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2008- ROADSIDE- LATE MORNING TO EARLY AFTERNOON Gavin Kin is sleeping in his cop car and is awakened by someone tapping in his window. COP #1 Gavin, Im here Gavin was not fully awake. GAVIN Oh, hello. Do you have a son or daughter? COP #1 A son that looks exactly like me. Where did Sirius go? Gavin yawns and stretches and finally seems to realize whats fully going on. GAVIN Hes on traffic control duty. I couldnt wash up because Ive been working three days straight. COP #1 wrinkles his nose and laughs. COP#1 Thanks man. Gavin Bows. GAVIN No problem. Keep up the good work.

COP #1 Now go home and get some rest Gavin starts to walk away, wiping the sweat off the back of his neck and forehead with a white handkerchief. But the quiet doesnt last as his walkie talkie message notice goes off. VOICE Officer Kin. Calling Officer Gavin Kin.
Annoyed Gavin picks up his walkie talkie device . GAVIN Yes this is Officer Gavin. VOICE Go check on an accident in ----GAVIN 10-4 VOICE sorry theres a huge backup and youre the only one available. Stop by before you go home. Over and out. GAVIN exasperated; sighing 10-4 FADES OUT

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