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TUESDAY JULY 2 2013 MCI (P) 116/05/2013

Manufacturing slowdown in China could have global repercussions NEWS A10

MyExecutive ive iv ve
Tiger Chen goes from stuntman to leading man SHOWBIZ A12

Royal Selangor

CONSUMERTRENDS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

TUESDAY JULY 2 2013 MCI (P) 116/05/2013

Scalping of sought-after goods getting worse

irst, it was N95 masks, then Hello Kitty plush toys. Now, scalpers are targeting highly-sought-after National Day Parade tickets to make a quick buck, going by several online auctions and sales offers. Behavioural experts told My Paper that such profiteering reflects how the kiasu mentality is very much a part of Singaporeans, with some saying the situation may be getting worse.

Wilmar to shut out palm oil suppliers behind fires

WILMAR International, the worlds largest palm-oil trader, plans to cut ties with Indonesian suppliers that clear land illegally with fire, after air pollution in Singapore reached a new high due to haze caused by the blazes in Sumatra. Wilmar, which bans burning on its own plantations, relies on third parties for more than 90 per cent of crude palm oil for its refineries. While Indonesia and Malaysia ban burning to clear or manage acreage, 17 timber concessions and 10 oil-palm plantations had land affected by fires in Indonesia, according to June 24 data from the non-governmental World Resources Institute (WRI). Indonesia is investigating a number of companies suspected of involvement in illegal fires and will announce those names once the probe is completed, Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya said last week. Wilmar deals with some of the companies identified by WRI, on the assurance that they dont resort to burning, the company said in an e-mail message. Should they be found to be involved in burning to clear land for cultivation, we will stop doing business with them, it said. The companys policy states that suppliers must comply with all local and national laws and regulations. Palm-oil refiners are being pushed to enforce their no-burning policies against suppliers after hundreds of illegal blazes raged last month in Indonesia, the worlds top producer of the commodity. Kuala Lumpur-based Sime Darby said in a statement last Friday that it had found fires on land at one of its units, though the blazes were in an area where local communities plant crops such as corn and sugar, and not in areas planted by the company.


Highlighting Egypt protest:

Egyptian protesters shone laser lights on a military helicopter flying over the presidential palace in Cairo on Sunday, as hundreds of thousands of demonstrators flooded the streets calling for the ouster of President Mohamed Mursi, on the anniversary of his turbulent first year in power. It was the biggest protests that Egypt has seen since the 2011 revolt.


M Y P A PE R T UE S D A Y J U L Y 2 2 0 1 3


The centuries-old skull of a white man found in Australia is raising questions about whether Captain James Cook really was the first European to land on the countrys east coast. The skull was found in northern New South Wales in 2011, and scientific testing revealed that it possibly belonged to a white man born around 1650, well before Englishman Cook reached the Eastern Seaboard in 1770.


POLLUTEDAIR /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Schools not taking haze for granted

HE haze situation might be improving but schools are not letting their guard down, said Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Education Sim Ann yesterday, on the first day of school after the June holidays. Were not taking (the haze) for granted. Schools are well prepared with various contingency measures. They know what to do in case therere any changes in the air quality, said Ms Sim on a visit to Hougang Primary School. We put the health and safety of our students and our staff first, and we will be tracking (the haze situation) very closely. She added that schools are keeping track of students who

may have existing medical conditions, such as heart or respiratory conditions. Teachers will pay special attention to these students, said Ms Sim. She added that if anyone develops any discomfort or feels unwell, every school has prepared a holding room with an air purifier. Those rooms will be used as a temporary resting area for school children or staff who find themselves in need of medical attention. The Ministry of Educations (MOEs) guidelines for students will follow the health advisory issued by the Government every day, said Ms Sim. Should the haze situation worsen, schools are prepared to move classes into indoor air-conditioned areas like sports halls.

In the event of school closures, the Kellock branch of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ), for instance, has prepared e-learning lesson materials for students to access from their homes. For many schools, including CHIJ Kellock and Hougang Primary, e-mail messages and SMSes are being used to disseminate information to parents. Ms Caral Goh, whose Primary 5 son attends Hougang Primary, was grateful for the schools communication system. She received an SMS last Friday informing her that school would be in session yesterday. The school has kept parents informed, so we were not panicky, said the 40-year-old owner of a tuition centre, noting that awareness of the situation

helps to alleviate panic and fear. Attendance at Hougang Primary was 98 per cent yesterday, said Ms Sim slightly better than usual. Some parents, however, feel that more measures could be firmed up, should the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) levels hit hazardous levels again, as they did on June 21. MOE said last Friday that it will consider closing all primary and secondary schools when the daily health advisory for the following day indicates that the air quality will hit the hazardous level. Ms Kathy Lee, 48, whose daughter is in Primary 6 at CHIJ Kellock, said she felt that should that occur, planned closures

should be in place. MOE should not be considering the move for closures at that stage, she said. MOE has yet to disclose what factors it would consider, with regard to the closing of schools.

Contingency measures: yng bin cu sh Air purifier: kng q jng hu q E-learning: din z xu x Panicky: kng hung


M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y JU LY 2 2013


HOUSINGTRENDS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Curbs cool HDB resale prices


Read news, win prizes

NEWS on the go thats what the revamped My Paper website ( promised. And thats what readers found on the site, after it was launched yesterday. They were also given a chance to register to win cool prizes. With goodies like a two-night cruise aboard the SuperStar Virgo up for grabs, readers responded and more than 270 have signed up so far. The cruise will take one lucky winner, as well as a companion and two kids, to Malacca, Redang or Kuala Lumpur. The package is worth $2,280. My Paper is also giving away six Nikon Coolpix cameras. Some $2,000 worth of shopping vouchers will be given away too. Visit the revamped website to register for your chance to win.

ROPERTY cooling measures and a large supply of new flats have led to public-housing prices rising at a slower pace in the second quarter, said housing experts yesterday. Housing Board (HDB) resale prices rose just 0.5 per cent in the second quarter of the year, based on estimates released yesterday. This is lower than the 1.3 per cent rise in the first quarter, as well as the 1.3 per cent rise in the second quarter of last year. HDB said this was the lowest quarter-on-quarter growth since the first quarter of 2009. Ms Christine Li, head of research and consultancy at real-estate firm OrangeTee, said that Januarys property cooling measures have helped to stabilise HDB resale prices, as well as

cash-over-valuation (COV) values the sum paid over and above the valuation of a flat. One cooling measure stated that home buyers taking a HDB loan were limited to one where the monthly repayment does not exceed 35 per cent of their gross monthly income, down from 40 per cent. Data released by the Singapore Real Estate Exchange early last month showed that the overall median COV fell to $26,000 in May, compared to $35,000 at the start of the year. The abundant supply of HDB Build-to-Order (BTO) flats that the Government has been rolling out could have also diverted some demand away from the resale market, said Ms Lee Lay Keng, DTZs head of Singapore research. Mr Mohamed Ismail, chief executive of PropNex Realty, said

the release of new BTO flats means that the resale market is effectively serving only upgraders and permanent residents now. He expected the gradual, rising trend in resale prices to continue, although at an even-slower pace with the January measures and the Governments move to unpeg new-flat prices from those of resale units. Ms Li said COVs will stabilise or fall further for the rest of the year, with an expected 10 per cent drop from current values. Meanwhile, estimates from the Urban Redevelopment Authority showed that private-home prices rose moderately by 0.8 per cent in the second quarter. Unlike HDB resale prices, this was higher than the 0.6 per cent rise in the first quarter and the 0.4 per cent in the second quarter of last year. Knight Frank said the contin-

ued rise in prices is a reflection of robust underlying demand. Ms Li said there was still demand despite the cooling measures as some buyers had been using proxies buying private homes under the names of their children or relatives. But last Fridays move by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to limit this is expected to lower investor demand going forward, she said.

Cooling: jing wn Lowest: zu d Abundant: chng z Unpeg: tu gu

Singapore update
SMRT will be introducing Wheelchair Accessible Bus (WAB) services on three service routes 902, 965 and 969 from Sunday. A blue WAB decal will be displayed prominently at the front of each bus to indicate that it is a WAB service. Visit for information. housebreaking and theft at a Housing Board flat near Bukit Batok Street 21. The suspect will be charged in the Subordinate Courts tomorrow for the offence, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.


THE upgraded SingHealth polyclinic at 1 Tampines Street 41 will open tomorrow. The polyclinic was closed in January for renovation. Visitors can expect an increased number of service areas and expanded waiting areas for patients.


POLICE have arrested a 50-year-old man believed to have been involved in a case of


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Hairs to charity:

Mr Steve Soh, 31, getting his hair cut in support of the Childrens Cancer Foundation. The Assistant Manager of Networks at Central Singapore CDC, along with 22 staff from the Peoples Association, had his hair shorn in the presence of colleagues.

Entertainment & KAREN LIM Lifestyle Editor

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CONSUMERTRENDS ///////////////////////////////
Other instances of profiteering
Resellers have been selling McDonalds limited-edition Hello Kitty plush toys online at sky-high prices. One Singing Bone Kitty was even selling for $1,000 last Thursday. The toy costs $4.60 with a meal, or $10 without one. Singapores feline frenzy even

M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y J U LY 2 2013


Scalping of limited items getting worse


caught the international medias attention, with AFP publishing a report.

When the haze situation worsened here, Singaporeans rushed to buy N95 masks. Some stores jacked up prices, and some people sold them

online. A spokesman for 3M, which makes N95 masks, said the recommended retail price ranges from $1.80 to $2.50. The New Paper reported last month that a kiosk at Yishun MRT station had sold the N95 masks for $10 apiece.

IRST it was N95 masks, then Hello Kitty plush toys. And now, scalpers are turning to highly-sought-after National Day Parade (NDP) tickets to make a quick buck, going by several online auctions and offers. Behavioural experts told My Paper this reflects the kiasu (Hokkien for being afraid to lose out) psyche of Singaporeans, and some noted that such profiteering could be getting worse. A check on yesterday showed one online auction for a pair of NDP tickets at $250. On, one seller was selling limited edition Hello Kitty toys with NDP tickets. Buying one Kitty for $170 would yield one free NDP ticket, while, for $560, four Kitties would come with four free NDP tickets. Another seller was offering a hair clip for $300 that came with a pair of free NDP tickets, according to a post on citizen-journalism site Stomp. These sales are still happening despite reminders by the NDP organising committee over the years that the tickets are not for sale. As was the case last year, ticket holders caught selling NDP tickets this year will be barred from balloting for the free tickets for three years. National Day falls on Aug 9. Dr Adrian Wang, a consultant psychiatrist at Gleneagles Medical Centre, said the profiteering behaviour showed that the kiasu mentality is very much part of our local psyche. National University of Singapore sociologist Tan Ern Ser said the propensity for profiteering has always been present and is just waiting for the opportunity to manifest itself. (Such behaviour) is rational, insofar as people weigh the costs and benefits, and decide that the benefits of securing a Hello Kitty toy far outweigh its costs, he said. Mr Daniel Koh, a psychologist with Insights Mind Centre,

UNSCRUPULOUS: Tickets to the National Day Parade, which are free, are on sale online. PHOTO: STOMP likened the behaviour to emotional blackmail. When there is a limited number of items, they attract more buyers, he said, adding that when buyers cannot get the items, they feel they are losing out. Technology might have contributed to the profiteering, too, with more online platforms to sell things, he said. Mr Allan Chia, head of the marketing programme at SIM University, said the profiteering behaviour was a by-product of consumerism, where one gets attached to materialistic values or possessions. Dr Lim Boon Leng, a psychiatrist in private practice, believes that the profiteering phenomenon among Singaporeans is getting worse. Particularly with NDP tickets, somehow, there is this lack of awareness that they are something that stands for the nation, and selling them is actually a bit immoral, he said. All this stems from the fact that, in terms of (society on the whole), our emphasis is very skewed towards materialistic gains, Dr Lim added.

Profiteering: mu q bo l Balloting: chu qin Manifest: xin sh Materialistic: w zh zh shng


M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y J U LY 2 2013


US: Make progress on sea rows


We very much hope to see progress soon on a substantive code of conduct, in order to help ensure stability in this vital region.

NITED States Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday pressed China and South-east Asian nations to make progress on a plan to ease tensions in the South China Sea, reminding the region that Washington had national interests at stake in the disputes. Mr Kerry, who made the comments as he arrived in Brunei for a regional security meeting, was speaking a day after China said it would hold formal discussions with South-east Asian nations over the maritime disputes later this year. While marking a move forward, the talks are not seen as a major breakthrough in protracted efforts to persuade China to commit to a binding agreement over the energy-rich sea, where Beijings assertive claims have stoked tensions.

We have a strong interest in the manner in which the disputes of the South China Sea are addressed, and in the conduct of the parties, Mr Kerry said in opening remarks at the conference. We very much hope to see progress soon on a substantive code of conduct (COC), in order to help ensure stability in this vital region.

China said in a joint statement with Asean on Sunday that it has agreed to hold official consultations on a proposed COC governing naval actions at a meeting with Asean senior officials in China in September. China, accused by the Philippines on Sunday of causing increasing militarisation of the sea, stopped short of saying that the meeting would mark the start of actual negotiations, and has shown little urgency in initiating substantial talks over the proposed code. Philippine Foreign Minister Albert del Rosario gave a lukewarm response late on Sunday, when asked about the significance of the proposed talks. The agreement was that there will be a process that will be started with a meeting in China... Id like to believe that China is earnest in terms of moving forward in this process. Naval stand-offs and clashes between the Philippines, Vietnam and China since last year have

sharply raised tensions over the sea at a time when the US is shifting its military attention and resources back to Asia. In his opening remarks, Mr Kerry attempted to ease concerns in Beijing that the US rebalancing of forces to Asia was aimed at countering Chinas rising power. We have many goals. We have economic and security interests. But I want to emphasise, importantly, our actions are not intended to contain or to counterbalance any one country, he said.

U-turn on Thai rice intervention price

THAILANDS government yesterday reversed a cut in the rice intervention price that had been agreed less than two weeks ago, apparently giving in to farmers who had threatened protests in the capital. Finance Minister Kittirat Na Ranong told reporters that the national rice committee, made up of government officials and industry representatives, had decided to push the price back up to 15,000 baht (S$610) a tonne. That is way above the market price and has not only made Thai rice uncompetitive on world markets, but also been a major drag on the government budget. In the year to last September, the government said it lost US$4.4 billion (S$5.5 billion) from the scheme, which caused rating agency Moodys to warn that a target of balancing the budget might be jeopardised, and fuelled a public outcry. The 20 per cent cut in the price to 12,000 baht had become effective only yesterday, having an immediate impact by pushing the export price of 5 per cent broken rice down to US$480 a tonne the lowest level since June 2011 from US$520 last Friday. Exporters were astonished at the about-turn. We dont know where prices should be now. We may have to wait until the dust settles before offering prices again, said Mr Chookiat Ophaswongse, honorary president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association. But what we know for sure is that this government has no credibility at all. Mr Kittirat was unconcerned. He told reporters: Everything is still going according to our plan and the framework we set out, and it should not be a problem. He said the government estimated that there was not much rice left with farmers from their second crop, which is marketed until late September, so it would not be a huge burden on the budget to continue to buy at 15,000 baht a tonne.

Tensions: jn zhng Protracted: ch ji Process: gu chng Contain: k zh


Cooling exam fever:

This huge block of ice on a desk was used to lower the temperature in a classroom on Sunday as students sit their final exam at a school in Jinan, in eastern Chinas Shandong province. The temperature that day reached 35.7 deg C, with the meteorological department issuing a yellow warning.


M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y J U LY 2 2013


Thai talks with insurgents hit an impasse


HE Malaysian-brokered peace talks between the Thai government and insurgents from the countrys embattled southern region have hit a brick wall, with unreasonable demands by the militants cited as a key factor. They are making demands knowing the Thai government can never grant them, said Mr Don Pathan, a security analyst based in Yala province in southern Thailand. In a phone interview with The Star, he said the demands of the Barisan Revolusi Nasional Coordinate (BRN-C), which is in talks with Bangkok, included dropping the hunt for suspected militants and the granting of diplomatic immunity to the negotiators.

Politically and legally speaking, its impossible, he said. According to Mr Pathan, the BRN-C is one of the long-standing Malay-Muslim separatist organisations that surfaced in the late 1960s to take up arms against the Thai state. He pointed out that Mr Hassan Taib, the BRN-C liaison officer at the talks, was not even in the inner circle of the insurgent group that emerged in the 2000s. He doesnt have command and control on the ground. The BRN-C is using him to antagonise the Thai government and see their reaction, said Mr Pathan. In February, the Yingluck Shinawatra government and BRN-C signed a deal in Kuala Lumpur to hold talks with one another. It was a historic deal as it was the first time Bangkok had

VIOLENCE CONTINUES: Thai security personnel inspecting the aftermath of a bomb attack by suspected militants in Yala province, south of Bangkok, last Saturday. Eight soldiers were killed. PHOTO: SURAPAN BOONTHANOM/REUTERS agreed to meet the militants to end the nearly decade-long conflict. They have held several rounds of talks, the latest being on June 13 in Kuala Lumpur. However, violence is still going on despite the talks. Dr Panitan Wattanayagon, a Chulalongkorn University security expert, said that both sides had to work on the planning and preparation stage first. He said both sides were not even at the negotiation stage, but had already come up with their own position and demands. It makes the process more complicated. The ground rules should be set for negotiations first. A hard position will be met by an even-harder position. This is not good in the long run, said Dr Panitan in an e-mail message to The Star.

Demands: yo qi Diplomatic immunity: wi jio hu min qun Antagonise: r no Ground rules: j bn gu z


M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y J U LY 2 2013


North Korea using disabled kids in tests

A HUMAN-RIGHTS group based in Seoul claimed last Friday that North Korea was conducting chemical- and biological-weapon experiments on disabled children. The allegation was delivered at the British Embassy in South Korea by Ms Joanna Hosaniak, deputy director-general of the Citizens Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, in a report titled The Status of Womens Rights in the Context of Socio-economic Changes in the DPRK.

VIEWPOINT ///////////////////////////////////////////////

Hong Kongs imperilled democracy

The New York Times

HILE Hong Kongs pro-Beijing elite were celebrating the anniversary of the handover, thousands of people took to the streets to show their frustrations with the government, and its eroding autonomy from the mainland. While many Hong Kongers have some degree of pride in being part of the China success story, the territorys relationship with the mainland has become more strained in recent years. More than ever, Hong Kongers fear that their personal freedoms and the rule of law are in a precarious state, as a more confident and assertive Beijing hesitates less in interfering with the development of Hong Kongs democracy. Tensions between local people and the hordes of mainland visitors flaunting their newfound wealth add to the increasing sense of disillusionment. Lots of Hong Kong people, particularly the younger generation, blame mainlanders for taking lucrative jobs in the financial sector and for inflating the local property market through their purchases of second and third homes in Hong Kong. During the handover in 1997, the people were promised that the political system would evolve to one of a democratically-elected government. That process of democratic development is now imperilled. The sticking point is universal suffrage, or one person, one vote. In the current system, a holdover from colonial times when the British wanted to limit input from the local population, Hong Kongs political leader, known as the chief executive, is selected by a 1,200-member committee of the business and political elite that is rigged in favour of pro-Beijing candidates. Only 40 of the 70 members of the Legislative Council are

elected by one person, one vote, the rest are selected by so-called functional constituencies professional groups that represent industries like banking, law and teaching. Mainland leaders have said they would allow a system of universal suffrage for the 2017 chief-executive election and the 2020 Legislative Council vote. But since the pro-Beijing Leung Chun Ying became chief executive a year ago, the pro-democracy camp has had one setback after another. The pro-democracy camp has urged Mr Leung to begin a public-consultation process on how to carry out the direct election of the chief executive in 2017. But he has refused to do that or much of anything. Meanwhile, people from the pro-Beijing camp have been dropping hints that the government should ban certain people from the pro-democracy camp from running for chief executive. Some pro-Beijing politicians have proposed measures to control the nomination process for chief-executive candidates, which would make our system about as free as Irans democracy. Many Hong Kong people have waited for democracy for a generation and were running out of patience. Unfortunately, in an underdeveloped democracy, taking to the streets is one of the few ways that the people can be heard.
The writer is a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council and chair of the Democratic Party.

Handover: hu gu Democracy: mn zh Universal suffrage: p xun zh Nomination: t mng


M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y J U LY 2 2013


In China, its illegal not to visit parents

A CHINESE law requiring family members to visit their elderly relatives went into effect yesterday to online ridicule in the face of the countrys rapidly-ageing huge population. The regulation forces children to visit their parents, the state-run Global Times newspaper said, as concern grows over increasing numbers of empty nest homes.

MADE GOOD: Gan Xiangwei reading beside Weiming Lake at Peking University. A former guard at the university, he obtained a diploma from the university last year. PHOTO: CHINA DAILY/ASIA NEWS NETWORK

Varsity guards turn students


HEN Mr Zhang Guoqiang came to Beijing at 18 to work as a temporary security guard at the prestigious Peking University in 1994, having only a middle-school diploma, he probably never expected he could go to a top college himself one day. Almost 20 years later, after completing basic education at the university, mainly through self-study, he has earned degrees in law and business management from Tsinghua University and a top party school for the training of Chinese officials. He has even passed the National Judicial Examination, which qualifies him to be a lawyer in China. He is not alone. Mr Wang Guiming, head of the security guards at Peking University, told China Daily that since 1994, more than 350 security guards employed there have gone to junior colleges or universities to pursue higher education. The number has increased by 20 to 30 each year in recent years, he said. Mr Wang said most of the security guards at Peking University hold middle-school or high-school diplomas and are aged between 23 and 25, around the same age as the universitys students.

Students at the university have inspired our security guards a lot, making them believe that they also have the possibility to become university students if they study hard, he said. Mr Zhang first worked as a temp at the university for only 180 yuan a month, after stints on construction sites and in factories. I kept 80 yuan for living and sent the remaining 100 yuan home to support my family, he said, recalling his earlier hard life. He realised a college education could be his ticket to a better life after he heard that a graduate of Peking University who worked for a foreign company could earn a monthly salary of more than 2,000 yuan at that time. Mr Zhang, who is now the deputy director of campus security for the university, said his family is proud of him and he is satisfied with his life.

Security guard: bo n rn yun Higher education: go dng jio y University students: d xu shng Support: yng ji

TOP 3 SPORE GAINERS Jardine C&C 43.320 (+0.810) JMH 400US$ 61.300 (+0.800) JSH 500US$ 36.910 (+0.610) TOP 3 SPORE LOSERS Isetan (S) 4.500 (-0.450) UOB 19.620 (-0.240) GreatEast 17.200 (-0.230)

MY P A P ER TU ES D A Y JU LY 2 2013



3,500 3,200 2,900 2,600 2,300
July 12 Sept Nov Jan Mar May July 13




DOW JONES IA 14,909.60 (-114.89)

FTSE 100 6,215.47 (-27.93)

NIKKEI 13,852.50 (+175.18)

HANG SENG 20,803.29 (+363.21)

COMPOSITE INDEX 1,995.24 (+16.04)

KOSPI 1,855.73 (-7.59)
























3,140.93 (-9.51) July 1, 2013

Weak Chinese PMI weighs on growth


ROWTH in Chinas vast factory sector slowed to multi-month lows last month on faltering new orders, a pair of surveys showed yesterday, boding ill for the worlds second-largest economy even as it smarted from fears of a credit crunch. Economists said the two purchasing managers indices (PMIs) reinforced their concerns that Chinas economic slowdown could deepen in the second quarter, especially with Beijing looking increasingly reluctant to take action to stimulate growth. The Chinese economy is still struggling at the bottom, said Mr

Zhu Haibin, chief China economist of JPMorgan in Hong Kong. Mr Zhu said that slowing growth in Chinas factory sector, as well as tighter monetary conditions in the coming months after a squeeze in the interbank market in the last two weeks could further hobble the Chinese economy this year. The official PMI slipped to 50.1 last month from Mays 50.8, just a whisker above the 50-point level that indicates growth. The last time the reading fell below 50 was in September. A separate PMI survey, conducted by Markit and sponsored by HSBC, fell to a nine-month low of 48.2 from Mays 49.2. New export orders suffered their sharpest decline in nine

months, and manufacturers shed jobs at the fastest rate in 10 months, according to HSBC. Its measure is based on a survey of 420 manufacturing companies. Yet, Chinas leaders appear to be comfortable with the countrys slower pace of growth, with President Xi Jinping saying over the weekend that officials should no longer be lauded as heroes if they chase economic growth at all costs. The slowdown in Chinese manufacturing could have global repercussions, depressing demand for iron ore and other commodities from Australia and Brazil, and for industrial components from South-east Asia, Taiwan and South Korea. Manufacturers were hurt by

falling orders and a shortage of credit last month, as Chinese regulators tried to cool a lending boom that they worried could race out of control. A shortage of cash in financial markets caused interest rates paid by banks for loans from other banks to spike to a record high. As Beijing refrains from using stimulus, the ongoing growth slowdown is likely to continue in the coming months, said HSBC economist Qu Hongbin in a statement. Economists expect other data for last month, to be released in the next two weeks, to confirm their concerns of even slower growth in the April-June quarter, from 7.7 per cent in the first three months.

The weak PMI reinforces our view that there is a 30 per cent chance GDP (gross domestic product) may drop below 7 per cent in Q3 or Q4, said Mr Zhang Zhiwei, chief China economist of Nomura in Hong Kong.

Indices: zh sh Hobble: z i Shortage: dun qu Confirm: zhng sh

China probes GSK execs for economic crimes

CHINESE police are investigating senior staff members of British drug firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in China for suspected economic crimes, according to a statement. The police in the central Chinese city of Changsha said they were probing top management personnel of GlaxoSmithKline (China) Investment. Hong Kongs South China Morning Post newspaper said the police had detained company employees in three cities: Changsha, Beijing and the commercial hub of Shanghai. The exact nature of the allegations was not specified by the Changsha police. But the authorities typically use the phrase economic crimes when referring to corruption. A China-based spokesman for GSK declined to comment yesterday, while a spokesman for the company in London did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The British Consulate in Shanghai said in a statement that it was aware of the investigation and was in contact with GSK. Internet postings, which could not be confirmed, said that more than 10 police officers in plain clothes entered the GSK office in Shanghai last Thursday and seized accounts books. The allegations involve at least one foreign executive employed by the British company, said the postings on Chinas Twitter-like microblogs. It is common practice for Chinese pharmaceutical firms to offer doctors and hospitals bribes to use their products, industry insiders say.


Deadly wildfire:

Winds blew a wildfire out of control in the Arizona town of Yarnell on Sunday, killing 19 firefighters who were overtaken by the blaze as they tried to protect themselves under fire-resistant shields. It was the highest number of firefighters killed battling a wildfire in the United States in decades.


M Y PA P E R T U E S D A Y J U L Y 2 2 0 1 3


A friendly German Shepherd was seen wandering around a bus stop near Eunos MRT station yesterday morning, before boarding a bus. It wore a collar, but no tag. Stomper Peggy123 thinks that the dog was lost and hopes that it gets reunited with its owner soon.


Beach-goers, clean up your act

Commuters benefit from less-crowded peak travel

WE REFER to Ms Cheralyn Nicole Lees letter, Offer early-bird perks at stations outside city (My Paper, June 27), requesting the Land Transport Authority to consider extending free travel to commuters exiting all MRT stations. The free pre-peak travel trial aims to ease crowding during the morning peak hour along the most crowded stretches of the rail network. These are typically the city-bound stretches. If we achieve a shift of 10-20 per cent of people from the morning peak period, many commuters will benefit from a less-crowded ride during peak hours, even if

they do not exit at the city stations. We hope this encourages commuters who are able to make changes to their travel schedule to enter the city area before 7.45am. As we are in the early stages of the trial, it will take time for people to adjust their travel patterns. We will monitor the results and review the schemes effectiveness to see what lessons and ideas might apply.

ECENTLY, when I took a stroll along East Coast Park beach, I was shocked to see rats crawling all over the area. The rats are there because litter is often not cleared properly by beach-goers. Many people hold barbecues, picnics and parties on the beach. There are also many campers on weekends. If these people are not careful about how they clear their rub-

bish, the area will become very dirty. This will attract more ants, cockroaches and rats. I have informed the National Environment Agency and it said that it will be doing something about the issue soon. However, beach-goers have a very important role to play. The beach should be cleaned after use and all waste materials (such as paper bags, plastics or wrappers) disposed of properly. Otherwise, rats and other

pests will also be throwing parties on the beach.


Crawling: p Campers: l yng zh Cockroaches: zhng lng Waste materials: fi lio

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ANADIAN actor Keanu Reeves might be the big name in his directorial debut, Man Of Tai Chi, but the spotlight this time is on stuntman Tiger Chen. The veteran martial-arts choreographer, who has coached the three leading ladies of Charlies Angels Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu and Reeves in The Matrix trilogy, is now facing the camera himself. In Man Of Tai Chi, which opens in cinemas here next Thursday, the 38-year-old Chinese stuntman-turned-actor stars alongside Reeves who plays a villain this time and Hong Kong singer-actress Karen Mok, in the film about a young martial artist who uses his taiji abilities in an underground fight club. The film, which is in both English and Cantonese, is a result of Reeves close partnership with Chen while filming The Matrix trilogy. In an interview with The New Paper, Reeves revealed his decision on casting a relatively unknown Chen. Of course, he is not a movie star, so we cant judge him by that standard. All I can hope is that the film will be an ambassador for him, said Reeves. He added: As a martial artist, he is exceptional, his fighting is great. As an actor, he is charming and very believable. I sympathise with his role. I am a fan of his. An experienced choreographer, Chen stumbled into film-making in 1997, after being selected in a gongfu contest held in the United States by his master, Yuen Wo Ping, who was looking for assistants to help with The Matrix. Yuen recalled in the prologue to Chens book, From Sichuan To Hollywood: Tiger was a shy boy who spoke little English. But I knew he would (become someone great) when I saw him perform in the contest. Chen, who is originally from China, left for the US after graduating from a gongfu school at 20, working as a coach and performer. Sometimes, he washed dishes in restaurants to make ends meet. He said: I wanted to see the world and realise my dream. I told myself the worst thing would be to end up performing on the street.


M Y PA P E R T U E S D AY JU L Y 2 2 0 1 3


Actor Jim Kelly, who played a glib American martial artist in Enter The Dragon with Bruce Lee, has died. He was 67. Madam Marilyn Dishman, Kellys former wife, said he died last Saturday of cancer at his home in California. Sporting an Afro hairstyle and sideburns, Kelly made a splash with his one-liners and fight scenes in the 1973 martial-arts classic.


From stuntman to leading man C

GONGFU GROUP: Man Of Tai Chi stars (from left) Tiger Chen, Keanu Reeves, Karen Mok and Ye Qing. In the film, the 38-year-old Chen a veteran stuntman and martial-arts choreographer plays the lead role as a young martial artist who uses his taiji abilities in an underground fight club. PHOTO: GOLDEN VILLAGE This rising martial-arts star will be seen not only in Man Of Tai Chi, but also in another movie, Kungfu Man, which will reportedly be released in China this year. Perhaps, someday, it will be Chens turn to sit in the directors chair. In an interview with China Daily in 2009, he said his dream is to direct a film because I will then really have a film of my own.
AGENCIES, CHINA DAILY/ASIA NEWS NETWORK Man Of Tai Chi opens in cinemas here next Thursday.

Tiger: Hollywoods gongfu master

THE MATRIX TRILOGY (1999 and 2003)

Chen got his first taste of working in a Hollywood production in The Matrix films by the Wachowski siblings, who are loyal fans of Chens master, Yuen Wo Ping. Chen was involved in the gongfu team for all three Matrix films: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. He trained the actors, Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss and Laurence Fishburne.

Stuntman: t j yn yun Trilogy: sn b q Sympathise: tng qng Prologue: x yn


Chen coached the three Angels in this film: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu, who rewarded their young master with

generous kisses, reported China Daily. Chen revealed how each of them thought the gongfu routines of the other two were better. So, he used the oldest trick in the trade to coax them to come on set by telling each hers was the best. Often, after two hours of practising the ma bu, a basic gongfu standing posture, the three actresses would collapse on the floor, even though it is recommended to walk for a while to prevent injuries. Chen told them they would end up with a big backside if they didnt walk and that had them jump up right away.


Chen was part of the stunt team for Lee Angs award-winning film.

KILL BILL VOL. 1 AND 2 (2003 and 2004)

Chen was part of the stunt team for Quentin Tarantinos Kill Bill movies. He was also the stunt double for actress Uma Thurman.



MY P A P ER TU ES D A Y JU LY 2 2013


Minaj wins again at Bet Awards

RAPPER Nicki Minaj picked up her fourth consecutive win for best female hip-hop artist at the Bet Awards in Los Angeles yesterday. Every time I win, its a humbling experience, she was quoted as saying. My fans are amazing people. During the awards, Minaj performed with singer Chris Brown, who opened the show with a medley of songs. Mariah Carey sang her latest hit, #Beautiful, with Miguel and Young Jeezy, and Robin Thicke played his latest hit, Blurred Lines, with Pharrell Williams and T.I. The annual Bet Awards, now in its 13th year, celebrates black musicians, actors and athletes. This years event was hosted by actor Chris Tucker, who paid a tribute to the late Michael Jackson with a song and dance. TRIUMPHANT: Rapper Nicki Minaj won her fourth consecutive award for best female hip-hop artist at the annual Bet Awards in Los Angeles yesterday. Rapper Kendrick Lamar won three awards, taking home best new artist, male hip-hop artist and collaboration. Other winners included Jamie Foxx for best actor, Miguel for best male R&B/pop artist and soul singer Charlie Wilson was awarded the lifetime-achievement award.

POP PRINCESS: Australian pop star Kylie Minogue has sold more than 68 million records globally, but admits that she has never truly mastered the US market. PHOTO: VICTORIA WILL/AP

Fashionable Kylie sets sights on US

YLIE Minogue, the Australian pop star known for dance hits like The Loco-Motion and Cant Get You Out Of My Head, has sold more than 68 million records globally. However, the 45-year-old admits that she has never truly mastered the United States market, despite her widespread popularity in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. She is trying to change that by reframing herself as a fashion icon. Last month, Running Press released Kylie: Fashion, an ode in photographs to her sartorial high points as a performer. It was written with her long-time stylist, Mr William Baker, and carries a rhapsodic foreword by designer Jean Paul Gaultier. Along with flamboyant costumes, like Gaultiers anime-geisha tour outfits from 2008, the book contains examples of Minogues cover shoots for influential fashion magazines like i-D and The Face. In February, she announced that she was parting with Mr Terry Blamey, her manager of 25 years, and signing with Roc Nation, rapper Jay-Zs influential entertainment company which has worked with Rihanna and Rita Ora. Since then, she has been spending time in Los Angeles, recording tracks with Roc Nation producers Timbaland and Pharrell Williams. Minogue said: I think they feel its an interesting challenge to take on someone who has such a (musical) history that they had nothing to do with. I dont know if its about taking it to the next level or just another level. While the success of The Loco-Motion (1987) faded in the US, the rest of the world was going nuts, said Minogue, referring to the commercial success of her albums like Enjoy Yourself (1989). The last time she made waves in the US was in 2001, for her biggest dance hit Cant Get You Out Of My Head and its music video, along with the corresponding al-

FASHION DARLING: Kylie: Fashion is an ode in photographs to Kylie Minogues sartorial high points as a performer. PHOTO: AP bum Fever, which made its debut on the Billboard 200 chart at No. 3. Mr Jay Brown, president of Roc Nation, does not see the singers age as a hurdle. He said: I dont know how you can put an expiration date on an artist thats up to them. Said Minogue of her age: I certainly dont feel it. You constantly see stories like look 10 years younger, 40 is the new 50, 50 is the new 60. Who knows? We cant stop time, so youve just got to make the most of what you have.

Sartorial: f zhung de Flamboyant: yn l de Made waves: yn q hng dng Expiration date: yu xio q

Shop Style
LYING surveillance cameras, facial-recognition technology and wearable devices like Google Glass, which can be used to take photographs and videos. All these are enough to make countersurveillance fashion as timely and pertinent as any seasonal trend, like midriff tops or wedge sneakers. Mr Adam Harvey, an artist and design professor at the School of Visual Arts in New York and an early creator of stealth wear clothing and accessories designed to protect the wearer from detection and surveillance has created a number of stealth-wear designs and prototypes. His work includes a series of hoodies and cloaks that use reflective, metallic fabric that he has repurposed to reduce a persons thermal footprint. In theory, this limits ones visibility to aerial surveillance vehicles employing heat-imaging cameras to track people on the ground. He also developed a purse with extra-bright LEDs that can be activated when someone is taking unwanted pictures the effect is to reduce an intrusive photograph to a washed-out blur. In addition, he created a guide for hairstyling and make-up application that might keep a camera from recognising the person beneath the elaborate get-up. Mr Harvey isnt the only one working on such products. The National Institute of Informatics in Japan has developed a visor outfitted with LEDs whose light isnt visible to the wearer, but that would blind some camera sensors and blur the details of a wearers nose and eyes more effectively than a pair of sunglasses. Mr Harvey likened his work and that of others to the invention of the rivet in denim jeans. Stealth wear, he said, is an updated way of thinking about making your clothes more resistant to your environment and adapting them to protect you a little bit more. But these designers face a challenge: Although technology has inspired some new fabrics and materials, high-tech fashion of any kind has yet to really take off. Ms Becky Stern, an artist and the director of wearable electronics at Adafruit Industries, a company in New York that sells do-it-yourself electronic kits, said: There simply isnt much of


M Y PA P E R T U E S D AY JU L Y 2 2 0 1 3


Get to know more about the roots of the Arab world at a contemporary art exhibition, Terms & Conditions, on till Sept 8. The exhibition, held in conjunction with the Sharjah-based Barjeel Art Foundation, will showcase 16 works of art from museums and private collections. The admission fee for adults is $10. Singaporeans and permanent residents enter for free.


Cloak yourself with stealth wear

STUNNING: Naomi Campbell opened the first fashion show of the season for Versace on Sunday.

Naomi leads the runway at Paris fashion week

BRITISH supermodel Naomi Campbell drew cheers on the catwalk at Paris fashion week on Sunday when the 43-year-old opened the first haute couture show of the season for Versace in a sparkling black micro sequin jacket. Constructed using hooks and eyes to hold the jacket together, the fastenings were left undone in places, giving the impression of being undressed, the house said, adding that each hook was held in place with Swarovski crystals. Using sequins, crystals, embroidery and beading in a palette of black, deep emerald, ruby red and sapphire blue, Donatella Versaces fall 2013/winter 2014 couture collection wallowed in a sense of unashamed luxury. In some looks, the shape of the body was emphasised by exposed midriffs or transparent side panels down the shoulder, arm and leg. Campbell closed the show with an enthusiastically received turn, this time in a bodysuit embroidered with black crystals and a woven mink-fur, chiffon and silk tulle cardigan. Four days of couture shows began yesterday with the collection of the season Christian Lacroixs comeback tribute to the late Italian designer Elsa Schiaparelli.

CAMOUFLAGE: Mr Adam Harvey, a design professor at the School of Visual Arts, has designed a hairstyling and make-up program which aims to keep cameras from recognising ones face. PHOTO: ADAM HARVEY AND DIF MAGAZINE that need more discussion and debate. Mr Harveys items have not yet been thoroughly tested by intelligence firms or security experts. Most are still concepts and are not ready for mass production. But he said he hoped that awareness of his designs might empower you to control your identity a little more.

HIDE YOUR HEAT: This jacket is made of reflective fabric that reduces ones thermal footprint, limiting ones visibility to aerial surveillance vehicles that use heat-imaging cameras to track people. PHOTO: ADAM HARVEY/AHPROJECTS.COM a market for tech-savvy haute couture. Ms Stern said that a few years ago, clothing embedded with illuminated lights was relatively popular, but that interest later declined. However, Mr Jan Chipchase, executive creative director of global insights at Frog Design, said he sees tremendous potential for an eventual stealth-wear market. He described current prototypes as provocations, and said they raise issues that are impacting our cities and public spaces

Midriff tops: l q zhung Intrusive: qn ro de Rivet: mo dng Haute couture: go j sh zhung

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Law firm grew by giving away advice


MY P A P E R T U ESD AY J U L Y 2 2 0 1 3


Graduates in the science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) fields can earn more than double of what their peers in other areas make. Economist Katie Bardaro told Forbes that many firms are looking for candidates who know their way around a statistical program and the scientific process.



I answered about 100 questions from immigrants each day. It helped me become familiar with real-life issues. I also started the weekly Murthy Bulletin. Today, it has about 43,000 subscribers.

What resources are available on your site? When it comes to making use of the Web, law firms have generally not been pioneers. The Murthy Law Firm, which handles immigration matters, is an exception. Founded in 1994 by India-born Sheela Murthy, the Maryland-based firm created a website that provided legal information that same year. Today, by at least one ranking, is the worlds most-visited law-firm site. Ms Murthy, 51, tells why she decided to give away legal information online, and how shes grown as a business owner. What got you interested in immigration law?
The process of becoming a United States citizen was painful, stressful, and took 12 years. I was struck by my attorneys lack of sensitivity. Its aimed at building an online immigrant community. Theres no hard sell its priority is not to bring in clients. It shows that we care and know our stuff. We clarify the most complicated laws, using tools like teleconferencing, podcasts and blogging.

Hows business?

Clients are banging down the door. They throw themselves at our feet asking us to take them on. The feeling is if they give this much away for free, what must it be like if you pay them?

What has been your biggest challenge as a business owner?

Im intense. I work 12 to 18 hours a day with no lunch break, and take bathroom breaks of less than 30 seconds. In the beginning, I assumed that my staff shared my vision and passion, and expected them to be excited because I was...I expected them to be my slaves. I still expect a lot from people, but Ive had a reality check. I understand how important it is that they understand my vision and feel like partners. Now, all new employees meet me for an hour. I share my background... I explain that clients dont care about how much you know, clients care about how much you care. Today, 50 per cent of my employees have been with the firm for more than five years.

What led you to create a website in 1994?

My husband, who built our site, insisted that the Internet was the wave of the future. He suggested that I grow the business by offering free legal information online. I thought: If I didnt love this man, Id think he wants to bankrupt me. I started the website partly to make people feel empowered and respected.

Why do you think they stay?

During interviews, I ask how I can create their dream job. If someone says he would rather write all day instead of talk to clients, I work it so that he can. I try to capitalise on my attorneys strengths. If I can create that ideal job, theyll stay until theyre dead or retired.

How did your early website do that?

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Park In Bee became the second LPGA player to win the first three majors in a season, after the South Korean roared to a four-stroke victory at the US Womens Open on Sunday. The world No. 1 held steady with a final-round two-over-par 74 to finish at eight-under 280 at Sebonack Golf Club in New York.


ANALYSIS: CONFED CUP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

HEADS I WIN... Brazils Neymar heads the ball between Spains Alvaro Arbeloa (left) and Gerard Pique. PHOTO: SERGIO MORAES/REUTERS

Dont write Spain off yet


NY doubts that Brazil are serious contenders for next years World Cup were swept away by a majestic 3-0 victory over world champions Spain as they won the Confederations Cup in front of an ecstatic crowd at the Maracana Stadium on Sunday. Inspired by Neymar and Fred in attack, David Luiz at the back and the indefatigable Paulinho thundering around the midfield, Brazil ended Spains record run of 29 unbeaten competitive matches and brought back memories of their glory days with their fifth straight win of the tournament. But how did Spain get thrashed so soundly? One explanation for Spains poor performance was their exhaustion after the gruelling, energy-sapping semi-final win over Italy in the heat of Fortaleza last Thursday. Thus, on Sunday, Spain, who have dominated the world scene for the past five years with two European titles and the World Cup, suffered their biggest competitive de-

feat since losing 3-0 to Wales in a European qualifier 37 years ago. Sergio Ramos, who scored in the semi-final penalty-shootout victory over Italy last Thursday, fired wide with a poor penalty after 54 minutes. Worse was to follow when fellow defender Gerard Pique was sent off for a lunge on his new Barcelona teammate Neymar, who was named Player of the Tournament. Ramos said later that it was just a matter of time before Spain would be beaten at a major tournament. We have gained a lot of important achievements and, one day, the moment has to arrive when you dont win. We arent robots. Our conscience is clear..., the defender said in an interview. Spains biggest sports daily, Marca, had a different view. It praised Brazils superiority in concentration, speed, intensity, physical strength and football. But it also criticised the referees lax attitude to Brazils continual fouls. Football analyst Santiago Segurola wrote yesterday that Spain had come back from a

Confederations Cup defeat to win the last World Cup. He predicted that the return of Xabi Alonso to Spain will fix many of the sides problems. Indeed, it just might be too early to write Spain off. We had a bad night, Iker Casillas said. But anyone thinking this team is finished should think again. There was no doubt that Brazil played impressively. Brazil had gone into the tournament with an indifferent set of results following the re-appointment of 2002 World Cup-winning coach Luiz Felipe Scolari last November, with just two wins, four draws and a defeat from his opening seven matches. The debate had already began over whether he was the right man for the job but his team provided an endorsement with wins over Japan, Mexico, Italy, Uruguay and, now, Spain. Sundays performance was the best of them all, with Freds second-minute goal lifting the crowd and Neymars strike raising them higher still. After Fred scored his second of the night and his fifth of the

competition in the 47th minute, sheer joy descended on the Maracana as Brazil chalked up a third successive win in the competition that FIFA uses as a test event for the following years World Cup. Although the performance was spellbinding, Neymar, among other players, stressed that Brazil still had a long way to go before securing an unprecedented sixth world title. Lets keep calm, lets keep our feet on the ground, he said. We did very well and we are on the right track. We needed this time to train, we get to know each other and to work together and we are much better than we were.

Thrashed: j bi Conscience: ling xn Lax: b yn g de Unprecedented: qin su wi yu de

M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y JU LY 2 2013


Technology Shop


M Y PA P E R T U E S D AY JU L Y 2 2 0 1 3


New fibre-optic technology could increase Internet bandwidth capacity by sending data along light beams that twist rather than move in a straight line. This comes as Internet data traffic is reaching its limit amid mounting demand for bandwidth by users of smartphones and Internet-enabled devices.


Apple seeks rights to iWatch in Japan

PPLE, the worlds most valuable technology company, is seeking a trademark for iWatch in Japan, as rival Samsung Electronics readies its own wearable smartphone device. The maker of iPhones is seeking protection for the name,

which is categorised as being for products that include a handheld computer or watch device, according to a June 3 filing with the Japan Patent Office that was made public last week. Mr Takashi Takebayashi, a Tokyo-based spokesman for Apple, did not respond to a message left at his office seeking comment on the application. Apple has a team of about 100

product designers working on a wristwatch-like device that may perform some of the tasks now handled by the iPhone and iPad, two people familiar with the companys plans said in February. Samsung, the worlds biggest maker of smartphones, is developing a wristwatch, it said in March. Sony has sold its SmartWatch for more than a year. The device connects wirelessly to smart-

phones using Googles Android operating system and allows users to take calls and reply to e-mail messages or texts. Apple chief executive officer Tim Cook is in need of a new revolutionary gadget after the iPhone and iPad, as the company has gone without introducing a new product since October last year.

Trademark: zh c shng bio Comment: shu mng Reply: hu f Revolutionary: chung xn de

HOTGIZMOS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

New Microsoft tablet tops on design and hardware

BY YEONG AH SENG Microsoft Surface Pro
THE first Microsoft tablet, the Surface RT, was a disappointment. It worked exclusively with apps from the Microsoft Store, which effectively shuts out the multitude of applications out there. The Surface Pro, however, also runs applications from a Windows 7 desktop, which means that the door to the whole software world has been re-opened. No longer are users restricted to the Microsoft universe and this definitely makes for a much more useful machine. Operating-system preferences aside, the Surface tablets both RT and Pro are great designs with muscular hardware which beats the hell out of most Android tablets. The Pro improves on the RT in a number of ways screen resoluright-click menu. It also functions as an eraser. The CPU of the Pro is a third-generation Intel Core i5, an improvement on the RTs NVIDIA Tegra 3. The memory has been bumped up to 4GB, from 2GB. The only drawback is that while Surface RT comes installed with Microsoft Office, Surface Pro comes without the useful Office software. The enhancements have certainly made the Surface Pro a more palatable machine, worth considering. The hardware is as good if not better as that of any iPad. Now if only Microsoft can further improve on Windows 8, it might just catch up with Apple. tion is 1920x1080 vs 1366x768 on the RT, and 10-point multitouch instead of five-point. And the Pro has pen input, with pen included. Using the OneNote app, users can jot down notes easily. Applying pressure thickens the line in apps that support pen pressure. A pen button gives quick access to the

Get best of both worlds with Padfone

Asus Padfone Infinity
THE 5-inch Padfone Infinity is the third iteration of the Padfone series, coming after the 4.3-inch Padfone, announced in February last year, and last Octobers 4.7-inch Padfone 2. Each successive Padfone has packed a bigger screen, more powerful processor and better specifications. And, in keeping with the Padfone concept, the Infinity is paired with a 10.1-inch full-HD tablet. The idea behind Asus Padfone series is that some users would take to a phone/tablet combo with the option of detaching the devices. This is unlike Samsungs tendency to make phones with ever-bigger screens, edging closer to the screen size of tablets. Asus approach is more elegant and the pairing works seamlessly, offering users the best of both worlds.

How much: Surface Pro 64GB

($1,198), 128GB ($1,328), Touch Cover (black, white, cyan, magenta, red) $168; Type Cover (black) $183. Surface RT 32GB ($668), 64GB ($798)

This Pixie packs a coffee punch

Nespresso Pixie stainless-steel coffee machine
NESPRESSO, which pioneered the coffee-pod trend a few years back, is now a more mature brand, having introduced several new machines and coffee flavours. The latest variation of the Pixie, a compact coffee machine, comes in two versions: the Pixie Steel Lines machine with embossed lines, and the Pixie Steel Dots machine with embossed dots. A black matt handle has been added for a more stylish look. The Pixie is light and small enough to be taken along on a road trip, and Nespresso sells a special bag that makes it easier to transport. While some top-end hotels have Nespresso machines in their rooms, the machines are not a standard feature in most hotel rooms, so die-hard coffee drinkers

may wish to take a Pixie with them in order to enjoy good coffee any time. After all, some travellers lug along kettles when they go to Europe, as not all hotels provide them. This was precisely what I did for a road trip to Kuala Lumpur. Having the Pixie was great put in a coffee pod, press a button and, hey presto, a nice cup of steaming, strong coffee emerges. Much cheaper than Starbucks, I must say, and definitely better than those 3-in-1 instant-coffee packs offered at most hotels.

How much: Padfone Infinity 32GB

($898) and 64GB ($998), Padfone Infinity Station ($368)

How much: $338


T U E S DA Y J U L Y 2 2 0 1 3


Why Spain lost to Brazil



TALENTHUNT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

China to woo foreign talent with new visa


XECUTIVES with management experience at leading multinational corporations and specialists in education and science: China wants you. The country wants such foreign candidates to apply for a new talent visa, in a move to attract global talent. A draft soliciting the opinions of government insiders and experts suggests that the country has outlined the key points in evaluating whether a foreign professional is urgently needed, an issue widely discussed since the Exit-Entry Administration Law

was passed in June last year. Urgently needed professionals will be able to apply for the talent visa, which grants residency for up to five years, or multiple entries of up to 180 days at a time. According to the draft given to China Daily by an insider who asked to remain anonymous, five major kinds of professionals may be categorised under the talent pool: Senior management professionals at globally renowned enterprises, financial institutions, accounting firms and architecture offices, with profound knowledge in their field and its international rules;

Senior specialists at globally renowned enterprises, financial institutions and accounting firms and architecture offices, with independent intellectual-property rights and core technology; Senior science and education professionals, with titles equivalent to professor at globally renowned universities and institutions, who have made great contributions in the development of a particular field; Renowned cultural, arts and sports figures, or winners of major international awards in their field; Other high-end international talents that China urgently needs.

The draft is still in its early stage and may be subject to change based on feedback from government departments and experts. The Exit-Entry Administration Law is seen as part of Chinas efforts to attract global talent by offering detailed and convenient stipulations on the entry, stay and exit of foreign residents. Mr Wang Huiyao, director of the non-profit centre for China and Globalisation, said the talent visa offers convenience for top professionals from overseas interested in working in China. Chinas move is in line with the global trend of easing visa requirements to attract overseas talent. More than 30 countries have introduced policies for enhancing travel convenience and making visa processing easier for talent as of 2005, according to the United Nations. They include 17 developed countries, such as the United States, and 13 emerging and developing countries. Mr Liu Guofu, an immigration-law specialist at the Beijing

Institute of Technology, said that, while the draft aims to attract global talent, it is still not specific enough. He said a guidance catalogue for foreigners working in China, which will include specific industries that need foreign experts most, is also being drafted and will be updated from time to time. Mr Liu added that he does not think introducing a talent visa will be enough for China to retain global talent, as foreigners are still subject to excessive red tape and institutional barriers when they renew a visa, buy real estate or apply for a domestic driving licence. Many foreigners dont have the time and linguistic advantage to understand the complicated stipulations, which are scattered amid different laws and regulations, he said. The government should help foreigners understand related stipulations to avoid misunderstandings, he said.

Climbers swarm Japans iconic Mount Fuji

HORDES of trekkers flocked to Mount Fuji yesterday at the start of a two-month climbing season, after it was declared a Unesco World Heritage site in recognition of its status as a symbol of Japan. Hundreds of hikers began their ascent of the 3,776m peak before dawn in a bid to stand at the summit to watch the sun rise over the Pacific Ocean. Waves of climbers, many wearing colourful mountaineering gear, began to crowd the summit around 3am. In a scene sometimes compared to Tokyos busy commuter-train stations in the morning, climbers packed the routes to the peak. Torches and lights carried by the trekkers lit up the queue that snaked to the top of the mountain. Around 4.30am, the yellow sun gleamed through tiny cracks in the cloud, prompting chants of

MAGICAL: Torches and lights carried by trekkers lit up the queue that snaked to the top of Mount Fuji, now a Unesco World Heritage site. PHOTO: AFP banzai (hurrah) among hikers welcoming in the climbing season, TV footage showed. Others clapped or snapped pictures of each other on mobile phones and cameras. The cone-shaped volcano has long been worshipped in Japan, attracting pilgrims and followers of the native animistic religion of Shintoism. Unesco classified the mountain as a cultural heritage site, saying it has inspired artists and poets, and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries. Around 300,000 people climb Mount Fuji every year, but local tourist officials said this year that they expect the number to rise significantly because of its new World Heritage status.

M Y P A P ER TU ES D A Y JU LY 2 2013


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Soon, you might be able to cloak yourself in stealth wear



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Singapore R e t a i l e r s Association

5 Mastercard 1 2000 5 1 1 5000 5 5 Blackjack Interior 2000

MasterCard Worldwide
11 2000

Elsie Chua
11 2000 Elsie Chua



Singapore Retailers Association

11 Singapore Retailers Association

Groupon Singapore GSS 750 60.4 64 61.2 15 ION Orchard 11.4 VivoCity6.6 25.4 5 31 28

366.7 83.9 66.1 93.8



3 500 21 4 100 10 3

100 30 303

5 5 628 13 5 50 13


20106 2 23



2 2 NG

2700 114

7 Karl Lagerfeld



Keanu Reeves M a n o f Ta i Chi The Iron Lady Elliot Davis Kill Bill Reeves ReevesThe Matrix The Matrix Reeves

Reeves Reeves Keanu Reeves

630 4

MJ 1524
Mi c h a e l JacksonMJ Sunday Pe o p l e 1 5 24 Sunday People FBI 3500 4434


11 J



OK 1000163

l xing bi jng: Leaving home town so ro: Disturb

28 3

1974416actress married 39 2010 4

15 Sam feel80

Kary 1 Kary 2

200 33

Block BB.A.P Block B B.A.P RAP 1 MV


10 Rain


3 2010630 3 1000

Block B

Hip Hop



: tio xn: Provocative : go kng: Loud and sonorous

891 10 25 SBS


40 Running Man 22

Super Junior SJ-MHenry Trap Trap Henry SHINee Super Junior SHINeeSuper Junior Super Junior-M

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