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"Passion stems from the absolute belief that your
actions may present an opportunity to "Become"
something more than you already are.
To Lead, we must manifest an environment to turn
these beliefs into reality. U
- Arthur Carmazzi
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The Hero's Way
This highly interactive and comprehensive
Leadership workshop concentrates on specific
practical and implementable applications to
addressing and overcoming issues that hinder
personal and organizational effectiveness. Each
module will have multiple applications to give
each participant the psychology and dept h
required to become the Hero who triumphs over
obstacles of Blame
Fear, Little Cooperation, Low
Motivation ... in order to reaches thei r objectives!
The Result
The Directive Communication psychology starts
with a framework of self awareness and an
understanding how we affect and are affected by
our environment. Expanding and internalizi ng this
requires an experiential process that enhances our
abilities in Communication, Time Management
and Strategic Thinking ... which in turn lead to
additional skills and perceptions that become
internalized at psychological and subconscious
levels to develop into habits (See Diagram).
Participants gain superior Personal and Organizational Leadership Skills by identifying and building
on their current strengths and personal motivations.
An Interactive Journey of Discovery
That Builds Organizational Hero's
From the I nside Out.
Hero's Overcome
Apathy or Low Motivation
Reactive not Proactive
Low Trust
Average Personal Effectiveness & Success
Working in Silos
Low Initiative
Low Cooperation
Little Personal Fulfilment or Engagement
41% Managers
28% Upper Level
19% Executives
12% Other
What if Leadership was NOT a set of rules
that a "Leader" must follow? What if it
was a personal journey to find the
best of who you are, and the
abi lit y to help others on the
. (;
same j ourney? What if each f
person had thei r own
idea l "Leade r ship
Ident i ty" that
manifested it self in
different environments
and facets of their lives?
And what if it could all come
together through awareness and
the ski ll to apply it. The Hero/s Way is
that j ourney, incorporating the powerful
Directive Communicat ion Psychology
to elicit the qual ities that wil l bring
out the hero in you no matter
what your posit ion. A hero
that can act intelligently to
create a profound
impact in personal and
organizational results.
"Leadership does not involve
changing mindset or getting followers,
but the cultivation of an environment
that inspires individuals to take up
leadership roles and competently develop
themselves to make things happen for everyone. II
- Arthur Carmazzi
The combined wisdom of Arthur Carmazzi's Books and
Methodology paves The Hero's Way
Over 8 years of practical appl icat ion and evolution, Arthur's Best
Sell ing Leadership books are a must read. Each contains foundations
in real life, implementable practices and exercises that help you
identify the psychological foundations that affect your competence
as a leader and builder of people.
Why More Organizations Choose DC Psychology
Based Training Programs
Directive Communication (DC) is a training and organizational development psychology developed by
Arthur F Carmazzi that affects how people act and react in teams and how that affects individual
performance and leadership. It is a foundational science for influencing team dynamics to cultivate high
performance cooperative team cultures and bring out greater individual potential. The Directive
Communication methodology incorporates the latest breakthroughs in motivational and genetic
psychology, and applies them in improving personal and organizational peakperformance.
Behavior Change with he Hero's Way
Based on 3 day program with 3 month follow up Based on averages using a 10 point scale
Behavior Affected Before
Ability to communicate
objectives clearly
Ability to develop
leadership in other
Ability to inspire other
to perform at their peak
Level of trust amungst peers
Personal Effectiveness 66%
DC Certified Trainers and Facilitators
(3 month)
Each program leader has the experience, the relative practical knowhow and the ability
implement it for immediately visible results. DC is a trusted resource for Government
offiCials, Senior Management, trainers and students from around the world. No DC
certified expert has less than 5 years practical experience to enure an appreciation for
your global business needs, and howto practically implement it.
Customized Training Focused on
Your Objectives
The HERO'S Way is a compilations of skills
developed through one fundamental
methodology that incorporates environmental
factors that not only affect the individual, but the
entire group. When you provide us wit h your
objectives, DC certified trainers are inherently
more capable of making sure your objectives are
met. Our practitioners are trained to influence
your team dynamics to want to become more of
what you want them to become while helping
them achieve personal goals in the process.
DC Training vs. Traditional Training
Implementa ion
DC Training
Our Programs Offer Real ROI
DC programs have consistently outperformed
traditional training with our immediately visible
and measurable results. And with our e-followup,
DC has the means to sustain and grow those
results long after the training is finished. We have
been written up in news papers, magazines andTV
throughout the Asian and Middle East regions for
the outstanding results in our process.
Experiential, Activity-Based
Award winning proprietary tools are one of the
reasons Directive Communication workshops
have been noted as 42% more effective than
tradit ional training. Each exercise is designed to
not only add to a participant's experiential
knowledge and applied realization, but also to
build on, and reinforce the previous learning.
Participants are immersed in the entire learning
system through games and the psychological
strategies to make sure the learning is embedded
in consciousness a nd long term memory.
Visible Results
Participant from various industries, cultures, education levels and positions have experienced Visible
Results in t heir abilities to affect influence, productivity and personal fulfillment. Directive
Communication psychology cultivates groups that develop individuals, their peers, superiors and
subordinates to achieve higher levels of performance and motivations.
Never solves the problems and
damage relationship and the ability
to solve future problems.
Fear of Change
Sometimes people just gIVe up on
getting the change they want, and
they are afraid of "change" that may
upset their comfort zone.
Low Motivation
Negative emotion from focusing on
perceptions that do not support
personal success.
Self Focused
The attitude of trading ski ll money,
focusing on the individual tasks
instead of organiza iooalgoals and
putting self over group success.
Process Focused
Focusing on the differen work styles
and problems while getting distracted
from the end resu . Lookmg at hoVi
o hers are affecting progress instead of
making progres.s.
Being satisfied with "average
complacent in our work and Job. Settling
for Now and Acceptable ra her than
looking for New and Exceptional.
Noticing how 0 her people are preventing
our success and feeling powerless do
change it. Reacting to our environment
and perpetuating problems instead of
acting Intelligently.
When people is refine in practice people
responsibility for their rolls in archiving
Proactive Change
Gaming clarity of how their roll 10 the change
process can not only help them become
more successful but help other too.
Working with Purpose
f inding the value fromin our efforts leading
to focus on our obj ectives and ultimate
Group Focused
Finding greater personal benefit through
cooperation and group success. Nurturing
environment of proactive support that meet
personal and organizational goals.
Objective Focused
Doing "hat IS required to achieve the
objectives, focusing on solutions and taking
action on those solutIOns. Taking advantages
of different work styles to make faster
Gaining personal success from creating extra
value for the organization. Bemg more fulfilled
from being Innovative and finding easier and
more effective ways to achieve goals and
Taking charge of our identity, being responsible
for our own destiny and ultimate success.
Taking intelligent action to effectively
Our Partners around the worl d offer The Hero's
Way to t he public so it is easy to enhance the
abil ities of some key individuals wi t hout the
budget requi rements of an In-House workshop.
Attending a public workshop is an ideal way to
preview the Directive Communication process to
apply its full benefi ts across your entire
organization or division.
Customized In - House
5 and 3 Day Workshops
Get Maximum Effect wi t h the extended \\The
Hero's Way" leadership development workshop
and affect your organizational culture in the
process. More t ime means more experiential
relevance to solving your specific issues. More
time means a cl earer perspective on your
behavior and its effects on t he group dynami cs
of your organization, and t he ability totransform
your personal and organizat ional Leadership.
Get even more power to create change with a
cross section of Senior Management, Middle
Management and Front Line staff and spread it
out over 2 workshop sessions.
The Hero's Kit
Customized In - House
2 Day Workshops
Devel op mor e eff ect i ve per sona l an d
organizati onal leadership in the 2 day workshop
with a cross section of Senior Management,
Middle Management and Front Line st aff. \\The
Hero's Way" customized workshops are focused
on solving your specific issues with your people,
their leadership and the issues aff ecting
organizat ional culture. Set the t iming from
Become a Direct ive Communicati on Psychology
Certified Trainer and make a t ransformational
impact in your training. Revolutionize your
workshops with more fun, more retention, and
more implementation to see faster results.
-A compl ete Training system t hat get s Fast
Visible Results in yourTraining or Coaching
-Int ernati onal Recognition and Credibil it y
- Get up to 42% better implementat ion
-DC Training Tools & Integrated Training &
Organizational Development System
- Accreditation from the American Institute of
Business Psychology
Participants of The Hero's Way are taken through a j ourney of personal and organizational discovery with our
unique Tools, Implementation Score Card, and a fun, Highly Interactive Manual that Gets Results.
*8asic Kit, Extended Programs Provide Additional Tools To Participants. *
About Directive Communication International
PSj\1ld",y 01 Or\l PNI f"(fllonnllflcc
Directive Communication International is a Global Leadership
Development and Organizational Culture Change provider. We apply the
Directive Communication Psychology (DC) to enhance the performance
of diverse organizations and individuals in various roles and cultures to
competently and enthusiasticallyworktogethertowards a common goal.
The DC Leadership and Organi.zati onal Development System has been successfully implemented in
multinational organi zat ions across Asia and the Middle East such as Philips, Motorola, Emirates, Dell,
Citibank, Nestle, SingTel, Toyota, Marri ott ... DC's One Core Human Discipline integrates the
psychology of Leadership, Culture, Communication, Teamwork, Management, Sales, service and
more into measurable applications ofthe same Group Dynamics Discipline.
Client Speak
-Arthur's Directive
Communication programs
have made a noticeable
impact here at MTV. Our
managers and staff have
indicated measurable results in their
productivity and their ability to minimize
conflict. In our follow-up sessions, each as
demon trated a greateraptttude in bringing out
the best of themselves and their colleagues. We
will continue to implement Directive
Communication COur e and u e the CBCI in our
intemational curriculum and highly recommend
Arthur F. Carmazzi and his technology to any
organization wishiflg to make tile most of their
human capital ...
Feline Chua
Director of Human Recourses
MTV Asia
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''The program was an
Cltl ba nk eye.openeranda
journey of self
discovery. Arthur was very insplriflg, able to
instill the emotional tools in me needed for
making a change in my organization and in
really connecting with people. He is also
entertaining and educational which turned the
program into an enltgh ening expertence. This IS
a program which I highly recommend,
excellence through experientialleaming. N
Khatimah Mahadi
Vice President
CitiBank (Malaysia)

"This program I)as jar
exceeded our expectations, it
has managed to achieve more
in 2 weeks what ve have he
been trying to implement for
the past 6 months. It has added a new dynamic
in the whole approach to establishing a seNice
culture. The aptly named Culture Revolution has
been very effect,ve III getting the team
members themselves to noe only buy into the
program, but actually come up with the Service
Culture thereby takmg ownersh,p and UV/(lg It
through rheir work and persona/lives. N
Martin Le Roux, Manager
Emirates Group
Accredited by :
'8 ;" .-
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Certified by
Singapore Seattle Shanghai Bali Kuala Lumpur Bangalore Dubai

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