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Components of Blood Description Plasma Yellowish liquid part of the blood Importance / Function Carries fibrinogers and other

substance such as hormones proteins, salt, etc.

Red blood Cells or erythrocytes

Red blood cells are red because they have haemoglobin in them. Red blood cells are doughnut (without the hole) shaped

The main function of red blood cells is to distribute oxygen to body tissues and to carry waste carbon dioxide back to the lungs.

White blood Cells

circular, sometimes appearing "spikey"

also called leukocytes) is to fight infections and cancer. They also remove poison, waste and damaged cells from the body.


platelets are considerably smaller than the other previously recognized blood elements, erythrocytes and leukocytes

Platelets, or thrombocytes, are a constituent of the blood formed in the bone marrow.


yellow coloured fluid

carries all blood cells

Activity 4 Ailments / Disorders of the Circulatory System

Disease / Disorder Characteristic / Description Sudden rise of blood pressure irregular hardening and thickening of walls of arteries that result in reduced elasticity. Signs and Symptoms 1. Pain in the neck 2. headache 1.Cramps in legs while walking. 2.Discolouration of skin accompanied by change in temperature. 3.This interfered circulation of blood causes dizzy spells, Memory problems, headaches, ringing sensation in the ear and poor concentration. Preventions


Avoid eating fatty and salty foods - Proper diet - Make physical exercise - Manage stress - Use natural herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis


aortic aneurysm

swelling (dilation or aneurysm) of the aorta to greater than 1.5 times normal, usually representing an underlying weakness in the wall of the aorta at that location

Most intact aortic aneurysms do not produce symptoms. As they enlarge, symptoms such as abdominal pain and back pain may develop. and puts pressure on surrounding organs.

controlling blood pressure stopping smoking maintaining a healthy diet low in saturated fats participating in regular aerobic exercise.

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