. (in New York expensive restaurant The Manhattan the is most) 4. (is river the world the The Nile longest in) 5. (town most in Spain Granada beautiful is the) 6. (painting The Mona Lisa the famous in is most the world) 7. (the Europe mountain in highest Mont Blanc is) Exercise 6. Use the words in brackets ( ) to write sentences. Use the + superlative, and the Present Perfect + ever. 1. (Its/ cold/ place/ I/ visit) Its the coldest place Ive ever visited. 2. (Its/ big/ shop/ I/ see) 3. (Hes/ rich/ man/ I/ meet) 4. (Its/ difficult/ exam/ I/ do) 5. (Its/ sad/ film/ I/ see) 6. (Shes/ happy/ person/ I/ meet) 7. (Its/ modern/ flat/ I/ see) 8. (Its/ hot/ country/ I/ visit) 9. (Its/ small/ dog/ I/ see). Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets and than. 1. I think that golf is more interesting than (interesting) tennis.

6. THE ADJECTIVE 69 _____________________________________________________ 2. This question is ................... (easy) the last one. 3. Im a good player, but Eric is ..................... (good) me. 4. The groups first record was ...................... (successful) their second record. 5. We both played well, but he was .................. (lucky) me. 6. Your car is ................... (powerful) mine. 7. This computer is ................. (useful) that one. Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjective in brackets. 1. Anna is the youngest (young) person in her class. 2. We stayed in ................... (bad) hotel in the whole city. 3. People say that it is ............ (funny) film of the year. 4. What is ..................... (tall) building in the world? 5. Her teachers say that she is ................. (good) student in the school. 6. This is ..................... (expensive) camera in the shop. 7. Many people say that Venice is ............... (beautiful) city in the world. Exercise 9. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the one above it. Use as + adjective/adverb + as. 1. Sweden is bigger than Britain. 2. Britain isnt as big as Sweden. 3. The other students learn more quickly than me. 4. I dont learn ................................. the other students. 5. Youre very angry and Im angry also. 6. Im ..................................... you. 7. The seats at the front are more expensive than the seats at the back. 8. The seats at the back arent .................. the seats at the front. 9. Central Park in New York is bigger than Hyde Park in London. 10. Hyde Park in London isnt ......... Central Park in New York.

70 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 11. Her last film was very good and her new film is also very good. 12. Her new film is .................... her last film. 13. The other students work harder than him. 14. He doesnt work ..................... the other students. Exercise 10. Join each pair of sentences in brackets ( ), using as much...as, or as many...as. 1. (Ive got 50 books. Jacks got about 100.) I havent got as many books as Jack. 2. (Youve done a lot of work. Ive done a lot of work also.) Ive done ......................... you. 3. (Alan earns a lot of money. Sheila only earns a little.) Sheila doesnt earn ........................ Alan. 4. (George has been to five countries. Ive also been to five countries.) Ive been to ............................ George. 5. (Youve had five jobs. Ive only had two.) I havent had ........................ you. 6. (Tom has a lot of luggage. Jane has a lot of luggage too.) Lane has ......................... Tom. 7. (Mary answered most of the questions. I only answered about half.) I didnt answer .......................... Mary. 8. (Ruth spent $50.I also spent $50.) I spent ........................ Ruth. Exercise 11. Choose the correct adjective in brackets ( ) to put in the gaps. 1. It was a terrible play and I was bored (bored/ boring) from start to finish. 2. Im very ............... (excited/ exciting) because Im going to New York tomorrow. 3. Are you .............. (surprised/ surprising) or were you expecting this news?

6. THE ADJECTIVE 71 _____________________________________________________ 4. Im reading a very .............. (interested/ interesting) book at the moment. 5. Ive had a very ........... (tired/ tiring) day at work today and I want to go to bed. 6. Most people were ................ (surprised/ surprising) that he won the championship. 7. Im .................... (bored/ boring). Lets go out for a cup of coffee somewhere. 8. Visit our ............... (excited/ exciting) new shop! 9. His speech was very long and very ................ (bored/ boring). Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using too or enough and the words in brackets ( ). 1. I cant eat this soup because its too hot (hot). 2. We couldnt buy the tickets because we didnt have enough money (money). 3. We didnt buy the car because it wasnt big enough (big). 4. I couldnt see her because it was ............. (dark). 5. I cant decide what to do because I havent got ............ (information). 6. You cant change the situation now. Its ............ (late). 7. Have you had ............ (food), or would you like some more? 8. He did badly in the exam because he was ................. (nervous). 9. Slow down! Youre driving .............(fast). 10. He shouldnt play in the team because he isnt ........... (good). 11. I havent got ............. (clothes). I must buy some more. 12. Robert didnt go to work because he didnt feel l .............. (well). 13. I couldnt lift the suitcase because I wasnt ............. (strong). 14. We didnt go swimming because the water was ............. (cold). 15. Mary couldnt post all the letters because she didnt have ........... (stamps).

72 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 13. An estate agent is describing a house to a client. Are the adjectives in the right order? Write Yes, or rewrite the sentences, using the correct order. Add and if necessary. 1. Its an old lovely 18th century house. __________ 2. It was built by an English famous architect. __________ 3. Its at the end of a narrow country long lane. __________ 4. Its near to a little pretty village. _________ 5. Its got a lovely large garden. _________ 6. And there are two beautiful old stables. _________ 7. The kitchen is modern, well equipped. __________ 8. The bedrooms are painted green white. ___________ 9. Theres an old stone interesting fireplace in the living room. __________ 10. The house is solid, well-maintained and reasonably priced. __________ Exercise 14. Why do British people go abroad for their holidays? Complete the sentences using the information given. Example: 76% (weather/ good) 76% go abroad because the weathers better 1. 21% (hotels/ comfortable) 2. 5% (wine and cigarettes/ cheap) 3. 11% (sea/ warm) 4. 10% (beaches/ clean) 5. 23% (people/ friendly) 6. 15% (food/ interesting) 7. 10% (night-life/ exciting) 8. 12% (get a sun-tan/ easily) 9. 2% (bars stay open/ late) Exercise 15. The bar graph shows which foreign countries Americans go to on holiday (in millions).



1.8 1.5






Canada Mexico Italy Britain Germany France Switzerland Spain Greece

Complete the sentences with the same, more/ the most, less/ the least, fewer/ the fewest. 1. number of people go to Switzerland and Spain.

6. THE ADJECTIVE 73 _____________________________________________________ 2. Americans go to Britain than to Italy. 3. popular country is Greece. 4. Americans go to Canada than to any other country. 5. France is popular with American tourists than Germany. 6. Of all the European countries, Italy attracts American tourists. 7. Greece attracts American tourists. Exercise 16. Rewrite the sentences putting the words into the correct order. If you think there should be a comma, add it in the correct place. 1. absolutely holiday wonderful was the. 2. enormous they old staying building gray are an in. 3. and looks now old he tired rather. 4. young met student charming we medical are. 5. angry an man is young he aggressive. 6. heavy is a he smoker very. 7. very has happy him she made. 8. heavy her gold a gave necklace he beautiful. 9. close are friends extremely they. 10. moment at rather seen the unhappy you. 11. thoughtful a be man young seems very he to. 12. impractical is time-wasting expensive the and project. 13. beginning hair gray turn to is my. 14. young actress a Diana successful well-respected and is. 15. fine am now feeling I.

Exercise 17. Here is a page from a students exercise book. There are mistakes in six of the sentences. Cross out the mistake and rewrite the sentence.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Im clever than my brother. New Yorks moderner than London. Marys pleasanter than Janet. But Janets more polite than Mary. They are busier than we are. Please be quiter! You must be more gentle!

74 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. My sentence is correcter than yours. This exercise is more easy than that one. A lemon is more bitter than an orange. You must be carefuler! Why cant you be more honest? Can you be exacter? Dont make him more annoyed. I was more surprised than he was. This machine is smpler than the others. This roads narrower than the others. This is more urgent than that. He gets stupider every day. Can you come more early next time? Im handsomer than my brother. Spain is drier than Britain

Exarcise 18. Write true sentences about the places and activities below. Some sentences are negative (less) and some are positive (more or-er): 1. Golf/ dangerous/football 2. Golf is less dangerous than football. 3. Tennis courts/ small/ football pitches 4. Walking/ tiring/ running 5. Playing tennis/ expensive/ flying the plane 6. Discos/ noisy/ cinemas 7. Libraries/ quiet/ bookshops 8. Wrestling/ violent/ boxing 9. Polo/ popular/ football 10. Motor-cycle racing/ peaceful/ fishing 11. Motor-cycle racing/ expensive/ jogging 12. A swimming pool/ warm/ the sea 13. The sea/ crowded/ a public swimming pool

Exercise 19. Write three sentences with more or less about activities and places.
1. .interesting.. 2. .exciting..

6. THE ADJECTIVE 75 _____________________________________________________ 3. .difficult.. Exercise 20. Use one of the folowing words (bad-worse, goodbetter, far-further, much-more, many-more, little-less, fewfewer) to fill each space for the weather forecast below: Good evening. Well, weve had very little sunshine today and well have been even . sunshine tomorrow. There will be cloud than there has been today and the wind will be stronger, especially in the north of England, where there will be storms and heavy rain. The south of England is . from the low pressure over Scotland, so the weather in the south will not be as .. as in the north and there will be . storms in the south. However, it will remain . than uasual for this time of year in all parts of the country. The good news is that there is high pressure coming across the Atlantic. This will bring some .. weather by the weekend. Exercise 21. Whats the weather like where you are? Write some true sentences. 1. . 2. . 3. . Exercise 22. Read the information below and complete the sentences with a superlative and an article if possible: Mieko, Petra and Mary have just flown into London Airport from different parts of the world. Petra is now further from home than Mary but not as far from home as Mieko is. The person who is further from home than the others hasnt the most luggage. But that person has more luggage than Petra. Petra had quite a good trip. Mary says it was the worst flight she has ever had. However, Mieko had a worse flight than Mary did: her plane was delayed for 14 hours. 1. Mieko has travelled distance. 2. This has been Marys ..... flight. 3. Mieko has had flight of all. 4. Mary has ..... luggage. 5. Petra has ..... luggage.

76 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 23. What might you say in the following situations? Write two things that you could say. 1. You have just seen a very good film at the cinema. a) Thats the best film Ive ever seen. b) Ive never seen such a good film. 2. You see a beautiful view. a) Its b) Ive 3. You have met a very generous person. a) Hes .. b) Ive 4. Youve just talked to a very interesting person.

a) Shes
b) Ive 5. You have just been to a very nice party. a) Thats b) Ive Exercise 24. Write true sentences about yourself. 1. . is the best film Ive ever seen. 2. . is the worst . 3. . book 4. . place visited. 5. . Exercise 25. Write some sentences about people and places that you know. 1. is .interesting cities in my country. 2. is .people that I know. 3. the second oldest person in my family/ my class. 4. ..


Exercise 1. Rewrite these sentences using an adverb instead of an adjective. 1. Peter is a bad tennis player. Peter plays tennis badly. 2. Hes a dangerous driver. He drives .................. 3. Shes a fast swimmer She swims ................ 4. Martin is a good cook. ................................ 5. Im a slow writer ................................ 6. Shes a wonderful dancer ................................ 7. Sheila is a hard worker. ................................. 8. They arent quick learners. ................................. Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. Put in the adverb form of the adjective in brackets ( ). 1. She read the message quickly (quick). 2. Read the instructions ............ (careful). 3. He looked at her .................. (angry), but he didnt say anything. 4. She passed all her exams ................. (easy). 5. I ran as ................. (fast) as I could. 6. He thinks that he did the test .............. (bad) and that hell fail. 7. Ive been studying very ............... (hard) recently. 8. She was working .............. (busy) when I arrived. 9. She sang the song ............... (beautiful) 10. He was playing ............. (happy) when I came into the room. 11. He was concentrating ............ (hard) on his work. 12. Have I filled this form in ............. (correct)? 13. I wasnt in a hurry, so I walked ................ (slow) through the park. 14. I closed the door ............. (quiet) when left.

78 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 3. Complete the dialogues by putting a suitable adverb into the gaps. Use an adjective from the following ones: slow, fast, hard, good (x2), easy, bad. 1. A: Were the questions difficult? B: No, I answered them easily. 2. A: Does she speak English..................? B: No, she only knows a few words of English. 3. A: Hurry up! Im waiting! B: Just a minute. Im coming as .................. as I can. 4. A: Did you lose at tennis again? B: Yes, I played .................... and I lost. 5. A: Have you been working .............. today? B: No, Ive done nothing all day! 6. A: Have you finished that book yet? B: No, I always read very ............ It takes me a long time to finish a book. 7. A: Is he a bad student? B: No, he does all his work very ................... Exercise 4. Put in the comparative adverb form of the adjective in brackets. 1. You must do your work more carefully (careful) in future. 2. He has run the 100 metres ................... (fast) than any other athlete in the world this year. 3. Everyone else did the test ................. (good) than me. 4. You can travel ................... (cheap) at certain times of the year. 5. He plays .............. (confident) than he did in the past. 6. Im sorry Ive made so many mistakes. Ill try ............ (hard) in future. 7. You will be able to sit ............... (comfortable) in this chair. Exercise 5. Complete these sentences using really or quite. 1. The film was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. 2. Its ................. cold outside, but not very cold. 3. It isnt a wonderful book, but its ............... good.

7. THE ADVERB 79 ____________________________________________________ 4. The tickets were ............ expensive they cost much more than I expected. 5. The program is ............. popular in my country; millions of people watch it. 6. Hes ........... good at his job, but sometimes makes bad mistakes. 7. The meal was ........... nice, but it wasnt very good. 8. Its .......... dangerous to drive fast in such terrible weather conditions. 9. Im not a very good tennis player, but I am .............. good. 10. Theyre all ........... intelligent students, and they will all pass their exams easily. 11. The company that I work for is .............. big, but its not enormous. Exercise 6. Put the words in brackets ( ) in the right place in these sentences 1. I work late at the office. (often) I often work late at the office. 2. You must lock the front door when you leave. (always) ............................ 3. Steve and Jill play golf. (twice a month) ................ 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. (usually) .......................... 5. I go to jazz concerts at the weekend. (sometimes) ................. 6. My teacher gives me a lot of homework. (every day) ....................... 7. We see our Mexican friends. (hardly ever) .................... 8. They go to Morroco for their holidays. (often) .............................. 9. Bill and Marie go to the theatre. (four times a year) ............ 10. They are at home in the evening. (rarely) ..............................

80 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 7. Complete the sentences by choosing an ending from the following ones: a. the road carefully b. their homework well c. the piano badly d. his car fast e. her breakfast slowly f. Arabic perfectly g. an hour late 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. He drives .............................. She plays .............................. Maria ate .............................. They speak ........................... You must always cross ........ They all did .......................... The plane arrived .................

Exercise 8. James is in his last year at school. He wants to go to university to study Maths. Choose the right word to complete the questions the university interviewer asked him. 1. Do you want to go . from school to university? (direct/ directly/ straight) 2. Do you work ? (hard/ hardly) 3. Do you work under pressure? (good/ well) 4. Do you ever arrive for lessons? (late/ lately) 5. How are you at Maths? (good/ well) 6. What kind of books have you been reading ? (late/ lately) 7. Are you a student? (serious/ seriously) Are you motivated? (high/ highly) 8. Would you say your mind works or slowly? (quick/ fast) 9. Are you (nervous/ nervously) because youve answered any of my questions? (hard/ hardly) 10. Well, were finished. Have you got any questions? (near/ nearly)

7. THE ADVERB 81 ____________________________________________________ Exercise 9. How to write a love story! Put the words in the brackets in the best place in the sentences. Love stories are always the same. The girls name is Lucy. (1 often) shes been in love before. (2 never) She meets Mark. (3 at a party) He asks her: Can I give you a lift. (4 somewhere) He phones her. (5 the next day) After that they are apart. (6 hardly ever) But then another woman appears. (7 always) Shes very attractive. (8 usually) And her name is Miranda. (9 generally) Lucy sees them together. (10 in town) She phones him at his flat. (11 later) He isnt. (12 there) She tries. (13 again) She cant believe that its all finished. (14 really) She locks herself. (15 in her room) Shes terribly unhappy. (16 at first) But then Mark realizes that he doesnt love Miranda. (17 really) And he returns to Lucy. (18 for ever) Exercise 10. Write the word in brackets in the superlative form to complete the sentence: 1. David spoke (polite) most politely of all. 2. Belinda spoke (angry) ... 3. Belinda spoke (impatient) 4. Angela spoke (nervous) 5. People get angry (easy) .when they are tired or worried. 6. In my family I am the one who gets angry (quick) 7. The people who win arguments are usually the ones who can speak (calm ) 8. The people who shout (loud) . 9. The strongest people often behave (gentle) 10. People speak (polite) when they nervous. Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with almost, hardly, just or really. Example: We were too late for the train. We . missed it. We were too late for the train. We just missed it. 1. This game is .. nice. 2. Speak! I can only hear you. 3. This game is stupid. I .. dont like it. 4. Its OK but its rather boring. I dont . like it. 5. I passed the exam. But I was so careless that I .didnt.

82 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Thats incredible! I cant .. believe it. Dont you like the food? Youve . eaten anything. Dont you like the food? Youve eaten . nothing. I .. missed the train. It left as soon as I got on. I was so happy that I .. noticed the rain. I was so happy that I didnt .. notice the rain. I was so happy, I . danced in the rain. I didnt care how wet I got.

Exercise 12. Fill in the gaps with too, enough or really. Example: Thank you. That was .. kind of you. Thank you. That was very kind of you. 1. Hello! Youre looking . well today. 2. We didnt leave early . 3. The weather forecast says its going to be . cold today. 4. Its much cold to go swimming. 5. But if we take warm clothes to put on afterwards, itll be alright. 6. No, its not nearly warm . 7. Anyway, Im not feeling . well. 8. Its . late to go out now. 9. Have we got .. milk for the weekend? 10. Yes, in fact I think weve got .. much; some of it will go bad. 11. I love you much. 12. And I think you are .. nice. Exercise 13. Put the parts of the sentence in the right order 1. the party/ very much/ everybody enjoyed. Everybody enjoyed the party very much. 2. we won/ easily/ the game 3. quietly/ the door/ I closed 4. Diane/ quite well/ speaks/ German 5. Tim/ all the time/ television/ watches 6. again/ please dont ask/ that question 7. football/ every weekend/ does Ken play? 8. some money/ I borrowed/ from a friend of mine

7. THE ADVERB 83 ____________________________________________________ Exercise 14. Complete the sentences. Put the parts in the right order. 1. (for a long time/ have lived/ in the same house) 2. They have lived in the same house for a long time. 3. (to the bank/ every Friday/ go). I.. 4. (home/ did you come/ so late). Why .? 5. (her car/ drives/ every day/ to work). Ann .. 6. (been/ recently/ to the cinema). I havent . 7. (at the top of the page/ your name/ write). Please 8. (her name/ after a few minutes/ remembered). I .. 9. (around the town/ all morning/ walked). We 10. (on Saturday night/ didnt see you/ at the party). I 11. (some interesting books/ found/ in the library). We 12. (the children/ yesterday/ to the zoo/ took). Sally 13. (opposite the park/ a new hotel/ are building). They Exercise 15. Rewrite the sentences including the word in brackets. 1. Ann doesnt drink tea. (often) Ann doesnt often drink tea. 2. We were on holiday. (all) ... 3. We were staying at the same hotel. (all) . 4. We enjoyed ourselves. (all) . 5. Catherine is very generous. (always) ... 6. I dont have to work on Saturdays. (usually) .. 7. Do you watch television in the evenings? (always) 8. Martin is learning French. He is learning Italian. (also) 9. That hotel is very expensive. (probably) .. 10. It costs a lot to stay here. (probably) .... 11. I can help you. (probably) 12. I cant help you. (probably) .. Exercise 16. Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets in the correct order. 1. I can never remember her name. (remember/ never/ can) 2. I sugar in coffee. (take/ usually) 3. I hungry when I get home from work. (am/ usually) 4. Wheres Jim? He .. home early. (gone/ has/ probably)

84 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Mark and Diane .. in Manchester. (both/ were/ born) Liz is a good pianist. She ... very well.(sing/ also/ can) Our car down. (often/ breaks) They live in the same street as me but I .. to them. (never/ have/ spoken) We . a long time for the bus. (have/ always/ to wait) My sight isnt very good. I .. with glasses. (read/ can/ only) I early tomorrow. (probably/ leaving/ will/ be) Im afraid I able to come to the party.(probably/ be/ wont) Its difficult to contact Sue. She . at home when I phone her. (is/ hardly ever) We .in the same place. We havent moved. (still/ are/ living) If we hadnt taken the same train, we each other. (never/ met/ would/ have) Are you tired? Yes, I . at this time of day. (am/ always)

Exercise 17. Put in too or enough with the words in brackets (too tired or tired enough) Example: You arent concentrating. No, Im too tired. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. We cant hear the music. Sorry, isnt it ?(loud) You could take a photo now. Yes, its ..(light) Why cant Lisa come tonight? She is ..(busy) Cant we all go in your car? No, it isnt ..(big) Why couldnt the plane take off? It was .(foggy) Im sure well succeed if you try (hard) Two sugars for you? Please. One isnt .(sweet) Can we walk to the sports field? No, its (far)

7. THE ADVERB 85 ____________________________________________________ Exercise 18. Put in too, too many, too much or enough with these words: clearly, complicated, difficult, expensive, food, hastily, long, mistakes, old, rain, traffic. Examples: You should have thought about it first. You acted too hastily. The quiz is rather easy. The questions arent difficult enough. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. This carpet is just too short. It isnt quite I cant afford a new car. It would be There is a water shortage. We havent had .. I cant read your writing. You dont write ... Try to be more careful. You are making .. You cant leave school yet. You arent The roads are very crowded. Theres simply I cant understand these instructions. They are Thousands of people are dying because they cant get

Exercise 19. Put in quite or rather (sometimes either is possible) 1. We have to change trains twice. Its complicated. 2. We can easily put you up.. Our house is . big. 3. I didnt expect to enjoy the show, but in fact I found it . amusing. 4. The crowds at the festival were bigger than people had expected. 5. Luckily they were able to finish the job .. quickly. 6. Dont move the table on your own. Its heavy for one person.

86 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 20. Put the adverbs in the Sometimes more than one answer is correct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (a bit) That music is loud. (quite) I like my new job. (a little) Why dont you slow down? (completely) The rain spoilt my day. (rather) I agreed with the speaker. (fairly) We did the job quickly. (a lot) I feel better now. (a bit) Im getting hungry. (very much) We enjoyed the concert. (terribly) The prisoners suffered. right place.

Example: (very) These books are old. These books are very old.

7. THE ADVERB 87 ____________________________________________________


Exercise 1. In these dialogues underline the adjectives and circle the adverbs 1. A: I think hes a good worker. What do you think? B: Im not sure. He works carefully, but he makes some bad mistakes. 2. A: Hes a wonderful skier. He skies quickly and beautifully. B: In my opinion, he skies dangerously. Hes a stupid skier. 3. A: Hes a rich and powerful man. He lives expensively. B: Yes, but he spends money carefully. He buys valuable objects. 4. A: Paul, Jane, Diana and Mark live in a big, old house in Scotland. They live happily together. B: I know they are happy, but the house is expensive and so they live cheaply 5. A: This bread tastes awful. Did you cook it correctly? B: If you think its horrible, why are you eating it so hungrily? 6. A: Shes very young, but she sings and dances beautifully. B: Shes a wonderful singer, but she dances badly in my opinion. Exercise 2. Put in the adjective or adverb in brackets ( ). 1. The train was very slow (slow/ slowly) and I arrived late. 2. The journey took a long time because the train went very .............. (slow/ slowly). 3. Mrs. Green went .............. (quick/ quickly) back to her office. 4. Im afraid I cant give you an ......... (immediate/ immediately) answer; I need to think about it first.

88 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 5. The work that the builders did for us was very .............. (bad/ badly). 6. The builders did the work for us very ................ (bad/ badly) 7. She organized the party .......... (good/ well), and everybody enjoyed it. 8. Everybody said that the party was very ............. (good/ well). 9. She wrote a .................. (polite/ politely) letter asking the company to give her the money back. 10. She wrote the company and asked them ............ (polite/ politely) to give her the money back. Exercise 3. Complete the text by making an adjective or adverb from each word given in capitals. Start an 1 new career today! EXCITE Learn how to edit and proof-read 2 and 3 , on our certificate four-day courses. Our team of 4 experienced 5 tutors will help you to acquire the 6 skills which will open doors for you. Our courses are 7 , and will offer you the chance to learn and practice on a 8 basis. Correspondence courses are also 9 worldwide. And the price is 10 low! Does all this sound 11 to you? Well if you are 12 , give us a ring or drop us a line 13 ., to ask for your sample pack and application form. ACCURACY SPEED HIGH ENTHUSIASM PROFESSION RESIDENCE DAY AVAIL INCREDIBLE ATTRACT INTEREST IMMEDIATE

7. THE ADVERB 89 ____________________________________________________ Exercise 4. Write the correct form of the adverb for these adjectives. 1. graceful 2. good 3. important 4. full 5. straight 6. hard 7. heavy 8. cruel 9. timid 10. illegal 11. inevitable 12. fast 13. noisy 14. jolly 15. increasing Exercise 5. Adjective or adverb? Put in the correct form: Example: (strange/ strangely) I had a strange dream last night I was in a garden. It was getting (dark/ darkly) .. and it was (terrible/ terribly) .. cold. My head was aching (bad/ badly) I was walking out of the garden when (sudden/ suddenly) . I saw a girl sitting on a seat. She seemed very (unhappy/ unhappily) ... She looked up and smiled (sad/ sadly) .. at me. I felt (anxious/ anxiously) for some reason. I wanted to be (friend/

90 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ friendly) so I tried (hard/ hardly) . to think of something to say. But I couldnt. I just stood there (foolish/ foolishly) .


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use am/ is/ are + one of these verbs: building coming cooking playing standing studying swimming 1. Listen! Pat is playing the piano. 2. They.a new hotel downtown 3. Look! Somebody .. in the river. 4. Youon my foot. Oh I m sorry. 5. Hurry up! The bus .. 6. Where are you Sam? In the kitchen . I .. dinner. 7. (on the phone) Hello. Can I speak to Ann please? She . for an exam right now. Can she call you back later? Exercise 2. Whats happening right now? Write true sentences. 1. (I/ wash/ my hair). Im not washing my hair. 2. (it/ snow) 3. (I/ sit/ on a chair) 4. (I/ eat) 5. (it/ rain ) 6. (I/ do/ this exercise). 7. (I/ listen/ to the radio) 8. (the sun/ shine) 9. (I/ wear/ shoes ) 10. (I/ read/ a newspaper) Exercise 3. Write positive or negative short answers (Yes, I am/ No, it isnt, etc.) 1. Are you watching TV? No, Im not. 2. Are you wearing shoes? 3. Are you wearing a hat? 4. Is it raining? 5. Are you eating something?

92 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 6. Are you feeling all right? 7. Is the sun shining? 8. Is your teacher watching you? Exercise 4. You can use the present continuous: A) for something happening now, B) for a temporary activity or situation, C) for arrangements youve made for the future D) with always to complain or express irritation about something or someone. Here are examples of four different uses of the present continuous. Look at the list in the box above and write A, B, C or D after each sentence. 1. Hes writing three books about architecture. [ ] 2. Its raining. [ ] 3. Youre always looking at yourself in the mirror. [ ] 4. The phones ringing. [ ] 5. Im having German lessons at the moment. [ ] 6. Were leaving on Saturday. [ ] 7. Im saving up to buy a new computer. [ ] 8. Theyre arriving at 8.30. [ ] 9. What are you doing with that knife? [ ] 10. Shes doing a lot of overtime this week. [ ] Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. Tony a bath at the moment. (have) 2. Its very cold, isnt it? I think it outside. (freeze) 3. Listen, everybody. Giseppe a story by Ronald Dahl today. (read) 4. Its 8 oclock in the morning and Mr. Biggs to work, as usual. (drive) 5. Jeanne her new jeans, isnt she? (wear) 6. The trees their leaves now that its autumn. (lose) 7. The cat its supper; it some milk. (not eat, just drink) 8. Everybody home from work now, and all the trains are crowded. (hurry)

8. VERB TENSES 93 _____________________________________________________ 9. Look! He you how to mend it next time it breaks. (show) 10. At present Raschid in Toronto. (study) Exercise 6. Answer these questions using the continuous present tense. 1. What are you doing now? 2. What are you studying today? 3. What is the teacher doing at the moment? 4. What is (s)he teaching? 5. What is your neighbor doing right now? Exercise 7. Joe Scott is temporarily out of work. Because of this, hes doing things that he normally does not. Continue the exercise according to the model: 1. Joe usually gets up early, but hes getting up late this month. 2. As a rule, Joe drives very fast, but this month. 3. Usually Joe spends his days in the office, but .. this week. 4. Joe and his wife often eat in a restaurant; today, however 5. Joes children usually go to the movies on Sundays, but this Sunday .. 6. Normally Joes wife gets expensive presents; this year, however, 7. Every summer Joes children attend summer camps, but this summer . 8. Generally, the Scotts play a lot of golf, but this weekend / Exercise 8. Re- express the sentences below using the continuous present with ALWAYS to express annoying habits. Example: My neighbor has a very loud voice. My neighbor is always talking loudly. 1. My neighbors guests like noisy arguments. 2. Many of them come and knock on my door by mistake. 3. My neighbors girlfriend parks her car in my driveway. 4. All of my neighbors guests stay too late.

94 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 5. The music they play is too loud. 6. My neighbor drops dishes on the kitchen floor above my head. Exercise 9. Express personal plans. Make questions and answers. Example: meet friends to plan trip What are you doing on Sunday? Im meeting my friends to plan the trip. look through paper for cheap rates decide on itinerary make airline reservation make hotel reservation buy tickets read about the resort in the guidebook drop off skis for repair buy ski suit get road map pack suitcases pick up skis call friends to say goodbye leave on trip

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Exercise 10. Answer the questions. Use the present continuous. 1. What are your neighbors activities at the moment? 2. What are your plans for the coming weekend? 3. What does your friend do far too often? (You find this irritating ). 4. What are some of your activities this term? Exercise 11. Make dialogues with the adjective below. Use BE in the present tense continuous to indicate TEMPORARY behaviour. 1. .sentimental Ann: Dont be so sentimental! Jenny: But Im not being sentimental.

8. VERB TENSES 95 _____________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. careless lazy stupid jealous pessimistic clumsy unrealistic rude

Exercise 12. Make sentences with the words below. Use the present continuous when possible. 1. Mother/ smell/ the food 2. The food/ smell/ ready to eat 3. The children/ have/ new kites 4. They/ have/ a good time 5. I/ think/ about pollution 6. I / think/ pollution is dangerous 7. The actress/ look/ young and beautiful 8. The girls/ look at/ her admiringly 9. The patient/ feel/ hot 10. The nurse/ feel/ his pulse 11. The public/ listen to/ the orchestra. 12. They/ hear/ all the instruments 13. The audience/ look at/ the actors 14. They/ see the actors/ very well

Exercise 1. Write the he/ she/ it form of these verb: 1. read ..reads 2. repair. 3. watch. 4. listen.. 5. love... 6. have.. 7. push.. 8. do.

96 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 9. 10. 11. 12. think. kiss... buy... go...

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs. boil close cost cost drink go have have like meet open speak teach wash 1. Shes very smart. She speaks four languages. 2. Steve . four cups of coffee a day . 3. We usually. Dinner at 7 o clock. 4. I . .movies. I often . to the movies with friends. 5. Water at 100 degrees Celsius. 6. In my home town the banks . at 9:00 in the morning. 7. The City Museum . at 5 o clock on Saturdays. 8. Food is expensive. It .. a lot of money. 9. Shoes are expensive. They . a lot of money. 10. Sue is a teacher. She Maths to young children. 11. Your job is very interesting. You a lot of people. 12. Peter . his hair every day. 13. An insect . six legs. Exercise 3. Write the opposite. (positive or negative). 1. I understand. I dont understand. 2. She doesnt drive. She drives. 3. They know. They .. 4. He loves her. .. 5. They speak English. . 6. I dont want it. . 7. She doesnt want them. .. 8. He lives in Taiwan. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use dont/ doesnt + one of these verbs: cost drive go have know play see sell smoke wash wear 1. Have a cigarette. No, thanks. I dont smoke.

8. VERB TENSES 97 _____________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. They newspapers in that store. She has a car, but .. very often. I like plays, but I ..to the theatre very often. My car is usually dirty because I .. it very often. Its a cheap hotel. It .. much to stay there. He likes soccer, but he very often. I .. much about politics. Shes married, but she .. a ring. He lives next door, but we .. him very often. Can you lend me five dollars? Sorry, I .. any money.

Exercise 5. You are asking somebody questions. Write questions with Do/ Does.? Example: I work hard . How about you? Do you work hard? 1. I play tennis .How about you? . you .? 2. I play tennis. How about Ann? .. Ann ..? 3. I know the answer. How about you? .. the answer? 4. I like hot weather. How about you? ..? 5. My father drinks coffee. How about your father ? ? 6. I exercise every morning. How about you? ...? 7. I speak English. How about your friends? ....? 8. I want to be famous. How about you? ..? Exercise 6. These questions begin with Where/ What/ How ? 1. I wash my hair every day. (how often/ you?) How often do you wash your hair? 2. I live in Mexico City. (where/ you?) Where .? 3. I watch TV every day. (how often/ you?) How ...? 4. I have lunch at 12. (What time/ you ?) ...? 5. I get up at 7:30.(what time/ you?) ..? 6. I go the movies a lot. (how often/ you?) ? 7. I go to work by bus. (how/ you?) ......? 8. I always have eggs for breakfast. (what/ you?) .?

98 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 7. Write the correct present simple form of the verb in brackets ( ). Sometimes you do not need to change the verb. 1. Jane .(read) The Guardian newspaper, but I (read) The Independent. 2. .Mark (say) he (do) a lot of fishing, but he never (catch) anything. 3. Jeff (buy) his food in small shops, but Jane (do) all her shopping at the supermarket. 4. Diana (like) Physics, Chemistry and Biology; she always (get) good marks in her science exams. 5. I (leave) work at 6 oclock, but John (finish) work at 5 oclock. 6. For breakfast Ann (eat) cereal with milk and then she (have) some toast. Exercise 8. Make present simple questions and answers from the words in brackets. Sometimes no change is required. 1. (the President of the USA/ live/ in New York? ~ No, he/ do/. He/ live/ in Washington.) 2. (modern trains/ use/ coal? ~ No, they/ do/. They/ use/ electricity.) 3. (the Queen/ often/ wear/ a crown? ~ No, she/ do/. She/ usually/ wear/ a hat.) 4. (wine/ come/ from oranges? ~ No, it/ do/. It/ come/ from grapes.) 5. (Sri Lanka/ export/ coffee? ~ No, it/ do/. It/ export/ tea.) 6. (potatoes/ grow/ on bushes? ~ No, they/ do/. They/ grow/ in the ground.) Exercise 9. Look at these notes about different peoples habits. Ruth Clark Neil Peters Mary Thomas Bill Brown jog - twice a week cycle - every day swim - every weekend play tennis - once a week smoke - no drink beer - never smoke - 15 cigarettes a day smoke - no

8. VERB TENSES 99 _____________________________________________________ Susan West: swim - twince a week drink alcohol - no

Now write sentences about these people, as in the example. 1. Ruth jogs twice a week. She doesnt smoke 2. 3. 4. 5. Exercise 10. Sandra Miles, a high school teacher, describes her daily schedule. Put the verbs in italics in the simple present tense. 1. I (get up) at 7:00 when the alarm clock (ring) I get up at 7:00 when the alarm clock rings. 2. At 7:15 I (have) .. breakfast with my daughter. 3. We usually (drink) .. orange juice for breakfast. 4. After breakfast, my daughter (walk) . to university. I (drive) . to my school. 5. When I (get) .. to school, the secretary always (have) hot coffee ready for us. 6. Sometimes my students (arrive) at school late. 7. They usually (disturb) the class when they (come) in. 8. One student (talk) .. a lot during lectures. 9. His neighbors often (complain) about his talking. 10. Some students (ask) ... questions at the end of the class. 11. At the end of the day, I (go) back home. 12. Sometimes my daughter (get) . home before I (do). 13. She (like) to read before we (have) dinner. 14. We (watch) .. TV together after I (clean) .. the kitchen. 15. My. Daughter generally (go) .. to bed at 10:00. 16. I often (stay) up until 11:00. Exercise 11. Make up sentences about things that children and adults do differently. Use the simple present positive and negative. 1. drink/ hot chocolate

100 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Children drink hot chocolate. They dont drink coffee. 2. ride/ bycicles 3. like/ noise 4. play/ hide and seek 5. read/ fairy tales 6. watch/ cartoons 7. go to/ matinee shows Can you think of some more differences between childrens and adults activities? Exercise 12. Say what is unusual about these neighbors. Follow the example. 1. Alan/ talk/ to his plants Alan talks to his plants, but he doesnt talk to his neighbors. 2. John/ walk outside/ at night 3. David/ sleep/ on the floor 4. Linda/ talk/ to the dogs 5. Bob/ drink/ beer 6. Alice/ wash her clothes/ in the river 7. Maggie/ cook/ in the back yard Exercise 13. Describe what you do at different times. Place adverbs of time at the end of the sentence and adverbs of frequency between the subject and the predicate. Example: I always go to work in the morning. Activities go to work go home watch TV visit friends go shopping take a nap go swimming do the laundry dance read the paper exercise have parties Adverbs of time in the morning in the afternoon in the evening before dinner during the day at night during the week at the weekend on vacation in the summer on New Years Eve in the winter Adverbs of frequency

8. VERB TENSES 101 _____________________________________________________ a lways usually seldom frequently sometimes rarely often occasionally never

Exercise 14. Complete the sentences below with verbs in the simple present positive or negative. 1. My grandmother is retired. She .. any longer. 2. My grandfather tries to save money. He .. much money. 3. My grandfather and grandmother often .. long walks. They dont play golf anymore. 4. My grandparents go to bed early in the evening. They .. late at night. 5. My grandmother early. She never gets up late. 6. Often, grandma . a big breakfast in the morning. She likes to cook. 7. My grandparents stay in town a lot. They to other places. 8. My grandparents often forget to do things. Sometimes they to take their medicines. 9. Sometimes my grandfather . the paper before falling asleep. He doesnt always watch TV. 10. I call them every night. I.. to bed until I know theyre OK. Exercise 15. Tell your partner: 1. how you like to spend your leisure time 2. to what extent you believe what you hear in the media 3. how much your parents know about your private life 4. what you hope to achieve this year Exercise 16. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb in the present simple form. Choose from: hear, see, smell, taste, feel 1. Your soup .. great. Your soup tastes great. 2. I .. something burning. 3. Tom . this man every day on his way to school.

102 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 4. I . voices. There is someone at the door. 5. I like this pudding. It .. good. 6. I cold air. Close the window, please.


Exercise 1. Put the verb in the present continuous (I am doing) or simple present (I do) 1. Excuse me, do you speak .. (you/ speak) English? 2. Tom (is taking) (take) a shower at the moment. 3. They dont watch . (not/ watch) television very often. 4. Listen! Somebody .. (sing). 5. Shes tired. She .. (want) to go home now. 6. How often . (you/ read) the newspaper. 7. Excuse me, but you . (sit) in my place. Oh, Im sorry. 8. Im sorry, I ....(not/ understand). Please speak more slowly. 9. Where are you Dan? Im in the living room. I ...(read). 10. What time . (she/ finish) work every day? 11. You can turn off the radio. I .. (not /listen) to it. 12. He (not/ usually/ drive) to work.. He usually (walk). Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the present simple (I do) or the present continuous (I am doing)`. 1. I leave (leave) home at 7 o clock every morning. 2. She usually .. (work) in the sales Department in London, but at the moment she (do) a training course in Bristol. 3. He . (try) very hard in every game that he (play). 4. Excuse me. I think you (sit) in my seat. 5. . (you/ listen ) to the radio very often? 6. Dont talk to me now. I . (write) an important letter. 7. Why .. (they/ drive) on the left in Britain? 8. It . (not/ get) dark at this time of year until about 10 o clock. 9. It usually .. (rain) here a lot, but it . (not/ rain) now. 10. A: What are you doing?

8. VERB TENSES 103 _____________________________________________________ B: . (bake) a cake. Why .. (you/ smile) ? (I/ do) something wrong? Exercise 3. Make questions in the present tense using the verbs below and the noun answer. Use the continuous form whenever possible. Example: 1. write Are you writing the answer now? 2. understand Do you understand the answer now? 3. know 4. read 5. wait for 6. remember 7. check 8. repeat 9. have 10. look at 11. need 12. give 13. like 14. want 15. see 16. guess Exercise 4. Ask and answer questions about television in your country. Use verbs in the simple and continuous present tense. 1. How many television channels do you have in your country? 2. Are television companies expanding their hours right now? 3. Are there any changes taking place in TV programming this year? If yes, what are they? 4. How much does a good television set cost? 5. How old is your TV set? When are you buying a new one? 6. Who watches TV most in your family?

104 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 7. How often do you watch television? 8. What is your favorite program? 9. Are you watching your favorite program this week? If yes, on what night? Exercise 5. Put the verbs in italics in the simple or continuous present tense to practice the contrast between habitual actions and actions in progress now or planned for the future. 1. The children are drinking milk now. 2. They drink milk every morning. 3. I always (drive) . my friends to the station. 4. Look! The train (get) . in at this very moment. 5. We (go) to the soccer game tomorrow afternoon. 6. We usually (go) .. to the game when our team plays. 7. Mrs. Adams (do) .. her shopping on Mondays. 8. On Tuesdays, she (see) .. her friend, Mrs Dobbs. 9. It (rain) .. almost every day in October. Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or present continuous form. 1. (smell) gas? I (think) the new stove is leaking. 2. Fred (consider) buying my old bicycle. 3. He (consider) it a good bargain. 4. .. you (remember) the name of the boy who (walk) on the other side of the street ? 5. What .. you (think) about ? I .. (think) about my holidays. I .. (think) Ill have a good time at the seaside. 6. I . (suppose) I must go now. My parents .. (wait) for me at home. 7. . you (listen) to what I am saying?.. .(understand) me? 8. .. you (recognize) that woman? I (think) Ive seen her before but I (not, remember) her name. Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or present continuous. Pollution

8. VERB TENSES 105 _____________________________________________________ After P. Wilcox Peterson 1. Pollution (hang) like a brown cloud over New York today. 2. Dirt and smoke (pour) from cars and factories these days. 3. Pollution (spoil) the air people (breathe) and it (harm) their health. 4. New York (have) a big problem. 5. The city (have) dirty air. 6. The air (smell) bad and it (look) ugly. 7. Pollution (be) a health problem, too, because it (hurt) peoples lungs. 8. Many people (realize) that pollution (be) dangerous. 9. They (think) of it all the time. 10. They (think) they can breathe clean air only when they (go) to the country. 11. John (walk) in the field right now. 12. He (smell) a flower and it (smell) good. 13. He (touch) the flower with his hand and it (feel) soft. 14. He (listen) for the birds but he (not hear) any. Pollution (harm) birds too. 15. To work together and make the air cleaner John (believe) that pollution (come) between us and nature. 16. He (want) people soon. Exercise 8. Write full sentences using the information given (present simple or present continuous) 1. You/ speak/ Greek? 2. Bill/ know/ Mr. Jameson? 3. We/ not live/ in a large house. 4. Alexander/ not go/ to the beach very often. 5. I/ have to/ attend the ceremony? 6. Jane/ watch/ television at the moment? 7. Costas/ not work/ in a bank. 8. The children/ not listen/ to their mother now. 9. Theo/ live/ in New York? 10. William/ study/ at the moment? 11. Where/ you/ usually spend/ your holidays?

106 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________


Exercise 1. You are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news about yourself and other people. Use the words to make sentences. Use the present perfect simple. Dear Chris, Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you. 1. I/ buy/ a new car. Ive bought a new car. 2. my father/ start/ a new job . 3. I/ give up/ smoking 4. Charles and Sarah/ go/ to Brazil .. 5. Suzanne/ have/ a baby . Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. Use already + present perfect simple 1. What time is Paul arriving? Hes already arrived. 2. Do Sue and Bill want to see the film? No, they.. 3. Dont forget to phone Tom . I 4. When is Martin going away? He. 5. Do you want to read the newspaper? I 6. When does Linda start her new job? She.. Exercise 3. You are asking Helen questions beginning Have you ever? Write questions. 1. (London?). Have you ever been to London? No, never. 2. (play/ golf?) ..Have you ever played golf? Yes, many times. 3. (Australia?).. Have..No, never. 4. (lose/your passport?) .Yes, once 5. (fly/ in a helicopter?)..No, never. 6. (eat/ Chinese food?)Yes, a few times. 7. (New York?)...Yes, twice. 8. (drive/ a bus?)..No, never. 9. (break/ your leg?)...Yes, once. Exercise 4. Write sentences about Helen. (Look at her answers in exercise 3) 1. (New York) .. Helen has been to New York twice. 2. (Australia) Helen

8. VERB TENSES 107 _____________________________________________________ 3. (Chinese food) 4. (drive/ a bus). Now write about yourself. How often have you done these things? 5. (New York) I . 6. (play/ tennis) 7. (fly/ in a helicopter) .. 8. (be/ late for work or school) .. Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. 1. Jill is in hospital. Shehas been.in hospital since Monday. 2. I know Sarah. I have knownher for a long time. 3. Linda and Frank are married. Theymarried since 1989. 4. Brian is ill. He. ill for the last few days. 5. We live in Scott Road. We there for ten years. 6. Catherine works in a bank. She in a bank for ten years. 7. Alan has a headache. He .. a headache since he got up this morning. 8. Im learning English. I . English for six months. Exercise 6. Which one is right? 1. Mark is/ has been in Canada since April. has been is right 2. Jane is a good friend of mine. I know/ have known her very well. 3. Jane is a good friend of mine. I know/ have known her for a long time. 4. Sorry, Im late. How long are you/ have you been waiting? 5. Martin works/ has worked in a hotel now. He likes his job very much. 6. Tom is/ has been in Spain at the moment. He is/ has been there for the last three days. Exercise 7. Read the situations and write sentences with just, already, or yet. 1. After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says Would you like something to eat? You say: No, thank you. ..Ive just had lunch. (have lunch)

108 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 2. Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says Can I speak to Joe? You say: Im afraid . (go out) 3. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say:Wait a minute! (not/ finish) 4. You are going to a restaurant this evening. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says Shall I phone to reserve a table? You say: No, .. it.(do) 5. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say:. ? (find) 6. Ann went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks Is Ann still at the bank? You say: No, .. (come back) Exercise 8. Put in been or gone . 1. Jim is on holiday. Hes gone to Italy. 2. Hello. Ive just .. to the shops. Ive bought lots of things. 3. Alice isnt here at the moment. Shes to the shop to get a newspaper. 4. Tom has .. out. Hell be back in about an hour. 5. Are you going to the bank? No, Ive already .. to the bank. Exercise 9. Complete these sentences using today/ this year/ this term etc 1. I saw Tom yesterday but ....I havent seen him today. 2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I..today. 3. Last year the company made a profit but this year... 4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but.... 5. It snowed a lot last winter but .. 6. Our football team won a lot of games last season but we.

8. VERB TENSES 109 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 10. Read the situations and write sentences as shown in the examples. 1. Jack is driving a car but hes very nervous and not sure what to do. You ask: : .Have you driven a car before? He says :.. No, this is the first time Ive driven a car. 2. Len is playing tennis. Hes not very good and he doesnt know the rules. You ask: Have. He says: No, this is the first . 3. Sue is riding a horse. She doesnt look very confident and comfortable. You ask: She says: 4. Maria is in London. She has just arrived and its very new for her. You ask: She says:........ Exercise 11. You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has done. Make questions for the words in brackets. 1. (ever/ ride/ horse).. Have you ever ridden a horse? 2. (ever/ be/ California)....... 3. (ever/ run/ marathon).. 4. (ever/ speak/ famous person?).... 5. (always/ live/ in this town ?).. 6. (most beautiful place/ ever/ visit ?) What.. Exercise 12. Use the verbs to make a form of the present perfect simple. 1. Whats the matter? (you cut). Have you cut yourself? 2. The ship (not sink) . But its in a dangerous condition. 3. (your sisters write) to you yet?

110 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I (have) a headache ever since lunch time. Nadia (never see) any Chinese films. Someone (steal) Mr. Grants bike. The passengers are tired because they (not sleep) all night. Im afraid we (just break) your window. Sorry! David (not win) a prize this time, Im afraid. (you ever eat) Spanish food? Its great!

Exercise 13. Put a time word or phrase from the list into each space: yet, for, since, often, ever, never, already, so far, just, always 1. Carlos has lived in the city centre 1996. 2. Thanks for the present! Ive wanted a pet gold fish! 3. Have you drunk pineapple juice? Its fantastic! 4. Ive heard some fantastic news! Ive passed my exams! 5. Hurry up! Havent you finished ? You are a slow coach! 6. Nina has worked in this company five years. 7. Ive been on a big ship before. Its an interesting experience! 8. Were very busy today. weve sold over a hundred bikes. 9. Ive passed this building, but this is the first time Ive been inside. 10. Can I have a different book? Ive read this one. Exercise 14. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. We strted working here three years ago. We have worked here for three years. 2. This is the first time Ive been on a plane. I before. 3. Thats strange! My pen isnt here! Thats strange! . disappeared! 4. Nicky and Jan arent at this school any more. Nicky and Jan .. this school. 5. I saw a friend of yours a few moments ago. I a friend of yours. 6. Im still writing my letters. I ..my letters yet. 7. Is this your first visit to South America?

8. VERB TENSES 111 _____________________________________________________ Have.. before? 8. Oh brother! My wallet is still in the car. Oh brother! I .. my wallet in the car. 9. Its a long time since we spoke to your sister. We . to your sister for a long time. 10. Is Anna still asleep? Has .. up yet?


Exercise 1. Write a sentence with the present perfect continuous and for to describe each situation. Use these verbs: camp, play, read, swim, talk, travel, work. 1. The video began two hours ago, and it hasnt finished yet. Its been playing for two hours. 2. James went into the water ten minutes ago. He doesnt want to come out yet .. 3. Alice rang Peter half an hour ago, and theyre still on the phone 4. Robert picked up a book an hour ago. He hasnt put it down yet . 5. Ed and Jennifer started their journey around the world three months ago. Theyve gone about halfway now . 6. Sue got to the office early this morning. Ten hours later shes still there 7. The Dobsons left on holiday four weeks ago and theyre not back yet. They took their tent . Exercise 2. John, Bill, Mary, Pete, Liz, Ralph, Betty and Sheila havent seen each other since they left school ten years ago. Here is a list of their jobs and where they live. What do they say to each other when they meet? 1. John Leeds/ furniture factory 2. Bill/ Australia/ farm 3. Mary Dublin/ travel agency 4. Pete/ home/ no job 5. Liz / Aberdeen/ hospital

112 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 6. Ralph London/ theatre 7. Betty/ Cornwal/ hotel 8. Sheila/ Paris/ an international bank. 1. Ive been living in Leeds. Ive been working in a furniture factory. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Exercise 3. Add a sentence with the present perfect continuous. Use the words in brackets. 1. Mr Davis has a backache. (dig/ the garden) ..Hes been digging in the garden. 2. Joe has no money left. (shop) ... 3. The girls are tired. (work hard).. 4. The boys have got a suntan. (sunbathe) 5. Emmas shoes are dirty. (walk/ in the field).... 6. Jane and Neil look annoyed. (argue).... 7. The ground is wet. (rain).. 8. Tim has some washing up to do (bake/ cakes). Exercise 4. Read the situations and complete the sentences. 1. The rain started two hours ago. Its still raining now. It .. has been raining for two hours. 2. We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. Were still waiting now. We . for 20 minutes. 3. I started Spanish classes in December. Im still learning Spanish now. I. since December. 4. Ann began looking for a job six months ago. Shes still looking now. for six months. 5. Mary started working in London on 18 January. Shes still working there now. . since 18 January.

8. VERB TENSES 113 _____________________________________________________ 6. Years ago you started writing to a pen friend. You still write to each other regularly now. We.for years. Exercise 5. Write two sentences about what these people have been doing. My mothers coming to stay for a week. Ive been tidying the house. Ive been getting her bedroom ready. 1. They moved into their new house last week. .. .. 2. Tom is saving up to buy a new car. .... 3. Im trying to lose weight. .. .. Exercise 6. Look up the words in italics in your dictionary, and write a sentence explaining what has been happening. Shes got a lovely tan. Shes been lying in the sun. 1. Hes panting. . 2. Jacks putting away the lawn mower. .. 3. My car is gleaming. . 4. The roads are flooded. . 5. I feel dizzy. 6. You smell of bonfires. .. 7. Why have you got glue all over your fingers?

114 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences using the present perfect continuous tense of the verbs below: live, play, study, wait, walk, watch, work 1. We in England for nearly two years now. 2. Why are you so late? I . here for two hours. 3. I .... German for three years but I still dont speak it very well. 4. The boys must be tired. They .. football in the garden all afternoon. 5. Its time to do your homework. You television all night. 6. John .. in his fathers business since he left school. 7. We must be nearly there by now. We ... for over an hour.


Exercise 1. Read the situations and write two sentences using the words in brackets. 1. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on page 53. (read/ for two hours). He has been reading for two hours. (read/ 53 pages so far) 2. Linda is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her tour three months ago. (travel/ for three months) She . (visit/ six countries so far) .. 3. Jimmy is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year he is national champion again for the fourth time. (win/ the national championship four times) .. (play/ tennis since he was ten) .. 4. When they left college, Mary and Sue started making films together. They still make films. (make/ ten films since they left college). They ... (make/ films since they left college)

8. VERB TENSES 115 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 2. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done) or continuous (I have been doing). 1. Where have you been? ..Have you been playing....(you/ play) tennis? 2. Look!. Somebody(break) that window. 3. You look tired. (you/ work) hard ? 4. ..(you/ ever/ work) in a factory? No, never 5. Jane is away on holiday. Oh, is she ? Where (she go)? 6. My brother is an actor. He..(appear) in several films. 7. Sorry Im late. Thats all right. I.(not/ wait) long. 8. Is it still raining? No, it (stop) 9. I . (lose) my address book. .. (you/ see) it anywhere? 10. I . (read) the book you lent me but I (not/ finish) it yet. 11. I .. (read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now. Exercise 3. For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets. 1. You have a friend who is learning Arabic. You ask: (how long/ learn/ Arabic?). How long have you been learning Arabic? 2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (how long/ wait ?) 3. You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask: (how many fish/ catch?) 4. Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask: (how many people/ invite?) 5. A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long/ teach ?) 6. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (how many books/ write?), (how long/ write books?) 7. A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday. You ask: (how long/ save?)

116 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 4. Use the words given to complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the present perfect simple or continuous. 1. Johns terribly upset. Hes broken (he/ break) off his engagement to Megan. Apparently shes been seeing (she/ see) someone else while ..hes been (he/ be) in Africa. 2. Can you translate this note from Stockholm? I understood Swedish when I was a child, but (I/ forget) it all. 3. Whats that dent in the side of the car? .. (you/ have) an accident? 4. Im sorry, Johns not here; .. (he/ go) the dentist . (he/ have) trouble with a tooth. 5. This cassette recorder is broken. (you/ play about) with it? 6. Your Italian is very good (you/ study) it long? 7. Do you mind if I clear the table? (you/ have) enough to it ? 8. Im not surprised . (he/ fail) that exam. Exercise 5. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, present perfect simple, present perfect continuous. 1. Im exhausted. I (work) all day, and I (not finish) yet. 2. I (visit) many countries in the last five years. 3. Someone (take) my books. I (look) for them for ages, but I cant find them anywhere. 4. I (shop) all morning, but I (not buy anything yet. I havent seen anything Ive liked. 5. The best book I ever (read) is One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Marquez. 6. A Youre filthy! What you (do)? B I(work) in the garden. I (plant) all the vegetables for next year. 7. I (wait) for two hours, but nobody (arrive) yet. Exercise 6. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence: 1. I came to live here three months ago. I have been living here for three months. 2. Mary is out at the shops at the moment. Mary .. to the shops.

8. VERB TENSES 117 _____________________________________________________ 3. I have had French lessons since March. I French since March. 4. Im still reading this book. I reading this book yet. 5. Paul left the room a moment ago. Paul has . the room. 6. Ten of the letters are ready. I ten letters so far. 7. Its ages since I last went to the cinema. I .. to the cinema for ages. 8. This is the first time Ive eaten snails. I . snails before. 9. I dont remember Helens phone number. I have Helens phone number. 10. David has a different opinion now. David .. his mind. Exercise 7. Complete each mini-dialogue, using the verbs given in either present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. 1. A: Terminator 2 is on at the Rex? (you see) Have you seen it? B: No, not yet. Shall we go? I (look forward) have been looking forward to seeing it. 2. A: Whats the matter? You look really tired! B: I am! I (study) all day, and I (not finish) .. yet. A: Oh, well, time for a break. 3. A: I (phone) Carol all day, but theres no reply. B: I expect she (go) swimming with her friends. 4. A: (you hear) . the news? B: What news? A: Someone (rob) . the bank at the end of the road. 5. A: Why is your leg in plaster? B: Thats a silly question. I (break) . it, of course. A: Someone (write) Time for a break on the plaster!

118 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into present perfect simple or continuous. 1. Tom (watch) this film for almost half an hour and he still cant say what it is about. 2. We (not see) each other for three years. 3. I (know) this actor since university. 4. They (repair the bridge for three years. 5. Our neighbours (not find) their daughter yet, but the police are looking for her. 6. Since noon the sky (get) darker and darker and the wind (rise). 7. The man (just sell) two of his paintings. 8. Harry (collect) stamps since primary school. 9. Margaret (fail) this exam four times; but since last time she (study) hard for it. 10. She just (remember) she (not pay) her phone bill.


Exercise 1. Put in was/ were or wasnt/ werent 1. We werent happy with the hotel. Our room was very small and it wasnt very clean. 2. George . at work last week because he . ill. Hes better now. 3. Yesterday a public holiday so the shops . closed. 4. .Sue and Bill at the party? Sue . there but Bill .. 5. Where are my keys? I dont know. They on the table but theyre not there now. 6. You . at home last night. Where you? Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order to form questions. 1. late/ you/ this morning/ were/ why? Why were you late this morning? 2. difficult/ your/ exam/ was? 3. last week/ Ann and Chris/ were/ where?

8. VERB TENSES 119 _____________________________________________________ 4. our new camera/ how much/ was? 5. angry/ you/ yesterday/ why/ were? 6. nice/ the weather/ last week/ was? Exercise 3. Write the past simple of these words. 1. getgot 2. see 3. play 4. pay 5. visit 6. buy 7. go 8. think 9. copy 10. know 11. put 12. speak Exercise 4. Read about Lisas journey to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct form. Last Tuesday Lisa (1) (fly) flew from London to Madrid. She (2) (get) . up at six oclock in the morning and (3) (have) a cup of coffee. At 6.30 she (4) (leave) home and (5) (drive) to the airport. When she (6) (arrive), she (7) (park) the car and then (8) (go) to the airport caf where she (9) (have) breakfast. Then she (10) (go) through passport control and (11) (wait) for her flight. The plane (12) (depart) on time and (13) (arrive) in Madrid Finally she (14). (take) a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid. Exercise 5. Put the verb in the correct form-positive, negative or question. 1. We went to the cinema but the film wasnt very good. We didnt enjoy it. (enjoy) 2. Tim .. some new clothes yesterday-two shirts, a jacket and a pullover. (buy) 3. .. yesterday? No, it was a nice day. (rain) 4. The party wasnt very good, so we long. (stay)

120 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 5. It was very warm in the room, so I .. a window. (open) 6. Did you go to the bank this morning? No, I . time. (have) 7. I cut my hand this morning. How .. that? (do) Exercise 6. Make questions about the person named in brackets: 1. Tim arrived at 2.00 (David) Did David arrived at 2.00? 2. Sam phoned home. (Mary). ? 3. Helen wanted to make a phone call. (Sue) .? 4. Paul visited the doctor. (Mike) ? 5. Bill missed the bus. (Ann) ..? 6. George walked to school. (Gary) ..? 7. Jim opened the window. (Tina) ..? 8. Emma helped the teacher. (Chris) ...? 9. Alice washed her hair. (Jane) ? 10. Robert enjoyed the film. (Steve) ? Exercise 7. Make negative sentences: 1. Our bus arrived on time. Our bus didnt arrive on time. 2. Sue phoned last night. .. 3. Maria finished work early yesterday. . 4. The train stopped at Harrys station.

8. VERB TENSES 121 _____________________________________________________ 5. I wanted to go to bed early. 6. Carlos answered my letter. .. 7. John invited lots of people to his party. .. 8. The shops opened on Sunday. 9. Peter liked his new shoes. . 10. The film started at 7.30. . Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple: 1. The last lesson (begin) . at 2.30. 2. Joe (feel) . ill after lunch. 3. Suddenly a bird (fly) .. in the window! 4. I think you (do) the wrong thing. 5. Jane (get) ready very quickly. 6. We (know) the answer. 7. The students (stand) . up when the teacher arrived. 8. It was cold, but I (wear) two pullovers. 9. Anna (eat) two plates of spaghetti. 10. Rick (tell) . us the time. 11. When (you, come) . to this country? 12. Jack (not, wear) .. his raincoat. 13. Pat (leave) .. his coat in the hall. 14. How many pages (you, write) ..? 15. What (the teacher, say) ..? 16. You ( not, tell) .. us your name. 17. You (go) to the basketball match yesterday? 18. Ann (not, know) . the other girls name. 19. Which books (you, take) . to school? 20. Jane (not, get) .. any letters. Exercise 9. Here are the beginnings of 8 past tenses. Each dash (_ ) is one letter.

122 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ What are the complete words? 1. r e g r e _ _ _ _ 2. h e s i _ _ _ _ _ 3. b o r r _ _ _ _ 4. b e l i _ _ _ _ 5. f i n _ _ _ _ _ 6. h a p p _ _ _ _ 7. a n s w _ _ _ _ 8. o p _ _ _ _ Exercise 10. Here are the endings of 8 past tenses. Each dash ( _ ) is one letter. What are the complete words? 1. _ _ _ _ _ b e r e d 2. _ _ l k e d 3. _ _ k e d 4. _ _ _ _ _ e d 5. _ _ _ k e d 6. _ _ _ _ t e d 7. _ _ _ n e d 8. _ _ _ _ a e d


Exercise 1. Complete these dialogues, with short answers, and verbs in the past continuous. 1. Was he waiting for you? No, . He still ! (work) 2. Were you driving when the lorry hit you? No, thanks goodness, . Rob .I at the map (drive, look at) 3. Were the children sleeping when the snow started? Yes, , but they soon woke up! 4. Im sorry. Were we making a terrible noise? Im sorry to say . It everyone. (annoy) 5. Were you trying to ring me? Yes, . And I to ring you! (try) 6. Was your father working in India when you were born?

8. VERB TENSES 123 _____________________________________________________ Yes, . 7. Was it still raining when you came in? Yes, . It very heavily. (rain) 8. Was I snoring? Yes, ! Exercise 2. John / find a pond/ walk down King Street John found a pond while he was walking down King Street. Make sentences in the same way. 1. Tom/ lose/ his wallet/ visit/ London. .. 2. Liz/ meet/ a friend/ wait/ for the train. .. 3. The aeroplane/ crash/ take off. 4. Peter/ run out of petrol/ drive/ to London. . Exercise 3. Use the information below to ask and answer questions about Robert. You will find the past continuous the most natural form for the questions. Sometimes you will only need to give a few words in the answer. Robert 1975 1979 London/ Bank of England/ rent a small flat/ Mary 1979 1985 New York/ Barclays Bank/ large apartment/ Liz 1. Where/ live/ 1976? A Where were you living in 1976? B In London. 2. Who/ go out with/ 1977? A B 3. Where/ work/ 1978? A . B . 4. Where/ work/ 1982?

124 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ A .. B .. 5. Live/ small flat/ 1983? A .. B .. 6. Who/ go out with/ 1984? A .. B .. 7. Work/ Barklays/ before/ go to America? A .. B .. 8. Live with friends/ work in New York? A .. B .. Exercise 4. Why did you say it? Here are eight questions. Why did you ask them? Match up the questions with the reasons. Q1 Were you standing on the corner of Church Road last night? Q2 Were you driving a Mercedes yesterday morning? Q3 Were you expecting a letter? Q4 Was John visiting someone in hospital today? Q5 Was it freezing in Iceland? Q6 Who was speaking to you just now? Q7 Where were you living in 1985? Q8 Were you sleeping? Reasons: R1 I know youve just come back from a business trip. R2 You took a long time to answer the phone. R3 Im sure it was you I saw waiting. R4 I thought you had always lived there. R5 I saw you speaking to the postman. R6 I think you passed me on the motorway. R7 I saw him outside the hospital with a huge bunch of flowers. R8 I heard the sound of voices.

8. VERB TENSES 125 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 5. What were you doing at the following times? Write one sentence as in the example. 1. (at 8 oclock yesterday evening) I was having dinner with some friends. 2. (at 5 oclock last Saturday) 3. (at 10.15 yesterday morning) . 4. (at 4.30 this morning) 5. (at 7.45 yesterday evening) 6. (half an hour) . Exercise 6. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use the past continuous. 1. Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner. 2. The door bell rang while I . 3. We saw an accident while we.. 4. Mary fell asleep while she 5. The television was on but nobody.


Exercise 1. Where were these people at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon/ and what were they doing? Use the cues below and write two sentences. 1. Ann/ home/ watch TV..Ann was at home. She was watching TV 2. Carol and Jack/ the cinema/ watch a film. 3. Tom/ his car/ drive. 4. Catherine/ the station/ wait for a train. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Hall/ the park/ walking. Exercise 2. Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple 1. A: What were you doing (you/ do) when the phone rang (ring)? B: I was watching (watch) television. 2. A: Was Jane busy when you went to see her? B: Yes, she . (study)

126 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 3. A: What time . (the post/ arrive) this morning? B: It (come) while I (have) breakfast. 4. A: Was Margaret at work today? B: No, she (not/ go) to work. She was ill. 5. A: How fast ..(you/ drive) when the police.(stop) you? B: I dont know exactly but I ..(not/ drive) very fast. 6. A: .(your team/ win) the football match yesterday? B: No, the weather was very bad, so we..(not play) 7. A: How ..(you/ break) the window? B: We..(play) football. I..(kick) the ball and it ..(hit) the window. 8. A: (you/ see)Jenny last night? B: Yes, she (wear) a very nice jacket. 9. A: What ..(you/ do) at 2 oclock this morning? B: I was asleep. 10. A: I .(lose) my key last night. B: How ..(you/ get) into your room? A: I (climb) in through a window. Exercise 3. Choose the correct form of the verbs. Thomas Edison (1) started/ was starting work on the railway when he was twelve, selling newspapers and snacks. There were long periods with nothing for him to do so he (2) build/ was building himself a little laboratory in the luggage van where he could carry out experiments when he (3) didnt sell/ wasnt selling things to passengers. Another way that he (4) occupied/ was occupying himself was by reading. He joined a library and (5) read/ was reading every single book in it. One day, when he (6) waited/ was waiting at a station he (7) noticed/ was noticing a small boy who (8) played/ was playing by the track, unaware that a train (9) approached/ was approaching. Edison (10) ran/ was running out and (11) grabbed/ was grabbing the child just in time. The childs father was so grateful that he (12) offered/ was offering to teach Edison to be a telegraph operator. Edison accepted the offer and soon he (13) had/ was having regular lessons. After a year, he was good enough to get a job in the telegraph office. He continued to read and experiment,

8. VERB TENSES 127 _____________________________________________________ whenever he (14) had/ was having time. At twenty-one he (15) left/ was leaving the telegraph office to devote all his time to being an inventor. He (16) went/ was going on to invent the electric light bulb, the phonograph and the movie camera. Exercise 4. Complete the description of the life of a musician, using the verbs given. Use either the past simple or the past continuous. Colin Boyle was born in 1973 near Dublin, Ireland. In 1983 he became seriously ill. While he (1) was recovering (recover) his uncle (2) gave (give) him an old violin. He enjoyed playing and practiced at school every day after lessons. One day in 1987, John Leaf, the manager of several successful musicians, (3) .. (have) a meeting with the headmaster when he (4) (hear) Colin practicing. He immediately (5) ....... (contact) Colins teacher and (6) .. (invite) Colin to appear in one of the concerts he (7) (organize) that year. Colin, however, (8) .. (refuse) Leafs invitation, because just then he (9) . (prepare) for some important school exams. Colin (10) . (pass) his exams and (11) . (go) to college to study engineering. At college he (12) .. (meet) Kim OMalley, who (13) . (study) chemistry. Kim was also a keen amateur musician. Being students, they rarely (14) .. (have) much money and they usually (15) .. (work) as waiters at weekends. One evening in April 1992, while Colin and Kim (16) . (serve) customers, the manager (17) (announce) that there would be no live music in the restaurant that night as regular band could not come. Colin and Kim (18) .... (persuade) him to let them play to the customers. Everyone (19) . (be) amazed to hear how good they (20) (be). Six months later they (21) .. (decide) to leave college because they (22) .. (earn) so much money as musicians. Their success has continued ever since. Exercise 5. Choose the correct form of the verbs. ADAM: Hello, Mike. What (1) are you doing/ do you do in this part of London?

128 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ MIKE: Well, actually, (2) Im looking/ I look at flats around here. ADAM: Flats? (3) Are you wanting/ Do you want to move? MIKE: Yes, in fact, believe it or not, Mandy and I (4) are getting/ get married. ADAM: Thats great! Congratulations. When (5) were you deciding/ did you decide? MIKE: Only last week. It was while we (6) were staying/ stayed with her family in Scotland. Now (7) we try/ were trying to find a suitable flat. ADAM: Itll be great to have you as neighbours. I hope you manage to buy one soon. MIKE; Oh we (8) arent looking/ dont look for one to buy. We (9) arent having/ dont have enough money yet. (10) Were wanting/ We want to find somewhere to rent. ADAM: Yes, of course. Thats what we (11) did/ were doing at first. Actually, in the end, my brother (12) was lending/ lent us some money. Thats how we (13) were managing/ managed to buy ours. MIKE: Really? Perhaps Ill talk to my family before (14) we choose/ were choosing a flat. ADAM: Thats not a bad idea. My family (15) gave/ were giving us quite a lot of helpful advice. Now, what about a coffee? Theres a good place just round the corner. MIKE: Oh, yes, I (16) looked/ was looking for somewhere to sit down when I bumped into you. Lets go.


Exercise 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences without changing the meaning, beginning in the way shown. You may need to use the present perfect or the simple past. 1. We havent been to a concert for over a year.

8. VERB TENSES 129 _____________________________________________________ The last time ..we went to a concert was over a year ago. 2. Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself. I.... 3. Its nearly twenty years since my father saw his brother. My father. 4. James went to Scotland last Friday and is still there. James has. 5. When did you last ride a bike? How long is it ...? 6. The last time I went swimming was when we were in Spain. I havent .. 7. You havent tidied this room for weeks. Its ... Exercise 2. Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong. 1. Do you know about Sue? Shes given up her job. RIGHT 2.The Chinese have invented printing. WRONG: The Chinese invented 3. How many plays has Shakespeare written? 4. Have you read any of Shakespeares plays? 5. Aristotle has been a Greek philosopher. 6. Ow! Ive cut my finger. Its bleeding. 7. My grandparents have got married in London. 8. Where have you been born? 9. Mary isnt at home. Shes gone shopping. 10. Albert Einstein has been the scientist who has developed the theory of relativity.


Exercise 1. Underline all the 3rd forms of the verb in the following passage. The old man looked at the broken tree. There was sadness in his eyes. There had been a very bad storm during the night. The wind had almost blown the tree down. Branches lay around,

130 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ the white wood like open wounds without the blood. He thought back to the day when he had planted it ....... many years ago. The tree had grown taller year by year until it had reached almost as high as the roof. He remembered the day his son had climbed up and hidden in the branches and wouldnt come down. He remembered how the war had come and taken his wife and son from him. The house had burnt down. But the tree had survived. It had reminded him of all those other things. Until last night. What could an old man do now? Now write the words you have underlined. 1 ................................. 7 .................................. 2 ................................. 8 .................................. 3 ................................. 9 .................................. 4 ................................. 10 ................................ 5 ................................. 11 ................................. 6 ................................. 12 .................................. Exercise 2. Complete these situations. Number 1 is done for you. 1. I was nervous as I sat in the car waiting for my driving instructor. (drive) I had never driven before. 2. I was terrified as we waited for the plane. (fly) ............................................. 3. My knees were knocking as I stood up at the wedding. (give a speech) ............................................ 4. When I reached the top of the ski lift, I wanted to die. (ski) ............................................. 5. As I changed into my tennis things, I wished Id never agreed to be Martins partner. (play tennis) ............................................. 6. If only I had refused to go to the choir practice! (sing in public) .............................................

8. VERB TENSES 131 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 3. Supply reasonable previous cases in the past for these consequences, results, effects or interest. Use the past perfect and try to find more than one previous cause for each sentence. EXAMPLE: She knew how to bake a cake because (a) her mother had taught her. (b) she had learned at school. (c) she had read about it in a book. Use as and because as links where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. He gave his horse a lump of sugar She asked me to repeat my name We asked her to sing the song again They called the boy Moses Father tipped the waiter very well The man was out of breath I sent my watch to the watchmakers Our visitor was very tired It was very cold outside in the garden We gave the patient first aid We didnt meet yesterday after all I couldnt eat the food at lunchtime Peter didnt know the answer to the question John looked very smart at his sisters wedding The tramp had a three days beard The president arrived half an hour late We called a doctor Peter wasnt very happy when we met him The Colonel had great experience of men The children were late for school

Exercise 4. Supply the simple past for the effect, consequence, result or interest and the past perfect for the previous cause. 1. They (spend) all their money and (not know) where to find any more.

132 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 2. We (finish) our work so we (sit) down to talk. 3. The sky (be) black for some time before the rain (begin) to fall. 4. I (give) you the work to do again because you (do)it badly. 5. When I (thank) my hostess I (leave) the house and (go) home. 6. Yesterday my wife (tell) me about a beautiful hat she (see) a few days earlier. 7. Dr. Brown (just return) so they (give) him the message. 8. One of his patients (break) his leg and (need) a doctor at once. 9. The doctor (hope) for a quiet night. He (feel) disappointed. 10. After the children (go) to bed the house (be) very quiet. 11. They always (live) in a small village and (not understand) the city people. 12. I (cant) read because I (forget) to fetch my glasses. 13. Peter (have) dinner in town that evening as his wife (go) to visit her mother. 14. We (never be) in Athens before so we (want) to see the sights. 15. The child (lose) his money so he (cannot buy) sweets. Exercise 5. Supply the simple past to show cause and immediate effect or the past perfect to show previous cause. The simple past expresses the later consequence. 1. He (press) the switch and the engine (start). 2. Peter (forget) to fill up with petrol so his car (stop) just outside the garage. 3. We (not eat) much for breakfast so we (feel) hungry at lunchtime. 4. John (not arrive) by seven thirty, so Mary (go) to the cinema alone. 5. Mr. Smith (misunderstand) the question because he (not hear) it well.

8. VERB TENSES 133 _____________________________________________________ 6. Professor Smith (heat) a metal bar and it (expand). 7. His firm (give) him a better position last year because he (earn) it. 8. As we (miss) the express from London we (travel) on a slow train. 9. Our host (introduce) me to Mrs. Brown whom I (not meet) before. Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences, or add the sentence, using a verb in the past perfect simple. When I arrived home, I was starving. I hadn`t had anything to eat all day. 1. Tom was furious with Alice because she 2. James inherited a small fortune from his father, but a year later he didnt have a penny. 3. She was fined $200 because she . 4. When I saw him, he was pale and shaking like a leaf.. 5. He was two hours late for the wedding because .... 6. I didnt know her name, but the face was familiar. I was sure 7. I couldnt answer any of the exam questions, although .. 8. James was very proud of his 18- year-old son, who . 9. I was very nervous at the thought of catching plane, because I ... 10. He crawled out of the wrecked car, lucky to escape with his life. .. Exercise 7. Put in the past perfect continuous of the verbs. A: I had a terrible back-ache last week. B: Oh, dear. What had you been doing?(you do) A: I(dig) the garden. It was on Sunday afternoon. I .. (not do) it long when I felt a pain in my back. It was still aching the next day. When I finally got to see a doctor, I (wait)

134 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ over an hour. He was late. He (deal) with an emergency. But he was able to help me. Its much better now. Exercise 8. Add a sentence with the past perfect continuous to explain how the accidents happened. Use these words: 1 play with matches; 2 clean a window; 3 walk on the ice; 4 hitchhike; 5 play on the railway line; 6 walk in her sleep; 7 use a faulty electric drill 1. Some children started a house fire. Theyd been playing with matches. 2. A man fell off a ladder. . 3. A girl drowned in the lake. 4. A young man was hit by the car. 5. Two boys were killed by the train. 6. A woman fell down the stairs in the middle of the night. . 7. A man died of an electric shock. Exercise 9. Identify which action took place first (1st) in the past and which action took place second (2nd). 1. The tennis player jumped in the air for joy. She had won the match. a.. 1st the tennis player won the match. b. .2nd the tennis player jumped in the air. 2. Before I went to bed, I checked the front door. My roommate had already locked it. a. I checked the door b. My roommate locked the door 3. I looked for Bob, but he had left the building. a. Bob left the building b. .I looked for Bob.

8. VERB TENSES 135 _____________________________________________________ 4. I laughed when I saw my son. He had poured a bowl of noodles on top of his head. a. I laughed b. .My son poured a bowl of noodles on his head. 5. Oliver arrived at the theatre on time, but he couldnt get in. he had left his ticket at home. a. .Oliver left the ticket at home b. Oliver arrived at the theatre. 6. I handed Betty the newspaper, but she didnt want it. She had read it during her lunch hour. a. .I handed Betty the newspaper b. Betty read the newspaper. 7. After Carl arrived in New York, he called his mother. He had promised to call her as soon as he got in. a. Carl made a promise to his mother b. Carl called his mother. 8. Stella was alone in a strange city. She walked down the avenue slowly, looking in shop windows. Suddenly she turned her head and looked behind her. Someone had called her name. a. Stella turned her head and looked behind her. b. Someone called her name. Exercise 10. Circle the correct completion. 1. Amanda didnt need to study the multiplication tables in fifth grade. She them. a. was learning b. had already learned 2. I enjoyed visiting Tommys class. It was an arithmetic class. The students their multiplication tables. a. were learning b. had already learned 3. While I up the mountain, I got tired. But I didnt stop until I reached the top. a. was walking b. had walked 4. I was very tired when I got to the top of the mountain. I a long distance. a. was walking b. had walked

136 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 5. I knocked. No one answered. I turned the handle and pulled sharply on the door, but it did not open. Someone it. a. was locking b. had locked 6. Where were you when the earthquake occurred ? In my office. I to my assistant. We were working on a report. a. was talking b. had already talked 7. Ahmeds house was destroyed in the earth quake. I know! Its lucky that he and his family for his parents home before the earth quake struck. a. were leaving b. had already left 8. We drove two hundred miles to see the circus in Kansas City. When we got there we couldnt find the circus. It town. We all the way to Kansas City for nothing. a. was leavingwere driving b. had lefthad driven c. was leaving had driven d. had leftwere driving Exercise 11. Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets. 1. You went to Jills house but she wasnt there. (she/ go/ out) She had gone out. 2. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasnt the same as before. (it/ change / a lot) . 3. I invited Rachel to the party but she couldnt come. (she arrange/ to do something else) .. 4. You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the cinema late. (the film/ already/ begin) .. 5. I was very pleased to see Tim again after such a long time. (I/ not/ see / him for five years) .. 6. I offered Sue something to eat but she wasnt hungry. (she/ just/ have/ breakfast) .

8. VERB TENSES 137 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 12. Read the situations and write sentences ending with before. Use the verb given in brackets. 1. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. It was his first flight. (fly) He had never flown before/ He hadnt flown before. 2. A woman walked into the room. She was a complete strange to me. (see) I .. before. 3. Simon played tennis yesterday. He wasnt very good at it because it was his first game. (play) He .. 4. Last year we went to Denmark. It was our first time there. (be) We . Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect tense. 1. At last she showed me the letter he (write). 2. I knew that as a girl she (live) in the country. 3. I was going round to see Helen after dinner. I (arrange) this visit the day before. 4. The last member of the party was Peter, whom George (know) for some time. 5. Frank was half an hour late and he asked what we (eat) because he wanted to order the same. 6. She knew that he would not speak till they (reach) their house. 7. When he (find) the photo, I took the album back to the shelf. 8. He read what I (write) on the back of the photo 20 years before. Exercise 14. Read each sentence below. Say what happened first and what happened next. 1. When the Titanic hit an iceberg, the passengers had just gon to bed. 2. When the Titanic hit an iceberg in 1912, it has just started its first trip across the Atlantic. 3. The ship sank four hours after it had hit the iceberg.

138 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 4. The Carpathia arrived two hours after the Titanic had sunk, and it saved 700 people. 5. Some of those people had been in the icy water for hours when they were saved. 6. 500 people had already lost their lives when the Carpathia arrived. 7. The passengers had not practiced lifeboat drill when the accident happened. 8. They had not received their lifeboat numbers yet when the ship hit the iceberg. 9. The radio officer on the Californian had just gone to bed when the ship struck the iceberg. 10. He had already sent a warning to the officers of the Titanic when he went to bed. 11. The ship had not changed its direction or speed when it hit the iceberg. 12. When the passengers left the ship they had not dressed warmly.


Exercise 1.Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each sentence: a) When I was a child I used to ride/ I was riding a tricycle. b) That looks very heavy. Will I/ Shall I help you? c) Im waiting for Sue. Have you seen her / Did you see her? d) How long are you working/ have you been working here? e) I cant come out because I havent finished/ I didnt finish my homework yet. f) When the phone rang I washed/ I was washing my hair in the bathroom. g) Why do you stare/ are you staring at me like that? h) Wed better wait here until the rain stops/ will stop. i) When did you last go/ have you last been to the cinema?

8. VERB TENSES 139 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 2. Decide which answer, a, b, c or d, best fits the space:

When the bus (1) . in a small square, Helen (2) . her magazine and didnt realize that she (3) . at her destination. This is Santa Teresa, Martin said. (4) home! I suppose your cousin (5) for us. Come on. (6).the bags. Helen thought, all those years when I (7).in New York, I (8)of this moment. And now its real, I cant believe it! Here I am, (9)in the square. Santa Teresa was Helens birthplace, but she (10) . the town at the age of six. She had some memories of the town, and some photographs, but (11) . here still? She (12) . Nobody (13) . in the square . haps her cousin Maria (14) Helens letter. What (15)now? asked Martin. there isnt even a hotel here! 1. a) has stopped b) stops c) stopped d) was stopped 2. a) was reading b) read c) had read d) used to read 3. a) arrived b) arrives c) has arrived d) had arrived 4. a) You arrive b) You are c) You have d) Youve arrived arriving been arriving 5. a) waits b) will be c) has waited d) is going to wait waiting 6. a) Ill carry b) I carry c) Ive carried d) I carried 7. a) live b) have lived c) was living d) am living 8. a) dream b) am c) used to d) will dream dreaming dream 9. a) I really stand b) I was c) I really d) Im really really stood standing standing 10. a) was leaving b) had left c) used to d) has left leave 11. a) will she belong b) did she c) has she d) does she belong belong belonged 12. a) wasnt knowing b) hasnt c) hadnt d) didnt know known known

140 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 13. a) was waiting b) is waiting 14. a) wasnt receiving b) didnt use to receive 15. a) are we going to b) have we do done c) waits c) had not received c) did we do d) waited d) hasnt received d) are we doing

Exercise 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. a) Steve left before my arrival. When I arrived Steve had already left. b) Do you need any help with your suitcase? Shall you with your suitcase? c) Whats your usual time of arrival at school? When arrive at school? d) Alice started playing tennis six months ago. Alice . six months. e) Ill wait here until it stops raining. When it stops raining .. leave. f) In the middle of the meal, the phone rang. While I was .. the phone rang. g) Im sorry, but Mrs Dawson isnt here. Im sorry, but Mrs Dawson has . out. h) Jack has come to stay for the weekend. Jack . with me for the weekend. i) I last saw David in 1990. I since 1990. j) Are you free tomorrow evening? Are anything tomorrow evening? Exercise 4. Underline the error in each sentence. Correct the error. 1. By the time I got to the phone it stopped ringing. it had stopped .. 2. Im not very good at this game. You see, I didnt play it before. 3. When has Peter written to you last?

8. VERB TENSES 141 _____________________________________________________ 4. What do you do at the weekends? Are you ever going to the cinema? 5. When I was on holiday last summer I was going to the beach every day. .. 6. Julie cant meet you tomorrow. She will play basketball. . 7. Youre always late! Im waiting here for ages! . 8. How long do you live in this flat? Its very tiny! . Exercise 5. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word or phrase: a) Can you remember what you ten years ago? b) This is the first jazz concert I .. to. c) Dont eat any more icecream, you .. sick. d) I have hated this place ever . here. e) I hope that by the end of the month I all the decorating. f) Sheila and Ken . to each other since their quarrel last week! g) Do . going to the cricket match tomorrow? h) We cant go skiing because it enough yet. i) Penny to going on holiday, but she ended up very disappointed. j) I began to recover my strength later, once I .. a good meal. Exercise 6. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense: a) Sam . (not receive) the parcel the last time I (speak) to him. b) I . (consider) buying a house but now I . (change) my mind.

142 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ c) When you . (feel) hungry later, room service .. (bring) you whatever you .. (want). d) I . (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I .. (lose) my ticket. e) Since I .. (pay) for our lunch, I (try) to attract the waiters attention. f) As soon as I . (have) a good look at the designs, I . (send) them back to you. g) I . (hope) to meet you ever since I (read) your first novel. h) Whatever . (happen), I . (meet) you here in a weeks time. i) By the time you .. (finish) getting ready, we (miss) the train! j) Sally! I . (not expect) to see you here! What (you do) in New York? Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tenses: a) I (not understand) what you .. (wait) for. b) .. (anyone see) my pencil? I . (leave) it here somewhere. c) When he (not arrive) by 6.00, I . (know) he (miss) the bus. d) . (you go away) this weekend? Or (you run out) of money? e) What (you think) you .... (do) in ten years time? f) I .. (really enjoy) myself at the moment. g) (you let) me know the minute you (hear) any news? h) Something (tell) me that you .... (not listen) to a single word I (say) in the past ten minutes. i) Whats the matter? (you hurt) your ankle? How .. (you do) it?

8. VERB TENSES 143 _____________________________________________________ j) Thats definitely the last time that I . (lend) you any money!

Exercise 8. Complete each sentence with one appropriate word: a) Its . since I last had a good Chinese meal. b) Funnily enough I saw Bob quite .. at the sports club. c) Ive loved you ever .. the first day I set eyes on you. d) How long . was it that you lived in Inverness? e) Ive to see anyone who can dance as well as Diana. f) Could you phone me the . you arrive at the hotel so I dont worry? g) I promise to get everything ready eight oclock at the latest. h) Have you finished ..? Wow, you are a fast worker, arent you? i) Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but it will be some time . Brian gets back. j) Just sit here, would you? The doctor will be with you ... Exercise 9. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense, in either continuous or simple form, according to the context: a) This is my car. What .. (you think) of it? b) Who are you? What do you mean? I . (live) here. c) I cant find the car keys. What ... (you do) with them? d) Sorry I havent fixed the plug. I .. (mean) to get round to it, but I just havent found the time. e) What . (you do) on Saturdays? f) I dont know what time well eat. It .. (depend) when Helen gets here. g) I supported you at the time because I .. (feel) that you were right. h) Peter couldnt understand what had been decided because too many people . (talk) at once.

144 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ i) j) Jean, Im so glad youve got here at last. I (expect) you all day. Please dont let me down this time! I (depend) on you.

Exercise 10. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase: 1. we get to the theatre, the play will have started. a) As soon as b) Until c) By the time d) Whenever 2. Whats the matter? Havent you started? a) already b) yet c) by now d) soon 3. The trouble with you is that yourecomplaining. a) forever b) often c) still d) each time 4. Can you remember what you were doing? a) the time b) usually c) every day d) at the time 5. The new school opens.. a) now b) at once c) next week d) day by day 6. I havent been feeling very well... a) of late b) not long ago c) currently d) by now 7. ..we get to the top of this hill, well be all right. a) Eventually b) Once c) Now d) At the time 8. Its ages.I last saw a decent comedy film on television. a) that b) ago c) since d) when 9. I dont go swimming very much.. . a) nowadays b) in those days c) recently d) now and again 10. ..we havent managed to find what we are looking for. a) To now b) On and off c) Formerly d) So far Exercise 11. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense: Farmers, as we all (1) .. (know), (2) . (have) a hard time of it in Britain lately, and (3) . (turn) to new ways of earning income from their land. This (4) .. (involve) not only planting new kinds of crops, but some strange ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you (5) (hear) me correctly! A farmer in the West of England now (6) (hold) sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people (7)

8. VERB TENSES 145 _____________________________________________________ . (turn up) to watch the proceeding. I (8) (pass) the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday, one punter told me, and I (9) (think) Id have a look. I (10) .. (not believe) it was serious, to tell you the truth. According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. Horse races everyone (11) .. (already study) the form of the horses in advance, and there are clear favourites. But nobody (12) (hear) anything about these sheep! Most people (13) . (find) it difficult to tell one from another in any case. I (14) .. (stay) to watch the races, and I must admit that I (15) .. (find) it quite exciting. In a typical race, half a dozen sheep (16) . (race) downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food (17) .. (wait) for them at the other end of the track, I ought to add! The sheep (18) . (run) surprinsingly fast, although presumably they (19)At proper (not eat) for a while just to give them some motivation. At any rate, the crowd around . me (20) .. (obviously enjoy) their day out at the races, judging by their happy faces and the sense of excitement. Exercise 12. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same: a) The last time I was in Prague was in 1986. I havent .. b) This will be the teams first match outside England. This will be the first time . c) Terry will get over his illness. Then his work will improve. Once .. d) There will be someone to meet you on arrival. When .. e) The number of people who attended the fair exceeded our expectations. More people f) I didnt receive the results of my test for a month.

146 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ It was ... g) My work wont be finished by the end of the month. I h) Go to the international ticket desk immediately on arrival. As . i) I didnt know about Johns departure. I didnt know that . j) Quite a few books are missing from the class library. Several members of the class have not Exercise 13. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense: Ask hundreds of people what they (1) . (do) on a certain day in August next year, or the year after, and there (2) . (be) only one reply. Provided of course that the people you (3) (ask) (4) (belong) to the Elvis Presley Fan Club. Although the King of Rock and Roll (5) . (die) nearly two decades ago, his fans (6) . (meet) every year since then outside his home in Memphis, to show respect for the singer they (7) (love) so much. Fans like Jean Thomas from South London (8) .. (visit) Graceland, the house where Elvis (9) . (suffer) his fatal heart attack, twice in the past five years. The first time I (10) (borrow) money from my Mum, as I (11) (not work) then. But two years ago I (12) . (get) married and since then I (13) (work) in my husband Chriss garage. Chris and I (14) (go) together last year, and we (15) . (think) of spending two or three months in the USA next year. I (16) . (always want) to visit some of the places where Elvis (17) (perform). Like Las Vegas for example. Jean says that Elvis (18) . (be) her obsession ever since she (19) . (be) ten yaers old, and she (20) . (own) every single one of his records, good and bad.

8. VERB TENSES 147 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 14. Decide which answer, (a, b, c or d), best fits the place: 1. I . for a used car. Could you recommend me one? a) look b) have looked c) looked d) am looking 2. They started building the house ten years ago and it yet. a) havent b) hadnt c) didnt d) dont finish finished finished finish 3. Books .................... from he library much too often. a) steal b) stolen c) are stolen d) stealing 4. I was in London last year and I . the British Museum every day. a) visited b) had visited c) have visited d) was visiting 5. While I.for the tea to boil, I fell asleep. a) am waiting b) had been c) been waiting d) was waiting waiting 6. They have been fighting ever since they.married a) got b) had got c) have got d) have been getting 7. I..English since I was at school. a) didnt speak b) dont speak c) havent d) wasnt spoken speaking 8. anybody in these classes know English? a) Do b) Do not c) Does d) Would 9. Iin his street for ten years. a) lived b) am living c) live d) have lived 10. When I last saw him heon his bed. a) was laying b) was lying c) was lieing d) is laying 11. He..here from 1985 to 1990. a) worked b) has worked c) has been d) works working 12. It was ten years ago when my sister . married. a) has got b) had got c) got d) gotten 13. When I saw his smiling face, I knew Peter . good news of his examination results . a) is having b) was having c) has had d) had had

148 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 14. It usually.grandmother a long time to remember what she wants. a) take b) took c) takes d) is taking 15. .they pleased when they passed with flying colours? a) Werent b) Havent c) Wasnt d) Hadnt 16. Inon-stop since Monday. a) am working b) work c) have worked d) have been working 17. She was here a minue ago. You her. a) just missed b) have just c) had just missed d) are just missing missed 18. This is the last time we.you before you leave. a) see b) have seen c) are seeing d) saw 19. The house reminded me of those I . in Spain two years before. a) saw b) have seen c) had seen d) was seen 20. When.lunch on Sundays? a) you have b) have you had c) you have had d) do you have Exercise 15. Translate into English: 1. Vacana de var ine dou luni. n fiecare var mergem dou sptmni la mare. 2. E smbt i facem curat n cas. Sora mea terge praful din camer, iar eu fac paturile. 3. Prinii mei locuiesc n Braov. i vizitez n fiecare lun. 4. Copiii se joac n parc n fiecare zi. 5. Lum micul dejun. Mama bea cafea, iar tata mnnc omlet. 6. Bunica uit ntotdeauna unde-i pune ochelarii i de fiecare dat cnd are nevoie de ei i caut prin toat casa. 7. Adrian e n camera mamei. Repar maina de cusut. 8. Prietenii ti te ateapt n faa cinematografului. 9. Totdeauna seara ne uitm la televizor. 10. Carmen poart astzi o rochie verde. 11. n mod obinuit ne petrecem sfritul de sptmn ntr-un sat din aproprierea Bucuretiului. De data asta ns rmnem acas pentru c ateptm nite musafiri.

8. VERB TENSES 149 _____________________________________________________ 12. Totdeauna se ntmpl acelai lucru. Cnd ia bani se duce dup cumprturi i vine acas cu o grmad de fleacuri. 13. De cte ori vin la voi, cineva cnt la vioar n apartamentul vecin. Mie mi place, dar nu tiu ct de ncntai suntei voi de asta. 14. tiu c eti priceput la toate. De ce eti aa de nendemnatic azi? 15. Ieri a plouat toat ziua, aa c am stat acas i m-am uitat la televizor. 16. Duminica trecut Carmen a scris cteva scrisori, apoi a ascultat un concert la radio. 17. Fratele meu i-a terminat micul dejun acum o or. A mncat pine cu unt i a but lapte. 18. George i-a vizitat prietenii acum cteva zile. 19. De obicei plec la coal devreme, dar ieri am plecat mai trziu i am alergat s prind autobuzul. 20. Acum cteva zile a fost ziua lui Victor, aa c i-am cumprat un cadou, iar mama i-a fcut un tort. 21. Sptmna trecut am cheltuit foarte mult. Am mers la supermarket i am venit acas far nici un ban. 22. L-am vzut pe fratele tu cnd traversa strada. 23. M uitam la televizor cnd a sosit potaul. 24. Tom tocmai pleca cnd l-a strigat Dan. 25. George i Harry se plimbau prin parc cnd a nceput s plou. 26. n timp ce Diana asculta un concert la radio, cineva a btut la u. 27. George i spla maina cnd Angela a venit acas. 28. Prietenul meu mi-a telefonat n timp ce dormeam. 29. Bieelul alerga cnd, deodat a czut i s-a lovit la picior. 30. Liz a ajuns la teatru tocmai cnd se stingeau luminile. 31. n timp ce Doris spla vasele, a spart o farfurie. 32. Nu l-am vzut pe Victor n ultima vreme 33. Ai cltorit vreodat cu avionul? 34. Aceasta este cea mai bun pies de teatru pe care am vzut-o vreodat. 35. N-am mncat niciodat icre negre.

150 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 36. Nu mai e nimeni aici. Toi au plecat. 37. David e bolnav de trei zile. 38. Am bicicleta asta de cnd am mplinit zece ani. 39. Au trecut dou luni de cnd ne-a scris Laura. 40. George n-a mai cntat la pian de cnd era copil. 41. Adrian citete n camera lui de cnd a venit de la coal. Luna asta a citit ase romane. 42. Am fcut multe fotografii n acest vacan, dar nu sunt la fel de bune ca cele pe care le-am fcut anul trecut. 43. George se uit la televizor de la ora 8. Pn acum a vazut dou filme i un talk- show. 44. Astzi vecinii notri i-au parcat mainile n noul parcaj din faa blocului. 45. Prietenul ei e scriitor. Pn acum a scris cteva romane, iar anul trecut a scris i o pies de teatru. 46. Familia Scott a cumprat un apartament acum zece ani i de atunci locuiesc acolo. 47. Locuiesc n acest ora de douzeci de ani. Prinii mei au venit aici cnd aveam doi ani. 48. Am fost foarte ocupat sptmna asta, dar smbt m duc la munte. 49. Nici n-am apucat s m mic c s-a i trezit. 50. Oaspeii plecaser cnd tata s-a ntors de la birou. 51. Era n magazin de jumtate de or cnd i-a dat seama c i-a lsat portmoneul acas. 52. Nici n-am apucat s nchid bine ua, c am i auzit pe cineva sunnd. 53. Toi prietenii mei au citit cartea dup ce au vzut programul la televizor. 54. Cnd am ajuns la teatru, piesa tocmai ncepuse. 55. M dusesem deja la culcare cnd mi-am adus aminte c nu am ncuiat ua. 56. Cnd am ajuns acas Diana cnta la pian de cteva ore. 57. Victor nu a putut s plece acas pn nu i-a terminat treaba. 58. Ne plimbam de jumtate de or cnd ne-am ntlnit cu Frank. 59. Spectacolul se terminase de mult cnd am pornit spre cas.

8. VERB TENSES 151 _____________________________________________________ 60. Trenul era n gar de cinci minute cnd m-am urcat n compartiment.


Exercise 1. 1. family, 2. team, 3. crowd, 4. crew, 5. flock. Exercise 2. writing-desk, steam-engine, stone wall, bricklayer, washing machine, match-box, bedroom, bathroom, fountain-pen, dining car. Exercise 3. a) buses, towns, women, boxes, flies, keys, bees, Englishmen, teeth, wishes, geese, cities, potatoes, books, children, leaves, lives, feet, apples, toys, balls, wolves, safes, oxen. b) brushes, thieves, Chinese, Germans, donkeys, shelves, fishes, cliffs, Swiss, inches, sheep, lice, bamboos, handkerchiefs, axes, proofs, phenomena, dynamos, means, pianos. c) echoes, loaves, nieces, halves, chiefs, volcanoes, Japanese, deer, mice, knives, births, daughters, buffaloes, atlases. Exercise 4. fruits (varietati de fructe), fishes (soiuri de peti), damages (despgubiri), airs (aere), compasses (compas), pains (osteneal), colours (steag, drapel). Exercise 5. pair, flock, herd, pack, flight, cloud, shoal, pair, herd, gang, pair, school, team, pack, audience, bunch, pack. Exercise 6. a) woman, mother, sister, milkwoman, Englishwoman, daughterin-law, sportswoman, niece, girl, Mrs., wife, aunt, chairwoman. b) widow, witch, waitress, spinster, lady, queen, bride, heroine, bitch, cow, mare,goose, sheep, hen, bee. c) duchess, princess, actress, goddess, hostess, waitress, manageress, tzarina, sultana, poetess, niece, fox.

Exercise 7. 1. shortness, cruelty, sanity, gaiety, freedom

ANSWER KEY 153 _____________________________________________________ 2. existentialism, foolishness, socialism, shortness, wideness, 3. meanness, childishness, anxiousness, stength. Exercise 8. blood, bath, song, belief, breath, food, loss, life, proof, choice. Breadth, depth, length,strength, width, novelty. Exercise 9 1. He knows nothing about this countrys climate. 2. Do you know the name of the managers typist? 3. The new car of his cousins friend is a HONDA. 4. Jane doesnt know her daughters time table. 5. She does not doubt the good intentions of her husbands parents. 6. You can easily notice the springs first signs 7. The shop-girlsdresses are the best advertisment. 8. They all welcomed the polices protection. 9. These are G.B. Shaws best plays . 10. He has been studying Scotlands folklore for several years. 11. All the childrens parents are present at the meeting. 12. She wont say a word about her lifes purpose 13. Romanias industry is in full swing. 14. The nightingales high note can be easily heard. Exercise 10. 1. Nu mai avem suc de portocale; mai bine te-ai duce la bcnie s cumperi. 2. Costumul cel nou al soului meu nu este gata nc; se afl la croitorie. 3. Cnd mergi n Regatul Unit, s nu pierzi ocazia s mergi la muzeul Tussaud. 4. De regul, ei cumpr fructe proaspete de la aprozar n fiecare luni dimineaa. 5. Ai vzut vreodat palatul St. James? 6. Ei s-au decis s mearg la biroul de avocatur mine la amiaz. 7. n drumul tu ctre cas, te-ai putea opri la tutungerie s-mi

154 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ cumperi nite igri. 8. Sunt angajat al firmei Ford de 20 de ani. 9. M voi duce la coafor mai trziu. 10. nainte de a m ntoarce acas, am trecut pe la brutrie, de unde am cumprat o pine proaspt i aceste delicioase cornuri. Exercise 11. 1. The streets of this town are very large. 2. The marriage of my friends children took place two weeks ago. 3. This is my sons new teacher of mathematics. 4. Before starting my classes, I took a twenty minutes walk. 5. The staff of this company is made up of thirty people. 6. In the next months interval we are going to finish all our exams. 7. at this age, a ten hours travel by train must be tiresome. 8. We must never forget about the poors rights. 9. A five minutes wait does not matter any longer. 10. The yesterdays newspaper published many interesting news. Exercise 12. o Verbs: decision, approval, discussion, referral, discovery, teacher, weight, growth, payment, performance, limitation, betrayal, o Adjectives: nationalism, wisdom, likelihood, freedom, greatness, weakness, kindness, happiness, truth, deep height, height, warmth o Nouns: dictatorship, friendship, scholarship, leadership, childhood, pianist, musician, mathematician, scientist, hospitality, widowhood, waiting. Exercise 13. 1. These are boxes. 2. Those are lorries. 3. Where are the knives? 4. Are they your watches? 5. These are new houses. 6. Those are old chimneys. 7. Those arent my dresses. 8. Those are shoes. 9. Who are these men? 10. They are farmers and these are their

ANSWER KEY 155 _____________________________________________________ wives. 11. Those are rows of people. 12. Are they new bridges? 13. There are matches in the boxes. 14. There are no children in their family. 15. Are there dictionaries on his desk? 16. Are there desks in that room? 17. The faces of those women are attractive. 18. The houses arent large, but they are comfortable. 19. Who are those persons? 20. Which are your books? Exercise 14. 1. The ball is round. 2. The house has a roof. 3. This is a phoneme. 4. The fox is an animal. 5. The rose is a beautiful flower. 6.A watch is a small clock. 7. The dog has a tail. 8. That boy is a good friend to the other one. 9. This is a simple sentence. 10. This isnt a box. 11. The child is at school. 12. This is my notebook. 13. My friend wants to study German. 14. His brother works hard all day. 15.A housewife has to work very hard. 16. A child receives a lot of pleasure from this game. 17. He lives in a small house. 18. The postman brings letters three times a day. 19. The boy wakes up at six. 20. It is a picture on the wall. Exercise 15. armchair, bottle- opener, fast-food, yellow pages, lawn mower, telephone directory, chewing gum, central heating, air conditioner, tea bag, alarm clock, post office, babysitter, heart attack, burglar alarm, fairy tale, credit card, bus stop, bank account, contact lenses. Exercise 16. 1. camera, video, shop, box, cassette, hundred. 2. officer, tooth, person, man, woman, dozen, car, bus. Exercise 17. 1 mice, 2 flies, 3 mosquitoes, 4 beaches, 5 churches, 6 photos, 7 loaves, 8 fruit, 9 peaches, 10 oranges, 11 tomatoes, 12 shelves, 13 fish, 14 buses, 15 feet, 16 wolves, 17 people, 18 families, 19 men, 20 wives, 21 children, 22 lives, 23 centuries, 24 countries Exercise 18. radio, morning, accidents, roads, people, accident, motorway, cars, junction problems, rail, travellers, trains, cities, minutes.

156 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 19. courage, air, smoke, safety, water, health, damage, environment.


Exercise 20. 1. are, 2. was, 3. rush, 4. play, 5 .is made up, 6. are listening to, 7. are entering, 8. agree, 9. is, 10. were gathered, 11. are voting, 12. was placed, 13. are, 14. is, 15. are, 16. are published, 17. are taken down, 18. is, 19. is, 20. is. Exercise 21. 1 arent, 2 dont, 3 is, 4 is/ are trying, Exercise 22. 1 are, 2 have got, 3 are, 4 are, 5 stop, 6 ask, 7 avoid, 8 are, 9 is, 10 is.

Exercise 1. 1.A noun is a word. 2.A city is a big town. 3.A horse is an animal. 4.A rose is a beautiful flower. 5.A table is a piece of furniture. Exercise 2. the, the, a, the. Exercise 3. 1.a ,-, a. 2. the ,-. 3. the 4. the, the 5.-, -, the 6.-, the 7.-, a 8. the, - 9.-, -, 10. the, -, an, the. Exercise 4. 1.a, a 2.-, - 3.a, - 4.-, the, the 5.-, the 6.a, -, a 7. the, the, the 8. an 9.-, a, -10. the, the, the. Exercise 5. 1.-, the(an) 2.a, a, the 3.-, the 4.-, the 5.-, - 6.-, -, the 7.-, -, - 8. an, -, - 9. the, the 10 .the, an. Exercise 6. an enormous, a diameter, the earth, a train, an hour, the stars, the one, a diameter, the thousands, a powerful, the naked, the earth, a hundredth, the full. Exercise 7. the, the, -, the, the, -, the, the, -, a, the, the, -, -, the,

ANSWER KEY 157 _____________________________________________________ the, -, a, the, -, -, -, the, the, a, the, -, -, the, the, a, -, -, an, -, the, the, an, the, a, -, -, a, the, -. Exercise 8. 1. the 2. the, the, the 3. the, the 4. the 5. the, the 6. the, the 7. -, the, the 8. the, the, the 9. the, the, the 10. the, - 11. the, the 12. -, the, the 13. - 14. the, -, the 15. -, the, the 16. the 17. -, -, -, the, the 18. the, the 19. the, the, the 20. -, -, - 21. -, the Exercise 9. 1 .-, a, a, a, a 2. a, a 3. a, a 4. an, a, a 5. a, a 6. a, a, a 7. a, a, a, a 8. a 9. a 10. a, a 11. an, a, a, a, a, a 12. a 13. a, a 14. a, a 15. an, -, a. Exercise 10. 1. -,-,the, a, 2. the, -, a, -, a, the 3. the, the,the 4. the, a, the, the, an, -5. -, the, the,the 6. a, -, 7. -, -, -, the 8. the, the,the , the, a, a, the, the 9. the, -, the, -,- the, - 10. the/ a,the, the 11. the, a, the, a 12. the, the, -, the, the 13 a ,the, the, the/an, the/an 14. -, -, -, an. Exercise 12 : A)1.a, 2.a, 3.a, 4.the, 5.the, 6.-, 7.-, 8.the, 9.a, 10.the, 11.the, 12.a. B)1.an, 2.the, 3.the, 4.a, 5.the, 6.-, 7.-, 8.the, 9.the, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the, 13.-. C)1.the, 2.-, 3.the, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the D)1.a, 2.a, 3.the, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the, 9.the, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the, 13.-, 14.the, 15.the. E)1.an, 2.a, 3.the, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the, 9.-, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the. F)1.the, 2.a, 3.a, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the, 9.the, 10.a, 11.a, 12.the, 13.the, 14.-, 15.the. G)1.a, 2.a, 3.the, 4.a, 5.the, 6.-, 7.a, 8.-, 9.the, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the, 13.the, 14.-, 15.-, 16.the, 17.a, 18.the, 19.the, 20.the, 21.the, 22.a.

158 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 13. 1 -, 2 -, 3 the, 4 -, 5 the, 6 -, 7 the, 8 the, 9 -, 10 -, 11 the, 12 -, 13 the, 14 the, Exercise 14. 1 a, 2 a, 3 an, 4 an, 5 a, 6 an Exercise 15. 1 a restaurant, a street 2 an apple, a glass, 3 a pub, a barmaid, a week, an hour Exercise 16. a-3, b-1, c-8, d-6, e-4, f-5, g-2, h-7 Exercise 17. 1. The, 2. The, 3. The, an, the, A, a. Exercise 18. 1. -, -, 2. the, -, 3. the, -, 4.-

Exercise 19. 1. -, -, 2. the, 3. -, Exercise 20. d, d, d, c, c, d, b Exercise 21. 1. the, a 2. a, the 3. the 4. -, -, 5. the, the, 6. the, the, 7. an, an, 8. -, -, 9. a, 10. the, -, 11. -, the, 12. the, the, the, 13. a, -, the, 14. a, the, 15. an 16. the, -, 17. the, the, 18. the, the, 19. -, 20. a, a, -, the 3. QUANTIFIERS
Exercise 1. 1.many 2.much 3.much 4.much 5.many 6. much 7.much 8.many 9.much Exercise 2. 1.c 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.d 6.a 7.d 8.a 9.c 10.c 11.a 12.d Exercise 3. 1.a great deal of 2. several 3.some 4.a little 5.enough/ a few 6.a lot of/enough 7.much/ a lot of 8. a little 9. much of Exercise 4. 1b 2b 3b 4b,b 5c,c,a 6a 7b 8b,b,a 9b 10c,b 11b Exercise 5. 1.lots of 2.much 3.many 4.much 5.many 6.much 7.little/much 8.lots of, many 9.a lot of 10.much 11.little 12.few 13.little 14.many 15.few Exercise 6. 1.some 2.any 3.any 4.some 5.some 6.some 7.any 8.some

ANSWER KEY 159 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 7. 1.much 2.many 3.much/many 4.many 5.many 6.many 7.many 8.many 9.many 10. much 11.much 12. many 13.many 14.much 15.many Exercise 8. 1.any 2.some 3.some 4.any/ some 5.any 6.some 7.some 8.any 9.any 10.some 11.anyone/ some 12.someone 13.any 14.some 15any 16.someone 17.any 18.some 19.some 20.any 21.anything/ any Exercise 9. 1.some 2.much 3.any 4.anywhere/ any 5.nowhere 6.none 7.any 8.anywhere 9.someone/ anyone 10.anyone 11.some 12.any 13.anyone 14.some/ some 15.anything 16.anything else 17.some 18.some 19.any 20.some Exercise 10. 1.1b 2b 3a 4b 5b 6a 7a 8b 9a 10a Exercise 11. 1b 2b 3a 4a 5b 6b 7b 8a 9a 10a 11b 12b 13b 14a 15a Exercise 12. 1.bowls 2glasses/bottles 3.jar/tube 4.carton of 5.packet of 6.piece of 7.pounds of 8.bags of 9.roll of 10.loaves of Exercise 13. 1 a very little 2 very few cooked 3 a little orange juice 4 a few grapes 5 a little rice, a little wine 6 very little sugar, very little fat, very few snacks Exercise 14. 1 all 2 every 3 all 4 each of 5 all (each) 6 every (each) 7 all 8 every/ each Exercise 15. 1 any 2 any, some 3 any 4 any 5 some, any

Exercise 16. 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-E, 5-A 10-G

6-I, 7-F, 8-J, 9-H,

Exercise 17. 1 those 2 These 3 those 4 these 5 these 6 those 7 this 8 that 9 that 10 That Exercise 18. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.b 10.b 11.b 12.a Exercise 19. 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.b Exercise 20. 1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.b 10.b

160 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 21. 1.very 2.very 3.very much 4.very 5. very much 6.very much 7.very 8.very much 9.very 10.very 11.very much 12.very much 13.very 14.very 15.very 16.very 17.very 18.very much 19.very much 20.very Exercise 22. 1.a little 2.a few 3.little 4.few 5.a little 6.a few 7.a few 8.a little 9.little 10.a few 11.little 12.a little 13.little 14.few 15.a few 16.a few 17.little 18.few 19.a few 20.a little

Exercise 23. 4.much 6.many 8.many 10. much 12.much 13.many 14.much 16.many 18.many/ much 19.much/ many 4. THE PRONOUN
Exercise 1. 2 . he . them 3. he .. her 4. they .. us 5. we him 6. . she . .the 7. . they . me 8. .. she you Exercise 2. 2. him 3. like it. 4. you like it? 5. dont like her? 6. Do you like them?

Exercise 3. 2 .. it to him? 3. .. give it to her? 4 . give it to me? 5. ... give it to them? 6. give them to us?
Exercise 4. 2 ... her 3. our 4.his . 5.their . your .. Exercise 5. 2. my key 3. Her husband 4. your coat 5. their homework 6. his name 7. our house Exercise 6. 2. mine; 3.ours; 4. hers ; 5. theirs; 6. yours; 7.mine; 8 his Exercise 7. 2. them ; 3.they; 4. they; 5. them; Exercise 8. 2. some 3. any 4.any, some 5. some 6. any 7. any 8. some 9. any 10. any Exercise 9. 3. each other 4.each other 5. yourself 6. ourselves 7. each other 8. each other

ANSWER KEY 161 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 10. 2. Either 3. both of them 4. neither of them 5. both of us 6. neither of us 7. neither of us 8. either of them Exercise 11. 1. each other 2 themselves 3 each other 4 themselves 5 each other 6 each other 7 yourself 8 yourself Exercise 12. 1 who 2 what 3 which/that 4 where 5 whose 6 who 7 what 8 whose 9 which/that 10 who Exercise 13. 1 my 2 hers 3 his 4 their 5 theirs 6 its 7 your Exercise 14 2. We 3. you; us 4. it; him; he 5. It 6.she; her Exercise 15. 1. its mine; its got my name on it 2. its his; its got his name on it 3. theyre hers; theyve got her name on it 4. its yours; its got your name on it Exercise 16.1.my 2. Mine 3. You 4. They 5. Him 6. Us 7. It 8. hers 9. his Exercise 17. 1. my; your 2. Mine 3. their; hers; his 4. Its 5. its; its; its 6. Its; Its;Its 7. our; our; ours; theirs 8. It; its; its; it; it; it; Its; it Exercise 18. 1. who 2. whose 3. where 4. ------------- 5. which 6. ------------ 7.where;who Exercise 19. 1.one 2. It 3. one 4. It 5. ones 6. they 7. them 8. one 9. one 10.one Exercise 20. 2. it consists 3. it 4. they 5. they 6. it doesnt 7. they 8. it was 9. they are; their, them 10. it is Exercise 21. 2. himself 3. herself 4. themselves 5. ourselves 6. yourself 7. yourselves 8. oneself, himself, herself Exercise 22. 1.the big one 2.white ones 3.a second hand one 4.the large ones

162 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 23. 1.I; 2 she; 3 it; 4 she; 5 it; 6 she; 7 herself; 8 it; 9 my; 10 mine; 11 I; 12 it; 13 it; 14 it; 15 me; 16 You; 17 him; 18 I; 19 myself; 20 they Exercise 24. 1.its 2.its 3.its 4.its 5.its 6.its 7.its 8.its; its Exercise 25. 1. It was really cheap. 2. It was a friend from the college. 3. It was a real nuisance. 4. It is getting quite hot. 5. It is one oclock. 6. It is important to keep it safe somewhere. Exercise 26. 1.each other, 2.each 4.ourselves, 5.themselves, 6.each other. other, 3.themselves,

Exercise 27. 1. ourselves, 2. you, 3. him, 4. himself, 5. her, 6. yourself. Exercise 28. The other day when I was shopping a woman stopped me and asked me the way to the post office. I gave her directions and she thanked me politely, then ran off quickly in the opposite direction. I put my hand in my pocket and found that my wallet was missing. She must have taken it while we were talking. I shouted and ran after her but it was no good. She had disappeared in the crowd.

Exercise 1. forty-nine, six hundred, fourth, twelfth, two thousand dollars, twenty-third, seventy-eight, eighth, seventeen, fifth, seven million, ninth, thirtieth, three hundred and ninety-five.

ANSWER KEY 163 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 2. four hundred and sixty-two, twentieth, first, twelfth, nine million, three hundred and ten, eighth, a hundred and eleven, fourteen, second, five thousand, sixty-eight, thirty-forth, a hundred and fifty, third, twenty-fifth, nineteenth. Exercise 3. 1. nineteen seventy-six 2. the sixteenth of June/June the sixteenth, nineteen eighty-three 3. the twenty-ninth of September/September the twenty-ninth 4. nineteen eighty-seven 5. the tenth of January/January the tenth, nineteen eighty-eight 6. the ninth of March/March the ninth 7. nineteen ninety. Exercise 4. Most of the examples are idioms and worth learning. 1. three; 2. eleven; 3. sixes and sevens; 4. nine times out of ten; 5. two and two; 6. Twos company, threes a crowd. 7. one hundred; 8. Four; 9. fifty-fifty; 10. forty (do you agree?) Exercise 5. 1. Third 2. second 3. fourth 4. twentieth 5. tenth 6. first 7. first come, first served 8. eighteenth (perhaps twenty first, and in some countries twenty fifth and fiftieth) Exercise 6. I. Four hundred and eight; five thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine; twenty-five thousand one hundred; seven hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and sixtythree; four million two hundred and one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three; twenty-two million seven hundred and sixty thousand four hundred and forty-nine. II. A third; seven eighths; nine tenths; two sevenths; nineteen and three fourths / quarters; six and nine twelfths; three and five ninths; III. Six point oh eight; zero point seven; two point six nine; eighteen point two five nine; three point four one; zero point zero zero one; ten point five eight. Exercise 7. The twenty-first of June nineteen ninety-four; the second of April nineteen oh three; the fifth of August eighteen hundred; the third of December eighteen sixty; the thirtieth of

164 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ May seventeen oh one; the twenty-eighth of September ten sixtysix; the twenty-third of July nineteen hundred; the twenty-second of February nineteen fifteen; the first of January nineteen eighty; the twelfth of November nineteen thirteen. Exercise 8. Double one eight six oh five; two double five seven double nine; one nine seven three double oh; three eight oh one double seven; double five three one nine two; six seven double oh two nine; one two double six oh three; seven one double three five oh; oh seven two six five five five nine nine nine. Exercise 9. Twenty-five past three/ three twenty-five; quarter to seven/ six forty-five; nine oclock/ nine/ nine sharp; quarter past one; half past two/ two thirty; ten to five; eleven past seven; seven to nine; half past twelve. Exercise 10. 1. Ive written him three times till/ until now, but he hasnt answered me yet. 2. Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth is, and the sunlight reaching Venus is twice as powerful as that reaching the Earth. 3. Tens of thousands fans wached yesterdays football game. 4. Phileas Fogg was sure he would be able to go round the world/ earth in eighty days only. 5. Throughout the 1980s/ 80s/ eighties Thatcher government refused to support old unprofitable industries. 6. In Great Britain school hours are usually from nine9.00 a.m. to/ until half past three/ 3.30 or four in the afternoon/ p.m. Exercise 11: 2-f), 3-e), 4-b), 5-a), 6-d) Exercise 12: 1 much less than 50%, 2 a little under 50%, almost 50%, 3 around 50%, about 50%, 4 exactly 50%, precisely 50%, 5 slightly more than 50%, a little over 50%, 6 considerably more than 50%. Exercise 13. 1. about two million

ANSWER KEY 165 _____________________________________________________ 2. Three quarters 3. One third / A third 4. forty-four 5. point five/ nought point five/ zero point five degrees Celsius/ Centigrade. 6. thirty-four point seven degrees Celsius 7. Fifty thousand, two hundred and seventy six 8. nought point oh eight/ point oh eight/ oh point oh eight two hundred and ten 9. four one oh two five Exercise 14. 1. four hundred and sixty-two; 2. two and a half; 3. two thousand three hundred and forty-five; 4. six point seven five; 5. nought point two five; 6. three and a third; 7. one million two hundred and fifty thousand; 8. ten point oh four; 9. forty-seven per cent; 10. the tenth of September/ September the tenth; 11. the third of July/ July the tenth; 12. six oh two eight four seven seven/ double seven; 13. five degrees below zero/ minus five degrees centigrade; 14. nineteen oh three/ nineteen hundred and three; 15. eighteen seventy-six. Exercise 15. 1. thousand; 2. the tenth of September; 3. two hundred and twenty; 4. twenty-five out of forty; 5. the thirty-first of August; 6. seven two three six oh nine. Exercise 16. 1. 59; 2. 192; 3. 60; 4. 5; 5. 8; 6. 15. Exercise 17. Answers may vary according to each student. Exercise 18. 1. hat-trick; 2. scores; 3. cardinal; ordinal; 4. dozen; 5. gross; 6. Roman; 7. even; odd; 8. digits; 9. odd; 10. good; 11. average; 12 round.

Exercise 1. hot, tired, thirsty, small, cold, old, big, wooden, kind, fresh, great.

166 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 2. wonderful, difficult, new, Italian, sad, hungry, terrible, fresh. Exercise 3. small, gold; old, Italian; green, cotton; modern, Spanish; large, black; young, Polish; big, new, Japanese; red, plastic. Exercise 4. colder, bigger, more careful, more expensive, better, fatter, more famous, newer, more modern, younger, cheaper, more delicious, richer, longer, hungrier, nicer, happier, more difficult, older, more beautiful, friendlier, hotter, more wonderful, worse, smaller, sadder. Exercise 5. 1. Antarctica is the coldest place in the world. 2. Manchester is the friendliest city in England 3. The Manhattan is the most expensive restaurant in New York. 4. The Nile is the longest river in the world. 5. Granada is the most beautiful town in Spain 6. The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. 7. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Europe. Exercise 6. 1. Its the biggest ship Ive ever seen 2. Hes the richest man Ive ever met. 3. Its the most difficult exam Ive ever done. 4. Its the saddest film Ive ever seen. 5. Shes the happiest person Ive ever met. 6. Its the most modern flat Ive ever seen. 7. Its the hottest country Ive ever visited. 8. Its the smallest dog Ive ever seen. Exercise 7. 1. easier than 2. better than 3. more successful than 4. luckier than 5. more powerful than 6. more useful than Exercise 8. 1. the worst 2. the funniest 3. the tallest 4. the best 5. the most expensive 6. the most beautiful

ANSWER KEY 167 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 9. 1. as quickly as 2. as angry as 3. as expensive as 4. as big as 5. as good as 6. as hard as Exercise 10. 1. as much (money) as 2. as many countries as 3. as many jobs as 4. as much luggage as 5. as many questions as 6. as much (money) as Exercise 11. excited, surprised, interesting, tiring, surprised, bored, exciting, boring. Exercise 12. too dark, enough information, too late, enough food, too nervous, too fast, good enough, enough clothes, well enough, strong enough, too cold, enough stamps. Exercise 13. 1 a lovely old 2 a famous English architect 3 long narrow country lane 4 a pretty little village 5 Yes 6 Yes 7 modern and well-equipped 8 green and white 9 an interesting old stone fire place 10 Yes Exercise 14. 1. 21% go abroad because the hotels are more comfortable. 2. 5% go abroad because wine and cigarettes are cheaper. 3. 11% go abroad because the sea is warmer. 4. 10% go abroad because the beaches are cleaner. 5. 23% go abroad because the people are friendlier/ more friendly. 6. 15% go abroad because the food is more interesting. 7. 10% go abroad because the night-life is more exciting. 8. 12% go abroad because they get a sun-tan more easily. 9. 2% go abroad because bars stay open later. Exercise 15. 1. The same; 2. Fewer; 3. The least; 4. More; 5. less; 6. the most; 7. the fewest. Exercise 16. 1. The holiday was absolutely wonderful. 2. They are staying in an enormous old grey building. 3. He looks rather tired and old now. 4. We met a charming young medical student.

168 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. He is an angry, aggressive young man. He is a very heavy smoker. She has made him very happy. He gave her a beautiful, heavy gold necklace. They are extremely close friends You seem rather unhappy at the moment. He seems to be a very thoughtful young man. The Project is expensive, time-wasting and impractical. My hair is beginning to turn gray. Diana is a successful and well-respected young actress. I am feeling very fine now.

Exercise 17.
2. more modern; 8. more correct; 9. easier; 11. more careful; 13. more exact; 20. earlier

Exercise 18.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tennis courts are smaller than football pitches. Walking is less tiring than running. Playing tennis is less expensive than flying a plane. Discos are noisier than cinemas. Libraries are quieter than bookshops. Wrestling is less violent than boxing. Polo is less popular than football. Motor cycle racing is less peaceful than fishing. Motor cycle racing is more expensive than jogging. A swimming pool is warmer than the sea. The sea is less crowded than a swimming pool.

Exercise 19.
1. Watching films is more interesting than reading books. 2. Watching TV is less exciting than motor racing. 3. Writing an essay is more difficult than reading a book. Answers may vary according to the students imagination.

Exercise 20.
1. less; 2. more; 3. further; 4. bad; 5. fewer; 6. worse; 7. better.

ANSWER KEY 169 _____________________________________________________

Exercise 21.
1. The weather this month is cooler than last month. Answers may vary according to the students imagination.

Exercise 22.
1. the furthest; 2. the worst; 3. the worst; 4. the most; 5. the least.

Exercise 23.
2. (a) the most beautiful view Ive ever seen. (b) never seen such a beautiful view. 3. (a) the most generous person Ive ever met. (b) never met such a generous person. 4. (a) the most interesting person Ive ever talked to. (b) never talked to such an interesting person. 5. (a) the nicest person Ive ever been to. (b) never been to such a nice party.

Exercise 24.Answers may vary according to each student. Exercise 25. 1. Constanta is one of the most interesting cities in
my country. 2. My friend one of the most reliable person that I know. 3. My mother is the second oldest person in my family. Answers may vary according to the students imagination.

Exercise 1. 1. dangerously, 2. fast, 3. Martin cooks well. 4. I write slowly. 5. She dances wonderfully. 6. Sheila works hard. 7. They dont learn quickly./ They learn slowly. Exercise 2. carefully, angrily, easily, fast, badly, hard, busily, beautifully, happily, hard, correctly, slowly, quietly. Exercise 3. well, fast, badly, hard, slowly, well. Exercise 4. faster, better, more cheaply, more confidently, harder, more comfortably.

170 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 5. quite, quite, really, really, quite, quite, really, quite, really, quite. Exercise 6. 1. You must always lock the front door when you leave. 2. Steve and Jill play golf twice a month. 3. I usually eat a sandwich for lunch. 4. I sometimes go to jazz concerts at the weekend. 5. My teacher gives me a lot of homework every day. 6. We hardly ever see our Mexican friends. 7. They often go to Morocco for their holidays. 8. Bill and Marie go to the theatre four times a year. 9. They are rarely at home in the evening. Exercise 7. 1. his car fast. 2. the piano badly 3. her breakfast slowly. 4. Arabic perfectly. 5. the road carefully. 6. their homework well. 7. an hour late Exercise 8. 1 directly/straight, 2 hard, 3 well, 4 late, 5 good, 6 lately, 7 serious, highly, 8 fast, 9 nervous, hardly, 10 nearly Exercise 9. The girls name is often Lucy. Shes never been in love before. She meets Mark at a party. He asks her: Can I give you a lift somewhere. He phones her the next day. After that they are hardly ever apart. But then another woman always appears. Shes usually very attractive. And her name is generally Miranda. Lucy sees them together in town. She phones him at his flat later. He isnt there. She tries again. She cant really believe that its all finished. She locks herself in her room. At first shes terribly unhappy. But then Mark realizes that he doesnt really love Miranda. And he returns to Lucy for ever.

Exercise 10.
2. most angrily; 3. most impatiently; 4. most nervously; 5. most easily; 6. most quickly; 7. most calmly; 8. most loudly; 9. most gently; 10. most politely. Note: It is possible but rather formal to use the article (the) with these superlatives. Exercise 11. 1. really, 2. just, 3. really/just, 4. really, 5. almost, 6. hardly, 7. hardly, 8. almost, 9. almost, 10. hardly, 11. really, 12. just.

ANSWER KEY 171 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 12. 1. very, 2. enough, 3. very, 4. too, 5. enough, 6. enough, 7. very, 8. too, 9. enough, 10. too, 11. very, 12. very. Exercise 13. 2. We won the game easily. 3. I closed the door quietly. 4. Diane speaks German quite well. 5. Tim watches television all the time. 6. Please dont ask that question again. 7. Does Ken play football every weekend? 8. I borrowed some money from a friend of mine.

Exercise 14.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I go to the bank every Friday. Why did you come home so late? Ann drives her car to work every day. I havent been to the cinema recently. Please write your name at the top of the page. I remembered her name after a few minutes. We walked around the town all morning. I didnt see you at the party on Saturday night. We found some interesting books in the library. Sally took the children to the zoo yesterday. They are building a new hotel opposite the park.

Exercise 15. 2. We were all on holiday. 3. We were all staying at the same hotel. 4. We all enjoyed ourselves. 5. Catherine is always very generous. 6. I dont usually have to work on Saturdays. 7. Do you always watch television in the evenings? 8. He is also learning Italian. 9. The hotel is probably very expensive. 10. It probably costs a lot to stay there. 11. I can probably help you.

172 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 12. I probably cant help you. Exercise 16. 2. usually take, 3. am usually, 4. has probably gone, 5. were both born, 6. can also sing, 7. often breaks, 8. have never spoken, 9. always have to wait, 10, can only read, 11. will probably be leaving, 12. probably wont be, 13. is hardly ever, 14. are still leaving, 15. would never have met her, 16. Yes, I always am at this time of day. (but Im always tired) Exercise 17. 1. loud enough; 2. light enough; 3 too busy; 4. big enough; 5. too foggy; 6. hard enough; 7. sweet enough; 8. too far Exercise 18. 1. long enough; 2. too expensive; 3. enough rain; 4. clearly enough; 4. too many mistakes; 6. old enough; 7. too much traffic; 8. too complicated; 9. enough food. Exercise 19. 1. Quite/ rather; 2. Quite; 3. Rather/ quite; 4. Rather; 5. Quite; 6. Rather/ quite. Exercise 20. 1. That music is a bit loud; 2. I quite like my job; 3. Why dont you slow down a little?; 4. The rain spoilt my day completely; 5. I rather agreed with the speaker; 6. We did the job fairly quickly; 7. I feel a lot better now; 8. Im getting a bit hungry; 9. We enjoyed the concert very much; 10. The prisoners suffered terribly.


Exercise 1. 1. good, carefully, bad 2. wonderful, quickly, beautifully, dangerously, stupid 3. rich, powerful, expensively, carefully, valuable 4. big, old, happily, happy, expensive, cheaply 5. awful, correctly, horrible, hungrily 6. young, beautifully, wonderful, badly Exercise 2. slowly, quickly, immediate, bad, badly, well, good, polite, politely.

ANSWER KEY 173 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 3. 1 exciting, 2 accurately, 3 speedily, 4 highly, 5 enthusiastic, 6 professional, 7 residential, 8 daily, 9 available, 10 incredibly, 11 attractive, 12 interested, 13 immediately. Exercise 4. 1. gracefully 2. well 3.importantly 4. fully 5. straight 6. hard 7. heavily 8. cruelly 9. timidly 10. illegally 11. inevitably 12. fast 13. noisily 14. in a jolly way 15. increasingly

Exercise 5. 1. dark; 2. terribly; 3. badly; 4. suddenly; 5. unhappy; 6. sadly; 7. anxious; 8. friendly; 9. hard; 10. foolishly.


Exercise 1. 2.are building 3.is swimming 4.are standing 5.is coming 6.are cooking 7.is studying Exercise 2. 2.It is/it is not snowing 3.I am/I am not sitting 4. I am/I am not eating 5. It is/ it is not raining 6. I am/ I am not doing the exercise 7. I am/ I am not listening to the radio 8. The sun is/ the sun isnt shining 9. I am/ I am not wearing shoes 10.I am/ I am not reading a newspaper Exercise 3. 2. Yes, I am/ No, Im not. 3. Yes, I am/ No I m not. 4. Yes, it is/ No it isnt. 5.Yes, I am/ No, Im not. 6. Yes, I am/ No Im not. 7. Yes, it is/ No it isnt. 8. Yes, she is/ No she isnt. Exercise 4. 1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C, 7 B, 8 C, 9 A, 10 B. Exercise 5. 1 is having, 2 is freezing, 3 is reading, 4 is driving, 5 is wearing 6 are losing 7 isnt eating, is just drinking, 8 is hurrying, 9 is showing 10 is studying

174 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise7. 2. he is driving slowly 3. he is going out 4. they are eating home 5. they are staying home 6. she isnt getting any 7. they are going to their grandparents 8. they are playing tennis Exercise 8. 2. They are always fighting/ having quarrels.3. They are always knocking on my door. 4. She is always parking her car in my driveway. 5. My neighbours guests are always staying too late. 6.They are always playing music too loudly. 7. He is always dropping dishes Exercise 12. 1. is smelling 2. smells 3. have 4. are having 5. am thinking 6. think 7. looks 8. is looking 9. feels 10. is feeling 11. is listening 12. hear 13. is looking 14. see


Exercise 1. 2.he repairs; 3. she watches; 4. he listens; 5. he loves; 6. she has; 7. he pushes; 8. he does; 9. she thinks; 10 he kisses; 11. he buys; 12. she goes Exercise 2. 2. drinks; 3. have; 4. like, go; 5. boils; 6. open; 7. closes;8. costs; 9. cost; 10. teaches; 11. meet; 12. washes; 13. has Exercise 3. 3. They dont know; 4. He doesnt love her 5. They dont speak English; 6. I want it; 7. She wants them; 8. He doesnt live in Taiwan Exercise 4. 2. sell/ dont sell; 3. doesnt use; 4. dont go; 5. dont wash; 6. doesnt cost; 7. doesnt play; 8. dont know; 9. doesnt wear; 10. dont see; 11. dont have Exercise 5. 1. Do you play tennis? 2. Does Ann play.? 3. Do you know the answer? 4. Do you like hot weather? 5. Does he drink coffee? 6. Do you exercise every morning?

ANSWER KEY 175 _____________________________________________________ 7. Do they speak English? 8. Do you want to be famous? Exercise 6. 2 do you live?; 3. . often do you watch TV? 4. What time do you have lunch? 5. What time do you get up? 6. How often do you go to movies? 7. How do you go to work? 8. What do you have for breakfast? Exercise 7. 1. reads, read; 2. says, does, catches; 3. buys, does; 4. likes, gets; 5. leave, finishes; 6. eats, has. Exercise 8. 1. Does the president of the USA live in New York? No, he doesnt. He lives in Washington.2. Do modern trains use coal? No, they dont. They use electricity. 3. Does the Queen often wear a crown? No, she doesnt. She usually wears a hat. 4. Does wine come from oranges? No, it doesnt It comes from grapes 5. Does Sri Lanka export coffee? No, it doesnt. It exports tea.6. Do potatoes grow on bushes? No, they dont. They grow in the ground. Exercise 9.2.have; 3. drink; 4. walks,drive; 5. get, has;6. arrive; 7. disturb, come; 8. talks; 9. complain; 10. ask; 11. go; 12. gets, do; 13. likes, have; 14. watch, clean; 15. goes; 16. stay. Exercise 10. 1. doesnt work; 2. doesnt spend; 3. take; 4. doesnt stay; 5. gets up; 6. cooks; 7. dont go; 8. forget; 9. reads; 10 go. Exercise 11. 2. smell; 3. sees; 4. hear; 5.tastes; 6. feel.


Exercise 1. 4. is singing; 5. wants; 6. do you read?; 7. are sitting; 8. dont understand; 9. am reading; 10. does she finish; 11. am not listening; 12. doesnt usually drive, walks.

176 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 2. 2. works, is doing; 3. tries, plays; 4. are sitting; 5. Do you listen; 6. am writing; 7. do they drive; 8.doesnt get; 9. rains, isnt raining;10. I am baking, are you smilling, Am I doing? Exercise 3 3. Do you know the answer? 4. Are you reading the answer?5. Are you waiting for the answer? 6. Do you remember the answer? 7. Are you checking the annswer? 8. Are you repeating the answer? 9. Do you have the answer? 10. Are you looking at the answer? 11. Do you need the answer? 12. Are you giving the answer? 13. Do you like the answer? 14. Do you want the answer? 15.Do/can you see the answer? 16. Do you guess the answer?

Exercise 4. 3. drive; 4. is getting; 5. are going; 6. go; 7. does; 8. sees; 9. raise.

Exercise 5. 1. Do you smell, think; 2. is considering; 3. considers; 4. do you remember, is walking; 5.are you thinking, am thinking, think;6. suppose, are waiting; 7. Are you listening, do you understand; 8. Do you recognize, think, don,t remember. Exercise 6. 1. is hanging; 2. are pouring; 3. spoils, breathe, harms; 4. is having, has; 6. smells, looks; 7. is, hurts; 8. realize, is; 9. are thinking; 10. think, go; 11. is walking; 12. is smelling, smells; 13. is touching, feels; 14. is listening, doesnt hear, harms; 15. believes, comes; 16. wants. Exercise 7. 1. Do you speak Greek? 2. Does Bill know Mr. Jameson? 3. We dont live in a large house. 4. Alexander doesnt go to the beach very often. 5. Do I have to attend the ceremony? 6. Is Jane watching television at the moment? 7. Costas doesnt work in a bank. 8. The children arent listening to their mother now. 9. Does Theo live in New York?

ANSWER KEY 177 _____________________________________________________ 10. Is William studying at the moment? 11. Where do you usually spend your holidays?


Exercise 1. 2. has started 3. have given up 4. have gone Exercise 2. 2. have already seen it 3. have already phoned 4.He has already gone 5. I have already read it 6. She has already started Exercise 3. 3. Have you ever been to Australia? 4. Have you ever lost 5. Have you ever flown. 6. Have you ever eaten.. 7. Have you ever been to 8. Have you ever driven 9. Have you ever broken Exercise 4. 2. Helen has never been to Australia 3. Helen has eaten Chinese food a few times 4. Helen has never driven a bus 5. I have/ I have never been to New York. 6. I have/ I have never played tennis. 7. I have/ I have never flown in a helicopter. 8. I have/ have never been late for work or school. Exercise 5. 3. have been 4. has been ill 5. has been living 6. has been working 7. has had 8. have been living Exercise 6. 2. know 3. have known 4. have you been waiting 5. works 6. is; has been Exercise 7. 2. he has just gone out 3. I have not finished yet 4. I have already done it 5. Have you found a job yet? 6. She has just come back Exercise 8. 2. been 3. gone 4. gone 5. Been

178 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ Exercise 9. 2. havent read one 3. it hasnt made a profit/ it has made a loss 4. she hasnt worked very hard this term 5. it hasnt snowed much 6. havent won many/ any games this season Exercise 10. 2. Have you ever played tennis before? No, this is the first time Ive played tennis. 3. Have you ever ridden a horse before? No, this is the first time Ive ridden a horse. 4. Have you ever visited London before? No, this is the first time Ive visited London. Exercise 11. 2. Have you been to California? 3. Have you run in a marathon? 4. Have you spoken to a famous person? 5. Have you always lived in this town? 6. What is the most beautiful place you have visited? Exercise 12. 2 hasnt sunk, 3 have your sisters written, 4 have had, 5 has never seen, 6 has stolen, 7 have not slept, 8 have just broken, 9 hasnt won, 10 have you ever eaten Exercise 13. 1 since, 2 always, 3 ever, 4 just, 5 yet, 6 for, 7 never, 8 so far, 9 often, 10 already Exercise 14. 2. Havent been on a plane, 3 my pen has, 4 have left, 5 have just seen, 6 havent finished (writing), 7 you been to South America, 8 have left, 9 have not spoken, 10 Anna/ she woken


Exercise 1. 2. Hes been swimming for ten minutes. 3. Theyve been talking for half an hour.

ANSWER KEY 179 _____________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 7. Hes been reading a book for half an hour. Theyve been travelling for three months. Shes been working for ten hours. Theyve been camping for four weeks.

Exercise 2. 1. Ive been living in Australia. Ive been working on a farm. 2. Ive been living in Dublin. Ive been working in a travel agency. 3. Ive been living at home. I havent had a job (I havent been working.) 4. Ive been living in Aberdeen. Ive been working in a hospital. 5. Ive been living in London. Ive been working in a theatre. 6. Ive been living in Cornwall. Ive been working in a hotel. 7. Ive been living in Paris. Ive been working in an international bank. Exercise 3. 2. Hes been shopping. 3. Theyve been working hard. 4. Theyve been sunbathing. 5. Shes been walking in the field. 6. Theyve been arguing. 7. Its been raining. 8. Hes been baking cakes. Exercise 4. 2. have been waiting. 3. Ive been studying.. 4. Shes been looking 5. Shes been working.. 6. have been writing to each other Exercise 5. Sample answers 1. Theyve been decorating downstairs. Theyve been arranging the furniture. 2. Hes been working overtime. Hes been putting half his salary in the bank.

180 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 3. Ive been doing a lot of exercise. Ive been eating a lot of fruit. Exercise 6. Sample answers 1. Hes been running upstairs. 2. Hes been cutting the grass. 3. Ive been polishing it. 4. Its been raining a lot. 5. I havent been eating properly. 6. Ive been burning leaves. 7. Ive been mending a vase. Exercise 7. 1 have been living, 2 have been waiting, 3 have been studying, 4 have been playing, 5 have been watching, 6 has been working, 7 have been walking


Exercise 1. 2. She has been travelling for three months. She has visited six countries so far. 3. He has won the national championship four times. He has been playing tennis since he was ten. 4. They have made ten films since they left college. They have been making films since they left college. Exercise 2. 2. has broken 3. Have you been working 4. Have you ever worked? 5. has she gone 6. has appeared?/ s appeared 7. havent been waiting 8. has stopped?/ s stopped 9. have lost?/ ve lost . Have you seen 10. have been reading?/ ve been reading havent finished 11. have read?/ ve read.

ANSWER KEY 181 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 3. 2. How long have you been waiting for me? 3. How many fish have you caught? 4. How many people have you invited? 5. How long have you been teaching? 6. How many books have you written? How long have you been writing books? 7. How long have you been saving? Exercise 4. 2. I have forgotten it all. 3. Have you had. 4. He has gone. Hes been having 5. Have you been playing about 6. Have you been studying 7. Have you had 8. hes failed He hasnt been working Exercise 5. 1. Ive been workingI havent finished yet; 2. Ive visited; 3. Someone has takenIve been looking; 4. Ive been shoppingI havent bought; 5. I have ever read; 6. What have you been doing?, Ive been working in the gardenIve planted; 7. Ive been waitingnobody has arrived. Exercise 6. 2. has gone; 3. have been learning; 4. havent finished; 5. just left; 6. have written/have finished; 7. havent been; 8. havent eaten; 9. forgotten; 10. has changed. Exercise 7. 2 have been studying/ have not finished, 3 have been phoning/ has gone, 4 have you heard/ has robbed, 5 have broken/ has written Exercise 8. 1 has been watching, 2 have not seen, 3 have known, 4 have been repairing, 5 have not found, 6 has been getting; has been rising, 7 has just sold, 8 has been collecting, 9 has failed, has been studying, 10 has just remembered, has not paid.

182 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________


Exercise 1. 2. wasnt was 3.was .. were 4. Were was wasnt 5. were 6. werent were Exercise 2.2. Was your exam difficult? 3. Where were Ann and Chris last week? 4. How much was your new camera? 5. Why were you angry yesterday? 6. Was the weather nice last week? Exercise 3. 2. saw 3. played 4. paid 5. visited 6. bought 7. went 8. thought 9. copied 10. knew 11. put 12 spoke Exercise 4. 2. got 3.had 4. left 5. drove 6. arrived 7. parked 8. went 9. had 10 went 11 waited 12 departed 13. arrived 14. Took Exercise 5. 2. bought 3. did it rain 4. didnt stay 5. opened 6. didnt 7. did you do Exercise 6. 2. Did Mary phone home?; 3. Did Sue want to make a phone call?; 4. Did Mike visit the doctor?; 5. Did Ann miss?; 6. Did Gary walk to school?; 7. Did Tina open the window?; 8. Did Chris help the teacher?; 9. Did Jane wash her hair?; 10. Did Steve enjoy the film? Exercise 7. 2. Sue didnt phone last night; 3. Maria didnt finish work early yesterday;4. The train didnt stop at Harrys station; 5. I didnt want to go to bed early; 6. Carlos didnt answer my letter; 7. John didnt invite lots of people to his party; 8. The shops didnt open on Sunday; 9. Peter didnt like his new shoes; 10. The film didnt start at 7.30. Exercise 8. 1. began; 2. felt; 3. flew; 4. did; 5. got; 6. knew; 7. stood; 8. wore; 9. ate; 10. told; 11. Did you come; 12. did not wear; 13. left; 14. did you write; 15. did the teacher say; 16. didnt tell; 17. Did you go; 18. didnt know; 19. did you take; 20. didnt get. Exercise 9. 1.regretted; 2. hesitated; 3. borrowed; 4. believed; 5. finished; 6. happened; 7. answered; 8. opened

ANSWER KEY 183 _____________________________________________________ Exercise 10. 1. remembered; 2. talked; 3. liked; 4. believed; 5. walked; 6. cheated; 7. opened; 8. damaged


Exercise 1. 1. No, he wasnt. he was still working! 2. I wasnt. Rob was driving. I was looking at the map. 3. Yes, they were. 4. You were. It was annoying for everyone. 5. Yes, I was. And I was trying to ring you. 6. Yes, he was. 7. Yes, it was. It was raining heavily. 8. Yes, you were. Exercise 2. 1. Tom lost his wallet while he was visiting London. 2. Liz met a friend while she was waiting for the train. 3. The aeroplane crashed while it was taking off. 4. Peter ran out of petrol while he was driving to London. Exercise 3. 1. Who were you going out with in 1977? Mary. 2. Where were you working in 1978? In London. 3. Where were you working in 1982? In New York. 4. Were you living in a small flat in 1983? No, in a large apartment. 5. Who were you going out with in 1984? Liz. 6. Were you working at the Barkleys before you went to America? No, I was working at the Bank of England. 7. Were you living with friends while you were working in New York? No, I had my own apartment. Exercise 4. Q1 R3, Q2 R6, Q3 R5, Q4 R7, Q5 R1, Q6 R8, Q7 R4, Q8 R2. Exercise 5. 2. I was on a train on my way to London. 3. I was working. 4. I was in bed asleep. 5. I was having a meal in a restaurant. 6. I was watching TV at home. Exercise 6. Sample answers. 2 was having a shower, 3 were waiting for the bus, 4 was reading the paper, 5 was watching it.

184 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________


Exercise 1. 2. Carol and Jack were at the cinema. They were watching a film. 3. Tom was in his car. He was driving 4. Catherine was at the station. She was waiting for a train. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Hall were in the park. They were walking. Exercise 2. 2. was studying 3. did the post arrive came . was having 4. didnt go 5. were you drivingstoppedwasnt driving 6. did your team win didnt play 7. did you break the window were playing kickedhit 8. Did you see was wearing 9. were you doing 10 lost did you get climbed. Exercise 3. 2. built 3. wasnt selling 4. occupied 5. read 6. was waiting 7. notice 8. was playing 9. was approaching 10 ran 11 grabbed 12 offered 13 was having 14 had 15 left 16 went Exercise 4. 3. was having 4. heard 5. contacted 6. invited 7. was organizing /organized 8. refused 9 was preparing 10. passed 11. went 12 met 13. was studying 14. had 15. worked 16 were serving 17. announced 18. persuaded 19. was 20. were 21 decided 22. were earning/ earned Exercise 5. 2.Do you want 4. are getting 5. did you decide 6. were staying 7. were trying 8. arent looking 9. dont have 10.We want 11. did 12. lent 13. managed 14. we choose 15. gave 16 was looking


Exercise 1. 2. havent really enjoyed myself since your birthday party. 3. hasnt seen his brother for nearly twenty years 4. been in Scotland since last Friday? gone to Scotland 5. since you rode a

ANSWER KEY 185 _____________________________________________________ bike 6. been swimming since we were in Spain 7. weeks since you tidied this room? been weeks since you tidied Exercise 2. 3. WRONG did Shakespeare write 4. RIGHT 5. WRONG was 6. RIGHT 7. WRONG My grandparents got married 8. WRONG were you born 9. RIGHT 10. WRONG was the scientist who developed


Exercise 1. 1. been; 2. blown; 3. planted; 4. grown; 5. reached; 6. climbed; 7. hidden; 8. come; 9. taken; 10.burnt; 11. survived; 12. reminded; Exercise 2. 2. I had never flown before; 3. I had never given a speech before; 4. I had never skied before; 5. I had never played tennis before; 6. I had never sung in public before. Exercise 3. Sample answers 1. as he had seen someone else doing the same; 2. because he hadnt understood it; 3. because we had liked it very much; 4. as they had read in the Bible; 5. because he had served us promptly; 6. as he had run 5 km; 7. because it had run out of bateries; 8. as he had travelled all day long; 9. because it had snowed the night before; 10. as he had had an accident; 11. as we had been busy; 12. as I had been hungry; 13. because he hadnt learnt it all; 14. as he had bought a new suit; 15. as he hadnt shaved; 16. because the weather had been bad; 17. as my mother had been ill; 18. because we had argued the previous day; 19. as he had been in the service for 20 years; 20. because the bus had broken. Exercise 4. 1. had spent/ didnt know; 2. had finished/sat; 3. had been/ began; 4. gave/ had done; 5. had thanked/ left/went; 6. told/

186 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ had seen; 7. had just returned/ gave; 8. had broken/ nedeed; 9. had hoped/ felt; 10. had gone/ was; 11. had always lived/ didnt understand; 12. couldnt/ had forgotten; 13. had/ had gone; 14. had never been/ wanted; 15. had lost/ couldnt buy. Exercise 5. 1. had pressed/ started; 2. had forgotten/ stopped; 3. hadnt eaten/ felt; 4. hadnt arrived/ went; 5. misunderstood/ hadnt heard; 6. hadnt heated/ expanded; 7. gave/ had earned; 8. had missed/ travelled; 9. introduced/ hadnt met. Exercise 6. Sample answers 1. because she had lost his keys; 2. He had spent it all on cars and women; 3. because she had stolen from her employer; 4. He had just had some awful news; 5. because he had got lost on the way to the church; 6. I had seen her somewhere before; 7. although I had spent weekds revising; 8.who had just been awarded a scolarship to university; 9. because I had never flown before; 10. His car had been completely wrecked. Exercise 7. 1. had been digging; 2. hadn't been doing; 3. had been waiting; 4. had been dealing Exercise 8. 1. He had been cleaning a window. 2. She had been walking on the ice 3. He had been hitch-hiking. 4. They had been playing on the railway line. 5. She had been walking in her sleep. 6. He had been using a faulty electric drill. Exercise 9. 2. a. 2nd, b. 1st, 3. a. 1st, b. 2nd; 4. a. 2nd, b. 1st; 5. a. 1st, b.2nd; 6. a. 2nd, b. 1st; 7. a. 1st, b. 2nd; 8. a.2nd, b. 1st. Exercise 10. 1 b, 2 a, 3 a, 4 b, 5 b, 6 a, 7 b, 8 b. Exercise 11. 2. It had changed a lot. 3. She had arranged to do something else./ Shed arranged 4. The film had already begun.

ANSWER KEY 187 _____________________________________________________ 5. I hadnt seen him for five years. 6. She had just had breakfast/ shed just had. Exercise 12. 2. I had never seen her before/ Id never seen. 3. He had never played tennis before/ hed never played 4. We had never been there before/ wed never been there before/ been to Denmark before Exercise 13. 1 had written, 2 had lived, 3 had arranged, 4 had known, 5 had eaten, 6 had reached, 7 had found, 8 had written.


Exercise 1. a) I used to ride; b) Shall I?; c) Have you seen her?; d) have you been working?; e) I havent finished; f) I was washing; g) are you staring?; h) Im having; i) stops; j) did you last go? Exercise 2. 1) c; 2) a; 3) d; 4) d; 5) b; 6) a; 7) c; 8) c; 9) d; 10) b; 11) b; 12) d; 13) a; 14) c; 15) a. Exercise 3. b) I help; c) do you usually?; d) has been playing tennis for; e) Ill; f) was eating/ having my meal; g) gone; h) is staying; i) havent seen David; j) you doing. Exercise 4. b) I havent played it before; c) When did Peter write to you last?; d) Do you ever go to the cinema?; e) I went to the beach every day; f) She is playing basketball; g) Ive been waiting here for ages; h) How long have you lived in this flat?. Exercise 5. a) were doing; b) have ever been; c) will be; d) since I got; e) will have done; f) havent spoken; g) you feel like;

h) hasnt snowed; i) was looking forward; j) had eaten/ had had.

Exercise 6. a) had not received, spoke; b) was considering, have changed; c) feel/ are feeling,will bring, want; d) found, had

lost; e) was paying, tried; f) have had, will send; g) have

188 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________

been hoping; h) happens, will meet; i) have finished, will have missed; j) didnt expect/ wasnt expecting, are you doing.
Exercise 7. a) dont understand, are waiting; b) Has anyone seen, left; c) didnt arrive, knew, had missed; d) Are you going, have you run out; e) do you think, will be doing; f) am really enjoying; g) Will you let, hear; h) tells, havent been listening, have said; i) Have you hurt, did you do; j) lend. Exercise 8. a) ages; b) recently; c) since; d) ago; e) yet; f) moment; g) by; h) already; i) before; j) soon/ directly. Exercise 9. a) do you think; b) live; c) have you done; d) was meaning; e) do you do; f) depends; g) felt; h) were talking; i) have been expecting; j) am depening. Exercise 10. a) C; b) B; c) A; d) D; e) C; f) A; g) B; h) C; I) A; j) D Exercise 11. 1) know; 2) have been having; 3) have been turning/ have turned; 4) involves; 5) did hear/ heard; 6) holds; 7) have turned up; 8) was passing; 9) thought; 10) didnt believe; 11) has already studied; 12) has heard; 13) find; 14) stayed; 15) found; 16) race; 17) is waiting; 18) run; 19) havent eaten; 20) were obviously enjoying Exercise 12. a) I havent been to Prague since 1986; b) This will be the first time the team has played outside England; c) Once Terry gets over hil illness, his work will improve; d) When you arrive ther will be someone to meet you; e) More peple than we expected attended the fair; f) It was a month before I received the results of my test; g) I wont have finshed my work by the end of this month; h) As soon as you arrive, go to he international ticket desk; i) I didnt know that John had left; j) Several members of the class have not brought back their library books. Exercise 13. 1) will be doing; 2) will be; 3) ask; 4) belong; 5) died; 6) have met; 7) love; 8) has visited; 9) suffered;

ANSWER KEY 189 _____________________________________________________ 10) borrowed; 11) was not working; 12) got; 13) have worked/ have been working; 14) went; 15) are thinking; 16) have always wanted; 17) performed; 18) has been; 19) was; 20) owns. Exercise 14. 1) d; 2) a; 3) c; 4) a; 5) d; 6) a; 7) c; 8) c; 9) d; 10) b; 11) a; 12) c; 13) d; 14) c; 15) a; 16) d; 17) b; 18) a; 19) c; 20) d. Exercise 15. 1. The summer holiday lasts two months. Every summer we go to the seaside for two weeks. 2. It is Saturday and we are cleaning the house. My sister is dusting the room and I'm making the beds. 3. My parents live in Brasov. I visit them every month. 4. The children play in the park every day. 5. We are having breakfast. Mother is drinking coffee, and father is eating an omelet. 6. Grandmother is always forgetting where she puts her glasses, and whenever she needs them she looks for them all over the house. 7. Adrian is in mother's room. He is fixing the sewing machine. 8. Your friends are waiting for you outside the cinema. 9. We always watch TV in the evening. 10. Carmen is wearing a green dress today. 11. Usually we spend our weekends in a village near Bucharest. This time we are staying home because we are waiting for some guests. 12. It always happens the same/ It is always happening the same. Whenever he gets money, he goes shopping and comes home with lots of trifles. 13. Whenever I visit you, someone is playing the violin in the next flat. I like this, but I don't know how much you enjoy it. 14. I know you are good at everything. Why are you being so clumsy today? 15. Yesterday it rained all day so I stayed home and watched TV. 16. Last Sunday Carmen wrote a few letters, then she listened to a concert on the radio.

190 ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE _____________________________________________________ 17. My brother finished his breakfast an hour ago. He ate bread and butter and drank milk. 18. George visited his friends a few days ago. 19. I usually leave for school early, but yesterday I left later and ran to catch the bus. 20. A few days ago it was Victor's birthday so I bought him a present and my mother made a cake for him. 21. Last week I spent a lot. I went to the supermarket and came home broke. 22. I saw your brother when he was crossing the street. 23. I was watching TV when the postman arrived. 24. Tom was just leaving when Dan called him. 25. George and Harry were walking in the park when it started to rain. 26. While Diana was listening to a concert on the radio someone knocked on the door. 27. George was washing his car when Angela came home. 28. My friend phoned me when I was sleeping. 29. The little boy was running when he fell and hurt his leg. 30. Lisa arrived at the theatre right when the lights were turning off. 31. While Doris was washing the dishes she broke a plate. 32. I haven't seen Victor lately. 33. Have you ever travelled by plane? 34. This is the best play I have ever seen. 35. I have never eaten caviar. 36. There is nobody here. Everyone has left. 37. David has been sick for three days. 38. I have had this bicycle since I was ten. 39. Two months have passed since Laura wrote us. 40. George hasn't played the piano since he was a child. 41. Adrian has been reading in his room since he came from school. This month he has read six novels. 42. I have taken lots of photos this holiday, but they are not as good as the ones I took last year.

ANSWER KEY 191 _____________________________________________________ 43. George has been watching TV since 8 o'clock. Up to now he has seen two films and a talk-show. 44. Today our neighbours have parked their cars in the new parking area in front of he block. 45. Her friend is a writer. So far she has written a few novels and last year she also wrote a play. 46. The Scots bought an apartment ten years ago and since then they have been living there. 47. I have been living in this town for twenty years. My parents came here when I was two. 48. I've been very busy this week, but this Sunday I'm going to the mountains. 49. I had hardly moved when he woke up. 50. The guests had left when father came back from the office. 51. He had been in the shop for half an hour, when he realized that he had left his wallet at home. 52. I had barely closed the door when I heard somebody ringing. 53. All my friends read the book after they had watched the TV programme. 54. When we got to the theatre the play had just started. 55. I had already gone to bed when I remembered that I hadn't locked the door. 56. When I arrived home Diana had been playing the piano for a few hours. 57. Victor couldn't leave home until he had finished his work. 58. We had been walking for half an hour when we met Frank. 59. The show had ended for a long time when we set off home. 60. The train had been in the station for five minutes when we got into the compartment.


Azar, S.B., Understanding and Using English Grammar, New York, Longman University Press, 1999 Eastwood, J., Oxford Practice Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1994 Galateanu, G., Parks, D., Exercitii de gramatica engleza, Editura Paralela 45, 2003 Iastremschi, V., Mucuta, E., English Grammar-Theory and Exercises, Chisinau, Editura Pontos, 2002 Leech, G., An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage, Hong Kong, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1991 Murphy, R., English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1995 Shaw, K., English Grammar Exercises, Collins Cobuild, Harper Collins Publishers, 1993 Swan, M., Practical English Language, Oxford University Press, 1992 Thomson, A. J., Martinet, A.V., A Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1995 Vince, M., Advanced Language Practice, McMillan Heinemann Publishers Ltd., 1994 Vince, M., Intermediate Language Practice, McMillan Heinemann Publishers Ltd., 1998 Willis, D., Collins Cobuild Students Grammar, Harper Collins Publishers, 1995 *** Limba si literatura engleza, Catedra de limba si literatura engleza, Universitatea Timisoara, Ed. Amarcord, 1998

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