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8 Pages Rs: 1.00 Jammu Edition JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 161






Jammu Kashmir study group holds seminar in Banglore

District commander of HM among Article 370: President has power 3 militants killed in Tral encounter to abolish it says Arun Kumar
Bangalore on Monday Sri Arun Kumar speaks at Mythic Society Auditorium in Bangalore on July-Ist2013 He was addressing an intellectual gathering at Mythic Society Auditorium at Bangalore, in a programme organised by 'Manthana', a forum for intellectual dialogue. Addressing the gathering Mr. Arun Kumar said there is a background for the current situation prevailing in J&K and said that we must realize that we all have a role to play and it was to facilitate the participation of everyone in the society that J&K Study Centre was established. J&k study center operates from Delhi and Jammu, he added. He said many people ask whether J&K will remain with India and quote plebiscite add a reason for their despondency and said that most of the people are either uninformed or are misinformed about J&K. People ask what is the 'Kashmir problem'. I tell them there is no 'Kashmir problem' but a lot of misinformation has been fed to the people which has resulted in wrong actions by the government, he added. Mr.Arun Kumar said after the incidents of stone pelting in 2010, the central government constituted a interlocutors team and they also had asked the view of Jammu & Kashmir Study Center over Kashmir and during that meet that I told them that there is no 'Kashmir Contd p2


militants were hiding got damaged in the encounter. Bodies of three militants were retrieved from the encounter site . The slain militants included Shabir Ahmad Bhat @ Contd p2

Pak intruder killed near LoC in Poonch

JAMMU: A Pakistani intruder was killed along the Line of Control in Poonch sector early on Monday when the Army foiled an infiltration bid by firing at him, resulting in detonation of explosives carried by him. The incident took place in Saujiyan sector of Poonch at 0430 hours when alert troops noted a movement from across the border into the Indian territory, Army said. When Contd p2

Arun Kumar Ji talking to a gathering of learned society in Bangalore. BANGALORE JULY 0I: "The imbroglio and crisis in Jammu and Kashmir is not just related to a state. We need to understand it clearly as 'It is a national issue of separatism and terrorism in a 4Private banks on the cards state of India'. The problem of Jammu and Kashmir is maintained and nurtured in New Delhi, not in Jammu and Kashmir" said Arun Kumar, Director of JammuKashmir Study Centre, in

SRINAGAR, JULY 01: Three militants including the District Commander of HM were killed in an encounter at Mandoora Tral in south Kashmir while one policeman got martyred in the encounter, police said. Police said that on a specific

information a joint team of Awantipora police, CRPF and Army cordoned off a house in Mandoora village of Tral, in the morning today. While the cordon was being laid militants hiding in the house fired, triggering an encounter. Two policemen

and two CRPF personal were injured in the initial gunfight. While one one of the injured constable Mushtaq got martyred on the spot, the other three were shifted to the hospital. The encounter continued till afternoon, the house in which Contd p2

Bank rush begins: Tata, Birla Ambani among 26 applicants

MUMBAI, JULY 01: India's famed corporate are among Like Tata sons, Kumarmangalam Birla and Anil Ambani are among 26 applicants who have applied for licence to open banks in private sector. Japan's biggest life insurer Nippon Life Insurance Co and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc are also in the fray. Former Citigroup Inc chief executive Vikram Pandit has teamed up with JM Financial Ltd. Among public sector entities, India Post and IFCI also submitted Contd p2

DEHRADN, JULY 01: Uttarakhand chief minister Vijay Bahuguna on Monday announced imposition of blanket ban on the construction of all types on river banks. He also said that a statutory body to look into planning and development of flood-hit areas of the state will be set up. The Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority, to be chaired by the chief minister, will take into account safeguards required to face the challenges that may arise in coming decades for the state, which witnessed unprecedented death and destruction in the June floods. Bahuguna, who made the announcement here at a conference today, said the decision was taken by the state Cabinet considering the massive damage caused by the calamity in different areas

Uttarakhand tragedy: All construction NOT EVEN A SINGLE BULLET OF MY JAWANS WAS WASTED, along river banks banned DON'T KNOW WHO FIRED UPON IRFAN : BRIG. GOPAL SHARMA
MANSBAL, JULY 01: Army Monday claimed that their jawans did not kill Irfan Nabi Ganaie at Markundal. "We are surprised who fired upon him. I reached myself on the spot and checked the ammunition of my men and I found that not a single bullet was wasted by my jawans," Brigadier 3 Sector Rashtriya Rifles, Brij Gopal Sharma told reporters during a press conference at Mansbal . He expressed grief over the killing of the youth and said "We were helpless that time. The protestors had snatched the keys of our vehicles and damaged one of the ambulances (A02K007215Y) completely. Our jawans fired upon the protestors in self defence," he said. Sharma said that the jawans of 13 RR and SoG personnel had laid a siege of Markundal area after we had received an information that militants were present in the village. "Irfan lost his life when he came out from his house but we don't know who fired upon him. At least Army jawans did not kill him," he said adding that he visited the spot in the morning, checked the ammunition of every Jawan, and found everything intact. He said that Army cordons any area after receiving inputs about the presence of militants. "Our job is not to harass people. We are people friendly and a disciplined force," Brij Gopal Sharma said. He lamented that those people whose children study in the school set Army Goodwill School on fire. "Few people entered into the premises of the school and set it on fire. Two classrooms and the school library was completely damaged in the incident. We showed utmost restraint and did not retaliate," he said Contd p2

across the state. "The authority will consist of experts from different fields," he said. Bahuguna, however, refused Contd p2

Road connectivity to leftover Warwan villages by year-end: Kichloo

connectivity to leftover villages of far-flung and remote areas of Warwan area of Kishtwar will be provided by the end of this year. The Minister said this while speaking at a public meeting during his two-day whirlwind tour of Warwan area. Welcoming the announcement of Central assistance of Rs. 710 crore for land compensation under PMGSY, the Minister stated that special attention will be given to Warwan area under the Centres flagship programme. The Government will strive to improve the image of Warwan by improving its connectivity and bringing it on the tourism map of the State, the Minister said, adding that separate funds under Government of India and State Government schemes will be allocated to create tourism-related infrastructure in the area. Vouching for undertaking winter sports activities in the area, the Minister said private investment in tourism sector will expedite creation of tourism-related Contd p2

Inquiry into killing of youths' eyewash: Geelani

SRINAGAR: Parroting his oft repeated line Hurriyat hawk Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Monday said inquiry into the death of two youths in Bandipora was eyewash and no uniformed personnel would be punished for the act. The youth were allegedly killed in Army firing yesterday in Sumbal area of north Kashmir's Bandipora district. "Inquiry ordered into the killings is laughable and it is only an announcement to Contd p2

Lt. Gen Sanjay Chachra takes over Army's Northern Command

JAMMU, JULY 01: Lt Gen Sanjiv Chachra on Monday took over as chief of Udhampur-based Army's Northern Command. Lt Gen Chachra assumed the charge of GOC-in-C of the prestigious Northern (Dhruva) Command at a simple ceremony in Udhampur, a Defence spokesman said. He succeeded Lt Gen KT Parnaik who retired yesterday after 41 years of service. A second generation Rajput Officer, Lt Gen Chachra was commissioned to 17 Rajput in June 1974, he said. An alumnus of National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla, and Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Lt Gen Chachra has varied Contd p2

WARWAN (KISHTWAR),JULY 01: Minister of State for Industries & Commerce and Home, Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo, has said that road

Pak-China railway corridor a cause of concern

ROHIT SINGH RANA The first visit of Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to China is a symbol of the so called everlasting friendship with Pakistan. Pakistan and China always reserve the best for each other. In 1998 when soon after the Indian nuclear tests, Pakistan felt unsure of the functioning of its nuclear switches to trigger the Chagai atomic bombs; it straight away went to China and brought some tested nuke switches which triggered the Paki bombs. This is reflective of the degree of bonhomie that Pakistan reserves for China. In fact, Pakistan is feeling increasingly isolated because it has not been able to carve out the much needed strategic depth in Afghanistan and secondly the rise of Iran is a direct challenge to its efforts to have some say in the regulation of oil traffic from Persian Gulf. Thirdly, the increased militancy in Pakistan is taking its own toll by way of undermining the rise of a resurgent, modern and tolerant Pakistan. Apart from that Pakistan has a grave ideological vacuum in which it tries to portray itself as a part of Arabian appendage; unfortunately it cannot for very geographical and historical reasons. In this scenario the China connection is proving God send boon for Pakistan. It is another matter that given the Islamic nature of Pakistani government and society, its relations with a non- believing and infidel China should have been always opposed by an Islamic country. But in face of so called realization of higher dreams, religious feelings can be given a go by when it suits Pakistan. Notwithstanding the pressures and pulls of running a nation, conviction and ideology the guiding principle of running the Pakistan ought to have not been compromised. In case of Pakistan despite its cries and din over the Kashmir and its commitment to supply moral and diplomatic support, Pakistan has ceded 5000 sq kilometers of Kashmir land to China. It has also amalgamated thousands of sq Kilometers of Gilgit, Baltistan, Hunza and Nagar calling them Northern Areas. This is the sentiment that Pakistan has for Kashmir and its population. Having said so, it is worthwhile to ponder over a very disturbing development that is bound to cause ripples in India. China is planning to drive a modern railway from Xinjiang to Gwadar port in Baluchistan. Side by side, a gas pipe line will also be built to supply gas from China to Pakistan. Gwadar port is being designed to become an economic hub not only for Pakistan but for China too. More importantly, when last year, the port was handed over to China it has become a too dangerous development that is bound to have repercussions for India. The Chinese as per reports are turning the Gwadar into a high tech military listening post from which China and Pakistan can have access to the vital naval and other defence installation right from Dwarika to Mumbai. Secondly, the control of Gwadar by China means that Beijing will now have easy approach to west Asian oil and in the long run it will have a capability to regulate oil trade as per its choice. If reports are to be believed the secondary rail project connecting Pakistan with Turkmenistan Afghanistan Tajkistan (TAT)railway line will give China access to vast Central Asian oil and gas fields which in future will contribute significantly to world oil supply. Very silently but resolutely India is being edged out by the Pakistan China growing relations in order to have a dominant say in the Asian economics. India will have to play a proactive role to thwart the nefarious designs of the growing Beijing Islamabad relations. It will have to consolidate its presence in Kabul after the US withdrawal and construct vibrant relations with Central Asians nations. Indian diplomacy has its hands full for future if it wants to play a dominant role in Asia.

Where are tourist spots of Jammu ?

These days all roads lead to Kashmir. The tourist spots of Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonmarg and Mughal Gardens are full and teeming with tourists. So good for the people of the valley after all must have some economic emancipation. But Hartals and shutdowns by the separatists turns the sweet taste sour. Here, in Jammu, when its people suffer long power shortages and water scarcity the ministers are enjoying Gondola rides over alpine heights of Gulmarg. These ministers have perhaps forgotten that Jammu region too has a fair share of alpine tourist spots, perhaps as beautiful as the places in Kashmir are. But when there is no interest to develop them who will know about their existence. How sad on the part of tourism department that it could not develop the beautiful spot of Mantalai or Sudh Mahadev. Even there is not a good all weather connectivity up to Mansar and Surinsar. These lakes are yet to be developed on modern lines. The condition of Surinsar is pathetic with its water muddy and banks in disarray and undeveloped. Had the government and Jammu Ministers been fair to Jammu region they would have left no stone up turned to develop Jammus scenic spots . But who cares when it is party time for them in Kashmir. RANASAHIB

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all occupied territories unconditionally which means that the PoK government and its forces will have to be disbanded and the Plebiscite was to be conducted by India itself with UN as a observer and If Pakistan does not satisfy the above conditions, the plebiscite is not binding on India and said that infact, in the 1964 parliamentary debate, all 27 speakers spoke in favor of abrogating Articlr 370 and this included MP's from left parties, Jan Sangh and even the Congress but unfortunately it has yet not abolished. Arun Kumar said the Article 370 has been misused to further personal interests and foment anti-national feelings, choosing to have two flags, a separate constitution, conditions that outsiders cannot buy land in J&K state were enacted using Aritcle 370 as a tool and said that the CAG or the Election Commission has no jurisdiction over the state of J&K even today. He said the President has the power to do away with the article 370 but its the political will that is lacking to abolish Article-370. He said in the 1950's, seeing a threat to his personal ambitions, the seats won by Praja Parishad was invalidated by Sheikh Abdullah and called him the leader of Kashmir and not for the entire state. He said Shyama Prasad Mukherjee called for abrogation of Article 370 in his speech in the parliament and backed it with all legal documents and Pt. Nehru had no answers and resorted to absurd arguments and when Shyama Prasad Mukherjee tried to enter J&K without permit 1953 and was arrested and later died under mysterious circumstances and said that people need to realize that Artcle 370 never gave any special status to J&K, it was few people who misused it to further their selfish political agendas. He said the real victims have to be brought to the forefront and are WestPak refugees who are still living in camps, since 1947, the refugees from Pak Occupied JammuKashmir(POJK), who are about 12 lakhs in number, too are suffering without settling and are still languishing in camps, Kashmiri Pandits were attacked and sent out forcefully from the Kashmir valley and said that the Issues of these people is never raised by any political parties in their manifestos. There are packages for 'stone-pelters' and for the terrorists who have surrendered but the real victims and there human rights have been neglected, he added. Arun Kumar said people of India need to understand that the frauds committed in the name of 370 have to be exposed and the real victims have to be discussed and said that the issue of J&K relates to national integration and not a HinduMuslim or of any political party and appealed the people to work in a way so as to strengthen the Nationalism in J&K, particularly in Kashmir.

Bank rush .
applications for bank licence while micro finance institutions like Bandhan Financial Services, Janalakshmi Financial Services too expressed their intention to set up a bank. "The Reserve Bank of India in all received 26 applications," the central bank said after the deadline for applying for a bank licence expired today. The RBI had issued guidelines for 'Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector' on February 22 and came out with clarifications in the first week of June. It is, however, not yet clear how many new bank licences will be issued. RBI governor D Subbarao had earlier said that "our effort will be to make that judgement as transparent as objective as contestable as possible ... I want to say that not everybody who is fit and proper will be given a (bank) licence because we expect the number of eligible applicants will be much larger than what is meaningful number of licences we can give". In its clarification, the RBI had said the entities getting licences to open new banks will be given 18 months to open branches, and promoters would have to transfer their holdings to the non-operative financial holding company (NOFHC) in a stipulated period. received by the state government from the Centre and other sources in development of the affected areas. Apart from a package of Rs 1,000 crore announced by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for reconstruction and rebuilding efforts, Rs 2,500 to 3,000 crore more is expected from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank for the purpose, Ramesh said. In view of the present circumstances, it has been decided to give Rs 50,000 to one lakh to small kiosks and 'dhabas' damaged in the deluge and Rs two lakh to hotels completely demolished, the chief minister said. In case of damages worth Rs 2 lakh to 10 lakh to commercial establishments, 30 per cent of the damage will be compensated, while 20 per cent of the total losses will be reimbursed in case of damages worth Rs 10 to 20 lakh and 10 per cent for losses totalling over Rs 20 lakh, he said. Hotels, guest houses and commercial establishments along the banks of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi, the tributaries of the Ganga in Rudraprayag and Uttarkashi districts suffered extensive damage in the recent calamity. Other important decisions taken by the Cabinet included exemption of affected locals from repaying loans taken from cooperative banks and nationalised banks for one year and supplying free of cost 15 kgs each of rice and flour, 5 kgs of pulses, 3 kgs of sugar, one litre each of refined and mustard oil, salt and spices and 10 litres of kerosene to each affected family inhabiting areas that are totally cut off for one month. Students up to intermediate standard will be given a one time compensation of Rs 500 each while students of polytechnic and degree colleges will get an amount of Rs one thousand as one time compensation, Bahuguna announced.

Not even ..
that this school is a reputed one where 328 Kashmiri students study. ongoing Amarnathji Yatra. Already 350 ponies from Warwan area have been registered for Amarnathji Yatra this year. I am hopeful that additional 200 ponnywallas will be registered which will bring succour to the poor people of Warwan, he assured. While appreciating the efforts of the Minister, the people presented various demands which included opening of WarwanPahalgam Gali and permission to take ponies to Amarnathji Yatra on this route, installation of mobile towers for cellular connectivity and upgrading school and healthcare facilities. The people also complained about lack of staff in schools and dispensaries as well as that of medicines in the region. The Minister assured that he will look into the demands of the people and take immediate action so that instant relief is brought to the people. Kichloo was accompanied by the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Kishtwar and all District Sectoral Officers belonging to PHE, PDD, Agriculture, Horticulture and Tourism departments during his visit. Amongst others, the meeting was also attended by Abdul Razzak, Sarpanch Aftee, Ghulam Hassan, Sarpanch Inshan, Ghulam Hussain Bhat, Wali Mohammad Rather and Mohammad Yusuf Wani. (VSM) and also the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM). Lt Gen Chachra was GOCin-C, Western Command, prior to assuming charge of the Northern Command. As Director, Foreign Training and International Cooperation, the officer successfully initiated and executed military synergy with a number of friendly foreign armies, the spokesman said.

Article 370: ..
problem' but it's a 'Delhi problem', that has been created , maintained and nurtured by Delhi . He said the fact is, there is no condition set for India with regards to Kashmir but as per the UN resolution at the UNCIP, it is Pakistan that had to vacate from the area which it occupied illegally in 1947, Called POJK. He said such confusion on J&K is because people like the interlocutors think it's a international & internal problem. 86 % of the state is not involved in any kind of separatist movements. He said During Amarnath agitation, some News Channels invited leaders from Sri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti for its debates on the movement and Mr. Sheikh Shakeel, a senior Advocate was chosen to represent the Sangharsh Samiti and said that Sheikh Shakeel was infact threatened by Farooq Abdullah to withdraw from the agitation. Arun Kumar said each of the separatist leader is a representative of few of the 'mohallas' in the valley but they have been nurtured and instigated by forces inimical to the interests of India and despite support from world powers to these minute separatist voices, nationalistic forces have withstood the challenge, we should not say it as a 'Kashmir problem', it's a 'Indian problem' and said that there is 'naxal problem' in Chattisgarh we don't say it as a 'Chattisgarh problem', similarly this too is not a Kashmir problem. Arun Kumar said prior to independence, the British made every effort to separate Kashmir from India and when Kashmir acceded to India there were efforts to try and make J&K independent, as the Britishers did not succeeded due to efforts of Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and the Praja Parishad's agitation. He said when Taliban spread it's tentacles in Afghanistan in the 80`s, our government was sleeping and due to this lackadaisical approach, the Hindus of Kashmir had to suffer a lot and eventually were forced out of the valley. He said Hindus in Kashmir had to leave the state several times in the last 400 years and despite such forces against us, we ought to commend our Army, which has played a major role is retaining Kashmir with India. He said Article 3 of the J&K constitution says the J&K is a integral part of India and Jammu and Kashmir is just like any other state in India, and there has been a complete integration with India and there is no dispute here., even the UN charter on India & Pakistan specifies that Pakistan has to vacate from

Road connectivity ..
infrastructure. This, he said, will have a huge impact on the socio-economic profile of the people residing in Warwan area. Disclosing that the next District Development Board meeting will be held at Sukhnaie, Warwan, the Minister said he will continue his effort of extending benefit of Government schemes, especially in social sector, to the poor people residing in the area. Improving access to this beautiful area is our prime concern. I have asked the R&B Department to fasttrack work on all bridges so that they are completed well in time. In a phased manner, we will take up its development in tourism and industrial sectors to create avenues for employment, particularly for youth, said Kichloo. Stating that awareness drives for making young educated youth cognizant about industry-related schemes will be undertaken shortly, the Minister asked Directorate of Industries to initiate process of identifying lines of industrial activities that the people can establish with strong forward and backward linkages. We have a number of Central schemes like PMEGP and KVIB from which our youth can benefit by setting up self-sustaining units. For our artisans in Handicrafts sector, incentive-based schemes exist that will be popularized in the region, the Minister said. While addressing a huge gathering who gave the Minister a rousing reception, Kichloo assured the ponywallas that he will take up the issue of registration of additional 200 horses and ponies with the administration coordinating the

Inquiry into ..
cool the fraying tempers," Geelani, chairman of the hardline Hurriyat Conference, said in a statement here. "There will be no inquiry and no uniformed personnel will be punished," he added. Geelani called for a march on Wednesday to Markundal and Kondabal, ancestral villages of the two dead youths, and for peaceful protests after Friday's congregational prayers.

Pak intruder .
challenged, he tried to run away back into the Pakistan territory under the cover of darkness, the Army said, adding the troops fired at him. In the exchange of fire, a blast was heard by the troops and the intruder was blown to pieces, they said, adding possibly the grenades carried by him had detonated. Army moved in close to the operations area and found the badly mutilated body of the intruder. Army had foiled an infiltration bid in the same sector on June 26 when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was flagging off the first train connection between Banihal in Jammu region to Qazigund in Kashmir division. General Officer Commanding-in-C hief, Northern Command, Lt General KT Parnaik, who retired yesterday, had expressed his concern on June 17 over the presence of terrorists at the high altitude sector along LoC in Poonch. Nine suspected Pakistan Army Border Action Team men had allegedly intercepted BSF porters in this sector on May 14 and snatched supplies from them.

Vehicle Transfer
I Sunil Kumar S/O Om Parkash R/O H.No. 5 Azad Coloney Muthi Camp, Jammu declares that I have sold vehicle No. JK02Q9668 to Paray Lal Bhat S/O Radha Krishan Bhat R/O H.No 418/A Sec 2 Vinayak Nagar, Muthi, Jammu. I have received full payment of the said vehicle and I am transferring the vehicle in the name of the said purchaser. If anyone have objection contact concerned persons within 7 days.

Uttarakhand tragedy: ..
speculate on the casualty figures in the calamity, saying bodies are yet to be extricated from the huge quantity of debris lying in affected areas and the whereabouts of over 3,000 persons reported missing after the tragedy are yet to be ascertained. "In a situation like this, being the chief minister I would prefer not to quantify a figure. Police officials who have visited the affected areas say 500-600 bodies are visible, many may be lying underneath heaps of debris and many reported missing are yet to be found," Bahuguna told reporters when they asked Congress in-charge of Uttarakhand Ambika Soni to clear the air over conflicting casualty figures doing the rounds. The Cabinet also decided to revise the norms for relief and rehabilitation in the wake of the colossal tragedy by widening the ambit of beneficiaries ranging from small kiosks to 'dhabas' to big hotels, Bahuguna said. Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh, who also addressed the conference, described it as a "progressive and significant step which will inspire confidence in people". The authority will ensure transparency in the utilisation of large funds to be

Lt. Gen ..
combat, staff and instructional experience. The officer has been on active combat service in Siachen glacier, high altitude border areas of North and North-East and commanded 16 Rajput in a counter-insurgency environment. For exceptional service during command of his unit in counter-insurgency operations, he was awarded the Vishisht Seva Medal

Vehicle Transfer
I Lateef Ahmed Lone S/O Gh. Hussan R/O Gh. Bijbhara, Ang. Kashmir declares that I have sold vehicle No. JK02AK-9667 covered by route permit No: 709/JK02/GV/2013 to Shabbir Ahmed Malla S/O Adual Karim Malla R/O 49 Shareen, Baramulla, Srinagar. I have received full payment of the said vehicle and I am transferring the vehicle in the name of the said purchaser. If anyone have objection contact concerned persons within 7 days.

District commander ..
Adil of Hayna, Tral.Shabir was active in Tral area of Pulwama district since 2007 and was the District commander of HM outfit. He was involved in number of murder cases. He was involved in the killing of Manzoor Ahmad Keeli @ Man Keeli in 2009, Ghulam Mohideen Bhat a political worker in Pinglish Tral in 2011. He was also involved in the IED blast at Nawdal road attempting to kill police officers. He was also involved in the firing on a civilian Abdul Rashid Gojjar at Machama. His was also behind the arson of AR cable network in 2011. The other two militants have been identified as Shahnawaz Mir @ Tahir Khan of Dadsar Tral and Aijaz Laway @ Majid of Lurgam, Tral. Both of them had joined HM in 2011. Shahnawaz was one of the militants who had escaped from an encounter as Busoo, Tral on 24 May, 2013.

High veggie diet and exercise can help ease asthma symptoms
TOKYO: The best way to control the symptoms of asthma is by exercising on a regular basis and consuming plenty of fresh vegetables, says a new survey. The study, which was carried out by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, has for the very first time, provided the option of a healthy lifestyle and not a drug treatment, the Japan Times reported. A doctor, Motoyasu Iikura, from the center`s respiratory medicine department in Tokyo said that the patients with asthma need to seek a particularly healthy lifestyle . The study, which was conducted on 437 adult a s t h m a patients, was done to find out the conn e c t i o n b e t w e e n lifestyle habits, like drinking, exercising and eating, and the degree of symptom control. The researchers determined that the people who work out even just for an hour a week and eat at least five helpings of fresh vegetables a day control the symptoms of the breathing

Vehicle Transfer
I Ram Krishan S/O B.R. Karnathia R/O Kana Chak, Jammu declares that I have sold vehicle No. JK02G2580 (Mini Bus: Model1996) to Ravinder Kumar S/O Sh. Gori Lal R/O Dhossa Teh. Gandho Distt. Doda. I have received full payment of the said vehicle and I am transferring the vehicle in the name of the said purchaser. If anyone have objection contact concerned persons within 7 days.

disorder effectively. The study also found that body mass index (BMI), which is commonly used to screen obesity, and drinking habits were not related to symptom .

Urs at Darbar-e-AliyaYounisia
SRINAGAR, JULY 01: The Darbar-e-AliyaYounisia celebrated its 121stthe annual Urs from 29thjune to 1 IstJuly atZarhama Green Colony Kupwara Kashmir. It was a mammoth assemblage people coming from different parts of the Country and different walks of life attented it. Religious scholars addressed congregation and spoke about multi-dimensional and multi-faceted Islamic teachings including Hadith, Sunna, fiqha and true Islamic ideology and spirit simultaneously they highlighted the role of religious spiritual sofi saints of Darbar-eAliyaYounsia inpropogation and dissemination of lofty Islamic wisdom and idealistic ideals also their role in serving the marginalized and mesmerized sections of society. Mehfils of Zhikr-ullah were frequently held during these days. People were seen engrossed in Nawafils and Wazaifs. Present GaddiNaheenHazratMianMaqbool - u r - R e h m a n (NaqshbandiMujaddidie) a recognized and identified spiritual luminary and leader of top order in North India focused on Mujaahadah-Nafsaani andMujaahadah-Jismaani, also promotion of humanity and human values. This sofi spiritual sanit with sound sofi spiritual pedigree table is an embodiment of peace inside and outside and gave thesame message. This Sheikh-e-Kaamil ended the Urs at Dua for peace, progress, prosperity of all particularly poor, helpless and oppressed. A mesmerizing mehfil of zikarullah was followed by dua for universal peace progress prosperity of state and all. Others who were present include CAPD Minister ChoudharyMohd.

China blues: Trade deficit with red giant rises to $12 billion
BEIJING, JULY 01: With a sliding rupee and sagging exports the trade deficit of India with its largest northern neighbour peaked at $12 billion dollars. The trade deficit deficit increased by 34 per cent to reach $12 billion in the first five months of the year, presenting a bleak picture for Indian exports as bilateral trade continued to decline, denting hopes of achieving a trade volume of $100 billion by 2015. According to the data released by Chinese customs, the India-China bilateral trade touched USD 26.5 billion till May 2013. The trade deficit for India has widened year-on-year to $12 billion, up by 34 per cent. The trade volume was lowered by over $2 billion compared to last year. Bilateral trade fell to about $66.7 billion last year from around $74 billion in 2012. The trade deficit touched about $30 billion last year, causing concerns in India. While the Chinese exports registered marginal increase the bilateral trade numbers are falling. Exports have declined substantially while imports have risen marginally, officials here told PTI. Much to the disquiet of India, its main items of exports like cotton, iron ore and copper have continued their downward slide. Iron ore declined sharply by 76 per cent to $595.42 million. Cotton and copper declined year-on-year by 40 per cent to $1.39 billion and 24 per cent to $688.53 million respectively. India's overall share in Chinese exports has dropped to under 1 per cent from 1.33 per cent, the data showed. Cotton yarn and diamonds are the other two exports that rounded off the top five. Cotton yarn is the sole bright spot showing a jump of 115 per cent to reach a value of $740 million. Diamonds have increased at a modest 14 per cent to record $562.1 million. The Chinese exports to India maintained an even keel, rising by 2.7 per cent year-onyear. The declining trade as well the promise held out by the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in the last month's visit to New Delhi to provide more market access to Indian goods were the focus of discussions between the two countries in the past few weeks.

I M.S. Bhandari S/O Sh. Belem Singh R/O 18th BN J&K C/O 56 APO declares that I have lost RC of Vehicle No. JK02AQ-0763 (Scooty). Now I have applied for duplicate of same if anyone have objection contact concerned persons within 7 days.

Loss of RC

Ramzan, Medical Education Minister Mr. TajMohi-u-din, Law & Parliamentary affairs Minister Mir Saifullah, Vice Chairman Pahari Development Board (MOS) Kafil-ur- Rehman, Ex MLC & Senior Vice President Mr. A.R.R ehm anBhadana, Former Deputy CM Mr. MuzzafarHussainBeig , Chairman peoples Conference Mr. SajadGhani Lone, Presiden J & K Pradesh Youth Congress ShahnawazChoudary and Chairman managing Committee Mr. MiyanBasharatMaqbool and others

I Kuldeep Raj Sharma S/O Lt. Sh. Madan Lal Sharma R/O Lane No. 6, H.No 21 Lower Roop Nagar, Muthi, Jammu declares that I have lost RC of Vehicle No. JK02AC-0155. Now I have applied for duplicate of same if anyone have objection contact concerned persons within 7 days.

Loss of RC

Loss of RC
I Jagdish Chander Puri S/O Sita Ram R/O 22/28 Resham Ghar, Jammu declares that I have lost RC of Vehicle No. JK02N7898 (Maruti). Now I have applied for duplicate of same if anyone have objection contact concerned persons within 7 days.

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Says Rs. 710 cr PM package will help complete road projects in State

Bhalla dedicates Rs 1.25 cr tubewell to Jawahar Nagar people

'Steps afoot to modernize all traditional tanks and ponds'
JAMMU, JULY 01Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla on Monday dedicated two lakh gallon discharge capacity deep drill tube well to the residents of Jawahar Nagar, Jeevan Nagar and some areas of Narwal Pain. Executive Engineer, PHE, N N Raina besides other senior engineers were present on the occasion. The construction work of tube well including laying of water supply pipes in uncovered areas of Jawahar Nagar, Jeevan Nagar and some areas of Narwal Pail has been completed with a cost of Rs 1.25 crore under Water Supply Scheme Jawahar Nagar. Addressing a largely attended public meeting after inauguration of the deep drill tube well, Bhalla said that the

Contractors vital part of construction system: Wani

SRINAGAR, JULY 1: Minister for R&B Mr. Abdul Majid Wani said that contractor class is a part and parcel of construction system and plays vital role in constructing projects of public importance in the country and State. The Minister was interacting with a deputation of contractors led by Mr. Ghulam Jeelani Purza. The deputation apprised him about the problems being faced by them in their day to day business activities. The Minister said that the Government is aware about the problems of the contractors' community and is committed to solve them on priority. He said that efforts are afoot to find out ways and means to solve the burning issues of contractors. He said preference would be accorded to local contractors while allotting work on mega proj-

tube well will supply water to about 10000 souls of Jawahar Nagar, Jeevan Nagar, Narwal Pain and its adjoining areas. Bhalla said that the Government is highly concerned about the scarcity of water supply in urban and peripheral areas of the State,

adding that number of WSSs have been taken up to provide and augment potable water facilities in these water stressed areas. The Minister said that the Government was also working on a plan to modernize and revive all the traditional ponds and tanks in kandi

areas of the state that have served as highly dependable source of water for the people of these areas since centuries. Bhalla asked PHE to immediately start laying of water supply pipes in uncovered and water deficit areas so that the people are not deprived of this vital facility.

ects of the State. The Minister said that funds would be made available as soon as received from the concerned quarters. The funds under additionality would also be rationalized and released soon, he maintained. Referring to Rs. 710 crore announced by the Prime Minister during his recent visit of the State, the

Minister said the amount would help the State Government for completing road projects under PMGSY which were pending for the want of funds for land acquisition. The deputation projected a charter of demands which include early release of payment for the recently completed works, filling Sales Tax returns, saying that it

should be submitted by the concerned DDOs from department to department, exemption of petty and DClass contractors from e-tendering, exemption from double taxation, implementation of works schedule 2012 and double sided agreement. Commissioner Secretary, R&B Mrs. Tanveer Jahan was also present in the meeting.

Congress victory sure in 2014 Akhoon get warm welcome at Kargil under Rahul's leadership : Madan after assuming charge of Advisor to CM
KARGIL, JULY 1: Advisor to CM, Mr. Qamar Ali Akhoon get warm welcome during his visit to Kargil after assuming the charge of Advisor to CM. Akhoon reach Drass yesterday and today's morning he held meeting at Drass to review the ongoing project in Drass Sub Division. On this occasion Chief Executive Councilor LAHDC, Kargil, Kacho Ahmad Ali Khan, Minister of State for Education and Medical Education, Feroz Ahmad Khan, Executive Councilor Gh. Rasool Naqvi, Executive Councilor Haji Gh. Amir, Deputy Commissioner Kargil Shri. Fida Hussain, District Officers, Panchs, Sarpaches of Drass and Local people was also present. During the meeting Akhoon stressed upon the officers to ensure better facilities to the people at their door step. He

Nirmal lambastes govt for plight of earthquake hit people

JAMMU, JULY 1: BJP National Executive Member & former State president Dr. Nirmal Singh, while addressing a large public gathering at Gandoh town of Bhalessa in Bhaderwah constituency, held the Union and the State governments responsible for the pathetic plight of the thousands of people affected by the recent earthquakes. The rally was organized by Doda District President Dalip Singh Parihar and Gandoh Mandal President Jaswant Singh. Dr. Nirmal Singh said that Bhalessa area has been badly hit by the earthquakes resulting in loss of precious lives and heavy damage to the dwelling houses, public buildings, bridges etc. He said that Bhalessa, which is the home town of senior Congress leader & Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, bears a look of mourning as there has been devastation and collapse of houses with the people spending sleepless nights under open skies in absence of any rehabilitation and relief from the government. Inspite of the region having always voted for Congress and having produced first Chief Minister of Jammu region, Ghulam Nabi Azad, yet the area has nothing to show by way of development and other modern facilities for the unique distinction. He said that what development and welfare can be expected from a leader whose own birth town is undeveloped in all matters. While welcoming Dr. Nirmal Singh, the District President Dalip Singh Parihar drew the attention of the public to the neglect and discrimination with the region which it has been subjected by the ruling combine of the state.

SUNDERBANI JULY 1:Madan Lal Sharma MP Jammu Poonch Constituency said that Congress will be victorious in 2014 Lok sabha elections as well as in various States. While addressing a Public Meeting at Bambliya in Block Sunderbani Mr. Sharma lauded the leadership qualities of Rahul Gandhi and said that he has made a foolproof and People friendly strategy for 2014 and if Congress is voted to power all sections of society will get their due. He said that only Congress has the visionary leaders like Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and Dr. Man Mohan Singh who joined by young blood Rahul Gandhi are leading the Nation in a balanced manner despite the anti-poor policies of the opposition particularly BJP who have not only created lokjams but also did not allow proper legislation like food security bill. Responding to the issues raised by panchayats, general public regarding drinking water, road connectivity, widow pension, education, health care. Mr. Sharma directed the sectoral officers to organise camps and interactions in the areas like Bamliya which lacks

many basic amenities and it is duty of the officers and leaders to resolve their grievances. He also asked the officers to inform him about the action taken. On the occasion MP announces construction of Community Hall from his constituency fund at the said place for public use. Shri Kuldeep Raj Verma Hon'ble Vice Chairman for OBC and Shri Ravinder Sharma Hon'ble MLC also spoke on the occasion and raised the local issues. Prominent among present on the occasion including Sarp. Suresh Kumar, Kuldeep Raj Gupta, Pushpinder Gupta, Rajinder Sharma, Sundan, Yashpaul, Om Prakash, Bhat, Chander, Chanderbushan, Prem, Bal Krishan, Rashpaul, Satpaul, Kewal . Later on MP opened langer for Sh. Amar Nath, Vaishno Devi & Shiv Khori yatries run by Mr. Jimy Brarar . Mr. Sharma appealed the business community and transporters to care the tourists and pilgrims like their family members so that they take a good image of State which will boost more tourism. Mr. Sharma also demanded that Shiv Khori should be developed on the pattern of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi.

also asked Medical and Education Deptt to provide better medical and educational facilities to patients and students. After the meeting Akhoon go to Kargil. More than 200 vehicles were accompanied by Akhoon decorated by Flags of National Conference and Islamia School. People were shouting slogans like "Qamar Ali Akhoon Zindabad, Qamar Ali Akhoon Agey Bado Hum Tum Haray Sath Hai".On the

way to Kargil, he also pray for the soul of Late Sheikh Ahmad Muhammadi, President Islamia School Kargil at his native village. When Akhoon reach Kargil, first he went to Islamia School were he met with Ulemas. He also thanked Ulemas of Islamia School Kargil for their support. While interacting with party workers and people of Kargil at Tourist Facilitation Center Kargil, he thanked all of giv-

ing him warm welcome. He thanked Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for giving him a Cabinet Rank Status again. MoS, Feroz Ahmad Khan and Executive Councilor Ghulam Rasool Naqvi also spoke on the occasion and stressed on the party workers to get ready for the upcoming Hill Council Election. District President National Conference Kargil, Haji Ghulam Hassan Khan was also present on the occasion.

DC appeals for baby girl, rescued from Kedarnath Valley

JAMMU, JULY 01Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, A.K. Sahu, has made a fervent appeal to the people to contact either the district administration Jammu or Dehradoon if they know anything about the baby girl, who has been rescued from Kedarnath Valley and undergoing treatment at Doon Hospital Dehradoon. The girl, registered as three years old in the hospital, was separated from her parents during the Uttarakhand flash floods on June 16 and was rescued from Kedarnath. She was first admitted with broken legs to a hospital in Rishikesh and was later brought to Dehradun on June 24. She has not been recognized and claimed by anyone till date.

Doda RTEs Framed Fresh Body, highlighted demands

DODA JULY 1: A meeting Of J&K RET teacher's forum held at Khelani Doda under the chairmanship of Sajad Mailk Distt. President Doda in which hundreds of RET teacher's from all the clusters of zone Assar participated and reorganized zonal Body of the forum for zone Assar of Distt, Doda in which Naresh Kumar megwan unanimously elected as zonal President. Mohd. Asheq Jaral senior Vice-President Hayatullah Wani Vicebe fulfill by the zonal Body in next meeting. The Zonal Body has been reorganized under the supervision and guidance of Rishi Rana Zonal President Bhagwah,Gh.Ali Zonal President Ghat,Ramesh Sharm Zonal President Gundna , Vi vek Manhas Zonal President Bhalla , Arshad Abdullah Bhat Zonal President Doda, Naseer Ahmed & Altaf Banday organizers of District Body were also Present in the meeting.

President ,Abdul Wahid General Secretary, Parshotam Kumar & Ravi Dass as secretaries, Ghulam Rasool Chief Spokes person Barkatullah Wani Chief

Organizer,Jatinder Singh Chief Coordinator, Himayatullah Wani Chief Advisor, Mudassir Nazir & Shatiq Wani as Advisors. The other designation will

Transfers, postings in State administration

SRINAGAR, JUNE 01:The Government has ordered following transfers and postings in State administration with immediate effect. Mr. A.K. Razdan, KAS, awaiting orders of adjustment in the General Administration Department, is posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Srinagar, against an available vacancy. Mr. Onkar Nath, KAS, Special Secretary to Government, Finance Department, has been transferred and posted as Administrator, Associated Hospitals, Jammu, against an available vacancy. Syed Anwar Hussain, KAS, Additional District Development Commissioner, Poonch, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Samba, against an available vacancy. Mr. Ajay Singh Jamwal, KAS, Additional District Development Commissioner, Kathua, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Udhampur, against an available vacancy. Mr. Arif-ullah, KAS, Special Secretary to Government, Health and Medical Education Department, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Pulwama, against an available vacancy. Mr. Mohammad Muzaffar Hakim, KAS, Joint Registrar, Cooperatives (Hqr), Srinagar, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Shopian, against an available vacancy. Mr. Mohammad Matloob Khan, KAS, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Rajouri, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Rajouri, against an available vacancy. Mr. Hashmat Ali Khan, KAS, A d d i t i o n a l Secretary/Principal Private Secretary to the Chief Secretary has been transferred and posted as Special Secretary to Chief Secretary. Mr. Khurshid Ahmad Shah, KAS, Additional Secretary to Government, Industries and Commerce Department, has been posted as Special Secretary to Government, Industries and Commerce Department, against an available vacancy. Mr. Nazim Zai Khan, KAS, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar, has been transferred and posted as Additional Commissioner, Commercial Taxes (Tax Planning), relieving Mr. Parvaiz Iqbal Khateeb of the additional charge of the post. Mr. Sheikh Mukhtar Hussain, KAS, Deputy Labour Commissioner (Central), has been transferred and posted as Special Secretary to Government, Health and Medical Education Department, vice Mr. Arifullah. Mr. Bashir Ahmad Dar, KAS, Additional Secretary to Government, General Administration Department, has been posted as Special Secretary to Government, General Administration Department, against an available vacancy. Mr. Shakeel-ur-Rehman Rather, KAS, OSD with Minister for Finance and Ladkah Affairs, has been transferred and posted as Special Secretary to Government, Finance Department, vice Mr. Onkar Nath. Mr. Pardeep Kumar, KAS, Joint Director, Industries and Commerce (S&M), Jammu, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Ramban, against an available vacancy. Mr. M.M. Rehman Ghasi, KAS, Programme Officer, ICDS Project, Budgam, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Ganderbal, against an available vacancy. Mr. Avtar Singh Chib, KAS, Chief Executive Officer, Tourism Development Authority, LakhanpurSarthal, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Kishtwar, against an available vacancy. Mr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, KAS, Joint Registrar, Industries and Commerce (Development), Kashmir, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Kupwara, against an available vacancy. Mr. Rakesh Gupta, KAS, Joint Director, Industries and Commerce (Development), Jammu, has been transferred and posted as Special Secretary to Government, Science and Technology Department, against an available vacancy. Mr. Rohit Khajuria, KAS, awaiting orders of posting in the General Administration Department, is posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Kathua, vice Mr. Ajay Singh Jamwal. Mr. Mukhtar-ul-Aziz, KAS, Joint Director, Handlooms, Kashmir, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Kulgam, against an available vacancy. Mr. Bashir Ahmad Khan, KAS, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Ramban, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Anantnag, against an available vacancy. Mr. Arvind Sharma, KAS, Programme Officer, ICDS Project, Doda, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Poonch, vice Syed Anwar Hussain. Mr. Bikram Singh Jamwal, KAS, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Samba, has been transferred and posted as Additional District Development Commissioner, Reasi, against an available vacancy. Mr. Riyaz Ahmad Choudhary, KAS, Chief Executive Officer, Tourism Development Authority, Kishtwar, has been transferred and posted as Joint Director, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution (Administration), Jammu, against an available vacancy. Mr. Riyaz Ahmad, KAS, Joint Registrar, Cooperatives (Banking and Finance), has been transferred and posted as Additional Secretary, J&K Public Service Commission, vice Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Shah. Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Shah, KAS, Additional Secretary, J&K Public Service Commission, has been transferred and posted as Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Taxes (Hqr), against an available vacancy.

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work in artificial intelligence. Furthermore, The Indian Institute of Chemical Biology offers openings for research fellowships in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. NASA is the ultimate job destination for those interested in applying robotics to space science. In India, organisations like BHEL, BARC, ISRO and DRDO besides other companies like Tata and Jindals do recruit robotic engineers. Abroad, the scope for career advancement is abundant. Companies like Intel recruit robotics and artificial intelligence specialists for microchip manufacturing. The Robotics Industrial Association in North America provide job opportunities in robot manufacturing and maintenance systems integration. Research fellowships as an intern with ATR, the premier research institute emphasizing on humanoid robotics and computational neuroscience is also available. REMUNERATION Salary for robotic engineers is concerned at par with most of the other demanding engineering professions as supply is less, compared to demand. Earnings vary depending on the experience of the robotics engineer, the location, and the kind of job. In India, one can expect a starting salary of Rs 5-6 lakhs per annum for a fresher. Benefits usually include paid holidays and vacations, health insurance and retirement plans. INSTITUTES Robotics is an inter-disciplinary course in India. It is taught as a specialisation of mechanical, electrical engineering or computer science programs. Robotics engineering can be studied at the IITs and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. A few other institutes that offer this specialisation are the National Institute of Technology, University of Hyderabad, Jadavpur University and the Birla Institute of Technology and Science. * B.E. Robotics and Automation Engineering * Certificate in Embedded Systems and Robotics * Diploma in Industrial Automation and Robotics * M.E. Automation and Robotics * M.E. CAD/CAM and Robotics * M.E. Robotics * M.Tech. Industrial Automation and Robotics * M.Tech. Intelligent Systems and Robotics * M.Tech. Robotics

Career in Robotics
INTRODUCTION Robotics is a rapidly growing field that has applications in diverse industries. Robotics is a field of engineering concerned with the development and application of robots, and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback and information processing. In other words, Robotics is all about designing robots, maintaining them, developing new applications and conducting research. Robotics is an exciting area of computercontrolled technology. Robotics is one of the most inter-disciplinary of engineering endeavors. In an elaborate form, Robotics Engineering is a sub field of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science. This is a rapidly developing field, with advances in computing constantly opening up new possibilities for robotics applications. The term 'robotics' includes research and engineering activities involving the design and development of robotic systems. The experts working in the area of robotics are called robotic engineers. Robotics engineers are basically concerned with the science of robotics that is the science of flexible automation. Robotics engineers design robots, maintain them, develop new applications for them, and conduct research to expand the potential of robots. The robotics engineer must determine the particular needs of each application and customize the robot accordingly. These engineers use computer-aided design and drafting, and computer-aided manufacturing (CADD/CAM) systems to perform their tasks. Their duties include analyzing designs, debugging programs, standardizing and servicing the robots and combining the robots with new mechanical devices. They also supervise other technicians and engineers. Robots are machines that are devised to replace human beings. They are also employed in jobs which are too dirty, dangerous or dull to be suitable for humans. Some of the robots function, manually while others function on remote control. It is an artificial agent guided by computer or electric programming. The many types of robotic systems include robotic manipulators, robotic hands, mobile robots, walking robots, aids for disabled persons, telerobots and micro electromechanical systems. Today, robots are taking over most of the manipulative, hazardous and tedious jobs in factories, mines, atomic plants, space ships, deep-sea vessels, etc. from man. Robots are used in industries for speeding up the manufacturing process. They are also used in the field of nuclear science, sea-exploration, servicing of transmission electric signals, designing of biomedical equipments etc. ELIGIBILITY & COURSE AREAS EDUCATIONAL A bachelor's degree in engineering or a related field which is of four years duration is required for most entry-level positions in robotics engineering. Robotics being an inter-disciplinary course invites students who have completed their graduation in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, instrumentation engineering or computer engineering with an interest in robotics and artificial intelligence. Most colleges or universities offer robotics engineering as specialisation of other engineering degrees rather than as a stand alone program. However now there are universities that offer robotics engineering degrees as itself. For advancement in positions you need a master's degree or PhD. A PhD is required to teach in this field as well as for most high-level research positions. A master's degree requires two years, while a PhD takes three to five years to complete. A course in robotics trains and educates a student in the field of artificial intelligence, computer-aided manufacturing, computer integrated manufacturing system, computational geometry, robot motion planning, digital electronics and micro processing. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Like engineers in other disciplines, robotics engineers must be able to work well as team members. They must be able to communicate their ideas effectively. Those entering this field should have an aptitude for mathematics, physics, chemistry, and electronics. They should also be skilled in using computers. Robotics engineers must be familiar with logic, microprocessors and computer programming so that they can design the right robot for each application. Along with the technical know-how, interest in research is essential in this field. For this Robotics engineers must continually upgrade their technical knowledge to keep abreast of new developments in this rapidly changing field.

Punjab girl in finals of Google Science Fair

JOB PROSPECTS & CAREER OPTIONS With the advancement of computer science and related research technologies, robotics jobs are gaining more popularity. Use of robots is expected to increase in the near future, from production line robots to experimental robotics for the medical, military, and automotive industries, the future of robotics engineering will certainly offer a range of opportunities for professionals entering the field. There are various specialisations even in robotics. Specialising in design and control in robotics is close to mechanical engineering. If you want to specialise in control and hardware design of robots, a B.Tech. degree in Electrical or Electronics or Electronics and Communication Engineering is the best-suited qualification. B.Tech. Computer Engineers can look at hardware design in robotics. The control part of the robot is all about certain aspects electrical engineering. Robotics engineering may lead to potential career opportunities in manufacturing, research and engineering, agriculture, mining, space exploration, power-plant maintenances and a variety of other areas. Besides, there is great scope for qualified experts and researchers to associate themselves with different segments of R & D in robotics. Today's gaming industry is possibly providing the most enjoyable variation of the kind of intelligence provided by robotics. Games like X- Box, PCs, and PlayStation etc. are

putting this extensively to use. High-precision robotic jobs such as welding and riveting also require the use of robots. They are also put to use in special situations that would be dangerous for humans like cleaning toxic wastes or exploring dreadful places like under water exploration. Fields so diverse as surgery, modern warfare and nanotechnology have also shown a remarkable increase recently in their demand for technical experts and researches in robotics. Most robotics engineers are employed by private robot manufacturers or robot users. Some engineers work in military and space programs. Others work for colleges and universities or vocational schools. Robotics engineers who work for robot manufacturers are sometimes called robotics test engineers or automation system engineers. These engineers apply the robotic system to a particular use on a manufacturing assembly line. They also create an integrated environment between people and machinery. Robotics engineers can advance to management positions and become robotics managers or directors of automation. Some robotics engineers advance by moving into robot sales or by starting their own robotics consulting firms. A candidate having an M.E. degree in Robotics can get job opportunities in space research organizations like ISRO and also in industries which manufacture microchips. Job opportunities also exist in Indian Institute of Technology for doing extensive research

July 3 deadline to get photo copy of CBSE Std XII answer sheets
NAGPUR: Students of std X and XII in CBSE who wish to get a photocopy of their evaluated answer sheets can apply online till July 3. CBSE has also made it clear that the application for a copy can be made only online, through their official web site The central board will charge Rs500 per subject and the payment has to be made through a demand draft and has to be mailed to the concerned regional office, which in case of Nagpur students will be Chennai. For Std XII students, the online application can be made till July 3. For Std X students, the dates will be from June 29 till July 6. It is important to note that the application facility will remain open only till 5pm of the last day of application. After students fill up the online application form, a confirmation page will be generated through the website. The confirmation page, along with the requisite enclosures and fee should reach the board's regional office concerned on or before the date specified above. The confirmation page of the application form is to be submitted by the candidate, duly filled up with the required undertaking strictly in his/her own hand writing and under his/her own signature and not by anyone else. The signature should correspond with that on the admit card. However, students cannot challenge the way their paper has been evaluated and will have to give a written undertaking to that effect in the confirmation page itself. Requests for retotal will be accepted and if the student finds any answer left unchecked, a request for evaluation of that particular answer will also be entertained. A photocopy of the student's admit card will also need to be attached. The regional office will send a photocopy of the answer sheet within 30 days.

Lucknow University's online counselling delayed on day 1

LUCKNOW: Technical snags marred the first day of online counselling of the Lucknow University. The first ever off-campus online counselling for admissions to various undergraduate courses was delayed by more than seven hours causing inconvenience to candidates on Sunday. As per the schedule, online counseling conducted by National Informatics Centre(NIC) was supposed to begin from 11 am but due to server problem, the online counselling window opened around 7 pm. According to the university officials, the delay was caused due to some impediments in uploading the data. Prior to this, the university's mock online counselling began a day after it was scheduled. University officials associated with admissions said as per NIC, the actual choice filling should have begun a day after the mock counselling ended. But, the mock counseling went on till late Saturday night due to which the complete data could not be uploaded. "Only candidates who have gone through the document verification process will be entitled to fill up the seat of their choice. This took extra time uploading the information,'' said Naveen Khare, admissions coordinator, LU. Admitting that the delay affected the candidates, Khare said, "We apologise for the delay but it is purely technical in nature. We will try our best not to delay the process further.'' Troubled by the delay, Amit Verma (name changed), aspiring student for B Com said, "The mock counselling started late and now the choice filling part gets delayed. Since the university has gone completely online (from offline) this year, we are apprehensive. But now if these kind of problems take place, it will be difficult for us.'' Going by the schedule, the university's choice filling will end on July 2. The first allotment result declaration will be on July 5. From July 6-8, fee submission for first allotment will take place. The second allotment result declaration will be on July 12, and fee submission for second allotment will be from July 13-15. For further hassle-free process, varsity officials have collaborated with the Sahaj Jan Sewa Kendra to help students in online filling of the choice for admissions in UG courses. "Candidates can also fill up the PG application forms from the centre'' said Khare.

LUDHIANA: Chandigarh girl Srishti Asthana has been named among the top 15 finalists of the Google Science Fair, 2013. The 15year-old girl, who in class XI is a student of science Stream from Millenium School in Mohali. Srishti will showcase her project at the Google headquarters in the US, which could be potential green method for treating waste water laced with detergents. The idea for the project ticked her during a school field trip to a textile industry in Ludhiana when she noticed the terrible state of industry's waste disposal causing water pollution. Srishti said, "As a part of a field trip, I went to Ludhiana last year and was taken aback to see how the dyes from the textile industries got drained out in the water bodies, thus polluting it. On querying from an owner on how they treated the water before draining out, he counter questioned me on whether do we treat the detergent water before draining that out. The question triggered an idea in me of doing the same." "I created a method where the solar light and nano particles of zinc oxide are used to treat detergent water. It is purely a green technique and environment-friendly," she added. Srishti, who wishes to persuade a career in "pure sciences", will be flown to Google's Mountain View headquarters in the US on September 23 to present her project for the final round, which will be judged by an international panel of esteemed scientists. The grand prize will get a tenday trip to the Galapagos Islands, $50,000 in scholarships, and more. The Google Science Fair is an online competition. It was first started in 2011 and is open to students in the age groups of 13-18 to widen science projects and share their findings.

Many courses still open in DU for SC/ST

NEW DELHI: Colleges that have closed admissions for the general category are still open for reserved category candidates in the second list for courses such as commerce and economics. The drops in cutoff from the first list are substantial with several colleges recording a difference of 2-5 points. All Delhi University colleges, except Ramjas and Ram Lal Anand, will be admitting other backward classes (OBC) category applicants into their commerce courses. At Hindu, the drop for OBC is of one mark (0.25%); Shri Ram College of Commerce has reduced it to 94% from 94.5%; and at Bhagini Nivedita, the difference is of 5%. For persons with disability (PwD), seats are free at all colleges except at Ramjas, RLA and SRCC. Again, for schedule caste and scheduled tribe (SC/ST) applicants, seats are available in all colleges except Acharya Narendra Dev and Deshbandu (open only for ST). There is good news for those from the reserved categories hoping to study economics. Only Gargi has admitted other backward classes candidates to the course; admissions remain open everywhere else. For schedule caste and scheduled tribe (SC/ST) candidates, it's open even at Gargi, though the cutoffs at the college remain unchanged. Even at Ramjas, the cutoff for other backward classes (OBCs) remains 90%-93%. At IP College, the drop in economics cutoff for OBCs is 0.25%; 0.75% at Hans Raj and 1% at Hindu. LSR had reduced minimum score for OBCs from 96% to 95.5%.

Nobel meet on green chemistry

NEW DELHI: Green Chemistry is this year's theme at the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (June 30 - July 5) where 600 undergraduate and postgraduate students -next generation of leading scientists and researchers from 80 countries will engage with 35 scientists, all Nobel Prize winners. The picturesque town on Lake Constance, Germany, will host 22 students from India, sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology and the DFG (German Research Foundation). For the 22 students, the Lindau week will be followed by another week, touring premier laboratories and scientific institutions and universities in Germany, including at Berlin, Munich and Heidelberg to expose them to high end research and facilities available for future aspirants in Germany. The youngest in the group, 20 year-old Shwetha Srininvasan is doing her Master's at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. Her special area of interest is protein chemistry, particularly the biophysics of protein misfolding. She is working on the human prion protein, the misfolding of which is implicated in a range of transmissible human disorders. She is keen on drug discovery and spectroscopy as tool in studying the dynamics of biomolecules. She presented a poster on protein folding at the Asian Science Camp in Jerusalem, Israel in 2012 where she met international scientists including Nobel Laureates for the first time.

RTE law not in sync with reality: Goa Congress MP

PANAJI: The UPA government's flagship right to education (RTE) policy is flawed and does not take into account ground realities in the states, a Congress MP from Goa said Monday. "The extension of school hours amounts to harassing students and parents. The policy does not take ground reality into consideration in various states," said South Goa Lok Sabha MP Francisco Sardinha. Sardinha, who is also chairman of the Lok Sabha Estimates Committee, said the state government should write to the union human resource development ministry asking it to cut back the half-hour increase in school timings. "Just because there is a law it must not be followed. If there is something wrong, one should write to the central government saying so," said Sardinha. Acting as per the provisions of the RTE law, the Goa government recently increased school teaching hours by half an hour, from five-and-half hours to six hours.

Allahabad University to make UG courses more vocation-oriented

ALLAHABAD: The authorities of AllahabadUniversity (AU) would soon be taking steps to revamp the syllabus of undergraduate courses being run in various departments of its Arts faculty. The aim of the exercise is to make the courses more vocation-oriented so as to increase the employability of the students passing out from the varsity. The university has set up a special committee of senior faculty members led by head of the Sanskrit department Prof Ram Kishore Shastri that will deliberate over the changes needed in each course and then submit its report. Confirming the development, Prof Shastri said the basic eligibility for most competitive exams was a graduation degree. Therefore, there was a need for undergraduate courses to be updated and made more vocation-oriented so that students can truly benefit from them. "The issue came up for discussion during a meeting of the heads of the departments of the arts faculty. It was chaired by dean (arts) Prof Mridula Tripathi. All heads of the depart

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= Balbir Punj
From Assam to Uttar Pradesh to Kerala, the vote-hungry Congress has pursued a policy of minority appeasement that now threatens the country's very security and identity Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has thanked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh "from the core of my heart", as he put it, for the latter's remark certifying and endorsing the JD(U) leader's "secularism". Apparently, Mr Nitish Kumar has outsourced the certification business in the debate on who is secular and who is communal to the Congress. Yet, none of these leaders who gratefully exhibit the Congress endorsed secular/communal label, thinks of the implications of such a perverse exercise. Implied in the Prime Minister's certification of Mr Nitish Kumar as 'secular' is the accusation that the Bihar Chief Minister was 'communal' so far. Why do the likes of Mr Nitish Kumar ignore the consequences of outsourcing the differentiation between secular and communal to a party that has its own kebabs on the fire? When it comes to the secular versus communal debate, it is the Congress's record that is the most suspect. Who should have preference in Government funding for development projects? The natural answer should be the poorest of the poor. But the answer that Mr Singh gave sometime back was the most communal one. He said, "Minorities" (read: Muslims). If there is any more doubt about the communal nature of his Government, one only has to look at the so-called 15 point programme for minorities that was introduced by the Congress-led UPA regime. Among other 'certified' secularists is the Chief Minister of West Bengal, Ms Mamata Banerjee, whose Government is now paying salaries to Muslim clerics. Such self-proclaimed secularists not only tolerate the religious extremism and political irredentism of a section of clerics, politicians and intellectuals


India Inc has responded with trepidation to America's immigration reform legislation. While its concerns should be addressed, those concerns need not overshadow the fact that the new law will pave the way to a better life for almost three lakh Indians living illegally in the US today. The Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Bill that was passed by the US Senate this past Thursday envisages a pathway to American citizenship for undocumented immigrants who have been residing there before December 2011, while simultaneously propping up border security measures. America is a country built on the back of immigrant workers; yet, an estimated 11 million of them live in the shadows on the edge of society. Even though they contribute in no small measure to the US economy and are an integral part of the American social fabric, these undocumented immigrants are consigned to a life of economic hardship and uncertainty. The proposed law promises be an important step towards integrating them into the American mainstream so that they may have access to better jobs or at the least get fair wage in their present jobs. Such a step to revamp American immigration rules has been long overdue, and indeed repeatedly taken into consideration - but due to its contentious nature, also quickly discarded. In 2007, a similar legislation to overhaul US immigration did not even get a Senate approval. But this time around, observers believe, the situation is different as there seems to be a stronger bipartisan consensus the Bill passed by the Democrat-dominated Senate was drafted by four Democrat and four Republican leader. This, however, does not mean that there is whole-hearted agreement on the nature of the reforms. In fact, the immigration Bill is sure to face stiff opposition when it comes up for approval in the US House of Representatives where the Republicans (who are in majority) are preparing their own version. This is not necessarily a bad thing - especially from the perspective of Indian businesses who are hoping that in the House, the Bill, currently perceived to be discriminating against them, will be softened and smoothened. The Senate Bill makes it significantly more difficult and costlier for large Indian firms operating in the US to temporarily bring in Indian employees, even as it raises the yearly cap on H1-B visas issued to guest workers. Indian IT giants worry that such a provision, coupled with another that prohibits any company with more than half of its staff on H1-B visas from applying for more such permits after 2016, will hit them the hardest. The new Bill also stipulates higher fees and salaries for H1-B workers which many fear will rob Indian workers of their cost competitive edge. But while these are legitimate concerns, there is no reason yet to rise up in arms. New Delhi has already expressed its displeasure over the issue, while groups such the US-India Business Council and the National Association of Software and Services Companies, popularly known as Nasscom, are working with law makers in the House to ensure a balanced legislation. India and the US have strong economic ties, especially in the IT sector, and laws that hurt Indian businesses will also have an adverse effect on American businesses.


from the minority (read: Muslim) community but also placate and even genuflect before them. Think of how West Bengal Government did not allow famous author Salman Rushdie to land in Kolkata or permit Taslima Nasreen to live in West Bengal. Back at the Centre, the UPA Government is now recognising 'matriculation' certificates given bymadarssas as equivalent to those awarded by accredited education boards. This is despite the fact that most madarssas peddle the most communal of education. In fact, the madarssas generally teach a convoluted view of Indian history that looks down upon Indian civilisation as it existed before Muslim invasion. The institution of the Caliphate, that the Turks themselves overthrew, is eulogised. Young Muslims are thus bonded to medieval times even though they live in a rapidly modernising world. Most madarssas' approach to education is Saudi Arabia-centric. Several scholars of West Asia working at prestigious American universities have attributed the mindset that breeds radical Islamist thought to such education. Meanwhile, most children belonging to other religious minority communities in India are exposed to inclusive and secular education. The Government of India is supposed to fight terrorism. But how can it succeed when it encourages narrow-minded, religious teaching and considers it as equivalent to secular, science and rationality-based education? Consequently, in one country there are now two education systems which in turn means that all Indians no longer have a shared worldview or understanding of the country, it's history and its ageless pluralistic culture. Those educated in madarssas find it difficult to identify with the aspirations of the rest; thus, they become victims of a mindset that is natural to an insular and insecure community. The refusal of the Congress-led Government in Kerala, for instance, to prosecute PDP leader Abdul Nasser Madani even though he has been accused by the State's police of involvement in 2005 Tamil Nadu bus burning case, is yet another instance that reflects on the Congress's pseudo-secular credentials. The same Madani was later found to have planned the 2010 bombing of Bangalore's Chinnaswamy stadium. It was left to the BJP-led Government in Karnataka last year to arrest the PDP leader despite all the hurdles placed before it by the Congress-led Government in Kerala. Instead of treating the extremist the way he deserves to be treated, the latter has been working to ensure Madani's well-being in prison, all the while interfering in the work of the Karnataka Government. During the last State Assembly election in Uttar Pradesh, Congress leaders competed among themselves to raise the percentage of reservations they were promising to Muslims. But the Samajwadi Party finally trumped the Congress in the appeasement game. It comes as no surprise then that the the Samajwadi Party-led Government has since wanted to release people accused of planning and executing serial bombings. Mercifully, the Allahabad High Court intervened and stopped the freeing of the accused. In Kerala, the Muslim League which is part of the UDF Government, gets excessive representation and even blocks a top Congress State leader from entering Government because he is a Hindu and has been backed by the two most important Hindu organisations. In Andhra Pradesh, ever since the Congress came back to power in 2004, there have been repeated attempts to provide special benefits to the Muslim community - moves that the Andhra High Court has rejected. In any nation, the laws personal conduct, including marriage and family, should apply equally to all citizenry. But we have the secularists exempting members of one specific community from these laws, thereby, laying the foundation for demographic aberrations and social unrest. For example, some claim to have converted to that religion only to take a second wife even when the first is living - a practice not allowed by the general law on marriage. In Assam, infiltration from Bangladesh continues unabated right under the nose of the State's Congress-led Government as laws that call for identifying and sending back illegal immigrants are observed only in the breach. The Congress succeeded in including 'secularism' as one of the Directive Principles of State Policy during Emergency. But 'secularism' has not been defined, leaving the Congress and others to interpret it according to their political requirements. The idea that all Indians are entitled to non-discriminatory access to public benefits has now been effectively thrown out of the window. Respecting the constitutional basic of equality before law is 'communalism' in the eyes of pseudo-secularists while discriminating in favour of religious minorities when it comes to access to Government benefits is considered to be 'secularism'. Hopefully, the future will see a decisive shift in Indian politics from the secular-communal discourse to an agenda that focuses on uniform access to development for all.

Of Reliance, by Reliance, for Reliance

The government has used fallacious arguments to double the price of gas and hand over windfall profits to India's richest company Hans Christian Andersen's story about the emperor's new clothes came to mind as I read the Finance Minister's justification of the totally indefensible hike in India's wellhead price for dry natural gas. The absence of any evidence-based research backing key economic decisions is the true "economic reality" of India, which is today the only country in the world that sees no difference between the wellhead price of natural gas and the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The core argument being presented is that the higher price will yield higher upstream investment in untapped hydrocarbon frontiers, resulting in higher output of domestic natural gas and the reduction or even elimination of India's import dependence on even costlier LNG, thereby improving the country's fiscal stability and energy security. Unfortunately this argument is fallacious on several counts. Decline in output First, the government itself admits that despite raising the domestic wellhead price of natural gas by almost 300 per cent from as low as $1.79/MMBtu to as high as $5.25/MMBtu, investments in the sector and the country's gas output have actually dropped. The bulk of this drop is because of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), the company whose demands triggered the recent price increase. The Comptroller and Auditor General report explicitly outlines how RIL reneged on its production commitments while gold-plating its investments. Can the government guarantee that a price of $8.4/MMBtu will raise gas availability? What if history repeats itself and it does not? Will the government then find more ways to raise prices even further? How long will the government wait to do so? Does it have a long-term vision based on geopolitical developments in the energy sector, especially gas, where Canada and the U.S. are poised to become major LNG exporters? Significantly, the single largest instance of foreign direct investment that the above cited 300 per cent price increase attracted was BP's acquisition of a 30 per cent stake in RIL's declining KG basin play and not in any new greenfield frontier. BP is not known to invest $7 billion-plus for improving a country's fiscal or energy balance. The company must have seen returns from a known discovery even at the then approved price of $4.2/MMBtu. Second, the import parity price for a globally traded commodity such as crude oil (unlike natural gas) that has justifiably been in place since the 1990s has not succeeded in raising domestic crude production significantly or attracted significant FDI in the Indian sedimentary basin. Here too, the single largest investment was the purchase of a foreign company's stake in an existing on-shore field in Rajasthan. Finally, and most importantly, even if the government is right; what is the justification for raising the price of gas from existing fields? We can always pay a higher price for more difficult horizons provided the duly approved and audited costs of exploration and production warrant that. The current production was realised with no prospect of getting $8.4/MMBtu. Will the government spell out its plan for this windfall profit it is bequeathing to current producers at the cost of the common man and honest taxpayers? It has been argued that the bulk of the benefits from the price hike will go to the public sector. However, we all know that the upstream public sector companies are milked by the government through ad hoc burdens such as funding under-recoveries. Hence, the real beneficiaries will be private gas producers unless the government also announces policies that place the same burdens on upstream private and public sector companies. But that would defeat the real purpose of the price increase, wouldn't it? A bogey used to milk the upstream public sector is the absence of profit-sharing in the nomination blocks that they received in the pre-NELP era. It would be educational for me and others if the government would make public the exact amount of profit gas and profit oil that it has received from private producers since the New Exploration Licensing Policy was instituted. In any event, the entire fairy tale of fiscal stability has now been undermined by none other than the Finance Minister himself. In his press briefing on Friday, he opened the door for subsidising the purchase of gas for the power and fertilizer sectors that together use over 75 per cent of the available gas in India. Cheating & double-cheating Like the $4.20/MMBtu price the last time, I am intrigued by the choice of the number $8.40/MMBtu this time around. In everyday language, these numbers are used to signify cheating and double-cheating! The price of 4.20 was derived based on a RIL formula that had never been used and is still not used anywhere in the world to price natural gas at the wellhead or any other form of gas anywhere. The 8.40 number reportedly flows from the Rangarajan formula, which again is not used anywhere else in the world to establish the wellhead price of natural gas or any other form of gas anywhere. Can the government identify even a single gas field in the world that gets a well head price of $8.40/MMBtu for conventional dry natural gas? How come investments keep taking place elsewhere without resorting to such dubious pricing formulae? Can Dr. Rangarajan identify which element in his formula represents the wellhead price for dry natural gas actually received by conventional natural gas producers around the world? The truth is that none of the elements in the Rangarajan formula represents the wellhead price it sets out to establish, and yet it magically delivers a price at exactly twice the 4.20 level! The Henry Hub spot price (currently at $3.77/MMBtu), which is the only relevant element in the Rangarajan formula, is also greater than the wellhead price received by producers of conventional dry natural gas in the U.S. 'Gigantic scam' Strong words are typically not in my vocabulary so let me simply say that I agree with Gurudas Dasgupta, MP, that a "gigantic scam" is being perpetrated on the impoverished people of our country. I also agree with former Union Revenue Secretary E.A.S. Sarma's assertion that the gas price hike is a policy initiative that "socialises costs and privatises profits." Let us not forget that the same KG basin gas that was once offered to NTPC at $2.34/MMBtu for 17 years and which is documented to cost under a dollar per MMBtu to produce received $4.20/MMbtu in the first five years and is now guaranteed to receive twice that or more in the next five years. This is the road to wealth in a country wherein some 80 per cent of the people live below the $2/day purchasing power parity threshold. I urge the non-Congress leaders to join hands with Mr. Dasgupta in stopping this loot. Perhaps the Supreme Court, that placed very clear responsibilities on the government while pronouncing its judgment on the gas dispute between the then warring Ambani brothers, will take note of what is going on, especially in light of the CAG's findings on the KG basin. Let me add that if indeed India is floating on natural gas, raising the wellhead price of dry natural gas to levels unheard of anywhere else in the world is the worst policy option to release this national wealth. Such an option works best when reserves are limited and producers gold plate their investment to extract the much needed energy at higher and higher prices to achieve the investment multiples that current policies guarantee - just as the CAG discovered in the case of KG basin. In closing, let me inform the honourable Petroleum Minster that everyone related to the hydrocarbon field in India knows that I do not represent any lobby - not even the oil and gas import lobby that our Petroleum Minister seems to have inside information on. My old and new clothes do not come from any vested interest, blandishment or deception. Can our emperors make the same claim? (The writer, formerly Principal Adviser, Power & Energy, Government of India, is Adjunct Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, and National University of Singapore)


The finance minister has not recently been in the news. It is not surprising; having achieved the lowest growth and the highest payments deficit in two decades, he would not want to court the limelight. Recently, however, the camera caught him grinning broadly. Flanked by highly placed ladies, he was clutching a large, colourful folio; its subject was financial inclusion. The phrase is unsexy; so it has been turned into inclusix. That sounds like a number, but actually it is an omelette of numbers. Now it is known what proportion of the population has a bank account. This is part of the rulers' ever expanding concern for the common man. They want him to be unpoor, to eat some hundred grams of wheat and rice every day, brush his teeth before retiring every night and so on. He can never entirely satisfy the rulers; so the march of numbers can go on forever. The foremost of their campaigns is towards ensuring that every woman and man of India has a bank account. It has been going on for decades, but there is never an end to it; they persist with it, however often it fails. The rulers want to convert the myriad benefits they are supposed to bestow upon the common man into payments that would go straight into his bank account. The numerous goodies either do not reach those who are supposed to deserve them, or reach undeserving but influential intermediaries. The poverty elimination schemes have become means of unjust enrichment. It is hoped that their conversion into bank account entries will eliminate the misdirection. Every bank account would be connected to a real person, who would be identified by such incontrovertible proofs of his identity as the hills and valleys on his thumb or waves and colours of his iris. With this object in view, armies of government servants have gone around the country collecting proofs of identity. Let it be assumed that this operation is completed and official computers have means of identifying every Indian. That Indian will still not be able to obtain the benefits to which he is entitled simply by showing his thumb or opening his eyes wide. For that, he will be given a piece of cardboard which would give him access to his bank account. There is no way of sticking the cards onto those they represent; it would still be possible for one person to get hold of another's card and collect his benefits. Those in need may sell off their cards; eventually, there will emerge well connected traders in and hoarders of cards. Thus, even the government's massive investment in identification technology cannot prevent fraud. What the government needs is not bureaucratic efflorescence, but some basic thinking. A booming economy, rising productivity and well functioning markets for labour and consumer goods would be far more effective than a hyperactive government.

Happy Medical Doctors' Day

Dear Editor, The first of July each year has been earmarked as Doctors' Day in India. Each family wishes their child to become a doctor. But due to some longstanding communication gaps between the medical doctor and the community, the overall corrupt practices at the state and national levels, the status of medical professional has declined. It is evidenced by the clashes that occur between the doctors and the patients and their relatives. The time is, therefore, to rebuild that confidence as existed as doctors are a classical example of a Karamayogi whose basic objective (Dharma) in life is to provide selfless service with no expectation towards its fruits. The medical doctors should attempt to gain their status of being a spiritual healer and not merely a physical healer. It is a fact that there is so much difference in the earning structure of a medical person in the government sector and the commercial sector, and most of the doctors' end up doing illegal private practice within and after their hospital hours making them indifferent towards their legitimate duties. This spreads a wrong message in the community. Therefore, doctors need be well paid so that they do not

even think of indulging in corrupt practices and are always available for patient care. It is right that the doctors are required to care for the community but, in turn they need to live a comfortable, decent and respectable life. The way resident and junior doctors, are exploited in various hospitals is pathetic. They are made to work for 36 hours. Such long uninterrupted working hours make them irritable and short tempered. The result is further communication gap between them, the patients and their relatives. Taking a doctor to the Court under the Consumer Protection Act, to my mind, is not fair and just. There is a vast difference between "negligence" and "difference of opinion." "Difference of opinion" is not a crime, but negligence is. One cannot put a judge behind bars because he happened to give death sentence to a person, which got revoked in a higher court in due course of time. Unfortunately the media always supports the emotionally charged relative of a patient. There is no reason why the public or the media should take the law in their hands and give a verdict even before the actual case is filed in the court of law. I wish the medical doctors well on this day! Yours Etc, Predhuman K Joseph Dhar Jammu

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SC rejects two telecom service providers' plea



6 Kalmadi ousted as AAA president after 13 years , Al-Hamad new president

PUNE, JULY 01: Scam-tainted Suresh Kalmadi 13-year run as the Asian Athletics Association (AAA) president ended Monday after he lost his re-election bid 18-20 to Qatar's Dahlan Jumaan Al-Hamad in a closely fought battle on the first day of the continental body's two-day Congress. Kalmadi, who was jailed and later released on bail for his alleged role in the Commonwealth Games scam. It was a repeat of the 2000 elections, when Kalmadi, a former president of Indian Olympic Association (IOA), won the AAA elections for first time beating Indonesian Bob Hassan 19-15 on his home turf in Jakarta. All the 45 member countries of the AAA voted through secret ballot in the presence of international parent body IAAF chief Lamine Diack. There were seven invalid votes. Each country has one vote in the election. Kalmadi, a former Indian Olympic Association President, will also lose his membership of the IAAF Council which he has been holding since 2001 as he is no presidential election in Jakarta in 2000.Since then Kalmadi had returned as president unopposed thrice. "There are a lot of opportunities in Asia which we still do not utilise. I see the opportunity is there, but we are not trying to bring that opportunity through constructive planning. We lack in marketing side," Al Hamad had said.The IAAF has many Asian sponsors. But AAA is not sponsored by anybody. And why? Because we are not prepared. We don't have that final product to present. That's why we have to have it."And I believe that business people don't come to you unless you are really prepared and you have the right product for them. So we need to have the right product for them, the right programme, the right staff, and then businesses come."The Kalmadi camp said he had done a lot for the growth of athletics in the last 13 years by increasing the number of competition.Before 2000, there were just two competitions -Asian Junior and Asian Senior Championships.

NEW DELHI, JULY 01: The Supreme Court Monday rejected the plea of telecom service provider Essar Teleholding and Loop Telecom Ltd. that action could not be taken against them by the 2G special court on charges of cheating in the allocation of 2G licences and spectrum.The apex court

bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi and Justice Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya dismissed the plea, holding that it lacked merit.Pronouncing the judgment, Justice Mukhopadhaya said: "No merit and dismissed."Essar Teleholding Ltd., Loop Telecom Ltd. and Vikas Saraf had moved the apex court

contending that the special CBI court trying 2G cases could not take cognizance of the charges under Section 420 IPC against them as it was set up to try cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act (PC Act).The telecom operators had contended that the court of the Special Judge O.P. Saini could not have

taken the cognizance of charges under Section 420 IPC against them as it lacked jurisdiction to do so.It was contended by the telecom operators that the charge under Section 420 against them was not part of the same transaction in which former Telecom Minister A. Raja and DoT officials were charged under the Prevention of Corruption Act.Essar Teleholding and Loop Telecom Ltd. had told the court that there was nothing in the Prevention of Corruption Act which says that if in the course of an investigation of an offence falling under the act, an offence surfaces that is not related to transaction under probe, then that too would be tried under it.However, the court was not impressed by this plea as in the course of the hearing Justice Mukhopadhaya noted the Delhi High Court in its order had said that a special judge would deal with all the cases relating to 2G.

longer an area representative from the continental body .The electoral reverse has now led to speculation on whether he would now announce retirement from sports administration since he no longer has any posts.He will though automatically become a life president of the AAA, an honorary post given to all past presidents, and can attend the Congress of the continental body without any voting rights. Qatar Athletics Federation President Al Hamad, who is also the incumbent senior vice-president of the AAA as well as the IAAF, will hold office for just two years instead of four.An AAA source said that the term of its

president was curtailed so that it runs concurrently with that of the IAAF chief and it will revert to four years from 2015 onwards. Al Hamaad will be president for only two years as AAA is changing cycle so that it is in sync with IAAF from 2015," the official said. Kalmadi's loss in the election is a big disappointment for him considering that the Congress of the AAA was being held at his home town, which he is representing in the Parliament, and Asian Championships begin here from July 3.It's a sort of history repeating itself after 13 years as Kalmadi had ousted the then incumbent Bob Hassan of Indonesia in a tight

No connection with Shalu Reconstruction Authority Menon: Home Minister to come up in Uttarakhand
Menon alleged to be an accomplice in the scam. Though he did not know her, he had visited her house during housewarming ceremony. He was at a nearby venue of a seminar, and party workers had wanted him to visit the House as leaving the venue by car. He went there and spent about two minutes there. Several CPI (M) and BJP workers were there at the ceremony. He was told that she was the granddaughter of Tripoonithura Aravindakshan whom he knew. The Minister said that it was for the investigating team to decide whether they should collect evidence at the Chief Ministers office or question the Chief Minister. The government had given the team a free hand and was not interfering with the investigations in any way.

Govt to seek aid from World Bank, ADB to rebuild Uttarakhand

T H I R U VA N A N T H A P U RAM, JULY 1: Home Minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan said here on Monday that it was for the court to take cognizance of alleged interpolation, implicating Chief Minister Oommen Chandy in the solar scam, in the

petition filed by Sreedharan Nair of Konni before the court. The Minister told the media said that the government could not examine documents before courts. Mr. Radhakrishnan said that he had no connections with dancer and actor Shalu

DEHRADUN, JULY 1: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna on Monday announced setting up of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority to look into planning and development of the flood-hit areas of the state. The statutory body, to be chaired by the chief minister, will also take into account safeguards required in view of challenges to be faced 100 years from now. Mr. Bahuguna, who made the announcement here at a conference on Monday, said the decision was taken by the state cabinet considering the massive damage caused by the calamity in different areas across the state. The authority will consist of experts from different fields, he said. Rural Development

Minister Jairam Ramesh, who also addressed the conference, described it as a progressive and significant step which will inspire confidence in people. The authority will ensure transparency in the utilisation of large funds to be received by the state government from the Centre and other sources in development of the affected areas. Apart from a package of Rs 1,000 crore announced by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for reconstruction and rebuilding efforts, Rs 2,500 to 3,000 crore more is expected from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank for the purpose, Mr. Ramesh said. The Cabinet decided to enforce a blanket ban on construction of houses and commercial establishments along the banks of rivers. It also

decided to revise the norms for relief and rehabilitation in the wake of the colossal tragedy by widening the ambit of beneficiaries ranging from small kiosks to dhabas to big hotels, Mr. Bahuguna said. In view of the present circumstances, it has been decided to give Rs 50,000 to one lakh to small kiosks and dhabas damaged in the deluge and Rs two lakh to hotels completely demolished, the chief minister said. In case of damages worth Rs 2 lakh to 10 lakh to commercial establishments, 30 per cent of the damage will be compensated, while 20 per cent of the total losses will be reimbursed in case of damages worth Rs 10 to 20 lakh and 10 per cent for losses totalling over Rs 20 lakh, he said.

Air Marshal Raha takes over as IAF vice chief

NEW DELHI, JULY 01: Air Marshal Arup Raha Monday took over as the vice chief of the Indian Air Force. He previously headed the swordarm Western Air Command. Air Marshal Raha had his early schooling at the Sainik School, Purulia, and graduated from the National Defence Academy (NDA), Pune, with the President's gold medal in 1973.He was commissioned in the IAF's flying branch in December 1974.Air Marshal Raha has flown an array of combat and trainer aircraft during his service career, a defence ministry release said .He has to his credit nearly 3,400 hours of flying, mainly on fighter aircraft. He is an experienced Qualified Flying Instructor and has served at Flying Instructors' School, Tambaram, as well as at Gwalior's Tactics and Combat Development Establishment (TACDE).Air Marshal Raha has functioned as an Inspector in the Directorate of Air Staff Inspection at the Air Headquarters and as Staff Officer to the Chief of the Air Staff.In 1999, he was deputed as the Military and Air Attache in the Embassy of India in Ukraine capital Kiev. Air Marshal Arup Raha has held many operational assignments such as commanding officer of a fighter squadron and station commander.He has also served as deputy commandant Air Force Academy, Hyderabad, and Senior Air Staff Officer at Western Air Command.Before taking over as AOC-in-C Western Air Command, Air Marshal Raha was the AOC-in-C of Central Air Command.Air Marshal Raha is an alumnus of the Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellingdon, and the National Defence College, Delhi.He is a recepient of the Vayu Sena Medal, the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal and Param Vishisht Seva Medal for distinguished service.He was appointed as Honorary Aide De Camp (Air) to the Indian president on December 1, 2012.

Cut away portion, e-Aadhaar valid proofs of identity, address

NEW DELHI, JULY 1: In a bid to allay concerns of stakeholders on the validity of e-Aadhaar and cut-away portion of Aadhaar letter, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on Monday said either of the two will be considered a valid proof of identity and address. The UIDAI which is implementing the Aadhaar project clarified in a statement that both e-Aadhaar and cut-away portion of Aadhaar letter, is to be considered as a valid proof of identity and address. The Information Technology Act, 2000 provides for legal recognition of electronic records with digital signatures. Hence e-Aadhaar is to be treated as a valid document in view of the fact that it has been digitally certified, the authority said in state-

ment. According to the UIDAI, the e-Aadhaar document is digitally signed, using certificate issued by NIC as per the IT Act. Further, all the data printed in e-Aadhaar is the same data as printed in Aadhaar letter, making it a valid and secured electronic document, which should be treated at par with a printed Aadhaar letter. A Resident Portal had been

launched to enable the residents download their eAadhaar, an electronically generated Aadhaar letter, from the website of UIDAI. In addition, Common Service Centres, set up in States, are also catering to the needs of the residents with regards to download and printing of eAadhaar. UIDAI has been receiving complaints from residents

regarding refusal of acceptance of cut away portion of Aadhaar letter as a valid document, it stated. The authority said the cut away portion of Aadhaar letter is as an officially valid document as it contains all the details of Aadhaar letter such as name, address, Aadhaar number, photograph and logo of the Aadhaar Project.

NEW DELHI, JULY 1: Government will seek financial aid from multilateral bodies such as World Bank and Asian Development Bank for reconstruction and rehabilitation in flood-ravaged Uttarakhand, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram said on Monday. He said funds will not be a constraint for rebuilding the mountainous state which had witnessed the worst-ever floods last month that killed several hundreds and destroyed properties worth crores. We are trying to develop a (financial) package for rehabilitation and reconstruction for which we will go to multilateral bodies, like we did in the (Indian Ocean) tsunami case, Mr. Chidambaram said tha. Prime Minister has already announced Rs 1,000 crore. Different ministries are using their own funds. Tourism has announced Rs 100 crore. Funds will not be a constraint. I have said it on the first day, the minister said. Besides, the government will soon send a joint team of Finance Ministry and Home Ministry to discuss with Uttarakhand state officials the redevelopment plan for the calamity-hit state. What I have approved is that a team from the Finance Ministry and Home Ministry will go to Uttarakhand to sit (and discuss) with Uttarakhand Government officers, Mr. Chidambaram said. In view of the gravity of the situation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had last month announced financial support of Rs 1,000 crore to Uttarakhand for disaster relief, of which Rs 145 crore was released immediately. Dr. Singh had also announced ex-gratia assistance of Rs 2 lakh each to families of those who had lost their lives and Rs 50,000 each to the injured, from the Prime Ministers National Relief Fund (PMNRF). The government had also decided to provide from the PMNRF, an ex-gratia assistance of Rs 1 lakh each to those whose houses have been completely destroyed and Rs 50,000 each to those whose houses have been damaged.

Three more districts in NCR

Sanskrit to get makeover in Delhi University Lt.Gen. Chait new chief of

NEW DELHI, JULY 01: To change the perception of Sanskrit as just an ancient language,Delhi University's Sanskrit department will introduce courses like Indian scientific heritage, theatre, self-management and dramatics under the new four-year undergraduate programme (FYUP).We want to change the perception among the people about Sanskrit. We want to create a wider horizon among students and make the subject relevant in the modern world," Mithilesh Chaturvedi, head of the Sanskrit department at Delhi University, said.The courses will be part of Discipline 1, compulsory subjects that a student undertaking honours in Sanskrit would study under FYUP.Students undertaking Sanskrit honours will also learn climatology, ayurveda, ecology, archaeology and yoga."Under the new four-year programme we have introduced Indian epigraphy, palaeography and chronology that is directly related to modern archaeology," said P.K. Panda, head of the Sanskrit department at Ramjas College.Vedic mathematics would help students appearing for competitive exams with the several shortcut methods that would be taught," said Satyamurti, Sanskrit professor in Delhi University.Delhi University has received approximately 13,000 OMR (optical mark registration) forms for Sanskrit for this academic year.The university introduced the four-year undergraduate programme this academic session. Under the new programme, students will be required to study 11 foundation courses in the first two years with the main subjects under Discipline 1, 2 and the applied courses.

Integrated Defence Staff NEW DELHI: Lt. Gen. Anil

Chait, who spearheaded the army's relief efforts in Uttarakhand, Monday took over as chief of the tri-service Integrated Defence Staff (IDS).Gen. Chait, who earlier headed the Lucknow-based Central Command, has held key command and staff appointments in a career spanning over 39 years, an official statement said.He has been associated with the Special Action Group (Black Cats) of the National Security Guard.An armoured corps officer, Gen. Chait served on the Line of Control in Kashmir when India mobilized its army on the border with Pakistan following the terrorist attack on the Indian parliament Dec 13, 2001.Gen. Chait attended the US Army War College and was awarded the medal of excellence.

Jagans judicial custody extended till July 15

HYDERABAD, JULY 1: A special CBI court in Hyderabad on Monday extended the judicial remand of YSR Congress chief Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy and others till July 15, in a corruption case. The Kadapa MP, lodged in Chanchalguda Central Prison in Hyderabd since May 27, 2012, after his arrest by CBI, appeared before the court through a video-link with his co-accused Vijay Sai Reddy, former minister Mopidevi Venkataramana Rao, industrialist Nimmagadda Prasad and others. Court extended their judicial custody by 14 days. The case relates to alleged investments made by industrialists in Mr. Jagans companies when his father, the late Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, was the chief minister (200409), by way of a quid pro quo

for government favours. The court also extended the judicial custody of former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan Reddy and other accused in the OMC illegal mining case as they appeared before it through video-conference from the Chanchalguda jail. Similarly, the court also extended the judicial custody of Sunil Reddy, an

accused in the Emaar scam, till the same date. The court, in the meanwhile, posted the CBI plea seeking judicial custody for former Andhra Pradesh ministers P. Sabitha Reddy and Dharmana Prasada Rao, both accused in the case against Mr. Jagan, till July 5. Both Ms. Sabitha and Mr. Rao attended the court proceedings on Monday.

NEW DELHI, JULY 01: The National capital Region Planning Board approved Bhiwani and Mahendragarh districts of Haryana and Bharatpur in Rajasthan part of the National Capital Region (NCR) and the Board will soon take up proposals on Jind and Karnal districts. Urban Development minister Kamal Nath said today after chairing the NCRPB meeting here Based on the request of the participating states, the board today has approved the inclusion of Bharat in Rajasthan, Bhiwani and Mahendragarh in Haryana in the NCR. The NCR till now included nine Haryana districts, five districts of Uttar Pradesh, Alwar in Rajasthan and the National Capital Territory (NCT). The Minister said that the NCRPB had also approved the Rajasthan government's request for identification of Jaipur as Counter-Magnet Area. CounterMagnet areas are to act as "interceptors" of migratory flows into NCR due the accelerated development and also as regional rowth centres, that would be able to achieve a balanced pattern of urbaniastion. He said that there has been 62 per cent urbanisation in NCR and this is expected to go to 73 per cent by the year 2021, when it will become the highest urbanised area in the country. Noting that the per capita income in the region was the highest in the country and the NCR was a very important hub of economic activity in the country , he stressed on the need to improve Delhi's connectivity with adjoining areas. He said the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) had recommended setting up of a National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) for implementation of RRTS which in Phase-I will connect Delhi-Panipat (111 km), DelhiAlwar (180 km) and Delhi-Meerut (90 km).

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ticultural affairs and citizenship, as well as retaining the arts portfolio. Brendan O'Connor will serve as the minister for employment, and for skills and training. Kim Carr will join the cabinet as the minister for innovation, industry, science and research and minister for higher education. Julie Collins will also join the cabinet as the minister responsible for housing and homelessness, community services, status of women and indigenous employment and economic development. Catherine King will now serve in cabinet as the minister for regional Australia, local government and territories. Joel Fitzgibbon, used to be chief party whip before the aborted Rudd challenge of party leadership in March, joins the cabinet as minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry. As does Richard Marles as the minister for trade. Tanya Plibersek will add medical research to her responsibilities as minister for health.

India to discuss bilateral trade, border issue with China on sidelines of ASEAN meet
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: Ahead of the meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid on Monday said that the two leaders were expected to discuss bilateral trade and make some progress towards resolving the border issue. Khurshid is meeting Wang on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-India Ministerial level meeting in Brunei. Khurshid further said that the visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to India in May followed by the meeting between foreign ministers of both the countries in Beijing, has provided the perfect platform for this round of talks. "The very successful visit of the Chinese Premier Li to our country, my own visit to China where I had an opportunity to make friends with the foreign minister and this will be a chance to refresh some In May, Indian and Chinese soldiers faced off 100 metres (330 feet) apart on a plateau near the Karakoram mountain range, where they fought a war 50 years ago, for three weeks until they reached a deal for both sides to withdraw. India said up to 50 Chinese soldiers set up a camp in its territory on the western rim of the Himalayas on April 15. Some Indian officials and experts believed the incursion signalled Chinese concern about increased Indian activity in the area. The Chinese camp was in an area India said was 19 km (12 miles) beyond what it understands to be the border in the Ladakh region of Kashmir.

Australian PM unveils new cabinet

CANBERRA: Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd unveiled his new cabinet Monday, filling out key positions left by resigned Julia Gillard supporters. Chris Bowen, already been sworn in as Treasurer, will take the portfolio of financial services and superannuation from Bill Shorten, who has a new portfolio of education in addition to his old portfolio of workplace relations, reported. Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who is also minister for infrastructure and transport, will take on the broadband, communications and the digital economy portfolio vacated by key Gillard supporter, Stephen Conroy. Jacinta Collins, deputy leader of the government in the Senate, joins the cabinet as minister for mental health and aging. Mark Butler, minister for mental health and aging in the Gillard cabinet, will take on the portfolios of climate change, environment, heritage and water. Tony Burke will be the new minister for immigration, mul-

Suicide attack in central Kabul thwarted

KABUL: Afghan security forces shot dead a would-be suicide bomber in central Kabul on Monday outside an intelligence agency office and close to the EU mission, officials said. The attacker, who was wearing military uniform, was killed as he approached the National Directorate of Security (NDS) office early in the morning. The Afghan capital has been targeted regularly in recent weeks, with Taliban suicide attacks on the presidential palace, the Supreme Court, the airport and an international aid group. "With the killing of this suicide attacker, a bloody terrorist attack was prevented." The incident took place in one of the most high-security areas of Kabul, close to the interior ministry and Chicken Street, a popular shopping area for foreigners until the insurgency worsened several years ago. The European Union's mission is nearby.

of those moments and then look ahead at some of the ideas that we have shared and on which we need to work together, particularly in providing greater substance to our trade and investment relationship and indeed steadily working towards peace and tranquillity on the border, ultimately finding a resolution to our border differences," said Khurshid.

IAEA chief sounds warning on 'nuclear terrorism'

VIENNA: The head of the UN atomic agency warned on Monday against complacency in preventing "nuclear terrorism", saying progress in recent years should not lull the world into a false sense of security. Energy Agency told a gathering of some 1,200 delegates from around 110 states including 35 ministers in Vienna to review progress on the issue. "Many countries have taken effective measures to prevent theft, sabotage, unauthorised access, illegal transfer, or other malicious acts involving nuclear or other radioactive material. Security has been improved at many facilities containing such material." Partly as a result, he said, "there has not been a terrorist attack involving nuclear or other radioactive material". "But this must not lull us into a false sense of security. If a 'dirty bomb' is detonated in a major city, or sabotage occurs at a nuclear facility, the consequences could be devastating. "The threat of nuclear terrorism is real, and the global nuclear security system needs to be strengthened in order to counter that threat."

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood vows action after HQ attacked

CAIRO: Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood said on Monday that armed men who ransacked its national headquarters had crossed a red line of violence, and the movement was considering action to defend itself. Gehad El-Haddad, spokesman of the Islamist movement, told that Egyptians would not sit by and tolerate attacks on their institutions. "It's very dangerous for one entity in society to take up violence as a means of change because it may entice others to do so. The Muslim Brotherhood is a disciplined organization," he said, criticising the security forces for failing to protect the headquarters in Sunday's attack. Haddad referred to the creation of people's self-defence committees during the 2011 uprising that overthrew former President Hosni Mubarak. Asked whether the Brotherhood was calling for a similar move now, he said the movement's Guidance Bureau was in session and would make an announcement later on Monday. "The people will not sit silent," the spokesman said.

Pakistan to follow investor-friendly policy towards India: Nawaz

NEW DELHI: Asserting that his government was committed to following investor-friendly policies towards India, Pakistan PM, Nawaz Sharif has asked the Water and Power Minister, Khawaja Muhammad Asif to undertake a visit to India and explore the potential areas of joint economic cooperation between the two nations. An assurance to this effect was given by the PM to the India-Pakistan Joint Business Council delegation that met him on June 29 after their first ever meeting in Islamabad. Mr. Sharif told the delegation that he had been pursuing a policy of friendship and cooperation with India during its previous stints in power and the same policy of amity would be followed to promote peace and prosperity in the region. He said it has always been his endeavour to bring the people of the two South Asian countries closer to each other, so that they could benefit from each other's experiences. Mr. Sharif said, to take this dialogue and cooperation forward, Mr. Asif would be soon visiting India and explore potential areas of cooperation between the two nations. "Pakistan is faced with acute power shortage and any assistance in the power sector would help us in addressing the issue,'' he told the Indian delegation headed by S.K. Munjal of the Hero Group and Vikramjit Singh Sahney of Sun Group. Both sides discussed opportunities for cooperation in the field of medical science, higher education and technical/vocational training. Both sides also decided to draw up a roadmap to address the various issues and concerns including hurdles and work out the best possible solutions to give a fillip to trade and business on both sides of the borders. In fact, it is learnt that the Indian delegation reassured the Pakistan establishment, that opening up of the borders including land route for trade would not lead to flooding of markets with Indian goods as India was willing to lower the tariff lines for Pakistan goods within four months of an agreement and could wait for the same from Pakistan side for five years.

Arizona wildfire near Yarnell kills 19 firefighters

Arizona wildfire near Yarnell kills 19 firefighters At least 19 US firefighters have been killed battling a wildfire in central Arizona, official said. They died while fighting the blaze threatening the town of Yarnell, about 80 miles (130km) north-west of Phoenix. The fire was started by lightning on Friday and spread rapidly amid high heat, low humidity and strong winds. At least 200 homes were burned. Arizona and other parts of the western US - including California had near-record temperatures over the weekend. It is the highest death toll for firefighters in a single incident since 9/11. One of the last methods a firefighter can do is to dig as much as they can and cover themselves with a protective fireresistant material" Dan FraijoPrescott Fire Chief US President Barack Obama said the firefighters were heroes who had "put themselves in harm's way to protect the lives and property of fellow citizens". Arizona Senator John McCain said the families of the dead firefighters were in the thoughts and prayers of all Americans. "This devastating loss is a reminder of the grave risks our firefighters take every day on our behalf in Arizona and in communities across this nation. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten," he said in a statement. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said it could take "days or longer" to reveal how the deaths occurred. "This is as dark a day as I can remember," she said.


FCI to recruit 11,000 new staff to operationalise Food Security Bill

NEW DELHI: To operationalize the government's ambitious National Food Security Law, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) has embarked on a massive recruitment drive. Officials said the corporation is planning to appoint 11,000 new staff, including hundreds in managerial positions. However, some experts are of the opinion that such a massive recruitment of officers and staff in FCI would further add on to the expenditure associated with the Food Bill, which on last count was estimated to push the annual food subsidy to higher by over Rs 1,23,000 crore, up from 2013-14 Budget estimate of Rs 90,000 crore. In an official statement, the Corporation said that FCI, through the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), has advertised for 3,755 vacancies during 2011, out of which nearly 1,700 officials have already joined. That induction procedure is still in progress. Another 6,545 vacancies were again advertised for which the written examination stands concluded through SSC. FCI has now advertised 460 vacancies in the managerial cadre (Category II), which may be soon followed by advertising of 30 vacancies in the Assistant General Manager-level Category-I posts. The new appointments precede the Food Security law under which FCI will need to meet increased requirements of storage and movement of food grains for the Public Distribution System (PDS). "This is a massive recruitment drive undertaken by the FCI," said FCI's Executive Director (Personnel) Devinder Kumar Bhalla. "It is after a long time that we have conducted recruitment at such a big scale," he added. He said that massive foodgrain procurement along with the coming Law will requirement extensive food grain management in the country which has necessitated this recruitment. The Food Security Bill seeks to provide legal entitlement for cheap grains to almost 67 per cent of the Indian population. As per official estimates, after the Bill is enacted, the government would need around 63 million tonnes of grains annually, which is just marginally more than the current quantity of grains which the Corporation handles.

Mahindra Satyam shares to stop trading from July 4

HYDERABAD: Mahindra Satyam (erstwhile Satyam Computer Services Ltd), which merged into Tech Mahindra last month, will become history in the records of BSE and National Stock Exchange (NSE) as trading of the company's scrip is likely to end from July 4. "Trading of Satyam (stocks) will end on July 3 and there will not be trading from July 4 as the swap ratio of Mahindra Satyam and Tech Mahindra will come into force," a senior official of Tech Mahindra told on Monday. The boards of Mahindra Satyam and Tech Mahindra last year proposed a swap ratio of 2:17. Mahindra Satyam shareholders will get two shares of Tech Mahindra of Rs 10 each for every 17 shares they hold. Satish Kantheti of Zen Securities said fractional shares will be consolidated in trust and sold later. The sale proceeds will be distributed to shareholders proportionate to their shares. IT services firm Tech Mahindra on June 25 announced the completion of Mahindra Satyam's merger with itself to create nation's fifth largest software services company w i t h turnover of USD 2.7 billion. T e c h Mahindra Limited i nformed BSE that "the Board o f Directors at its meeting held on June 25, 2013 has fixed July 05, 2013 as the Record Date for determining the shareholders of Satyam Computer Services Ltd ('Mahindra Satyam') who would be entitled to receive shares of the Company under the approved Scheme". The USD 16.2 billion Mahindra Group had in 2009 taken over Satyam Computers after a multi-billion dollar scam by its founding chairman B. Ramalinga Raju came to light. Boards of Tech Mahindra and Mahindra Satyam approved the merger on March 21, 2012. After an approval from the Mumbai High Court, the merger had been awaiting clearances from Andhra Pradesh High Court, which gave nod on June 11, 2013. According to records available

Vodafone India offers Rs 4000 cr for licence renewal in three cities

NEW DELHI: Vodafone Group Plc's Indian unit, which is in a dispute with the government over the renewal of its licences in three key cities, is offering to pay Rs 4000 crore for the extension of the permits, the company said in a letter dated June 18 to the telecoms ministry and seen by Reuters. The price offered by Vodafone for airwaves in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata is about a quarter of the value set by the government in an auction that had been scheduled for March 2013 but never took place because there were no bidders. Vodafone's offer price is for the extension of the licences for 20 years, along with its current airwave holdings in the three cities, the company wrote to the government's telecommunication secretary, adding it was willing to discuss the issue further to arrive at mutually agreed terms and conditions.

EGoM on gas to meet on July 17

NEW DELHI: A high-powered ministerial panel is likely to meet on July 17 to consider abolishing the priority ranking in natural gas allocation so that fuel currently consumed by urea plants can also be diverted to fuel-starved power plants. An Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) headed by Defence Minister A K Antony is to consider an Oil Ministry proposal of abolishing the priority ranking according to which natural gas is first given to urea manufacturing fertiliser plants, then to LPG units, followed by power plants, city gas, steel and refineries. "The EGoM meeting is scheduled for July 17," Oil Secretary Vivek Rae said. The current priority ranking meant when output from Reliance Industries' eastern offshore KG-D6 fields started falling in 2011, supplies to refineries was cut first, then steel and city gas sectors. Sources said the current KG-D6 production of less than 15 mmscmd is just sufficient to meet the full requirement of fertiliser sector and some of LPG plants, leaving no gas for power plants. The Ministry has proposed two options -- equal priority to all core sectors of fertilisers, LPG, power and city gas distribution or according fertiliser and power equal priority. If available gas is to be redistributed among the four core sectors, it would reduce supplies to fertiliser plants by 9.44 mmscmd and lead to an extra urea import of 4.73 million tonnes that would levy an additional subsidy burden of about Rs 5,591 cr per annum. On the other hand, supply to power sector will increase by 10.07 mmscmd, resulting in additional production of about 16,000 million units of electricity per annum. Sources said the ministry reasoned that the production cost of power projects forced to use re-gasified LNG would go down by Rs 10,900 cr per annum. The ministry's second option giving equal priority to the power sector as is available to the fertiliser sector, would mean gas supply to urea plants would go down by 9.07 mmscmd forcing an import of 4.54 million tonnes of urea at an additional subsidy burden of Rs 5,372 cr per annum. Gas to power would go up by 10.79 mmscmd leading to an extra output of about 17,000 million electricity units per annum, saving in production cost of Rs 11,700 cr per annum.

with bourses, Satyam scrip which was listed on BSE in 1995 went as high as Rs 7,229 in March 2000 before plunging to Rs 11.50 in January 2009 when Raju's scandal broke out. The scrip was also listed on the NSE. Tech Mahindra Managing Director C.P. Gurnani said they would continue to focus on telecom and manufacturing and aim to reach USD 5 billion mark in terms of revenues by 2015. Meanwhile, Tech Mahindra in a communication to stock exchange informed that 20.4 crore shares (equivalent to 17.33 per cent) of Satyam were transferred to TML Benefit Trust. Shares of Tech Mahindra and Mahindra Satyam were quoting at Rs 1,032.20 and Rs 118.65, respectively on the BSE in the afternoon trade.

India signs 75,000 tonnes sugar export deals for July

MUMBAI: Traders have signed deals to export 75,000 tonnes of white sugar in July, reversing an import trend after the rupee's depreciation and with strong demand in Gulf and African states due to the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. The deals were signed between $500 to $510 per tonne free on board ( FOB) basis with most set to be exported from Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust in Mumbai, four dealers told. "Due to Ramadan there was demand for white sugar from Sri Lanka, Gulf and African countries, but they needed prompt shipments," said Kamal Jain, managing director of sugar brokerage Kamal Jain Trading Services. The holy month of Ramadan starting July 9, when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, routinely sees a rise in demand for sugar. India, the world's biggest consumer of sugar, became an importer of the sweetener in 2012-13 after exporting sugar for two straight years. Changing weather conditions can make India an exporter one year and importer the next. But raw sugar imports have dropped dramatically as a fall in the rupee to a record low squeezed margins for refiners amid a drop in local prices. "Exports were not viable, but depreciation in rupee gave traders an opportunity (to export)," said Jain. Sugar mills sold the sweetener to merchant exporters at around 28,000 ($470) to Rs 28,500 per tonne at factory gate, said an official with a Maharashtra based co-operative sugar factory that sold sugar to a Mumbai-based merchant exporter. "Domestic demand is weak and mills needed money to make cane payments to farmers. So mills reduced ex-factory prices to exporters," the official said.

AirAsia India hopes to break even in a year

MUMBAI: AirAsia India will break even with 57-58% loads, according to its group chief executive officer Tony Fernandes. "Once we have a stable cost structure that is after seven-eight planes we will break even with 57-58% occupancy," Fernandes said here on Monday. To put it in perspective this is about half the number of passengersJet Airways required to recover cost in last quarter of FY 2013. AirAsia follows a strict cost control structure across its network and will replicate it here. It has said it will start with three planes later this year and will add an aircraft every month. Fernandes said he expects ancillary income to contribute as much as it does in Malaysia. Like other airlines in India it will offer 15 kgs of free luggage on domestic routes. In Malaysia, AirAsia earns about 18% of all its revenue from ancillary sources.

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gerous Chris Gayle and Devon Smith in his open burst, added the important wicket of Charles to keep his team's hopes alive in the match. He Best played a key role in the victory. They now have two wins in two matches and head to Trinidad for repeat clashes with India and Sri Lanka before the final on July 11. Opening batsman Rohit Sharma had top-scored for India with 60 and featured in a 58-run fifth-wicket partnership with the experienced left-hander Suresh Raina. Raina's knock of 44 was the next best effort among a batting line-up that generally struggled to come to terms with the two-paced nature of the pitch earlier in the day. It was the same experience for Sri Lanka on the way to their six-wicket defeat at the hands of the West Indies in the tournament's opening fixture on Friday at the same venue. Roach and former captain Darren Sammy had identical bowling figures of two for 41. Best also claimed two victims in his final spell after being expensive and wayward in his earlier effort with the new white ball. Unusually, spinner Narine proved the most expensive, conceding 56 runs off ten wicket less overs, including 17 off the last over of the innings. JAMMU, JULY 01: Wrestler Gourav of Ludhiana in Punjab lifted the107th Annual Saya Jagti Kesari dangal title beating another Punjab wrestler, Sunny of Hoshiarpur in the main bout at Saya Jagti near Nagrota, here. Dangal was organized by Peer Baba Saya Jagti Dangal Committee in collaboration with J&K Indian Style Wrestling Association. Winner of the main bout, Gourav awarded handsome cash prize of Rs 18,000 by chief guest, former MLA, Shiv Dev Singh and president J&K Indian Style Wrestling Association, Shiv Kumar Sharma. Runners-up wrestler, Sunny presented Rs 13,000 cash prize. In all, 65 bouts played in this day-long dangal. The second main bout won by Pinder of Ajnala beating Sumit of Subash Stadium Sonipat. The third bout went to Sukha of Rajasthan beating Rajesh Kumar of Rohtak while Bagga of Mallerkotla clinched the fourth bout after he defeated Buta of Hossiarpur. In the fifth main bout Parveen of Sonipat

Punjab wrestler Gourav lifts Saya Jagti title

Celkon Mobile Cup: West Indies beat India by one-wicket in Tri-series

KINGSTON: West Indies beat India by one wicket in a thrilling encounter with 14 balls to spare over India in the second match of the Celkon Mobile Cup Tri-Nation One-Day International Series at Sabina Park on Sunday. Chasing a modest target of 230, West Indies chased down the score in 47.4 overs with Johnson Charles scoring 97. Birthday boy Kemar Roach and last man Tino Best ensured the West Indies did not complete their own destruction, turning in match saving performances. The home side had to reply to the World Cup and Champions Trophy holders' total of 229 for seven. They tottered from the comfort of 142 for three in the 28th over via a rash of irresponsible shots, even with Johnson Charles battling to hold the innings together. However the opening batsman joined the apparent suicide pact he was eighth out for 97 and when Sunil Narine also gifted his wicket at 220 for nine. It was left to the Barbadian fast bowling pair of Roach on his 25th birthday -- and best to see the West Indies home amid in a nail-biting finish. India was deprived of the calming influence of Dhoni in the field after the captain was hobbled while batting by a suspected right hamstring strain. But,

Wrestler Gourav of Ludhiana in Punjab receives Saya Jagti Kesari dangal title. trounced Bobri of Sarore in Jammu. Members and technical officials who helped in the smooth conduct of this dangal included Abdul Rashid Malik (chairman), Parveen Singh (vice President). Sarpanch Bharat Singh, Madan Lal, Kor Singh, Sardar Singh, Shel Singh, Dr. Salim Choudhary, Puran Singh, Karnail Singh, Keshav Singh, Mohinder Kumar, Ramesh Singh, Mangal Singh, Kulwant Singh, Billu, Ram Rattan, Choudhary Manjoor Ahmed, Choudhary Mohd. Ali, Girdhari Lal Sharma, Mohd Fareed, Naresh Kumar, PR Sharma, Raj Hussain, Bittu Raina, Master Ali Akbar, Manjoor Hussain, Murli Dhar (Munna) and Raj Singh. Other Results: Lovely of Hossiarpur beat Murad Ali of Domana, Bagga of Ajnala beat Javed Khan of Nargada, lallu Bajrangi Akhara Jammu beat Narrinder of Ajnala, Sat Paul of Sonipat beat Akram of Chouadi Jammu, Bobri of Sarore beat Sandeep of Soniopat, Mohd Sadiq of Donmana beat Gunga of Hossirpur, Akram of Bajrangi Akhara Jammu beat Rajbeer of Rajasthan, Bagga of Kot Bhalwal beat Parbez of Sonipat and Ravinder of Sonipat beat Rahul of Namasher.

West Indies' chase of 230 was built on Charles's 97 off 100 balls under the supervision of Virat Kohli, the visitors refused to give up, even when Charles and Darren Bravo (55) appeared to be tilting the balance decisively the home team's way. Their fourth-wicket partnership of 116 lifted the Caribbean side from the early discomfort of 26 for three. Umesh Yadav, who removed the danfinished with the best figures of three for 43. West Indies were themselves without their regular captain throughout the match. With Dwayne Bravo was sidelined with a groin strain, it was Kieron Pollard took the reins of leadership. Ravi Rampaul also missed out with a twisted ankle, but as it turned out his replacement

Bopanna upsets third seeds to enter Wimbledon quarters

LONDON, JULY 1: Indian tennis player Rohan Bopanna and partner Edouard Roger-Vasselin of France entered the Wimbledon men's doubles quarterfinals on Monday. The Indo-French 14th seeds upset third seeded AustrianBrazil pair Alexander Peya and Bruno Soares 6-4, 4-6, 7-6(5), 6-2 in two hours and 17 minutes. Bopanna and RogerVasselin will next take on Swedish-Canadian sixth seeds Robert Lindstedt and Daniel Nestor in the last eight clashes

4 member of Tawi Trekkers leave for Pahalgam

JAMMU, JULY 01: Four members of Tawi Trekkers J&K, the premier trekking organization in the state, on Monday left for Pahalgam in Kashmir to undergo Basic Course in Mountaineering at Jawahar Institute of Mountaineering and Winter Sports. These members are Anil Kumar and Shashi Kant, both experienced sport climbers, Narinder Chib, a student undergoing BPEd course and Santokh Raj, who has already participated in a mountaineering expedition to Jogin-1 peak. "The 26 days course shall be conducted at Pahalgam and Sonamarg Candidates shall learn the art and craft of rock climbing,

Nepal to host South Asia's biggest football tournament

KATHMANDU: Nepal is set to stage South Asia's biggest football tournament in September that will see eight nations from the region competing, organizers said on Monday. The winning team will take home $50,000 while the runners up will receive $25,000. Cricketmad South Asia countries are mostly international minnows, with Afghanistan the highest ranked nation at 140 and India even lower at 147, according to FIFA.

Members of Tawi Trekkers pose for a group photograph before their departure for Pahalwam snow and ice climbing under expert care and supervision of the professional staff of the Institute," informed general secretary of Tawi Trekkers, Ram Khajuria. They shall also climb to a high altitude point for acclimatization and to have a feeling of the rarified atmosphere. "It is only after successful completion of Basic Course that one becomes eligible for participation in a mountaineering expedition," he added. Earlier, the 4-member team of Tawi Trekkers was accorded a warm sendoff before their departure for Pahalgam. President of the Club, SS Jamwal, secretary Ram Khajuria and other senior members wished them success in their venture.

Jan Bakelants wins 2nd stage of Tour de France

AJACCIO, JULY 1: Belgian rider Jan Bakelants pulled away close to the finish line to win Sunday s second stage of the Tour de France and take the race leader s yellow jersey for the first time in his career. Bakelants made his move with a few hundred meters remaining and the RadioShack rider did enough to withstand a late charge from Slovak sprinter Peter Sagan. German sprinter Marcel Kittel started the day in the lead after winning Saturday s crash-marred first stage, but the rolling hills took their toll and he finished nearly 18 minutes behind in 169th spot. The 156-kilometer (97mile) trek started from Bastia and after four moderate climbs finished in Ajaccio, where French emperor and military mastermind Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769. The day s last climb up Cote du Salario was much shorter than the other ones but far steeper. By the time the pack reached the foot of it, Kittel and British sprinter Cavendish were among a small band of strugglers drifting further and further away. Spaniard Juan Antonio Flecha and Cyrille Gautier attacked up the final ascent, and Tour favorite Chris Froome then launched a surprise attack to go after Gautier when the Frenchman pulled away. But Froome s attack fizzled out and the main pack swallowed him up. The day after more than a dozen riders crashed, a small white dog ran out into the road some 4 kilometers (2. 5 miles from the line) and a potentially dangerous situation was narrowly avoided by a matter of seconds. A bystander started to run after the dog and then changed his mind, and the dog just managed to reach the other side of the road before the marauding pack passed through.

Confederations Cup: Italy clinch third spot in penalty shootout

SALVADOR (BRAZIL), JUL 1: Italy secured the third spot in the Confederations Cup after a pulsating 3-2 penalty shootout victory here over Uruguay. After a 2-2 scoreline at the end of extra time Sunday, Gianluigi Buffon saved shots from Diego Forlan, Martin Caceres and Walter Gargano to hand Italy the consolation prize at the World Cup warmup tournament. Earlier, Davide Astori gave Italy the lead with a 24th minute strike that went in off the post before Edinson Cavani equalised just before the hour. Alessandro Diamanti regained the lead for Cesar Prandelli's side with a superb free-kick but Cavani again tied the scores with another unstoppable shot from a set piece. Uruguay's vaunted attacking trio of Forlan, Cavani and Luis Suarez threatened from the outset at the Arena Fonte Nova. Suarez released Forlan with a 40m pass in the fifth minute but the former Manchester United striker's cross was just out of Cavani's reach. It marked the first time that goal-line technology has been used to adjudicate a goal in an international match. Despite the strike, Uruguay continued to trouble Italy on the counter attack. Suarez forced another Buffon save after Forlan's pass before Cavani had a goal disallowed for offside having headed in a Forlan free-kick. Then it was Italy's turn to be denied as Stephan El Shaarawy twice went close to scoring a second. Buffon then negated Forlan with a stunning double save. The Juventus veteran parried away the striker's powerful right-footed shot before blocking the 34-yearold's rebounded effort with his legs. Alessandro Diamanti gave Italy the lead minutes later when he curled a dipping free kick into the top corner. Not to be outdone, Cavani stepped up to thump a 25m free kick past Buffon, who could only manage to rasp the ball with his finger tips. Uruguay looked most likely to score as Italy showed signs of fatigue in extra time. Suarez had a penalty claim waved away and then narrowly shot over the crossbar with a fizzing 25m attempt.

Red Devils Club holds awareness rally in city

Members of the Red Devils Motor Cycle Club spread message of safe biking and riding on Jammu roads JAMMU, JULY 01: Red Devils Motor Cycle Club held an awareness rally in the city with an aim to promote safe biking and riding, while observing traffic rules, in the city and its outskirts. Led by founder president of the Club, Iqbal Wani, the maiden rally went around the city touching Gandhi Nagar, Satwari, Gangyal, Bari brahmna, Channi Himmat, Sidhra, Nagrota and Hari Niwas to culminate at Gole Market. A couple of bikers were wearing full protective motorcycle gears including helmets, knee and shin guards, elbow guards and proper bike boots. They also carried placards and stickers calling upon the youth to encourage safe biking and riding culture on city roads. Earlier, the rally was flagged off by Assistant Director, Academic Staff College of the University of Jammu, Ranjit Kalra.

US Women's Open: Inbee Park wins 3rd straight major

SOUTHAMPTON, JULY 1: -Inbee Park has won the U.S. Women s Open to make history with titles in the years first three majors. Park, the world's top-ranked player, continued her dominance and secured her place in golf history Sunday by taking the 68th US Women's Open, shooting a 2-over-par 74 at Sebonack Golf Club to finish 72 holes at 8 under and win by four shots, over I.K. Kim (74). The victory, added to wins at the Kraft Nabisco and LPGA Championship, makes Park 3 for 3 in 2013 majors. It's her sixth win this season, fourth major of her career, and second US Women's Open victory, coupled with "If you think about all of those things on the golf course, you can't concentrate on golf."Ahead by four strokes at the start of the round, Park birdied the ninth and 10th holes to extend her lead. She has won six times already this year, including three straight tournaments. Park added a second U.S. Women s Open title to another historic victory in 2008, when she became the event s youngest champion at age 19. "It would mean so much if I could do the Grand Slam," Park said. "I'm just glad that I can give it a try at St. Andrews. That's going to be a great experience, whether I win it or not."

Goa: River rafting booking online

MUMBAI, JULY 1: Goa has a pleasant surprise for water sports enthusiasts, and pure fun for the whole family. Now, they can go white water rafting in Goa on river Mhadei even if you do not know swimming. The river rafting facility will be available from July to October subject to availability of rapids and adequate water currents, and suitable weather conditions. There will be two trips beginning at 10.30 am and 2.30 pm every day. The program is open to both adults and children above ten years. Nilesh Cabral, Chairman of Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC), said, "All Goans and tourists should participate and experience this wonderful water sport. We invite you to take half a day out from the beaches and go on a journey down the Mhadei River and witness the pristine beauty of the Western Ghats." White water rafting activities are carried

2008, when Park won that by four shots, too. Only three players were under par for the tournament. Fellow South Korean I.K. Kim also shot 74 for her second runner-up finish at a

major. No player had ever won the first three majors in a year with at least four. "I'm trying to write history, I'm trying to break some kind of record that hasn't been broken in over 50 years," Park said.

out in accordance with the internationally accepted norms. The instructors are highly trained and operations run with a 'safety first' policy. The river rafting will commence from Ustem village and will end at Sonal village in Sattari taluka covering a distance of approx ten kilometers in 90 minutes. Guests will have to report 30 minutes before departure for

safety briefing and other procedures. This facility is being launched with a limited period introductory offer of Rs. 1400 per head from Monday to Thursday while on Friday, weekends and public holidays the tickets will cost Rs 1700 per head inclusive of taxes. GTDC has enabled online booking for river rafting.

CHIEF-EDITOR, PUBLISHER, OWNER: Rohit Singh Rana, C.E.O.:Pawan Rathore, Administrative Head J&K: Vikram Singh, LEGAL ADVISOR: Advocate Ashok Parihar PRINTED AT JK PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS, SUJWAN, JAMMU TAWI. For Contributing articles mail us at, For Complaints, Querries or Advertisement Contact us: 0191-2580342.. Address: Sector-12, H.No-12 Nanak Nagar, Jammu (All disputes are subjected to the exclusive jursisdiction of Jammu District courts only.)

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