Lion King

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Auditions will be held in Sydney and Melbourne, in April 2013
If you are interested in auditioning please email us at
Your email must include:
* Dole ol Blrlh
* Helghl
* Audlllon clly
* Heodshol [)PG lormol|
* CV lncludlng lrolnlng [PDF lormol|
* Any Youlube llnks ol donce perlormonces [recommended lhough nol compulsory|
Submissions CLOSE 15th March 2013
lHE LlCM KlMG ls lhe mulll oword wlnnlng muslcol bosed on lhe
1PP4 Dlsney onlmoled hlm ol lhe some nome.
lHE LlCM KlMG wlll open ol lhe Copllol lheolre Sydney ln December 2013.
Ve ore looklng lor mole ond lemole doncers wllh o bockground ln
modern ond bollel donce. Emphosls ls on slrong lechnlcol lrolnlng no muslcol
theatre or singing experience is required.
We are on the search for the best technical dancers in Australia.
Appllconls musl be oged 18 yeors [by Cclober 2013| lhrough lo mld 30s
ond ol dlverse elhnlc bockground.

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