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Between 3 Major Earthquakes corresponding to Alignment of the ELENINEARTHSUN

THEORY: Credit to Scott from Rapture Forum NEWS CLIPS: The Today Show at & a Neil Cavuto interview at

THIS CHART & INFORMATION PRESENTED IS NOT INTENDED TO PREDICT A DATE/TIME FOR A SIGNIFICANT EARTHQUAKE -BUT TO BRING YOUR ATTENTION TO A THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE 188 DAY-COUNT PATTERN RELATED TO THE CERTAIN & CONFIRMED ALIGNMENTS OF ELENIN THUS FAR. (1) There seems to be a 188 day-count pattern of earthquakes along the Pacific Ring of Fire since 2010. (2) The pattern happens to possibly correlate with the alignment of ELENIN-Earth-Sun dates specific to those events. If you start with the Conception Chile earthquake of Feb 27, 2010 & add 188 days, (end-date excluded & 1 day adjustment for time change) you subsequently get the Christchurch & Sendai earthquake dates. All of the distances are within 500 miles of each other. Interestingly, either a New or Full Moon which are the strongest & closest to Earth in recent years, are within Days of each event. Will this pattern follow a California/US significant earthquake due to the 188 date-count then or with an Alignment in 2012?

Quake Map with recent & current world catastrophes & event FOR GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY.
NEW MOON FULL MOON Sep 12, 2011 (3) Days

25 20 15 10 5 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Eruptions around World


March 11, 2011 Sendai

Sep 15, 2011 + 188 Days = March 22, 2012

40 35 25 15 10 5

Magnitudes 6-8 around World

NEW MOON Sep 8, 2010 (4) Days FULL MOON Feb 28, 2010 (1) Day

Source: USGS

September 4, 2010 Christchurch

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2008


February 27, 2010 Concepcion


One fact is certain, there is much disinformation regarding ELELIN. Some experts attest that it has had influences every time it has been aligned with Earth. Others declare that Elenin does not seem to have the traditional attributes of a Comet & that it may be a Blue Star instead. Others speculate its a highly dense Dwarf Star while others claim to have observed a changing trajectory alluding a spaceship perhaps. Others declare it to be a disintegrated comet while yet others state that its a Harbinger of doom from ancient prophecies. Others see it as a sign of a doomsday & a prelude to the Red Star Planet x/Nibiru to come later in 2012. NASAs JPL has changed the coordinates of the ELENIN several times. ELENIN was said to reach Earths orbit at the Ecliptic on Sept 11 but then was changed to be on the Sept 14th. This alignment would then match the 188 Day Pattern. One fact is certain; that there is increasing volcanic & earthquake activity around the world. Another fact was that none of the speculative scenarios panned out as they were predicted to have occurs regarding the Elenin-Earth-Sun alignments, meteor debris etc. Whether the major significant 188 Day patter earthquakes have been caused by Elenin remains a debate; it could otherwise be attributed to solar flairs, or an unknown object yet to be officially disclosed. This correlation remains a mystery to most. Perhaps Elenin was a cover for an object yet to approach Earth. Some speculate that there is actually another real object coming. Others describe it sensationally as a visible 2nd Sun because it is estimated that the coma & body could expand to the size of Jupiter as some claim. Perhaps it will be a massive Solar X Flair from our own Sun. We shall see.

ELENIN-Earth-Sun ELENIN-Earth-Sun ELENIN-Earth-Sun ELELIN-Earth-Sun-Mercury ELELIN-Sun-Jupiter ELELIN closet to earth 0.232au ELELIN will enter Earth orbit ELELIN-Earth-Venus-Mercury ELELIN-Earth-Sun-Mercury ELELIN-Mars-Jupiter ELENIN-Earth-Sun ELELIN-Earth-Sun

Feb 27 2010 Sep 04 2010 Mar 11 2011 Sep 27* 2011 Oct 11* 2011 Oct 17* 2011 Oct 20* 2011 Nov 05* 2011 Nov 22* 2011 Dec 04* 2011 Dec 25* 2011 Jun 21* 2012 Dec 21* 2012

~6.042AU - Chile EQ 8.8 ~6.258AU - N.Z. EQ 7.1 ~2.155AU - Japan EQ 9.0 ~.381AU (Sep 28 Rosh HaShana) ~0.246AU from Earth; 1/4 of the distance to the Sun Possible gravitational pull Earth enters ELENIN tail ~.596AU ~5.343AU ~5.20AU Galactic Plane

*Subject to change.


Planet X is the said to be a RED Winged-Sun Disk that ancient cultures worshiped & from which the gods promised to return. Research Hopi Prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachinas at the End of Days.

ELENIN CONJUNTIONS 2011: -SEPT 14 (9-14*) Intersection at Ecliptic -SEPT 27 Exactly between the Sun -Earth-Mercury *Updated JPL coordinates

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