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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

How (many, much, a lot of) money does the school need to build a library? The boys and girls put in (a lot of, several, many) effort to make the concert a success. There isn't (any, some, no) more hot water in the thermos flask. (A large number of, Several, Many) the cans were dented. Didn't you receive (any, only a few, a little) of the cards I sent you? That millionaire donated (more, several, some) hundred dollars to the old folks' home. John and his friends caught (many, much, little , any, less) grasshoppers in the field. (Much, Any, Several, A little, Another) of the stores are open on Sunday. They have got so (much, plenty, lot) money they don't know what to do with it. The museum was very crowded. There were too (few, much, many) people. Did the boys have (many, several, a few, plenty of , a large number of) training before the contest? How (some, many, any, much, more) hours of sleep does a baby need daily? she asked her mother. There isn't (much, a lot, few, some, any) ink in the bottle. Did you take (many, a large amount of, a great deal of) photographs when you were there? Jill is a good teacher but she's got (little, much, plenty of) patience. I would like to have (too many, too much, only a few, any more, some more) of this delicious soup. (A large number of , A large amount of, Much of, Any of, Several) the plants were destroyed as a result of the storm. There are (much, many, little, any, another) pairs of fashionable shoes on sale in that shop. There was (a lot of, too many, plenty, a great number, a great deal) excitement among the spectators when their team won the championship. My Italian neighbour can speak (a few, several, a little, some of, many) English. The boys and girls were served (any, little, several, many, some) ice-cream for dessert. The pupils in the next class made (many, any, a few, a large number of, a lot of) noise as soon as their teacher had left. (Several, Only a little, Not a few, Too much, Any more) of his friends are now studying at the university. Don't pay (many, any, little, a few, several) attention to what he says. He is always exaggerating, she told her friend. Has anybody heard any (many, much, few, more, less) news of the airplane crash? Mrs. Bush does not have (a few, a lot of, several, no more, many) washing to do today. George has recovered from his illness. He doesn't need any (many, few, little, more, several) treatment. I need (many, some, few, little, any) help with this heavy crate. I cannot lift it alone. How (much, many, some, little, several) exercises on prepositions do we have to do? the class asked the teacher. (Much of, A little of, A large number of, A large quantity of , A large amount of) the villagers lost their homes as a result of the flood. John asked, Do you have (any, much, many, few, some) idea which counter I should go to? It was reported in the papers that the International Bank had been robbed of (not enough, any more, too many, a large amount of, a large amount of) money. You needn't empty the wastepaper basket today. There isn't (many, any, several, less, some) rubbish in it. Not (much, little, any, many, some) of the hawkers here sell fried noodles. Did you notice that (a little, a few, some, a large number of, a large quantity of) the parcels have not been stamped? Please tell us (much more, little more, some more, any more, too many) stories about dwarfs, the children asked their mother. The organizers are trying to get (plenty, much, more, little, another) girls to take part in the walkathon. Did the Red House win (much, few, any, a lot, little) gold medals for track events? Can I have (little, much, a large amount of, several of, more) volunteers to help me with the decorations? the monitor asked the class. There are (several, much, plenty, a lot, little) factors you have to consider before buying a house. The foolish man gambled away (a large amount of, a large number of, too much, only a little, not many) his money. He showed (a lot of, any, several, many, a few) courage when he dived from that cliff. George asked, Did you have (a few, many, several, plenty of, a great deal) time to go shopping in Europe? That lorry is giving out (a few, several, any, too much, too many) exhaust. How (more, some, many, much, few) honey did you add to the cornflakes? the mother asked her daughter. We discussed (another, several, much, little, any) matters at the meeting. The postman usually has (much, more, a lot, little, plenty) letters to deliver before the festive season. Could you bake (some, too many, plenty, much, a lot) cookies for us to sell? the girls asked their neighbours. (A few, Any more, A large quantity of, A large number of, Many more) chemical is needed to clear the soil slick. You need to have (several, too much, many, any, a lot of) patience when teaching slow learners.

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