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CS2354 Advanced Computer Architecture Anna university Question paper for ME(Master of engineering) M.E/M.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010 First Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS9211 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (Common to M.Tech - Information Technology) (Regulation 2009) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer all the questions Part A (10*2=20 Marks) 1. State the principle of locality and its types. 2. What are the choices for encoding instruction set. 3. What is speculation? Give an example. 4. Mention the effects of imperfect alias analysis. 5. What is loop unrolling? 6. Give the uses of sentinel. 7. Define multiprocessor cache coherence. 8. What are the approaches used for multithreading? 9. Which block should be replaced on a cache Miss? 10. How is cache performance improved? Part B (5*16=80 Marks) 11. (a)(i)Explain the operations designed for media and signal processing. (10) (ii)Explain the ways in which a computer architect can help the compiler writer. (6) (Or) (b)(i)Discuss the addressing modes used for signal processing instructions. (7) (ii)Describe the addressing modes and instructions designed for control flow. (9) 12. (a)Explain the techniques to overcome data hazards with dynamic scheduling. (16) (Or) (b)Describe the limitations of Instruction level Parallelism. (16) 13. (a)(i)Explain the basic VLIW approach used for static multiple issues. (8) (ii)Enumerate the crosscutting issues in hardware and s/w speculation mechanisms. (8) (Or) (b)(i)Explain the hardware support for exposing more parallelism at compile time. (8) (ii)Describe the basic compiler techniques for exposing ILP. (8) 14. (a)(i)Describe the design challenges in SMT processors. (8)

(ii)Discuss the performance of shared memory multiprocessors. (8) (Or) (b)(i)Explain synchronization mechanisms designed for large scale multiprocessors. (9) (ii)Discuss the details of memory consistency models. (7) 15. (a)(i)Explain the concept of miss penalty and out of order execution in processors. (6) (ii)Discuss the methods of interface between CPU and memory. (10) (Or) (b)Discuss in detail the different levels of RAID. (16) Posted by N R Rejin Paul at 1:58 AM 0 comments Email This CS2354 Advanced Computer Architecture Anna university Model Question Paper M.E/M.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, JANUARY 2010 First Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS9211 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (Common to M.Tech - Information Technology) (Regulation 2009) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer all the questions Part A (10*2=20 Marks) 1. What is hazard? State its types. 2. Mention the techniques available to measure the performance. 3. What is dynamic scheduling? 4. Give the limitation of ILP. 5. Distinguish between hardware and software speculation mechanisms. 6. What is static branch prediction? 7. What are the synchronization issues? 8. What is multithreading? 9. Define cache miss penalty? 10. What is RAID? Part B (5*16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a)How does one classify ISA? Discuss their design issues. (16) (Or) (b)What is pipelining? Explain various hazards involved in implementing pipelining. (16) 12. (a)Explain the instruction level parallelism with dynamic approaches. (16) (Or) (b)What is dynamic hardware prediction? Explain it in detail. (16) 13. (a)Explain the different hardware support for exposing ILP. (16) (Or) (b)Explain the different hardware support for more parallelism. (16)

14. (a)Explain distributed shared memory architecture with necessary life cycle diagram. (16) (Or) (b)(i)Differentiate software and hardware multithreading approaches. (8) (ii)Explain the models of memory consistency. (8) 15. (a)How does one reduce cache miss penalty and miss rate? Explain. (16) (Or) (b)What are the ways available to measure the I/O performance? Explain each of them in detail


Reg. No. : Question Paper Code: 97730 M.E. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 Second Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS 9221 DATABASE TECHNOLOGY (Common to M.E. Computer and Communication) (Regulation 2009) Time : Three hours Answer ALL questions PART A (102 = 20 Marks) 1. What is query processing? 2. Define concurrency control. 3. What is persistence? 4. Give two features of object oriented databases. 5. What is Data warehousing? 6. List any two features of web databases. 7. What is Normalization? 8. Define Integrity. 9. What are Deductive Databases? 10. Mention two features of parallel Databases. PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) Compare Distributed databases and conventional databases. Or (b) Discuss in detail the architecture of distributed databases. 12. (a) Explain the multiversion locks and recovery in query languages. Maximum : 100 Marks

Or (b) Describe modeling and design approaches for object oriented databases. 13.(a) Explain the features of Data warehousing and data mining. Or (b) Discuss client/server model and mobile databases. 14.(a) Give the features of Temporal and spatial databases. Or (b) (i) Explain ER model with an example. (8) (ii) Discuss the optimization and research issues. (8) 15. (a) Discuss multimedia databases in detail. Or (b) Explain the features of active and deductive databases in detail

Reg. No. : M.E. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010 Second Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS9221 DATABASE TECHNOLOGY (Common to M.E. Computer and Communication) (Regulation 2009) Time : Three hours Answer ALL Questions PART A (102 = 20 Marks) 1. What is Fragmentation? 2. What is Concurrency Control? 3. What is Persistence? 4. What is Transaction Processing? 5. What is Client/Server Model? 6. What is the difference between data warehousing and data mining? 7. Why do we need Normalization? 8. What is Integrity? 9. Give two features of Multimedia Databases. 10. What are Deductive Databases? PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) Explain the architecture of Distributed Databases. Or (b) Write notes on the following: (i) Query processing. (8) (ii) Transaction processing. (8) 12. (a) Discuss the Modelling and design approaches for Object Oriented Databases. Or (b) Explain the Multi-Version Locks and Recovery in Query Languages. 13. (a) Discuss in detail Data Warehousing and Data Mining. Or (b) Discuss the features of Web Databases and Mobile Databases. 14. (a) With an example, explain E-R Model in detail. Or (b) Explain the features of Temporal and Spatial-Databases in detail. 15. (a) Explain the features of Parallel Databases and Text Databases in detail. Or (b) Discuss the Rules, Knowledge Bases and Image Databases. Maximum : 100 Marks

JUNE 2010 CS9222 ADVANCED OPERATING SYS. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of layered approach for operating system design? 2. What are the differences between deadlock and starvation? 3. What are the similarities and differences between network operating system and distributed operating system? 4. Differentiate: resource and communication deadlock. 5. What is file replication and how it differs from file caching? 6. Differentiate: load balancing and load sharing. 7. Define the term(s) failure and fault. 8. What are the differences between lovelock and deadlock? 9. Differentiate: tightly and loosely coupled systems. 10. State the requirements for the database operating systems. 11. (a) (i) Describe the classification of advanced operating systems. (6) (ii) Illustrate the Bankers algorithm for deadlock avoidance with suitable example. (10) Or (b) (i) What is a semaphore? Explain how semaphores are used to solve the readers writers problem. (5) (ii) Describe the models for deadlock each with example. (6) (iii) Construct a general resource allocation graph for the following scenario and determine if the graph is completely reducible: R1, R2 and R3 are reusable resources with a total of two, two and three units. Process P1 is allocated one unit each of R2 and R3 and it is requesting one unit of R1. Process P2 is allocated one unit of R1 and is requesting two units of R3. Process P3 is allocated one unit each of R1 and R2 and is requesting one unit of R3. (5) 12. (a) (i) Describe the design issues in RPC. (8) (ii) Illustrate the Lamport's algorithm for distributed mutual exclusion. (8) Or (b) (i) Describe the major issues in the design of distributed operating system. (8) (ii) Illustrate Chandy-Misra-Hass algorithm for deadlock detection in distributed system. (8) 13. (a) (i) Why availability is considered one of the important issues in the design of distributed file system. (8) (ii) Describe the components of a load distributed algorithm. (8) Or (b) (i) What are the advantages and disadvantages of distributed shared memory? (6) (ii) Describe the issues in determining the efficiency of task migration. (10) 14. (a) (i) Discuss the classification of failures in detail. (8) (ii) Describe the majority based dynamic voting protocol. (8) Or

(b) (i) What is meant by backward error recovery and discuss the problems in this approach? (8) (ii) Describe the approaches proposed to implement resilient processes. (8) 15. (a) (i) Discuss the implementation of threads at the user-level and kernellevel and also state merits and demerits of each of them. (8) (ii) Describe the issues in the design of fault tolerance multiprocessor operating systems and the fault tolerance features of SEQUOIA system. (8) Or (b) (i) What are the atomic hardware instructions for process synchronization? Describe how they can be used to implement P and V operations. (8) (ii) Discuss the lock based concurrency control algorithms. (8) 1. What is meant by disabling interrupt mechanism? 2. What are the two major differences between deadlock and starvation? 3. State the important issues that arise in the design of a distributed operating system. 4. What are the main design issues in the Suzuki-Kasamis broadcast algorithm? 5. List any two advantages of distributed shared memory. 6. What are the advantages of bulk data transfer? 7. What are the major problems associated with the backward-error recovery approach? 8. Write the characteristics of atomic actions. 9. What are serializable logs? 10. Give the requirements of a database operating system. 11. (a) (i) Give a brief introduction of four advanced operating systems. (6) (ii) Give an account of any three synchronization problems. (5) (iii) Write about any three models of deadlocks. (5) Or (b) (i) Illustrate the Owicki-Gries axiomatic method for verification of parallel programs with an example. (8) (ii) Explain the three operations of a process on the general resource graph with examples. 12. (a) (i) Illustrate a limitation of Lamports clocks with an example. (6) (ii) Explain any two solutions to the Byzantine agreement problem. (10) Or (b) (i) How does one measure the performance of mutual exclusion algorithms? (6) (ii) Discuss the clock synchronization in distributed systems application of agreement algorithm. (10) 13. (a) Discuss the issues in the design and implementation of distributed file systems. (16) Or (b) (i) Discuss the issues of granularity and page replacement in the design of a distributed shared memory system. (8) (ii) Write about the four components of a load distributing algorithm. (8)

14. (a) Describe the algorithm of Juang and Venkatesan for asynchronous checkpointing and recovery with an example. (16) Or (b) (i) Describe the Two-Phase Commit protocol. (8) (ii) Illustrate the working of the majority based dynamic voting protocol proposed by Jajodia and Mutchler with and example. (8) 15. (a) Describe the timestamp based concurrency control algorithms. (16) Or (b) (i) Give an account of Kernel-Level Threads. (8) (ii) Explain the theory of serializability. (8)

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