Bulletin For June 29-30-2013

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The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16* Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334 www. stphilipneripdx. org Parish Office 503.231.4955 I Fax 503.736.1383
j Committerl




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and diediicatedg-t0._be welcoming ta

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th"ems::Rgieer "Wl3l='l1be~.iEadY for the Baa<+rc>+;'i,.-~ia" ~PETERS FENCE COLLEcTION:~ program at ali Safeway stores. Forms are I . ; " * ravailable for your registration in the foyer of the Durmg ms pastoral. WSW .Ppem~1 t Cuba lasts yea? :_i_,r-Ehurhi Benedict XVI proclaimed, I come as a pilgrim of charity to conrm my brothers and sisters in the faith also on the counters in the foyer' Thank you and strengthen them in the hope which is born of the

7"'ll1i'iLli|1Y;"vFiliii7, 5195./5'






For the soul of Millie Nightingale and the Karvola and McPherson families.




DIVISION STREET FAIR: Saturday, July 27 PARISH PICNIC: Sunday, September 8 after 10:30

presenca of God S10/em our "yes", This C||e<Il" 9l\/E5 eah Of l-I5 the 0l9P0ll5U"itY to become a pilgrim of charity around the opportunity to become a pilgrim of charity around the world. Our gifts to this annual collection help the Holy Father strengthen dioceses, religious orders, and struggling communities of faith. Please prayerfully consider a donation.
..E.nve1<>r>es are_.aveiiable__for-.-Your


use in the pews

13" Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday 0 June 30, 2013

Sunday, June 30:

Monday, July 1: Tuesday, July 2: Wednesday, July 3: Thursday, July 4: Friday, July 5: Saturday, July 6:
Sunday, July 7:

8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 12:10 pm Mass 8:00 am Mass 4:00 pm Mass 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass

For Special Intentions tFor the Deceased of our Parish For the ill For those who are troubled For the underemployed and unemployed tRaymond Capri For Single Parents Therese Donna Oh For the Homeless rJoseph Scadi Sarah Amato Deaf Community Mass

Church Church Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Church Church Church Chapel

you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the oice.


ll out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) /'f you would like a Mass celebrated for
Church cleaning for July 1-7: Mary Scheich and Mary Kavanaugh


Noon on Mondays 9:00 am Office: 503.231.4955

4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday

Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x 117, frcharlie@stphilipneripdx.org

Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson, x 103, jeannem@stphilipneripdx.org

Associate Pastor
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x111, mecsp@mac.com

Receptionist] Bulletin Editor

Star Studonivic, x101, stars@stphilipneripdx.org

Associate Pastor
Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x 109, jrpaulist@aol.com

Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Rose Wolfe, x101, rosew@stphilipneripdx.org

Director of Adult Faith Formation

Barbara Harrison, x107, barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org

Maintenance and Grounds

Edward Danila, edwardd@stphilipneripdx.org

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Deadline (unless otherwise noted) is the MONDAY morning prior to the Sunday Mass as the bulletin is sent to Seattle for printing. Thank you.

Next Sunday's Scripture Readings:

14th 5l"1|aY in

ldi"a|'Y Time: J"|Y 7, 2013

Readmg 1:155/ah66"10'14 Responsonal Psalm: P53/ms 56"1'3/ Gospfeli Luke Reading 21 G3/at/5/75 551448


4'5 '7/

15/ Z0

is interested in someone who know you becoming Catholic? Or maybe faith. Invite the Catholic to is talking about returning them our give please Also, with you. them to Mass and 503.231.4955 number, telephone ofce Parish encourage them to call us for information. We are here to assist with the journey to Christ.



July 2: July 3: July 4: July 17: July 20: July 21: July 27: July 30:

Communion Service, Courtyard Senior Living

B- Catholics, Paulist Center

10:30 am


7:15 pm


Independence Day-pray for those countries in civil strife

Questionable Forum, Paulist Center
Justice and Peace Committee Retreat
French Toast Breakfast after both Sunday Masses

7:15 pm



Division Street Fair (musicians/food)

Communion Service, Courtyard Sr. Living

10:30 am



Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday 0 June 30, 2013

and buffers for new hall. We have a beautiful new oor and want to ensure it lasts for many years. We are also still in need of a
4 dust mops/Swifters

Never Looking Back .... ..
All of us have put our hands to certain ploughs. We've all begun tasks of some sort or another. But few of us have never looked back or never questioned choices of directions or even vocations in our lives. It is a normal and benecial part of life to search always for continued discernment and where necessary, to change or adapt decisions we may have made about our life's direction. Is Jesus condemning this type of discernment when he says hat anyone who puts hand to plough and looks back is not fit for God's kingdom? Of course not.

Commemal Vacuum

Ever wondered if Notre Dame's Touchdown Jesus was robed in fair-trade wage garments? Michael Low, director of licensing at the University of Notre Dame, said the university has been at the forefront of universities working to ensure their clothing
initiatives reect humanitarian efforts. "They have historically been a leader in the collegiate effort to eliminate sweatshops and improve worker's rights. Notre Dame was the rst university to establish a university to Licensee Code of Conduct, the rst independently engage third-party factory audits, and a founding member of the Fair Labor Association."
Additionally, the university is associated with the Worker Rights Consortium, a proponent of worldwide evaluates organization rights. The laborer humanitarian standards in factories through what its website shows as intensive on-site monitoring. Among those attempting to address international textile worker conditions is a group of about 180 U.S. universities. Notre Dame, a Holy Cross institution, and Jesuit-run Georgetown University are among 20 other Catholic colleges and universities certied by the Worker Rights Consortium. Those affiliated with the consortium

Jesus is talking about commitment and staying with our commitments when the going gets tough. Going up to Jerusalem is a major theme in Luke's Gospel, which presents the whole life of Jesus as a journey up to Jerusalem where he will suffer and die. In the First Reading Elisha shows his commitment to following Elijahs call to join him in ministry by rst slaughtering his oxen and burning his plough, thus eliminating any possible return to his former vocation as a farmer. Commitment, commitment, and a willingness to stay the course, come what may.
All of us answered Jesus call to share his ministry in our baptism. In baptism we have put our hands to another plough following Jesus as his disciples. Today many people in the Church are discouraged by the failure of the Church to truly even try, let alone live up to the reforms envisioned by the Second Vatican Council. Many are looking back and having second thoughts, and perhaps doubts and regrets. But if we keep on looking back our attention will be divided. So too will our energy. We won't be fully committed. We will be half-hearted. We are likely to lose time, to lose sight of our goal, and be tempted to turn back or even

have made a commitment to stay aware of how and where the collegiately licensed items they sell -- such as sweatshirts and T-shirts -- are produced. (Cat/10//cNews$en//ce)

quit altogether.
But if we keep looking forward, we can give our undivided attention to the chosen task. We will be completely committed. We will be wholehearted. That will give us great strength. When all our resources are enlisted and harnessed to the task, we will not be easily sidetracked. And so we have an excellent chance of completing the task. Those who are wholehearted nd joy in the task, despite hardship. There is no such joy for the halfhearted. So the message is: Don't turn

REGULAR MONTHLY CALENDAR ITEMS: First Wednesday of the month: B- Catholics, 7:15 in the
Paulist Center

Third Wednesday of the month: Questionable Forum,

7:15 in the Paulist Center

Third Sunday of the month:


FABULOUS French Toast breakfast hosted by the Breakfast Club after both Sunday

Second and Fourth Sunday: Lee and James Xiong will be offering seasonal flowers and vegetables in front of the Church after each Mass.

back; don't even look back.

Fr. Charlie awn/C/<, cs/>

Are you engaged to be married? Are you thinking of getting married here at St. Philip's? It's helpful to know what's involved in marriage preparation and in planning a wedding. Our Parish ofce has an informative booklet entitled Getting Married at St. Phi//ps. It is available on request and is essential reading for anyone contemplating marriage here.


This Mass is offered on the rst Friday of each month in the St. Paul Chapel at 12:10 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to allow the Blessed oils to become a part of healing for whatever reason. All are welcome.

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