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Directions: This is a take home exam.

You can use your text or any other library materials to answer the questions. Because you can look up terms etc, I will be expecting you to use the correct terms and be specific in your examples to get full credit. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WORK WITH ANYONE ELSE. By turning in this exam you are confirming that you did not work with anyone or ask anyone for help in answering the questions. EXAM IS DUE Thursday May 2nd , 10:00 AM. Please simply add your answers to this file. Do not delete the instructions or the questions. S end completed exam by e-mail in docx format to I will reply to let you know I have received the exam and can open your file.

Animal Behavior 2013 Dr. Morris Name: Emily Jones

Exam II

Short Answer. Choose five of the seven questions below. 10 pts each. 1. What is inclusive fitness?? Using Hamiltons equation, describe the cost and benefits in relation to inclusive fitness of a behavior we learned about in class (from lecture, readings or student presentations). 2. Describe and give examples of two male behaviors that appear to have evolved due to the sexual conflict involved in sperm competition. 3. What is the difference between a signal and a cue? Give an example of each and explain evidence necessary to demonstrate if a behavior is a signal as compared to a cue. 4. Describe two lines of evidence to suggest that some human mating behaviors may fit the theory of sexual selection. 5. Describe two hypotheses to explain the evolution of monogamous mating systems. Give an example of systems that have evidence to support each hypothesis. 6. What methods are practical for teaching hatchery fish to recognize predators before they are released in to the wild? Use the terminology we learned in this class to describe the method. 7. What is the problem with trying to indentify if a dogs behavior is genetic or environmental? Give an example.

Essay Questions. Answer both questions (25 pts each). BE SURE TO ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION. 1. Sexual selection theory predicts that males and females will have different sexual strategies. Explain the following: A) the different strategies, B) how they relate to the idea that males should not be monogamous; C) state two hypotheses that explain why males are monogamous in some cases, and D) present the evidence for and against each of these hypotheses. 2. A) Name and describe two hypotheses that attempt to explain why in most organisms the females are more likely than males to provide parental care. B) What evidence supports each hypothesis? C) What are the problems (if any) with the evidence for each? D) What further evidence would you collect to test these hypotheses?

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