Name of Faculty-Nn Subject: Control System Subject Code: 5EE3 Branch: EE Most 25 Questions

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B.Tech (V Sem.

Name of Faculty- nn 5EE3 Most 25 Questions Subject: Control System Subject Code: Branch: EE

UNIT-1 Q1 Define the following terms (i) System (ii) Control System

(iii) Input

(iv) Output

(v) Disturbance

Q2 Q3

Define open loop and close loop system by giving suitable examples. What is multivariable system ? How multivariable system differs from single input and output system? Drow the block diagram of home heating system state nature of distrubance may exist in this system. Draw the equivalent mechanical system of the given system. Hence write the set of equilibrium equation for it and obtain analogous circuit using, (i) F-V Analogy (i) F-I Analogy



UNIT-2 Q6 Draw the equivalent mechanical system and analogous system based on F-V and F-I methods for the given system.


Obtain C(s)/R(s) using block diagram reduction rules.


Determine transfer function C(s)/R(s) using block diagram reduction method.


Find C(s)/R(s)


Find C(s)/R(s) by Masons gain formula

UNIT-3 Q11 Find out the time response of second order system in time dimain with a step-input and find out all parameters. A second order control system has a unity feedback and open loop transfer function


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Draw a block diagram of close loop system. Write down the characteristic equation of the close loop system. What are the numerical values of natural frequency (n) and damping ratio (). Sketch the transient response for a unity step input. Find the values of % maximum overshoot (Mp) and the time from start of the transient to maximum overshoot (tp) (f) What is the setting time (ts) of the system. (g) If the system is subjected to a ramp input of 0.5 red /sec; what is the steady state error (ess) Q13 The block diagram of simple servo system shown in fig below. Find

(a) (b) (c) (d)

The characteristic equation of the system. Undamped frequency of oscillations. Damped frequency of oscillations. Damping Ratio.

(e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Q14

Damping factor Maximum overshoot First undershoot Time interval after which maximum and minimum occurs Setting time

For the system shown in the fig. obtain the closed loop T.F., Damping ratio, natural frequency and expression for the output response if subjected to unit step input.


For a first order system, find out the output of the system when input is applied to the system is unit ramp input. Sketch the r(t) and c(t) and show the steady state error.

UNIT-4 Q16 With the help of RouthHurwitz critrrion comment upon the stability of the system having the followin characteristic equation.


The open loop transfer function of a control system is given by

Sketch the root locus and determine (a) The break away point (b) The angle of departure from complex poles (c) The stability condition. Q18 Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function.


Investigate the closed loop stability of a system whose open loop transfer function is given below.


Write short note on Nicolas Chart. UNIT-5


Write short note on: (1) PID Controlled (2) Lag Lead Compensators.

Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25

What is the need of Compensators? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Proportional Control? Write down the main features of PID Controller. Draw the Phase Lead compensator and explain.

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