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Rubber trees are to be harvested utilizing the innovative IUT technology alone. L THANKAMMA [Pick the date]


Are you a rubber grower? If you are, take note of the following instructions from a scientist with research experience on rubber for five decades having over 175 publications to her credit. If you are starting rubber planting CHOOSE CLONE RRII 105 ALONE It is the best one in the whole world with respect to productivity as well as disease tolerance, a real achievement of the Rubber Research Institute of India indeed. PUT AN END TO THE USE OF THE EXISTING RUBBER TAPPING TECHNOLOGY DVT NAMELY DOWNWARD VERTICAL TAPPING IF YOUR TREES ARE GROWN UP COMMENCE HARVESTING OPERATION BY ADOPTING IUT TECHNOLOGY ALONE. THAT MEANS INCLINED UPWARD TAPPING This is the innovative rubber tapping technology ,a real panacea for all ills of the rubber plantation industry at present ,unbelievable so to say ACHIEVEMENTS ENSURED BY THE TECHNOLOGY ARE 1 Three to four times increase in yield 2Three to four times increase in the economic life span of the tree 3Thereby saving one replanting and its expenses during the period 4 Total prevention of the enigmatic syndrome, Tapping Panel Dryness 5 Total elimination of bark rot disease during rainy season. 6 Four times enhancement of income to the tapper 7 Total elimination of the use of highly hazardous carcinogenic yield stimulant Ethrel now being used which poses severe threat even to the generations to come. 8 Preventing the ill effects of Global Warming by providing highly effectiv afforestation better than even the natural forests.

IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE ALL THESE BENEFITS the grower has To incur no expense at all but to use the most simple scientific technology only. The procedure to be adopted in popularization of the Innovative technology which is capable of revolutionizing the rubber plantation industry by bringing in a WHITE REVOLUTION INDEED are 1 General awareness building up among the rubber growing population. 2 The rubber tappers are being thoroughly trained on the technology in detail as the success fully depends on their skill expertise and precision in carrying out the process. Female labourers will be given due importance as they are well suited or rather a little bit better suited for the skilled labour. 3 Since the number of tappable trees will increase and number of tapping will also increase the income to the labourer will enhance upto four times and this will attract the labourers who have left the field in search of greener pastures and thus the labour scarcity problem will end on a permanent basis. 4 By using IUT technology tapping can commence an year earlier. 5 Trees of all ages can be brought under IUT tapping with higher yield. 6 Thus by changing over to IUT technology in all the rubber plantations the rubber production in the country will increase to 3 to 4 times thereby India will become the highest rubber producer in the whole world. Thereby we can say GOOD BYE TO THE AGE OLD UNSCIENTIFIC HAZARDOUS TECHNOLOGY,A TOKEN OF FOREIGN SUPREMACY OVER OUR INTELLECTUAL FIELD ON A PERMANENT BASIS and Adopt our own innovative IUT TECHNOLOGY WHICH IS GROWER FRIENDLY TREE FRIENDLY ECOFRIENDLY AND ALSO LABOUR FRIENDLY

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