Advanced Planning and Scheduling Profile Options Setups

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Advanced Planning and Scheduling Profile Options....................................................................14 MRP: Calculate MATO Demand...........................................................................................14 MRP: Calculate Plan Performance.......................................................................................15 MRP: Calculate Supply Demand........................................................................................... 16 MRP: Category Set for Backlog Form...................................................................................17 MRP: Compute Standard Mandatory Components for ATO Models....................................17 MRP: Cutoff History Days.....................................................................................................18 MRP: Disable Project Validation...........................................................................................19 MRP: Explode Demand Through Phantom Component.......................................................20 MRP: Firm Internal Req Transferred to OE........................................................................... 21 MRP: Hash Area Size (Bytes)...............................................................................................22 MRP: Ignore Alternate BOM/Routing....................................................................................22 MRP: Ignore Zero Quantity Demands in Calculating First Bucket for Statistical Forecasting 23 MRP: Net All Purchase Orders Prior To Requisitions...........................................................23 MRP: Old Sales Orders Cutoff Days.....................................................................................24 MRP: Persist ATP Results....................................................................................................25 MRP: Plan Revenue Discount Percent.................................................................................25 MRP: Plan Revenue Price List..............................................................................................26 MRP: Planning Manager Run First Time..............................................................................26 MRP: RHX Check Profile......................................................................................................27 MRP: Round Source Entries.................................................................................................27 MRP: Sort Area Size (Bytes)................................................................................................. 28 MRP: Update Requested Completion Date when Releasing Reschedules..........................28 MRP: Use Alternate SQL for Daily Cleanup.......................................................................... 29 MRP: Use Progress Bar for Backlog Workbench.................................................................. 29 MRP: i2 Batch Client Timeout...............................................................................................30 MRP: i2 Calc Cumulative Yield.............................................................................................31 MRP: i2 Check if FP installed................................................................................................ 31 MRP: i2 Data Load Timeout..................................................................................................31 MRP: i2 Date Constant.........................................................................................................32 MRP: i2 Debug Mode............................................................................................................32 MRP: i2 Factory Planner Exec Dir Attr Number....................................................................33 MRP: i2 Factory Planner User Attribute Number..................................................................33 MRP: i2 Job Change Attribute Number.................................................................................34 MRP: i2 Log Directory...........................................................................................................34 MRP: i2 Net Change Dir........................................................................................................ 35 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Aggregate Resource Attribute Number...................................................35 MRP: i2 RHYTHM BC Delimiter............................................................................................36 MRP: i2 RHYTHM BOM Attribute Consumed attribute number............................................36 MRP: i2 RHYTHM BOM Attribute Produced attribute number..............................................37 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Batch Client Filter.................................................................................... 37 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Cooldown Time Attribute Number...........................................................38 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Delimiter..................................................................................................38 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Enable Attribute Base Planning..............................................................38 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Estimated Queue Time Attribute Number...............................................39

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Factory Planner Data Dir Attribute Number............................................39 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Factory Planner Host Attribute Number..................................................40 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Factory Planner Port Attribute Number...................................................40 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Inventory Attribute Alias Separator.........................................................41 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Minimum Queue Time Attribute Number................................................41 MRP: i2 RHYTHM OE Attribute Consumed attribute number...............................................42 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Offloadable To Attribute Number............................................................42 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Offloadable from Attribute Number.........................................................43 MRP: i2 RHYTHM PO Attribute Alias attribute number........................................................43 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Part Buffer Style Attribute Number.......................................................... 44 MRP: i2 RHYTHM Resource Type Attribute Number...........................................................44 MRP: i2 RHYTHM released as firm manufacturing order.....................................................45 MRP: i2 RhythmLink Data Directory.....................................................................................45 MRP: i2 RhythmLink Executable Directory...........................................................................46 MRP: i2 RhythmLink Host.....................................................................................................46 MRP: i2 RhythmLink Port Number........................................................................................47 MRP: i2 RhythmLink User.....................................................................................................47 MRP: i2 Start Factory Planner Client....................................................................................47 MRP: i2 Start RhythmLink Client........................................................................................... 48 MRP: i2 WIP Job Load Timeout............................................................................................48 MRP:ATP Assignment Set....................................................................................................49 MRP:ATP Database Link......................................................................................................49 MRP:Activate OLP................................................................................................................50 MRP:Allow Safety Stock Pegging.........................................................................................50 MRP:Backlog Progress Timeout...........................................................................................51 MRP:Calculate Excess Exceptions on Time Fence..............................................................51 MRP:Combine Sugg Rep Schedules....................................................................................52 MRP:Complete Supply Chain ATP.......................................................................................53 MRP:Compute Sales Order Changes...................................................................................53 MRP:Consume Fcst Set Summary.......................................................................................54 MRP:Consume Forecast.......................................................................................................54 MRP:Consume MDS.............................................................................................................55 MRP:Consume MPS.............................................................................................................55 MRP:Create Time fence........................................................................................................ 56 MRP:Cutoff Date Offset Months............................................................................................ 57 MRP:Debug Mode................................................................................................................. 57 MRP:Default Criteria Set.......................................................................................................58 MRP:Default DRP Plan Name..............................................................................................59 MRP:Default Forecast Date..................................................................................................59 MRP:Default Forecast Name................................................................................................59 MRP:Default Plan Name.......................................................................................................60 MRP:Default Schedule Name...............................................................................................60 MRP:Default Sourcing Assignment Set................................................................................61 MRP:Demand Time Fence Days..........................................................................................62 MRP:Derive PO supply date from need by date...................................................................62 MRP:Enhanced Exception....................................................................................................63 MRP:Environment variable to set path for MRP files............................................................63 MRP:Firm Planned Order Time Fence.................................................................................. 64 MRP:Include Schd Rcpts in Use-up......................................................................................65 MRP:Include Substitute Components...................................................................................65

MRP:Interface Table History Days........................................................................................66 MRP:MPS Relief Batch Size.................................................................................................66 MRP:MPS Relief Direction....................................................................................................67 MRP:Maintain Original Schedule Version.............................................................................67 MRP:Perform Planning Manager Functions in Loads...........................................................68 MRP:Planner Batch Size....................................................................................................... 68 MRP:Planner Workers..........................................................................................................69 MRP:Planning Manager Batch Size......................................................................................69 MRP:Planning Manager Max Workers..................................................................................70 MRP:Purchasing By Revision...............................................................................................70 MRP:Purge Batch Size.........................................................................................................71 MRP:Recommend action within PTF....................................................................................71 MRP:Repetitive Past Due Supply Days................................................................................72 MRP:Requisition Load Group Option....................................................................................73 MRP:Retain Dates Within Calendar Boundary.....................................................................73 MRP:Snapshot Pause for Lock (Minutes).............................................................................74 MRP:Snapshot Substitute Parts............................................................................................ 74 MRP:Snapshot Workers........................................................................................................ 75 MRP:Sourcing Rule Category Set......................................................................................... 75 MRP:Time Fence Warning....................................................................................................76 MRP:Trace Mode..................................................................................................................76 MRP:Use Direct Load Option................................................................................................77 MRP:Use Ship Arrived Flag..................................................................................................77 MRP_NEW_PLANNER_BACK_COMPATIBILITY................................................................ 78 MSC : Consider all supplies for VMI replenishment calculation............................................79 MSC : Consume Highest Revision Forecast.........................................................................80 MSC : Publish Supply Commit based on pegging information.............................................. 80 MSC : VMI Requisitions Need By Date at RTF end..............................................................81 MSC: 64-bit Planner Platform...............................................................................................81 MSC: APCC Calendar Code.................................................................................................82 MSC: APCC Category Set 1.................................................................................................83 MSC: APCC Category Set 2.................................................................................................83 MSC: APCC Category Set 3.................................................................................................84 MSC: APCC Currency Code.................................................................................................85 MSC: APCC Period Set name..............................................................................................85 MSC: ATP Allocation Method................................................................................................ 86 MSC: ATP Capacity Allocation.............................................................................................. 87 MSC: ATP Debug Mode........................................................................................................ 87 MSC: ATP Enforces Lead Time for ATO Model.................................................................... 88 MSC: ATP Infinite Time Fence Pad......................................................................................89 MSC: ATP Synchronization Downtime (minutes).................................................................. 90 MSC: ATP Web Service Responsibility................................................................................. 91 MSC: ATP Web Service User...............................................................................................91 MSC: AVOID RE-SOURCING SALES ORDERS.................................................................92 MSC: Action Allowed on ATP 24x7 Plan While Running......................................................92 MSC: Aggregate Resource Name Flexfield Attribute............................................................93 MSC: Align Component Demand Date with Pegging Date...................................................94 MSC: Allocated ATP Forward Consumption Method............................................................95 MSC: Allocation Assignment Category Set...........................................................................96 MSC: Allow Release of Planned Orders from Demand Schedule Plan................................96

MSC: Allow release of replenishments above suggested quantity.......................................97 MSC: Analytics Currency Code............................................................................................. 97 MSC: Anchor date for calculating operation yields...............................................................98 MSC: Anchor date for calculating remaining shelf life........................................................... 99 MSC: Apply Lot Modifiers in Weekly/Period Buckets............................................................99 MSC: Apply Order Modifier To Start Quantity.....................................................................100 MSC: Apply Safety Stock Change interval to non MRP Planned Safety Stock..................101 MSC: Apply shortage and excess tolerance to planned orders..........................................101 MSC: Auto-Release Compression Days Tolerance............................................................102 MSC: Automatically Recalculate Operation Time...............................................................103 MSC: Avoid Re-Sourcing Sales Orders..............................................................................104 MSC: BPEL Demantra Password.......................................................................................104 MSC: BPEL Demantra Username....................................................................................... 105 MSC: BPEL Domain Name.................................................................................................105 MSC: BPEL End Point URI.................................................................................................106 MSC: BPEL Process Version..............................................................................................106 MSC: Batch Size for Self Service Loads.............................................................................107 MSC: Batchable Flag..........................................................................................................107 MSC: Batching Window......................................................................................................108 MSC: Buy Order Processing Lead Time Calendar.............................................................108 MSC: CP Debug Level........................................................................................................109 MSC: Calendar Reference for Bucketing............................................................................110 MSC: Cancel Oustanding Sales Order Quantities..............................................................110 MSC: Category Set for Jobs without an Item Reference....................................................111 MSC: Category Set for Liability Analysis............................................................................. 112 MSC: Category for Jobs without an Item Reference...........................................................112 MSC: Category set for CP Horizontal View......................................................................... 113 MSC: Category set for Strategic Planning..........................................................................113 MSC: Choice of item for which to create supplies in substitute relationship.......................114 MSC: Circular sourcing surplus days..................................................................................115 MSC: Class Hierarchy.........................................................................................................115 MSC: Closest Quantity Pegging.......................................................................................... 116 MSC: Collaborative Planning Default Calendar..................................................................116 MSC: Collect Item, Material and Resource Costs...............................................................117 MSC: Collect PS SNO Data................................................................................................117 MSC: Collection Window for Trading Partner Changes (Days)..........................................118 MSC: Collections Snapshot Threshold...............................................................................118 MSC: Compute Project Exception....................................................................................... 119 MSC: Configuration.............................................................................................................120 MSC: Consolidate Interplant Demands...............................................................................120 MSC: Consume Forecast Inside Demand Time Fence....................................................... 121 MSC: Consume forecast with no demand class.................................................................122 MSC: Consume forecasts using Internal Sales Orders....................................................... 123 MSC: Cost Type..................................................................................................................124 MSC: Cost of Using a BOM/ Routing Flexfield Attribute.....................................................124 MSC: Create Resource Requirements for all Operations...................................................125 MSC: Currency Conversion Type.......................................................................................125 MSC: Custom allocation...................................................................................................... 126 MSC: DPP Demand Priority Details viewing buckets.......................................................... 127 MSC: DPP Discrete Job Cutoff Window (Days)..................................................................127

MSC: DPP Related Exception Additional Offset Days........................................................128 MSC: DRP Multitasking Group ID's per Process................................................................128 MSC: DRP Multitasking Max Concurrent Processes..........................................................129 MSC: Daily Allocation to Maintain Safety Stock Level........................................................129 MSC: Day UOM..................................................................................................................130 MSC: Days of Resource Availability before sysdate...........................................................131 MSC: Debug Level..............................................................................................................131 MSC: Debug Module...........................................................................................................132 MSC: Default Project for Supplies Pegged to Excess......................................................... 132 MSC: Default Workbench Height........................................................................................133 MSC: Default Workbench Width.........................................................................................133 MSC: Degree of Parallelism for Index Creation..................................................................134 MSC: Demand Priority Flexfield Attribute............................................................................ 134 MSC: Demand Satisfied Percent Threshold for Pegging....................................................135 MSC: Display Order Rescheduling Supplies....................................................................... 136 MSC: Display Supplier Item in Collaborative Planning.......................................................136 MSC: Display Warning Message When Rescheduling Recommendation Not Suggested by the Plan...............................................................................................................................137 MSC: Distribution Planning Ship Date................................................................................138 MSC: EBS source instance for OTM................................................................................... 138 MSC: ENFORCE CRITERIA REQUIREMENT BEFORE EXECUTING QUERY................ 139 MSC: Enable 64 bit snapshot.............................................................................................. 140 MSC: Enable ATP Summary Mode..................................................................................... 140 MSC: Enable ATP Workflow...............................................................................................141 MSC: Enable ATP for Phantom Components.....................................................................142 MSC: Enable Advanced Constraints...................................................................................142 MSC: Enable Allocated ATP...............................................................................................143 MSC: Enable DRP Multitasking..........................................................................................144 MSC: Enable Diagnostic ATP.............................................................................................144 MSC: Enable Enhanced Sourcing....................................................................................... 145 MSC: Enable Group Based Netting....................................................................................146 MSC: Enable Java Debug...................................................................................................146 MSC: Enable Priority Pegging............................................................................................. 147 MSC: Enforce Hard Links.................................................................................................... 147 MSC: Enhanced Project Netting.........................................................................................148 MSC: Excess and Safety Stock by Demand Class.............................................................149 MSC: File Flush Limit..........................................................................................................150 MSC: Firm Internal Requisition Time Fence.......................................................................150 MSC: Firm Intransit and PO in Receiving Supplies............................................................. 151 MSC: Flush All Items for Simulation.................................................................................... 152 MSC: Forecast Priority Flexfield Attribute...........................................................................152 MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar...................................................................................153 MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar...................................................................................153 MSC: Future Days for Currency Conversion....................................................................... 154 MSC: Gateway URL to External Application.......................................................................155 MSC: Generate Exceptions in CP.......................................................................................155 MSC: Generate Notifications for Transportation Updates...................................................156 MSC: HP Maximum Displayed Item Count.........................................................................156 MSC: High Volume Items....................................................................................................157 MSC: History Days for Currency Conversion......................................................................158

MSC: Horizontal Plan Demand Bucketing Preference........................................................158 MSC: Horizontal Plan Extension Program..........................................................................159 MSC: Hour UOM.................................................................................................................159 MSC: INTER PLANT DEM PRIORITY................................................................................160 MSC: IO UI Performance tuning.........................................................................................161 MSC: Ignore ATP Check for Configured Item from Sales Order in ODS-ATP....................161 MSC: Ignore PTF during CTP.............................................................................................162 MSC: Include Firm Planned Orders In Firm Allocation Window.......................................... 162 MSC: Include Manufacturing Calendar in ATP Sales Order Ship Date Calculations..........163 MSC: Include Safety Stocks in Priority Based Pegging......................................................164 MSC: Inflate WIP Resource Requirements.........................................................................164 MSC: Inventory Rebalancing Surplus Inventory Basis........................................................ 165 MSC: JInitiator Version.......................................................................................................166 MSC: Launch Analyze Plan Partition..................................................................................167 MSC: Launch System Sql Loader.......................................................................................167 MSC: Launch Workflow-Enabled Exception Message Notifications...................................168 MSC: Level for Calculating Liability..................................................................................... 169 MSC: Limit Gantt Chart Orders View Hierarchy..................................................................169 MSC: MPS Auto-Firm Planned Orders...............................................................................170 MSC: Map Server Host.......................................................................................................171 MSC: Map Server Port........................................................................................................171 MSC: Maximum Capacity.................................................................................................... 172 MSC: Maximum Percentage variation in safety stock values.............................................172 MSC: Maximum number of planned orders per demand....................................................173 MSC: Maximum number of planned orders per demand(1)................................................173 MSC: Minimize Project Cross Peg within Window..............................................................174 MSC: Minimize changes to chronological sequence of supplies while rescheduling..........175 MSC: Minimum Capacity..................................................................................................... 176 MSC: Minimum Percentage variation in safety stock values..............................................176 MSC: Minimum Supply/Demand Percent for Pegging........................................................177 MSC: Move Past Due To Sysdate......................................................................................177 MSC: Net Change Temp Dir...............................................................................................178 MSC: New Forecast Auto Plan...........................................................................................179 MSC: New Planner Backward Compatibility.......................................................................179 MSC: New Supply Commit Auto Plan.................................................................................181 MSC: Number of Workers for Self Service Loads...............................................................182 MSC: OTHER with zero allocation percent is valid demand class......................................182 MSC: OTM Punchout URI...................................................................................................183 MSC: OTM Responsibility...................................................................................................184 MSC: OTM User.................................................................................................................. 184 MSC: Operator Company Name.........................................................................................185 MSC: Order Number-CA Mandatory for CVMI....................................................................185 MSC: Order Type for Consigned VMI.................................................................................186 MSC: Organization containing generic BOM for forecast explosion...................................186 MSC: Overwrite all Order Forecast records........................................................................187 MSC: Overwrite all supplier capacity records.....................................................................187 MSC: PS - Snapshot Base Package...................................................................................188 MSC: PS - Snapshot Beginning Inventory Package...........................................................189 MSC: PS - Snapshot Calendar Package............................................................................189 MSC: PS - Snapshot Customer Package...........................................................................190

MSC: PS - Snapshot Distribution Package.........................................................................190 MSC: PS - Snapshot Enterprise Forecast Package............................................................ 191 MSC: PS - Snapshot Inventory Safety Targets Package....................................................191 MSC: PS - Snapshot Manufacturing Package....................................................................192 MSC: PS - Snapshot Purchase Orders Package................................................................192 MSC: PS - Snapshot Sales Orders Package......................................................................193 MSC: PS - Snapshot Supplier Package..............................................................................193 MSC: PS - Snapshot Transfer Orders Package.................................................................. 194 MSC: PS - Snapshot Work Orders Package....................................................................... 194 MSC: PS Consistent Resource Assignment.......................................................................195 MSC: PS Currency Symbol.................................................................................................196 MSC: PS Enable CRO Scheduling.....................................................................................196 MSC: PS Enable RMO Scheduling.....................................................................................197 MSC: PS Firm Past Due WO..............................................................................................197 MSC: PS Run Application Script.........................................................................................198 MSC: PS Run Connector Script..........................................................................................198 MSC: PS/SNO API Version................................................................................................. 199 MSC: PS/SNO Alignment Date...........................................................................................199 MSC: PS/SNO App Server URL.........................................................................................200 MSC: PS/SNO Client Install Path........................................................................................ 200 MSC: PS/SNO Compress Xml Files...................................................................................201 MSC: PS/SNO Data Store Path..........................................................................................202 MSC: PS/SNO Debug Mode...............................................................................................202 MSC: PS/SNO Download XML Files................................................................................... 203 MSC: PS/SNO Use DB for Integration Data.......................................................................203 MSC: Pass List Price to OM in DRP Release.....................................................................204 MSC: Peg Firm Supply First................................................................................................ 204 MSC: Peg to maximize supply usage.................................................................................205 MSC: Perform ATP check for Internal Sales Orders...........................................................205 MSC: Plan co-products.......................................................................................................206 MSC: Plan for order at risk calculation................................................................................207 MSC: Planning Currency..................................................................................................... 208 MSC: Pre-Flush................................................................................................................... 208 MSC: Prefer Consumption within Forecast Bucket.............................................................209 MSC: Priority for Substitute Items Flexfield Attribute..........................................................210 MSC: Priority of Alternate Resources for an Operation Flexfield Attribute.......................... 210 MSC: Production Plan for Transportation updates.............................................................. 211 MSC: Project Task Collection Window Days......................................................................212 MSC: Provide Warning For Dates Entered on Non-work Days........................................... 212 MSC: Provide Warning when Sales Order Quantity is Changed........................................213 MSC: Purchase Order Dock Date Calculation Preference.................................................. 214 MSC: Purge Exception Days............................................................................................... 214 MSC: Purge Staging and Entity Key Translation Tables..................................................... 215 MSC: Read Profiles From DB.............................................................................................216 MSC: Refresh Site to Region Mappings Event...................................................................216 MSC: Refresh Snapshots Pending Timeout.......................................................................217 MSC: Region Instance........................................................................................................218 MSC: Release WIP Dtls if Order Date different then BOM Revision Date..........................218 MSC: Released Only By User.............................................................................................219 MSC: Resource Group for a Line Flexfield Attribute...........................................................220

MSC: Resource Type for an Operation Flexfield Attribute..................................................220 MSC: Respect Minimum Remaining Shelf Life Days..........................................................221 MSC: Retain Time for Non-ATPable Items.........................................................................222 MSC: Return Best Source in Global ATP............................................................................ 222 MSC: SCEM Engine Launch Events...................................................................................223 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Base Package................................................................................224 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Beginning Inventory Package........................................................224 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Calendar Package.........................................................................225 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Customer Package........................................................................225 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Demand Package..........................................................................226 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Distribution Package......................................................................226 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Enterprise Forecast Package......................................................... 227 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Fixed Production Package.............................................................228 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Inventory Safety Targets Package.................................................228 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package.................................................................229 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package(1).............................................................229 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Purchase Orders Package.............................................................230 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Sales Orders Package...................................................................231 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Supplier Package...........................................................................231 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Transfer Orders Package............................................................... 232 MSC: SNO - Snapshot Work Orders Package.................................................................... 233 MSC: SNO Connector Precision.........................................................................................233 MSC: SNO Currency Precision...........................................................................................234 MSC: SNO Decimal Precision............................................................................................. 234 MSC: SNO Optimization Type............................................................................................235 MSC: SNO Publish On Client.............................................................................................. 236 MSC: SNO Run Application Script......................................................................................236 MSC: SNO Run Connector Script.......................................................................................237 MSC: SNO Transportation Capacity By..............................................................................237 MSC: Safety Stock Project..................................................................................................238 MSC: Safety stock change interval (Days).......................................................................... 239 MSC: Sales Orders Offset Days.........................................................................................239 MSC: Scope of Analyze Plan Partition................................................................................240 MSC: Selection order for Firm Supplies in backward allocation window............................241 MSC: Self Service Loads Delimiter.....................................................................................242 MSC: Service Level Category Set....................................................................................... 242 MSC: Service Planning Enabled.........................................................................................243 MSC: Service Planning Item Safety Stock Level Value......................................................244 MSC: Share Plan Partitions................................................................................................244 MSC: Shelf Life Override of Order Modifiers for Transfer Orders.......................................245 MSC: Simultaneous Resource Sequence Flexfield Attribute..............................................246 MSC: Smoothing method to calculate Safety stock within Change interval........................246 MSC: Source Instance ID.................................................................................................... 247 MSC: Source Setup Required.............................................................................................247 MSC: Sourcing History Start Date Offset(in months)..........................................................248 MSC: Sourcing Rule Category Set...................................................................................... 249 MSC: Sourcing Variance Tolerance....................................................................................250 MSC: Split Planned Order to perform safety stock pegging................................................ 251 MSC: Split Planned Orders for Scheduling Flexibility.........................................................251 MSC: Supplier Capacity Accumulation(multiplier)............................................................... 252

MSC: Suppress Exception for Selection of Alternates........................................................253 MSC: Temp Index Extent Size(Bytes)................................................................................. 253 MSC: Temp Table Extent Size(Bytes)................................................................................254 MSC: Unit of Measure.........................................................................................................254 MSC: Update Requested Completion Date when Releasing Reschedules........................255 MSC: Update Use Up Date.................................................................................................256 MSC: Use Enhanced Forward ATP....................................................................................256 MSC: Use FIFO Pegging....................................................................................................257 MSC: Use Optimization Phase Supply Due Dates for Pegging..........................................257 MSC: Use Shipping/Receiving Calendar............................................................................258 MSC: Use attribute based netting.......................................................................................259 MSC: VMI Default Query..................................................................................................... 260 MSC: Value of N for all top/bottom-N reports in Dashboards.............................................260 MSC: Vertical view default query........................................................................................261 MSC: Wait Time to Obtain Lock on Table/Partition for Snapshot Delete Worker (in sec)..261 MSC: Write MBP Flat Files.................................................................................................262 MSC:ATP Assignment Set..................................................................................................262 MSC:Coll Error Debug Mode..............................................................................................263 MSC:Coll Performance Debug Mode..................................................................................264 MSC:Collect Completed Jobs.............................................................................................265 MSC:Collect Routing...........................................................................................................265 MSC:Criticality Category Set............................................................................................... 266 MSC:Prevent Loops when pegging Non-Standard Jobs..................................................... 267 MSC:Release only orders pegging fully to on han..............................................................267 MSC:Select Sourcing Rules In ATP Based On...................................................................268 MSC_ENFORCE_MODEL_LT............................................................................................ 268 MSC_USE_HASH_KEY...................................................................................................... 269 MSD: AW Tablespace.........................................................................................................270 MSD: Calculate Planning Percentages...............................................................................270 MSD: Category Set Name................................................................................................... 271 MSD: Client Debugging....................................................................................................... 271 MSD: Conversion Type.......................................................................................................272 MSD: Currency Code..........................................................................................................272 MSD: Customer Attribute....................................................................................................273 MSD: Default DP Scenario.................................................................................................. 273 MSD: Enabled Organization for Item Collections................................................................274 MSD: Excess and Obsolescence, Liability Category Set Name.........................................274 MSD: MAXVALUECOUNT for edges in XWDEVKIT..........................................................275 MSD: Master Org................................................................................................................275 MSD: OLAP Directory Alias................................................................................................276 MSD: OLAP Initial Page Pool.............................................................................................. 276 MSD: OLAP Maximum Page Pool......................................................................................277 MSD: OLAP Workflow Page Pool.......................................................................................277 MSD: One Step Collection..................................................................................................278 MSD: Two-Level Planning................................................................................................... 278 MSD: Use Classic Even Allocation.....................................................................................279 MSD: Use Classic Worksheet.............................................................................................280 MSD:View Scope measures are editable............................................................................ 280 MSD_DEM: Category Set Name......................................................................................... 281 MSD_DEM: Conversion Type.............................................................................................281

MSD_DEM: Currency Code................................................................................................282 MSD_DEM: Customer Attribute..........................................................................................282 MSD_DEM: Data Profile for Price Lists............................................................................... 283 MSD_DEM: Debug Mode.................................................................................................... 283 MSD_DEM: Fiscal Calendar...............................................................................................284 MSD_DEM: Host URL......................................................................................................... 284 MSD_DEM: Master Org......................................................................................................285 MSD_DEM: Maximum seeded units available for price lists...............................................285 MSD_DEM: Schema...........................................................................................................286 MSD_DEM: Two-Level Planning......................................................................................... 286 MSO: Activity Selection Window (in Days).......................................................................... 287 MSO: Additional Demand Slices for Shared Supply Rescheduling....................................287 MSO: Allow Partial Demand Completion............................................................................288 MSO: Allow Schedule Gaps for Shared Supplies...............................................................289 MSO: Allow Simultaneous Resource To End At Different Time.......................................... 290 MSO: Allow Simultaneous Resources to End at Different Times........................................ 291 MSO: Alternate Process Penalty......................................................................................... 292 MSO: Alternate Resource Penalty......................................................................................292 MSO: Alternate Resource Selection Method......................................................................293 MSO: Alternate Source Penalty..........................................................................................293 MSO: Apply Windows for Firm Scheduling.........................................................................294 MSO: Avoid non working days for Buy/Transfer order dates..............................................294 MSO: Barrier Optimizer Algorithm Choice..........................................................................295 MSO: Batching Precision....................................................................................................296 MSO: Big M Value for SCO................................................................................................. 296 MSO: CPLEX Crash Parameter..........................................................................................297 MSO: CPLEX Refactor Rate...............................................................................................298 MSO: CPLEX Scaling Factor..............................................................................................298 MSO: CPLEX messages to screen indicator......................................................................299 MSO: Calculate Constraint Exceptions...............................................................................299 MSO: Capacity Units Recalculation Threshold...................................................................300 MSO: Check Redundant Constraints..................................................................................301 MSO: Choice of supply for substitution...............................................................................302 MSO: Component offset logic for optimization....................................................................302 MSO: Continuous transfer across organizations................................................................. 303 MSO: Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern..............................................................304 MSO: Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern for Inter-Org and Supplier Sourced orders ............................................................................................................................................304 MSO: Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern for Intra-Org Sourced orders................ 305 MSO: Cost Roll-up incremental factor................................................................................. 306 MSO: Create Aggregate Supply for Unsatisfied Demands within Planning Time Fence....307 MSO: DS Scheduling Window............................................................................................308 MSO: Default Forecast Priority...........................................................................................308 MSO: Default Idle Time Tolerance (Hours).........................................................................309 MSO: Default Resource Sequencing Window (in Days).....................................................309 MSO: Default Sales Order Priority......................................................................................310 MSO: Default Timestamp Safety Stocks.............................................................................311 MSO: Default Timestamp for Forecasts..............................................................................312 MSO: Default Timestamp for Sales Orders......................................................................... 313 MSO: Default Value for Maximum Acceptable Days Early.................................................313

MSO: Delay Fulfillment of Small Demands.........................................................................314 MSO: Demand Size Tolerance Before Splitting Planned Orders........................................315 MSO: Demand Type Priority...............................................................................................315 MSO: Demand Window Size............................................................................................... 316 MSO: Disable Inference of Item Substitution Relationship.................................................317 MSO: Divergent Supply Feeding Pattern............................................................................317 MSO: Divergent Supply Feeding Pattern for Inter-Org and Supplier Sourced orders......... 318 MSO: Divergent Supply Feeding Pattern for Intra-Org Sourced orders..............................319 MSO: Dual Simplex Parameter...........................................................................................319 MSO: EDD Demand Cutoff Priority.....................................................................................320 MSO: EDD Scheduling Window Control.............................................................................321 MSO: Enable Advanced Sequencing..................................................................................322 MSO: Enable Cost Rollup for Optimization.........................................................................322 MSO: Enable Decision Rules..............................................................................................323 MSO: Enable Hard Links Globally....................................................................................... 324 MSO: Enable Rounding of Fractional Supplies For Service Planning................................324 MSO: Enable sourcing split for end item substitution.......................................................... 325 MSO: Enforce Minimum Transfer Quantities......................................................................326 MSO: Enforce Resource Sequence Contiguity...................................................................327 MSO: Firm Purchase Orders Within Time Fence................................................................ 327 MSO: Firm Requisitions Within Time Fence.......................................................................328 MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days)..................................................... 329 MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days).......................................................330 MSO: Firm Work Orders/Operations Within Time Fence....................................................331 MSO: Floating Point Precision............................................................................................331 MSO: Floating Point Precision for Increments of Shift Start/End Times Within a Planning Bucket.................................................................................................................................332 MSO: Floating Point Precision for Order Q.........................................................................332 MSO: Floating Point Precision for Planning Bucket Efficiency............................................ 333 MSO: Floating Point Precision for Transportation Capacities (Volume).............................333 MSO: Floating Point Precision for Transportation Capacities (Weight)..............................334 MSO: Floating Point Precision for Usage in Routings......................................................... 335 MSO: Generate Compression Days Exception...................................................................335 MSO: Generate Compression/Firming Exceptions for Orders in Progress.........................336 MSO: Generate Shared Supply Exceptions........................................................................337 MSO: Global Batchable Flag............................................................................................... 338 MSO: Global Chargeable Flag............................................................................................338 MSO: Global Time Limit......................................................................................................339 MSO: HLS flat files path......................................................................................................339 MSO: Hard link scheduling window..................................................................................... 340 MSO: Hard link scheduling window expansion factor.........................................................341 MSO: Heuristic type............................................................................................................341 MSO: Incremental Planned Orders.....................................................................................342 MSO: Internal Demand Aggregation Within Optimization...................................................342 MSO: Inventory Carrying Costs Percentage.......................................................................343 MSO: JIT Selector Window Size.........................................................................................344 MSO: LP Constraint Batch Size..........................................................................................344 MSO: LP Markowitz Coefficient..........................................................................................345 MSO: LP Optimization Algorithm........................................................................................345 MSO: Late Demands Exceptions Tolerance Minutes.........................................................346

MSO: Lead Time Control....................................................................................................347 MSO: List Size for Pricing Candidates................................................................................348 MSO: Lookahead days to net co-product/by-product supplies before creating planned orders..................................................................................................................................348 MSO: Max Gap Tolerence on SDS.....................................................................................349 MSO: Maximium Number of Prepones...............................................................................349 MSO: Maximize Search of Availability Intervals..................................................................350 MSO: Maximize Use of Unfirm PurchOrd/WorkOrd in Optimization...................................351 MSO: Maximum Activity Duration.......................................................................................352 MSO: Maximum Allowable Days Late.................................................................................352 MSO: Maximum Allowable Days Late before Forecast Expiration...................................... 353 MSO: Maximum Alternate Combinations............................................................................354 MSO: Maximum Demands Per Group for Advanced Sequencing......................................354 MSO: Maximum Demands per Group.................................................................................355 MSO: Maximum Demands per Slice...................................................................................356 MSO: Maximum Inventory Level % of Safety Stock............................................................ 356 MSO: Maximum Lead Time Factor.....................................................................................357 MSO: Maximum Number of Demands in a Hard Linked Demand Set................................358 MSO: Maximum Number of Pull for Operation.................................................................... 358 MSO: Maximum Number of Pushes for Operation.............................................................. 359 MSO: Maximum Operations Per Slice................................................................................360 MSO: Maximum Resource Over-capacity...........................................................................360 MSO: Maximum Simplex Iterations.....................................................................................361 MSO: Maximum number of pulls/push for hard linked operations......................................362 MSO: Minimize Supply Duration.........................................................................................362 MSO: Minimum Processing Lead Time Adjustment Factor................................................363 MSO: Multiplier To Derive Supply Allocation Window......................................................... 363 MSO: Net All Firm Supplies Before Creating Planned Order..............................................364 MSO: Network routing cycle time coefficient....................................................................... 365 MSO: Network routing fixed time window...........................................................................366 MSO: Nfl Backward Compression Pct................................................................................367 MSO: Nfl Forward Compression Pct...................................................................................367 MSO: Number of Backtracks Allowed.................................................................................368 MSO: Number of Demand Groups for Optimization............................................................ 368 MSO: Number of Iterations for Local Search......................................................................369 MSO: Number of LP Phases for Safety Stock Calculation.................................................. 370 MSO: Number of Threads for Optimization.........................................................................370 MSO: Optimization Advanced Start....................................................................................371 MSO: Optimization Daily Aggregation Buckets...................................................................372 MSO: Optimization Weekly Aggregation Buckets...............................................................372 MSO: Order Modifier Max Searching Depth.......................................................................373 MSO: Overlap Activities by MTQ........................................................................................374 MSO: Peg By-product Supplies..........................................................................................375 MSO: Penalty Basis for Changeovers................................................................................. 375 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Item Material Capacity Flexfield Attribute..........376 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Material Capacity............................................... 377 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Material Capacity Flexfield Attribute..................377 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Org Material Capacity Flexfield Attribute...........378 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Org Resource Capacity Flexfield Attribute........379 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Org Transportation Capacity Flexfield Attribute379

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Resource Capacity............................................380 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Resource Capacity Flexfield Attribute...............381 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Transportation Capacity Flexfield Attribute.......381 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Demands.....................................................................382 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Forecasts Flexfield Attribute........................................ 382 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Item Demands Flexfield Attribute................................383 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Org Demands Flexfield Attribute.................................384 MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Sales Orders Flexfield Attribute..................................384 MSO: Penalty Increase Tolerance Percentage in Local Search.........................................385 MSO: Penalty multiplier outside unconstrained..................................................................386 MSO: Percent Complete Before Resequencing.................................................................. 386 MSO: Postpone Use of Alternates to Latest Possible Time................................................387 MSO: Preemption Slack Ratio............................................................................................387 MSO: Preprocessing Aggregator Fill................................................................................... 388 MSO: Preprocessing Aggregator Limit................................................................................ 388 MSO: Preprocessing Flag for LP Matrix.............................................................................. 389 MSO: Preprocessor LP Compression.................................................................................390 MSO: Primal Simplex Parameter........................................................................................390 MSO: Primal/Dual Preprocessing Reduction......................................................................391 MSO: Pull push base..........................................................................................................391 MSO: Pull push offset.........................................................................................................392 MSO: Queue Time Factor...................................................................................................393 MSO: Re-computation percentage for sequence generation..............................................393 MSO: Reschedule Jobs Out to Reduce Inventory Carrying Costs...................................... 394 MSO: Reschedule Shared Supply to Influence Batching....................................................395 MSO: Resource Adjustment Factor For Improved Offloading to Alternates.......................395 MSO: Resource Batching Strategy.....................................................................................396 MSO: Resource Group for the Line Flexfield Attribute........................................................397 MSO: Respect Activity Contiguity Flag for Process Supplies.............................................397 MSO: Respect EDD Scheduling windows for Lead Times.................................................. 398 MSO: SCO Dual Variables Tolerance.................................................................................399 MSO: SCO Reduced Cost Tolerance.................................................................................399 MSO: SCO TRIANGULATION............................................................................................400 MSO: STL Buffer Size.........................................................................................................400 MSO: Schedule Across Breaks...........................................................................................401 MSO: Schedule All Firm Planned Orders First.................................................................... 401 MSO: Schedule Simultaneous Resources Across Breaks..................................................402 MSO: Schedule window width............................................................................................. 403 MSO: Scheduler Time Step................................................................................................403 MSO: Scheduling Activity Selection Window......................................................................404 MSO: Scheduling Window UOM.........................................................................................404 MSO: Setup Pattern Calculation Window...........................................................................405 MSO: Simplex Feasibility Tolerance...................................................................................406 MSO: Simplex Optimality Tolerance...................................................................................406 MSO: Simplex Perturbation Constant.................................................................................407 MSO: Simplex Perturbation Limit........................................................................................408 MSO: Simplex Perturbation Parameter...............................................................................408 MSO: Simplex Presolve Limit.............................................................................................. 409 MSO: Simplex Singularity Repair Limit...............................................................................409 MSO: Skip Firm SDS Activities During Justify....................................................................410

MSO: Slack Hours For Batch Resource.............................................................................. 410 MSO: Solve Dual Problem..................................................................................................411 MSO: Sourcing Allocation Window.....................................................................................412 MSO: Split Planned Orders for Assigned Units................................................................... 412 MSO: Spread Resource Consumption Within Optimization................................................413 MSO: Substitute Item Penalty.............................................................................................414 MSO: Supplies used for satisfying transient safety stock...................................................414 MSO: Supply Reschedule Window Size for Safety Stock Pegging..................................... 415 MSO: Supply Window Size.................................................................................................416 MSO: Synchronize Chargeable Resources to Respect Hard Links....................................416 MSO: Target Inventory Level % of Safety Stock.................................................................417 MSO: Transfer Quantity Threshold for Enforceing Hard Links............................................ 417 MSO: UOM for converting Changeover Time to Penalty....................................................418 MSO: Upper Limit for Maximum Time Offset for Hard Links...............................................419 MSO: Use Breaks in Calculation of Unconstrained Scheduling Windows..........................419 MSO: Use Collections Start Time.......................................................................................420 MSO: Use Customer Site in End Item Substitution Rule....................................................421 MSO: Use Discrete Job Resource Usage to Consume Resource Capacity.......................421 MSO: Use Effectivity Date to Infer End Item Substitution Priority.......................................422 MSO: Use Existing Supplies in Alternate BOM/Subs. Comp..............................................423 MSO: Use Item Shelf Life Days in Scheduling Buy/Transfer Orders..................................424 MSO: Use JIT dates from high level scheduling results...................................................... 424 MSO: Use Of Assigned Units In Scheduling.......................................................................425 MSO: Use Optimization and Decision Rules for Simulation................................................ 426 MSO: Use SCO Time Aggregation.....................................................................................426 MSO: Use Safety Lead Time..............................................................................................427 MSO: Use Sequencing Template........................................................................................ 428 MSO: Use Shift Definitions When Scheduling Lead Times................................................. 429 MSO: Use Up Existing Supply of Primary Components Before Substitute.........................430 MSO: Write Inline forecasting flat files................................................................................430 MSR: Budget Category Set.................................................................................................431 MSR: Budget Enditem Favor Factor...................................................................................432 MSR: Postponement Factor................................................................................................432 MSR: Probability Distribution Type.....................................................................................433 MSR: Safety Stock Holding Strategy..................................................................................433

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Profile Options

MRP: Calculate MATO Demand
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_CALC_MATO_DEMAND This profile option is used by ASCP to support forecast consumption processes for Multi-level ATO models. Set to Yes if these processes are utilized. This was used only until 11.5.9. From 11.5.10 this profile is not used. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3125951 3125891 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Calculate Plan Performance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_CALCULATE_PLAN_PERFORMANCE Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning This profile is used to decide upon whether the request Calculate Plan performance Indicators needs to be run at the end of MRP Launch or not. This was an optional program used to gather info from MRP and load into tables used by the old Business Intelligence programs. More information is available in Note: 783088.1 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Calculate Supply Demand

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_ATP_CALC_SD

When set to Yes, this profile controls whether detailed supply / demand data is retrieved and retained for viewing during an ATP Inquiry. This data is viewed by selecting ATP Details in the Inquiry form. Performance can be slowed when the profile is set to Yes. For better performance, set it to Yes, run an ATP Inquiry and view the details, and then set it back to No. Set this profile to Yes only when you need to view the detailed supply demand and horizontal plan information for an ATP inquiry. You can set the profile at the user level. When the profile = Yes, then MRP_ATP_DETAILS_TEMP gets rows with record_type = 1, 2 and 3. Record Type 1 and 2 are used to show detailed information available when you use rt-click functionality in the Pegging window of the ATP Details. Record_Type = 3 is the pegging information seen in the ATP details screen. When the profile = No, we still insert record_type = 3 into the table so we can display the pegging information in the ATP Details screen. For example, if the item is a large configuration with many rows in the pegging view, then we could still insert many records into the table with only record_type = 3

Note Reference(s) 368229.1 565918.1 436771.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MRP: Category Set for Backlog Form

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_BALWB_CATEGORY_SET Not used by Advanced Supply Chain Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Compute Standard Mandatory Components for ATO Models

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_EXPLODE_ATO Determines whether to call the CTO API to calculate the dependent demand for ATO items during the Refresh Snapshots process. This will cause performance to be slower when Yes. Setting this to Yes would be normal if ATO Models are present in the system. Collections code will default this profile to Yes if it is NULL. Set this profile in the EBS Source instance when you have distributed installation.

Note: Refresh Collection Snapshots will finish with warning when: CTO BOM not found for the item CTO_API was exploding the BOM and returns a warning from the CTO code.

We print the following for CTO BOM not found - this is a setup violation since the requirement for CTO is to configure and create the [STAR] item using CTO Auto-Create or by progressing the sales order. Warning: Item_ID = 781553, ORG_ID=5002 ; No BOM found for configured item in ship-from org. You may safely disregard this warning if the configured item is transferred across orgs, and the warning points to an org in which no assembly of the configured item takes place. If you are using ODS based ATP, please check that you have the BOM in shipping org. If you are using PDS based ATP, please check that item attribute ""Create Configured Item, BOM"" equals ""Based on Model"" and BOM exists in ship-from org. DOCUMENTATION BUG: The documentation has this profile backwards. Default Value - No Note Reference(s) 179522.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Cutoff History Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_CUTOFF_HISTORY_DAYS Not used by Advanced Supply Chain Planning Note 303809.1 has more information about this Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile


12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Disable Project Validation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_DISABLE_PROJECT_VALIDATION

Special profile for Seiban project numbers. Used for release of planned orders from the ASCP workbench. Profile set in EBS Source in distributed installation. Valid values are:
Yes - project validation won't be executed. No - the project validation will be executed.

Default Value - No when NULL 11.5.10 Patch 6903209 One off patch released by DEV. Also included in 1st APS Source Side UI patch 7427625 and all Source Side rollups since October 2008 Bug 6903209 One off patch released for 11.5.10 12.0.6 bypass code included in $MRP_TOP/patch/115/MRPRLWFB.pls 120.1.12000000.6 BUT - the profile is not created, and must be created manually - see below 12.1.1 and above bypass code included in

$MRP_TOP/patch/115/MRPRLWFB.pls 120.1.12010000.2 and above BUT - the profile is not created, and must be created manually - see below Maunual Profile Creation details Application - Master Scheduling/MRP Hierarchy Type - Security Hierarchy Type Access Level Visible and Updatable at the following levels Site, Application, Responsibility, User SQL validation: SQL="select lookup_code, meaning \"MRP:DisableProjectValidation\" into :profile_option_value, :visible_option_value from fnd_lookups where lookup_type = 'YES_NO'" Column="\"MRP:DisableProjectValidation\"(*)"

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6865274 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Explode Demand Through Phantom Component

Profile Code MRP

Profile Option Name Description

MRP_EXPL_DEM_THROUGH_PHANTOM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning. This is used by MRP to decide whether demand needs to be exploded through Phantom components or not.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Firm Internal Req Transferred to OE

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_FIRM_OE_XFERRED_INTERNAL_REQ Valid values are: Yes - all internal requisitions transferred to Oracle Order Management are treated as firm supplies by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning No - Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning may generate reschedule recommendations for these internal requisitions.

Rescheduled recommendations cannot be released to purchasing for internal requisitions. To reschedule recommendations, cancel the internal requisition in the source instance and create a new requisition with the new date. Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No

Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MRP: Hash Area Size (Bytes)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_HASH_AREA_SIZE Used in 11.5.9 and below for Data Collections.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Ignore Alternate BOM/Routing

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_IGNORE_ALTERNATES Not Used in Oracle Advanced Planning, only for Oracle MRP. Ref Bug 3824520 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning

No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Ignore Zero Quantity Demands in Calculating First Bucket for Statistical Forecasting
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_IGNORE_ZERO_QTY_DEMANDS Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning. This is for standard MRP Forecasting functionality - program INCFIF Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Net All Purchase Orders Prior To Requisitions

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_FIRM_REQS_WITHIN_TF Use this profile to specify whether or not the planning engine should net all existing supplies prior to netting purchase requisitions. Yes - Net purchase orders, then net purchase requisitions. This may result in purchase requisitions with schedule dates earlier than purchase orders being canceled or rescheduled out. No - Net purchase orders and purchase requisitions together. Note: If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option.

Default - No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Old Sales Orders Cutoff Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_OLD_SO_CUTOFF_DAYS Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning. Used by MRP to decide on the amount of sales order to be considered going backward from sysdate. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Persist ATP Results

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_ATP_PERSIST As per bug# 5102683, profile added in 11.5.9. I could not find the profile information in 11.5.10 or R12 docs

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MRP: Plan Revenue Discount Percent

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_BIS_AV_DISCOUNT Specifies the average discount percent applied to all items in a plan. This value is a key performance indicator used to calculate performance in a plan for Business Intelligence reports. Valid values are: Integers between 0 and 100.

Optional - Average Discount to be applied when calculating Revenue of a plan as part of Plan Performance Indicators Set on EBS Source and APS Destination in a distributed installation. Default Value - NULL Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Plan Revenue Price List

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_BIS_PRICE_LIST Lookup for Price List in Order Management Optional - Price List used to calculate revenue of a plan as part of Plan Performance Indicators- from SO_PRICE_LISTS. Valid values are: Numeric

This value is a key performance indicator used to calculate performance in a plan for Business Intelligence reports. Set in EBS Source in a distributed installation. Default Value - NULL Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Planning Manager Run First Time

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles MRP MRP_PLNG_MGR_FIRST_TIME Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: RHX Check Profile

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_RHX_CHECK_PROFILE_FP Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Round Source Entries

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_ROUND_SOURCE_ENTRIES Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning. Used by MRP to decide whether to round forecast or sales order quantities when loading the forecast or MDS. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile


Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Sort Area Size (Bytes)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_SORT_AREA_SIZE Used for Data Collections in 11.5.9 and below.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Update Requested Completion Date when Releasing Reschedules

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_UPD_REQ_DATE_REL Not used in Oracle Advanced Supply Planning. Exists in release code for MRP Planning in MRP_REL_PLAN_PUB File $MRP_TOP/patch/115/sql/MRPPRELB.pls See profile for Advanced Supply Chain Planning - MSC: Update Requested Completion Date when Releasing Reschedules Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Use Alternate SQL for Daily Cleanup

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_ALTERNATE_SQL Not used for Advanced Planning. This is for the planning manager Once-ADay Task Worker operations. Ref Bug 3958467

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: Use Progress Bar for Backlog Workbench

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_ATP_PROGRESS_BAR The progress bar is querying of the TCF Socket server to get status report on how much processing has been completed. When running high volume, this causes too much processing and can slow or halt effective operation of the Backlog Workbench. Yes - shows the progress bar in the Backlog Workbench form

No - do not show the progress bar in the Backlog Workbench form. For high volume processing in the Order Backlog Workbench, set this profile = No. This disables the progress bar in the form.

Default value = Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MRP: i2 Batch Client Timeout

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_BC_TIMEOUT Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Calc Cumulative Yield

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_ENABLE_CUMUL_YIELD Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Check if FP installed

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_CHECK_FOR_FP Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Data Load Timeout

Profile Code MRP

Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP_I2_P_DATA_LOAD_TIMEOUT Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Date Constant

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_DATE_CONSTANT Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Debug Mode

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) MRP MRP_I2_P_DEBUG Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Factory Planner Exec Dir Attr Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_FP_EDIR_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Factory Planner User Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance MRP MRP_I2_P_FP_USER_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Job Change Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_JC_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Log Directory

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning MRP MRP_I2_P_LOG_DIR Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Net Change Dir

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_FP_NET_DIR Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Aggregate Resource Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization MRP MRP_I2_P_AGG_RES_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM BC Delimiter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_BC_DELIMITER Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM BOM Attribute Consumed attribute number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_BOM_AC_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM BOM Attribute Produced attribute number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_BOM_AP_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Batch Client Filter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_BCL_FILTER Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Cooldown Time Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RES_CDT_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Delimiter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_DELIMITER Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Enable Attribute Base Planning

Profile Code MRP

Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP_I2_P_ENABLE_ABP Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Estimated Queue Time Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RES_EQT_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Factory Planner Data Dir Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_I2_P_FP_DD_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Factory Planner Host Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_FP_HOST_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Factory Planner Port Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) MRP MRP_I2_P_FP_PORT_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Inventory Attribute Alias Separator

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_INV_AA_SEP Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Minimum Queue Time Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles MRP MRP_I2_P_RES_MQT_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM OE Attribute Consumed attribute number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_OE_AC_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Offloadable To Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance MRP MRP_I2_P_RES_OFFTO_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Offloadable from Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RES_OFFFROM_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM PO Attribute Alias attribute number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning MRP MRP_I2_P_PO_AA_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Part Buffer Style Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_BUF_STYLE_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM Resource Type Attribute Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning MRP MRP_I2_P_RES_TYP_ATTR_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MRP: i2 RHYTHM released as firm manufacturing order

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RELEASED_AS_FIRM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RhythmLink Data Directory

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center MRP MRP_I2_P_RL_DATA_DIR Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MRP: i2 RhythmLink Executable Directory

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RL_EXEC_DIR Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RhythmLink Host

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RL_HOST Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RhythmLink Port Number

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RL_PORT_NUM Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 RhythmLink User

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_RL_USER Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Start Factory Planner Client

Profile Code MRP

Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP_I2_P_START_FP_CLIENT Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 Start RhythmLink Client

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_I2_P_START_RL_CLIENT Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP: i2 WIP Job Load Timeout

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) MRP MRP_I2_P_JOB_LOAD_TIMEOUT Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:ATP Assignment Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_ATP_ASSIGN_SET Indicates the assignment set name for use with Oracle Global Order Promising. When set to Null, Oracle Global Order Promising uses the assignment set from profile MSC: ATP Assignment Set from Oracle Advanced Planning Solution instance. Update this profile at site level on the source instance

Note Reference(s) 147243.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 4567833 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP:ATP Database Link

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_ATP_DATABASE_LINK Determines whether distributed Order Promising is used. This profile is

obsolete in 11.5.10 and later releases. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 3049003 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Activate OLP
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP-OLP Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Allow Safety Stock Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) MRP MRP_ALLOW_SS_PEGGING This is a MRP Profile. Not used in advanced Supply Chain Planning


Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Backlog Progress Timeout

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_BALWB_TIMEOUT Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

5500074 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MRP:Calculate Excess Exceptions on Time Fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_CALC_EXCESS_EXCEPT Indicates whether excess exceptions are calculated at the time fence or up to the time fence Yes: The planning engine issuesexceptions only at the time fence date. No: The planning engine issues individual exception.

Valid values: yes/no Default value: yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Combine Sugg Rep Schedules

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_COMBINE_REP_SCHEDULE Combines repetitive schedules, if scheduled back-to-back for the same quantity. Used only by unconstrained plans Valid values: yes/no Default value: yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Complete Supply Chain ATP

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_COMPLETE_SCATP Not used by Advanced Supply Chain Planning.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

2655891 2941520 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP:Compute Sales Order Changes

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center MRP MRP_COMPUTE_SO_CHANGES Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MRP:Consume Fcst Set Summary

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_CONSUME_FC_SET_SUMMARY Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Consume Forecast
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center MRP MRP_FORECAST_CONSUMPTION Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MRP:Consume MDS
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_MDS_CONSUMPTION If set to yes, planning manager needs to be running when loading MDS in the ASCP plan

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising


-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Consume MPS
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MRP MRP_MPS_CONSUMPTION If set to yes, planning manager needs to be running on the source to collect WIP/PO supplies. 790125.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD

4890962 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Create Time fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_FIRM_ORDER_TF Instructs the planning engine to create a natural time fence on firm work orders, purchase orders, flow schedules and shipments. Valid values are: Yes - create a natural time fence based on firm work orders, purchase orders, flow schedules, and shipments No - the planning engine does not create a time fence

The planning engine honors the item attribute Planning Time Fence regardless of the value of this profile option. Note Reference(s)

399888.1 422361.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Cutoff Date Offset Months

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_CUTOFF_DATE_OFFSET Determines how many months of resource availability should be computed for resources and simulation sets. No resource availability is calculated beyond this horizon. For constrained plans beyond this horizon, resource capacity is viewed as infinite. Set this value to your plan horizon Valid values: Integer >= 0 Default value: 6 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 4736046 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Debug Mode
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_DEBUG Enables debug messages within Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning when set to Yes. Valid values: yes/no

Default value: No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes

MRP:Default Criteria Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_DEFAULT_CRITERIA_SET Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Default DRP Plan Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_DEFAULT_DRP_NAME Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Default Forecast Date

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_DEFAULT_FORECAST_DATE Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Default Forecast Name

Profile Code MRP

Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP_DEFAULT_FORECAST Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Default Plan Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_DEFAULT_PLAN Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Default Schedule Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) MRP MRP_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Default Sourcing Assignment Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_SET Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning. Used in Oracle Purchasing to determine the sourcing assignment set to assign sources to requisitions. Note Reference(s) 209633.1 763822.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

7362528 Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning User's Guide -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP:Demand Time Fence Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_DEMAND_TF Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Derive PO supply date from need by date

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_CALC_SUPDT_FROM_NBDT

Not used in ASCP Used in Inventory Supply Demand form - Ref Bug 7260101 Check the value of the profile MRP:Derive PO supply date from need by date If this set to No, set it to Yes. Then, we derive the PO due date as need by date + post processing lead time. This calculation is done during the supply/demand inquiry. If this is not set, then the date displayed in the supply/demand inquiry is the expected_delivery_date in mtl_supply.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 7260101 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Enhanced Exception
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_ENHANCED_EXCEPTION Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Environment variable to set path for MRP files

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections MRP MRP_FILES_PATH_ENV_VAR Specifies appropriate path for the MRP files. If this profile option is not used, files are written to the $APPLOUT directory.

Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Firm Planned Order Time Fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_FIRM_PO_TF Instructs the planning engine to create a natural time fence for an item at the completion date of the latest firm planned order. Valid values are: Yes - firm planned orders create a natural time fence. No - planning engine does not create a time fence at a firm planned order

If the overwrite option in the plan is set to overwrite all, then all firm planned orders are deleted Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

3642086 2553205 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types

Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Include Schd Rcpts in Use-up

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 5087357 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No MRP MRP_SCH_RCP_USEUP If this profile option is set to Yes, it includes scheduled receipts when computing the engineering change order use-up date.

MRP:Include Substitute Components

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_ATP_SUB_COMP This profile option indicates whether to include substitute components in Order Promising calculation. Can update at the site level Valid values are Yes and No. Default value = Yes Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3162334 1555350 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MRP:Interface Table History Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_INTERFACE_HISTORY_DAYS Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:MPS Relief Batch Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_MPS_RELIEF_BATCH Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning. This is for standard MRP processing of MPS Relief.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:MPS Relief Direction

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_MPS_RELIEF_DIRECTION_CONTROL Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Maintain Original Schedule Version

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile MRP MRP_ORIGINAL_SCHEDULE_VERSION Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning


12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Perform Planning Manager Functions in Loads

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_PLANNING_MANAGER_IN_LOADS Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Planner Batch Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_PLANNER_BATCH_SIZE Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning. This profile is used by the MRP planning manager. This impacts ASCP only in the sense that it affects how the planning manager runs.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance

Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Planner Workers
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_PLANNER_WORKERS Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning. This profile is used by the MRP Planning Manager.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Planning Manager Batch Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization MRP MRP_SCHED_MGR_BATCH_SIZE Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

Yes No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MRP:Planning Manager Max Workers

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_SCHED_MGR_MAX_WORKERS Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Purchasing By Revision
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) 238838.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC 3939138 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No MRP MRP_PURCHASING_BY_REVISION When set to Yes, creates purchase requisitions using the latest revision date on the item.

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Purge Batch Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MRP MRP_PURGE_BATCH_SIZE Used by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning collections and Snapshot .111955.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4590579 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MRP:Recommend action within PTF

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_REC_ACTION_IN_PTF Affects exceptions and recommendations. It instructs the planning engine, in unconstrained plans, to generate recommendations for scheduled receipts earlier than Planning Time Fence Date.

This profile is not used for MSO (constrained planning), looks at planning time fence control. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

2980511 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Repetitive Past Due Supply Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_REP_PAST_DUE_SUPPLY Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Requisition Load Group Option

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_LOAD_REQ_GROUP_BY Obsolete in 11.5.10 and later.

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Retain Dates Within Calendar Boundary

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 4874810 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No MRP MRP_RETAIN_DATES_WTIN_CAL_BOUNDARY Determines whether to pull dates outside the calendar boundary into calendar horizon.

MRP:Snapshot Pause for Lock (Minutes)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_SNAPSHOT_PAUSE_FOR_LOCK Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Snapshot Substitute Parts

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_SNAP_SUBSTITUTES Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning.

6436732 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Snapshot Workers
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_SNAPSHOT_WORKERS Determines number of workers launched by the snapshot monitor. When set to 0, the Snapshot runs as a single- threaded process. Snapshot workers collect data on bills of material, work in process, on- hand quantities, purchasing, firm planned orders, routings, and work-in-process job resource requirements. 111955.1 824317.1 130995.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MRP:Sourcing Rule Category Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_SRA_CATEGORY_SET Not used in Advanced Supply Chain Planning Indicates the category set used when Oracle Supply Chain Planning or Oracle Purchasing creates sourcing assignments at category-org or category level. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

Yes No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Time Fence Warning

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MRP MRP_MPS_TIME_FENCE_WARNING Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Trace Mode
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning MRP MRP_TRACE Determines whether trace is enabled for all Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning processes.

Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MRP:Use Direct Load Option

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_DIRECT_LOAD Valid values are: Yes - SQL Loader is called directly to load rows into the database during planning. No

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - No 307443.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MRP:Use Ship Arrived Flag

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_SHIP_ARRIVE_FLAG From Note 179522.1, this profile is used when collecting Instransit Supplies. Valid values are:

Yes - then we check the WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES.ULTIMATE_DROPOFF_DATE to populate MRP_AP_INTRANSIT_SUPPLIES_V.ARRIVED_FLAG Arrived - then we do not collect this supply No - Then we collect the intransit supply.

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MRP MRP_NEW_PLANNER_BACK_COMPATIBILITY

Per bug 9848641: There have been changes back and forth with this profile in combination with MSC: New Planner Backward Compatibility. 1. MRP profile will remain the same. It will decided whether an item should be treated as phantom or not. 2. MSC on the other hand will now decide whether the new algorithm would be used or the old one. Yes would mean old and No would mean new. Yes - Phantoms will be treated as regular items and planned orders will be created. No - Phantoms will be exploded, and not appear in the plan.

Default - Null - which is No

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

9848641 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC : Consider all supplies for VMI replenishment calculation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_VMI_ALL_SUPPLY When profile is set as yes the VMI engine considers all manually created PO/PR/ASN/Shipments as supply and account them in replenishment calculation

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning 5949512 -1 Yes No No No No Yes

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSC : Consume Highest Revision Forecast

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CONSUME_HIGHEST_REV_FCST Guides whether Sales Orders for lower revisions in the supersession chain will consume against the highest revision forecast or not. Valid values are: Yes - Lower revision SOs consume against forecast of only theHighest revision No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC : Publish Supply Commit based on pegging information

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PUBLISH_SUPPLY_COMMIT Enables or disables detailed publish of supply commits as a single supply commit record or multiple supply commit records if there are multiple supplies to meet the demand. Valid values are:

Yes No

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC : VMI Requisitions Need By Date at RTF end

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_VMI_REQUISTION_AT_RTF_END When set to yes, this profile option ignores the release time fence

6001195 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: 64-bit Planner Platform

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSC_PLANNER_PLATFORM


Set to the supported 64-bit platforms. Valid values are: Sun 64-bit HP 64-bit AIX 64-bit Linux 64-bit HP Itanium 64-bit

Note Reference(s) 254810.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 6836990 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: APCC Calendar Code

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning MSC MSC_HUB_CAL_CODE Used in the dashboard to code manufacturing calendar.

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MSC: APCC Category Set 1

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_HUB_CAT_SET_ID_1 Used to filter the category set name. Only 3 category sets are supported, and dashboards will use this profile in the dashboards. 844667.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: APCC Category Set 2

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_HUB_CAT_SET_ID_2 This profile works in conjunction with MSC: APCC Category Set 1 and MSC: APCC Category Set 3. These profiles govern which category set the analytical layer when displaying the item-category hierarchy uses. It precomputes the data for all three hierarchies, but displays the data using only the MSC: APCC Category Set 1 value. Therefore, if the user wants to view using the value in MSC: APCC Category Set 2, the values in these two profiles must be switched. The user can then see the results using the new category set, which is now in the MSC: APCC Category Set 1 profile. There is no need to rerun the plan or republish it to APCC, however, if user decides to use a completely new category set, which is not currently in these three profiles, then the profile values must be updated, and the plans must be rerun, or republished,

to APCC for the change to take effect. This is a site level profile 759571.1

Note Reference(s)

844667.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 6836737 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: APCC Category Set 3

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_HUB_CAT_SET_ID_3 This profile works in conjunction with MSC: APCC Category Set 1 and MSC: APCC Category Set 2. These profiles govern which category set the analytical layer when displaying the item-category hierarchy uses. It precomputes the data for all three hierarchies, but displays the data using only the MSC: APCC Category Set 1 value. Therefore, if the user wants to view using the value in MSC: APCC Category Set 3, the values in these two profiles must be switched. The user can then see the results using the new category set, which is now in the MSC: APCC Category Set 1 profile. There is no need to rerun the plan or republish it to APCC, however, if user decides to use a completely new category set, which is not currently in these three profiles, then the profile values must be updated, and the plans must be rerun, or republished, to APCC for the change to take effect. This is a site level profile. Note Reference(s) 844667.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: APCC Currency Code

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT The analytical layer to convert the values in functional currency to a common reporting currency uses this. This profile is used as the reporting currency for APCC. Please note that if this profile is changed the plan must be republished to APCC repository to see the data in the new currency. This is a site level profile. 759571.1 844667.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: APCC Period Set name

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSC_HUB_PERIOD_SET_NAME


The analytical layer and the dashboards that display time in the hierarchy of days, fiscal periods, quarters, and year use this. This is a site level profile. 759571.1 844667.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: ATP Allocation Method

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ALLOCATION_METHOD Determines the allocation method used by ATP. This is a site level profile. Valid values are: User-Defined Allocation Percentage Demand Priority

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization

Default Value - NULL 334286.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes

MSC: ATP Capacity Allocation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CAP_ALLOCATION Set it to No. You should only set it to Yes with specific instruction from Oracle Applications development. Valid values are: Yes Noe

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: ATP Debug Mode

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ATP_DEBUG Determines whether to enable debug messages within Oracle Global Order Promising. You can update it at the user level. Valid values are: Debug Only: ATP generates a log file for an ATP request. Debug and Database Trace: ATP generates a log file and a database trace file. Database Trace Only: ATP generates a database trace file. None: ATP does not generate log file or database trace file.

Default Value - Null

In a distributed installation where you have separate EBS Source and APS Destination, then when checking ATP from the EBS source, you should have profile set at User Level on EBS and at site level on APS instance.
Note Reference(s) 954333.1 122372.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: ATP Enforces Lead Time for ATO Model

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENFORCE_MODEL_LT Use this profile option to specify how ATP considers lead-time. Valid values are: Yes - ATP always enforces lead-times for non-ATPable ATO models No - ATP does not enforce lead-times for non-ATPable ATO models

Based on recent information we found the following: 11.5.9, customers could schedule Non-ATPable ATO models with leadtime values in Processing leadtime columns. Starting in 11.5.10, you must use this profile to

schedule Non-ATPable models with a lead time offset. AND the lead time used for this is Fixed and Variable Lead Time, NOT the processing lead time value.
Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: ATP Infinite Time Fence Pad

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ATP_INFINITE_TF_PAD Oracle Global Order Promising adds the number of days specified in this profile option to the infinite time fence you specify in an ATP rule. It inflates the infinite time fence by that number of days. Valid values are: Interger >=0

Use this profile option when you want an infinite time fence date for an item to be based on the item manufacturing lead-times plus extra days. This is a site level profile option. Default Value - Null Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning

Yes No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: ATP Synchronization Downtime (minutes)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ATP_SYNC_DOWNTIME You may need to set this profile option if you run available to promise in 24x7 mode. When new sales orders come in while the synchronization process is running, the process can run for a long time if the order volume is high. Available to promise cannot switch to the new plan until the process finishes. Specify the ATP downtime in minutes. During the downtime, there are no new sales orders for available to promise to process. The synchronization process can finish as soon as possible. There is a trade-off between available to promise downtime and the time it takes to switch to the refreshed plan. Valid values are: Integer>0

This is a site level profile option. Default Value - Null Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: ATP Web Service Responsibility

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_WS_ATP_FNDRESP Responsibility used when ATP web service is invoked

6625571 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: ATP Web Service User

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_WS_ATP_FNDUSER User used when ATP web service is invoked

6625571 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC: AVOID RE-SOURCING SALES ORDERS Reconcile: Does this need to have Internal name changed to MSC_AVOID_RESOURCING_SALES_ORDERSOR is this a duplicate?? Possible values: Yes or NoDefault: YesYes - To maintain backward compatibility. Planning logic will avoid sourcing sales orders. This will disable the following functionalities: plan by arrival date, change ship methods, and change source org for sales order lines.No - With this setting, you can plan by arrival date, change ship methods, and change source org provided you have set up the correct sourcing rules. 352277.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

6134419 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Action Allowed on ATP 24x7 Plan While Running

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ALLOWED_ACTION_24X7 This profile option controls whether you can access and make changes to the ATP plan while it is running in 24x7 mode. The changes you make to the plan while it is running will not be reflected in the refreshed plan. If you set this profile option, consider setting MSC: ATP Synchronization Downtime (minutes). This is a site level profile option. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - No

Must be using INV: Capable to Promise - ATP/CTP based on planning output In the Plan Names form, the ATP Flag must be checked for the plan you wish to use for 24x7 ATP When launching the plan, you must use parameter Enable 24x7 ATP = Yes
Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Aggregate Resource Name Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_AGGREG_RES_NAME This profile option stores the name of the flexfield column that contains the value in the corresponding table. See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 for more information. Set in EBS Source in a distributed installation.

Created by Create Planning Flexfields concurrent request. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Align Component Demand Date with Pegging Date

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ALIGN_COMP_DMD_WITH_PEG Per Bug 6512739The work orders are scheduled out further than planned order--"cross scheduling", because the assembly level, the pegging window is very large, causing some early component supplies are pegged (via multihop) to late high priority demand. The scheduler's right justification pushes the work orders out. . Introduce a profile MSC: Align Component Demand Date with Pegging Date. Yes - the component demand will be pushed out in the first place, so it has less chance to grab the work orders

First introduced in 11.5.9 - Bug 5903195 Forward ported to 11.5.10 and included in ASCP Engine/UI RUP #33 Forward ported to R12 in Bug 6266579 and present in CU3 patch 6731645 and included in 12.0.6 Fixed in base release of 12.1.1 Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization

6512739 6266579 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No

MSC: Allocated ATP Forward Consumption Method

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ATP_FORWARD_CONSUME_METHOD This profile controls the forward consumption method for allocated available to promise using the user-defined allocation percentage method. Valid values are: Reduce future supply from lowest priority: The shortage -after consuming its own allocated supply and available supply from a lower priority--is accounted for by using available future supply from the lowest priority. If all the demand classes are at the same priority, the shortage from a demand class consumes its own future supply. Use this if you prefer to delay some of the committed demand and hold the supply for higher priority demand classes. Reduce available supply from any priority: The shortage -after consuming its own allocated supply and available supply from lower priority--is accounted for by using available supply from higher priority demand classes. Therefore, committed demand must be accounted for before allowing more promises.

This is a site level profile option. Default Value - Reduce future supply from lowest priority Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Allocation Assignment Category Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ALLOC_CATEGORY_SET The Assign Allocation Rule form and the Sourcing assignment form both use the MSC: Sourcing Category Set to determine the valid category set. Use this profile option if you want the allocation rule category set to be different from the sourcing assignments category set.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3128505 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Allow Release of Planned Orders from Demand Schedule Plan

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DRP_RELEASE_FROM_MRP This profile option provides increased flexibility for releasing planned orders and applies only to manual release. It is not considered for auto-release. MPS and MPP planned orders cannot be auto-released from the MRP. The planning engine assumes that if the item is marked so that auto-release is allowed then auto-release has already occurred from the MPS or the MPP. Valid values are: Yes - You can release demand schedule MPP or MPP planned orders from the lower level plan No - You cannot release demand schedule MPP or MPP planned orders from the lower level plan

Note Reference(s) 795033.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

5852065 -1 -1 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Allow release of replenishments above suggested quantity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 3389269 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No MSC MSC_VMI_RELEASE_ABOVE_MAX When set to yes, this will allow users to replenish more than the suggested quantity.

MSC: Analytics Currency Code

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) MSC MSC_ANALYTICS_CURRENCY_CODE No Documentation available for this profile.

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Anchor date for calculating operation yields

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_OPERATION_YIELD_TYPE Use this profile option to instruct the planning engine on which effectivity date to use when it generates resource requirements of operations with yields. This profile option applies to discrete jobs and Oracle ShopFloor Management (OSFM) routings with primary network scheduling method. Order start date: Use the order start date to check for operation effectivity and select yield value. Operation start date: Use the operation start date to check for operation effectivity and select yield value.

The planning engine uses lead-time percent to calculate the operation start date; it assumes that the lead-time percent of an operation that is effective in the future is the same as the lead-time percent of the operation it replaces. If an operation's effectivity ends within a time bucket, the planning engine assumes that its effectivity ends on the first day of the time bucket. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

3161454 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Anchor date for calculating remaining shelf life

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_USE_SHIP_DAYS_FOR_MRSL Specifies arrival date or ship date as the anchor date to use when calculating the remaining shelf life 760046.1

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Apply Lot Modifiers in Weekly/Period Buckets

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_APPLY_LOT_MODIFIER Determines whether order modifiers are considered when creating planned orders for weekly or period time buckets. Valid values are: Yes - considers order modifiers in these calculations No - does not consider order modifiers in these calculations

Default Value - NULL (Yes) Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No

MSC: Apply Order Modifier To Start Quantity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_APPLY_OM_TO_START_QTY Use this profile option to specify whether order modifiers are applied to start quantities for discrete or lot based jobs. This behavior only applies to routings that have operation yield. In this case the start quantity may be different from the expected supply quantity. Valid values are: Yes - The planning engine inflates the order start quantity by the routing operation yield and then applies order modifiers. No - The planning engine applies the order modifiers to the end quantity

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No No No

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSC: Apply Safety Stock Change interval to non MRP Planned Safety Stock
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SS_SMOOTH_NON_MRP Use this profile option to specify the safety stock to which the smoothing within time interval applies: Valid values are: Yes - Smoothing applies to all types of safety stock No - Smoothing applies only to MRP planned safety stock

Note Reference(s) 276707.1 759329.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Apply shortage and excess tolerance to planned orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_APPLY_TOL_PLAN_ORD Introduced in ASCP Egnine/UI rollup #33 Valid values are: Yes - The shortage tolerance and excess percentages are applied to all supplies including planned orders. This is the default value.

No - The shortage tolerance and excess percentages are applied only to firm existing supplies (such as Onhand, WIP).

Introduced in ASCP Engine/UI rollup #33. 11-May-2010 - Not front ported to any R12.x release. Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 7461501 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Auto-Release Compression Days Tolerance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_AUTO_REL_COMP_TOLERANCE Indicates the number of compression days allowed for the automatic release of planned orders. Valid values are: Integer >= 0

Example: We do not release planned orders that have Compression Day calculated in the ASCP plan. So if Item setup has Release time fence is 15 days, and leadtime is 10 days. Then any order inside Day 10 would not be released. If you set profile to 10, then we would release any order for this item. Auto-Release planned orders will run if you have the Production Flag checked in the Plan Names form. Default Value - NULL Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Automatically Recalculate Operation Time

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_RECALCULATE_OP_TIME Enables automatic re-calculation of "New Date" (due date) of make orders when order is firmed and the "New Start Date" is updated by the user. This takes into account Fixed and Variable Lead Times and working days. This is done only in the case of unconstrained plans and has certain limitations.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

6142627 9359714 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Avoid Re-Sourcing Sales Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_AVOID_RESOURCING_SALES_ORDERS No information for this profile. 352277.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6134419 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: BPEL Demantra Password

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SCN_DEMANTRA_PASSWORD Required for launching Demantra nodes in BPEL, default value is soa. 759571.1

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: BPEL Demantra Username

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SCN_DEMANTRA_USERNAME Required for launching Demantra nodes in BPEL, default value is soa. 759571.1

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: BPEL Domain Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCN_BPEL_DOMAIN Required for launching BPEL. To deploy custom BPEL processes, you must deploy the processes to the domain that is specified in the profile option MSC:BPEL 759571.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCN_SERVICE_ENDPOINT Required for launching BPEL, typically: http://[m/c name]:port 759571.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: BPEL Process Version

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SCN_BPEL_VERSION Deployed BPEL process flows version number. 759571.1

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

MSC: Batch Size for Self Service Loads

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SELF_SERVICE_LOADS_BATCH_SIZE For large data loads using Legacy Self Service Loads, set to a higher value in combination with profile MSC: Number of Workers for Self Service Loads to achieve best fit for performance and data size being loaded. Valid values are: Integer

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - 1000 352277.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Batchable Flag

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning MSC MSC_BATCHABLE_FLAG No longer used in ASCP

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MSC: Batching Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_BATCHING_WINDOW Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning.

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Buy Order Processing Lead Time Calendar

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_BUY_ORDER_PROCESSING_LEAD_TIME_CALENDAR Use this profile option to instruct the planning engine what calendar to use when it offsets processing lead-time for buy orders. Valid values are: Supplier Capacity Calendar - The planning engine offsets processing lead-time for buy orders using the Approved Supplier List Supplier Capacity Calendar. The Approved Supplier List Supplier Capacity Calendar is the successor to the Approved Supplier List supplier delivery calendar. Org Manufacturing Calendar - The planning engine offsets processing lead-time for buy orders using the organization manufacturing calendar.

This profile was introduced to offer backward compatibility to the way processing Lead-time was calculated in 11.5.9. The equivalent of the 11.5.9 functionalty is to use Org Manufacturing calendar.

Notes: Ref Note 566206.1 for more information.ATP does not currently use this profile. an ASL must be assigned to the item with the Supplier Capacity Calendar same as the Org calendar to get ATP to offer the same functionality as ASCP planning Default Value - Supplier Capacity Calendar Note Reference(s) 566206.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No

MSC: CP Debug Level

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CP_DEBUG Controls the level of detail in the concurrent program log messages for Oracle Collaborative Planning. Valid values are: Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance 295564.1 Off - No debug messages generated On - Short debug messages generated High - Detailed debug messages generated.

-1 Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Calendar Reference for Bucketing

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_BKT_REFERENCE_CALENDAR Calendar used for bucketing KPI's. Also known to cause plan failures, Signal 11 errors when this not setup. No formal documentation on the profile 452630.1 372199.1 603981.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Note Reference(s)

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Cancel Oustanding Sales Order Quantities

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSC_FILL_OR_KILL_ENABLED


Valid values are: No - then the DRP engine behavior is not affected and does not exhibit 'Fill or Kill'. Yes - then for any sales orders with openquantities after the Latest Acceptable Date, the quantities are canceled and the demands are not carried forward. The cancellation is effective as of the Latest Acceptable Date (which is considered by DRP as the end of the allocation bucket).

Note that the only order modifier that is considered when determining partial allocations to sales orders is the Round Order Quantities item attribute for the shipping organization. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Category Set for Jobs without an Item Reference

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning MSC MSC_NO_ACTIVITY_ITEM_CATEGORY_SET No information available for this profile in user guides.

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MSC: Category Set for Liability Analysis

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_CATEGORY_SET_NAME Not used in Oracle Advanced Planning.

5481643 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Category for Jobs without an Item Reference

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning MSC MSC_NO_ACTIVITY_ITEM_CATEGORY No Information available in user guides.

No No No Yes No No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Category set for CP Horizontal View

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSCX_CP_HZ_CATEGORY_SET Indicates a category set that you want to query in the Oracle Collaborative Planning horizontal view. Using this profile option, you can restrict queries to specific categories based on your requirement.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 2422506 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Category set for Strategic Planning

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD MSC MSC_STRATEGIC_PLANNING_CATEGORY_SET Information about this profile is not available in user guides. 365112.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Choice of item for which to create supplies in substitute relationship

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ITEM_CHOICE_FOR_SUBSTITUTE Determines the item for which Oracle Global Order Promising and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning creates planned supplies when item substitution relationships are specified. When set to Follow Item Attribute and the item attribute Create Supply for all the substitute items in the substitution chain is No, no supplies are created. When you have a substitution chain A --> B --> C, and this profile option is set to Highest Level Item, it is expected that Oracle Advanced Planning creates supply for item C. Item C must be enabled in the organization where you are trying to create supply. If item C is not enabled in the organization, Oracle Advanced Planning creates supply for item B (the next highest level item in the substitution chain) and does not create supply for item C. Note Reference(s) 382638.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6528915 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Circular sourcing surplus days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_CIRC_SRC_DAYS This profile is no longer used.

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Class Hierarchy

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CLASS_HIERARCHY Indicates which allocation hierarchy to use. Users can update at the site level. Valid values are: Demand Class - User-defined, single-level hierarchy. Customer Class - Three levels: customer class, customer, and site.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes

MSC: Closest Quantity Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_CLOSEST_QTY_PEGGING This profile was removed in 11.5.9

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Collaborative Planning Default Calendar

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_X_DEFAULT_CALENDAR When multiple customer sites display together, Oracle Collaborative Planning uses the default system calendar (profile option MSC: Collaborative Planning Default Calendar).

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning 4446794 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSC: Collect Item, Material and Resource Costs

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_COLLECT_COSTS_FOR_ITEM This profile option indicates whether data collection should include cost information. Specifying No may improve data collections performance.

Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes

MSC: Collect PS SNO Data

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance MSC MSC_COLLECT_PS_SNO_DATA

Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Collection Window for Trading Partner Changes (Days)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_COLLECTION_WINDOW_FOR_TP_CHANGES Used by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning collections. Specifies the number of days backwards that changes in customer names, customer sites, vendors, and vendor sites are collected. If null, then all changes arecollected. Used when collections for the trading partners entity is run in complete mode. 405295

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Collections Snapshot Threshold

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SNAPSHOT_THRESHOLD In Refresh Snapshots request, we checks the number of rows in table and number of rows in the MLOG If ratio exceeds the threshold, then we will launch Complete Refresh of the SnapshotWe do not recommend setting this profile unless directed by DEV We will perform a complete refresh when a large number of rows exist in the MLOG, since this would be faster than referencing the MLOG table for a fast refresh This profile would usually be triggered when a large data load was performed

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

to load data into setup tables. Valid values: Integer 0 - 100 NULL is default - seen as 40 179522.1

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Compute Project Exception

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PROJECT_TASK_EXCEPTION This profile option determines whether to generate project specific exceptions when running a project based plan. Valid values are: Yes: Enable the generation of project specific exceptions. No: Disable the generation of project specific exceptions.

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSC: Configuration
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_X_CONFIGURATION Ensure that the value of the profile option MSC: Configuration is set to APS & CP. This enables collaboration between Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning and Oracle Collaborative Planning used to enable ASCP - CP interaction

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Consolidate Interplant Demands

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CONSOL_INTERPLANT_DEM This profile option is not documented in the User Guide. (see Note 555016.1 ) Consolidates inter-plant demand into a single inter-plant supply, thus reducing the number of inter-plant orders. Valid values are: By End Pegged Demand - Retain current behavior of creating a demand for each end pegged demand. By Demand Schedule Supply -On a given day aggregate the dependent demands from one supply

Default Value - By End Pegged Demand Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections 7457980 -1 Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Consume Forecast Inside Demand Time Fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CONSUME_FORECAST_DTF Valid values are: No - demand time fence control is implemented prior to forecast consumption. Forecast entries in the demand time fence are dropped as demand statements and not used for consumption. Yes - forecast consumption occurs prior to enforcing demand time fence control. The forecast entries within the demand time fence are used for consumption but not as demand. After consumption, demand quantity for all the forecast entries within the demand time fence is zero.

If you are using forecast spreading: For a periodic forecast entry that falls in weekly planning buckets within the demand time fence, the forecast spreading process spreads the entries into daily entries. If the daily entry is within the demand time fence, the process ignores the value that you set and uses the value Yes in processing. If the daily entry is outside the demand time fence, the process ignores this profile option and consumes against the entry.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization


-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MSC: Consume forecast with no demand class

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CONSUME_NULL_DC This profile option instructs the forecast consumption process in about the order it should use to consume forecast entries when some of them have a demand class and others do not have a demand class. Valid values are: Within Each Bucket - The forecast consumption process starts by consuming forecast entries for the day on the sales order; it consumes entries with matching demand class first, then entries with no demand class. Then, it consumes forecast entries within the backward and forward consumption days; for each day, it uses matching demand class first, then no demand class. Within Each Bucket - After Consuming Demand Class Specific Forecast: The forecast consumption process starts by consuming forecast entries for the day on the sales order with matching demand class only. Then, it consumes forecast entries within the backward and forward consumption days with matching demand class only. If there is a remaining sales order quantity, it repeats the process against forecast entries with no demand class, first on the day on the sales order, then within the backward and forward consumption days.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Consume forecasts using Internal Sales Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CONSUME_INT_SALES_ORDERS Only used when INV: Inventory Capable to Promise - ATP/CTP based on Planning Data Valid values are: Yes - Perform ATP check on Internal Sales Orders No - Do Not perform ATP check on Internal Sales Orders Only If Destination Organization on ISO is not part of Plan -

From Note 558908.1 1. The profile was added in bug 5440895. This profile works in tandem with the profile option MSC: Consume forecasts using Internal Sales Orders. So, If profile MSC: Perform ATP Check for Internal Sales Orders is set with a value, it is used. Otherwise, the value of the previous profile is used. 2. If you have a centralized instance, set the profile value as required. If you are a decentralized/distributed installation with both APS Destination and ERP Source, set this on the APS destination and ERP source.

Notes: 1. Bug 6434413 Service Orgs do NOT use an External sales order, so fixes had to be made so that scheduling would be correct for service orgs that generate Internal Reqs directly For Bug 6434413 - fix is released on ATP RUP #22 and above (See Note 252108.1 for list of patches. Patch 6434413 should not be applied instead of a rollup patch. In R12.0.4, this fix for bug 6434413 is not yet released - 16APR-2008



Note Reference(s)


Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

6434413 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes

MSC: Cost Type

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_COST_TYPE Use this profile option on the source instance (execution system) to specify the cost type that collections should use when collecting the item costs. You should perform a cost rollup for the specified cost type before collecting data. If this profile option is null, collections uses the: Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising Frozen cost type for standard costed organizations Average cost type specified for average costed organizations

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Cost of Using a BOM/ Routing Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_ALT_BOM_COST Not used by Oracle Advanced Planning.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Create Resource Requirements for all Operations

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CREATE_DUMMY_RES_REQS If an operation has no resources with Schedule = Yes, when this profile option is set to: Yes - The planning engine creates a dummy resource requirement for the operation No - The planning engine does not create a dummy resource requirement for the operation; the operation does not have any resource requirements

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Currency Conversion Type

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE Use this profile option on the destination instance to specify currency conversion type. If you change the value, the next time you run collections, the collections process purges the data with the previous currency

conversion type and replaces it with data with the new currency conversion type. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Custom allocation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_USE_CUSTOM_ALLOCATION To improve performance for customer allocated ATP used only in following cases. Only end item allocation. no component allocation. that is, the item cannot be a component of other bom. No ctp (so we don't deal with planned order demand allocation and CTP suggested supply/demand allocation).

Note Reference(s) 555016.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning 6456520 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No Yes

MSC: DPP Demand Priority Details viewing buckets

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_DRP_DMD_PRIORITY_BK No documentation found on this profile.

Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: DPP Discrete Job Cutoff Window (Days)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DRP_DISCRETE_JOB_CUTOFF_WINDOW Use this profile option to control the number of days from plan start date that discrete jobs are considered. Valid values are: Null: -All discrete jobs are considered by the distribution plan. 0 - No discrete jobs are considered by the distribution plan. Integer >=0 - All discrete jobs with completion dates from plan launch date + {integer value} are considered by the distribution plan. New planned orders for discrete jobs can be created both inside and outside the job cutoff window.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization

Yes No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No

MSC: DPP Related Exception Additional Offset Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_DRP_REL_EXP_OFFSET_DAYS No Description

-1 Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: DRP Multitasking Group ID's per Process

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DRP_GROUPIDS_PER_PROCESS Use this profile option to specify how many Group IDs an unconstrained demand and supply netting and allocation child process should process. In this phase, a child process loads data based on internal group IDs and will load all the org-items belonging to those group ID's. This option specifies the length of the list of group ID's. This profile option does not control the Load Consolidation processes. This profile option does not apply with operating system Microsoft Windows. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

8523019 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1

Dependent Profiles

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: DRP Multitasking Max Concurrent Processes

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DRP_MAX_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES Use this profile option to specify the maximum number of DPP processes that are allowed to run in parallel. For example, if your machine has 4 CPU's,you might choose to run a maximum of one concurrent process on each CPU; in this case, set the value to 4. This profile option does not apply with operating system Microsoft Windows. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

8523019 -1 -1 -1 No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Daily Allocation to Maintain Safety Stock Level

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSC_DAILY_ALLOCATION_SS

Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Indicates whether or not the safety stock level that you specify needs to be maintained.

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC:DAY_UOM_CODE Supports the unit of measure conversion required for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning resource batching calculations. Batching Window is considered in days, but users can specify the batching window in a unit of measure other than days. The profile option establishes a standard for the Day unit of measure. Users must specify a unit of measure that represents the value Day using this profile option. Users must also set up a unit of measure conversion between the unit of measure used for resources and the Day unit of measure specified here.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSC: Days of Resource Availability before sysdate

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_RES_AVAIL_BEFORE_SYSDAT Calculate Resource Availability for X days before sysdate. If a high number, then resource availability calculation during ODS Load could take a longer time. This can be used to collect resource availability in the past. Then this can be used in Planning to calculate completion time of operations in progress. You should collect resource availability in the past that will cover the earliest operation start date currently running in the system. Valid values are: Integer / NULL = 1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

5044955 5043399 -1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Debug Level

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections MSC MSC_DEBUG_LEVEL

Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Debug Module

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_DEBUG_MODULE

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Default Project for Supplies Pegged to Excess

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan MSC MSC_DEF_PROJ_SUP_EXCESS This profile is no longer active in 11.5.10 and above.

5217328 -1 Yes No No Yes No No

Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Default Workbench Height

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_DEFAULT_WORKBENCH_HEIGHT Specify the default workbench height. Can be defined at the site level.

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Default Workbench Width

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile MSC MSC_DEFAULT_WORKBENCH_WIDTH Specify the default workbench width. Can be defined at the site level.

-1 Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Degree of Parallelism for Index Creation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_INDEX_PARALLEL_THREADS Controls the use of parallel workers in data collections. Specifies how many parallel workers to use when creating indexes.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4460213 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Demand Priority Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MRP_DMD_PRIORITY_FLEX_NUM


Stores the value of the attribute column that controls the demand priority. See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 for more information. Set in EBS Source in a Distrubuted installation.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Demand Satisfied Percent Threshold for Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DEMAND_SA_PER_THRESHHOLD Set this profile option to instruct the planning engine to stop pegging supplies to a demand which is over satisfaction percentage. Oracle recommends setting the value greater than 99.9. Even if you set this profile option below 100.0, the planning engine still satisfies 100% of the demand. Note Reference(s) 739561.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSC: Display Order Rescheduling Supplies

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DISP_RESCH_SUPPLIES Valid values are: Yes - Planner Workbench displays Order Rescheduling Supply and Order Rescheduling Demand inserted by available to promise when it unschedules a sales order for a configured item. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Display Supplier Item in Collaborative Planning

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DIS_SUP_ITEM_CP_HZ This setting is to display the Supplier Item value in the Horizontal Plan in Collaborative Planning. Valid values are: Yes - display the Supplier Item value in the Horizontal Plan in Collaborative Planning No - do not display the Supplier Item value in the Horizontal Plan in Collaborative Planning

After the profile change, allow 60-90 seconds for the profile change to take place. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3969852 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Display Warning Message When Rescheduling Recommendation Not Suggested by the Plan
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_REL_SHOW_WARN This profile option specifies whether or not the Planner Workbench should display a warning message when you release rescheduled orders that the planning engine has not recommended. Valid values are: Yes - Use this value if you want the Planner Workbench to prompt you for confirmation when you release rescheduled orders that the planning engine does not recommend. No - Use this value if you do not want the Planner Workbench to display the message prompting to prompt you for confirmation when you release the rescheduled orders that the planning engine does not recommend.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization 3016969 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No

MSC: Distribution Planning Ship Date

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DIST_PLAN_SHIP_DATE Use this profile option to schedule a trip for departure based on the earliest and latest possible ship dates of the trip. Valid values are: Ship full trips early or ship latest(Target) - Utilized trips ship on the earliest possible ship date or in time to prevent inventory levels from dropping below target. Ship full trips early or ship latest (SS) -Utilized trips ship on the earliest possible ship date or in time to prevent inventory levels from dropping below safety stock. Latest possible ship date (Target) -Trips ship just in time to prevent inventory levels from dropping below target. Latest possible ship date (SS) - : Trips ship just in time to prevent inventory levels from dropping below safety stock

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: EBS source instance for OTM

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_EBS_INSTANCE_FOR_OTM A string such as TST. Default to same instance as APS self instance. Now APS-OTM integration only support single EBS source instance.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PQUERY_EXEC_WITH_CRITERIA Use this profile option to specify if a query requestor needs to specify criteria before executing a query. Valid values are: Yes - This ensures that the query performs more efficiently. No

Note Reference(s)


Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No

MSC: Enable 64 bit snapshot

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENABLE_64BIT_SNAPSHOT When using 64 bit planning, you can also run the Memory Base Snapshot in 64 bit mode. This does not make the plan run faster. This is for extremely large data models the exceed the requirements of 32 bit snapshot. Most customers using 64 bit planning will not need 64 bit snapshot. Valid vaules are: Enabled Disabled

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - Disabled 254810.1

-1 Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Enable ATP Summary Mode

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENABLE_ATP_SUMMARY Enables the summarization of supply / demand data for performance improvement. This is a site level profile. Valid values are:

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 457840.1

Yes - Enable ATP Summary Mode No - Disable ATP Summary Mode.

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Enable ATP Workflow

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ALLOCATED_ATP_WORKFLOW Controls the generation of workflow notifications to send to the planner. This is a site level profile. Valid values are: Yes: Generate ATP Workflow Notifications No: Do not generate ATP Workflow Notifications

When one of the following actions occurs, workflow notifications are automatically triggered and sent to the item planner and sales representative or the customer contact: ATP fails on request date during scheduling ATP succeeds only by taking allocation from a lower priority demand class.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD

You must set profile MSC: Enable ATP Workflow to Yes if you want a notification to be sent to the appropriate people when an item substitution occurs during sales order scheduling. 419271.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Enable ATP for Phantom Components

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENABLE_PHANT_COMP Valid values are: Yes - Oracle Global Order Promising treats phantom items like standard items and net their supply and demand. No - Oracle Global Order Promising explodes phantom items to their components and performs availability check for the components only.

This is a site level profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Enable Advanced Constraints

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENABLE_NEW_CONSTRAINTS Use this profile option to control the values that display for plan option Constraints Mode (on the Constraints tab). Valid values are:

Yes: All values for plan option Constraints Mode display No: All values for plan option Constraints Mode display except Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling)

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Enable Allocated ATP

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ALLOCATED_ATP Use this profile options to indicate whether allocated order promising is used. Users can update this profile at the site level. Valid Values are: Yes No

Note Reference(s)

Default Value: No 212788.1 218010.1 339599.1 154293.1 333936.1 251920.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Enable DRP Multitasking

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DRP_MULTITASKING Use this profile option to specify whether the planning engine should use high volume distribution planning. You can set at the user and site levels. Valid values are: Yes - All DPP plans run by this user or at this site are run in high volume mode. This value does not apply with operating system Microsoft Windows. No - DPP plans run by this user or at this site are not run in high volume mode

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

8523019 -1 -1 -1 No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Enable Diagnostic ATP

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DIAGNOSTIC_ATP Use this profile to enable diagnostics within the ATP Inquiry form.

Note Reference(s)

Open the ATP inquiry screen and then go to tools and check on enable diagnostics and then you can do an ATP inquiry for the item. It will give you what is the quantity that can be made till that date and the full pegging through which you can figure what the coinstraint actually is. 303067.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

6001023 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Enable Enhanced Sourcing

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENHANCE_SOURCING Enables enhanced sourcing logic that considers historical allocations and allows the splitting of planned orders to achieve target sourcing percentages.

Rank 2 buy sources are considered if supplier capacity is exhausted for rank 1 sources. This profile option duplicates the functionality of the decision rule Use Alternate Sources parameter for buy items but not for transfers from other organizations. When the decision rules are enabled, the planning engine does not consider this profile option. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSC: Enable Group Based Netting

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENABLE_GROUP_BASED_NETTING Use this profile option to control whether the planning engine uses group based netting features. Valid values are: Yes - provides the most recent netting logic

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle recommends that you set the value to Yes and use the latest netting features. This profile option is for backward compatibility. In R12 this profile has to be set to Yes. 421097.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Enable Java Debug

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles MSC MSC_JAVA_DEBUG When setting this profile to Yes, debug messages are written to the java console. 396037.1


11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No

MSC: Enable Priority Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENABLE_PRIORITY_PEGGING This is not a visible profile. This is actually a parameter on the options form for the plan options. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Enforce Hard Links

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSO_ENFORCE_HARD_LINKS


This profile option specifies whether time offsets are hard constraints or soft constraints. Valid values are: Yes - the planning engine can violate resource and material capacities to satisfy minimum and maximum time offsets. If capacity is exceeded, exception messages start the cause as "Hard Link Constraint". No - the planning engine cannot violate resource and material capacities to satisfy the minimum and maximum time offsets. In this case, the planning engine can violate hard links and generate a "Hard Link Violation" exception message.

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

7453287 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Enhanced Project Netting

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENHANCED_PROJECT_NETTING The new schedule date on on-hand and expired-lots is calculated incorrectly, when flushing to MSLD_SUPPLIES.dat. The new shcedule date now is calculated using date from call to get_curr_date() instead of arguments>curr_date as done previously

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning

Yes No No Yes

All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Excess and Safety Stock by Demand Class

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_EXCESS_SUPPLY_BY_DC This profile option controls the allocation of supply or demand that pegs to excess or safety stock in the case of allocated ATP using the demand-priority based method. Valid values are: Yes - If such supply or demand has a demand class, and if the demand class exists on the allocation rule, allocate the supply or demand to the demand class. However, if the supply or demand does not have a demand class or if the demand class does not exist on the allocation rule, allocate the supply or demand to OTHER. No: Allocate such supply or demand to OTHER.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 250289.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: File Flush Limit

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_FILE_FLUSH_LIMIT Use this profile option to control Planner concurrent process write to database, if the number of records exceed this value, the process uses SQL*Loader or array insert. 725858.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No

MSC: Firm Internal Requisition Time Fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_FIRM_PURCH_REQ_TF This profile option creates a natural time fence for an item if a firm internal requisition exists. The natural time fence is the date of the latest firm internal requisition. Valid values are: Yes: Use this to create a natural time fence for a firm internal requisition. No: Use this if you do not want to create a natural time fence for a firm internal requisition.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Firm Intransit and PO in Receiving Supplies

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_FIRM_INTRANSIT_PO_IN_RECEIVING This profile option applies to unconstrained plans only and instructs the planning engine whether it should consider intransit and purchase order in receiving supplies as firm or it should issue reschedule recommendations for them. Valid values are: Yes - the planning engine considers intransit and purchase order in receiving supplies as firm. No - the planning engine generates reschedule recommendations for these types of supplies. Use this setting if you expedite shipments that are en route from a supplier to a receiving organization or if you want to expedite the movement of materials in receiving to the shop floor. For example, you might offload a package from a ship at a port and then fly the package to the receiving organization.

These recommendations are informational only and cannot be released from the Planner Workbench. This is a user level profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization 4593891 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MSC: Flush All Items for Simulation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_FLUSH_ALL_ITEMS_ONLINE Profile option used to identify items to calculate safety stock as part of the batch replan. Valid values are: Yes - flush the item data during simulation/batch replan to calculate the safety stocks and not miss any data. No - only the items changed for simulation or batch replan are taken into account and recalculated

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

5920518 9361980 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Forecast Priority Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) MSC MSC_FCST_PRIORITY_FLEX_NUM Stores the value of the attribute column that will control the forecast priority. See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 for more information. 794086.1

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_FCST_SPREADING_CALENDAR Obsolete

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar

Profile Code MSC

Profile Option Name Description

MSC_FORECAST_SPREAD_CAL ASCP currently supports forecast spreading based on manufacturing calendar. When the profile is set to Organization Shipping Calendar, we will use the shipping calendar to spread the forecast.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

7420122 -1 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Future Days for Currency Conversion

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_FUTURE_DAYS_FOR_CURR_CONV Use this profile option to instruct the collections process how many future days of currency conversion rates to collect, starting from today.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Gateway URL to External Application

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 2937850 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No MSC MSC_GATEWAY_URL_EXTERNAL This profile is obsolete and needs to be removed from the applications. This is documented in bug 2937850

MSC: Generate Exceptions in CP

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_WS_OTM_GEN_EXC_CP Control whether the order later or earlier exceptions will be generated in Collaborate Planning. 733189.1 761773.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

-1 -1 No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSC: Generate Notifications for Transportation Updates

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_GEN_NOTIFICATION_FOR_OTM Use this profile option to specify whether the process that passes estimated arrival time updates from Oracle Transportation Management should create workflow notifications. Valid values are: Yes - Create workflow notifications No - Do not create workflow notifications

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: HP Maximum Displayed Item Count

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_HP_ITEM_LIMIT Controls the number of items that can be viewed in the Horizontal Plan. 734926.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes

All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: High Volume Items

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_HIGH_VOL_ITEMS This snapshot profile controls plan weed out logic. Since snapshot on 64-bit machines could run out of memory if the number of planned items is high. Valid values: Yes: Snapshot bypasses the weed out logic and directly inserts items from operational data store to planning data store. If item planning type is All Planned Items, the snapshot inserts all items into the planing data store. If the items have demand schedules only, snapshot only inserts the items in demands schedules into the planning data store. No: The snapshot uses weed out logic. 749602.1 404046.1 387368.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

7696320 5203445 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSC: History Days for Currency Conversion

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_HISTORY_DAYS_FOR_CURR_CONV Use this profile option to instruct the collections process how many past days of currency conversion rates to collect, starting from today.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Horizontal Plan Demand Bucketing Preference

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_HP_DMD_BKT_PRF This profile controls how Oracle Global Order Promising treats demand due date when calculating availability. Valid values are: Plan Recommended Date - Oracle Global Order Promising treats the demand due as the date recommended by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. Demand Due Date, Oracle Global Order Promising treats the demand due as the Schedule Ship Date.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning

Yes No No No

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Horizontal Plan Extension Program

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_HP_EXTENSION_PROGRAM Use this profile option when you are using a custom row in the Planner Workbench Horizontal Plan. Specify the name of the PL/SQL program unit with no parameters that specifies that information to display in the custom row. 743420.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile MSC MSC:HOUR_UOM_CODE Specifies unit of measure. Can be defined at the site level.


Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_INTERPLANT_DEM_PRI Hidden. Used for coding.

7457980 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: IO UI Performance tuning

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_IO_UI_PERF_TUNE Not available in user guide and no information on this profile.

-1 Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No

MSC: Ignore ATP Check for Configured Item from Sales Order in ODS-ATP
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_IGNORE_ATP_CHECK Valid values are: Yes - and using "ATP Based on collected Data" then when there is a configuration existing for the Sales order, we treat the model as non atpable. No - no alterations on existing demand will be done

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra 6355057 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes

MSC: Ignore PTF during CTP

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CTP_IGNORE_PTF Valid values are: Yes - set the Planning Time Fence to sysdate. So Planning Time Fence is not considered while doing ATP. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - No 464095.1

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Include Firm Planned Orders In Firm Allocation Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_INCLUDE_FPO_IN_FAW For priority pegging, controls the point at which demands peg to firm planned orders. Valid values are: Yes - Firm planned orders are included in the firm allocation window (along with scheduled receipts). They are eligible for pegging during the first phase of priority pegging. No - Firm planned orders are not included in the firm allocation window (along with scheduled receipts). They are eligible for pegging during the second phase priority pegging.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) 6623090

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Include Manufacturing Calendar in ATP Sales Order Ship Date Calculations
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_INCLUDE_MFG_CAL This profile was obsoleted in 11.5.10. The functionality of MSC: Use Shipping/Receiving Calendars replaces this in 11.5.10 and above. For 11.5.9 and lower, this determines whether ATP uses 24x7 calendar instead of Org Manufacturing calendar for shipping dates (No for 24x7, Yes for Org Calendar) 555016.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Include Safety Stocks in Priority Based Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_INCLUDE_SS_IN_PRIORITY Controls whether to exclude non-transient safety stock levels from the priority-based pegging logic. Valid values are: Yes - The planning engine does not give preference to nontransient safety stock levels in priority-based pegging. It pegs the demands and the safety stock levels, at the same time, to the supplies. No - The planning engine gives preference to non-transient safety stock levels in priority-based pegging. It first pegs them to non-firm planned orders. Then, it pegs the demands to the other supplies.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

4011546 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Inflate WIP Resource Requirements

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_INFLATE_WIP Determines whether or not the planning engine should inflate the Work in Process resource requirements based on resource efficiency and utilization during collections from Oracle Work in Process. Valid values are: Yes - Planning engine inflates the resource requirements for the firm, unfirm, and non-standard discrete jobs considering the resource efficiency and utilization.

No - The planning engine does not consider resource efficiency and utilization to inflate the resource requirements for the collected discrete jobs.

Note that this profile option is used in conjunction with shop floor scheduling products such as Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling. It is assumed that the discrete jobs are not released from the planning engine. If the jobs are rescheduled and released by the planning engine, the resource requirements are deflated. This could result in data inconsistency as the resource requirements are deflated on release whereas Oracle Manufacturing and Scheduling might have calculated resource requirements based on the inflated values. The planning engine always sends the original resource requirements upon release. If the resource requirements are already inflated in the source from Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling, set this profile option to No to avoid double inflation of the resource requirements. Otherwise, set it to Yes so that the planning engine inflates the resource requirements. Default Value - No Note Reference(s) 373892.1 858515.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

2490553 -1 -1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Inventory Rebalancing Surplus Inventory Basis

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_CIRC_SRC_SURP_INV_BASIS This profile can be set at the Site, Responsibility, or User. This profile relates to Distribution Planning. Use this option to specify whether inventory rebalancing considers target or safety stock inventory levels. Valid values are:

Target - Surplus inventory is defined as the quantity of projected available balance greater than target inventory level. Target inventory demands are considered by inventory rebalancing. Safety Stock - Surplus inventory is defined as the quantity of projected available balance greater than safety stock inventory level. Target inventory level demands are ignored by inventory rebalancing.

Note Reference(s)


Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

7366907 7426019 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: JInitiator Version

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning MSC MSC_JINI_VERSION No documentation or bugs found for this profile.

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSC: Launch Analyze Plan Partition

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_LAUNCH_ANALYZE_PART Launches the concurrent request Analyze Plan Partition. 250161.1 298355.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Launch System Sql Loader

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_LAUNCH_SYSTEM_SQLLDR Valid values are: Yes - will launch sqlldr by system call. No - will call fdpldr() function as earlier.

This profile option is specifically used when MRP_DIRECT_LOAD is set to Yes. Note Reference(s) 555016.1 307443.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 5722157 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Launch Workflow-Enabled Exception Message Notifications

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) 564868.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning 2474996 -1 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No MSC MSC_LAUNCH_EXCEPTION_NOTIFICATION Determines if Oracle Collaborative Planning sends notification messages when it generates exceptions

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MSC: Level for Calculating Liability

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_LIABILITY_CALC_LEVEL This profile is not used.

5481643 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Limit Gantt Chart Orders View Hierarchy

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_GANTT_ORDER_HIERARCHY When you enter the ordersview of the ASCP Ganttchart from the context of a supply, you should (optionally) see in the left hand pane tree only the supply and those supplies that end peg to that supply. You should not see any of the supplies between the context supply and the end pegged demand.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC 3621869 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: MPS Auto-Firm Planned Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_MPS_AUTO_FIRM_PO This profile option specifies how the planning engine deals with master production schedule firm planned orders. You can use this profile option to specify whether or not the planning engine should treat all planned orders in the master production schedule as firm: Valid values are: Yes - All planned orders in the master production schedule are automatically firmed and not rescheduled during a batch replan. No - Use the same behavior as distribution requirements plans and material requirements plans. When a master production schedule is a demand schedule for another plan, the planning engine treats all planned orders in the demand schedule plan as firm. This is the same as treating planned orders in distribution requirements plans and material requirements plans that are demand schedules for other plans as firm.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

This profile option applies only to master production schedule plans. You can set it at the site and user levels. 259322.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSC: Map Server Host

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_MAPSERVER_HOST Not Used.

4573393 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Map Server Port

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_MAPSERVER_PORT Not Used.

4573393 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Maximum Capacity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_MAX_CAPACITY Not Used

4573393 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Maximum Percentage variation in safety stock values

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_SS_MAX_VARIATION The safety stock is not allowed to deviate by more than this value between two adjacent time intervals. Null allows any deviation. 759329.1 376451.1 276707.1 559867.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MSC: Maximum number of planned orders per demand

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC: MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PLANNED ORDERS PER DEMAND The maximum number of planned orders that the planning engine can create to satisfy one demand. 399364.1 434809.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Maximum number of planned orders per demand(1)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_MAX_PLANNED_ORDERS_PER_DEMAND This profile is obsolete. This profile was introduced in basically to plug abnormal demand supply situation in plans. Suppose there is a demand line of 1000 and by mistake some one has setup an order modifier (FOQ/MOQ) of 1 then 1 demand would generate 1000 work orders. In actual business the order sizes may be 50 or 100, so 1000

work order/demand is really not an ideal profile of supply /demand. To check these kind of data maintenance issues this profile was introduced where one has a rough idea on the maximum number of work orders one demand might generate and can set this as an internal checkpoint. I believe this profile has been removed later as in some business/Semiconductors work orders can really run into very huge number/demand and it is difficult to guess the value for this. Plans at our end were tripping on this profile. I do not see this profile any more in planners log 11.5.10-Rollup 4 onwards. This is correct, just to add this logic is not applicable to DRP Plans and will get invoked only for Fixed Order Quantity order modifiers. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Minimize Project Cross Peg within Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_MINIMIZE_CROSS_PEG Values: Yes/No Default: Yes Used in conjunction with profile option MSC: Use attribute based netting in priority pegging. Valid values are: Yes - The planning engine tries to minimize cross pegging within the Supply/Demand window. No - The planning engine does not attend to the amount of cross pegging

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s)


Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Minimize changes to chronological sequence of supplies while rescheduling

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_MINIMIZE_WORKORDER_CROSSOVER Valid values are: Yes - to minimize the rescheduling of work orders in progress during rescheduling operations during Memory Based Planner. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

Default Value - No 376038.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSC: Minimum Capacity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_MIN_CAPACITY Not Used.

4573393 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Minimum Percentage variation in safety stock values

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SS_MIN_VARIATION The safety stock is held constant across time intervals if the deviation is within this percentage. Zero ignores all deviations. 376451.1 276707.1 759329.1 559867.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Minimum Supply/Demand Percent for Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_MIN_SUP_DEM_PER_PEG Set this profile option to instruct the planning engine not to peg tiny supplies and large demands. It skips a supply if (Supply size / Demand size) x 100 is less than the value of this profile option. Oracle recommends setting the value at 0.0001. Default Value - 0.0 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Move Past Due To Sysdate

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_MOVE_PAST_DUE_TO_SYSDATE There is not any documentation or bugs found for this profile.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Net Change Temp Dir

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_OA_TEMP_DIR Stores the location of image cache used in the Plan Comparison Report. Indicate the location in the following format: [directory]@[subdir] where [directory] This must match the absolute path of the OA_MEDIA environment variable and [subdir] is the name of a subdirectory under the OA_MEDIA directory. The subdirectory must have write permissions for all. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: New Forecast Auto Plan

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DEFAULT_UNCONST_PLAN The plan launched in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning when Oracle Collaborative Planning receives a supplier's forecast. Oracle recommends that this plan be an unconstrained plan. Set the profile to an unconstrained supply chain plan. When the demand plan scenario mentioned in the profile option MSD: Default DP Scenario is published, the unconstrained supply chain plan specified in the profile option MSC: New Forecast Auto Plan starts running. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No

MSC: New Planner Backward Compatibility

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_NEW_PLANNER_BACK_COMPATIBILITY

Based on latest information available in Bug 9848641

Yes - uses the new algorithm for planning phantom items. When you also set MRP_NEW_PLANNER_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY = Yes, then Phantoms will be planned as regular items. When you also set MRP_NEW_PLANNER_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY = No or NULL, then Phantoms will NOT be planned as regular items. No - Uses the old algorithm for planning phantom items. When you also set MRP_NEW_PLANNER_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY = Yes, then Phantoms will be planned as regular items.

When you also set MRP_NEW_PLANNER_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY = No or NULL, then Phantoms will NOT be planned as regular items.

Most all customers should use Yes. If case of certain plan errors when working with byproducts and profile = Yes, then you need to set profile = No The failure will occur when by-product is also a component of the BOM as shown below Ex: Assembly A / \ Phantom B Phantom C -> By-product C | comp C This setup will result in a A->C->A loop. This was seen in bug where plan failed with the following message: ### Error: found loop between FROM operation : with sequence number 10 supply id 1018430492 item id 1181059 TO operation : with sequence number 1 supply id 1018430492 item id 1181059 org Id = 86 This could occur in two conditions : A. There is a loop in network routing - if so, please check the set-up and fix the routing B. There are by/co-products of assembly which are also a component of an item forming this assembly If so, try to change the profile option MSO: Peg By-product Supplies to FALSE APP-MRP-22064: An internal error has occurred (hls_failure, 1)
Note Reference(s) 433492.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

9848641 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No

MSC: New Supply Commit Auto Plan

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DEFAULT_CONST_PLAN The profile controls the plan that is launched in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning when Oracle Collaborative Planning receives a supplier's supply commits. Oracle recommends that this plan be a constrained plan. Valid values are: Specify the name of the plan that you want to launch automatically in the profile option MSC: New Supply Commit Auto Plan. It is recommended that you specify a constrained plan.

Set the profile option MSC: SCEM Engine Launch Events to All to automatically start Supply Chain Event Manager (SCEM) when a supplier loads an order forecast or when you publish an order forecast from the planning server. If you set the profile option to Publish, Supply Chain Event Manager starts only when plans are published from Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. If you set the profile option to Load, Supply Chain Event Manager starts only when data is loaded using flat files. Ensure that the value of the profile option MSC: Configuration is set to APS & CP. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile

-1 -1 Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Number of Workers for Self Service Loads

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SELF_SERVICE_LOADS_WORKERS_NUM Used in conjunction with profile MSC Batch Size for Self Service Loads to help size loading for large data loads using Self Service Collections. Oracle does not suggest using a value larger than 10. You may need to increase Standard Manager workshifts (processes) to accommodate a larger number. Valid values: Integer Default value = 3 352277.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: OTHER with zero allocation percent is valid demand class

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ZERO_ALLOC_PERC When set to Yes, demand classes with 0% allocation are considered as valid

demand classes for allocated ATP calculations. When set to No, demand classes with 0% allocations are not considered as valid demand classes for allocated ATP calculations. Valid values: Yes / No Default = No Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

6156478 -1 Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: OTM Punchout URI

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_OTM_PUNCHOUT_URI Used by punchout. URL to OTM such as: 733189.1 761773.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

-1 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSC: OTM Responsibility

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_WS_OTM_RESPID Responsibility like supply chain planner 761773.1

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization MSC MSC_WS_OTM_USERID Userid, like MFG, this profile and next one will be used for notification workflow 761773.1

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MSC: Operator Company Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_X_COMPANY_NAME Used by Oracle Collaborative planning. This profile option will be defaulted with value of "My Company". User can update the company name. This company name will get reflected in next collection run

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 2297044 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Order Number-CA Mandatory for CVMI

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_X_CVMI_CA_MAND Determines whether the order number is mandatory for a consumption advice, while the customer enters the consumption advice record. If the profile option is set to Yes, the user must enter order number for the consumption advice. If set to No, the key date for sales orders and ASN is considered as part of deletion key.

Valid values: Yes/No Default = No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles

Oracle Collaborative Planning Implementation and User's Guide

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Order Type for Consigned VMI

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_X_VMI_OM_ORDER_TYPE This indicates the order type that Oracle Collaborative Planning uses when creating a sales order for consigned VMI. This order type should encompass billing and inventory reduction functions without any shipping being performed

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6518881 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Organization containing generic BOM for forecast explosion

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) MSC MSC_ORG_FOR_BOM_EXPLOSION Used by collections to identify and populate the bill of material validation organization.

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Overwrite all Order Forecast records

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_X_OVERWRITE_OF If the profile "MSC: Overwrite order forecast" is Yes, we delete all the Order forecast for that item,cust/cust_site, supp/supp_site , order type combination; and then load the new Order forecast. 461898.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3754801 -1 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Overwrite all supplier capacity records

Profile Code MSC

Profile Option Name Description

MSC_X_OVERWRITE_SC Indicates whether or not the previous records regarding supplier capacity need to be maintained. You can set this profile option to replace all previous supplier capacity values with the latest supplier capacity to which the supplier commits.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 3103879 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Base Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_BASE_PKG Valid value are: Yes - Base Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No - Base Package is not used for creating a model in Production Scheduling.

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Beginning Inventory Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SCP_PS_BGN_INVNTRY_PKG Specifies whether the Beginning Inventory Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Calendar Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_CALENDAR_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Calendar Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No - Calendar Package is not used for creating a model in Production Scheduling.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

Default Value - Yes 415381.1

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSC: PS - Snapshot Customer Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SCP_PS_CUSTOMER_PKG Specifies whether the Customer Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Distribution Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SCP_PS_DSTRBTN_PKG Specifies whether the Distribution Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Enterprise Forecast Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_FORECAST_PKG Valid values are: Yes -Specifies whether the Enterprise Forecast Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Inventory Safety Targets Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_IST_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Specifies whether the Inventory Safety Targets Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning

Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Manufacturing Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_MFG_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Specifies whether the Manufacturing Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Purchase Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_PO_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Specifies whether the Purchase Order Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Sales Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_SO_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Specifies whether the Sales Orders Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Supplier Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_SUPPLIER_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Specifies whether the Supplier Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Transfer Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_TO_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Specifies whether the Transfer Orders Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS - Snapshot Work Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_WO_PKG Valid values are: Yes - Specifies whether the Work Orders Package is used for creating a model in Production Scheduling. No

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS Consistent Resource Assignment

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_CONSISTENT_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT This means, with MSC: PS Consistent Resource Assignment set as Yes, that the resource instance assignment coming in from ASCP remains the instance assignment post the PS solve (as it cannot be offloaded) and hence all the requirements for these products are against the same resource instance rather than being spread over the other available resource instances. 883676.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

5332948 7316625 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: PS Currency Symbol

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_CURRENCY_SYMBOL The currency symbol used by PS for measurement of costs and calculation of key performance indicators. Set this in the APS destination for a distributed installation Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS Enable CRO Scheduling

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_ENABLE_CRO If RMO (Oracle Repetitive Manufacturing Optimization) option is licensed along with Production Scheduling application, the profile option "MSC: PS Enable CRO Scheduling" must be set to "Yes". RMO and CRO are synonymous. Note Reference(s) 973027.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization 7037527 -1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No

MSC: PS Enable RMO Scheduling

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SCP_PS_ENABLE_RMO Believe this profile is a duplicate by different name with MSC: PS Enable CRO Scheduling. As i believe CRO and RMO are same. 454651.1

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS Firm Past Due WO

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_FIRM_PAST_DUE_WO The Firming of Past Due Workorders and Planned Orders in PS is controlled by this profile. Valid values are: Yes - all pass due workorders will be firmed No - workorder operations that are after horizon start and within the fixed production fence will be firmed.

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization 7489790 -1 Yes No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS Run Application Script

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_APP_SCRIPT Specifies the name of the batch script that starts Production Scheduling. Default Value - runPS.bat Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 5136451 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: PS Run Connector Script

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_PS_CONNECTOR_SCRIPT Specifies the batch script that starts the Production Scheduling Connector. Default Value - runPSConnector.bat Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization

Yes No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_SCP_API_VERSION The Supply Chain Planning XML format being used to generate SNO and PS models. 552381.1 973027.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: PS/SNO Alignment Date

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_ALIGNMENT_DATE The alignment date is the date and time that fixes the start of time periods in a model. The alignment date fixes all time period starts, including the Fiscal Month 445 period type, where it sets the start of 13-week 445 patterns. The alignment date format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

6012870 5646419 -1 -1 Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: PS/SNO App Server URL

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_APP_SERVER_URL Input the Application Server URL so that the PS application on the client could release PS schedules to any server. In 12.1, Architectural changes eliminate the need for this feature. User will be able to publish to any EBS server from PS without setting this profile option. Note Reference(s) 760103.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 7037527 -1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: PS/SNO Client Install Path

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_CLIENT_PATH The path where the Supply Chain Planning Production Scheduling (PS) or Strategic Network Optimization (SNO) is installed. PS and SNO are installed automatically the first time they are accessed by the E-Business Suite.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: PS/SNO Compress Xml Files

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_ZIP_PACKAGES Specifies whether data is transferred between the ASCP planning server, PS and/or SNO using a compressed file format also known as .gzip. The compressed XML format reduces the size of data files transferred, thereby minimizing the time involved in the creation of models. Valid values are: Yes No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - Yes 415381.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: PS/SNO Data Store Path

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_DATA_STORE_PATH The path to where the refreshed snapshot data from the E-Business Suite, or the published plans from PS or SNO, are temporarily stored before being transferred to the ASCP planning server. 602712.1 868904.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: PS/SNO Debug Mode

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_DEBUG_MODE Writes extra messages to the log file for the Integration log for PS and SNO applications. Valid values are: Yes No

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - No 868904.1 809199.1 405083.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: PS/SNO Download XML Files

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_DOWNLOAD_XML_FILES Valid values are: Yes - if users want to download the xml files to the client machine for debugging purpose. No

Default Value - No. Note Reference(s) 733189.1

Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s)

7293823 8762862 8945618 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: PS/SNO Use DB for Integration Data

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_SCP_USE_DB_FOR_DATA This profile must be set if Concurrent Tier and Web Tier are not on the same server. 454651.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: Pass List Price to OM in DRP Release

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_DRP_PASS_LIST_PRICE_OM This is discussed in Bug 7284253 MSC CREATES ISO WITH STATUS OF 'ENTERED' INSTEAD OF 'BOOKED': If profile MSC: Pass List Price to OM in DRP Release is set to Y, DRP release will create the internal sales order in 'Booked' state. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 7497020 -1 Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Peg Firm Supply First

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_PEG_FIRM_SUPPLY_FIRST Does not appear in the documentation.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Peg to maximize supply usage

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_PEG_TO_MAX_SUPPLY_USAGE Does not appear to exist in the documentation

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Perform ATP check for Internal Sales Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ATP_CHECK_INT_SALES_ORDERS Only used when INV: Inventory Capable to Promise - ATP/CTP based on Planning Data From Note 558908.1 1. The profile was added in bug 5440895. This profile works in tandem with the profile option MSC: Consume forecasts using Internal Sales Orders. So, If profile MSC: Perform ATP Check for Internal Sales Orders is set with a value, it is used.



Otherwise, the value of the previous profile is used. If you have a centralized instance, set the profile value as required. If you are a decentralized/distributed installation with both APS Destination and ERP Source, set this on the APS destination and ERP source. Profile option values and meanings: Yes - Perform ATP check on Internal Sales Orders No - Do Not perform ATP check on Internal Sales Orders

Notes: 1. Bug 6434413 Service Orgs do NOT use an External sales order, so fixes had to be made so that scheduling would be correct for service orgs that generate Internal Reqs directly For Bug 6434413 - fix is released on ATP RUP #22 and above (See Note 252108.1 for list of patches. Patch 6434413 should not be applied instead of a rollup patch. In R12.0.4, this fix for bug 6434413 is not yet released - 16APR-2008



Note Reference(s) 558908.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Plan co-products

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PLAN_COPRODUCTS Indicate whether co-products are planned and whether supplies are created for the co-products. Valid values are: Yes No

Can be defined at the site level. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the

Note Reference(s)

planning engine only uses this profile option if its value is Yes. 305575.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Plan for order at risk calculation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_PLAN_FOR_ORDER_AT_RISK Indicates a plan that Oracle Collaborative Planning uses to derive the pegging information for each order that you upload.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Planning Currency

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PLANNING_CURRENCY In 11.5.10, this profile option is used to specify the planning currency. This profile option can be defined at the site level. In 12.1.x, this profile is not used. Default Value - US Dollar Note Reference(s) 147221.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 4573393 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Pre-Flush
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning MSC MSC_PRE_FLUSH Not used per bug 4573393

4573393 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSC: Prefer Consumption within Forecast Bucket

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PREF_FOR_BUCKET Valid values are: Yes - this profile will take effect when the plan options are "Spread Forecast" and "Consumption by bucket" is unchecked. In that case, we would consume the forecasts in the following fashion: Spread the forecasts first. First round of consumption begins by walking backwards for the number of backward days mentioned from the date of the sales order, considering any forecast entry as eligible only if the sales order falls in the same bucket as the forecast. Once we find no more entries backwards we walk forwards for the forward number of days mentioned checking for eligible forecasts as mentioned above. Now, if we still need forecast entries, we start walking backwards this time trying to consume all the forecast entries within the backward time fence. After this we go forward in the same fashion if required. No - old behavior

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - No 395804.1 804214.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Priority for Substitute Items Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_BOM_SUBST_PRIORITY This profile option stores the name of the flexfield column that contains the value in the corresponding table. Set this profile option at the site level only See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 for more information. Set in EBS Source in a distributed installation. Created by Create Planning Flexfields process. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Priority of Alternate Resources for an Operation Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ALT_RES_PRIORITY This profile option stores the name of the flexfield column that contains the value in the corresponding table. See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 for more information. Set in EBS Source in a distributed installation. Note Reference(s) Created by Create Planning Flexfields concurrent program

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Production Plan for Transportation updates

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PROD_PLAN_ID_FOR_OTM_UPDATES Use this profile option to indicate the production plans that receive estimated arrival time updates from Oracle Transportation Management. Valid values are: Null: Do not pass updates to any plan All Production Plans: Pass updates to all plans with Production flag selected [specific plan name]: Pass updates only to the plan that is specified

Default Value - NULL Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Project Task Collection Window Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_COLLECTION_WINDOW_FOR_PROJ_TASKS Controls which projects/tasks are collected after the collection engine deletes all of the previously collected records for the instance. Valid values are: Null: Collects all of the records from the source. Integer: Collects all of the records from the source from projects whose end date is within the number of days in the past specified in the profile option value.

The collections process never collects tasks whose projects are completed. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes

MSC: Provide Warning For Dates Entered on Nonwork Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections MSC MSC_VALIDATE_NON_WORK_DATE Warning is displayed in the workbench if a non-working day is entered

4639108 -1 Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Provide Warning when Sales Order Quantity is Changed

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SO_QTY_CHANGED_WARN The New Quantity field on a sales order is user editable. The user can raise or lower the sales order quantity by firming the sales order. Valid values are: Yes - As the user tabs out of the New Quantity field, if the quantity is changed then a warning is given as " Sales orders with changed quantities cannot be released. The user must update the sales order directly in the source instance." In addition, the action for the sales order is set to None when the quantity is changed. No - supresses the warning

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 4479258 -1 No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Purchase Order Dock Date Calculation Preference

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PO_DOCK_DATE_CALC_PREF This profile option specifies the purchase order line date that the planning engine uses as the material arrival (dock) date. Valid values are: Promise Date: If the Promise Date is not available, the planning engine uses Need by Date so that unacknowledged purchase orders consume supplier capacity. Need By Date: Existing purchase orders do not consume supplier capacity.

This is a site level profile option. Use the same setting of this profile option for running both collections and plans. Default Value - Promise Date Note Reference(s) 413816.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Purge Exception Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PURGE_EXCEPTION_DAYS Information about this profile is not available in user guide. All exceptions generated/updated by the number of days before (set by this profile value) will be deleted.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising


-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Purge Staging and Entity Key Translation Tables

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PURGE_ST_CONTROL Controls both truncation of the staging table during data collection process and deletion of the link ID tables. Valid values are: Yes - conserve disk space when running data collections for single instances, or as separate processes for multiple instances. No - When running data collections for multiple instances simultaneously, set to avoid data loss.

Note Reference(s) 405295.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

4717843 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSC: Read Profiles From DB

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_READ_PROFILES_FROM_DB No During planning flat files are created that hold profile values. At times, it is better to have profiles read from the database instead of the flat files. This can espeically true for on-line or batch replan when profiles are changed. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 9406133 -1 Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Refresh Site to Region Mappings Event

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_REFRESH_REGION_SITE Valid values are: Yes - Collection of Sourcing Rules / Existing behavior

mapping during collection if sourcing rules parameter is set to Yes No - Running of Refresh Collection Snapshots Request / Mapping will be performed only during standalone refresh snapshot and not during a complete refresh of data collections.

With the alternate value selected, the collected data might not reflect the exact region site mapping based if the standalone Refresh Collection Snapshots is run. Default Value - Yes 427338.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

5717270 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Refresh Snapshots Pending Timeout

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_REF_SNAP_PENDING_TIMEOUT Sets the time that the Planning Data Pull concurrent process waits for concurrent process Refresh Snapshots on the source before it times out. This time out only applies if concurrent process Refresh Snapshots is at status Pending/Inactive which occurs if another version of concurrent process Refresh Snapshots is running. Valid values are: Integer in minutes

Default Value - 10 Note Reference(s) 468903.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Region Instance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) 844667.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 6899253 6850493 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No MSC MSC_HUB_REGION_INSTANCE This profile needs to be set when data is being collected from multiple sources. APCC only reports from the instance which is defined in this profile.

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Release WIP Dtls if Order Date different then BOM Revision Date
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_RELEASE_DTLS_REVDATE Oracle Work in Process uses the details effective on the job start date. Valid values are: Yes - then planning engine releases the WIP details even if

the Suggested Start Date is different than BOM Revision Date. No - the planning engine does not release the WIP details if the new WIP Start Date is different than BOM Revision Date.

Note Reference(s) 958034.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 2682123 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Released Only By User

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_RELEASED_BY_USER_ONLY Use this profile option to specify whether to restrict implementation of planned orders and recommendations to the current user. Valid values are: Yes - Only implement planned orders and recommendations that this user marked No - Implement planned orders and recommendations that any user marked

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning 8326980 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Resource Group for a Line Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_LINE_RES_GROUP This profile option stores the name of the flexfield column that contains the value in the corresponding table. 147242.1 763878.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Resource Type for an Operation Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_RESOURCE_TYPE This profile is no longer being used. 147242.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

2954572 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Respect Minimum Remaining Shelf Life Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_RESPECT_SHELF_LIFE_DAYS This profile option enables ASCP to plan supplies with respect to the shelf life enhancements described in this design including the minimum remaining shelf life days. Valid values are: Yes - ASCP plans supplies with respect to minimum remaining shelf life days. This is the recommended setting. No - ASCP plans supplies without enforcing minimum remaining shelf life days - This is the default value.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

7424037 -1 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Retain Time for Non-ATPable Items

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_RETAIN_TIME_NON_ATP_ITEM Valid values are: Yes - ATP returns same time stamp as passed to ATP from the Request Date and Time, for all single lines for nonatpable items or for all sets containing only non-atpable items. If a set contains mix of atpaple and non atpable items, then ATP continues to return 23:59:00 as the new timestamp. No 259601.1 9237457 551293.1 9237457 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Return Best Source in Global ATP

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_BEST_SOURCE_GLOBAL_ATP No Information available in User guides (115.5.10 or R12.1.1) 960369.1 734925.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance

-1 -1 Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: SCEM Engine Launch Events

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_X_AUTO_SCEM_MODE Launch the Supply Chain Event Manager when data is loaded,published, or both. Set the profile option MSC: SCEM Engine Launch Events to All to automatically start Supply Chain Event Manager (SCEM) when a supplier loads an order forecast or when you publish an order forecast from the planning server. If you set the profile option to Publish, Supply Chain Event Manager starts only when plans are published from Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. If you set the profile option to Load, Supply Chain Event Manager starts only when data is loaded using flat files. Note Reference(s) 295564.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 2949437 2546115 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Base Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_BASE_PKG Specifies whether the Base Package is used for creating a model. Valid values are: Yes No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Beginning Inventory Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_BGN_INVNTRY_PKG Specifies whether the Beginning Inventory Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Calendar Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_CALENDAR_PKG Specifies whether the Calendar Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Customer Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_CUSTOMER_PKG Specifies whether the Customer Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Demand Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_DEMAND_PKG Specifies whether the Demand Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Distribution Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_DSTRBTN_PKG Specifies whether the Distribution Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are:

Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Enterprise Forecast Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_FORECAST_PKG Specifies whether the Enterprise Forecast Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

Global Order Promising


MSC: SNO - Snapshot Fixed Production Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_FP_PKG Specifies whether the Fixed Production Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Inventory Safety Targets Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_IST_PKG Specifies whether the Inventory Safety Targets Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SNO_SCP_MFG_PKG Specifies whether the Manufacturing Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Note: We have two profiles: MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package (1) Valid values: Yes/No Default value: Yes Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package(1)

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_MFG_PKG


Specifies whether the Manufacturing Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note: We have two profiles: MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package MSC: SNO - Snapshot Manufacturing Package (1) Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Purchase Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_PO_PKG Specifies whether the Purchase Orders Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Sales Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_SO_PKG Specifies whether the Sales Order Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Supplier Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_SUPPLIER_PKG Specifies whether the Supplier Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Transfer Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_TO_PKG Specifies whether the Transfer Orders Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO - Snapshot Work Orders Package

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_WO_PKG Specifies whether the Work Orders Package is used for creating a model in Strategic Network Optimization. Valid values are: Yes No

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO Connector Precision

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_CONNECTOR_PRECISION 8 Specifies the precision value of the SNO connector. Valid values are: Integer

Change only on advise from Oracle Development. Default Value - 8 Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning

5157640 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No No

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO Currency Precision

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_CURRENCY_PRECISION Specifies the number of decimal places used to display currency information in the SNO Currency Table. For the most accurate calculations, a precision of 9 is recommended. Valid values are: Numeric

Default Value - 2 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO Decimal Precision

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_PRECISION Specifies the number of decimal places shown for data in properties windows. Valid values are: Integer

Within SNO, the number of decimal places is called the display precision.

Changing the display precision does not change the actual data values saved in a model. The display precision can affect results when you match data. For example, if the display precision is 2, a Machine node Utilization field with a value of 133.333333 displays 133.33. If you try to match Machine nodes with a Utilization field value of 133.33, the Machine node in this example is not matched because its actual value is 133.333333. Default Value - 2 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO Optimization Type

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_OPTIMIZATION_TYPE Specifies the optimization type to be used when solving the model. Valid values are: Cost: The item list price is not considered. Profit: The item list price is considered.

Default Value - Cost Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSC: SNO Publish On Client

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_PUBLISH_ON_CLIENT Valid values are: Yes No - prevents the local save of the files in CSV for debugging, This can save space and improve performance on large models.

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 7233633 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: SNO Run Application Script

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_APP_SCRIPT Specifies the name of the batch script that starts SNO. Default Value - runSNO.bat OBSOLETE -- in R12.1.2 Note Reference(s) 961419.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

7037527 6010199 -1 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO Run Connector Script

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_CONNECTOR_SCRIPT Specifies the batch script that starts the SNO Connector. Do not change without advise from Oracle Development. Default Value - runSNOConnector.bat Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: SNO Transportation Capacity By

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SCP_SNO_TRANSPORT_CAPACITY Specify the unit of measure that determines transportation capacity. Default Value - Weight Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No

MSC: Safety Stock Project

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SAFETY_STOCK_PROJECT Specifies the default project charged for all safety stock demands. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning assigns the project specified for all safety stock demands which originate from non-MRP planned safety stock. When safety stock requirements are specified in Oracle Inventory for specific projects, the profile option value is not honored. The list of values for this profile option is restricted to projects specified in Oracle Projects. This profile option is enabled at project/seiban level, not at the task level. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Safety stock change interval (Days)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SS_INTERVAL_DAYS Use this profile option to specify the time interval used for smoothing within the time interval functionality. You can instruct the planing engine to keep safety stock levels relatively constant within a time interval. You specify: The number of days in the time interval: Set profile option MSC: Safety stock change interval (Days) The method that the planning engine should use to calculate the constant value: Set profile option MSC: Smoothing method to calculate Safety stock within Change interval 276707.1 559867.1 376451.1

Note Reference(s)

759329.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Sales Orders Offset Days

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SO_OFFSET_DAYS Completed sales orders are collected within the offset duration. For example, if Sales Orders Offset Days is set to 90, all the sales orders completed in the past 90 days are also collected. Valid values are: Integer > 0

Can be defined at the site level. A Null value means all closed sales orders are collected. Does not apply to complex maintenance repair and overhaul where the material scheduled for a visit or task is collected as a sales order in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. Default Value - null Note Reference(s) 277863.1 217116.1 780735.1 365770.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Scope of Analyze Plan Partition

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ANALYZE_PARTITION_SCOPE This profile option specifies the partitions that concurrent process Analyze Plan Partitions should analyze. Valid values are: All Partitions Plan Partition Only

Normally, we recommend the default setting for this profile, unless you run several plans each cycle and the profile MSC: Launch Analyze Plan Partition is set to No. Then you should set All Partitions and launch this request after running all ASCP plans in your planning cycle. Using this strategy can have positive performance impact if all plans are run together and then users start working in the plans. Default Value - Plan Partition Only Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide

-1 Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Selection order for Firm Supplies in backward allocation window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SUPPLY_SELECTION_ORDER_BACKWARD_WINDOW Closest Supply (1), Earliest Supply (2) Site level default: Closest Supply (1) If profile is set to Earliest Supply, then we would walk forward instead of the existing backward way. If this profile is set to Closest Supply, then we will peg it to the closest firm supply. This would mean that the loop for backward phase present in mslflp.ppc, should be able to move in both the directions based on profile option. 391548.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning

5525679 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSC: Self Service Loads Delimiter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SELF_SERVICE_LOADS_DELIMITER ~/, (tilde or Comma) - default = ~ (tilde) Delimiter used to parse the data files loaded using self service loads, for example, the loading of spreadsheet forecast data to Oracle Demand Planning. Valid values are: ~ ,

Default Value - ~ Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Service Level Category Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SERVICE_LEVEL_CATEGORY_SET Not much information is available about this profile in user guides. As IO user guide: As part of the setup it is necessary to specify the value of the profile option MSC: Service Level Category Set. Only categories from this category set are available when assigning target service levels and fulfillment lead times at a category level during the setup of specific item or category level service levels and

fulfillment lead times. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No

MSC: Service Planning Enabled

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SRP_ENABLED If using Service Parts Planning, then set to Yes to collect data for SPP (aka SRP). Valid values are: Yes No

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - No 760095.1 566096.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized

-1 -1 No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MSC: Service Planning Item Safety Stock Level Value

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSO_SS_PLAN_LEVEL Not documented in any manual.

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Share Plan Partitions

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SHARE_PARTITIONS The profile option is a work-around for test/demo scenarios where you expect the creation of many plans by different testers and demonstrators. This profile option is not meant for production use by customers. When enabled the number of plan partitions parameter to the concurrent program mentioned becomes irrelevant; only one partition is created for a plan (you can enter 1). This profile option should only be changed by the system administrator. If the MSC: Share Plan Partitions profile is turned on, you must run the Create APS Partitions program afterwards so that it can create the partition that every plan shares.

Note Reference(s) 137293.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1

Dependent Profiles

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Shelf Life Override of Order Modifiers for Transfer Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_OVERRIDE_OM_FOR_TRANSFER Instructs Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning whether to maximize the number of demands satisfied with respect to minimum remaining shelf life. 760046.1

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Simultaneous Resource Sequence Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SIMUL_RES_SEQ This profile option stores the name of the flexfield column that contains the value in the corresponding table. This setup is only performed during application install. 153919.1 136734.1 130995.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Smoothing method to calculate Safety stock within Change interval

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SS_SMOOTHING_METHOD Specifies the mathematical construct used to calculate safety stock for a time interval using values within the time interval. Available values include: Minimum Average (Default) Note Reference(s) 376451.1 276707.1 Maximum

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

5370377 4520265 -1 -1 -1

-1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Source Instance ID

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SR_INSTANCE_ID This profile option is no longer used as of August 2003.

2937850 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Source Setup Required

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSC_SOURCE_SETUP


Internal profile used by the software during collections configuration. Do not manually update. When the Default Value of a profile option states that it is automatically calculated, this means that the Planning Engine determines the default value of that particular profile option. If you must change these profile option values, do so only after consulting Oracle Development and Oracle Support. Valid values are: 11i 12+ Yes No Y - for Yes N - for No

Note Reference(s)

apsinfo_us 837670.1 211121.1 860349.1 580205.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Sourcing History Start Date Offset(in months)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_START_SOURCING_HISTORY Offsets the starting date of sourcing history calculations and is used in conjunction with collections parameters Purge Sourcing History = Yes and Recalculate Sourcing History = Yes. These settings delete, then calculate Sourcing History from the Start date determined by the profile option value (in months). System performance can be degraded when there is a high value for this profile option and a high volume of source transaction data. Valid values are:

Integer >= 0

Note Reference(s)

Defaul Value - Null ( No restriction, pulls all data) 399468.1 305327.1 780883.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

6959481 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Sourcing Rule Category Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SRA_CATEGORY_SET Determines the category set used in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in the assignment set form. If this not set, the user cannot assign sourcing rules and bills of distribution at the Category- Instance-Organization and Category-Instance level. 205167.1 783204.1 306913.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Sourcing Variance Tolerance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SOURCING_TOLERANCE Used when Enforce Sourcing Constraints is enabled for a plan. This percentage value establishes a threshold for triggering exception messages if sourcing allocations are violated. Exceptions are generated if the difference between the user-specified sourcing allocation percentages and the plan-derived allocation percentages is greater than the Sourcing Variance Tolerance. The profile option is entered as a number and converted to a percentage. If the user enters 0.5 it becomes 50%. Valid values are: Integer between 0 and 1

Default Value - 0.05 (5%) Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Split Planned Order to perform safety stock pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_VIOLATE_ORDER_MODIFIER_SS Use this profile option to instruct the planning engine how to split a planned order that pegs to customer demand when pulling it in to meet transient safety stock. 276707.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3829477 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Split Planned Orders for Scheduling Flexibility

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SPLIT_SUPPLY For constrained plan with decision rules and optimized plans, it determines whether the planning engine consolidates planned orders that were split during optimization processing prior to scheduling them. For unconstrained plans, set it to No. Valid values are: Yes - Do not consolidate planned orders prior to scheduling. The planning engine splits them into multiple planned orders whose quantities generally satisfy one planning time bucket's worth of capacity against the resources or suppliers used in the planned order. During scheduling, the planning engine has more flexibility to place smaller quantities into available time slots. You cannot specify the size of the durations and the planning engine does not guarantee that each planned order in the final plan output spans exactly one planning bucket. No - Consolidate orders when possible prior to scheduling. Use this value if you tend to have long production runs per routing that cross multiple planning buckets. The planning

engine creates a single planned order. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine only uses this profile option if its value is No. Note Reference(s) 298806.1 787982.1 562872.1 787458.1 947399.1 958872.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC: Supplier Capacity Accumulation(multiplier)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_SUPP_CAP_ACCUM_MLTPLR

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

8344302 8847552 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Suppress Exception for Selection of Alternates

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_SUPPRESS_ALT_EXCEPTION Controls whether the planning engine generates exceptions related to alternate bills of material and routings. If the profile option is No, it does not generate those exceptions. Valid values: Yes/No Default value: No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Temp Index Extent Size(Bytes)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile MSC MSC_TEMP_IND_NXTEXT Not Used 343996.1

-1 No

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Temp Table Extent Size(Bytes)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_TEMP_TAB_NXTEXT Not used 343996.1

-1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Unit of Measure

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile MSC MSC_UNIT_OF_MEASURE Not Used


Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Update Requested Completion Date when Releasing Reschedules

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_UPD_REQ_DATE_REL Marked as N/A in the Users Guide for all information. Exists in the code for releasing from Planner Workbench in the Source side code MRP_AP_REL_PLAN_PUB and defaults to No The file is $MRP_TOP/patch/115/sql/MRPRELPB.pls Code review points to this not being used anywhere, even though the value is determined during the release process. Introduced in 11.5.9 and exists in 11.5.10 Bug 8603036 logged to get this ported into R12

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

3938565 8603036 -1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

Global Order Promising


MSC: Update Use Up Date

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_UPDATE_USE_UP_DATE This is an internal profile 747628.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Use Enhanced Forward ATP

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ENHANCED_FORWARD_ATP MSC: Use Enhanced Forward ATP - Discussed in Bug 3939589 When a request cannot be fully met on the request date, GOP performs forward scheduling to find a day when the shortage can be met. Today, forward scheduling logic does not combine schedule receipts with new attainable supply. This results in very conservative order promising date. Desired behavior is for GOP to come up with the best promising date considering all possible supply. This is implemented in 11.5.10 ATP Rollup 12 (Ref Note 252108.1 for Rollup list) When Profile MSC: Use Enhanced Forward ATP = Yes, then we do multiple iterations using backward logic which combines scheduled receipts and ctp. Please note the performance implication in setting this profile. It appears that this was ment to be forward ported to 12.1 but was not. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

8443590 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSC: Use FIFO Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_USE_FIFO_PEGGING If this profile option is Yes, the planning engine uses FIFO pegging. Not used in constrained plans without detailed scheduling 368676.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Use Optimization Phase Supply Due Dates for Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSC MSC_USE_SCO_DATE

Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

When set to yes, Pegging uses the optimization recommended supply date for planned orders and scheduled receipts

6009093 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Use Shipping/Receiving Calendar

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_USE_SHIP_REC_CAL Controls the use of shipping, receiving, and carrier calendars. Values are: Yes: Use shipping, receiving, or, carrier calendar for planning/scheduling No: Use the organization manufacturing calendar while generating a plan.

This profile option specifies: At the site level, whether the collection engine collects the calendars.If the calendars are collected, the planning engine uses them. At the user level, whether Planner Workbench displays the collected calendars. Even if the planning engine used the calendars, if the user level value is No, the Planner Workbench displays calendars as 24x7. This should be avoided. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine only uses this profile option if its value is Yes. Note Reference(s) 845365.1 390531

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

845365.1 -1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile

12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Use attribute based netting

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_USE_ATTR_BASED_NETTING Use this profile option to control netting in a project manufacturing environment. Yes: Planning nets at the reservation level. It respects pegging level and creates planned orders based on hard pegging level. It does not respect order modifiers if the reservation level and hard pegging level are not the same. With this approach, you can enable priority pegging can be enabled. No: The planning engine uses customary netting in a project manufacturing environment.

Note Reference(s) 420752.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSC: VMI Default Query

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSCX_SCE_DEFAULT_QUERY Displays default results in the Oracle Collaborative Planning Horizontal View

5058121 -1 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Value of N for all top/bottom-N reports in Dashboards

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSC MSC_HUB_TOP_BOTTOM_N_VALUE It holds the value of N for all top/bottom-N reports in Dashboards. 759571.1 844667.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

6755107 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No

MSC: Vertical view default query

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSCX_VERTICAL_VIEW_DEFAULT_QUERY Used by Oracle Collaborative Planning to determine whether default results are displayed for the vertical view

Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Wait Time to Obtain Lock on Table/Partition for Snapshot Delete Worker (in sec)
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_LOCK_WAIT_TIME Time (in seconds) the Snapshot Delete Worker waits to obtain a lock on a table/partition before aborting. Releasing plan recommendations through Workbench and running Purge Plan can cause locks on the table/partition preventing the Snapshot Delete Worker from obtaining a lock. If the timer expires, the program prints the following message in the log file: Unable to obtain a lock on table. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No

Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC: Write MBP Flat Files

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_WRITE_TO_FLAT_FILES Profile provide controls whether to flush the Planner concurrent process data files and setup data files during the plan run. If Yes, the process writes all the files to the $APPLCSF/out/data directory. Note Reference(s) 336724.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC:ATP Assignment Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_ATP_ASSIGN_SET Indicates the name of the assignment set for Oracle Global Order Promising to use to identify all the possible shipping organizations. Oracle Global Order

Promising uses this assignment set if profile MRP: ATP Assignment Set is Null on the ERP instance. Users can update it the at site level in the Planning instance. Valid Value: Text Default Value: Null 812964.1 760117.1 290251.1 1059017.1 986625.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC:Coll Error Debug Mode

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_COLL_ERR_DEBUG Introduced in R12 to provide better messaging in Data Collections log files. Set on APS Destination instance. Valid values are: Off Low Medium High (Verbose) Dev

CAUTION: Using High and DEV may have performance impact. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s)


Document References(s)

5578510 -1 -1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSC:Coll Performance Debug Mode

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_COLL_PERF_DEBUG Introduced in R12. Helps by adding messaging about performance in the log files. Valid values are: Off Medium High (Verbose)

CAUTION: Should not be used with MSC:Coll Error Debug Mode also set to Medium or higher unless directed by DEV. Best to set this profile and have MSC: Coll Error Debug Mode = OFF when working a pure performance issue Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

6722040 5514401 -1 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSC:Collect Completed Jobs

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_COLLECT_COMPLETED_JOBS This profile is used to prevent the collection of remaining requirements for jobs that are completed when set to No. Jobs may still have requirements for components that were not issued to the job. This profile was Introduced in 11.5.10 Collections Rollup #13 and is only used for Complete or Targeted Refresh of Data Collections 404975.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC:Collect Routing
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_COLLECT_ROUTING Use this profile to instruct the targeted collections process how to collect bill of material and routing data. Valid values are: Yes - Collect bill of material and routing data No: Collect bill of material data but do not collect routing data

This profile option is overridden by profile option INV: Capable To Promise is ATP/CTP based on Planning Output. Do NOT set no if running any Plans in VCP Applications. Useful when ATP based collected data is being used and having very large BOM Routing tables and it can help performance.

Currently only available in 11.5.10 starting in Data Collections Rollup #25. Bugs to Front port to R12 and R12.1 are pending
Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

6658721 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC:Criticality Category Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_CRIT_CATEGORY_SET You use this profile option to specify the category set that will be used for defining criticality in the item mass maintenance window.

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC:Prevent Loops when pegging Non-Standard Jobs

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC_PREVENT_NSJOB_LOOP Discrete job demands remain unpegged in case of job demands generated due to Loops in BOM. Valid values are: Yes - If there exists a non standard job demand for a top level item in the supply chain bill and the non-standard job also exists as a valid supply in the plan, ASCP will make the pessimistic assumption that this could cause a fatal loop in the pegging and essentially ignore this demand for pegging purposes. This default setting is recommended strongly to prevent plan failures due to pegging loops. No - In the above case, ASCP makes the optimistic assumption that loops will not exist after pegging and proceeds to peg supply of the top level item to the nonstandard job demand. This setting should not to be used unless the user is completely certain that loops will not be caused based on their pegging related plan and profile option settings

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - No 365112.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4575602 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSC:Release only orders pegging fully to on han

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) MSC MSC_REL_ONLY_ONHAND_SUPPLY No details on the profile available.

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSC:Select Sourcing Rules In ATP Based On

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSC MSC_SOURCING_DATE Information about this profile is not available in user guides.

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSC MSC: ATP ENFORCES LEAD TIME FOR ATO MODEL Reconcile - this is setup backawards - Internal name and User name are backwards - does this already exist or need to be switched???? Use this profile option to specify how ATP considers lead-time. Valid values are:

Yes: ATP always enforces lead-times for non-ATPable ATO models No: ATP does not enforce lead-times for non-ATPable ATO models

Default - Yes Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra 3575822 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No MSC MSC_USE_HASH_KEY This is an internal profile. Should be set to Yes always

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSD: AW Tablespace
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_TABLESPACE This profile controls where analytic workspaces are created and stored. New plans are created in the specified tablespace; existing plans remain in the tablespace specified at the time of their creation. Changing the tablespace profile has no effect on existing data.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 3900222 -1 No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Calculate Planning Percentages

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_PLANNING_PERCENTAGE This profile option controls the behavior of the planning percentage calculations. For example, it controls whether the planning percentages can be calculated from the sales history of options. This profile can prevent expensive calculations when the user does not want to calculate planning percentages and just wants to use the existing planning percentages specified in the enterprise resource planning source to explode the forecast. 556091.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning

2930793 -1 -1 Yes No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Category Set Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_CATEGORY_SET_NAME This profile option is used to select one category set during the data collection process. If the user value is left blank, then all categories will be selected for data collection. Valid values are limited to valid category set names. 344626.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4058454 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Client Debugging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSD MSD_CLIENT_DEBUGGING Used for debugging ODP 789091.1 301936.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

-1 -1 Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Conversion Type

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSD MSD_CONVERSION_TYPE This profile option determines what conversion rates are collected from the General Ledger rates table 419412.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

7530857 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Currency Code

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections MSD MSD_CURRENCY_CODE This profile option designates the base currency used in Oracle Demand Planning. All revenues are calculated and displayed in this base currency 577726.1

-1 Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Customer Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSD MSD_CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTE This is a source profile option used to selectively bring the customer names into Oracle Demand Planning to improve the system performance 217042.1

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Default DP Scenario

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_DEFAULT_DP_SCENARIO This profile option specifies a demand scenario, which appears as a demand schedule in the Plan Options window. When you publish the demand scenario specified in this option, the planning engine launches the unconstrained plan specified in the profile option MSC: New Forecast Auto Plan

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile 2710122 -1 Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Enabled Organization for Item Collections

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_ITEM_ORG This profile option allows users to collect relationships for Items in Master Organization only or All Organizations. This profile option specifies how Oracle Demand Planning collects Product Family and Product Category relationships

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 4157588 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Excess and Obsolescence, Liability Category Set Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile MSD MSD_EOL_CATEGORY_SET_NAME This profile is not used.

5202797 -1 No

12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSD MSD_EDGEMAXVALCOUNT Used for setting the maximum number of values allowed on an edge for XWDEVKIT. Used in the ODP Worksheet 359953.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4725583 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Master Org

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_MASTER_ORG This profile option is used to select a master organization, if there are multiple master organizations. The item attributes pertaining to the selected master organization are used by Oracle Demand Planning

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 2779954 -1

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: OLAP Directory Alias

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSD MSD_DIR_ALIAS Use this profile to specify the database directory alias used to store the log files created during the demand plan build process. 470483.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3826884 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: OLAP Initial Page Pool

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_USER_INIT_PAGEPOOL This profile specifies an initial minimum memory for planning and manager sessions and can be optimized for individual users. A value of 4 to 6MB is generally adequate. The default value is olap_page_pool_size. 363491.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)


Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: OLAP Maximum Page Pool

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSD MSD_USER_MAX_PAGEPOOL Not used - obsolete Note.416107.1

-1 No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No

MSD: OLAP Workflow Page Pool

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSD MAX_WF_MAX_PAGEPOOL This profile specifies the memory footprint for workflow initiated Oracle Demand Planning sessions. The default value is 64MB. 363491.1 285489.1 286729.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1

-1 Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: One Step Collection

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSD MSD_ONE_STEP_COLLECTION This profile option controls the number of steps in the data collection process 332545.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

2930793 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Two-Level Planning

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_TWO_LEVEL_PLANNING This profile allows you to forecast demand at product family level on the basis of sales histories of member items. You can collect all the product family members and their sales histories regardless of the forecast control as long as the product family forecast control is 'Consume' or 'Consume & Derive' and the planning method for product family as well as members is not set to 'Not Planned'. This is achieved by setting the profile value to: Collect

all family members and their sales histories. The default profile value, Exclude family members with forecast control 'None' enforces the existing behavior that is, only 'Consume' or 'Consume & Derive' product family members are collected. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 3009964 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Use Classic Even Allocation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_USE_EVEN_ALLOC This profile allows you to determine the allocation method used when an allocation basis does not exist. You can allocate evenly down the time dimension and use "first" allocation for other dimensions when an allocation basis is not available. Demand Planning uses the First Child allocation method by default, unless you enable the MSD: Use Classic Even Allocation profile. 436673.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4577092 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD: Use Classic Worksheet

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_USE_CLASSIC_WORKSHEET To force recalculations between worksheet edits, enable the MSD: Classic Worksheet profile option. This option enforces consistency across hierarchy levels, but may decrease performance. in 11.5.10 default is classic, in R12 default is simple. Not applicable to planning percentages worksheet

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6137940 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

MSD:View Scope measures are editable

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD VIEW_SCOPE_MEAS_EDITABLE The measures not included in the Assignment scope, but included in the View scope, can be viewed but not edited. Valid values are: Y - Yes, the default behaviour N - No

Default Value - Y Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra 6367799 -1 No No No No No No No No No Yes No

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSD_DEM: Category Set Name

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSD MSD_DEM_CATEGORY_SET_NAME This profile defines the Item to Category rollups in each instance. 549565.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

8235032 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No

MSD_DEM: Conversion Type

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra 5969081 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes MSD MSD_DEM_CONVERSION_TYPE This profile determines which currency conversion rates are collected from the General Ledger tables Source side profile

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSD_DEM: Currency Code

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 5959651 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No MSD MSD_DEM_CURRENCY_CODE This profile designates the Demand Management base currency. Destination side profile

MSD_DEM: Customer Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_DEM_CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTE This is a source profile option used to selectively bring the customer names into Demand Management to improve system performance. Source side profile 726444.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning

6926188 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No

MSD_DEM: Data Profile for Price Lists

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6450646 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No MSD MSD_DEM_PRICE_LIST_PROFILE Set this profile to import integration data profile for price lists. Destination side profile

MSD_DEM: Debug Mode

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra MSD MSD_DEM_DEBUG_MODE When set to 'Yes', this profile is used to print debug information to the output file of the concurrent request. Destination side profile 741464.1

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSD_DEM: Fiscal Calendar

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6278515 -1 No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No MSD MSD_DEM_FISCAL_CALENDAR All the fiscal calendars chosen in the calendar setup list will be available in the List Of Values for this profile.


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSD MSD_DEM_HOST_URL Set this profile to the Oracle Demantra Application Server Host Name, Port Number and Application Name. This profile is used to invoke Oracle Demantra URLs from the E-Business Suite applications. Destination profile 431301.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning

6497910 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No

MSD_DEM: Master Org

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSD MSD_DEM_MASTER_ORG This profile defines the Product Family to which an Item rolls up. Source side profile

Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No

MSD_DEM: Maximum seeded units available for price lists

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra 5879252 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes MSD MSD_DEM_MAX_PRL This profile determines the number of slots available for price lists in Oracle Demantra. Destination side profile

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSD_DEM: Schema
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 8361879 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No MSD MSD_DEM_SCHEMA Set this profile value to the database schema name where the Oracle Demantra schema has been installed. Destination side profile

MSD_DEM: Two-Level Planning

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center MSD MSD_DEM_TWO_LEVEL_PLANNING This profile enables demand forecasts at the Product Family level on the basis of sales histories of member items. Destination side profile.

Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSO: Activity Selection Window (in Days)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SDS_SELECTOR_WINDOW This profile option specifies the number of days over which the planning engine groups activities that are candidates for scheduling. The larger the number, the greater the chance of finding an activity that can be scheduled with another activity of the same setup type. Making this number too large might result in demand priorities not being fully respected while scheduling. Valid values are any number. The profile option is used in Days. Default value: 7 Note Reference(s) 415276.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 8538729 -1 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Additional Demand Slices for Shared Supply Rescheduling

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_NUMBER_OF_RESCHEDULES Controls the maximum number of slices to which supply can be rescheduled. VAlid values are:

Between -1 and maximum number of slices.

Controls the maximum number of slices to which supply can be rescheduled. Supply is not rescheduled after this maximum even when demand will be delayed. Possible values include: -1 - Reschedule to last slice 0 - Does not reschedule.

For example, if a supply pegs to demand in slice 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the parameter value is 2, supply will reschedule if needed in slice 3 and 4 (rescheduled 2 times, in slice 3 and 4) and will not reschedule in slice 5 and 6. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Default Value - 0 739561.1 952924.1 726610.1 747739.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Allow Partial Demand Completion

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_PARTIAL_DEMAND_COMPLETION Enables supply orders to individually schedule for partial satisfaction of a demand when demand is split across several supply orders. Valid values include: All End Demands - Enable Partial Demand Satisfaction for all

independent demands (forecasts,sales orders, and MDS entries). Sales Orders: Enable Partial Demand Satisfaction for all Sales Order demand only. None: Schedules all supplies to coincide with completion date (latest supply date) to meet demand.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

This functionality can be enabled for all independent demands or only for Sales Orders. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine only uses this profile option if its value is All End Demands. Default Value - None 458693.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Allow Schedule Gaps for Shared Supplies

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ENHANCED_RIGHT_JUSTIFY This profile option controls the scheduling of shared supplies (scheduled receipts, firm planned orders, and planned orders with multiple demands pegged to them). Valid values are: Yes - When scheduling shared supplies, the shared supply is moved to the right (moving the schedule date later) during the final scheduling step (to coincide with the start time of downstream supplies) if it would make one of the pegged demands late or later. The shared supply schedule is always right justified if it does not make any pegged demands late or later. When a lower-level shared supply is scheduled for the highest priority demand pegged to it, there may be a gap between the shared supply end date and the start date of the next downstream supply. By not right justifying it, it is more likely to be on time for the lower priority demands in later demand slices which are also pegged to it. Before selecting Yes, consider the setting for MSO: Additional Demand Slices for Shared Supply Rescheduling. If this profile is not 0,

shared supplies may be rescheduled and this profile option does not need to be Yes. For example, Demand A with priority 100 and Demand B with priority 500 are in different slices. If the shared supply is late for Demand B, it may still be rescheduled to be on time depending on available capacity and the number of additional demand slices in which it is scheduled. If MSO: Additional Demand Slices is 0 and this profile option is Yes, the planning engine does not right justify the shared supply due date; the shared supply might still be on time for demand B even though it is not rescheduled in a later slice. No - When scheduling shared supplies and moving them to the right (moving the schedule date later), the planning engine does not consider demands in other slices that are not yet unscheduled but pegged to this supply. This yields a schedule with fewer gaps but at the expense of potentially more late demands.

This is a user level profile option. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Allow Simultaneous Resource To End At Different Time

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SIMULTANEOUS_RESOURCE_OVERLAP_MODE Yes/No - Default = No No documentation on this profile. We can infer from the name that when you have simultaneous resources, it would be best to have this profile set to Yes. 837834.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles


11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Allow Simultaneous Resources to End at Different Times

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ALLOW_SIM_RES_TO_END_DIFF_TIMES This profile is NOT USED. We have two profiles with same name MSO_SIMULTANEOUS_RESOURCE_OVERLAP_MODE - MSO: Allow Simultaneous Resource To End At Different Time MSO_ALLOW_SIM_RES_TO_END_DIFF_TIMES - MSO: Allow Simultaneous Resources to End at Different Times -- this profile has 's' at end of name - Times vs Time -- this is description from application - Relaxes the constraint the the principal and simultaneous resources should start and end at the same time

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 4566790 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Alternate Process Penalty

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_ALT_PROCESS_PENALTY Specifies weight for alternate process objective in optimization. Valid values are: Integer > 0

This is an internal value. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Alternate Resource Penalty

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_ALT_RESOURCE_PENALTY Specifies weight for alternate resource objective in optimization. Valid values are: Integer > 0

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Alternate Resource Selection Method

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SDS_ALTRES_SELECTION Valid values: (1) Rank of Alternate (2) Setup Type Match If Rank of Alternate, ASCP will prefer to load the primary resource if it is available even if it means incurring a setup that could have been avoided by going to the alternate. If Setup Type Match, ASCP will prefer the alternate that is the best option from a setup minimization perspective. If all alternates are equal from a setup perspective, then ASCP chooses the alternate based on rank.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Alternate Source Penalty

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_ALT_SOURCE_PENALTY Specifies weight for alternate source objective in optimization. Valid values are: Integer > 0

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Apply Windows for Firm Scheduling

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_APPLY_WINDOW_IN_FORWARD_SCHEDULE No information on this profile

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Avoid non working days for Buy/Transfer order dates

Profile Code MSO

Profile Option Name Description

MSO_AVOID_NON_WRKNG_DAY_BUY_AND_TFR This profile option applies only when profile option MSO: Use Shift definitions when scheduling lead-times is No. Valid vales are: Yes - The planning engine avoids placing the ship, dock, due dates of buy and transfer orders on non-workdays according to the appropriate calendar. No: The planning engine does not schedule buy and transfer orders with regard to the appropriate calendar.

This profile option does not govern the placement of order dates. If profile option MSO: Use Shift definitions when scheduling lead-times is Yes, the planning engine assumes accurate shift timing. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Barrier Optimizer Algorithm Choice

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_BARALG This profile indicates which starting point algorithm the planning engine when it uses the barrier algorithm to solve an optimization problem. It applies only when multiple threads are used in optimization. Values: 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default value: Null (interpreted as 0) Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile

3511063 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Batching Precision

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 8899964 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No MSO MSO_BATCHING_TYPE Documentation bug 9669424 has been created to include this profile option in the ASCP User Guide.

MSO: Big M Value for SCO

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSO MSO_SCO_BIG_M No longer used in ASCP

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: CPLEX Crash Parameter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_CRAIND Determines how objective coefficients are used to select basis. Values: -1, 0, and 1 Default value: See 'Automatic Calculations, page A-1 of the R12.1 ASCP User Guide.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: CPLEX Refactor Rate

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_REINV Specifies the value of the parameter to control the refactor rate. Values: Integer > 0.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

3964120 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: CPLEX Scaling Factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_SCAIND Contains the scaling factor in the Planning Engine. Values are -1, 0, 1.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSO: CPLEX messages to screen indicator

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_SCRIND Used for Debugging issues for Supply Chain Optimized Plans Which means plans that have Decision Rules OR Optimization set. Usually specified by Development when additional information in the log file is required for debugging purposes. Valid values: zero = Off and 1 = On

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 7424573 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Calculate Constraint Exceptions

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CALCULATE_CONSTRAINT_EXCEPTIONS Determines whether constraint exceptions are calculated for plans with Enforce Capacity Constraints selected. The planning engine issues an "Order lead time constraint exception" when the lead-time of an order is the cause for a demand being satisfied late or a "Requirement lead time constraint exception" when the lead time of a resource requirement is the cause for a demand satisfied late or a "Material constraint exception" when a demand due date needs to be pushed out due to either a "Lead time violation" or a "Supplier capacity constraint" and if profile option MSO: Calculate Constraint Exceptions is Yes. Values are Yes or No. 214041.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Capacity Units Recalculation Threshold

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_RESOURCE_CONSUMPTION_PERCENTAGE Valid values are: Any Value between 0 and 1

The planning engine schedules supplies in two phases: Backward schedule - From demand due date to see if demand can be met on time. Forward schedule: If the backward schedule results in a late demand, the forward schedule from the plan start date meet demands with minimum lateness.

At the end of the forward schedule phase, the planning engine adjusts the schedule to remove gaps between supplies (right justification). It may move a supply to occur at a time where there are more resource units available that there were in its previously scheduled time. If this profile option is 1, the planning engine considers assigning more resource units to the supply. For example, this profile option is 0.5. The planning engine considers changing the number of resource units if the current capacity units value is less than 0.5 * Max assigned units on the routing for the item. If this profile option is 0, the planning engine does not consider assigning more resource units. This is a user level profile option. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Default Value - 0 Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

8745009 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Check Redundant Constraints

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_DEPIND Specifies location and removal of redundant constraints. Values: 0 and 1 Default value: See 'Automatic Calculations, page A-1 of the R12.1 ASCP User Guide.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Choice of supply for substitution

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SUPPLY_FOR_SUBSTITUTE Determines which supplies are considered by the Planning Engine for substitution.

B31553-02 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Component offset logic for optimization

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_COMP_OFFSET_LOGIC Introduced in 11.5.10 - ASCP Engine/UI rollup #12 Works in tandem with MSO: Postpone Use of Alternates to Latest Possible Time = Yes 1: Component requirement date is put one day before assembly start date.

2: Component requirement date is put on the same date as assembly start date 3: if assembly lead time =0, same result as 2. if assembly lead time >0, same result as 1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan 5018283 -1 Yes No No Yes No No

Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Continuous transfer across organizations

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MTQ_ACROSS_ORGS Allows you to model continuous or non-continuous transfers across organizations. Valid values are: Yes - Allows continuous transfers across organizations. No: Allows discrete, incremental or non-continuous transfers across organizations.

This feature can also be set at the item/organization level using the Continuous Inter-Org Transfers item attribute. The value specified for the item attribute overrides the profile option setting. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 7436622 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEMAND_SPLIT Allows you to fulfill a demand in series or in parallel from multiple supplies from suppliers and/or other organizations. Valid values are: Series - Demand is satisfied in series from multiple supplies. Parallel - Demand is satisfied in parallel from multiple supplies.

Default Value - Parallel Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern for Inter-Org and Supplier Sourced orders
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_INTER_ORG_DEMAND_SPLIT Allows you to fulfill a demand in series or in parallel from multiple supplies from suppliers and/or other organizations. Valid Values are: Series - Demand is satisfied in series from multiple supplies. Parallel - This is the default value.Demand is satisfied in parallel from multiple supplies.

Default Value: Parallel For supplier sourced orders, use profile option MSO: Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern for Inter-Org and Supplier Sourced Orders. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising


-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern for Intra-Org Sourced orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_INTRA_ORG_DEMAND_SPLIT Allows you to satisfy a demand in series or in parallel from multiple supplies in the same organization. Values are: Series - Demand is satisfied in series from multiple supplies. Parallel - This is the default value. Demand is satisfied in parallel from multiple supplies.

Note Reference(s)

If a component is fed by orders from multiple organizations, the value of profile option MSO:Convergent Supplies Consumption Pattern for Inter-Org and Supplier Sourced orders overrides the value of this profile option. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. 726610.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

9310030 9147919 -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Cost Roll-up incremental factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_COST_ROLLUP_INCR_FACTOR ASCP Userguide Profile Name: MSO: Incremental factor of internal cost roll up This profile option controls the cost increments used by the internal cost roll up in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. The cost calculation is: SUM across all components for the assembly [K * Cost of a component * (Usage of the component for the assembly + 0.01)]. K is the value that you set in this profile option. Oracle recommends a minimum value of 1. Valid values are: Number

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

Default Value - 1 555016.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSO: Create Aggregate Supply for Unsatisfied Demands within Planning Time Fence
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_AGG_SUP_FOR_DMD_IN_PTF Introduced in ASCP Engine/UI rollup #33 for 11.5.10 Front ported to R12 in CU5 patch 7270650 Waiting for 12.1 fix to be ported via Bug 7392541 This profile option specifies whether or not Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning should recommend reschedule messages for internal requisitions that have been linked to internal sales orders in Oracle Order Management. MBP used to create supplies for unsatisfied demands inside PTF on respective dates after considering the FDS. Later on those supplies were moved to PTF date, resulting in more than one supply on PTF date. This would be wrong for some set up. So, we made the code changes to create single supply for unsatisfied demands in PTF. This would be done only on the basis of the following profile: MSO: Create Aggregate Supply for Unsatisfied Demands within Planning Time Fence MSO_AGG_SUP_FOR_DMD_IN_PTF Yes, then one supply is created for unsatisfied demands on the PTF date if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 1. Plan is not constrained with GP Plan is not optimized.

No, more than one supply may be created for unsatisfied demands on the PTF date.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center 7294117 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSO: DS Scheduling Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_DETAILED_SCHEDULING_WINDOW No information on this profile Would be used for HLS - High Level Scheduler

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Default Forecast Priority

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEFAULT_FORECAST_PRIORITY Contains default priority value for forecasts and is used by the Scheduling Engine to determine when to schedule the forecast. Can be defined at the site level. Valid values are: Integer > 0.

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - 100000. 147220.1 296941.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile

Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Default Idle Time Tolerance (Hours)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_IDLE_TIME_TOLERANCE No Documentation on this profile.

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Default Resource Sequencing Window (in Days)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SETUP_CYCLE_FOR_HLS_SDS After the planning engine select an unscheduled activity from the activity selection window specified by MSO: Activity Selection Window (Days), this profile option specifies the number of days from the pegged demand date over which the planning engine can look for another activity of the same setup type to schedule the activity with and achieve a good sequence on the resource. This profile option number can be overridden by resource level settings made in the

Departments: Resources screen in the source system. The large this number, the longer the time spent by the resource on a setup type before changing over to the next setup type. Valid values: any number Default value: 7 (days) 415276.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Default Sales Order Priority

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEFAULT_SO_PRIORITY Contains default priority value for sales orders. Used by the Scheduling Engine to determine when to schedule a sales order. Can be defined at the site level. Valid values are: Integer > 0.

Default Value - 10000. Note Reference(s) 296941.1 147220.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Default Timestamp Safety Stocks

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_SFTSTCK The planning engine uses this profile option value to determine when safety stock supplies are due. The timestamp value applies to the safety stock requirements from Oracle Inventory, Oracle Inventory Optimization, Oracle Material Requirements Planning, and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. Valid values are: Beginning of Day - Supplies must be available at 00:00.Set this option if you want to use timestamps that match safety stock requirements from Oracle Inventory Optimization. End of Day: Supplies must be available at 23:59.Set this option if you want to use timestamps that match safety stock requirements from Oracle Inventory or Oracle Material Requirements Planning.

Default Value - Beginning of Day Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSO: Default Timestamp for Forecasts

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEF_TIME_FCST This profile option determines the forecast timestamps that Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning uses to plan. It applies to forecast scenarios from Oracle Demand Planning, master demand schedule forecasts, and manual master demand schedule entries. The timestamp denotes the time by which supplies to meet the demand must be available to be considered on time: Values are: Beginning of Day: Supplies must be available at 00:00 End of Day: Supplies must be available at 23:59

This profile option does not apply to sales orders. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s)

6273866 3198606 7460229 3573179 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Default Timestamp for Sales Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEF_TIME_SO This profile option determines the sales order line timestamps that Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning uses to plan. The timestamp denotes the time by which supplies to meet the demand must be available to be considered on time: Values are: Beginning of Day: Supplies must be available at 00:00. End of Day: Supplies must be available at 23:59. Retain Sales Order Timestamps: Supplies must be available at the timestamp on the sales order line.

The sales order demand due timestamp does not affect forecast consumption because forecast consumption is done in daily buckets. This profile option does not apply to forecasts. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4120214 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Default Value for Maximum Acceptable Days Early

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile MSO MSO_DEFAULT_MAX_EARLY_DAYS No information on this profile


Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Delay Fulfillment of Small Demands

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_RESPECT_SUPPLY_TOLERANCES Use this profile option to enable the planning engine to delay fulfilling a small demand until it has a later larger demand. Valid values are: Yes - set the item attribute Unsatified Demand Factor on each item whose small demands you want delayed. No

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - No 1068297.1 749448.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Demand Size Tolerance Before Splitting Planned Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SPLIT_PO_THRESHOLD Creates a threshold percentage that causes Planned Orders to split prior to scheduling (if the remaining unallocated quantity of a planned order is greater than the remaining unallocated quantity of the pegged demand). Not used if order modifiers exist for an item and not used in a project planning environment. Valid values are: Positive decimal quantities (.5 is interpreted as 50%).

If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Default Value - NULL 739561.1 1068297.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Demand Type Priority

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections 4573393 -1 No No MSO MSO_DEMAND_TYPE_PRIORITY Appears to be unused according to the Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and Users Guide

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Demand Window Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEMAND_WIN During priority pegging, demands are sorted based on the demand priority within the demand window. After these demands are fully pegged, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning sorts all demands in the next window by priority. This is stated as the number of calendar days including nonworkdays. With a value of 10, the first demand window is between the start date of the plan or the first demand date +10 days. Valid values are: Integer >= 0

Default Value - NULL (1) Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s)

8264328 2764894 8264323 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MSO: Disable Inference of Item Substitution Relationship

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_NO_INFER_IN_ITEMSUBST Use this profile option to instruct the planning engine whether to infer end item substitution relationships. Valid values are: Yes - Do not infer item substitution relationships No/Null - Do infer item substitution relationships

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - Null 1068297.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

6901454 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Divergent Supply Feeding Pattern

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) MSO MSO_SUPPLY_SPLIT Not used.

4573393 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Divergent Supply Feeding Pattern for InterOrg and Supplier Sourced orders
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_INTER_ORG_SUPPLY_SPLIT Allows you to fulfill multiple downstream demands in parallel or in series by a supply from another internal organization. Values are: Series With MTQ Only - This is the default value. A supply always feeds multiple demands in series when a corresponding MTQ has been specified. Series - Supply feeds multiple demands in series.

If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Divergent Supply Feeding Pattern for IntraOrg Sourced orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_INTRA_ORG_SUPPLY_SPLIT Allows you to fulfill multiple downstream demands in parallel or in series by a supply in the same organization. Values are: Series With MTQ Only - This is the default value. A supply always feeds Multiple demands in series when a corresponding MTQ has been specified. Series - Supply feeds multiple demands in series.

If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

8675345 9147919 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Dual Simplex Parameter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_DPRIIND Gradient parameter for dual simplex. Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 Default value: See 'Automatic Calculations, page A-1 of the R12.1 ASCP User Guide.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: EDD Demand Cutoff Priority

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_EDD_DEMAND_CUTOFF_PRIORITY For an (ECC) plan, we can Enforce Due Dates (EDD) for some sales order demand based on priority So if you have sales order priorities, and want all priority 1 and 2 to be planned as EDD, then set the profile value = 3 This will override constraints, and plan these orders as EDD. This can cause overloads in resources and also for supplier capacity. This is a hidden profile in 11.5.10, but can be defined manually in Application Developer In R12, this is seeded profile.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 4572101 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: EDD Scheduling Window Control

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_EDD_SCHEDULING_WINDOW_CONTROL This profile option is applicable to constrained plans with enforce demand due dates. The planning engine calculates an actual scheduling window for each resource activity and supply. Valid values are: Number between 0 and 1

The actual window is defined by the dates: Latest Possible completion time (LPCT) - Determined by the start time of downstream activities that have already been scheduled. Earliest Allowable Completion Time (EACT) - Calculated by the planning engine which accounts for the unscheduled upstream activities and how much time those activities need.

If this profile option is the default value, the planning engine uses the calculated EACT. If this profile option is lower than the default value, the planning engine uses an earlier EACT than the calculated EACT which gives the activity a larger scheduling window. If this profile option is higher than the default value, the planning engine uses a later EACT than the calculated EACT which gives the activity a smaller scheduling window. This is a user level profile option. Default Value - 0.5 Note Reference(s) 259322.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Enable Advanced Sequencing

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GLOBAL_SDS_FLAG This profile has to do with Sequence Dependent Setups in HLS Need more information on this profile. Valid values: Yes/No Default value: No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 5233140 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Enable Cost Rollup for Optimization

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_COST_ROLLUP This profile specifies where the optimization engine looks for costs during cost-based optimization. Valid values are: No: Use user-provided costs from the source system Yes: Use costs from the internal cost rollup

Default value = NULL (No) Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No

Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Enable Decision Rules

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ENABLE_DECISION_RULES The profile option enables User Defined Decision Rules. Valid values are: Yes - Use the user-defined decision rules. No - User defined decision rules are not allowed.

The Plan Options tab, Decision Rules, is disabled. If you select No, you can duplicate the functionality of the decision rule Use Alternate Sources parameter for buy items but not for transfers from other organizations; set profile option MSC: Enable Enhanced Sourcing to Yes. Default Value - No Note Reference(s)

214041.1 225876.1

267399.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Enable Hard Links Globally

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GLOBAL_HARD_LINK_FLAG Valid values are: Yes - hard links in the code are not disabled No - disable the hard links in the code.

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 5067925

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Enable Rounding of Fractional Supplies For Service Planning

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ENABLE_ROUNDING_OF_FRACTIONAL_SUPPLIES_FOR_SRP Controls the rounding process. Valid values are:

Y - By rounding the orders we are going to update the data from the pegging, supplies and demands table. Rounding is process that round up to the nearest integer the fractional order quantities. N

If the profile is not specified the order quantities are NOT rounded up (default behavior). Rounding process is applicable only to the orders that are processed by the pegging partition functionality. By rounding up the orders quantities we are going to: generate negative inventories for defective items break the yield factor.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6834025 -1 No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Enable sourcing split for end item substitution

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SRC_SPLIT_FOR_SUBS When using End Item Substitution, for Rank 1 sourcing rules with split sourcing %, this profile must be set to enforce the sourcing split. Valid values: Yes/No Default value: No

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

6430766 9486069 -1 -1

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Enforce Minimum Transfer Quantities

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSO MSO_GLOBAL_MTQ_FLAG no documentation on this profile.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

6650688 9409110 -1 -1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Enforce Resource Sequence Contiguity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ENFORCE_RESOURCE_SEQUENCE_CONTIGUITY Controls contiguity constraints between resource activities within an operation. Valid values are: Yes - Resource activities within the same operation are scheduled contiguously in time. The end of the preceding activity exactly lines up with the start of the current activity and the end of the current activity exactly lines up with the start of the next (if there is MTQ specified, the activities may also overlap). No: The contiguity constraint is relaxed and in certain cases, the chances of obtaining feasible schedules improved.

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) 562872.1 259322.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Firm Purchase Orders Within Time Fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_FIRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_WITHIN_PTF Indicates whether or not the planning engine should firm those purchase orders that are within the time fence. Valid values are: Yes - Firms purchase orders that are within the time fence. No - The planning engine does not reschedule the non-firm

purchase orders that have dock dates within the Planning Time Fence. The planning engine does not reschedule or cancel recommendations even if there are conditions for reschedules and cancellations. Note Reference(s) 370386.1 365112.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Firm Requisitions Within Time Fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_FIRM_REQ_WITHIN_PTF Indicates whether or not the planning engine should firm those requisitions that are within the time fence. The valid values are: Yes: Firms requisitions that are within the time fence. No: The planning engine does not reschedule the non-firm purchase requisitions that have dock dates within the Planning Time Fence.

Note Reference(s)

The planning engine does not reschedule or cancel recommendations even if there are conditions for reschedules and cancellations. The planning engine uses the start date of the receiving organization as the reference for internal requisitions. Default : No 555016.1 1079681.1 1068297.1 365112.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

8709703 -1 -1

-1 -1 -1 Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_FIRM_SUPPLY_ALLOC_WIN The allocation of firm supplies to demands is based on demand priorities within the Firm Supply Allocation window. Set this window using system level profile options. This window is derived dynamically for each demand; it starts with the demand due date and goes backwards to the window size. This is stated as the number of calendar days including non-workdays. Valid values are: Integer > 0

Default Value - 1 Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning

4688250 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No

MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSC_FIRM_SUPPLY_FWD_FENCE The allocation of firm supplies to demands is based on demand priorities within the Firm Supply Allocation window. Set this window using system level profile options. This window is derived dynamically for each demand; it starts with the demand due date and moves forwards to the window size. This pegs demands to firm supplies that are scheduled after the demand date. After searching backward, it searches forward by the number of days set by this profile option, pegging the supply with the nearest (earliest) schedule to the unallocated demand quantity. This can cause supplies to be late for the demand due date. This is stated as the number of calendar days including non-workdays. To use this feature, set profile option MSO: Net All Firm Supplies Before Creating Planned Orders to Yes. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Firm Work Orders/Operations Within Time Fence

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCHEDULE_FIRMED_BEFORE_PTF Used for both constrained and unconstrained plans. Valid values are Yes - all operations of an order with start dates in the Planning Time Fence are treated as firm. Any operation with a start date outside of the Planning Time Fence is not considered firm and can be moved. No - operations with start dates in the Planning Time Fence can be rescheduled out.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Floating Point Precision

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_FLOATING_POINT_PRECISION Not used. Replaced by profile option MSO: Floating Point Precision for Order Quantities Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Floating Point Precision for Increments of Shift Start/End Times Within a Planning Bucket
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_HLS_SHIFT_INC_PRECISION Could not find in the User guide.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Floating Point Precision for Order Q

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning MSO MSO_HLS_ORDER_QUANTITY_PRECISION Not used. Replaced by profile option MSO: Floating Point Precision for Order Quantities

Yes No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Floating Point Precision for Planning Bucket Efficiency

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_HLS_GRANULAR_PRECISION This has been changed to MSO:HLS Granularity Precision.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Floating Point Precision for Transportation Capacities (Volume)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HLS_TRANS_VOLUME_PRECISION Internal multiplier for transportation lane capacities by volume, by day. Can change the value depending on precision desired. Verify that the product of the floating point precision and the number does not exceed the maximum integer size handled by the machine. See 'Floating Point Precision, page A-2 of ASCP User guide for more information. Valid Values: Number>0 Default Value: 100 If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Floating Point Precision for Transportation Capacities (Weight)

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HLS_TRANS_WEIGHT_PRECISION Internal multiplier for transportation lane capacities by volume, by day. Can change the value depending on precision desired. Verify that the product of the floating point precision and the number does not exceed the maximum integer size handled by the machine. See 'Floating Point Precision, page A-2 of ASCP User guide for more information. Valid Values: Number>0 Default Value: 100 If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center 5173359 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSO: Floating Point Precision for Usage in Routings

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HLS_USAGE_PRECISION Internal multiplier for order quantities. Can change the value depending on precision desired. Verify that the product of the floating point precision and the number does not exceed the maximum integer size handled by the machine. See 'Floating Point Precision, page A-2 of ASCP User guide for more information. Valid Values: Number>0 Default Value: 100 If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. 560505.1 579204.1 224112.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Generate Compression Days Exception

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GENERATE_COMPRESSION_EXCEPTION Use this profile option to control issuance of exception message Orders with compression days. Valid values are: Yes - Issue the exception message No - Do not issue the exception message

The planning engine issues exception message Orders with insufficient lead-time when it schedules orders for less time than their assembly's leadtime. If the reason for that scheduling is that the planning engine would schedule the order in the past, it also issues exception message Orders with compression days. To avoid seeing both these exceptions for the same order, select No for this profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Generate Compression/Firming Exceptions for Orders in Progress

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GENERATE_COMPRESSION_FIRMING_EXCEPTIONS When set to No, the planning engine does not issue the following exception messages for firm orders whose start date is in the past (after applying the lead time offset to the due date). Valid values are: Order with Insufficient Lead Time Order is Firmed Early

The planning engine assumes that these orders are in progress and on time: Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide No No No Yes No No

Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Generate Shared Supply Exceptions

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GENERATE_SHARED_SUPPLY_EXCEPTIONS MSO: Generate Shared Supply Exceptions Values: Yes/No No: The planning engine schedules demands in slices; each slice contains a set of demands in a time period. Sometimes, a supply is pegged to two demands (shared supply) that are each in different slices. If these two slices are separated by more slices than the value of profile option MSO: Additional Demand Slices for Shared Supply Rescheduling, the planning engine does not reschedule the shared supply in the earlier slice when it schedules the demand in the later slice. It is possible that the demand in the later slice is satisfied late because the planning engine did not reschedule in (earlier date) the supply in the earlier slice. Yes: The planning engine issues a Shared Supply Scheduled Late exception message when this occurs. If this profile option is No, the planning engine does not generate the exception message. This is a user level profile option.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSO: Global Batchable Flag

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_BATCHABLE_FLAG Enables resource batching functionality for order scheduling.

B31553-02 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Global Chargeable Flag

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CHARGEABLE_FLAG This profile option controls whether Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning schedules resource charges. Yes: the planning engine schedules charges for chargeable resources. No, chargeable resources are considered as item basis an no individual charges are scheduled.

Material flows and resource loads are not influenced by charge quantities. Valid values: yes/no Default value: no Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide No No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Global Time Limit

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_TILIM Parameter used to set global time limit for halting optimization. Values: Number > 0.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: HLS flat files path

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HLS_FLAT_FILES_PATH Specifies the directory to store the Planning Engine debugging data files. Valid Values: Text Default Value: Null

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Hard link scheduling window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HARD_LINK_SCHEDULING_WINDOW This profile option specifies the time window within which ASCP tries to schedule a set of operations linked together through hard links. If scheduling is unsuccessful,overloads are created. This is a hidden profile option used by development. This defines the scheduling window within which the system schedules the hard-linked operation set. Increasing the window gives room to schedule operations with hard links without overloading. Based on the number of operations per hard linked operation set,increasing this value can have a performance impact.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Hard link scheduling window expansion factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HARD_LINK_SCHEDULE_WINDOW_FACTOR This hidden profile option used by development is used to limit the propagation for the hard linked operation set. Normally, we limit the propagation by a factor of (This profile option value * Minimum duration of hard linked operation set). Valid Values: Integer Default Value: 10

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Heuristic type

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HEURISTIC_TYPE Determines which heuristic to use. The look-ahead heuristic reserves time for lower priorities so the schedule begins with the tasks of higher priorities. This is a site level profile option. Valid Value: Look Ahead Default Value Look Ahead

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD

Yes No No Yes No No No

Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Incremental Planned Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SUPPLIER_DEMAND_SPLIT No documentation found.

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Internal Demand Aggregation Within Optimization

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_INT_DMD_AGGR This profile specifies how the optimization engine should prioritize independent demands. Valid values are: Yes: Prioritize by date. This value improves optimization engine performance. No: Prioritize by demand priority

Bug 9587814 shows that cusotmer had plan using 12gb of memory and by setting this profile = Yes,

the plan only used 5gb of memory

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

9587814 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Inventory Carrying Costs Percentage

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CARRYING_COST_PCT Specifies inventory carrying costs percentage for all items in the plan. Can be defined at the site level. You can update this value. The inventory carrying cost is a percent (if the user enters 10, the value is 10%). A percentage between 0 and 100.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning

6863019 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MSO: JIT Selector Window Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SELECTOR_JIT_WINDOW_SIZE No information on this profile

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: LP Constraint Batch Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center MSO MSO_CONSTRAINT_BATCH_SIZE Not used.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSO: LP Markowitz Coefficient

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_EPMRK Sets the Markowitz Coefficient. Values: Number between 0.0001 and 0.99999 Default value: See 'Automatic Calculations, page A-1 of the R12.1 ASCP User Guide.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: LP Optimization Algorithm

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_LP_ALGORITHM Determines which optimization algorithm is used. Can be defined at the site level. This is Automatic Calculations. When the Default Value of a profile option states that it is automatically calculated, this means that the Planning Engine determines the default value of that particular profile option. Valid Values: 0: Primal simplex 1:Dual simplex 2: Hybrid barrier primal 3: Hybrid barrier dual

Default Value:0 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No

MSO: Late Demands Exceptions Tolerance Minutes

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_LATE_DMD_EXC_TOL_MIN This profile option is used by constrained plans. Sets the value in minutes for a window during which the planning engine does not issue exception messages for late demands. Use it particularly in cases where demands are only a few minutes or a few hours late. The value that you enter is used based on a 24 hour, 7 day per week calendar. For example, enter 1440 minutes (24 hours) for this profile option. A demand due at 15:00 on Tuesday does not cause late demand exception or diagnosis information as long as the supplies are complete by l5:00 on Wednesday.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Lead Time Control

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_LEAD_TIME_CONTROL

Violate Minimum Processing Times to Meet Demand Due Date: The planning engine meets the demand due date even if it compresses operations and supplies beyond their minimum durations (from item lead-times and routing usages). Do Not Violate Minimum Processing Times: The planning engine respects the minimum durations of operations and supplies (from item lead-times and routing usages) even if it satisfies demands late. Default Value: Violate minimum Processing Times to Meet Demand Due Date In 11.5.10, this profile is only for EDD - Enforce Demand Due Dates plan In 12.0.4 and above, this profile works for BOTH EDD and ECC - Enforce Capacity Constraints plans.

Note Reference(s)

399888.1 850591.1 443357.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

Global Order Promising


MSO: List Size for Pricing Candidates

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_PRICELIM Parameter to set the list size for pricing candidates. Values: Integer > 0.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Lookahead days to net co-product/by-product supplies before creating planned orders
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra MSO MSO_CO_LOOKAHEAD_WINDOW No used.

5462273 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSO: Max Gap Tolerence on SDS

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_MAX_GAP_TOLERANCE_ON_SDS Per bug 8538729 this profile is not currently used.

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximium Number of Prepones

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAXIMUM_PREPONES Scalability factor for the Scheduling Engine. The Scheduling Engine attempts to schedule the operations in different orders to find a solution. Limits the number of times the Scheduling Engine attempts to schedule an operation.If there are many components for some items or many small supplies answering a demand, the number of orders is larger; reduce this parameter. Valid values are: Integer > 0

Can be defined at the site level. This profile is automatically calculated,this means that the Planning Engine determines the default value of this profile option. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Default Value - 8 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximize Search of Availability Intervals

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAXIMIZE_SEARCH_OF_AVAILABILITY_INTERVALS Enhances the capability of the scheduling engine to accurately identify pockets of available time where resource activities can be feasibly scheduled. Valid values are: Yes - Maintains a detailed picture of the Resource Profile while scheduling. Resource Profile refers to the time varying picture of requirements and availability. The maintenance of this detailed picture causes the planning engine to miss fewer valid slots for scheduling activities than otherwise. No - Detailed Resource Profile is not maintained.

If you need to change the default value of this profile in your installation, it is recommended that you consult with Oracle Development before doing so. You can set this option if you receive the Requirement causes resource overload exceptions in the Planner Workbench in Enforce Capacity Constraints Plans. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. 841308.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximize Use of Unfirm PurchOrd/WorkOrd in Optimization

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_MAXIMIZE_POWO Optimization phase of the engine has the capability to evaluate the use of new planned orders versus using partial supplies from scheduled receipts. If you set it to 0 (Zero) engine may create new planned orders while scheduled receipts exist. Ex: you have demand of 10 units and you have a W/O or PO of 100 units, engine will create new supply for 10 units versus using 10 units ut of 100 units of scheduled receipts and carrying the 90 units. This decision might be taken as it is cheaper to produce than to carry extra inventory. If you set it to 1, the engine will use existing supplies and decide to carry the un used portion of the supplies from W/O or a PO. Continuing the example, Engine will use 10 units of supply out of 100 and decide to carry the rest of the 90 units instead of creating new supplies. This might not be cost effective.

Note Reference(s) 567317.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning 4006732 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Activity Duration

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HLS_ACTIVITY_DURATION_MAX Defines the Planning Engine maximum activity duration in days.All requirements should be less in duration than this. If null, the planning horizon duration is used. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Valid Values: Number>0 Default Value: by Automatic Calculations 179406.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Allowable Days Late

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_DAYS_LATE Limits the number of days by which a demand or unfirmed scheduled receipt can be moved out when optimization is turned on. This value is used only to improve performance and reduce the size of the plan for the optimization component of the Planning Engine. Scheduling moves demands and unfirmed scheduled receipts out as long as necessary. Valid values are: Integer > 0

Can be defined at the site level. Note: Set this to a number as large as the typical planning horizon to avoid

unusual results. Default Value - 300 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Allowable Days Late before Forecast Expiration

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_FCST_LATE_DAYS Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning uses this profile option when planning supplies for forecast scenarios from Oracle Demand Planning, master demand schedule forecasts, and manual master demand schedule entries. When a forecast or master demand schedule entry cannot be completely satisfied within the allowable days late, the planning engine does not plan supplies for the quantity that is late by this many days. The profile option does not apply to sales orders. Valid values are: Interger > 0

Default Value - Null Note Reference(s) 859179.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning 8801111 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Alternate Combinations

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_ALT_COMBINATIONS Does not appear in any manual,

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Demands Per Group for Advanced Sequencing

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_NUMBER_OF_DEMAND_PER_GROUP_FOR_SDS The profile option specifies the number of demands that are grouped together for scheduling. The larger this number, the greater the chances of obtaining good sequences on the resources. Making this number too large might result in demand priorities not being fully respected while scheduling. Valid values are: Any number

Default Value - 1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Demands per Group

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEMANDS_PER_GROUP Determines the maximum number of demands that can be grouped together for scheduling. Within a group, the default heuristic can try different orders among the demands. Valid values are: Integer > 0, smaller than the size of a slice

Default Value - 5 Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

2829066 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSO: Maximum Demands per Slice

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_DEMANDS_PER_SLICE Determines the number of demands in a slice. Enables the Scheduling Engine to resolve interactions of demands within a slice. Supplies shared between demands are scheduled better when the demands are in the same slice. However, slices that are too large slow down the Scheduling Engine use more memory. Valid values are: Integer >= 0

Default Value - 100 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Inventory Level % of Safety Stock

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_INV_LEVEL Use this option to specify maximum inventory levels. If no other method of calculation is defined for an item-organization maximum inventory level, the levels are based on the specified percentage of the safety stock level. Valid values are: Note Reference(s) Percentage between 0 and 100

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 MSO: Target Inventory Level % of Safety Stock Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Lead Time Factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_LEAD_TIME_FACTOR As per Bug#2953151 not used any more. This is used by the scheduling engine. This is the fraction of the overall horizon length, within which the backward pass restricts looking for resources to fit the schedule. If this cannot be scheduled within this fraction of the overall horizon length, it is forward scheduled. The value is specified as a number between 0 to 1. This profile option can be defined at the site level. You can update this value. The default value is 1 167239.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Number of Demands in a Hard Linked Demand Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 6818322 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No MSO MSO_MAX_DEMANDS_PER_HLK_DEMAND_SET Value specified in number of demands. Default value is 1, indicating no upper limit. This is a hidden profile option.

MSO: Maximum Number of Pull for Operation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_PULL_OPERATION When an operation cannot be scheduled on a certain day, the scheduling engine attempts to schedule it on an earlier date (for backward scheduling). This profile option controls how many days are tried in this manner. Many days result in lower performance. Valid values are: Integer > 0

Can be defined at the site level. This profile is automatically calculated, this means that the Planning Engine determines the default value of this profile option. Default Value - 8 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning

Yes No No Yes

All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Number of Pushes for Operation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_PUSH_OPERATION When you are running constrained plans with the Enforce Capacity Constraints plan option checked,this profile option controls the number of attempts made to schedule a resource activity feasibly. Valid values are: -1 - Continues the search for available capacity till the end of the planning horizon. Integer > 0 - The number that you specify here determines the number of attempts that the planning engine makes to schedule the activity. For example, if you set the profile option to 5, the planning engine makes 5 attempts to schedule the activity feasibly, and after that schedules the activity with an overload. The spot chosen to schedule the activity with overload is the initial spot that was tried.

If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Operations Per Slice

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HLS_MAX_OPERATIONS_PER_SLICE Determines the number of operations which can be scheduled in a slice. Limits the problem size in a slice and can be a limiting factor in determining the number of demands that can be scheduled in a slice. Oracle recommends that you use a large value such as the default value. If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. Valid Values: Integer>0 Default Value: 3000 operations 747739.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Resource Over-capacity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MAX_EXCESS_RESOURCE_UNITS Assigns resource slacks when it does not find the resource available and it is forced to use slacks. The Scheduling Engine initiate the resource slack from 0 to maximum assigned units and will jump to this number if no solution is possible. This limits the number of tries to assign the resource slack. Valid values are: Number > 0

Can be defined at the site level. This is automatic Calculated profile. When the Default Value of a profile option states that it is automatically calculated, this means that the Planning Engine determines the default value of that particular profile option. Default Value - 5 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum Simplex Iterations

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_ITLIM Parameter to set the maximum number of simplex iterations. Values: Integer > 0

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Maximum number of pulls/push for hard linked operations

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_MAX_PUSH_PULL_FOR_HARD_LINKS This hidden profile option is not used.

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Minimize Supply Duration

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_MIN_SUPPLY_LEAD_TIME_BY_LEFT_JUSTIFY No Documentation on this profile Used in HLS

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Minimum Processing Lead Time Adjustment Factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSO MSO_MIN_PROC_LEAD_TIME_ADJ_FACTOR Not available in user guide. 564241.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Multiplier To Derive Supply Allocation Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_FIRM_SUPPLY_MULTIPLIER You can set the Firm Supply Allocation window using the profile option MSC: Firm Supply Allocation Window or you can use the manufacturing lead-time and the profile option MSC: Multiplier to Derive Firm Supply Allocation Window. If you specify any value for the latter profile option, the information you enter for MSC: Firm Supply Allocation Window is ignored. If the product of this multiplier and cumulative manufacturing lead-time is a fractional quantity, the number is rounded up to the next integer. Formulas for the item-specific firm supply allocation window: Make item: Cumulative manufacturing lead-time * MSO: Multiplier to derive supply allocation window. Buy item: Processing lead-time * MSO: Multiplier to derive supply allocation window.

Valid Value: Number >= 0. Default Value: Null.

Note Reference(s) 1068297.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Net All Firm Supplies Before Creating Planned Order

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_FIRM_B4_PO Nets all firmed supply available in any future period before creating new planned orders. The profile option treats firmed planned orders the same as real supplies. The values are: 1 - No: Does not net firm supplies before creating planned orders. 2 - All Supply Types: Net all firm supplies before creating planned orders. This includes work orders, purchase orders, transfer supplies and firm planned orders for these supplies. 3 - Only for Work Orders: Net only firm discrete jobs before creating planned orders. - Only for Purchase and Transfer Supplies: Net all firm purchased and transfer supplies before creating planned orders. 4 - All Supply Types Including by-product/co-product supplies: Nets all firm supplies (including by-product and coproduct supplies) before creating planned orders. The planning engine does not reschedule by-product and coproduct supplies, they follow the scheduling of the supply that generates them. This choice allows these supplies to be netted for earlier demands. This may cause late demands, but may reduce overall inventory.

Note Reference(s)

Default: No 370386.1


Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Network routing cycle time coefficient

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_NFL_CYCLE_TIME_COEFFICIENT Used by the Scheduling Engine to calculate the window of time allocated to schedule a network flow. This is used in conjunction with NFL Fixed Time Window. The window of time is (Coefficient *Cycle time) + Fixed time window. Valid values are: Number > 0

Defined at the site level. Profile is applicable when OSFM Network Scheduling Method is set to Optimized. Default Value:0 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Network routing fixed time window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_NFL_FIXED_TIME_WINDOW Used by the Scheduling Engine to calculate the window of time allocated to schedule a network flow. This is used in conjunction with NFL Fixed Time Window. The window of time is (Coefficient *Cycle time) + Fixed time window. Valid values are: Number > 0

Profile is applicable when OSFM Network Scheduling Method is set to Optimized. Defined at the site level. Default Value - 0 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Nfl Backward Compression Pct

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_NFL_BACKWARD_COMPRESSION_PCT Defines the percentage of the actual resources capacity that the network flow takes into account. A value under 100 percent tends to offload more activities to alternate resources. Can be defined at the site level. Valid values are: Between 10 and 100%

Profile is applicable when OSFM Network Scheduling Method is set to Optimized. Default Value - 100% Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Nfl Forward Compression Pct

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_NFL_FORWARD_COMPRESSION_PCT Defines the percentage of the actual resources capacity that the network flow takes into account. Use in forward phase to force the system to use alternates and limit the tardiness of activities. Valid values are: Between 10 and 100%

Can be defined at the site level. Profile is applicable when OSFM Network Scheduling Method is set to Optimized. Default Value - 100% Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Number of Backtracks Allowed

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_MAX_BACKTRACKS As per Bug 2953151, this is not used

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Number of Demand Groups for Optimization

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_MAX_DEMAND_GROUPS You can use this profile option only for constrained plans that have decision rules enabled. In the case of cost-based optimization, the planning engine considers the demand lateness penalty cost instead of demand priorities. Use this profile option to instruct the planning engine how to group demand

into demand groups by priority ranges. For example, the demand priority values are from 1 to 100 and you set this profile option to 5. The planning engine assigns demands to five demand groups. Each group includes a range of 20 priorities - 1 to 20, 21 to 40, 41 to 60, 61 to 80, 81 to 100. The planning engine searches for supplies that satisfy all demands having priorities in the same range. It satisfies demands in the higher priority range first. For multiple demands in the same priority range, the planning engine satisfies demands based on individual demand priorities. Valid values: Integer > 0 Default value = 50 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Number of Iterations for Local Search

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning MSO MSO_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_SEARCH_ITERATIONS No information on this profile.

No No No No No No No No

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MSO: Number of LP Phases for Safety Stock Calculation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SCO_MRP_SS_LOGIC Set only with guidance from Oracle Development

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Number of Threads for Optimization

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_NUM_THREADS This profile option applies to 64-bit platforms only. Values greater than 1 invoke running optimized plans in a multi-threaded mode. This enables various optimization problems to be solved in parallel so that run time may be reduced.

However, multi-threading increases the CPU usage and memory consumption. You can control the load on CPU by specifying the number of threads that you want to run in parallel. Valid value: Integer >0

Default value: null Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Optimization Advanced Start

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_ADVIND This profile option controls whether the planning engine should be set to use advanced start (profile option value 1). This means that the optimization engine uses certain values from a previous run of the plan; it sees improved performance by reusing certain computations. This is an optimization engine profile option and should not be changed under ordinary circumstances. Values: 0 and 1 Default value is: Null (internally defaulted as a value of 1)

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Optimization Daily Aggregation Buckets

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_AGGREG_DAY_BUCKETS Specifies the Daily Aggregation Time Bucket to be used by the Planning Engine if the profile option MSO: Use Optimization Internal Time Aggregation is set to True.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Optimization Weekly Aggregation Buckets

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_AGGREG_WEEK_BUCKETS Specifies the Weekly Aggregation Time Bucket to be used by the Planning Engine if the profile option MSO: Use Optimization Internal Time Aggregation is set to True.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Order Modifier Max Searching Depth

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_OM_CTP_MAX_DEPTH Use this profile option to specify the maximum number of lower levels in the supply chain that the planning engine searches for alternate sources, bills of material, components, and resources to resolve a shortage. The shortages often occur when the planning engine rounds down planed orders with respect to capacity constraints and order modifiers. The planning engine searches this many levels down both in: The organization with the shortage Organizations that supply the short organization with the short item

Oracle suggests that: The solution quality improves with higher numbers while the processing time worsens with higher numbers. For each integer increase in the profile option, processing time worsens at a much higher rate than solution quality improves. You consider the tradeoffs and tend towards lower rather than higher numbers. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning 6890145 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Overlap Activities by MTQ

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_OVERLAP_ACTIVITIES_BY_MTQ Use this profile option to control overlapping activities inside one operation. Valid values are: Yes - Allow overlapping activities inside one operation. No - Prevent overlapping activities inside one operation.

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Peg By-product Supplies

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_PEG_BYPROD_SUPP Yes: Pegging is considered when scheduling operations with by-product supply. Scheduling of these operations respects demand for the by-product and demand for the main product. After scheduling these operations, the by-product supply date is updated to reflect the operation scheduled date. No: By-Product Supplies are not pegged to demands For constraint-based plans. Set this profile option to No with items that are components on the supply chain bill of materials and that are by-product on a different level of the same supply chain bill of materials. Selecting No prevents the planning engine from continuous looping between the component demand and the by-product supply.

Note Reference(s)

Default Value: Yes 566497.1 984372.1 957490.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Penalty Basis for Changeovers

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_PENALTY_BASIS_FOR_CHANGEOVERS Indicates whether the changeover time of the changeover penalty is to be used as the criterion for calculation the ideal sequence. Valid Values are: Changeover time :If Changeover Time, ASCP uses the

relative changeover times between setup types as the criteria for deciding on the ideal sequence of setup types. Changeover Penalty: If Changeover Penalty, ASCP uses the relative changeover penalties between setup types as the criteria for deciding on the ideal sequence of setup types.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value: Changeover time 415276.1

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Item Material Capacity Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ITEM_CAP_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 of ASCP user guide for more information. Valid Values: Interger>=0 Default Value: Null 763878.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Material Capacity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GLOBAL_ITEM_PENALTY Defines a penalty cost factor for exceeding material capacity. Valid Values: Number>=0 Default Value: Null

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Material Capacity Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SUP_CAP_PENALTY Attribute Number Automatically generated to denote flexfield segment holding the penalty factor. This profile option stores the item flexfield segment that holds the penalty cost factor for exceeding material capacity. The collections process Generate Planning Flexfield concurrent program captures the segment when it first runs during installation. Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Org Material Capacity Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ORG_ITEM_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. See 'Flexfield Attributes,page A-1 for more information. Valid values are: Interger >= 0

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

Default Value - Null 1069694.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Org Resource Capacity Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ORG_RES_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. See 'Flexfield Attributes,page A-1 for more information. Valid values are: Interger >= 0

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - Null 1069694.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Org Transportation Capacity Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ORG_TRSP_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. See 'Flexfield Attributes,page A-1 for more information. Valid values are: Interger >= 0

Note Reference(s)

Default Value - Null 1069694.1

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Resource Capacity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GLOBAL_RES_PENALTY Denotes a factor for plan profit computations that is invoked only when the plan profit parameter for optimization has a value greater than 0. The penalty cost factor is multiplied by the resource cost to give the cost of overloading a particular resource. Valid Values: 0 and 1 Default Value: Null (internally defaulted as a value of 1) 562872.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Resource Capacity Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_RES_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. Valid values are: Interger >=0

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - NULL 147242.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Exceeding Transportation Capacity Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning MSO MSO_TRSP_PENALTY Penalty Cost for Exceeding Transportation Capacity (Optimized Plan)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Demands

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_GLOBAL_DMD_PENALTY MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Demands Defines a penalty cost factor common to all demands. The demands include sales orders, forecasts and safety stock. Can be defined at the site level. Values Integer > 0 No default value

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4139766 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Forecasts Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_FCST_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. Valid values are Integer >= 0

Default Value - NULL Note Reference(s) 176030.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Item Demands Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ITEM_DMD_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. Valid Values: Integer>=0 Default Value: Null

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Org Demands Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ORG_DMD_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 for more information. Valid values are: Interger >= 0

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - Null 1069694.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Cost Factor for Late Sales Orders Flexfield Attribute
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SO_PENALTY Stores the flexfield column name that contains the value in the corresponding table. Setup performed only during application install. See 'Flexfield Attributes, page A-1 in the ASCP User Guide for more information. Valid values: integer >= 0 Default value: 0 153919.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty Increase Tolerance Percentage in Local Search

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_TOLERANCE_PERCENT_FOR_LOCAL_SEARCH No information on this profile.

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Penalty multiplier outside unconstrained

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_LATE_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER This profile option specifies an extra lateness penalty when scheduling later than the unconstrained latest possible completion time for a given activity.

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Percent Complete Before Resequencing

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center MSO MSO_PERCENTAGE_OF_OPS_SCHED_BEFORE_RESEQUENCE No information on this profile

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No

MSO: Postpone Use of Alternates to Latest Possible Time

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_ALT_ALAP This will cause the planning engine to postpone the use of Alternate Rank sourcing until latest possible time in the plan. Used with sourcing rules where multiple ranks are used and trying to force use of Alternates. Best to set to Yes when using Multi-Rank sourcing rules.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Preemption Slack Ratio

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning MSO MSO_PREEMPT_SLACK_RATIO No information on this profile

No No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Preprocessing Aggregator Fill

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_AGGFILL Preprocessor aggregator fill Valid values: Integer >= 0 Default value: See 'Automatic Calculations, page A-1 of the R12.1 ASCP User Guide. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Preprocessing Aggregator Limit

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_AGGIND Parameter to control preprocessing aggregator limit. Values: Integer > 0 Default value: See 'Automatic Calculations, page A-1 of the R12.1 User Guide.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Preprocessing Flag for LP Matrix

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_PREIND Contains the presolve indicator. Values are 0 and 1.

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

2149275 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Preprocessor LP Compression

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SCO_PREPROCESS_COMPRESS Not Used by ASCP

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Primal Simplex Parameter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_PARAM_PPRIIND Gradient parameter for primal simplex algorithm. Valid values are: -1 0 1 2 3 4

Default Value - Automatic Calulations When the Default Value of a profile option states that it is automatically calculated, this means that the Planning Engine determines the default value of that particular profile option. These profile options are included in this appendix for information purposes only. If you must change these profile option values, do so only after consulting Oracle Development and Oracle Support. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections

Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Primal/Dual Preprocessing Reduction

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_PREPROC_REDUCTION Values 0, 1, 2, and 3 See 'Automatic Calculations,in ASCP User Guide page A-1. Used by optimization

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Pull push base

Profile Code Profile Option Name MSO MSO_PULL_PUSH_BASE


Need to check. As per the bug#2953151 this profile is not used. But the R12 doc has this profle. Each time the planning engine needs to search for a new spot to schedule it looks ahead by a certain time period that is dictated by the settings of the profile options MSO: Push Pull Base and MSO: Push Pull Offset. Valid values are: Positive Interger

Default Value - 1 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Pull push offset

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_PULL_PUSH_OFFSET Need to check. As per the bug#2953151 this profile is not used. But the R12 doc has this profle. Each time the planning engine needs to search for a new spot to schedule it looks ahead by a certain time period that is dictated by the settings of the profile options MSO: Push Pull Base and MSO: Push Pull Offset. Valid values are: Positive Interger

Default Value - 1440 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC

Yes No No Yes No No No No

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Queue Time Factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_LEAD_TIME_FACTOR Increases item lead-time in optimization, so that lead-time values are close to those used in the Scheduling Engine. Optimization lead-time is padded to include queue time. Valid values: Number >=0

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Re-computation percentage for sequence generation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile MSO MSO_RECOMPUTATION_PERCENTAGE_FOR_SDS No information on this profile


12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Reschedule Jobs Out to Reduce Inventory Carrying Costs

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_RESCHEDULE_JOBS_OUT This profile option involves right justifying standard and lot-based discrete jobs when rescheduling them out to line up with other supplies for the job. When there is a constraint, the planning engine always moves the jobs based on the constraint. When there are no constraints, you have the option to instruct the planning engine to right justify the jobs. Valid values are: Yes - The planning engine attempts to schedule the job as late as possible for one or more demands. No - The planning engine does not reschedule or right justify the job beyond its old due date. If there is existing capacity earlier than the old due date of the job, the planning engine may recommend a reschedule in.

This profile option does not apply to other order types, for example, purchase orders and purchase requisitions. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning 7280156 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MSO: Reschedule Shared Supply to Influence Batching

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_BATCHING_BEST_EFFORT Determines whether the Planning Engine schedules shared supplies early to avoid item-based resource constraints prior to batch resources. Valid values are: Yes - considers whether scheduling shared supplies early will allow subsequent resource batching; this value improves the scheduled utilization of batch resources by considering earlier constraints No - schedules resource batching when supplies are available

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Resource Adjustment Factor For Improved Offloading to Alternates

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_RES_ADJ_FACTOR The factor that the planning engine uses to reduce the resource availability when making the sourcing decision. For example, if the factor is set to 0.8, the resource availability is reduced by 20% and the planning engine uses more of the

alternate processes. Then, at the time of scheduling, planning has more flexibility. Valid values: A number between and including 0 and 1 Default value: Null (internally defaulted as a value of 1) 562872.1 374093.1 317501.1 787458.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

-1 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Resource Batching Strategy

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_BATCHING_STRATEGY Selects order scheduling strategy used in resource batching. Valid values are: Nearest Date - schedules orders to load resources nearest the due date of the order) Level Utilization schedules orders to level utilization of the resource

Note Reference(s) 244748.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Resource Group for the Line Flexfield Attribute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_LINE_RESOURCE_GROUP Stores the name of the flexfield column that contains the value in the corresponding table. This setup is only performed during application install. Valid Values: Integer>=0 Default Value: Null

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Respect Activity Contiguity Flag for Process Supplies

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile MSO MSO_MAKE_ACTIVITY_NON_BREAKABLE_AS_PER_FLAG No Documentation on this profile.

4517139 -1 No

12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Respect EDD Scheduling windows for Lead Times

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_PRESERVE_OPERATION_LEADTIMES Do not compress post processing lead time for buy orders if enforce purchasing lead time option is unchecked. Yes - The scheduling windows used in enforce demand due dates scheduling will be respected when scheduling lead time activities such as pre-processing, processing, postprocessing and fixed+variable lead times. No - In Enforce demand due dates scheduling, these lead times will be scheduled backwards from due date and need not respect the scheduling windows assigned to the supply.

Valid values: Yes/No Default value: Yes Note Reference(s) 365112.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) 4413913 4432428 -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra

Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No

MSO: SCO Dual Variables Tolerance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_DUALVAR_TOL Parameter used internally for optimization. Consult Oracle Development and Oracle Support before modifying this profile option. Valid values: Numeric Default value: 0.000000001 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: SCO Reduced Cost Tolerance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_REDCOST_TOL Parameter used internally for optimization. Consult Oracle Development and Oracle Support before modifying this profile option. Default value: 0.000000001 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SCO_TRIANGULATION Internal (hidden profile)

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: STL Buffer Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles MSO MSO_STL_BUFFER_SIZE Not used.

2953151 -1

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Schedule Across Breaks

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCHEDULE_ACROSS_BREAKS Determines whether the scheduling engine starts an activity before a break and ends it after the break. Valid values are: Yes No - verify that every activity has enough resource in one shift (otherwise the activities are moved to the end of the horizon). Can be defined at the site level.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Schedule All Firm Planned Orders First

Profile Code MSO

Profile Option Name Description

MSO_SCHEDULE_FIRM_PLANNED_ORDERS_FIRST No documentation on this profile option. It appears that this can work to make sure Firm Planned Orders are scheduled first before any new planned orders are created. This should work in tandem with other Firm profiles and could create a Natural Time fence. Valid values: Yes/No Default value: No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Schedule Simultaneous Resources Across Breaks

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCHEDULE_ACROSS_BREAKS_FOR_SIM_RES Specifies whether the simultaneous resource activity is allowed to go across calendar breaks or not. Need more information on this profile, documentation missing.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning

5028133 -1 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MSO: Schedule window width

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCHEDULE_WINDOW_WIDTH Defines time window (days) that the scheduling engine looks for its primary resource. If the primary resource is not in this window, the scheduling engine moves to an alternate resource. Can be defined at the site level. Valid values are: Integer >=0

Default Value - 8 days Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Scheduler Time Step

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile MSO MSO_SCHEDULER_TIME_STEP According to bug 2920076 this profile should have been removed from the application and the user guide in 2003.

-1 Yes

12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Scheduling Activity Selection Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SELECTOR_FORWARD_WINDOW_SIZE no documentation on this bug

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Scheduling Window UOM

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSO MSO_DETAILED_SCHEDULING_WINDOW_UOM Not currently used in ASCP per Bug 4007906

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

4007906 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Setup Pattern Calculation Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SUB_HORIZON_CYCLE_FOR_HLS_SDS A window is calculated by multiplying the Resource's Sequencing window value by the value in this profile. Valid values are: Integer

The relative mix of various setup types that fall into this window is calculated and then applied to each resource sequencing window. When MSO: Use Sequencing Template is set to Yes, ASCP uses this calculated mix of setup types to determine the desired spots. Default Value - 1 Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

4113649 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 No No No Yes No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC

Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Simplex Feasibility Tolerance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_EPRHS Parameter to set the simplex feasibility tolerance. Values: Number between e-9 and e-4

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

5090041 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Simplex Optimality Tolerance

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_EPOPT Parameter to set the optimality tolerance for the simplex algorithm. Values: Number between e-9 and e-4 Default: e-6

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s)

Document References(s)

4164443 4416504 5090041 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Simplex Perturbation Constant

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_EPPER This profile option is a parameter to set the simplex perturbation constant. The value is specified as any number greater than e-8. This value is defaulted by CPLEX. Use for SCO. This profile should not be changed unless directed by Oracle Development 147222.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Global Order Promising


MSO: Simplex Perturbation Limit

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_PERLIM Parameter for the simplex perturbation limit. Values: Integer > 0

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Simplex Perturbation Parameter

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_PERIND Provides a perturbation constant for the Planning Engine. Sets the amount by which the Planning Engine perturbs the upper and lower bounds on the variables when a problem is perturbed. Values are 0 and 1.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Simplex Presolve Limit

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_PREPASS Parameter to set the limit on the number of pre-solves. Values are -1, 0, and integer > 0

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Simplex Singularity Repair Limit

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections MSO MSO_CPX_PARAM_SINGLIM Parameter to set the simplex singularity repair limit. Values: Integer > 0.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No

Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Skip Firm SDS Activities During Justify

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SKIP_FIRM_IN_SEQUENCE_FOR_JUSTIFY Bug 8538729 tells this profile is not currently used.

8538729 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Slack Hours For Batch Resource

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SLACK_HOURS_FOR_BATCH_RESOURCE This profile value is used by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning to right justify the maximum end date for a scheduled batch resource. The value specified is the amount of slack time (in hours) to delay scheduling the resource so that other supplies can be included in the same batch even

though they cannot be scheduled as early as the original supply. This means that the batch must wait for the constrained supply. Valid values: integer Default value: null Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Solve Dual Problem

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_CPX_DUAL Controls whether the Planning Engine solves the dual problem or the primal problem. Valid values: 0 and 1 Default value: See 'Automatic Calculations, page A-1 of the R12.1 ASCP User Guide. 147222.1

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning

-1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Sourcing Allocation Window

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_ALLOCATION_WINDOW Specifies the Allocation Percentages Satisfaction Period. The constraints are enforced in a rolling horizon manner. Used with Enforce Sourcing Constraints enabled in specific plan options.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Split Planned Orders for Assigned Units

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_ASSIGNED_UNITS This profile option is used by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning optimized plans only. It specifies if the planning engine should attempt to split planned orders such that they can be scheduled within a specific day. Valid values are: Yes: Create more planned orders with quantities that can be scheduled by the resource units available within a given day. No: The planning engine generates larger planned orders that may require a resource duration spanning several days.

Note that the maximum number of resource units at the routing level will always be respected. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Spread Resource Consumption Within Optimization

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_SPREAD_RESOURCE This profile specifies how the optimization engine should model resource consumption is modeled in optimization. Valid values are: Yes: Consume resources at the first operation. This value provides improved optimization engine performance. No: Consume resources at the operation to which they belong. This value provides improved optimization engine accuracy.

Default value: Null (interpreted as No) Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization 9020829 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MSO: Substitute Item Penalty

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_SUB_ITEM_PENALTY Defines an internal penalty weight for substitute item objective in supply chain optimization. Valid values: number > 0 Default: none 228459.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Supplies used for satisfying transient safety stock

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_TRANS_SS_SUPPLY_CHOICE Values Supplies pegging to lower priority demands Closest pegged supplies

Not more documentation available for this profile Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Supply Reschedule Window Size for Safety Stock Pegging

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SS_WINDOW_SIZE This profile options provides an estimate of the number of days by which the supply and its associated demand (dependent demand) moves due to constraints. Valid values are: Integer > 0

You can use this profile option to specify the number of days a specific supply can satisfy safety stock demand. Default Value - Null Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

3500953 -1 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization

Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No

MSO: Supply Window Size

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_SUPPLY_WIN Used with priority pegging.

B31553-02 MSC: Use FIFO Pegging Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Synchronize Chargeable Resources to Respect Hard Links

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning MSO MSO_SYNCHRONIZE_CHARGES Not enough information in bugs to define this profile

No No No Yes No No No No No

Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Target Inventory Level % of Safety Stock

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_TGT_INV_LEVEL Use this option to specify target inventory levels. If no other method of calculation is defined for an item-organization target inventory level, the levels are based on the specified percentage of the safety stock level.

Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 MSO: Maximum Inventory Level % of Safety Stock Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Transfer Quantity Threshold for Enforceing Hard Links

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HARD_LINK_TRANSFER_QUANTITY_THRESHOLD Use this profile option to instruct the planning engine to ignore the hard link constraints if a transfer quantity is less than or equal to this percent threshold of the corresponding order quantity. Valid values are Number between 0 and 1: Ignores hard link constraints for

transfer quantities less than or equal to this percent threshold Null: Respects all hard link constraints regardless of the size of the transfer quantities

Default Value: 0 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising 8730427 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: UOM for converting Changeover Time to Penalty

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization MSO MSO_UOM_TO_CONVERT_CHANGEOVER_TIME_TO_PENALTY no documentation for this profile

No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No

MSO: Upper Limit for Maximum Time Offset for Hard Links
Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_HARD_LINK_MAX_OFFSET_UPPERBOUND Use this profile option to set an upper limit for the maximum time offset. If a maximum time offset is higher than this number, the planning engine uses this number instead of what you set. Valid values are: Valid Values: Integer (including 0),null Default value: Null 760046.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Breaks in Calculation of Unconstrained Scheduling Windows

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_BREAKS_IN_UNCONSTRAINED The planning engine calculates an unconstrained scheduling window for each resource activity and supply in a plan. The scheduling window is defined by the dates: Unconstrained Earliest Possible Start Time (UEPST) Unconstrained Earliest Possible Completion Time (UEPCT) Unconstrained Latest Possible Start Time (ULPST) Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time (ULPCT).

Valid values are:

Yes - the planning engine does not set any of these dates during a break even if the calculation places it there. No - the planning engine does set any of these dates during a break if the calculation places it there.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - Yes 1080929.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Collections Start Time

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_COLLECTIONS_START_TIME Use this profile option to coordinate plan start date and collections start time. This affects how the plan calculates resource availability. Valid values are: No - Always use plan start time. Yes - Use collections start time. Use Input Demand Plan Start Time or Collections Start Time - If there is an input demand plan, the planning engine uses the Input Demand Plan Start Time. Otherwise, it uses the Collections Start Time. Use Input Demand Plan Start Time or Plan Start Time - The planning engine uses the Input Demand Plan Start Time. Otherwise, it uses the Plan Start Time.

Default Value - Yes Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance

Yes No No

Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Customer Site in End Item Substitution Rule

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSO MSO_USE_CUSTSITE_IN_ITEMSUBST Could not find information about this profile in user guides.

5048642 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

MSO: Use Discrete Job Resource Usage to Consume Resource Capacity

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_RESOURCE_HOURS_PRECONSUME Use this profile to instruct the planning engine what data to use for resource load when it determines resource availability. Valid values are:

Yes: The planning engine uses resource hours to determine the resource load. Use this value if you do not attend to work in process timestamps, your work in process times are not adjusted for efficiency, and you specify resource hours. No: The planning engine uses timestamps to determine the resource load. Use this value if your work in process times are adjusted for efficiency. If work in process is scheduled by the planning engine scheduling process, choose this value.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - No 745977.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Effectivity Date to Infer End Item Substitution Priority

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning MSO MSO_USE_EFCDATE_FOR_PRIO_IN_ITEMSUBST Could not find information about this profile in user guides. 564241.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No

Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Existing Supplies in Alternate BOM/Subs. Comp

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_EXIST_SUPP_ABR_SUBSCOMP This profile will enable the user to adjust the objective sequence so that optimization will always go to primary BOM before going to alternate BOM. Controls how SCO will use the existing supply in alternate BOM or substitute component paths. NULL or 0 (zero) is the default and indicates all the existing supply will be used before creating new planned orders in primary path. 1 means SCO will consume supplies in subs comp path but will not consume supplies in alternate BOM path. 2 means SCO will consume supplies in alt bom path but will not consume supplies in substitute component path.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

NOTE: This profile, when used with the profile "MSO: Postpone Use of Alternates to Latest Possible Time" may give you different results. From Note 365112.1 - also see Note 567667.1 for clarification on the use of this profile in an Enforce Due Date (EDD) plan. 365112.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Item Shelf Life Days in Scheduling Buy/Transfer Orders

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_SHELF_LIFE This profile option specifies whether to use item shelf life days as a maximum time offset between operations that produce and consume the item. Valid values are: Yes - the planning engine uses item shelf life days as a maximum time offset if a maximum time offset value is not specified on the routing step that produces the item. No - the planning engine does not use item shelf life days as a maximum time offset between operations.

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - No 415101.1

-1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use JIT dates from high level scheduling results

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning MSO MSO_USE_JIT_DATES_FROM_HLS Not currently used in ASCP per Internal Bug 4007906

No No No Yes

All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Of Assigned Units In Scheduling

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_OF_ASSIGNED_UNITS_IN_SCHEDULING Controls the number of resource units to be used when scheduling a resource activity. Valid values are: Variable - Permits a choice ranging between a minimum of one unit and a maximum value equivalent to the assigned units specified on the routing for the item. Fixed at Routing Value - Forces the scheduling engine to always choose the number of assigned units specified in the routing when scheduling a resource activity. It is recommended that you choose this option when you do not need to use the flexibility of the Variable option.

Note: The assumption that the activity duration is less when more units are chosen is only valid for the basis type of Item specified in the Operation > Resources form. Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Optimization and Decision Rules for Simulation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_ONLINE_SCO For online planner sessions against constrained plans with decision rules or optimized plans. Valid values are: Yes: To rerun the optimization and decision rules-based decisions during the online planner session No: To retain the optimization and decision rules-based decisions from the initial planning run for the online planner session Valid Values: Yes/No

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Default Value - No (Do not run Optimization / Decision Rules during Online Planning) 365112.1

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use SCO Time Aggregation

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_SCO_INT_TIMEAGGREG Determines whether the Planning Engine should use different aggregate time buckets than specified in the aggregation settings of the plan options. You can specify large values for daily and weekly buckets for Planning Engine output, but this increases Planning Engine calculation time. Valid values are:

True - The Planning Engine uses aggregate time buckets specified in MSO: Optimization Daily Aggregation Buckets and MSO: Optimization Weekly Aggregation Buckets. The period time bucket is derived.

False - The Planning Engine uses the same aggregate time buckets as specified in the Aggregation tab of the Plan Options window.

Default Value - False Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Use Safety Lead Time

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_SAFETY_LEAD_TIME Use this profile option to instruct the planning engine how to plan material to be completed early as a safety buffer. Valid values are: Yes - Use safety lead-time planning. The value in item attribute Safety Stock Percent is the safety lead-time in days; for example, if safety lead-time is two days, enter 200. No - Use non-transient / transient safety stock planning. The value in item attribute Safety Stock Percent is a percent of demand.

Default Value - No Note Reference(s) 872475.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1

11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Sequencing Template

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_NEED_USE_SOFT_PATTERN This profile option specifies whether Oracle Advances Supply Chain Planning tries to schedule activities in accordance with a determined preferred sequence of activities. Valid values are: Yes - the planning engine determines a preferred sequence of activities on resources and tries to schedule activities in accordancewith the sequence. This setting is recommended if the sequence dependent setup resource is the primary bottleneck. No - the sequence of activities is determined more dynamically when scheduling other activities.This setting is recommended if there are multiple bottleneck resources.

Default value: No Note Reference(s) 415276.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning 9500377 -1 -1 No No No Yes No No No No No No No No

Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No No No

MSO: Use Shift Definitions When Scheduling Lead Times

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_USE_SHIFT_TIMES_IN_LEAD_TIME_SCHEDULING Determines whether the planning engine needs to take into account shift times for calculating lead-times on shipping, receiving, and carrier calendars. Valid values are: Yes - Considers shift definitions for calculating lead-times on calendars in case of constrained plans. No - Shift definitions are not considered when offsetting leadtimes on calendars.

If the plan planning mode is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), the planning engine does not use this profile option. (Default) Note Reference(s) 950994.1 978623.1 Bug Reference(s) Document References(s)

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 -1 -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

MSO: Use Up Existing Supply of Primary Components Before Substitute

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSO MSO_SCO_SUBSCOMP_SEQ Use this profile option to specify whether to use the supply of substitute components or the primary component first. Valid values are: Yes: Use the supply of the primary component before using the supply of the substitute components No: Use the supply of the substitute components before using the supply of the primary component 834624.1

Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning All Plan Types Enforce Constraints Not Optimized Enforce Constraints Optimized Disable Constraints Not Optimized Disable Constraints Optimized Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

-1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSO: Write Inline forecasting flat files

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance 7621495 -1 No No No MSO MSO_FORECASTER_WRITE_FLATFILE Setting MSO: Write Inline forecasting flat files to be Yes will generate flat files

Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSR: Budget Category Set

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSR MSR_BUDGET_CATEGORY_SET Use this profile option to specify the categories that you can use when defining budgets in Oracle Inventory. Valid values are: NULL - Define budgets with any category. Any category set: Define budgets only with categories that are in the category set.

Default Value - NULL Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No

MSR: Budget Enditem Favor Factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising MSR MSR_BUDGET_ENDITEM_FAVOR_FACTOR Could not find details of this profile in user guides.

5182644 -1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

MSR: Postponement Factor

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSR MSR_POSTPONEMENT_FACTOR Specifies maximum depth in the bill of materials and sourcing tree to which uncertainty must be postponed. Valid values are: Integers >= 0

Default Value - 10 Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No

Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

No No No No No

MSR: Probability Distribution Type

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSR MSR_PROB_DISTR_TYPE Determines probability distribution type associated with forecast sets as input to Oracle Inventory Optimization. Valid values are: Probabilities - Demand uncertainty is stated in terms of a (non-cumulative) probability distribution. Cumulative Probabilities - Demand uncertainty is stated in terms of a cumulative probability distribution.

Default Value - Probabilities Note Reference(s) Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No

MSR: Safety Stock Holding Strategy

Profile Code Profile Option Name Description MSR MSR_SS_HOLDING_STRATEGY Specifies where safety stock should be held when the carrying cost is the same for an item in the destination organization and a source organization. Valid values are: 0 - causes the safety stock to be held at the destination organization.

1 - causes the safety stock to be held at the source organization.

Default Value - Source Organization Note Reference(s)

Bug Reference(s) Document References(s) Dependent Profiles 11.5.10 Profile 12.1.1 Profile Data Collections Item Mass Maintenance Advanced Supply Chain Planning All Plan Types Unconstrained Plan Constrained EDD Constrained ECC Distribution Planning Collaborative Planning Inventory Optimization Service Parts Planning Rapid Planning Demand Planning Demantra Strategic Network Optimization Advanced Planning Command Center Manufacturing Operations Center Global Order Promising

2260006 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide -1 Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

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