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AP9211-ADVANCEDDIGITALSIGNALPROCESSINGUNIT-IDISCRETERANDOMSIGNALPROCESSINGPart A 1.State Parsevels theorem 2.What is auto correlation function? 3.

.What is the relation between autocorrelation and power spectral density? 4. Find the power spectrum for the auto correlation sequence r x (k) = k of 1 st order AR process where<1. 5.Define WSS Process 6.Define variance. 7.What is Ensemble Average? 8.State Wold Decomposition Theorem 9.Write the Yule Walkers equation in matrix form. 10.Define Energy of discrete signals. 11.What are the models used for estimation of spectrum. 12.Define Mean Square Error. 13.Derive the PSD of White Noise? 14.Find the power spectrum for the auto correlation sequence r x (k)= A 2 cos(kw) of 1 st order AR process. 15.Define Regular Process? 16.Define Correlation and Covariance. 17.Define independent, uncorrelated and orthogonal R.P. 18.Define Yule Walker method. PART-B 1.(a)Find the autocorrelation sequence whose power spectral density is given byH(z) = 1 (8)1-0.25z -1 (b) The power spectrum of a wide sense stationary process x(n) isP x (e jw ) = 25 -24cosw (8)26 -10coswFind the whitening filter h(n) that produces unit variance white noise when the input is x(n). 2.(a) Derive the relationship between the mean and autocorrelation of the input Process to the meanand auto correlation of the output process. (8) (b) Explain the important properties of autocorrelation sequences of a wide sense stationary process. (8) 3. Explain in detail any two special types of random process. (16)

4. Explain the simulation of white noise and low pass filtering of white noise. (16) 5. Explain the following: (16)i)State and explain Parsevels theoremii)Auto correlation properties and their matricesiii)Covariance properties and their matrices 6. Derive the Spectral Factorization form for the power spectrum when Px(z) is a rational function(16) 7. Discuss Stationary Process and Wide Sense Stationary Process with their Properties. 8. Discuss in detail(i). White Noise R.P.(ii). Power Spectrum. 9. Briefly explain Yule Walker method of spectrum estimation. (16)

UNITIIMULTIRATEDIGITALSIGNALPROCESSINGPart-A 1 . W h a t i s m e a n t b y s u b b a n d c o d i n g ? 2.What are the effects in spectrum due to decimation?3.Why polyphase filters are name d so?4.Draw any one of the noble identity of an interpolator 5.What is the need for multirate signal processing?6 . D e f i n e W a v e l e t t r a n s f o r m 7.Define decimation and interpolation.8.Write the application of Wavelet transform in data compression9.What is interpolation? Give one example.10. Briefly explain the two band sub band coding and decoding system. Part-B 1. (a) Explain the decimation process in multirate signal processing with an example. (8)(b)Explain the steps involved in the design of a practical multirate sample rate converter (8)2. (a)What is discrete Wavelet transform? Explain the relation between the Haar wavelet function and scaling function. (8)(b)Explain how to implement multistage filter bank by wavelet decomposition. (8)3. (a)Explain the process by upsampling and down sampling a signal. (8)(b) Explain in detail about subband coding? (8)4. (a)Discuss the decimator and interpolation by an integer factor. (8)(b)Write a detailed note on continuous time model of multirate digital signal processing (8)5. Explain and derive sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D in multirate signal processing(16)6. Describe Polyphase filter decomposition in implementing multirate system. (16)7. With necessary equations and diagrams, discuss about the interpolation and decimation in multirate signal processing. (16)

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