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Electrical energy is one of the main sources in human activity and electricity is generally a safe and convenient form of energy for household use. All electrical and electronic equipment needs to power up with electric energy before used. Therefore, energy saving methods is used to avoiding user from paid more for their electrical bills. There are three methods presented, which are technical installation, install energy saver devices and correct room calculation. This methodology is used to reduce energy wastage and improve the performance of electrical system appliances.

Air conditioning is the single largest electrical power consumer in buildings in Malaysia [19]. The recorded values are in the region of 45%-65% of the total electrical power consumed. Because of its effect on the comfort of the working environment and energy use, air-conditioning system, must have given its due consideration in any energy efficient building design [9]. University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), also faced in energy usage problem, contribute more on air-conditioning system. In this report, shows that the technical installation method and external and internal devices method experiment are really improve the quality of system without increasing energy consumption.

Using energy efficiently means paying less for electricity used to get the same amount of amenities required [19]. The main objective in this project is to reduce amount of energy used in UniMAP air-conditioning system by using a proposed technique based on technical calculation, installing energy saver devices and by using a 1

correct room calculation. All experiments were done at UniMAPs Distributed Campus area. The project was started from survey and collecting data at each selected building. Identify the major problem and energy saving possibilities in the system. After that, evaluate the usefulness of energy saving method at UniMAPs air-conditioning system. This report also included a design of implement programmable thermostat.

Programmable thermostat is one of the latest energy saver devices in the world and recommended using it for reducing energy. This device can save more than 20% energy usage per day. Its easy to install and sold everywhere. The design shows how to install the programmable thermostat at air-conditioner unit.


Scope of final year report

According to the project title, the project is completed by presenting the recommendation which is divided into 2 parts. First part is literature review, survey and technical research on air conditioner that are use at UniMAP. Those tasks were

completed in semester 7 in 2006/2007 academic year. The second part is the technical research, which includes evaluation, implementation and optimization of energy saver equipment and technical installation improvement. These parts are focus on indoor unit for split unit air conditioning system. The technical research also includes the data survey and calculation for the estimated energy usage for air-conditioning system cost annually.


Idealistic of energy usage

Nowadays, there have several idealistic or economic practice of reducing the use of air-conditioner energy. Adopting just a few of these strategies can make a measurable difference in average energy usage of air conditioner and the energy demands of the globe. 2

The general tips that can be applied to save energy consumption are: Choose energy-efficient for home appliances, which have been designed with energy conversation in mind. In the United States, Energy Star is a government program to promote energy-efficient consumer products. The EU energy label is a similar European Union program [12]. Only use cooling devices (air conditioner) when temperatures get above 30C [12]. Proper maintenance and services to all equipment built inside airconditioning system [12]. Install compressor in shade to avoid the heating effect of the direct sunlight on the unit [12]. Choose the correct size air-conditioning unit depending on room size [15]. Refrigerator configuration affects the units efficiency. Side-by-Side models are relatively reasonable inefficient [12]. Water pipe and refrigerator pipe insulation helps to reduce the cooling energy consumption [12]. Use programmable thermostat, it will allow the suitable temperature for the room [12]. Power factor correction devices can be installing at induction motor, to improve the stability and efficiency to reduce the cost charged on this system [12].


Profit from energy saving

The total electricity of air-conditioning system can be reduce by applying certain methods such as modification on refrigerator pipe length from outdoor to indoor unit, installing programmable thermostat in the room can sense the actual temperature rate and install a energy saver equipment that are applied a principle of power factor correction at the compressor motor. Those proposed methods can reducing the power consumption demands at supply without disturb the system operation in difference way. 3


Methodology review

Energy saving is important nowadays, air conditioning system is one of electrical equipment that use a lot of energy to operate. In UniMAP building, almost all of their building is use air-conditioning system except student campus housing. Because of wide use of it, UniMAPs have paid more to TNB for electrical usage per month. With some improvement on system, its can save a lot of energy usage and can prevent UniMAP from spent amount of money to paying electrical bills. This system can be save the electricity monthly costs, by implemented certain part of it depending on three main expectations or methodology which is: 1. Technical installation This method is focus on the refrigerant pipe length, use to connect outdoor unit to indoor unit [14, 26], the proper maintenance [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13], insulation [3, 4, 5, 8, 12] and control solar gain by build window at north and south side [3]. 2. Install energy saver devices This method is related with control system inside indoor unit. Adding and installing a new electrical device that can improve the quality of air without using a lot of energy and at the same time can achieving greater energy efficiency. The device which is recommended are thermostat [2, 5, 6, 11, 12], Motor Energy Loss Controller (MELC) [1], RCS (Evaporative Roof Cooling System) [10], Programming Timer [5, 6, 12, 13]. DC-link filter and EMC filter [1]. 3. Room calculation We also can reduce energy usage for supplying air conditioning system by room calculation. To calculate total cooling capacity, Btu/h is based on formula Btu/h = width depth height 7.5

From total cooling capacity we can find out the suitable power consumption in the room by depending on the sized of the room. Proper calculation will help to reduce amount of energy usage for this system [19]. 4


Literature review


Technical installation application for air-conditioning system


Based on technical installation method the way how refrigerant pipe installed can affect the quality of cool air inside the room. This pipe are use to push forward the liquid from outdoor unit to evaporator inside indoor unit before blow the cool air in the single room. Therefore, the length for pressure pipe can affected the quality of cool air in the room. If the pressure pipe lengths from outdoor to indoor unit are greater than standard the performance of system is drop due to the increase of gas flow. But if the pressure pipe is less than or +10% from standard range, the performance of system are much better. Because the performance of airconditioning system depends on the flow of refrigerant through these pipes, the distance between the indoor unit and the outdoor unit should be taken care off. The distance also can produce a pressure loss coefficient were independent of inlet velocity of the gas [14, 26].

Equipment and material affected

For refrigerant pipe the piping should be insulated to provide both safety and energy conservations. Its can prevent condensation on the outside of the pipe in humid climates. This condition can damage the pipe and any controls or electronic devices located underneath the pipe. For water flow the piping should be sized so that the water velocity does not exceed 6 or 7 feet per second [16]. The material for pipe also affected, if the material is plastic, it can expands about 5 times as much as copper piping for a given temperature change [16]. Because if the pipe make from copper its can condensate drains and the cool air inside it are easier to be heating by environment.


Install energy aver devices Introduction

There have a lot of electronic and electrical equipment that can save the energy usage for air-conditioner. In this proposal, programmable thermostat and intelligent energy saver are recommending to be use to improve the efficiency of system without increasing the current flow inside the system. Those equipments will improve the power factor of the induction motor at compressor. By improving the power factor the power drawn can be reduced but still can match with actual need under variable load condition, this effort can help the customer to save the amount of energy usage per month in more brightness way. Programmable thermostat

The temperature in any structure, regardless of its age, location, or design, can be maintain at comfortable levels with a thermostat. Thermostat can be designed in different forms and sizes to meet the application required in the industry. Thermostat is functioning as a sensor which it responds to temperature suitable for cooling system application. Temperature in air conditioning system can be change by opening and closing a set of electronic contacts.

Programmable thermostat is widely used to allow a room to set the temperature down or up for at least one period in 24 hours. This type of thermostat give the consumer an option of raising or lowering the temperature for a specified period of time to be more energy-efficient level and bringing the temperature back to a more comfortable setting. With energy conversation and high utility, bills paying a larger part in airconditioning. Therefore, its efficient to apply for reducing energy usage [20]. Programmable thermostat, which regulates the heating and cooling of your house around your schedule and turns it down when no people is there, can save as much as 20 percent on energy bills. 6 Power factor correction

Power factor is indicates the percentage of apparatus power used by the motor. In air-conditioning system, induction motors are used to drive the supply to compressor built in outdoor unit. The power factor in the motor is affected by their inductive loads. The total power supplied to inductions motor consists of true power and reactive power. There have several reasons why low power factor are undesirable. The voltage regulation of generators, transformers, and supply lines become low. The current-carrying capabilities of supply lines are reduced to a lower level than their rated values [21]. To increase the power factor, power factor correction devices are applying to supply lines connected through air conditioning system. Its can help the system to produce low current but have a same quality. This device also can help consumer to use electrical energy in effective and efficient ways. Its can reduced the peak demand and improve voltage regulation [22]. Variable speed drive application (VSD)

Adjustable speed drive (ASD) is one of the most general terms applied to equipment used to control the speed of machinery. Adjustable speed drives are also known as Variable Speed Drives (VSD). These motors normally operate at a fixed speed, Variable Speed drives are used in a wide variety of industrial applications. Used to provide adjustable airflow in air conditioning systems. The Variable Speed Drive might consist of an electric motor and controller that is used to adjust the motor's operating speed [24].

An adjustable speed drive often uses less energy than an alternative fixed speed mode of operation. When a fan is driven by a fixed speed motor, the airflow may sometimes be higher than it needs to be. Airflow can be regulated by using a damper to restrict the flow, but it is more efficient to regulate the airflow by regulating the speed of the motor. 7

Saving energy with adjustable speed pump operation is similar to saving energy with adjustable speed fan operation. It is more efficient to regulate the flow of fluid by regulating the speed of the motor rather than by restricting the flow using a control valve [24].


Room calculation for air-conditioning system Introduction In air-conditioning system installation, the engineer or technicians are required to make calculation for the output of an electric heater in Btus rather than in Watts. By calculation, consumer can find out which type and sized are suitable to install in the room. The room size and corresponding air conditioning unit may be helpful to make the energy usage lower but more efficient, [19, 20]. EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) is a measure of how efficiently a cooling system will operate when the outdoor temperature is at specific level (usually 95). The higher EER means the system is more efficient.

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) measures how efficiently a residential central cooling system. Both method can be use to check either the system operate properly or not. Formula Btu (Btu/hr) = width (feet) x depth (feet) x height (feet) x 7.5 EER =

Btu / hr Watts SeasonalBtu Watts hours


By federal law, SEER should be at least 10.0 Definition of British Thermal Unit

Heat energy is measured by the British Thermal Unit (Btu). Each thermal unit is regarded as equivalent to one unit of heat (heat energy). Btu was

defined as the amount of heat necessary raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit, [15, 20, 21].

1horsepower = 746 Watt 1 Watt = 3.41Btu/hour

1.6.4 Thermal energy storage for air-conditioning application

Thermal energy storage can apply to both heating and cooling system, although it is quite rare for commercial buildings. Cooling energy storage systems are used to shed daytime peaking loads to the evening hours when overall electrical demand is low and cost of electricity is usually cheaper [16]. Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is parts of air-conditioning systems, used for electrical load management of typical building application. It is a technology in Demand Side Management, whereby air-conditioner load can be shifted from on-peak to off-peak hours. Depending on TES size, the contribution can be reduced to 20% to 30% of the electrical peak demand [23].

The direct benefits of the system will be reduction in the peak demand charges and lower overall energy cost. The actual benefits will greatly depend upon the availability of electricity tariff [23]. Criteria for TES application

The designers should consider selecting TES systems for their air-conditioning system when any following criteria apply, which are [23]: The maximum cooling load of the facility is significantly higher than average cooling load. The electricity utility rate structure includes high demand charges, a significant differential between on-peak and off-peak rates or special incentive available for TES application 9

An existing tank suitable for TES use or space to house a new tank is available Back-up or redundant cooling capacity is desirable Cold air distribution is required

A TES system generates and stores cooling load during low offpeak electricity rate using conventional industrial grade air-conditioning system in specially designed tank. The most common cooling load storing medium can either be chilled water or ice. Based on the study, it was found that the higher the ratio of peak loads to average load, the greater the potential reduction in required chilling capacity using TES [23].

Usually utilities will impose high demand charges based on a customers highest power demand during on-peak hours of the month. Its will occur during the day when air conditioning load is at the peak. Virtually, TES systems spreads the generation of cooling over a longer period of the time than non-storage resulting in lower demand of electricity at any one time of the day. In same way, TES system generates required cooling during off-peak hours [23].


Organization of the final year project report

This report is presented in five chapters. For Chapter 1, introduces the overall project, which is included literature review on energy saving focus on air-conditioning system and short explanation about methodology. But methodology part is briefly in detail at next chapter. In Chapter 2, is an elaboration about air-conditioning system historical, types and operational. In this chapter are includes the affect of temperature control, power factor and pressure in air conditioning system in UniMAPs.


In Chapter 3, present an explanation about methods that use during project. Focus on 3 main methods that used to prove that the energy can save a lot when installed or modified the system based on the methodology research. For Chapter 4, it represents the research activities for completed the project. It describes in detail the objective, procedure, result, evaluation and discussion for each experiment. Those experiments are using split unit air-conditioning system at several location in UniMAP. It also has application on Intelligent Energy Saver for improve the power factor in the system.

In the last chapter (Chapter 5), are included the conclusion of this project and the several ideas that can be use in future work.


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