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The Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) was established in 1979 as a Regional Development Authority (RDA) under Cap 441of the Laws of Kenya. The Authority was established to address socio-economic development disparities in its area of jurisdiction and to bring its regions per capita income to the level of the national average. By virtue of the Act (Cap 441) the Authority is a legal entity with perpetual succession and common seal which in its corporate name is capable of inter alia; a) suing and being sued; b) taking purchasing or otherwise acquiring, holding charging and disposing of property, movable or immovable; c) borrowing and lending money; d) entering into contracts; e) doing or performing all such other things or acts necessary for proper performance of its function under this act which may lawfully be done or performed by a body corporate.

KVDA Headquarters, Eldoret

KVDA was set up to plan and coordinate implementation of programmes and projects that transcend administrative boundaries. In addition, the Authority aims at rationalising equitable development across the entire Kerio Valley region.

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Some of the main considerations in setting up KVDA include the following: a) The Authority complements and supplements Government efforts towards a balanced regional development approach. b) The strategic position of the Authority in terms of formulation and implementation of regional programmes and projects gives KVDA an added advantage as the Authority has a well laid network in the region under its jurisdiction. c) The strategic focus on poverty eradication, formulation and implementation of regional based socio-economic development programmes and projects is an important entry point for KVDA. d) The general emphasis on catchment conservation and sustainable utilisation and management of natural resources including water, fisheries, forestry and soils towards poverty reduction is important in terms of the regional focus and its inherent advantages. The performance of Government Ministries and Parastatals has been on focus since early 1990s when the Civil Service Reform Programme (1993) was initiated. The objective of the Programme was to undertake reforms aimed at enhancing quality and efficiency in service delivery in the Civil Service. The broader aim of civil service reform is the creation of a government workforce of the right size and with the right skills, incentives, ethos and accountability needed to provide quality public services and to efficiently carryout the functions assigned by the state. To achieve this objective, the Government formulated a Strategy for Performance Improvement in the Public Service. The implementation of the Strategy is aimed at improving service delivery processes including approaches in the management of public affairs. This called for development and implementation of Strategic Plans. The KVDAs Strategic Plan is in line with the broad objective of the Civil Service Reform Programme. The Strategic plan will facilitate enhanced and effective implementation of KVDAs programmes. In line with the MTEF requirements that budgetary allocations be justified against measurable outputs and in conformity with the priorities identified for poverty reduction, the plan will augment the efforts of the stakeholders in addressing the socio-economic concerns of the region. This Strategic Plan is a set of decisions and actions resulting in the formulation and implementation of strategies designed to achieve the objectives of the Authority in a sequenced manner. It identifies systematic courses of action geared towards assisting the Authority to achieve its objectives. It enhances visionary management as it generates and conceptualises the programmes and projects the Authority will undertake during the plan period. To achieve its intended purpose, this Plan goes beyond the allocation of resources to achieve institutional objectives. It has been developed through a strategic process that focused on setting up of institutional objectives, designing of appropriate programmes and projects, and institutional structure for effective development and management of resources in the region.

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Strategic Planning aims at efficiency in delivery of goods and services and achievement of development objectives at minimum cost. It involves the process of identifying objectives that are considered to be strategic to specific goal and/or region. The objectives pursued by KVDA therefore, are expected to result in rapid realization of the vision and mission of the institution. The Plan is consistent with current Government policies towards realising poverty reduction and economic growth objectives as outlined in the Economic Recovery Strategy for Employment and Wealth Creation. 1.3 THE PLAN PREPARATION PROCESS

The process of preparing this Strategic Plan started with collecting and collating data and information from the field. Thereafter, departmental plans were prepared and discussed at a workshop held at Turkwel Gorge Club from 5th-9th July 2004. The output was used to prepare the first draft of the Strategic Plan. A second workshop was held from 27th29th July 2004 at Soi Safari Lodge, in Baringo District. Participants were drawn from KVDA staff, Board of Directors, District Commissioner Baringo district, Ministry of Regional Development Authorities, Line Ministries and District Development Officers from districts covered by the Authority. The workshop discussed in detail the first draft which contained among other things the regions resource profile, KVDAs mandate, vision and mission, core values and the strategic plan objectives. The participants also discussed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of KVDA as an institution and the region (Annex 1). The final stakeholders consultative workshop was held on 22nd October 2004 at the Grand Regency Hotel Nairobi. The participants at this workshop included the Minister of Regional Development Authorities, The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Members of Parliament from the region, and Chief Executives of other RDAs, line Ministry officials and representatives of all DDCs in the region. The plan development process therefore, was participatory as it involved representatives of a large cross section of stakeholders who provided invaluable inputs. The inputs of these workshops formed the basis of the preparation and finalization of this strategic plan. The plan indicates KVDAs intentions for the next five years as it strives to achieve its set objectives. Due to limitation of financial resources, KVDA will be involved in selected strategic and participatory programmes as outlined in chapter four of this plan. This strategic plan assumes a stable and enabling political, economic and social-cultural environment. It is also assumed that sufficient financial resources will be available for the implementation of strategic objectives. 1.4 MANDATE OF THE AUTHORITY

The KVDAs underlying objectives are provided in its mandate as outlined in KVDA Act Cap 441 of the Laws of Kenya that states inter alia;

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(a) To plan for the development of the area and initiate project activities identified for such planning through the Government generally; (b) To develop and keep up-to-date a long range development plan for the area; (c) To initiate such studies, and to carry out such surveys, of the Area as may be considered necessary by the Government or by the Authority and to assess alternative demands within the Area on the resources thereof, including agriculture (both irrigated and rain-fed), forestry, wildlife and tourism, industries, electric power generation, mining and fishing and to recommend economic priorities; (d) To co-ordinate the various studies of, and schemes within, the Area so that human, water, animal, land and other resources are utilized to the best advantage and to monitor the design and execution of planned projects within the Area; (e) To effect a programme of both monitoring and evaluating the performance of projects within the Area so as to improve that performance and establish responsibility therefore and to improve future planning; (f) To co-ordinate the present abstraction and use, and the planned abstraction and use, of the natural resources especially water and set up an effective monitoring of abstraction and usage; (g) To cause the construction of any works necessary for the protection and utilization of the water and soils of the Area; (h) To ensure that the landowners in the Area undertake all the measures specified by the Authority to protect the water and soils of the Area; (i) To identify, assemble and correlate all the data related to the use of water and other resources within the Area as may be necessary for the efficient forward planning of the Area; and (j) To maintain a liaison between the Government, the private sector and other agencies in the matter of the development of the Area with a view to limiting the duplication of effort and ensuring the best use of technical resources. Since its formation, KVDA has implemented programmes and projects geared towards poverty alleviation. This include; agriculture and livestock development, water supply, catchment conservation and hydropower generation. These programmes and projects have contributed to poverty reduction, wealthy creation, increased food security, employment opportunities and incomes in line with the Authoritys vision and mission. 1.5 Vision To realise sustainable and equitable socio-economic development in the region. Mission To identify, plan and coordinate the implementation of integrated development programmes by utilizing available resources to improve the living standards of the people. VISION, MISSION AND CORE VALUES

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Core values The Authority embraces the following core values in the execution of its mandate: (i) Team Work Promotes collective participation of its staff in execution of its mandate to achieve organisational goals. Integrity Upholds fairness and openness in provision of quality service to stakeholders. Cooperation Builds strong linkages with other stakeholders. Innovation and Creativity Encourages innovation and creativity. Technological Compliance Embraces new ideas and techniques to enhance productivity.





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96,285 km sq 36,582 km sq 63703 km sq 7,734 km sq 2,900 km sq 3500m a.s.l 300m a.s.l 650mm 2,200mm 400mm 1,489,869 725,442 764,442 1:1 59.3 65.0 2.9% 47,532 48,176 19 6 km Negligible 1,247 90% 1:42 118 15,093 1:20 upper respiratory tract infection, malaria, diarrhoea, skin infections 1:80,000 14 20km 3% 96% 45% 18 wildlife, scenic attractions, geysers, museums, camping and eco-tourism

Area Total area Arable Non-arable Water mass Gazetted Forests

Highest Altitude Lowest Altitude Rainfall Annual average Highest Minimum Demographic and Population Profile Population size Population structure -Total No. of males -Total No. of Females -Male/Female ratio Life expectancy at birth (yrs) - Male - Female Population growth rate Water and Sanitation Number of households with access to piped water Number of households with access to potable water Number of permanent rivers Average distance to nearest potable water point VIP toilets Education Facilities Total number of primary schools Enrolment rate Teacher pupil ratio Number of secondary schools Total enrolment in secondary schools Teacher pupil ratio Health Prevalent diseases Doctor/patient ratio Number of hospitals Average distance to health facility Energy % rural households using solar power % households using firewood/charcoal % households using kerosene /biogas Tourism Number of tourist class hotels Main tourist attractions

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KVDA area of jurisdiction is located in the North Western region of Kenya. It lies between Latitudes 00 10 South and 100 30 North; and longitudes 340 and 370 East. This region includes the districts of Baringo, Koibatek, Keiyo, Marakwet, West Pokot, Turkana and western parts of Samburu. The total area covered by the Authority is approximately 96,285 sq Km, representing 16.5% of the land mass of Kenya with over 80% being arid or semi-arid (Map1). KVDAs interventions will greatly contribute to the regions development in accordance with the national objectives and general ASAL policy.


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The KVDAs area of jurisdiction is bounded by the drainage systems of Turkwel and Kerio rivers which drain into Lake Turkana. However, other smaller drainage basins which constitute the area include:(i) Lakes Baringo Bogoria drainage basin. (ii) Suguta Lake Lokipi drainage basin. (iii)Tarach Lotikipi drainage basin. 2.2 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

2.2.1 Relief, Land and Soils KVDAs region has great contrast in landforms and physical features. The south is generally high and rugged. Prominent features include Cherangany hills (3500m), Keiyo escarpment, Tugen hills and isolated mountain ranges in Turkana district. The Great Rift Valley runs northsouth though not well defined in Turkana district. The region can be generally classified into three topographic zones, namely; highland plateau (2500m-3500m a.s.l), the steep escarpments (1200-2000m a.s.l) and the valley floor (300-900m a.s.l) stretching from Koibatek district to Lake Turkana. The highlands are in the modified tropical zone with soils that are generally well drained and fertile. The highland zone has high potential for agricultural and livestock development. The lowlands are in a semi-arid climatic zone. They have complex soils with various textures and drainage conditions. There are also deep alluvial deposits at the valley floor. Most of the soils in this zone are Saline, Sodic or Calcareous in nature. Crop production in these areas is possible through irrigation, though salinity would exclude certain soil pockets. The zone is essentially range land, though there is a huge potential for large scale irrigation development. Soils in the region can be broadly classified into:(a) Lava boulders and shallow stony soils. (b) Clay soils. (c) Loam soils. (d) Alluvial soils. 2.2.2 Geology The region is characterized by four dominant geological formations which include: Precambrian Basement system rocks referred to as the Mozambique Belt. Tertiary volcanic rocks. Quaternary volcanic rocks. Quaternary to Recent sediments. The Mozambique Belt rocks underlie the entire region except for the western parts which are completely covered by volcanic formations. The Mozambique Belt formation is found in the entire West Pokot district and most of Samburu district, stretching roughly in a north south direction along the Ugandan border to the Ethiopian border. These are the main mineralbearing rocks in the region.

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Tertiary (to Quaternary) volcanic formations occur over a vast portion of the region. They stretch from the highlands around Nakuru roughly in a South West North East direction to the southern shores of Lake Turkana. The volcanic activities associated with these rocks formed the Tugen hills and the Keiyo escarpment. The geology of the rest of the region is characterised by the deposits of sediments originating from Quaternary to Recent period. These formations occur almost entirely over Turkana district except for limited areas around Lakes Baringo and Bogoria and on the upper Kerio valley. The sediments are basically lacustrine and fluviate deposits. 2.2.3 Agro-Climatic Zones The KVDA area is predominantly semi-arid to arid with an erratic rainfall pattern which affects crop production. The Cherangany hills, Keiyo escarpment and Tugen hills have semihumid climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. The mean annual rainfall ranges from 1000 mm for the highlands and between 200mm to 800mm for the dry low land. Temperatures in the region are generally very high and vary with altitude, ranging from 10C in the Cherangany hills and Tugen Hills, to a maximum of 40C in the lowlands. The interaction between rainfall and evapo-transpiration and the resulting moisture regime is the dominant factor that affects productivity and management of crops and land use. The evapo-transpiration ratio ranges from 15% to 80%. The region can be classified into six agro-climatic zones:(i) Humid Zone - This is a zone with rainfall/evapo-transpiration ratio of over 80%. These include; Cherangany hills and Tugen hills . The dominant vegetation is moist indigenous forest. (ii) Sub-Humid Zone Has rainfall/evapo-transpiration ratio of 65-80%. The vegetation consists of forest and derived grassland and bush land. (iii)Dry Sub-Humid Has rainfall/evapo-transpiration ratio of 40-65%. Lower parts of Cherangany hills and Keiyo, Marakwet, West Pokot and Baringo districts fall under this zone. The zone is associated with evergreen, semi arid savannah type of vegetation. (iv) SemiArid Zone - This is a zone with rainfall/evepo-transpiration ratio of 25-40% and medium agricultural potential. The zone covers the lower parts of West Pokot, Keiyo, Marakwet and Baringo districts, and the south of Lake Turkana. The vegetation consists of dry woodlands and savannah. Acacia spp is the dominant tree species. (v) Arid Zone -Has rainfall/evapo-transpiration ratio of 15-25%.Vast areas of rivers Turkwel, Kerio and Suguta drainage basins and plains west of Lake Turkana fall under this zone. The vegetation consists of woody Commiphora and Acacia species and grasses such as Cenchrus ciliaris and Chloris roxburghiana.

(vi) Very Arid Zone Has rainfall/evapo-transpiration ratio of <15%. This zone includes the area bordering Lake Turkana characterised by rangeland vegetation consisting of dwarf

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shrubs and grassland with Acacia refeciens restricted to water courses. Perennial grasses e.g. Chrysopogon ancheri and some annual grasses are also found.

Map2. KVDA Region: Agro-climatic Zones


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KVDA region is inhabited by six major ethnic communities namely the Kalenjin, Turkana, Pokot, Samburu, Njemps and the Elmolo. The population of the region has more than doubled from 677,086 in 1979 to 1,489,869 in 1999 thus an average annual growth rate of 3.9%. The population is currently estimated at 1,696,697 and is expected to grow to 1,912,948 by the end of the plan period as shown in Table 1. Table1. Population density and distribution
District 1979 [actual] 133,949 75,281 69,843 73,587 23,072 142,702 158,652 677,086 1999 [actual] 264,978 143,865 138,163 140,629 43,288 450,860 308,086 1,489,869 Growth rate [1979-1990] 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.2 2.9 5.8 3.3 3.9 Area [Km2] 8646 1439 2306 1588 4854 68388 9,064 96,285 Density 2004 35 114 72 100 34 7 39 2004


Baringo Keiyo Koibatek Marakwet Samburu* Turkana W. Pokot Total

299,649 163,717 165,218 158,090 49,939 502,445 355,639 1,696,697

336,003 184,853 196,392 176,105 57,613 554,220 407,762 1,912,948

Source: Various Population Census Reports *The population statistics is for the region covered by KVDA in Western Samburu

Half of the region's population is found in two of the most expansive ASAL districts of Turkana and West Pokot which account for about 80% of the area. However; the highly endowed agricultural areas have high concentration of settlements especially in Keiyo and Marakwet with population densities of 114 and 100 respectively. It is estimated that 285,590 (15.8%) of the people live in urban areas. Some of the large towns in the area are Kapenguria, Lodwar, Eldama Ravine, Maralal, Iten, Kapsowar and Kabarnet. 2.4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS

2.4.1 Poverty Levels Poverty is severe in the region. It is estimated that 51% of the population live below the poverty line. The prevalence is higher among the pastoral communities though pockets of high poverty levels are also found in the agro-based communities and urban dwellers (Table2).


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Table 2. Important socio-economic indicators

Indicator Total Fertility Rate(/1000) Crude Death Rate (/1000) IMR (/1000) U5MR (/1000) Life expectancy at birth-M Life expectancy at birth-F Drop Out Rate* % HHs with piped water % HHs with toilet facility
% HHs with electricity for lighting




Marakw Samburu et



7 9 62.3 100 58.3 64.9 6.4 8.3 41.2 7.4 46 76.7 1:57,300

5.9 7.7 31.8 57 62.8 69.6 4.6 17.8 76.9 7.7 39 73.8 1:156,000

5.8 9.6 49.9 70 63 69 6.2 26.3 69.8 6.2 44 -

6.7 8.2 39.1 67 63.2 68 5.2 8.3 63.3 1.8 43 -

7.2 9.3 50.8 92 58 63.4 15.1 13.2 20.5 4.6 46 21.9

6.3 8.1 66 117 54.8 59.1 20 9.6 13.2 1.5 62 29.2

7.5 11.4 87.2 127 55.4 61.3 9.5 8.8 24.5 2.2 53 44.5 1:150,000

Poverty level (%) Literacy rate (%) Doctor: patient ratio Source: 1999 Census fact sheet

1:34,700 1:50,024 1:76,000 1:75,000

*Based on population aged 10-14 yrs. 2.4.2 Child Survival Comparative survival rates in the drier areas of the region are low i.e. Crude Death Rates, Infant and Child Mortality Rates. This is depicted in table 2, with West Pokot, Turkana, Samburu and Baringo having the highest mortality rates. These are mainly ASAL districts which also score poorly in life expectancy compared to the rest. The female child has a longer life expectancy at birth than the male child in all districts. 2.4.3 Unemployment The 1999 labour force survey indicated that unemployment in the KVDA region averaged 17.7%. Factors which have contributed to this high rate of unemployment is the weak performance of the national economy in general and the harsh climatic conditions in the region which leads to few opportunities for gainful employment. The high rate of unemployment may also be attributed to negative cultural attitudes, high illiteracy levels and inadequate educational facilities leading to high school drop out rates. A large proportion of the people in the region are pastoralists who depend mainly on livestock as a source of employment. Frequent droughts have impacted negatively on this sub-sector subsequently reducing employment opportunities (Table 3).


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Table 3. Employment levels by age and sex

District Male Baringo Keiyo Koibatek Marakwet Samburu Turkana West Pokot Total 50,237 30,279 28,454 28,730 23,792 82,318 56,624 300,434 Employed Female 46,402 25,068 24,441 29,999 15,788 53,884 49,823 245,405 Total 96,639 55,347 52,895 58,729 39,580 136,202 106,447 545,839 Male 2,938 6,713 1,885 1,355 2,554 1,173 3,707 20,325 Unemployed Female 5,548 19,671 3,460 2,934 4,245 1,524 6,047 43,429 Total 8,486 26,384 5,345 4,289 6,799 2,697 9,754 63,754

Adopted from labour force surveys, CBS (1999)

2.4.4 Access to Basic Household Utilities Important social utilities such as, safe drinking water, electricity and toilets are out of reach to the majority of the population in the region. Water: 11.5% of households have access to piped water, majority of them being urban dwellers. This means 88.5% obtain water from streams, pans, lakes, road run offs, and roof catchment. Water from these sources is untreated and is a major cause of waterborne diseases. The most affected districts are Baringo, Marakwet, Turkana and West Pokot and Samburu where less than 10% of households have access to piped water. Electricity: Use of electricity is very low and is concentrated in the urban centres. Rural electrification programme which subsidizes the cost of accessing power is limited to a few rural centres that are closer to the large towns. However it has improved the number of households accessing electricity to about 3.8% in the region. 2.4.5 Food Security in the region Food security is the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food (quality) and adequate amounts (quantity). This means that everyone in a family and/or householdincluding the most vulnerable members in society should have the desired consumption levels. Absolute food poverty estimates in the region are 60% compared to the national average of 53%. Absolute poverty line for year 2002 was Kshs.16,680/= per year for rural areas and Kshs.31,680/= per year for urban areas. Rural poverty is marked by its common connection to agriculture and land. The region is largely arid and semi-arid where rainfall varies between 400mm (lowlands) and 2200mm (highlands) per annum. The lowlands make up to 80% of the region where the rains are unreliable and poorly distributed. Due to these conditions food security attainment in the region has been elusive.


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The communities in the region are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity because of the recurring droughts, livestock diseases, crop pests, and limited access to technology and information, credit and financial services. Although food insecurity is widespread in rural areas, the urban areas and markets are also affected. 2.4.6 Food crop production The main food crops produced in the region are maize, finger millet, sorghum, beans, cowpeas, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, fruits and vegetables. The area under food crops as a percentage of the total arable land per district is shown in Table 4. Table 4. Area under Food Crops District Arable land ( Area under food crops (%) Samburu 50 98 1500 10.6 Koibatek 2500 7.2 Baringo 890 30 Keiyo 1300 60 Marakwet 5700 4.8 West Pokot 2500 4.8 Turkana In normal rainfall years, the region produces 232,000 metric tonnes of maize and beans annually against consumption (requirement) levels estimated at 648,000 metric tonnes. The deficit (maize and beans), is therefore 416,000 metric tonnes per year. Food production in the region is largely by small scale farmers. 2.4.7 The Geographical Distribution of Food

Food production in the region is unevenly distributed and is dictated largely by the type of geographic and climatic factors prevailing in each area. Food production is high in the humid and sub-humid zones and low in the dry sub-humid to arid zones. More food crops are produced in the highland areas and very little in the lowlands (ASAL), hence the latter are always food deficit areas. The distribution of food requires physical infrastructure in terms of roads, vehicles and storage facilities capable of moving and holding the food. The National Cereals and Produce Board has constructed food depots at Sigor, Kapenguria, Kacheliba, Kollowa, Kimalel, Kabarnet Marigat, Nginyang, Eldama Ravine and Lodwar. These depots are strategically located throughout the region and form strategic centres for food security. Due to poor road network, it is difficult to distribute food to most parts of the region.


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2.4.8 The Ability of Households to Acquire Food Household incomes are lower in semi-arid areas than in high and medium potential agricultural areas. Instability in food production, coupled with low and unstable incomes make the populations in these areas particularly vulnerable to food insecurity. The unreliable rainfall and sparse vegetation renders the land liable to rapid degradation as population pressure increases. The adoption of more appropriate and improved production techniques for both crops and livestock will serve to stabilize and enhance food security in marginal areas. Measures which stabilize the ratios between the consumer price of food crops and the producer prices of livestock will be particularly effective as means of stabilising the purchasing power of farmers and pastoralists. 2.4.9 KVDAs Contribution Towards Food Security In its endeavours to attain food sufficiency in the region, KVDA has implemented agricultural projects to mitigate the problem of food insecurity. Total food crop production in the agricultural projects of Wei Wei (275ha), Arror (40ha) and Tot (18 ha) is approximately 1700 tonnes per year. Over 2000 households are directly dependent on these projects for their livelihoods. 2.5 INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE REGION

Due to the rugged terrain, isolation and relatively low population density, the region lags behind other parts of the country in the development of transport, communications and other infrastructure. 2.5.1 Roads The road network in the region is not as developed as compared to other regions in the country. For example, the region has 80 Km of roads per thousand square kilometres compared to the national average of 258 km per thousand square kilometres. The existing road network in the region is categorised into classified, special purpose or rural access roads. The network is denser in the more productive and populated areas compared to the arid areas of the region. The types of roads in the region are shown in Table 5. Below is an overview of the various classes of roads in the region: Class A. Class B. International trunk roads. From Kapenguria - Lokichogio and then Sudan border - 500km long. National trunk roads linking important centres. There are slightly more than 500km of this class of road in the region most of it accounted for by the Nakuru-Lake Baringo to Marich Pass road. The Nyahururu - Nakuru road is also classified in this category. These are primary roads linking important centres to higher class roads. They form the bulk of the roads (about 1500km) in the area and carry most of the trade in the region.

Class C.


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Class D.

These are secondary roads linking locally important centres to the larger towns. This is the second most important class of road in the region and accounts for about 1200km of the road network. Class E. These are minor roads linking all the minor market centres and the locally important centres. They account for about 1000 Km of the road network in the region. Table 5. Types of roads in the region (km)
District Bitumen Gravel Earth Koibatek 120 377 226 Turkana 470 367 2,020 Baringo 198 333 737 Keiyo 87 326 171 Marakwet 0 342 333 West Pokot 151 349 697 Total 1026 2094 4,184 Source: Various District Development Plans 2002-2008

2.5.2 Air Transport Air transport is becoming increasingly important in the region for business, tourism, health and security. Many of the towns and trading centres in the region have or are within reasonable distances from air strips. The region has 34 operational airstrips distributed in various districts as follows; Baringo-6, Keiyo-1, Marakwet-1, West Pokot-4, and Turkana 22. Most of the airstrips are in serviceable condition. Eldoret International Airport is strategically located within the region with a good road network connection to the hinterland. The airport will boost the use of air transport especially for high value perishable horticultural produce. 2.5.3 Railway Transport Transportation by rail for both cargo and passengers is negligible in the region although this is a very important form of transport. The Uganda railroad passes through the southern tip of Koibatek district with a branch line from Rongai to Solai via Kampi-ya Moto. The railroad also passes southern Keiyo district over a stretch of 40 km. 2.5.4 Energy The availability of electricity in the region has increased over the last 10 years. Whereas only the fluorspar mines at Kimwarer were served with electricity in the early 1980s, the grid has now been extended to the main commercial centres as in (Table 6).


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Table 6. Distribution of electricity supply

District Baringo Keiyo Koibatek Marakwet Samburu Turkana West Pokot Centres Served with electricity Kabarnet, Kiboino, Marigat, Loboi, Kampi Samaki, Sacho, Tenges, Mogorwa, Kapkelelwa, Kabartonjo, Bartolimo and Kipsaraman Iten, Kimwarer, Muskut, Emsea, Cheptebo, Tambach, Singore, Chepkorio, Kaptagat and Kamwosor Eldama Ravine, Maji Mazuri, Makutano, Mogotio, Emining, Saos, Torongo and Poror Kapsowar, Chebiemit, Cheptongei, and Kapcherop Maralal, Suguta Marmar and Kisima Lodwar town Kapenguria, Chepareria, Turkwel Gorge

The KVDA region has a high potential for energy development with the most important commercial source being hydropower. Turkwel hydro power generating station has an installed capacity of 106 MW. The region has other rivers with hydropower potential that include; Arror, Muruny, Perkerra, Embobut, Kimwarer and Wei Wei. Other sources of energy in the region include wood-fuel (charcoal, firewood) geothermal, solar and wind. Wood-fuel is used by more than 98% of the population in the region and its utilization is restricted to domestic use only. Solar, geothermal and wind potentials are high in the region but are under-developed. 2.5.5 Water Supply, Sewerage and Sanitation The availability of safe water for human and livestock consumption is a basic need which contributes to improved health. Since 80% of the region fall within the Arid and Semi- Arid lands (ASALS) with limited surface water, households in these areas depend on ground water, dams and water pans. The rest can be considered to be endowed with surface water (springs, rivers, lakes). Availability of surface water in the region depends on rainfall which is low and unreliable. Baringo District has the highest number of households with access to piped water while Turkana District has the highest number of households with access to potable water. The high access in Turkana District is attributed to high population living in urban centres and near boreholes. In terms of average distance to nearest water points Baringo, Turkana and West Pokot lead with 15km, 10km and 6km respectively as shown in (Table 7).


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Table 7. Water and Sanitation Situation by District

Number of households with access to piped water Number of households with access to potable water Number of wells Number of permanent rivers (streams) Number of protected springs Number of boreholes No. of Dams and pans Number of households with roof catchments Average distance to nearest potable water point Number of VIP latrines Baringo 19034 19284 182 3 26 89 136 250 15 7360 Keiyo 3500 1500 241 35 551 24 15 3000 4 5000 Koibatek 7551 1701 300 3 4 36 157 142 3 19089 Marakwet 2613 2691 16 5 257 2 86 2 10 Turkana 15334 23000 700 4 16 500 West Pokot 2600 2150 38 58 39 86 19 13 6 4200

Lack of proper disposal of waste in both urban and rural areas often leads to contamination of water sources. This threatens the health of the population through water-borne disease outbreaks. Assessment of the percentage of population in the region with access to sanitation is shown in (Table 8). Table 8. Level of Sanitation
District Poor households % with access to % with access to Safe Sanitation Unsafe Sanitation 27.8 51.8 6.2 16.6 72.2 48.2 93.8 83.4 Non- poor households % with access to % with access to Safe Sanitation Unsafe Sanitation 58.5 73.6 34.7 35.3 41.5 26.7 65.3 64.7

Baringo & Koibatek Keiyo & Marakwet Turkana West Pokot

2.5.6 Telecommunication The region is expansive and most parts are remote therefore, telecommunications infrastructure is particularly critical for efficient exchange of information. Recent government policy changes which liberalised the sector should spur the extension of telecommunication services in the region. The number of people in the region accessing information and communication technology (ICT) is increasing. However, this increase is concentrated mainly in the urban centres. The distribution of the various modes of communication in the region is shown in (Table 9).


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Table 9. Telecommunication infrastructure by district

Type Baringo Households with land lines 871 connection No. of telephone booths 56 Post offices 11 Cell phone coverage (%) 10 Cyber cafs 3 Only towns in Western Samburu. Keiyo 214 15 5 20 1 Koibatek Marakwet Samburu Turkana W/Pokot 1,650 28 249 76 180 20 8 40 2 7 9 5 15 4 5 1 493 5 5 4 20 5 22 1


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The region is endowed with natural resources which include water, livestock, agricultural land, minerals, forests and wildlife. In line with its mandate, KVDA has developed specific objectives for development and sustainable use of these resources for the socio-economic well being of the people in the region. These resources are discussed below. 3.1 WATER RESOURCES

Water resources contribute enormously to economic productivity and the social well-being of human populace. The surface water sources are confined to five drainage basins as follows:(i) Lakes Bogoria and Baringo basin with approximate area of 4,835 sq.Km. and have rivers Perkerra, Molo, Waseges and Rongai with a total discharge of 237 million cubic metres annually. (ii) Suguta river catchment with an area of 12,900 sq. Km lies between Kerio river basin to the west and Ewaso Nyiro river basin to the east. While there is perennial flow in the upper Suguta river, it is highly saline except during periods of heavy rains. (iii) Kerio river basin covering 17,800 sq.Km. with the rivers Kerio, Arror and Embobut. The annual discharge is 331 million cubic metres. (iv) Suam -Turkwel river basin with rivers Suam, Turkwel, Kanyangareng, Muruny and Wei wei with a catchment area of 23,900 sq.Km that covers mount Elgon, Cherangany hills and mount Kadam in eastern Uganda. It has an annual discharge of 811 million cubic metres. (v) Lake Turkana and its immediate basin bordered to the west by Lotikipi basin, to the south by the lower Turkwel basin and to the north by Murua Rith hills and has an area of 5,500 sq.Km. The water in this basin is characterized by high pH (8.5-10.6) and high levels of dissolved salts (1035-2500 mg/l) and fluoride. This makes the water unsuitable for domestic, irrigation and livestock use. Availability of surface water for domestic and livestock use in the region is limited due to: (i) The poor water sources distribution in both time and space. (ii) Destruction of water catchment areas. (iii) Uncontrolled abstraction. The ground water found in the region occurs in weathered and fractured zones in metamorphic and volcanic rocks and sediments inter-bedded between volcanic rocks. Most boreholes sunk in the region have produced water of satisfactory quality for both human and livestock use. KVDAs Intervention in Water Resource Development In 1984 KVDA carried out a water resources survey as part of the regional development plan. The study covered the catchments of Lakes Baringo and Bogoria, rivers Suguta, Kerio and Turkwel as well as the Lotikipi plains. It analysed the quality and quantity of available water resources and made recommendations and baseline designs on the abstraction and utilisation


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of the resource. In addition, it initiated a programme to design and implement community water supply projects in the region. Some of the projects that have been implemented are shown in (Table 10). Table 10. Water Projects Implemented by KVDA PROJECT Turkwel Multipurpose Dam Kimao Dam and Water Supply Bartabwa Dam and Water Supply Kapchomuswo Dam and Water Supply Kocholwo Water supply Kabokbok Water Supply Ochii Water Supply Cheplambus Water Supply Kollowa Water Pans

LOCATION (DISTRICT) West Pokot Baringo Baringo Baringo Keiyo Keiyo Baringo Baringo Baringo

In collaboration with the Ministry of Water Resources Management and Development, KVDA has established and maintained a network of hydro-meteorological stations in the region. The stations are located on rivers Suam, Wei Wei, Turkwel, Embobut, Muruny, Kimwarer, Perkerra and Molo. The constraints in this sector include:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Inadequate funding to develop water resource projects which are capital intensive. Inadequate equipment and machinery. Inadequate monitoring of water levels along the major rivers. Communitys inadequate capacity to maintain water projects. Poor access to water resources. Destruction of water catchments. Low water quality.

KVDA will endeavour to strengthen its capacity to improve water resources infrastructure in the region by acquiring additional equipment and machinery, strengthen collaboration with other stakeholders (line ministries, NGOs, CBOs etc) and expanding its hydrometeorological monitoring network. 3.2 LAND RESOURCES

The KVDA region can be divided into six agro-climatic zones namely humid, sub-humid, semi-humid, semi-arid, arid and very arid. The humid and sub-humid zones fall within the highlands with altitudes ranging from 2000 to 3500 metres above sea level whose agricultural land use potential is high. This area forms the main watershed to many rivers. The main food crops grown here are maize, beans, Irish potatoes and cabbages. Cash crops like pyrethrum and horticultural crops are also grown. The average farm size ranges from 0.5 -5 acres. The rainfall pattern is bimodal with peaks in March- April and October - November with mean annual rainfall ranging from 1000 mm to 1300 mm per annum.


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The medium potential zones are areas along the escarpment with altitudes ranging from 1500m to 2000m above sea level. The agricultural potential of this sub- region is medium with rainfall ranging from 850mm to 1000 mm per annum. The main crops grown are food crops (e.g. Maize and millet) and horticultural crops (e.g. Mangoes, Citrus, Pawpaws). The low potential zones are the lowland areas which receive less than 850 mm of rainfall per annum with an erratic pattern. The soils are alluvial in nature and rich in nutrients. Rain-fed crop production is unreliable and irrigation is an option for bringing more land under production in this zone. Land use patterns Land use, agricultural potential and agro-climatic zones are closely related. Approximately 80% of the region lies in the ASAL zone and the predominant land use is pastoralism. Arable land occupies 39% of the region. Land use pattern per district is shown in (Table 11). Table 11. Land use pattern (%)
Land Use Samburu Koibatek Baringo Arable land 4 60 29 Pasture/pastoralism 90 30 70 Forestry 5 8 0.02 Wildlife 0.5 Water masses 0.05 0.01 Other uses 0.5 1.95 0.97 Source: District Development Plans 2002-2008 Keiyo 60 39 0.9 0.1 Marakwet 60 20 19 1 W/Pokot 40 50 0.9 6 3.1 Turkana 20 70 0.9 0.1 9

Agricultural production Though the dominant activity is pastoralism, both food and cash crops are produced in the region. Food crops produced include maize, sorghum, millet, beans, potatoes (sweet and Irish), cassava and vegetables while cash crops are mainly pyrethrum, coffee, cotton, tea and horticultural crops. Average farm sizes in the region vary between 0.5-5 acres per household. Area under crop production per district is shown in (Table 12). Table 12. Area under crop production per district
Koibatek Turkana




West Pokot

Area under food crops (ha) Area under cash crops (ha) Average farm size (acres)

16000 580 1.0

11939 0.5

76675 3160 2

18000 1900 3.5

26963 445.5 3.6

4900 3.5

27520 637 4.2

Source: District Development Plans 2004-2008 3.2.1 KVDAS Contribution to Agricultural Development Since inception, KVDA has been engaged in the promotion and development of agricultural activities in the region. In partnership with other stakeholders, it has developed irrigation projects by harnessing the water resources. These are intensive crop production projects


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producing both food and cash crops. It has jointly with Kenya Seed Company Ltd, East African Seed Company Ltd and Western Seed Company Ltd produced high quality seeds for domestic and export markets.

Laying of sprinkler irrigation pipes at Weiwei project West Pokot district


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The Authority also provides tractor hire and agricultural extension services in the region. The on-going agricultural projects include Wei Wei, Tot, Arror and Salawa as shown in (Table 13). Table 13. On-going agricultural projects.
Project Wei Wei Project Phase I &II Cultivated Land in (ha.) 275 sprinkler irrigation Outputs Ksh.20M earned by farmers annually 4000 persons employed Food sufficiency and Horticultural Development enhanced Food sufficiency and Horticultural development enhanced Pastoralists introduced to crop farming Cotton production enhanced District West Pokot

Tot Project

18 under furrow irrigation


Arror Integrated Project *Chemeron Project Salawa Project

40 under sprinkler irrigation 160 under furrow irrigation 54 under rain-fed




*Stalled due to siltation of Chemeron dam. Alternative water source being sought.

Maturing crop of sorghum at Wei Wei project West Pokot district


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Wei Wei Project West Pokot District Among the success stories of KVDA agricultural programmes is the Wei Wei irrigation project which is a good example of dry land farming using sprinkler and furrow irrigation. Under this project 275 ha have been developed by KVDA and the local community with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Cooperation. The local community through the Wei Wei Farmers Association have taken over the management of phases I and II of the project mainly growing seed crops, vegetables and other horticultural crops. On completion of phase III, the Wei Wei project will be supporting a direct population of 4,000 and incomes from sale of farm produce will rise by over 20 million shillings annually.

Wei Wei irrigation intake at Sangat West Pokot district


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Using the experience from Wei Wei project, plans are underway for replication of this successful dryland farming technology in other dry land areas of Turkana, Baringo, Keiyo, Marakwet, Koibatek and Samburu Districts. ii) Tot/Arror Projects - Marakwet District The Authority will expand the Tot farm from 18 hectares to 40 hectares and Arror farm from 40 ha to 380 ha within the plan period. This expansion of agricultural land will enhance food production and development of horticulture in the area. The project will benefit 700 farmers and support a population of 4200 people through forward and backward linkages. Loboi/Kolowa Projects - Baringo District With the collaboration of the local communities, the Authority will open up 80 hectares of agricultural land at Loboi and 40 hectares of land at Kolowa where cereal crops will be introduced in an area hitherto given to pastoralism. Keiyo District The Authority will promote horticultural development in the district where potential exists. Turkwel Downstream Irrigation Project Turkana District The Authority will promote the implementation of the planned 540 ha Turkwel Downstream Irrigation Project - to be located at Nakwomoru, Turkana District. The project will benefit about 500 farmers and alleviate the perennial food deficit in the area. It will directly support about 3000 people through forward and backward linkages. In addition it will facilitate construction of irrigation infrastructure to support farmers initiatives at Lokori and Katilu divisions. Samburu District The Authority will continue to provide tractor hire services at Kirisia and Loroki divisions. In addition, it will strengthen agricultural extension services. Koibatek District The Authority will promote horticultural development in areas where potential exists Irrigation Development Studies The Authority will explore possibilities of irrigation development a long rivers Suam and Kanyangareng in West Pokot district. The Authority promotes horticultural production through establishment of fruit-tree nurseries to raise tree fruit seedlings for sale to farmers. KVDAs existing and planned fruit-tree nurseries as shown in (Table 14).








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Table 14. KVDA existing and planned fruit-tree nurseries

District Keiyo Marakwet Sites Kimwarer Tot Arror Embomon Kapsowar Kabetwa Kabyego Sambirir Wei Wei Chesegon Kongelai Sebit Maralal Kimao Kimngorom Emining Annual production 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 Remarks Existing Existing Existing Planned Planned Planned Planned Existing Existing Planned Existing Planned Planned Existing Planned planned

West Pokot

Samburu Baringo Koibatek

Tot fruit-tree nursery Marakwet district

Sub-Sector Constraints The following constraints hamper effective implementation of agricultural programmes in the region:(i) Communal land tenure systems. (ii). Soil degradation. (iii). Poor marketing infrastructure. (iv) Frequent droughts. (v). Poor soil quality. In addressing these constraints, KVDA will undertake the following:(i). (ii). Expand the land area under irrigated and rain-fed agriculture. Promote and intensify agricultural extension services. ____________________________________ page 27


(iii). (iv). (v).

Intensify soil and water conservation measures. Promote improved dry land farming technologies. Improve marketing infrastructure.

3.3 LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES 3.3.1 Livestock Population and Distribution The KVDA region is essentially a livestock rearing zone and pastoralism is the predominant land use system. Cattle, small stock (goats, Sheep) and camels are important in that order. Though forming a fairly small percentage, the relative importance of camels in the region is increasing. Goats and sheep are kept particularly for meat, cultural values and as a source of income. The small East African goat and local breeds of sheep constitute the main flock in the region. Wool sheep are mainly found in high rainfall areas of West Pokot and Marakwet districts. Cattle rearing is the most important and popular enterprise in the region. Cattle are mainly sold to generate income for household basic requirements. The local zebu and its crosses are the main breeds kept. The livestock population is as shown in (Table 15). Table 15. Livestock Population, carrying capacity and earnings by Districts
Type Dairy cattle Beef cattle Goats Sheep Donkeys Poultry Camels Rabbits Pigs Earnings*
(Kshs. Millions)

Baringo 38,312 260,767 931,446 253,767 6,823 345,153 5,689 1,545 24 135.4 8.4

Keiyo 41,255 140,762 107,321 143,301 172,816 2,770 180 82.5 8

Koibatek 74,006 78,502 71,490 117,950 7,898 199,320 980 158 37.9 4.5

Marakwet 41,445 62,000 83,460 190,930 6,750 168,050 565 39 45.3 5

Samburu 4,910 191,525 753,600 576,197 16,159 94,637 16,566 479 0 56.67 8

Turkana 193,600 1,626,000 813,000 32,000 10,030 140,760 0 295.7 15

W/Pokot 39,102 259,684 277,676 319,964 8,500 283,390 1,699 734 40 66 8

Totals 239,137 1,186,840 4,176,193 2,577,709 78,770 1,273,396 164,714 7,073 441 719.4 -

Land carrying capacity (acres/LU)

Source PDLD RVP. *From local animals slaughtered in 2002

Human Population Engaged In Livestock Sub-Sector Economic and social advancement for the majority of the inhabitants in the region highly depend on livestock production and marketing. On average, 44% of the total population are engaged in the sub-sector as shown in (Table 16).


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Table 16. People engaged in Livestock sub-sector

District Population Engaged in livestock % of total population Turkana 310,734 69 W/Pokot 152,264 49 Marakwet 59,215 42 Keiyo 30,470 21 Baringo 62,380 24 Koibatek 69,000 50 Samburu 23,000 53

3.3.2 Beekeeping Honey production in the region is currently estimated at 700 metric tonnes per annum though the total potential is approximately 1100 metric tonnes. Natural vegetation within the region is shrub grasslands with dense Acacia trees in the lower parts and forests in the highland and along the rivers. These forests and shrub grasslands are diverse in tree species hence form an inexhaustible floral resource for honey production. Production in the region is mainly traditional and as a result the production level is low compared to the existing potential. The bee-hives in use are the traditional log bee-hives, Kenya Top Bar Hive (K.T.B.H) and Langstroth. The largest production of honey is from traditional hives and hence the low quantity and quality. The distribution of bee-hives in the region is shown Table 17. Table 17. Distribution of various types of bee-hives per district
Types Turkana KTBH 875 Langstroth 49 Loghives 9,190 Source PDLD RVP. W/Pokot 860 14,643 Marakwet 131 1 37,056 Keiyo 654 6 7,238 Baringo 6,579 54 52,377 Koibatek 2,702 16,742 Samburu 2,267 19,746 Totals 14,068 110 156,992

A display of honey products and refining equipment


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On-going Activities Since inception, the Authority has implemented several activities to promote beekeeping and honey production in the region. These include; production of Kenya Top Bar Hives at Kabarnet Wood Workshop with a capacity to produce between 1000 and 2000 bee-hives annually. KVDA also provides beekeeping extension services and purchases crude honey. Processing of honey is done at Rokocho honey centre located in Keiyo district with an annual capacity of 15 metric tonnes. 3.3.3 Fisheries The region has potential for fisheries development at lakes Turkana and Baringo with a total landing tonnage of 4000 tonnes per annum (Table 18). Fishing in the main rivers and dams in the region is negligible although potential for improvement exists. Table 18. Quantity of fish landed (tonnes) (1998-2002) 1999 2000 SITES 1998 L. Turkana 4268 5237 2108 L. Baringo 141 409 463 Total 4409 5646 2571 Sub-Sector Constraints Livestock industry in the region is faced with a number of constraints namely:(i) Recurrent droughts. (ii) Lack or limited access to reliable markets. (iii) Shortage of good quality breeding stock. (iv) Frequent disease outbreaks. (v) Poor infrastructure. (vi) Slow adoption of modern beekeeping techniques. KVDAs Interventions The development objective of the livestock sub-sector in the region will be to strengthen the industry through improvement of livestock production and marketing as a medium term strategy. Other strategies will aim at minimising stock losses resulting from drought, , access to veterinary services, provision of infrastructure, water, quality breeding stock and extension services.

2001 3649 117 3766

2002 3847 286 4135


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Rehabilitated land-reseeded with perennial range grasses at Poole - West Pokot district

To improve animal production and marketing in the region, the Authority in conjunction with other stakeholders will undertake the following interventions; (i) ii) iii) vi) v) vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Provide adequate water by sinking boreholes and construction of water pans and dams at strategic locations in the region. Rehabilitation of denuded land with pasture. Promote improved livestock breeding stocks. Develop infrastructure including sale yards and cattle dips. Develop capacity building in improvement of quality livestock products and treatment of animals. Introduction of diversified livestock farming e.g. Ostrich farming. Promote use of improved beekeeping equipment e.g. Beehives and Honey processing equipment. Facilitate private sector development of cooling plants and landing sites for the fishing industry in Lakes Turkana, Turkwel and Baringo. Collaborate with the private sector, NGOs and other stakeholders in sensitising the communities on the nutritional importance of fish and economic use of other resources such as gums, resins, beeswax and honey. MINERAL RESOURCES


A large portion of North Western Kenya has considerable mineral potential. Due to difficulties in accessing many parts of the region, comprehensive mineral exploration has not been undertaken. The only commercial scale enterprise in this sector is the Kenya Fluorspar Mining Company at Kimwarer, Keiyo district. Various small companies and individual prospectors have worked in the region but often without keeping formal records of the minerals prospected. As a result, available information on the mineral resources in the region is inadequate.


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Over the last one and half decades KVDA embarked on a programme of investigation and documentation of various deposits in the region and the prospects are as follows:(i) Limestone: Located in Ortum Sebit area of West Pokot district with estimated reserves of over 30 million tonnes. Other deposits are found in Turkana, Marakwet, Keiyo and Samburu districts. (ii) Talc: Located in Soka and Samor in West Pokot district with estimated reserves of 1 million tonnes. (iii) Gypsum: Located at Loperot and Napeded in Turkana district with estimated reserves of 0.6 million tonnes. (iv) Diatomite: Located between Maron and Bartabwa in Baringo district with estimated reserves of 0.5 million tonnes. (v) Fluorspar: Deposits found at Kimwarer, Keiyo district with estimated reserves of 3 million tonnes. Another deposit found at Kollowa Baringo district is yet to be investigated. (vi) Marble: Located in Arror-Koitilial area, Marakwet district. Investigations on the reserves are not complete. (vii) Chromite: Located in Telot-Sekerr area, West Pokot district with estimated reserves of 50,000 tonnes. (viii) Ruby: Deposits are found along Waseges river valley, Baringo district. There are other deposits present in the region which the Authority plans to investigate. These include; Kyanite-Sillimanite, Graphite, Vermiculite, Kaolin, Trona (Magadi) and Salt. Sub-Sector Constraints The constraints in this sub-sector are:(i) Lack of adequate funding for exploration. (ii) Inadequate technical expertise. (iii) Inadequate data for economic assessment. (iv) Lack of specialised equipment for exploration KVDAs Interventions KVDA has done some exploration and feasibility studies on the exploitation of limestone in Ortum, talc in Soka and marble in Koitilial. Unexploited deposits need further exploration, beneficiation and market studies to take advantage of improved infrastructure, technology and new markets especially in the COMESA region.


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The region is endowed with indigenous and exotic tree species. These are found in gazetted forest areas and community owned forests in trust lands. Gazetted government forests in the region cover an area of about 2900 square Kilometres (3% of the regions area). These forests include Kipkunur, Kiptaber and Embobut in Marakwet district, Kaptagat and Elgeyo in Keiyo district, Chemosusu in Koibatek district, Kapkanyar and Kamologon/Kabusien in West Pokot district, Loroki in Samburu district and Katimok in Baringo district.

Indigenous forest Cherangany hills, Marakwet district

Forestry resources have mainly been exploited for timber, wood fuel (firewood and charcoal) and herbal medicine. Survival of the forests has constantly been threatened by over exploitation of timber without re-afforestation, encroachment and charcoal burning. This necessitates community sensitization on forest management. Annual revenue generated from sale of forest products has been declining since mid 1990s. In 1996 the Forest department collected over Kshs.38 million compared to Kshs. 18 million in 2002 (Table 19). Table 19. Area under forest cover & revenue collected by district
District Area [Km2] Baringo Keiyo Koibatek Marakwet Samburu Turkana West Pokot Total Source: PFO, RVP 219 272 499 631 986 209 2816 1991 Revenue [Ksh] 483,285 16,721,295 4,088,867 50,314 22,960 31,970 21,398,691 Area[Km2] 229 282 521 655 755 347 2,789 1996 Revenue [Ksh] 875,000 30,405,000 7,403,000 62,000 43,000 51,000 38,839,000 Area[Km2] 229 248 521 655 986 100 209 2,947 2002 Revenue [Ksh] 210,745 18,250,480 163,899 58,736 183,481 6,916 18,874,257


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Sub-Sector Constraints i) ii) iii) iv) Lack of effective linkage and collaborative structures with the stakeholders. Encroachment of forest areas. Indiscriminate exploitation of forest products coupled with slow reafforestation programme Low adoption of agro-forestry within the communities.

KVDAs Intervention in Catchment Conservation The catchment conservation and rehabilitation activities will aim at conserving the various natural resources e.g. soil, water, forests and biodiversity. The approach is integrated and multi-disciplinary and embraces participatory intervention measures. This will ensure sustainable exploitation of these resources.

Depleted forest area

Marakwet District

The main activities in this programme include:(i) Soil and water conservation measures. (ii) Tree seedling production. (ii) Social forestry and extension services. (iv) Community sensitization and capacity building. (v) Effective linkage and collaboration with other stakeholders. Currently the Authority carries out catchment conservation and rehabilitation activities in the Turkwel and Kimao dam catchments. Other areas planned for focused conservation are the Cherangany hills watershed complex, Korellach catchment and water catchments of rivers Kimwarer and Perkerra. The Authority will work in collaboration with other stakeholders e.g. local authorities, private companies and local investors on catchment conservation aspects and land use management. The existing and planned KVDA tree nurseries are shown in (Table 20).


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Table 20. KVDA existing and planned tree nurseries

SITE SEEDLING PRODUCTION ANNUALLY 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 20,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 DISTRICT REMARKS

Kimao Dam Chepsurur Kongelai Kariama Ngoleyo Kamayech Koropokwen Kotoruk Kessup Arror Kipsaos Kimwarer Cheplambus Wei Wei Tot Sambirir Embomon Kimngorom Kabetwa Kapsowar Kabyego Chesegon Lodwar Kapcherop Maralal Torok Kabarnet Torongo

Baringo West Pokot West Pokot West Pokot West Pokot West Pokot West Pokot West Pokot Keiyo Marakwet Keiyo Keiyo Baringo West Pokot Marakwet Marakwet Marakwet Koibatek Marakwet Marakwet Marakwet W.Pokot Turkana Marakwet Samburu Keiyo Baringo Koibatek

Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned


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Advanced Gully Erosion Mtembur, West Pokot



The region abounds with tourism potential as enumerated below:3.6.1 Landscapes The region has picturesque landscapes that include among others; (i) Waterfalls: Torok and Kessup in Keiyo district, Arror and Embobut in Marakwet district. (ii) Cliffs: Rondinin (Sumot) and Kipngochoch in Baringo district and Kamariny in Keiyo district. (iii)Valleys: The great Rift Valley (Kerio Valley and Suguta Valley) (iv) Hills/Escarpments: Cherangany hills in Marakwet and West Pokot district, Elgeyo Escarpment in Keiyo district, Sekerr hills in West Pokot district, Tugen hills in Baringo district and Mogila hills in Turkana district. (v) Gorges: Turkwel gorge in West Pokot district and Chebloch in Baringo and Keiyo districts border.


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Panoramic view of Kerio Valley

3.6.2 Wildlife The region is home to a wide range of wildlife which is a major tourist attraction. The main reserves and sanctuaries are Lakes Bogoria, Baringo, Kapnarok, Nasolot, Saiwa Swamp, Rimoi and Lake Turkana. The main types of wildlife include elephants, buffaloes, crocodiles, hippos and various birds. These are found in national parks and reserves as shown in (Table 21). The game reserves and other attractions are popular both to local people and foreigners. Average numbers of annual visitors to game reserves in a typical year are in the range of 15,000 foreigners and 120,000 residents.


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Table 21. Important Wildlife Sites

Reserve/sanctuary L. Bogoria National Reserve L. Baringo Reptile Park Where located Bogoria/Baringo Kampi Samaki/Baringo Main attractions Flamingoes, geysers Over 40 species of snakes which include some of the most poisonous ones, tamed pythons, Crocodiles Elephants, Crocodiles Elephants Monkeys Sitatunga antelopes Elephants Rare birds e.g. guinea fowls High Concentration of Large Nile Crocodiles Elephants Antelopes

L. Kamnarok National Reserve Nasolot Game Reserve Saiwa Swamp National Park Rimoi Game Reserve L.Turkana National Reserve South Turkana National Reserve

Barwessa/Baringo W/Pokot Trans Nzoia Rimoi/Keiyo L.Turkana/ Turkana Turkana

3.6.3 Other Attractions (i) Lakes The region has three large natural lakes namely; Turkana, Baringo and Bogoria. Water sports such as boat and canoe tours have been introduced in Lakes Turkana and Baringo and attract resident and non-resident tourists. (ii) Geysers and Hot springs Lake Bogoria in Baringo district is a popular tourist attraction site due to its active geysers. The geysers produce steam rich in sulphur compounds which are believed to be medicinal. In the same area are hot spas which have been harnessed by the local hotel industry. (iii) Museums Artefacts depicting the cultural history of the regions communities have been collected and displayed in museums. Visitors to museums are over 2000 annually. These museums are strategically located along the north-western tourist circuit (Table 22).


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Table 22. Museums

Name Kabarnet cultural museum Kipsaraman Community Museum Kapenguria museum Lodwar museum Maralal museum Where located Kabarnet/Baringo Kipsaraman/Baringo Kapenguria/West Pokot Lodwar/Turkana Maralal/Samburu

3.6.4 Tourist Accommodation Facilities Most of the hotels in the region providing tourist-class facilities are situated in Baringo district. They have a combined bed capacity of more than 300 as shown in (Table 23). Table 23. Major Hotel and Bed Capacities
Facility Lake Baringo Club Lake Bogoria Hotel Kabarnet Hotel Island Camp Soi Safari Lodge Roberts Camp Total Bed Capacity 96 90 60 58 37 Camp site 341

Sub-Sector Constraints Despite vast tourism potentials, there are constraints that impede successful implementation of tourism programmes in the region. These include:i) Poor road networks, inadequate communication and tourist facilities. ii) Increased human-wildlife conflict. iii) Land tenure system hinders development of private tourism enterprise. iv) Inadequate marketing of tourist potential. The Authority in liaison with other stakeholders will promote activities towards enhancing eco- tourism enterprise in the region e.g. ostrich farming.



The status of natural resources in the region is summarized in (Table 24).


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Table 24. Status of natural resources

Resources Available 1. Water Resources Objective To promote development and sustainable utilisation of water resources in the region. Constraints Poor distribution of water sources in time and space Destruction of water catchments Non optimal utilization Low water quality Inadequate hydrological data Limited access to markets Prolonged droughts Low quality livestock products Frequent disease outbreaks Low quality breeds Insecurity Output Reliable river/stream flows Availability of potable water Reduced water point distances Improved distribution systems Improved public hygiene. Water resources inventory Activities Construction of water supplies conservation structures eg, dams, wells, boreholes and water pans. Develop rain-water harvesting and spring protection programmes. Hydrological monitoring Catchment conservation measures to protect river sources and regulate flows Construct wells, dams, and water pans Reseeding of rangelands Capacity building in treatment of animals Develop marketing infrastructure, sale yards, abattoirs and access roads Introduce diversified livestock, fish, ostriches etc. Provide improved bee-hives and processing equipment Facilitate branding of cattle. Develop market infrastructure: processing facilities, Restocking water bodies and increasing varieties Empower co-operatives Promote consumption of fish amongst the local populace Land adjudication Soil and water conservation Development of irrigation projects Stake- Holders Communities GOK KVDA NGOs CBOs CSOs

2. Livestock & Fisheries

To improve livestock production and marketing.

Improved access to markets Improved access to water and pasture Improved quality of stock and products e.g. honey Reduced animal mortality Higher incomes realised Enhanced security

Communities GOK KVDA NGOs CBOs CSOs

To promote the development and sustainable utilisation of fisheries resources in the region 3.Agricultural Land To promote agricultural production,

Few fish varieties in some habitats Poor access to markets Negative sociocultural beliefs Land tenure systems Soil degradation Low crop yields

Increase in fish production Market access improved Increased fish consumption Improved income levels


Effective land tenure systems Increased land productivity Food sufficiency

Communities GOK KVDA

___________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 40

Resources Available

Objective processing and marketing

Constraints Lack of agroprocessing industries

Output Increased land under irrigation Value addition to agricultural produce Wise use of mineral resources Improved local income Employment opportunities created

Activities Promote dry land farming Promote extension services Promote development of agroprocessing enterprises Carry out surveys Identify strategic investors Procurement and installation of equipment and machinery

Stake- Holders NGOs CBOs CSOs Investors ME&NR KVDA CBOs CSOs Investors

4. Minerals

To promote exploration and wise use of the minerals in the region

Inadequate technical expertise Inadequate equipment Inadequate data on mineral resources Destruction of forests Land degradation Encroachment of forest Lack of effective social forestry programme Inadequate utilisation of appropriate technologies Lack of relevant skills Poor infrastructure Human/Wildlife conflict Land tenure systems (ranches, trust lands etc)

5. Forestry

To promote forestry for catchment conservation and development

Increased area under forest cover Increase in availability of forest products Improved water sources and reliable river flows Effective forest land policy Increase in utilisation of available energy resources. Use of appropriate technology Electrical power generation

Community sensitisation/ awareness campaigns Establishment of tree nurseries Afforestration Creation of buffer zones Establish woodlots


6. Energy

To promote energy resources development

Promote development of: hydropower, geothermal and solar projects Establish wood lots, etc Promote use of energy saving devices (e. g improved jikos) Access roads improvement Develop tourism facilities Resolve human/wildlife conflicts through sharing of project benefits etc


7. Tourism & Wildlife

To promote the development and utilisation of tourism resources

Access to tourist sites Decreased human/wildlife conflicts Increased number of tourists attracted Improved income levels

KVDA GOK NGOs CBOs Investors

____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 41


The strategic objectives were identified through a participatory process that involved wide consultation with all stakeholders. The following objectives were identified as key priorities to guide programmes/projects implementation in the region during the plan period.


Objective 1: To promote development and sustainable utilization of Water resources

To achieve the above objective, the Authority will undertake the following activities:construction of water conservation structures, e.g. dams, water pans, wells and boreholes, develop rain water harvesting and spring protection programmes, construct water supply schemes and undertake catchment conservation measures.


Objective 2: To promote development of livestock production and marketing

KVDA will undertake to improve the quality of the existing breeds of cattle, goats, sheep and camels, and develop livestock infrastructure such as cattle dips, crushes and sale-yards. In collaboration with other stakeholders, the Authority will initiate and strengthen the existing livestock multiplication and improvement centres. It will also facilitate control of animal diseases by supporting the existing veterinary services in the region and build the capacity of the local people to manage common diseases. In addition the Authority will continue to promote honey production, processing and marketing through provision of beekeeping equipment and extension services. Jointly with Fisheries Department and other stakeholders, the Authority will promote fishing in Turkwel dam reservoir and Lake Turkana.


Objective 3: To promote development of agricultural production, processing and marketing

The overall objective in the development of agricultural potential of the region includes promotion and development of irrigation schemes, dry land farming, horticultural crop production, soil and water conservation, and agricultural extension services. The Authority will liaise with other relevant institutions to promote marketing of agricultural produce mainly through market information and value addition.


Objective 4: To promote the exploration and wise use of mineral resources

The Authority will continue to carry out mineral surveys and produce proposals and reports on mineral resources in the region. In addition, it will document all the findings and store the information in a data centre for use by stakeholders. It will identify strategic investors and facilitate mineral exploration. These activities will create employment, improve income and spur economic development in the region.


___________________________________ page 42


Objective 5: To promote Catchment conservation and Rehabilitation

KVDA will promote the conservation of natural resources particularly land, soils, water and forests for sustainable utilization of their productive potential. This will be achieved through strengthening of social forestry and extension services, soil and water conservation, establishment of more tree nurseries, community sensitization and strengthening of linkages and collaboration with stakeholders.


Objective 6: To promote development of energy resources

KVDA with other stakeholders will promote development of hydro-power, wind and geothermal power projects in the region. In addition adoption of energy saving devices will be promoted. Possibilities of developing hydro-power at Arror, Kimwarer, Embobut and Wei Wei rivers sites will be pursued.


Objective 7: To build capacity to plan, implement and monitor programmes and Projects

In order to realise its mandated objectives and to effectively implement the plan, the Authority will undertake to revamp its human and technical capacity. An elaborate training programme will be formulated and implemented both for KVDA staff and the communities collaborating with the Authority. Suitable courses tailored to improve staff knowledge, skills and attitudes to work will be encouraged to enhance work performance. Training opportunities will be provided to those staff who shall pursue courses which are not only fully relevant to the programme to which a particular officer is attached, but are also filling an objectively identified gap in knowledge, skills and/or attitude. The Authority will link/collaborate with Public Universities in enhancing training/capacity building for its staff. The Authority will also establish revolving funds for micro-enterprises for easy access to credit by the rural communities. The Authority in collaboration with other stakeholders will also carry out monitoring, evaluation and learning programmes. Other capacity building needs e.g. micro-financing, training e.t.c of stakeholders jointly involved in the implementation of programmes and projects under this strategic plan will be undertaken.


Implementation matrix

The implementation of the strategic objectives 4.1 to 4.7 above are as summarised in (Table 25):-


____________________________________ page 43

Table 25. Implementation matrix of the strategic objectives








ESTIMATED COST (Ksh) 000,000



1.Water Resources

To promote
development and

sustainable utilisation of water resources in the region

- Poor distribution of water sources in time and space

-Lack of an effective monitoring systems

- Improved distribution of water -Reduced distances to water points -Reliable river/stream flows -Improved water quality - Availability of reliable hydrological data


of water
conservation structures (e.g,

-One dam completed.

dams, wells, boreholes and water pans) and water supply schemes -Provision of water for sanitation to schools for development of girl child education
-Undertake catchment

- 28 No. water pans constructed.

-Destruction of water catchments -Low water quality -Inadequate hydrological data

measures -Develop rainwater harvesting and spring protection

programmes -Enhance Hydrological

-4 No. boreholes completed -4 No. springs developed and protected -Conserved water catchment areas -Availability of safe drinking water -Updated hydrological data and reports

Baringo- Kimao dam water supply Samburu -one dam Water Pans Baringo (6) Koibatek- (6), Keiyo (4), Samburu (6), Turkana (2), West Pokot (4) Boreholes Turkana 4 Water Springs West Pokot - 4 All 7 districts All 7 districts


20 70 10 9 9 10 3 7


2005-06 2005-07 2005-10

2007-09 9 2008-09 3 2005-10 10 70 2005-10

All 7 districts



-Update feasibility studies on Kimwarer and Arror

Sector Total Ksh 300 million

___________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 44

Implementation Matrix contd.


-To promote the development of livestock production and marketing






(Ksh 000,000)



2. Livestock Development

- Low quality breeds

-Low quality livestock products -Limited access to terminal markets -Prolonged droughts

-Improved quality of stock and products e.g. honey -Improved access to markets -Higher incomes realised -Improved access to water and pasture -Reduced animal mortality

-Establish and strengthen livestock multiplication centres -Provide improved bee-hives and harvesting equipment -Develop marketing
infrastructure, e.g. sale yards and

-Frequent outbreaks of diseases

honey collection centres -Construction/ rehabilitation of 4 No. honey processing plants -Introduce diversified livestock: fish, ostriches -Construct ion of livestock watering points -Reseeding/ pasture establishment. -Training of Paravets

-Availability of improved breeding stock -Increased number of modern beehives -Tonnage of crude honey purchased - Increased access to organised markets -4 No. honey processing plants constructed/ rehabilitated -Ostrich demonstration farm in place and fish fingerlings introduced in water reservoirs -No. of livestock watering points established -Acreage of

All 7 districts All 7 districts






All 7 districts

225 2005-09

Samburu W/Pokot Koibatek Baringo Samburu W/Pokot


2006-09 16 2005-09

Baringo Turkana
(L. Turkana )


All 7 districts

28 2006-09


____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 45

reseeded range lands -No. of Paravets trained

All 7 districts 7 All 7 districts 2005-2010

Sector total Kshs. 442 million

____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 46




OUTPUT -Increased land



INDICATORS -Acreage under irrigation

LOCATION -Marakwet -Arror Phase I [380Ha], -Tot pilot farm [40Ha] -W/Pokot Wei-Wei Phase III [265 Ha] -Turkana -Nakwamoru phase 1 [60 Ha] All 7 districts



TIME FRAME 2006-10 2005-09 2005-08

3. Agricultural Resources

To promote agricultural production, processing and marketing

-Low crop yields -Frequent droughts -Inadequate marketing infrastructure -Soil degradation

irrigation projects

575 40 800





-Increased land under irrigation -Increased access to markets

-Develop minor irrigation schemes -Promote Soil & Water


-Number of operational irrigation




-Reduced soil erosion -Improved food production and food security -Improved farming techniques

-Promote dry land farming

Koibatek W/Pokot Keiyo Samburu All 7 districts



-Promote agricultural extension services



Sector total - Kshs 1,575.5 million

____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 47











4.Mineral resources Survey and development

Promote exploration and wise use of mineral resources in the region

-Inadequate technical expertise -Lack of specialised equipment -Inadequate data on mineral deposits

-Accurate information on mineral deposits

-Increased mineral prospecting and mining

-Carry out surveys

-Dissemination of information to potential investors

-Availability of documented data -Number of investors willing to prospect and carry out mining

All 7 districts




All 7 districts



Sector Total Kshs.95.2 million

____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 48

Implementation matrix contd ..







5. Catchment Conservation and Rehabilitation

To promote catchment conservation

and rehabilitation

-Destruction of forests and water catchment areas -Land degradation

-Increased area under forest cover -Increased availability of forest products -Improved water sources and reliable river flows


-No. of

All 7 districts

ESTIMATED COST (Kshs000,000) 31



capacity building
-Establishment of tree nurseries

trained and supported -No. of tree seedlings raised

All 7 districts
Koibatek- 2 Baringo- 2
Marakwet- 4



-Establish woodlots

-Area under forests and woodlots

W/Pokot-6 Turkana -2 Samburu-2 Keiyo -2 All 7 districts 100

GOK KVDA ME &NR NGOs CBOs CSOs Local Authorities Private Companies and Local Investors




-Carry out soil and water

conservation and rehabilitation measures

-Reduced soil erosion.

All 7 districts



-Conservation of the Turkwel dam catchment

-Reduced sediment flow into Turkwel dam reservoir




Sector Total Kshs.1, 240.99 million

Implementation matrix contd..

____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 49











6. Energy Resources Development

To promote
development of

energy resources

-Underdeveloped sources of energy potential

-Increase utilisation of
available energy

development of:hydropower -Carry out feasibility studies for other sources of energy e.g. wind and geothermal

-Arror 70 MW hydropower implemented -Feasibility study reports available

MarakwetArror 70mw All 7 districts




-Electrical power generation -Sustainable use of wood fuel -Use of appropriate technology


-Establish wood lots -Promote use of energy saving devices (e. g improved jikos)

-School drop-out rates for girls reduced

-Promote use of solar energy in educational institution especially girls boarding schools

-Increased availability of wood fuel -Reduce destruction of vegetation -Increased number of people using energy saving devices -One school per district installed with solar energy technology

All 7 districts


All 7 districts


All 7 districts

Ministry of Education


Sector Total Kshs. 42.1 million

____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 50

Implementation matrix contd


7.Capacity Building Programme

To build capacity to plan, implement and monitor

programmes and


-Inadequate skilled manpower -Inadequate financial resources -Weak Data base -Low adoption of ICT -Low literacy level among communities in the region

-Trained skilled manpower -More informed communities -Data resource centre established -Effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning System in place -Projects in planned funded & implemented -KVDA ICT policy in place -Easy access to and availability of credit for microenterprises

-Training/capacity building -Financial resources


-Establish a resource centre -Establish a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning System -Collect planning data and information -Formulate KVDA ICT policy
-Established ICT centre -Setup KVDA Web-site

-Number of staff/community CBOS trained -Increased funding for development secured Data resource centre in place -MEL unit and system established -Operational ICT centre -Operational Web-site

KVDA Headquarters



KVDA, Communities, NGOS, MRDA, Line Ministries,







- Establish revolving funds for microenterprises


- Lack of access to credit facilities by rural communities

-Number of loanees and FSAs



Sector total Kshs.120 million

____________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 51


The implementation of the Strategic Plan will require substantial human, physical and financial resources and will involve the participation of the stakeholders at all levels of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The strategic plan will provide the Board of Directors, the management and stakeholders in the region with guidelines that clearly define the Authoritys way forward. The development of programmes with specific objectives will increase efficiency and effectiveness, accountability and transparency. A programme for monitoring and evaluation will be put in place during the execution of the plan. Annual work plans with clear time frames for implementation of specific activities will be drawn. The programmes will be monitored both internally and externally. Programme managers will organise regular meetings to review implementation, identify constraints and make appropriate recommendations. Facilities for electronic linkages with stakeholders and other collaborating institutions will be enhanced for information dissemination. The execution of this plan including awarding of contracts, procurement procedures e.t.c will be in accordance with government regulations. The implementation matrix for all the programmes under the various strategic objectives is indicated in Table 25. KVDA will, within the plan period (2005-2010), endeavour to implement programmes to achieve the following seven strategic objectives. 5.1 SUMMARY OF STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND OUTPUTS Objective 1: To promote development and sustainable utilization of water resources in the region. Expected Output:- Improved utilisation of water. Objective 2:- To promote the development of livestock production and marketing. Expected Output:- Improved quality of livestock and easier access to markets. Objective 3:- To promote agricultural production, processing and marketing. Expected Output:- Improved food sufficiency and increased incomes. Objective 4:- To promote the exploration and wise use of mineral resources. Expected Output:- Wise use of mineral resources and improved incomes. Objective 5: To promote catchment conservation and rehabilitation. Expected Output:- Improved status of water, soils, forests and rangeland resources. Objective 6: To promote development of energy resources. Expected Output:- Increased utilisation of available energy resources.


___________________________________ page 52

Objective 7: To build capacity to plan, implement and monitor programmes and projects. Expected Output:- Effective service delivery. 5.2 SECTORAL COST ESTIMATES OF THE PLAN The implementation of the plan will be undertaken in all the districts to achieve equitable and sustainable development as shown in Table 26. i) Agricultural Resource Development Programmes and projects planned for implementation in the agricultural sector is estimated to cost Ksh.1575.5 million. The major projects are Wei Wei phase III in West Pokot district, Arror and Tot irrigation projects in Marakwet district and Turkwel downstream irrigation project in Turkana district with a total estimated cost of Ksh.1514.5 million. During the plan period (2005-2010), agricultural programmes will be implemented for the production of both food and cash crops in all the districts. Special emphasis will be placed on promotion of dry land farming technologies, horticultural crops development, soil and water conservation and agricultural extension services. ii) Livestock and Fisheries Development Activities geared towards improvement of livestock production and fisheries will be implemented in the seven districts. The total budget for implementation of projects within the sector is estimated to cost Ksh.441.9 million. Fish potential in West Pokot, Turkana and Baringo districts will be exploited. Ostrich farming will be encouraged. iii) Water Resource Development In the water sub-sector, KVDA and other stakeholders will implement water supply projects and construct dams and water pans. The implementation of this programme is estimated to cost Ksh.300.15 million within the plan period. iv) Mineral Resource Development The mineral resources development programme is estimated to cost Ksh.95.2 million. The activities to be undertaken include regional exploration and project feasibility studies on the commercial exploitation of marble, talc, diatomite, gypsum and other mineral deposits in the region. This will be done in collaboration with other stakeholders. v) Energy Resource Development Development of programmes/projects in this sub-sector is estimated to cost Kshs.42.07 million in the promotion of the development of energy resources in the region. In addition, an appraisal of the feasibility studies for the proposed Arror hydro-power project will be undertaken and sourcing of funds from development partners for implementation will be pursued. This project (Arror) is estimated to cost Ksh.16 billion.


____________________________________ page 53

vi) Catchment Conservation and Rehabilitation Programme The catchment conservation and rehabilitation activities costing estimated Ksh.1240.99 million will be undertaken in all the districts. The Turkwel dam catchment conservation and rehabilitation programme in West Pokot district is estimated to cost Ksh.1billion in the plan period and aims at prolonging the life-span of the Turkwel dam reservoir. Conservation of other catchment areas in the region is estimated to cost Ksh.240.99 million. vii) Capacity Building Capacity building programme will involve mobilisation of human, financial and technical resources to support effective implementation of the plan. During the plan period the programme is estimated to cost Ksh.120 million. The financial budgetary provision will cater for capacity building for all programmes and projects including staff training and community empowerment.


____________________________________ page 54

Table 26.Summary of sectoral programmes and estimated costs (kshs. million) within plan period.
(Wei Wei


Agricultural Development (Crops)

11.5 Salawa,Chemeron projects 65.7 51.45




Livestock and Fisheries Development Water resources Development Programmes Mineral Resource Development Programmes Energy Development Programmes Catchment Conservation and Rehabilitation Programmes Capacity building Programmes (Headquarters) Total Costs per District

65.7 101.45

61.7 30.45

59.7 30.45

626.5 Tot, Arror Irrigation projects 59.7 21.45

project phase III 65.7 31.45

71.5 Turkwel Down stream irrigation project 63.7 33.45


441.9 300.15









6.01 33.57

6.01 33.57

6.01 33.57

6.01 33.57

6.01 35.57

6.01 1037.57

6.01 33.57

42.07 1240.99










___________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 55

5.3 FINANCING OF THE PLAN The implementation of this strategic plan will require substantial financial resources. Total cost for implementation of the programmes for five years (2005-2010) is estimated at Ksh.3815.81 million. The funds will be sourced from donors, GOK as well as internal revenue generation. The Board of Directors and management will spearhead mobilisation of resources internally and externally. The expected sources of funds will be:(i). Government of Kenya The main source of funding for KVDA activities is the Government of Kenya (both for recurrent and development expenditure). The annual budget for the various programmes will be submitted to the Government for funding. Donor funding Donor funding, especially for infrastructural development is an important aspect for development in the region. KVDA will source for funds through development of project proposals in strategic sectors. Strategic investors/development partners Collaborative linkages with various development agencies will be initiated and existing ones strengthened. Joint sourcing of funds will also be encouraged. The linkages will not only provide required funds but will enhance exchange of skills, information and technology. Local communities will also be encouraged to participate in design and implementation of programmes through cost sharing. Internal revenue generation KVDA will increase and strengthen its income generation base to support some of its programmes. The following have been identified as internal sources of revenue:(a). (b). (c). (d). Commercialization of some farming activities and services. Provision of consultancy services. Leasing of plant equipment and machinery. Rent collection from residential and non-residential buildings.




5.4 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Due to the Governments rationalisation programme aimed at improved performance and efficient and effective service delivery, the Authority will restructure its staff establishment and improve working conditions to attract and retain qualified personnel in various cadres (Annex 2). The organisational structure (Annex 3) will be streamlined in order to strengthen the implementation of the strategic plan.


___________________________________ page 56


Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) is a tool established for the purpose of measuring accomplishments and detecting the need for adjustments in the course of implementation of programmes. It ensures minimum deviation in realising desired outputs. The Authority's programmes will be monitored both internally and externally on a continuous basis. To effectively monitor implementation of programmes, projects and activities within the plan period, participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches will be applied. The process has a feedback system detailing achievements in all stages of project cycle. The feedback system will also allow for a participatory learning process for documentation of lessons learnt and replication of best practices. Participatory monitoring and evaluation for decision-making will be adopted at all levels of planning including the community level as a means of promoting team work and stakeholders involvement in programme/project planning and implementation. The process will take recognition of the roles and responsibilities of the communities change agents and the provincial administration. It will also ensure capacity building spin-off benefit of learning by stakeholders. The plan implementation will be monitored and performance evaluated periodically. Consideration of cross-sectoral issues of relevance including purpose, what to be monitored, how variables will be monitored, who will monitor and evaluate and when will it be done will be considered. At all levels of programme and project implementation this will involve: Definition of the main objectives and targets so that all participants have a common understanding of them. Selection of indicators for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of activities, the quality and effectiveness of outputs, results and impacts. Emphasis on self-monitoring at all levels and stages. Identification of ways and means for feedback lessons learnt and replication of best practices; and Identification of stakeholders involved in monitoring, learning and evaluation at all levels of programme/project implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation committees will be formed and stakeholders involved at all levels of project implementation. KVDA will co-ordinate monitoring and Evaluation activities while district committees will offer technical support the implementation of the programmes. The MEL process will involve managers, project personnel and participating communities in collection, processing and communication of information that will assist in decision making throughout the plan period. It will be used as a continuous feedback system, on-going throughout the Plan period and involves the overseeing of periodic review of each activity, at every level of implementation. ____________________________________ page 57


Some of the projects monitoring tools include the following:i) Annual reports ii) Departmental reports iii) Field survey reports iv) Progress reports v) Financial reports vi) Farm and technical designs vii) Regular feed back from community based programmes viii) Project impact study reports ix) Reports from meetings.


____________________________________ page 58

ANNEX ONE: INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) The Authority is operating under a situation of decreasing funding from Central Government for its programmes and projects against a growing expectation from the community. The task of looking for alternative funding sources to fill this gap and effectively deliver and sustain the required services has been left upon KVDA to shoulder. There exist many opportunities and strengths which offer good prospects for the Authority to succeed in its endeavours. However, there are also threats and weaknesses which impede realization of its objectives. KVDA will, therefore, take into account the threats, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths as part of challenges/prospects to address in order to meet its goals. a) Strengths Kerio Valley Development Authority has the following strengths:i) Existence of an enabling Act of Parliament. ii) Existence of an approved establishment which provides for skilled personnel. iii)Availability of feasibility study report and project proposals for funding/implementation. iv) Possession of capital Assets for example Turkwel dam, KVDA Plaza, houses and plots. v) Existence of developed projects/programmes in the region. b) Weaknesses Execution of the Authoritys mandate has been constrained by the following shortcomings and weaknesses;i). Inadequate financial resources to implement the various projects in the expansive area of jurisdiction. ii). Inadequate skilled human resources. iii). Slow adoption of technological changes e.g. ICT. iv). Lack of monitoring and evaluation systems. v). Poor terms and conditions of service. vi). Lack of adequate data for effective planning. vii). Weak external linkages. viii). Old and inadequate plant and equipments. ix). Lack of proper marketing strategies. x). Minimal attention to livestock development programmes yet it is a core-function.


___________________________________ page 59


Opportunities There exists many opportunities which offer good prospects for KVDA to progress and excel in its endeavours. Some of these opportunities include:-

i). Expansive land for development. ii). Availability of Indigenous Knowledge in various disciplines; livestock production, beekeeping, irrigation and herbal medicines etc. iii). Availability of abundant natural resources. iv). Potential for establishment of rural industries utilising locally available resources. v). Existence of Ministry of Regional Development Authorities whose core mandate relates to Authoritys own. vi). Availability of labour. vii). Untapped tourism potentials. viii). Proximity to Eldoret International Airport enabling access to external markets. ix). Ready local market for food products. x). Improved Government policy on ASAL areas. xi). Potential linkages with research institutions, Universities, NGOs, etc. xii). Improved prospects of peace in the neighbouring countries which should boost interregional trade. d) Threats Certain external factors pose a threat to the Authoritys operations. These include:i). Insecurity in the region resulting from banditry, cattle rustling and increased proliferation of small arms. ii). Rampant environmental degradation. iii). Adverse weather conditions leading to prolonged drought, famine and destructive floods. iv). High poverty levels. v). Inconsistent Government policies e.g. the reorganisation of the power sub- sector (which lead to the transfer of Assets from KVDA to KenGen). vi). Political interference in siting of projects and utilisation of resources. vii). HIV/AIDS pandemic resulting in loss of productive manpower and financial resources. viii). Low literacy levels slowing down adoption of new technologies. ix). Land tenure systems which militate against effective development and management interventions.


____________________________________ page 60


APPT. NO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 8 3 18 NO IN POS. 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 23 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 5 3 0 4 2 4 9 VARIANCE NO. -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 -1 0 -2 -2 +15 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 +1 -1 +1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 +2 0 -2 +4 +2 -1 -3 -6 +1 -9

TITLE Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Chief Engineer Civil Engineer (CECC) Hydropower Engineer Hydrology Specialist Tech. Assistant (Mining) Mining Tech. Mining Engineer/Geologist Civil Engineer II Irrigation Engineer II Engineering Asst. Hydrology Tech. Hydrology Assistants Snr Hydrology Tech. Geologist Asst. Geologist (Geologist III) Surveyor Assistant Surveyor Jnr Survey Assistant Planning Manager Snr Planning Officer Economist II Economist/Statistian I Asst. Planning Officer Planning Assistant Librarian Library Assistant Agricultural Manager Snr Beekeeping Officer Senior Livestock officer Snr Range Officer Agricultural Officer I Horticulturalist Marketing Supt Agricultural Engineer Livestock Dev. Officer Fisheries Officer Marketing Officer Marketing Assistant Marketing Clerks Livestock Officer (B/K) Tech Assistant (B/K) Farm Managers Agricultural Assistant Beekeeping Attendants


____________________________________ page 61

Tech. Assistant (Agri.) Snr. Forester Forester Forestry Assistant Forestry Attendant Financial Controller Chief Accountant Senior Accountant Purchasing Manager Purchasing Officer Supplies Officer Purchasing Assistant Supplies Clerks Chief Internal Auditor Cost Accountant Internal Auditor Accountant I Accountant II Audit Assistant Accounts Assistants Snr Clerks Clerk I Store Assistant Clerks II Store Clerks Chief Legal Officer Legal Assistant Personnel Manager Snr personnel Officer Snr Administrative Officer Personnel Officer Assistant Personnel Officer Snr personnel Secretary Personal Secretary Asst. Personal Secretary Snr Copy Typist Copy Typist Copy Typist II Copy Typist III Computer Operator Switchboard Supervisor Telephone Operator Receptionist Snr Subordinate Staff Sub-Staff II Subordinate Staff Public Relations officer Assistant Public Relations Officer Liaison Officer Snr Transport Officer

14 1 2 8 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 10 6 13 1 66 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 3 7 10 3 1 8 4 50 13 67 1 1 2 1

14 1 2 6 23 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 3 2 1 13 16 23 1 88 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 10 6 9 9 1 4 5 62 17 48 0 1 5 0

0 0 0 -2 +8 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 -3 +3 +10 +10 0 +22 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 +1 0 +1 -1 -3 +1 +7 -1 -1 -6 -1 -4 +1 +12 +4 -19 -1 0 +3 -1


____________________________________ page 62

Transport Officer Driver I Driver II Driver III Senior Mechanic Mechanic I Mechanic II Mechanic III Snr Security Officer Security Officer Senior Security Assistant Security Guard II Security Guard III

1 4 12 19 2 2 4 10 1 1 9 5 53

1 3 1 20 2 5 2 10 0 0 9 10 62

0 -1 -1 +-1 0 +3 -2 0 -1 -1 0 +5 +9


____________________________________ page 63








Development Planning Division Monitoring and Evaluation Division ICT Division

Engineering Division

Crop Production Division

Internal Audit Division

Accounts Division

Administration Division

Water Resources Division

Catchment Conservtn. & Rehabilitation Division

Business Development & Marketing Division

Procurement & Supplies Division

Personnel Division

Mining Development & Geology Division Survey & Mapping Division

Livestock & Fisheries Division Tourism & Wildlife Division

Legal Division

Training & Welfare Division

Public Relations Division Premises Division

Security Division

Transport Division

___________________________________ KVDA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005-2010 page 64

ANNEX FOUR: TURKWEL HYDROPOWER GENERATION PLANT As part of internal revenue generation, KVDA would be able to finance its strategic plan if it received the expected revenue from sale of power from Turkwel project. The Authority developed Turkwel power generation plant as a source/base for revenue generation to fund other development activities in the region. The power generation assets were assigned to KenGen during the liberalisation of the power sub-sector without due consideration to the financial requirements to successfully implement KVDAs extensive and varied programmes and projects. Power generation from the project over the last ten years has been 360 to 400GWH per year. If KVDA was to sell power directly to KPLC at Ksh.1.86 per KWhr while retaining KenGen as a management agent at a fee of 18% of total revenue, net annual earnings due to KVDA would be Ksh.549 million based on 360 GWH per year. Negotiations have been going on among the stakeholders in the sub-sector; KenGen, KVDA, MOE and MORDA to resolve the issue of asset transfers and project benefits. KVDA hopes that conclusion of the negotiations will be successfully finalized soon.


___________________________________ page 65

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