The Scuttlebutt The Scuttlebutt: Commander's Corner

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Mar. 2011 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Scuttlebutt Flotilla 12-8, 7th District Charleston, South Carolina Vol. 37, 35, No. 3-March 2011 2009
Page 1

Flotilla Web Site:

Commanders Corner
Alan Miles, FC 12-8
With this issue of the Scuttlebutt, the arrival of warmer weather and water is close by. The warmer climate announces an increase of flotilla activity. Be sure to check the flotilla web site calendar for the schedules of classes, events, and future activities. Im reminding all Staff Officers to please send FSO-CS John Sikes the dates of future events to post on the web site calendar for the benefit of everyone. Members should check the web site at least weekly for scheduled events while checking their hours submitted on 7029s and 7030s. A few days ago I sent everyone a copy of three very important publications. The First was the 2011 Flotilla Hurricane and Disaster Contingency Plans. Members should be very familiar with the plan and keep a copy of it handy in case of an emergency. I recommend you print it out along with the attached phone rosters and keep a hard copy. If we were to have an event in this area, cell phones, computers and servers may not be operational. Make sure to protect the phone lists and members info. The second item I sent was US Coast Guard Publication One. This is a wonderful publication to read and keep. Im having my
(Continued on page 5, column 2)

Vice Commander
Paul Thomas, VFC 12-8
Our January meeting was interesting to say the least, but it brings home a point, why are we not getting members to show up at meetings? Each FSO has a recall list and I would like to enInside courage each FSO to call FC ............. 1 the members on their list to make VFC .......... 1 sure the phone numbers are good CM ........... 6 and if its someone who has not CS ............. 8 been in attendance to find out FN ............. 6 why. We have eighty-nine cur- HR ............ 2 rent members and we could not IS .............. 2 make a quorum for Januarys MA ........... 8 meeting. Even though we have MS ............ 8 changed our standing rules, bear MT............ 2 in mind that the flotilla is still NS ............. 6 OP ............ 7 growing and we have a number of PA ............. 8 new members that have not been PB ............. 2 added to our roles. When we PE ............. ? reach one hundred or more we PV ............ 6 may be having the same problem SR ............. 3 with a quorum especially during VE ............ 5 the summer when attendance is Citadel...4 down. I welcome any suggestion Calendar... 10 on how to improve the participa- Photos.9 tion in our flotilla. I would like to Trivia........ 7 thank all the FSOs that sent their reports to Division. Paul V. Thomas, VFC

Confidentiality Notice: Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publication of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunities policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No Person shall be subject to

Mar. 2011


Page 2

Member Training
Bob Mathewes, SO-MT
ont forget that the Operations Workshop and the Team Coordination Training Refresher will be presented on 2 March at 1900 at the Brass Buckle. Frank Leister will be doing the TCT and Joe Fleming will be doing the OPS Workshop. The TCT is mandatory for all crew and coxswains. On 12 March Bill Riley will be doing the 8 hour TCT at the Citadel. This is required every 5 years for all crew and coxswains. If you plan on going for a Boat Crew qualification this year you will need this. The time schedule is not available at the time of this writing but a flotilla flash will be sent beforehand. On 9 April The ADSO-MT (ICS) will be conducting an ICS-210 class in the Training Room at Station Charleston. That is on the second floor of the Rice Mill building. ICS-210 is required of all Coxswains and those working toward Trident. You only have to do it once. Bob Mathewes SO-MT

Information Services
Bob Mathewes, FSO-IS

he membership is doing a better job of reporting hours so far this year than for the same period last year. There are a few errors that keep cropping up that you might want to consider. Most of you are using the web based 7029 that does not require Adobe or a similar program. Those that are using it seem to like it and I would ask that those who are still not using it would try it. If you need help with it contact me. Those who are using it please send me the whole form and not just the summary. Officers need to remember that all meetings are reported under 99A. When reporting Vessel exams, remember that you need to let me know the date and location. Bob Mathewes, FSO-IS

Human Resources
Paul Thomas, FSO-HR
e have had a number of new member approvals at district according to the new member report sent to me by division. Per the FC, he has received six new member packages. One new application was forwarded from division to district on Feb 18, 2011. I sent out two applications to potential members in February and met with a potential new member the week of Feb. 21. Interest in the Aux continues and I appreciate everyones help in recruiting new members. Paul V. Thomas, FSO HR

Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

ince February was a short month there were only 3 days from the deadline until the March issue had to be completed. I really want to thank the officers for the fact that all but two of you had your articles in three days before that deadline. That really took the pressure off. We got 100% participation from the officers this month for the first time this year so you are due a second Thanks. Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

Mar. 2011



Secretary Records
Pam Bray, FSO-SR
Meeting Minutes Flotilla 12-8 February 9,2011 The February 9, 2011 monthly meeting, of Flotilla 12-8, was held at Station Charleston. FC Miles called the meeting to order at 1900, followed by The Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were: Pam Bray, Alan Miles, Chuck Chirila, Dick Clarke, Gary Whitley, Robert Lovinger, James Byrd, Agnes Wright, Bob Mathewes, Bob Orenstein, Tom Jerussi, Dan Cowley, Richard Daniel, Joe Fleming, Laura Meehan, William Meehan, Cody Westall, Paul Berka, Kelly Duncan, Paul Thomas, Frank Leister and Rick Miller. Visitor Brent Thompson and returning member Gary Whitley were introduced. FC Miles gave a brief description of the Citadel Recruit Day, ending with a slide show of a Dolphin and Jayhawk helicopter (both pilots were Citadel Alumni) landing in the Parade Quad as part of the Recruiting Day Events. Cody Westall, who leads our Citadel Detachment, was introduced. His presentation included an overview of the Citadel Detachment of the Flotilla 12-8, noting that the detachment has all five arms of the military represented. Westall concluded with the upcoming Bulldog Challenge a fitness course in which a variety of teams compete, including Team Coast Guard. If you are interested in organizing a relay team for our Flotilla for this event, please contact FC Miles. FC miles and VFC Thomas attended the

Team Building Workshop in Savannah and shared many of the new ideas gleaned from the Workshop. These ideas will be implemented in the coming months. FC Miles reminded all members that should they have any problems or concerns, that the proper channels be used, beginning with FC Miles. FC Miles gave a brief description of the Evertree System, an auto phone dialing procedure for disaster preparedness. Our phone tree will be only as a back-up to the Evertree System. FC Miles made a note to all members to respect all information contained in the membership roster. FC Miles reminded all members to complete their 7029s and 7030s in a timely manner, preferably monthly. Bob Mathewes mentioned that all AUX INFO data is updated weekly and is ready for viewing usually on Tuesday. The January meeting minutes and 2011 Budget Proposal approvals were postponed, as there was no quorum at the meeting. Discussion followed regarding our standing rules and how we might consider amending them to change the percentage of our total membership meeting attendance required for a quorum. This amendment would allow for voting procedures and business to be conducted. VFC Thomas stated that all Staff Officer January reports are in the Scuttlebutt and anyone seeking specific information should refer to this publication. He continued with asking for Officer updates: Bob Orenstein: Boom deployments and skimmer demos
(Continued on page 4)

Mar. 2011
(FSO-SR, Continued from page 3)

Scuttlebutt tilla Motto to Alan Miles.

Page 4

will be happening on the Cutter Oak. Harbor Patrols will take place this Spring. Both crew and coxswain can participate. Chuck Chirila: Please submit your materials request as soon as possible. Richard Clarke: A Communications Course will possibly be offered in April. Our goal is to have 10 radio facilities (mobile or land) this year. This is a great way to get involved with the CG. Joe Fleming: Aux patrol dates are being added to the calendar so Spring will be a busy season. Frank Leister: a review of the 2011 budget reflects a shortfall in PE and this is due to the many free and on-line courses available to the public. Division and District are addressing this problem. Paul Berka: A Vessel Examination Weekend at specific locations is being researched. Media is essential in this advertising and promoting this event. Rick Miller: Visitations to marine vendors is still recruiting. An on-line test along with 2 visits with a qualified member is all that is required. Paul Thomas: Several member applications are pending and more member recruiting is still welcomed. Barbara Thibodeaux: Alan Miles reported that there are several upcoming events, more in April and May needing volunteer staffing. Bob Orenstein: Public Education position still needing to be filled. Bob will oversee the Summerville area on an as needed basis. FC Miles revisited the quorum issue citing that the standing rules can be amended by written ballot, which includes email. Old Business The Navy league will be recognizing the Shipmate of the Year with a dinner at the Carolina Yacht Club. Please send any ideas you have for a Flo-

Alan Miles will be constructing a collapsing boat for Flotilla use on floats. FC Miles presented awards to several members. Congratulations to all! Joe Fleming, Chuck Chirila, Frank Leister, Richard Daniel, and James Byrd. Bob Orenstein reported for Marguerite Bishop on the color guard needed on May 11 for the National Genealogical Society. Contact Bob if interested. National Safe Boating Week plans are underway, Laura Meehan is already making contacts for media and PR. FC Miles requested that he is needing a trailer for several non-motored boats which are being donated to our Flotilla for operations training. A thank you was extended to Marguerite Bishop for bringing refreshments. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2050. Respectfully submitted, Pamela Bray, FSO-SR

Citadel Detachment
Cadet Cpl. Singletary

lasses are underway and cadets are feverishly working towards academic success. Detachment cadets are looking forward to a very eventful semester. The Citadel Detachment plans on participating in The 15th Annual Bulldog Challenge in March. Bulldog Challenge is a fun but challenging four person team event

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(FC, Continued from page 1)


designed to test every competitor. The 6 mile (10k) course stretches throughout the campus of The Citadel, parts of the City of Charleston, and through the dreaded marsh! Throughout the course, competitors will have to negotiate various obstacles individually and as a team. Some of the obstacles that are part of the course include a fireman carry, an obstacle course, and a rope climb. The Bulldog Challenge is credited for raising thousands of dollars for national, local, and veteran charities. (http:// The Detachment plans on fielding two teams consisting of cadets and active duty Coastguardsmen. Furthermore, The Detachment plans on getting trained to become Program Visitors and Vessel Examiners. Also, The Detachment is anticipating an afternoon of survival swim training by Flotilla Commander Miles. Cadet Corporal Singletary (See Photos on page 9.)

Vessel Examinations
Paul Berka, FSO-VE or the 2011 Vessel Examination campaign, the plan is to concentrate on the following landings: Limehouse Landing, Folly Beach Landing, Wappoo Cut Landing, County Farm Landing, Bushy Park Landing and Cypress Garden Landing. Vessel Examinations will be scheduled for two weekend days (Saturday or Sunday) each month from 0900 to 1300 hours. Additional Vessel Examinations will also be scheduled twice each month for key landings on Friday afternoons from 1200 to 1600 hours. The Vessel Examination schedule should be finalized and posted by mid March. Paul H. Berka, FSO-VE

copy printed at an office supply store because I want to add it to my reference manuals. It details the history, past and present, as well as charts a course for the history yet to be made. It is very important for each member to become knowledgeable about the US Coast Guard. The last item I sent to each of you was the 2011-2012 Strategic Plan of the Auxiliary. This document outlines the future plans and focused efforts of the Auxiliary. At the last flotilla meeting the attendance was poor. Many of our members are ill and others are out of state. Also, due to economic pressures, many members are working second and third shifts or working out of town. We did not have the required number of members to achieve a quorum to conduct business. At monthly meetings, new and old business is conducted to satisfy our goals and commitments. Without a quorum present, we cannot conduct the meeting except to discuss the rescheduling of that meeting. It is very important that members of the unit attend the monthly flotilla meeting and take part in the planning, discussion and voting on issues in the Flotilla. This is vitally important. As everyone knows the Flotilla Commanders position is a maximum of two years. This is my second and last year as your FC. With 8 months left before we hold our next elections, I am asking you to consider serving in an elected position in the flotilla. Being a FC is a lot of hard work and takes long hours, but it is an awesome experience. Maybe in a few years I shall even consider running for election again. Please call me and I will be happy to detail the position of FC and VFC with you. I will ensure that any new FC and VFC receives a proper turn over and indoctrination. SEMPER PARATUS Alan J.P. Miles, FC

Mar. 2011


Page 6

Dick Clarke, FSO-CM
ow, Great! We have seven people signed up to take the Auxiliary Telecommunications Qualification Standard course in April. What we need to know now is what would be the best time of the week to conduct it. The weekend or a weeknight.? Those who signed up, please let me now when would be best for you so we can get a consensus. Lets make March the month to procure, install and inspect the mobile radios in our vehicles. As part of the inspection process, fill out a 7004 (available on line). One more thing, be sure to fill in block 7 with the lat./lon of your home address. This all ties in with this year's Hurricane and Disaster Contingency Plan. Dick Clarke, FSO-CM

Navigational Services
Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

ichard Daniel will be assisting me with ATON/PATON patrols this year. He will coordinate with station and the ANT Team on verifying all Federal, State and Private ATONs in our area. With his first patrol this year, he and his crew verified eightyeight ATON/PATONs. Seventy-six federal ATONs were working properly. There were eight discrepancies. One PATON was OK and two showed discrepancies. With paper work completed the CG ANT Team will schedule repairs. ATON patrol's are scheduled on days not to interfere with our safety patrols. Also ATON patrols will be day/night patrols so lighted ATONs are verified. ATON patrols are rewarding and fun. When you think about it you are helping to keep road signs and lights working properly so commercial and private vessels are safe. Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

Partner Visitor
Rick Miller, FSO-PV
pring and peak boating season are nearly upon us; therefore we need to redouble our efforts to promote boating safety. One easy way for you to help your flotilla promote the Auxiliarys Recreational Boating Safety program (RBS) is to become a Program Visitor. It is relatively easy to qualify, will entitle you to the RBS ribbon and most importantly help to save lives. If you have questions or wish to participate, please talk to me, Paul Thomas or Paul Berka. Rick Miller, FSO-PV

Frank Leister, FSO-FN

here were insufficient members present at the last meeting to form a quorum, thus we could not pass the budget. The Standard Operating Procedure is the FN can pay bills, if the budget is passed and if those bills are reflected in the budget. If a budget is not approved, then each bill must be voted on separately by the membership, again with a quorum in attendance. It is important that we have a quorum for the next membership meeting. Frank Leister, FSO-FN

Mar. 2011



Joe Fleming, FSO-OP
armer weather is finally here. We have a lot of work ahead of us this year. With new members on board needing training, regular patrols, Aton patrols and safety displays we will be busy this year. Already, we have helped the Coast Guard with testing the Rescue 21 system in Charleston. Test for accuracy in shore and off shore was performed, and it was on the money every time. On another mission two vessels from 12-8 and one from 12-6 ran a safety zone for the Krewe of Charleston boat parade on the Ashley River and around the harbor. These are some of the ways we, as Auxiliary members, help the Coast Guard and boating public. Coxswain and Crew training will start next month. For those of you wanting to get on the water and participate in operations you need to sign up. This is a great opportunity to learn in three months what normally, in the past, has taken a year. ICS classes will be coming up also, get involved, you need them also. The patrol schedule for the year is out for coxswains and crew members. Check it over and let me know what days you can cover. The Aton schedule is incorporated in the patrol list. Richard Daniel will be coordinating Aton patrols for me. Joe Fleming, FSO-OP

Nautical Trivia
The Old Salt

Have you done your February 7029 yet? If not, why not?

ast months question was to identify the internationally accepted mark or line on ships that indicates the safe load line in different waters and temperatures. We had eight correct answers and John Sikes suggested the question so we essentially had nine participants. Those salty souls who identified it as the Plimsoll Line named after a member of the British Parliament were James and Karen Andrews of Flotilla 12-12, Reggie Hollar of Flotilla 12-10 and our own Chuck Chirila, Dick Clarke, Bob Lovinger, Dick McLaren and Agnes Wright. The pictures of the CG Helicopters on page 9 got me thinking of CG aviation. Ninety-five years ago, in March of 1916 a young Coast Guard Lieutenant was assigned to investigate aviation matters having a bearing upon the Coast Guard. The Commandant stated that, This office will have no objections to your taking a course in aviation, provided that it will not interfere with your duties. In September of that year, he was appointed a student aviator in the Naval Aviation Training School in Pensacola. He graduated on 22 March 1917 as Naval Aviator #38 and later became Coast Guard Aviator #1 The Coast Guard was part of the Navy during WW-I. This officer was assigned to the Navy Departments Bureau of Aviation from Nov. 1920 to Oct. 1926. He returned to the Coast Guard in 1926 where he served until his death in 1936. This is the tip of the iceberg in regard to this aviation pioneer. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Who was he?

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Communication Services John Sikes, FSO-CS

he flotilla's web site is in a constant state of flux. Web statistics do not show as many hits as in past years. We encourage everyone to at least keep up with the flotilla's calendar. We have started putting links in the calendar to further explain entries and events. Please make an effort to spend some time keeping up with the pages and let us know if you find errors or missing links. John Sikes, FSO-CS

Chuck Chirila, FSOE Decals for 2011 have been ordered, as well as, 2011 SC Handbooks. Manuals for the VE/RBS class, TCO class, and Crew / Coxswain Academy have also been ordered. I will notify the appropriate personnel upon delivery. Unfortunately, Ive had no luck in finding banners for VE Inspections. Feel free to contact me if you need something to be ordered. Please do not wait until the last minute for it takes a few weeks for delivery. Semper Paratus Chuck Chirila, FSO-MA

(Follygras) would have required more time and resources than expected. We really want to try and plan for next year's participation Some of the events in the works are: Spring Festival at Freshfields Village on March 19th, from 1200 until 1600. We have confirmed our attendance and need assistance for it. Still in the works are confirmations and details on the Flowertown Festival on 2 April, the Charleston Air Expo on 9 April, as well as some school program requests and our Safe Boating Week project with assistance of Home Depot. Please keep these dates in mind and watch the calendar as I will request the events be posted as soon as I know we are locked in on them. As always, thanks to all of you that never fail to answer the call to duty when I need you! As a flotilla we need to remember these are flotilla events not just Public Affairs. Great things happen when we work together! Barbara Thibodeaux, FSO-PA

Marine Safety
Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS

Public Affairs
Barbara Thibodeaux,
hough Public Affairs has not had an event this month, we have been real busy working on upcoming events. The one event we were going to try to participate in

here is not much to report from Marine Environmental Response except that there should be an upcoming exercise in April. As soon as I have more details I will notify the flotilla. Hang in there! Activity should be starting very soon. Those of you who have tasks to be completed with MST3 Gary Barnum, please make your arrangements with him. Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS

Mar. 2011



Yearbook picture of Citadel Detachment.

HH-65 Dolphin Helicopter from CG Air Station Savannah

HH-60 Sikorsky Jayhawk Medium Range Recovery Helicopter from CG Air Station Elizabeth City on Citadel Campus

25 ft. boat from CG Station Charleston

Jayhawk draws a crowd of Cadets

Jayhawk touches down

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March 2011

1 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29

TCT Refresher OPS Workshop

3 10 17
St Patricks Day

Full Moon

5 12
8 hr TCT

Flotilla Meeting

11 18 25

16 23 30

New Moon

24 31


Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Commander Alan Miles Finance Frank Leister Flotilla Vice Commander Paul Thomas Human Resources Paul Thomas Communications Dick Clarke Communication Services John Sikes

Information Services Materials Bob Mathewes Chuck Chirila Navigational Services Joe Fleming Public Education Alan Miles Operations Joe Fleming RBS Visitor Rick Miller

Marine Safety Member Training Bob Orenstein Bob Mathewes Public Affairs Publications Barbara Thibodeaux Bob Mathewes Secretary Records Pamela Bray

Vessel Examination Paul Berka

IPFC Joe Fleming

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