Lawyer File #3

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March 30 2007

To: Hon John Gerretsen Minister of Municipal

Affairs and Housing


From: Frank Gallagher 34 Riverglen Drive Keswick, On. L4P 2P8

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect. 31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority. 32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province. 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. Re: ORHT FILE TNL-67103

Re: Your letters of September 26 2006 (see pages 6 and7) and November 2 2006 (see page 8) Please read attachments Lawyer File # 1 and Lawyer File # 2 Dear John Gerretsen For the Record Your letters of September 26 2006 and November 2 2006 have made it very clear to me that you will not investigate Dave Grech for non compliance with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 because you have confidence in his professionalism and expertise. Tenant Protection Act, 1997 Duties of Minister
200. The Minister shall,

These two files will bring you up to speed

(a) monitor compliance with this Act; (b) investigate cases of alleged failure to comply with this Act; and (c) where the circumstances warrant, commence or cause to be commenced proceedings with respect to alleged failures to comply with this Act. 1997, c. 24, s. 200. 1

I do not share your confidence for very good reason and for very good reason I have no confidence in you. Its just a matter of simple deduction.. I provided the evidence to Dave Grech that proves without a doubt that Don Wilson filed false and misleading information with the ORHT under the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 s.206(2)6.1 I also provided you with all the information. Dave Grech has adamantly refused to investigate Don Wilson even though I have made every possible effort to make the truth known to him. His response dated September 6 2005 was incoherent to the evidence that I had provided him. As you state you have the authority to appoint investigators to monitor compliance with the ACT and Investigations and Enforcement Unit have that mandate and Dave Grech is the coordinator of the Unit. You have every confidence in him and yet you state you read the correspondence I sent and Daves September 6 2005 and you note that Dave has reviewed the evidence and see no need to revisit the conclusions of Mr. Grech. I am not quite sure what you are stating but I interpret that to mean that you read my correspondence of August 31 2006 and Daves September 6 2005 but did not review it as you go on to state you see no reason to revisit his conclusions. I provide you the evidence that proves Dave Grech was incoherent in his analysis of the evidence which he wrote me September 6 2005 and you trust him rather than revisit the evidence you had in your hand.


See copy of Don Wilson DISPUTE June 10 2005 Pages 9 &10 Do the Math Your reasoning does not add up

Don Wilson filed a dispute with the ORHT stating at the top of the page we had a verbal agreement in which I accepted so many shares in exchange for rent prepaid until February 2009 (54 months at $800 per month) then further down the page under Investment in Biosafe he states that I kept a potential investors $7,000 for 2,800,000 shares and applied it to the rent which Biosafe has not agreed to at this time. (June 10 2005) Without looking at my evidence, just the dispute we see Don claiming he has prepaid me rent to February 2009 and then stating he has not yet agreed to let me pay the $7000 towards the rent at this time. Which rent would that be if he has already paid the rent to February 2009? I provided a prodigious amount of evidence proving each word in Dons dispute to be a lie and Dave Grech writes Although you claim that there was never an agreement for you to accept shares in the tenants company, there is no documentary evidence to support your claim, nor are we able to confirm a verbal agreement did not exist. In this matter it would appear that the only available evidence would be my word against that of the tenants which is not sufficient evidence to prove the matter Reality is an infinite number of truths of present moment where past is fixed and future up for grabs. Reality is all that is and was, impervious to perception yet due to perceptions. Arguments resolved by power bare the truth but not the truth of the argument. 2

Reality is the bench mark by which ones competence is measured relative to their environment though no one knows all truths; one should be cognizant in the arena they endeavor. Life, relatively speaking is about the struggle of humans on earth since the beginning of time to present and each person in existence today has a definite ancestral tree which is linked to the beginning which we know so little of due to the truth being covered and intermeshed with so many lies. Truth is hard to come by and a great injustice to humankind for we know naught of what might have been and so little of what was. There have always been powers that be of State and Church controlling the people and there have always been wars. The world was flat until 500 years ago and people prayed to many things under and including the sun. There were many beliefs of the times but through advances in time knowledge advances. All kinds of mistakes have been made in the past and we are still paying for them but we are not learning from them. People left the old world for the promise of a new way of life but too many bring their old ways, cultures and religions with them which tend to segregate and divide the people. You simply cant lug the past into the future. It was quite an advancement when the automobile was invented but it would have been difficult to design and rather superfluous if the horse had to be designed into it. It was much easier just to use the name as in horse power and discard the horse. We people are all the same, who want and need the same things, like food, clothing, water, shelter and such and we all deserve the same opportunity to acquire them and we want to be equally respected and live in peace ever after, always looking to advance in all the benefits life has to offer. In matters of knowledge there is so much common to us all and then there are different ways of earning a living such as construction, farming, and clerical work etc. which we may be familiar with but those working in these different fields have specialized common knowledge uncommon to the rest of us. We all know what we want and where to go to get it and life goes on and when we have knowledge that somebody or some groups cant be trusted we simply avoid them. Its all pretty simple. If somebody is likely to cheat you its sane not to give them the chance. If someone is liable to harm you then it is best not to give them the chance which isnt fair that we have to restrict our freedoms but what can we do? These types are usually bigger and experienced bullies and they do it because they can and know they can. This is their field of endeavor which they are smarter in and they dont pick a fight they dont think they can win and usually have back up. They are the aggressors and they have all the advantages but if I were to carry an equalizer to assert my rights and harmed one of them I would be charged. The courts would say you knew they were there and you knew if you went there would be an altercation and you took the weapon for that purpose so you end up in jail for premeditated something or other. The law is an ass as they say and reality demonstrates it over and over again but they of the law do not grasp it. We are all born to earth through no fault of our own and in general, want what we deserve and we want to feel safe with our property protected where ever we go and the Charter guarantees it but the people mandated to administer the Constitution are not coherent to this reality. In a democracy they should be but unfortunately they are slow and reluctant to let go of the past as are the religious leaders who hold us back from living in the future today.

The powers that be just simply do not get it. They are no different than any one else in society. They are people who should be alert to knowledge common to us all and uncommon knowledge common to those in a field of endeavor to earn a living. These people have been elected by the people to represent them and they have the education and experience in this field of endeavor. They are paid well, with excellent benefits, expense accounts, buildings, maintenance, utilities, office furniture, supplies, equipment, you name it, no strenuous labor involved, provided the authority to act on our behalf, we give them our trust and then all hell breaks loose. They introduce a third knowledge which we are all familiar of which is the bully type and they use their powers the same way and we are back where we started. These types are usually bigger and experienced bullies and they do it because they can and know they can. This is their field of endeavor which they are smarter in and they dont pick a fight they dont think they can win and usually have back up. They are the aggressors and they have all the advantages but if I were to carry an equalizer to assert my rights and harmed them I would be charged. The courts would say you knew they were there and you knew if you went there would be an altercation and you took the weapon for that purpose so you end up in jail for premeditated something or other. The law is an ass as they say and reality demonstrates it over and over again but they of the law do not grasp it. Yes, I have repeated the last three paragraphs to illustrate the futility of it all and the semblance to the people we pay you to deal with. At least without the law we would have a fair chance against the immoral and clean up the streets ourselves a hell of a lot cheaper without having to house the bastards and pay all you people for doing nothing but protect them. You know all this to be true because that is reality. You all know pain, frustration, hopelessness, and all things common to humans and whether you know the law or not you are obliged to obey it and enforce it. Ignorance of the law is incomprehensible considering you people administer it, so your ignorant responses can only be for ulterior purpose. What ever purpose it is intolerable and must be dealt with. Reality is everywhere, the prodigious amount of evidence I have, just grows and grows with every response to my writings and those who do not respond and take appropriate action also provide the truth. Its kind of a catch 22, eh? So you believe an investigation is done by reading the evidence and trusting Dave Grech the person who I requested you to investigate. The thing about trust is the same thing about everyone being innocent until proven guilty under the law. Those people with evidence against them may well be innocent under the law to the people who dont know the truth and once the evidence is presented and the law declares them innocent it only provides further proof of how deep the conspiracy goes. The evidence is quite clear so the people will need to invoke every bit of ignorance they have to get by this one. Its elementary.

Mr. John Gerretsen Who trusts you? Who do you trust to trust you, given the evidence? In the Constitution there must be someone the people can trust I shall endeavor until I find one. Anyway you are guilty of an offense under the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 Offence 206 (1) Any person who knowingly does any of the following 6. Harass, hinder, obstruct or interfere with a landlord in the exercise of, i. securing a right or seeking relief under this Act or in the court, or That is the least you are guilty of and in my opinion you are guilty of treason for you have used your power and trust in a manner such as to undermine the foundation of the Constitution of Canada. Well have to look into all that. Since you are empowered under the Act to commence or cause to commence proceedings under s.206 (1) and s.206(2) as you stated in your September 26 2006 letter (page 7) I request you charge Yourself, Dave Grech, Rick Hennessy and Nancy Fahlgren accordingly. Please attend to the matters in Lawyer File #1 and Lawyer File # 2 Thank you Frank Gallagher 5

If it were true that he had prepaid rent until February 2009 that would be 54 months. February 1 2004 to February 2009 =60 months- 6 months free= 54 months at $800 a month = $43,200 he was trying to beat me for


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