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Teaching Portfolio Checklist

Have Experience and Vision 1. Philosophy of teaching statementincluding strategies, objectives, and teaching goals 2. A statement describing teaching roles and responsibilities 3. A list of courses taught with enrollments and comments on course format and structureincluding unit values, enrollments, etc. 4. A list of materials created for particular courses/students 5. Other statements: on diversity, on research, or on community colleges Course Materials 1. Representative course syllabi 2. Course descriptions with overview of content, objectives, methods, procedures and policies 3. Assignments 4. Exams, quizzes 5. Handouts, problem sets, lecture outlines, study guides 6. Descriptions and examples of visual materials 7. Descriptions of use of computers and other technology 8. Detailed notes on some novel approach to teaching a particular course or courses 9. Videotape or DVD of your teaching Demonstrating Extent of Student Learning 1. Scores on tests given at the beginning and end of course 2. Students papers, essays, lab books, or other work 3. Graded work from students (showing range of achievement) 4. Examples of written feedback on student work 5. Publications by students of course-related work 6. Documented evidence of student success in advanced courses Evaluations of Teaching 1. Summarized student evaluationsnarrative and/or numeric 2. Feedback gathered from mid-quarter interviews 3. Comments from studentssolicited or unsolicited, including letters or emails received after a course has been completed 4. Comments from faculty mentors or peers teaching the same course 5. Statements from those who have observed your teachingincluding colleagues, supervisors, and/or chairperson 6. Self-evaluationparticularly useful for explaining any contradictory or unclear materials in the portfolio



Developed by: 2004-2005 TACs, Teaching Resources Center, UC Davis

Professional Service 1. Service on teaching committees 2. Participation in training programs for teaching assistants 3. Assistance to colleagues on teaching matters 4. Publications in teaching journals 5. Work on curriculum revision or development 6. Obtaining funds/equipment for teaching labs and programs Professional Development 1. Participation in workshops, seminars, or professional meetings about teaching 2. Design of new courses 3. Use of new methods of teaching, assessing learning, grading 4. Preparation of a textbook, lab manual, or courseware 5. Instructional improvement projects developed or implemented 6. A record of changes based on self-evaluation, especially in response to student feedback 7. Research and/or publications directly tied to teaching Honors or Recognitions 1. Teaching awards from department, college, or university 2. Teaching awards from your profession 3. Invitations based on teaching reputation: to consult, give workshops, write articles, etc. 4. Requests for advice about teaching by committees or other organized groups

Developed by: 2004-2005 TACs, Teaching Resources Center, UC Davis

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