Special Edition-Global HR Forum 2012

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The Global HR Forum 2012 welcomes over

120 global opinion-leaders from 60 countries

worldwide. This years conference will focus on
the theme Better Education, the Best Welfare.
We are living in the midst of a global downturn
and ever increasing polarization of wealth. The
best way for the socially disadvantaged to escape
poverty is through equipping them with the means
to survive on their own. The optimal way to achieve
this is by better education.
Lee Ju-ho, Minister of Education, Science
and Technology said, Welfare is a key topic
of discussion not only in Korea, but around the
Many elections around the globe have taken
place this year with more to come. The U.S.
presidential election is to be held early next month
and Koreas presidential election is slated for
December. The debate on social welfare is as hot
as ever among politicians, especially with a weak
global economy.
This years forum will reidentify the simple
truth that teaching the means to earn a living rather
than handing out money will lead to the betterment
of an individual, society and country.
Participants will discuss how best to deal with
the most pressing global issues we are faced with
during the current turbulent economic times.
Scholars all over the world point out that the
fundamental solution to the worlds financial
woes needs to be found through human ingenuity
and creativity. Put simply, the solution lies within
talented people.
We live in a time when the collective and
collaborative efforts of the global community
are more important than ever before. The Global
HR Forum aims to provide guidance for global
leadership and cooperation that are vital to achieve
a better tomorrow.
In his keynote speech, former British Prime
Minister Gordon Brown who was appointed as a
special global education envoy to UN Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon last July will talk about
Overcoming the Global Economic Crisis by
Increasing International Cooperation.
Mr. Brown stressed, We are seeing a transition
in the world economy where there is an imbalance
between the West and Asia in particular and
we need international action to boost the world
economy. He called for a global strategy where
the International Monetary Fund and G20 be more
directly involved in making a global growth plan.
Daniel Shapiro who is the founder and director
of the world-renowned Harvard International
Negotiation Program will deliver a speech on
Negotiating to Change the World.
Other distinguished speakers during the three-
day forum include Richard Freeman, Professor of
Economics at Harvard University, Anne Krueger,
Professor of International Economics at Johns
Hopkins University and Park Yung-chul, Professor
of International Studies at Korea University. These
scholars will discuss the transition of the global
economy as it looks for the next source of growth.
Professor Freeman says that with the huge
investments in R&D and higher education
around the world and the global transmission of
knowledge, the frontier for growth is continuously
expanding. So the missing element is to organize
and coordinate job creation to bring us closer to the
frontier. If we do not get young people employed
quickly, their skills and attitudes will worsen and
we will lose a great opportunity to improve living
standards for everyone, he said.
Global HR Forum 2012
Kicks Off with the Theme
Better Education,
the Best Welfare
Lotte Hotel Seoul, Korea
Tel +82-2-360-4083
Tue, Oct. 23, 2012
October 23~25, 2012
Seok Kim staff reporter
Better Education,
Best Welfare !
Time (@{/@{Tq) (@{/4{Wq) Time (@{/{T]q)
07:30~08:00 Registration :00 Registration
Opening Ceremony
& Keynote Speech
Track A Track B Track C
Special Lecture
/ Specialists
Session A-1 Session B-1 Session C-1 Special Lecture 1
:00 Coffee Break
Session 1
Session 1
:30 Session A-2 Session B-2 Session C-2 Special Lecture 2
12:00~13:00 Luncheon :00 Luncheon
Session 2
Session 2
:30 Session A-3 Session B-3 Session C-3
Meeting 1
14:20~14:50 Coffee Break :00 Coffee Break
Session 3
Session 3
:30 Session A-4 Session B-4 Session C-4
Meeting 2
16:10~16:40 Coffee Break
Session 4
Session 4
:00 Wrap-up Session
1st Day 18:00~20:00, October 23 (Tue)
Welcome Reception
We are pleased to invite you to the Global Human
Resources Forum 2012 in Seoul, Korea from
October 23 to 25, 2012. This premium three-
day event will be held under the central theme of
Better Education, the Best Welfare. an opening
venue for the exchange of in-depth information and
discussions onfuturetalent visions andstrategies.
This fall, we will be bringing together global
leaders form public and private sectors including
renowned business leaders, government officials,
representatives of international organizations,
presidents of prestigious universities, andprominent
scholars fromaround the world, who are committed
to improving the quality of human resources and
enablingsustainablegrowthfor theglobal economy.
The forum will provide a pivotal platform for
the international community to exchange best
practices and to develop progressive agenda on
HRD. Participants will also be able to gain deeper
understanding of different cultures of the East and
the West, and to build a wide-reaching network for
the development and utilization of global talents,
whowill serve as a foundationonwhichequal global
We anticipate an exciting and inspiring three-
day discussion, and thus invite you to share your
expertise andinsights at this prominent international
100 Recipients of the 2012 Korea Young Talent Award
The Global HR Forum 2012 will bring together
global thought leaders in an unique setting for
the exchange of accumulated experiences, and
best practices, andthe searchforinnovative HRD
solutions which will ultimately lead to a better
futureforall mankind.
Teenage chief executive, Olympic champion,
B-boy dancer, student council president with disability
London Olympics mens vault gold medalist
Yang hak-seon and 99 others were selected as
this years recipients of the Korea Young Talent
Award. They have been invited to attend the
Global HRForum2012 to meet with the worlds
The Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology and the Korea Research Institute for
Vocational Education and Training announced
this years list of 60 high school students and
40 college students for its annual award given
to young people for their creative thinking and
contributiontosocietyonOct. 14.
Among high school students,
Moon Ji-youngs family
(Korea National Institute
for the Gifted in Arts)
couldnt afford a piano,
but she still became the
first Korean in eight years
t o wi n t h e Et t l i n g e n
International Competition
for Young Pianists. Yeo
Hyo-joo (Gyeongbuk Arts High School) drew
wall paintings for a village for the elderly in
Daegu and also jointly published a childrens
storybook titled My Friend Mr. Ketchup. Jeon
Woo-seong (Korea Digital Media High School)
developed Spirit, a voice-operated application
software. Heis alsothechief executiveof his own
venture company. He received a bronze medal
in the Korea Olympiad in Informatics and was
champion of a business start-up audition. Yun
Jong (PohangJecheol Technical High School) is
a talented technician who won an astounding 21
national technical qualification certificates, the
most in the nation, under difficult
Wi nners i n t he uni versi t y
di vi s i on i nc l ude Ya ng Ha k-
seok (Korea Nat i onal Sport
University) who developed a
new technique named after him
to become an Olympic champion in
mens vault. Kang Seong-young (Seoul
National University, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering) is a co-founder
of Gongsin, an Internet-based education
company. He then exported the business
to Indonesia, setting up social enterprise
Mahamentor with Indonesian students. He
received the grand prize in the business start-up
divisionof a social venture competitionawarded
by the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion
Agency in 2009. He was also a volunteer worker
for the Korea International CooperationAgency,
which provides aid programs for developing
Jang Shi n- seong ( Sunchon Nat i onal
University, Department of Architecture)
finished middle and high school by
sel f-st udy at 13 due t o fi nanci al
difficulties and became a college
student at 14. Jang, who has seven
sisters and brothers, dreams of helping
the underprivileged by becoming
a lawyer. Park In-soo (Yangsan
University, Department of Hotel
and Tourism) is a globetrotting
b-boy dancer. He won the Taiwan City War
competition in 2010 and the Break the Floor
Powermove Battle contest in Cannes this year.
In addition, Lee Seok-hyeon (Sangam High
School) became a student council president
and head of a Korean traditional percussion
band despite having brain lesions. Choi Min-
gyu (Gyeongui High School) boasts excellent
skills in robotics while Kim Da-yeon (Banseok
High School) has overcome a rare cancer to
bring her talents to use in an environment club.
Others include Park Jae-bum (Yeungnam
University, Department of Economics and
Finance) who created a social venture which
is contributing to regional culture and
Lee Dong-jin (Kyung Hee University,
Depar t ment of Ar chi t ect ur e) who
climbed the Himalayas and ran a marathon
in the Amazon.
The Ministryof of Education, Science
and Technology has been awarding the
Yanghak-seon MoonJi-young
We have deflated (Koreas) education bubble
created by an expansion in private education and
an indiscriminate enrollment in college. Instead,
we plan to focus on education welfare, said
Minister of Education, Science and Technology
Lee Ju-ho, summing up the education policy of
the Lee Myung-bak administration.
In an interview with the Korea Economic
Daily, Minister Lee also said the education
ministry will continue to push universities to
restructure. He will deliver the opening address
of the Global HR Forum 2012 which will present
the results and prospects of the Lee Myung-bak
administrations education policy. The three-
day forum will be jointly sponsored by the Korea
Economic Daily, the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology and the Korea Research
Institute for Vocational Education and Training.
Lee said the nations passion for education has
led to an economic miracle, but there have been
side effects such as an education system centered
on college entrance exams and an explosion
in private education. In order to normalize
the nations education system, he said the
government will expand its policy of driving out
mismanaged universities.
Minister Lee said Global HR Forum 2012
will be an opportunity to reexamine Koreas
education policy and its strategy for the
future. About this years theme of Better
Education, the Best Welfare, he said the
best welfare is essentially education and we
have to create a virtuous cycle of economic
development and talent cultivation.
He s a i d j u s t a s t h e
collapse of a housing
o r e c o n o m i c
bubbl e hurt s t he
low-income class the
most, the collapse
of an educat i on
bubbl e af f l i ct s
t he l ow- i nc ome
class. He said the Lee Myung-
bak administration has done a successful job
of deflating the education bubble and has
strengthened the education welfare of the low-
income class.
He counted among the administrations
educational achievements (i) a fall in
higher education enrollment and a
better job market for high school
graduates, (ii) a focus on creativity
rather than an education system
cent ered on col l ege ent rance
exams, (iii) a fall in educational
expenses, (iv) restructuring
universities and (v)
emphasizing creativity
and conver gence
i n s c i e n c e a n d
He said private
e d u c a t i o n
s pe ndi ng ha s
b e e n s t e a d i l y
f al l i ng af t er peaki ng at
21.6 trillion won in 2009. Moreover, the rate
of increase in college tuition has slowed from
9.1% for national and public universities and
6.2% for private universities during the previous
administration to a 0.45% fall and a mere 0.06%
increase during the current administration.
Koreas total investment in research and
development was 45 billion dollars last year which
was fifth in the world and only trailed that of the
United States, Japan, China, Germany and France.
Government scholarships have jumped to 1.9
trillion won this year from 97.9 billion in 2009.
Starting next year, the government will
expand the nations compulsory education to
include three and four-year-olds, providing equal
access to education for all children. Moreover, an
increase in smart education will enable students
to learn any subject they want anywhere they are
at little or no cost.
Last l y, he sai d t he Kor ean Wave has
heightened overseas interest in Korean history,
language and culture and has led to an increase in
international students studying in Korea.
This years Global HR Forum will be an
opportunity to showcase Koreas education
model which has been the foundation of
the nations rapid industrialization and
democrati zati on. The forum wi l l al so
highlight how to develop and apply human
talent to better prepare for a post-financial
crisis world.
The Innovation of Education through
Smart Education session will explore the rapid
advancement of information technologies and
social changes.
The session will discuss the school of the
future and Smart Education as to better adapt to
these changes. Last year, the Korean government
introduced the Smart Education Strategy,
which is its learning policy for the 21st century.
The session will introduce Koreas policies and
case studies on converging education systems,
environments and teaching methods with smart
Korea has experienced rapid economic and
social development in the last half century to
emerge as a democracy and the fourth-largest
economy in Asia from one of the poorest countries
in the world.
The Offcial Development Assistance(ODA)
and the Role of Korea in Human Resources
Development(HRD) session will look at how
human resources development played a key role
in Koreas development. When Korea became a
member of the OECD Development Assistance
Committee(DAC) in 2010, it became the only
nation to make the switch from an aid recipient to
a donor country.
It is important to provide the relevant
information to developing countries, including
those in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, that
may be interested in benchmarking Koreas
human resources development system to guide
their own development. This session will look
at Koreas economic development model and its
implications for developing countries.
Successful Industrialization & Democratization:
The Power of the Korean Education Model
Lee Ju-ho Minister of Education, Science and Technology
Creating a Virtuous Cycle of
Economic Development and Talent Cultivation
Seok Kim staff reporter
Hyun-woo Kang staff reporter
Lotte Hotel Seoul, Korea
Tel +82-2-360-4083
Wed, Oct. 24, 2012
October 23~25, 2012
Seok Kim staff reporter
Wed, Oct. 24, 2012
The Korea Economic Daily 3
Wed, Oct. 24, 2012
4 TheKoreaEconomicDaily
Seok Kim staff reporter
Seok Kim staff reporter
Wed, Oct. 24, 2012
Wed, Oct. 24, 2012
Lotte Hotel Seoul, Korea
Tel +82-2-360-4083
Thu, Oct. 25, 2012
October 23~25, 2012
Brown Calls for Global Growth Plan
IMF and G20 Needs to Take Concrete Steps in Developing Strategy
Seok Kim staff reporter
S. Korean Prime Minister Hwang-Sik Kim
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown giving his keynote speech.
Track A
Preparing for the Great Transion
Educaon, Job Creaon & Human Resources Welfare
Track B
Global Talent Management
Track C
Specialty Schools and Instuons that
Nurture Creave Talents
Session 2

"The Innovaon of Educaon through Smart Educaon! "
Seyeoung Chun Professor of Educaon, Chungnam Naonal Univ.
Krisna Kumpulainen Professor in Educaon,
Univ. of Helsinki, Finland

Jinsook Kim Director of Smart Educaon R&D Division,
Korea Educaon and Research Informaon Service

Youngsoo Kim Dean of Graduate School of Educaon,
Ewha Womans Univ.

Nakyang Seong CEO, Doosan Dong-A
Session 2
"Praccal Educaon Based on Industry-University Collaboraon"
Jongkoo Park Chairman, Korea Polytechnics
Feridun Hamdullahpur President, Univ. of Waterloo
Michael Heister Director, BIBB (Federal Instute for Vocaonal
Training and Vocaon), Germany
Sangchul Park Professor, Korea Polytechnic Univ.
Session 2
Educaon by Le Cordon Bleu :
Answers to Global Trends and Tourism Expansion
Gwangjo Kim Director, UNESCO Asia-Pacic
Regional Bureau for Educaon
Andr J. Cointreau President, Le Cordon Bleu Internaonal
Hyejung Jung Head, Creave Culinary Instute of Korea (CCIK)

Kumseock Cho

Principal, Seoul Tourism High School
15:30 ~ 16:00
Session 4
"HRST (Human Resources in S&T),
The Force to change our Future"
Zanghee Cho Director of Neuroscience Research Instute,
Gachon Univ.

Sejung Oh President, Instute for Basic Science
Kenji Oeda Execuve Director, RIKEN (Instute of Physical and
Chemical Research)

Yongmin Kim President, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology

Heegook Lee President, LG Corporaon Technology Council

Urszula Dela-Weglikowska Professor, Korea Univ.
Session 4
"Donaon for Educaon as Educaonal
Welfare through Sharing"
Hyeryun Kang President, Korea Foundaon for the Advancement of
Science and Creavity (KOFAC)
Kapsoo Lee Research Fellow, Samsung Economic
Research Instute (SERI)

Junghoon Chun Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Massachuses
Instute of Technology (MIT)

Julia Hawkins Deputy Director, Millennium Mathemacs Project,
University of Cambridge

Kunihiko Ushiyama Professor, Meiji University
Session 4
"Summerhill School,
Where Students are Free to Learn"
Sanghoon Bae Professor of Educaon,
Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Henry Readhead Member of Summerhill School
Management Team Specializing in
External Aairs, Summerhill School

Jeongseob Choi Principal,
Incheon Wee School (Haemil School)

Inseop Choi Senior Educaonal Researcher,
Chungnam Wee School
(Chungmoo Educaonal instute)

Session 3
"Ocial Development Assistance (ODA) and the Role of Korea
in Human Resources Development (HRD)"
Peck Cho Disnguished Professor, Dongguk Univ.
Cheonsik Woo Senior Fellow, Korea Development Instuon (KDI)
Rupert Maclean Professor, Hong Kong Instute of Educaon
Thomas Schroeder Director, Regional Co-operaon Plaorm
for Vocaonal Teacher Training and Educaon in Asia (RCP) ,
Deutsche Gesellscha fuer Internaonale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Session 3
"Youth Startups: Developing Innovave and
Creave Human Talents"
Wooil Lee Dean, College of Engineering, Seoul Naonal Univ.
Bonnie Cramond Director, Torrance Center for Creavity and Talent
Development, Georgia Univ.
Sirgoo Lee Co-CEO, Kakao Corporaon
Sungaie Choi Director, HD Family Clinic
Hyunjin Kim CEO, Rain.D
Kwangsoo Kim Professor, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology
Session 3
"Parsons The New School for Design"
Jisoo Ha Professor, Seoul Naonal Univ.
Simon Collins Dean of Fashion,
Parsons The New School for Design
Sunghyon Kim Assistant Professor,
Samsung Art & Design Instute (SADI)

Eunhyuk Yim Professor of Fashion Design
, Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Not Conrmed Yet
Session 1
"Talent Management:
How Corporate Universies Educate & Train Global Leaders"
Kwanhee Yoo Professor, Korea Univ.
Laurie F. Bevier Execuve Development Leader,
GE Global Growth & Operaon

Jeongtaek Kong Senior Vice President,
Samsung Instute of Technology

Jaiman Pi Execuve Director, SPC College of Food Science
25 OCT (Thu)
Session 1
"The Berklee College of Music,
Leader of Contemporary Music Educaon"
Sungsoo Choi President, Korean Alumni Associaon,
Berklee College of Music
Roger H. Brown President, Berklee College of Music
Byeongjoon Hwang President, Soundmirror Korea
(The 54th Grammy Award - Best Engineered Album, Classical)
Yeonjung Kim Music Producer, SM Entertainment
Tak Seomoon Singer
Session 1
"Beer Early-Childhood Educaon for Culvang Future Talents"
Wonyoung Rhee Professor Emeritus, Chung-Ang Univ.
W. Steven Barne Director of Naonal Instute for Early Educaon
Research, Rutgers Univ.
Elisabet Dahle
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Educaon and Research, Norway
Eunhye Park Professor of Early Childhood Educaon,
Ehwa Womans Univ.
Eunsoo Shin Professor, Duksung Women's Univ.
Thanks for your attending
the Global HR Forum 2012
Thu, Oct. 25, 2012
The Korea Economic Daily 3
Presidential Candidates go
Head-to-Head on Education Policy
Seok Kim staff reporter
Thu, Oct. 25, 2012
4 TheKoreaEconomicDaily
Krueger, U.S. Housing Prices Rebounding
after Hitting Bottom
Creation of European Banking Union will Defate Uncertainties
Thu, Oct. 25, 2012
Human Resource Development is the Key to
Future Prosperity
Closing Remarks by
Young-Bum Park,
President of the Korea Research
Institute for Vocational Education
and Training (KRIVET)
Global opinion leaders taking a group photo during the opening ceremony.
Thu, Oct. 25, 2012

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