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Jitter and Wander Measurement Guide

Jitter and Wander Jitter and wander are essentially short and long term signal rate movements across networks. SONET/SDH are, by denition, synchronous systems which require phase stability in clock and data signals throughout the network. Network elements (NE) are subject to a number of interference factors that can aect synchronisation and transmission quality, resulting in bit errors, slips and data loss. Jitter and wander measurements are deployed to quantify these errors and enable network operators to maintain synchronicity within acceptable limits. International compatibility To achieve international compatibility at network interfaces, the ITU-T along with other standardization bodies, dene maximum permissible limits for jitter and wander. These limits apply to network interfaces in which system components are incorporated into a complete network. Examples can be found in ITU-T Recommendations G.823, G.824 and G.825. It is essential that developers of system components study and understand how NEs are likely to behave as individual elements under ideal conditions. By so doing, requirements can be better dened in accordance with and incorporated into standards for system components such as ITU-T recommendation G.783. The right test solution JDSU ANT-20 Advanced Network Tester In the ercely competitive telecommunications arena, technological and economic excellence is crucial to commercial success. JDSU, with its rm commitment to sustained leadership in all aspects of the communications network life cycle, is dedicated to helping customers rise to the markets challenges in order to ensure economic value in their businesses. With technologies developing rapidly the JDSU ANT-20 advanced network tester is designed to meet customers future needs. This exible platform enables customers to adapt to technological change and can accommodate the DSn, SONET, SDH and/or ATM requirements, as well as new standards, higher bit rates and the intelligent system components of the future. These requirements can be broken down into three categories: Jitter and wander at output interfaces Jitter and wander tolerance of input interfaces, and Jitter and wander transfer functions Although precision test equipment can provide immediate results on how specic components measure up to these requirements, various components require distinctly dierent instrument set-ups.

This guide is intended to provide support in setting up the JDSU ANT-20 jitter test instrument.

Jitter measurement Measuring jitter Output jitter measurement, instrument set up and application settings Peak to peak jitter RMS jitter Phase hit measurement Mapping jitter measurement Combined (pointer) jitter measurement Maximum tolerable jitter (MTJ) Fast maximum tolerable jitter (FMTJ) Jitter transfer function (JTF) Wander Measurement How to measure wander Instrument setup MTIE/TDEV oine wander analysis Wander measurement of clock source Wander generation and measurement of device under test (DUT) Wander measurement for synchronous signals Wander measurement for asynchronous signals Wander tolerance measurement Pointer wander measurement Jitter and wander test equipment 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 12 14 15 18 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 25 26 29

Jitter measurement
Measuring jitter
To measure jitter eects, the incoming signal is regenerated to produce a virtually jitter-free signal for comparison purposes (gure 1). No external reference clock source is required for jitter measurement. The maximum measurable jitter frequency is a function of the bit rate that ranges from 10 Gb/s (STM-64/OC-192) to 80 MHz.
Tx DUT Rx ANT-20 Jitter measurement

Data Tx/Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical
Table 1

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12], Tx [13] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14], Tx [15] 622 Mb/s Rx [16] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43], Tx [46] 10 Gb/s Rx [114], Rx [104] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17], Tx [18] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44], Tx [47] 10 Gb/s Rx [113], Tx [103]

Recommended interfaces dependent on signal under test

Figure 1: Basic principle of jitter measurement

The unit of jitter amplitude is measured in unit intervals (UI). 1 UI corresponds to an error measuring one bit or one bit clock period. Test times on the order of minutes are necessary to accurately measure jitter.

Output jitter measurement, instrument setup and application settings

Output jitter (jitter generation) measurement is used to determine the amount of jitter on a data signal. Here, the signal under test is connected to the receiver of the JDSU ANT-20 Advanced Network Tester (gure 2). The test duration is not dened according to specic standards but is dependent on the application. In most cases however, a measurement time of 60 seconds is recommended. The maximum Peak-to-Peak Jitter (UIpp) and RMS value (UIRMS) - or the number of Phase Hits (PH) during the test interval - are the most important parameters. Table 1 shows the recommended interfaces for use dependent on the signal under test.
Tx Network element Jitter measurement

Instrument and application setup: Virtual instruments (VI) required Signal Structure O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer Step 1 Add the VIs required to the list of those used in the Application Manager. Step 2 Click on the JIT button (gure 3) in the Application Manager to open/activate the O.172 Jitter Generator/ Analyzer window.

Figure 3: Application Manager

Measurement setting Step 1 In the Mode menu, select either PP+RMS or PP+PH command for measuring jitter peak values and rms values or number of phase hits. The O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer window will open (gure 4).

Rx ANT-20

Tx Network Rx ANT-20 Jitter measurement

Figure 2: Output jitter measurement setup

Figure 4: O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer window showing output jitter results screen

Step 2 In the Settings menu, select the General ... command (gure 5).

ETSI EN 300 462-4-1 Timing characteristics of slave clocks suitable for synchronization supply to SDH and PDH equipment ETSI EN 300 462-7-1 Timing characteristics of slave clocks suitable for synchronization supply to equipment in local node applications
Table 2: List of recommendations for jitter generation (output jitter) measurements

Important Ensure the optical level lies between the -10 and -12 dBm range. Always use the lowest possible measurement range. Ensure the correct lter setting is being used. Allow a warm up time of at least 30 minutes.

Peak to Peak (UIpp) jitter

Figure 5: O.172 jitter general settings dialog box

The root mean square (RMS) integration period can be set to measure RMS values via the Rx section (an integration period of 1 second is sucient in most cases). The average function may be used to acquire a quieter, current display of the peak-to-peak indication. The Hit Threshold amplitudes allow the tolerable +/- peak levels, beyond which the unit detects phase hits, to be specied. Step 1 Start the measurement by pressing function key F5 or clicking the green trac signal icon in the Application Manager.
ITU-T G.783 Characteristics of SDH equipment functional blocks ITU-T G.811 Timing characteristics of PRCs ITU-T G.812 Timing requirements of SSU slave clocks ITU-T G.813 Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave clocks (SEC) ITU-T G.823 Jitter and wander within networks based on 2048 kb/s ITU-T G.825 Jitter and wander within networks based on the SDH ANSI T1.105.03 SONET jitter at network interfaces ANSI T1.102 Digital Hierarchy- Electrical interfaces ANSI T1.101 Synchronization interface standards for digital networks Telcordia GR-253 SONET transport systems common generic criteria Telcordia GR-499 Transport systems generic requirements ETSI EN 302 084 The control of jitter and wander in transport networks ETSI EN 300 462-3-1 The control of jitter and wander within synchronization networks ETSI EN 300 462-5-1 Timing characteristics of slave clocks suitable for operations in SDH ETSI EN 300 462-6-1 Timing characteristics of primary reference clocks

For this procedure, the signal under test is connected to the receiver of the JDSU ANT-20 Advanced Network Tester. A measurement time of 60 seconds is recommended to produce an adequate output jitter result for the data signal under test. During the test interval, peak-to-peak jitter (UIpp) is the important parameter. The distance between the highest and lowest jitter value is therefore referred to as the jitter amplitude. Interpretation of results The test set determines the positive and negative values for a phase variation (leading and lagging edges) and the results updated continuously as Current Values. In addition to this, the Maximum Values occurring during a measurement interval are also recorded and displayed. Measured values should not exceed those recommended under ITU, ANSI, ETSI and Telcordia regarding requirements for network interfaces and equipment. Figure 6 shows a tabular view of an output jitter result.

Figure 6: Tabular view of output jitter result

The Jitter versus time screen provides a graphical display of the measured jitter values and records the +/- peak, peak-topeak or RMS value of the jitter versus time (gure 7). This presentation format is particularly useful for long-term inservice monitoring and for troubleshooting.

IMPORTANT: If the measurement result of the DUT does not dier signicantly from the intrinsic result, this may be an indication of correlation between the DUT and the intrinsic jitter. In this case, it is recommended not to apply the described correction method.
Potential method for reducing the inuence of intrinsic jitter on a measurement result.

Peak to peak view

RMS jitter
To perform this measurement, the signal under test must be connected to the ANT-20s receiver. The RMS value of the jitter signal provides a clear indication of the jitter noise power. The signicant parameter here is the RMS value (UIRMS) during the test interval. Interpretation of results The test set determines the RMS in UI and results are updated every second (GUI refresh time) according to the set integration period (gure 8). Measured values should not exceed those recommended under ITU, ANSI, ETSI and Telcordia regarding requirements for network interfaces and equipment.

Figure 7: Graphical representation of output jitter result (jitter versus time)

Manual peak-peak correction method The manual correction method can be used for measuring very low jitter values to improve the accuracy of the measurement result. This is achieved by reducing the inuence of intrinsic jitter caused by the ANT-20. If the value measured is in the range of the intrinsic jitter noise oor (intrinsic jitter approximately 30% of the measured result), it is recommended that the residual component caused by Rx be subtracted. Diagram 1 below outlines a potential method for reducing the inuence of intrinsic jitter on a measurement result. Step 1 Loop back the ANT-20 (connect TX output to RX input) Step 2 Set the appropriate signal structure ensuring the optical input level is within the range expect at the DUT output. Step 3 Read the jitter result/value. In the example below, the value represents the total amount of intrinsic jitter Rx and Tx for the particular signal structure. 0.045 UIpp at OC-192 Step 4 As the actual TX portion is unknown the jitter value should be reduced by the typical Tx value of approximately 0.02 UIpp for OC-192. In this example, the factor C can be used as a correction value for subsequent DUT measurements. C = 0.045 UIpp 0.020 UIpp = 0.025 UIpp Step 5 Measure at DUT output. For example: 0.080 UIpp Step 6 Subtract the correction value for intrinsic jitter C from the result. In the example below, the value is a realistic estimation of the DUT output jitter for this individual case. 0.080 UIpp C = 0.080 UIpp 0.025 UIpp = 0.055 UIpp

Figure 8: Tabular view of output jitter results - RMS

The jitter versus time RMS presentation also illustrates the change in RMS value over the measurement time and records the +/- peak, peak-to-peak or RMS value of the jitter versus time. This presentation format is particularly useful for longterm in-service monitoring and for troubleshooting.

RMS view

2 UIpp/0.25 UIrms = 8. Practical experience has shown that such relationships lie predominantly between 5 and 10 for noise-like jitter. The same calculation can also be made with a typical sinusoidal jitter test signal. Assuming an amplitude of 2.0 UIpp leading to a squared signal of 1.0 UIpp the square root of the area below the 1.0 UIpp squared amplitude curve would yield an RMS value (blue line) of approximately 0.71 UIrms. The relation between UIpp and UIrms in this example is 2 2, which equals 2.83.

Phase hit measurement

Figure 9: Graphical representation of output jitter - RMS

Whereas peak values are momentary values, RMS values represent an indication of the jitter noise power during a certain integration period. The relation between RMS and peak to peak values is not xed and depends on the time function of jitter. The relationship between noise-like signals that include small and high peak amplitudes in particular appear to be heightened when compared with the commonly known relationship of sinusoidal signals. The relationship of a typical jitter signal is described in equation 1 in which RMS jitter is dened for a integration period of T.

Phase hits occur when a denable jitter +/- peak threshold is exceeded. Events of this kind are recorded using a counter. The current counter reading indicates how often the phase hit threshold has been exceeded from the time measurement commenced. Both positive and negative counts can be monitored with the ANT-20 Jitter Analyzer. A phase hit measurement records how often the tolerable jitter amplitudes (adjustable +/- limits) are exceeded. Based on a count of phase hits (PH), the user is able to better assess the jitter behavior.
Figure 11: Output jitter result screen illustrating phase hits

Equation 1

1 T

[j(t)] dt

Here, the square root is calculated over the mean value of the squared signal. This procedure is illustrated in table 3 for a noise-like (random) jitter signal with small peaks of 1 UI.

Display of current threshold transgression count Phase hit measurement is interrupted and counters stopped if either the synchronization or AC line supply fails. Counting resumes once the instrument resynchronizes itself after the interruption. The yellow warning icon indicates an interruption in the measurement.

The jitter vs. time +/- peak presentation is also able to illustrate the distribution characteristics of phase hits (homogeneously or in bursts) over the measurement time.

Mapping jitter measurement

Mapping jitter is jitter caused by the mapping processes in synchronous network elements (NE). Bit stream gaps caused by the bit stung procedure lead to variations in the plesiochronous tributary signal. Phase locked loop (PLL) circuits used in the desynchronizer of NEs are help to smooth out the phase steps. Remaining phase modulation is observed as mapping jitter at the PDH interfaces. In order to test mapping jitter, the ANT-20 transmits a plesiochronous signal to the tributary interface of the DUT in the event of full channel measurement (gure 12). This signal is then mapped into a synchronous signal structure, demapped and fed into the measurement instrument that then checks for phase modulation. Once this measurement setup has been established, the oset of the transmitted sig-

Figure 10: RMS value of random jitter

The red curve represents a jitter signal with a peak-peak amplitude of 2 UIpp. The squared signal is shown in yellow. The square root of the area below the yellow curve yields an RMS value (blue line) of approximately 0.25 UIrms. The relation between UIpp and UIrms in this example is

nal must be tuned to allow for the highest amount of jitter to be measured on the receiver side. Additional pointer actions can lead to additional amounts of jitter. Therefore, it is essential that both the measurement instrument and DUT are synchronized to the same reference clock.
Ref. clock in [25]

Offset variation

STM-N loop

Figure 13: Filter bandwidth settings

E1 tributaries


Jitter measurement

Fig 12: Analysis of mapping jitter at tributary outputs full channel measurement.

Table 3 outlines the interfaces recommended for use in full and half channel measurements.
Full channel measurement Electrical bal. 1.5 to 2 Mb/s RX [12], Tx [13] Electrical unbal. 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14], Tx [15] Ref. clock in [25] 1.5/2 Mb/s, 1.5/2 MHz Half channel measurement, additional Electrical 155 Mb/s Tx [15] Electrical 2.5 Gb/s Tx [46] Electrical 10 Gb/s Rx [104] Optical 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Tx [18] Optical 2.5 Gb/s Tx [47] Optical 10 Gb/s Rx [103]
Table 3: Recommended interfaces dependent on signal under test

Bit rate (kb/s) Jitter measurement bandwidth Measurement High-pass lter mode 1 544 W 10 Hz H 8 kHz 2 048 W 20 Hz H1 (only for 700 Hz certain national use) H2 18 kHz 6 312 W 10 Hz H 3 kHz 34 368 W 100 Hz H 10 kHz 44 736 W 10 Hz H 30 kHz 139 264 W 200 Hz H 10 kHz
Table 4: Mapping jitter measurement bandwidth

Low-pass lter 40 kHz 40 kHz 100 kHz 100 kHz

100 kHz 60 kHz 60 kHz 800 kHz 800 kHz 400 kHz 400 kHz 3.5 MHz 3.5 MHz

Instrument and application setup Virtual instruments (VI) required Signal Structure O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer Measurement setting To set the clock source, the ANT-20 must be set to an external clock source to avoid unforeseen pointer adjustments and wander activities in addition to the set signal oset. Step 1 Select Settings... in the Interface menu in the Signal Structure VI. Step 2 Select the external reference source format to be used for interface [25] within the Clock Source dialog box (1.5 Mb/s, 2 Mb/s, 1.5 MHz, or 2 MHz are supported). When setting the measurement bandwidth, dierent jitter weighting lter combinations are used depending on the bit rate (gure 12). For each particular measurement, a wide band (W) and a high band (H) lter combination of highpass and low-pass lters are specied (table 4).

When setting the mapping oset range, mapping jitter measurements need to generate SONET/SDH signals with dierent bit rate osets in the mapped payload signal. To obtain the maximum mapping jitter, the mapping oset should be varied in the entire allowed oset range of a particular bit rate. The measurement must then be repeated with varying oset values to determine the worst case oset. This variation must however be within the values permitted in accordance recommendation G.783. Table 5 provides an overview of the permissible payload mapping oset ranges.
Bit rate (kb/s) Max. mapping oset range (ppm) 50 50 33 20 20 15 Proposed mapping oset step width (ppm) 5 5 3 2 2 1

1 544 2 048 6 312 34 368 44 736 139 264

Table 5: Permitted payload mapping oset ranges

Ensure a warm up time of at least 30 minutes.

ITU-T G.783 ANSI T1.105.03 Telcordia GR-253
Figure 14: Signal structure - Tx oset

ETSI EN 300 417-1-1

Interpretation of results The maximum peak to peak results are important when judging the mapping jitter behavior of the DUT. The most important results for the mapping jitter measurement are the peak to peak values measured with the worst case oset and the correct lter settings (gure 15).

Characteristics of SDH equipment functional blocks SONET jitter at network interfaces SONET transport systems common generic criteria Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks

Table 7: List of recommendations for XXX mapping jitter measurements

Combined (pointer) jitter measurement

Jitter generated by the simultaneous occurrence of two eects mapping jitter and pointer jitter is referred to as combined jitter. In addition to the mapping eect, pointer action can also cause phase jumps on the tributary side. To simulate and measure combined jitter, the DUT must be stimulated with dened pointer sequences together with the worst case oset on the plesiochronous payload of the SONET/SDH signal. This signal is then applied to a synchronous signal, demapped and measured at the tributary output by the jitter measurement instrument (gure 16). Combined jitter only occurs at the tributary interfaces of SONET and SDH NEs. Table 8 outlines the interfaces recommended for use with signals under test.

Figure 15: Mapping jitter results

The ITU-T, ANSI, ETSI and Telcordia standards dene the maximum peak to peak jitter values caused by mapping jitter (table 6). Table 7 outlines recommendations covering mapping jitter measurements.
Bit rate (kb/s) Jitter measurement bandwidth Maximum peak-to-peak mapping jitter (UIpp)

Pointer simulation (+ offset variation)

1 544 2 048 6 312 34 368 44 736 139 264


ITU-T G.783 * 0.1 * 0.075 * 0.1 * 0.075 0.4 0.1 * 0.075 (proposed)

ANSI T1.105.03 0.7 n.a. n.a. 1.0 n.a. n.a. 0.4 n.a. n.a.

ETSI EN 300417-1-1 * * * 0.075 n.a. n.a. * 0.075 * * * 0.075

Telcordia GR253 0.7 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.4 n.a. n.a.

STM-N including E1
E1 tributaries



STM-N loop


Jitter measurement


Figure 16: Combined (pointer) jitter measurement setup

* : for further study

** : Pointer sequence C

n.a.: not applicable

Table 6: Maximum peak-to-peak mapping jitter as dened by ITU-T, ANSI, ETSI and Telcordia

Important Always use the lowest possible measurement range. Ensure the correct lter settings and the worst case oset on the tributary Tx side are being used.

Data Tx/Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical Reference clock Tx Ref. clock

1.5 to 2 Mb/s RX [12], Tx [13] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14] 155 Mb/s Tx [15] 2.5 Gb/s Tx [46] 10 Gb/s Rx [104] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Tx [18] 2.5 Gb/s Tx [47] 10 Gb/s Rx [103] in [25]

Table 8: Recommended interfaces for signal under test

Instrument and application setup Combined jitter measurement must be carried out under worst case conditions, that is with the oset on the tributary signal - within recommended values - generating the highest jitter. The oset causing the highest jitter on the tributary side must rst be determined in accordance with the steps set out in chapter Mapping jitter measurement. The measurement time should be 60 seconds or at least the length of the pointer sequence used. Virtual instruments (VI) required Signal Structure O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer Pointer generator PDH generator To set the transmitter, the various signal structures for the interfaces at Rx and Tx must also be set as appropriate. Combined (pointer) jitter measurement is performed via half channel measurement. Figure 17 illustrates the eects of an E1 PDH signal connected to Rx OC-192 Tx, and a signal that has been fed into a DUT.

Figure 18: PDH oset settings

The most important results in combined (pointer) jitter measurement are the peak to peak values measured with the appropriate lter settings. Dierent jitter weighting lter combinations are used depending on the bit rate. For each particular measurement, a wide band (W) and a high band (H) lter combination of high-pass and low-pass lters are specied (table 9).
Bit rate (kb/s) Jitter measurement bandwidth Measurement mode W H W H1 (only for certain national use) H2 W H W H W H W H High-pass lter 10 Hz 8 kHz 20 Hz 700 Hz 18 kHz 10 Hz 3 kHz 100 Hz 10 kHz 10 Hz 30 kHz 200 Hz 10 kHz Low-pass lter 40 kHz 40 kHz 100 kHz 100 kHz 100 kHz 60 kHz 60 kHz 800 kHz 800 kHz 400 kHz 400 kHz 3.5 MHz 3.5 MHz

Figure 17: Signal structure for combined (pointer) jitter measurement

In order to set the clock source, the ANT-20 must be synchronized to an external clock/data signal to avoid unforeseen pointer adjustments and wander activities in addition to the set pointer sequence. Step 1 Select Settings... in the Interface menu in the Signal Structure VI. Step 2 Select the external reference source format to be used for interface [25] within the Clock Source dialog box (1.5 Mb/s, 2 Mb/s, 1.5 MHz, or 2 MHz are supported). Step 3 The worst case mapping jitter oset should then be determined as described under: Chapter Mapping jitter measurement Combined jitter measurement results should include both, mapping jitter and pointer jitter. It is therefore advantageous to rst evaluate the mapping oset value for which the maximum mapping jitter is obtained (gure 18).

1 544 2 048

6 312 34 368 44 736 139 264

Table 9: Jitter measurement bandwidth (G.783, GR-253, EN 300 417-1-1)

As part of step 2, the combined (pointer) jitter measurement should then be performed to should include the worst case mapping oset as well as additional introduced pointer sequences. ITU-T, ANSI, ETSI and Telcordia standards specify the vari-

ous pointer sequences for each tributary bit rate. Table 10 gives an overview of the pointer sequence types required in accordance with ITU-T recommendations O.172 and G.783. The equivalent recommendations from ITU-T, ANSI, Telcordia and ETSI can be found in table 11.
G.783 Pointer Test Sequence ID Description a b c d e f g1 g2 g3 h1 h2 h3 Single alternating Regular + Double Regular + Missing Double alternating Single Burst Periodic 87-3 Periodic 87-3 with Add Periodic 87-3 with Cancel Periodic Periodic with Add Periodic with Cancel SDH tributary bit-rate (kb/s) and SDH unit 1 544 2 048 6 312 34368 44736 139264 TU 11 TU 12 TU 2 TU 3 AU 3 AU 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Pointer sequence test procedure Complete test sequences for specic bit rate and pointer sequence consist of several dened periods. In order to prime the pointer processor and prepare the equipment for the test sequence, initialization and cool-down periods must be applied prior to starting the measuring procedure.
Initialization 60 s Cool-down >1 period Measurement >60 s or >1 period time INC 87-3 INC 87-3 INC 87-3 INC

Figure 19: Example pointer procedure for 87-3 INC periodic test sequence


Table 10: G.783 Pointer test sequence types

Pointer sequence Single alternating Regular + double Regular + missing Double alternating Single Burst Phase transient burst Periodic 87-3 Periodic 87-3 with add Periodic 87-3 with cancel Periodic Periodic with add Periodic with cancel

ITU-T G.783 ANSI Fig. 10-2 T1.105.03 a -b c d e f fp g1 g2 g3 h1 h2 h3 ---A1 (Fig.2) A2 (Fig.3) A3 (Fig.4)

Telcordia GR-253 ----Fig. 5-29 Fig. 5-30 Fig. 5-31

ETSI EN 300 417-1-1 B D E C ----

Initialization period To ensure that jitter on the demultiplexed tributary signal is nevertheless aected in the event of single and burst sequences, it is important that pointer movements are not absorbed by the pointer processor. With periodic sequences, the pointer processor must be in the same steady-state condition it would be in if continual pointer movements had always been present. For single and burst test sequences, the initialization period should consist of pointer adjustments applied at a rate higher than that of the test sequence but lower than 3 pointer adjustments per second in the same direction as the subsequent test sequence. The initialization period should last at least until a response is detected in the jitter measured on the demultiplexed tributary signal. For this purpose it is recommended that a 60 second initialization period be used. Cool-down period After the initialization period and in the case of single and burst pointer tests, it is recommended that a 30-second cooldown period be allowed where no pointer activity is present in the test signal. For periodic test sequences (both continuous and gapped) a 30-second cool-down period is recommended during which the periodic sequence is applied so that a steady state condition is maintained. If necessary, the period should be extended to include an integral number of complete sequences. Measurement period During the measurement period, the jitter of the tributary output is measured for the recommended 60 seconds. If necessary, the period can be extended to include at least one complete pointer test sequence. In general two consecutive measuring periods are required, one for wide-band jitter and one for high-band jitter. The result at the end of the measuring period is the maximum peak-peak jitter.

A4 (Fig.5b) Fig. 5-33 b -A5 (Fig.5c) Fig. 5-33 c -A5 (Fig.5d) Fig. 5-33 d -A4 (Fig.6b) Fig. 5-34 b -A5 (Fig.6c) Fig. 5-34 c (D) A5 (Fig.6d) Fig. 5-34 d (E)

Table 11: Pointer test sequences as dened by ITU-T, ANSI, Telcordia and ETSI


Selecting the pointer sequence The Pointer Generator enables the generation of test sequences in accordance with ITU-T G.783 and ANSI T1.105.03 for AU/STS or TU/VT pointers. Both pointers can be generated
Pointer sequence ANT-20 setting Single alternating INC/DEC Regular + double INC or DEC Regular + missing INC or DEC Double alternating INC/DEC Single INC or DEC Burst INC or DEC Phase transient burst INC or DEC Periodic 87-3 87-3 Inc or 87-3 Dec Periodic 87-3 with add 43-44 Inc or 43-44 Dec Periodic 87-3 with cancel 86-4 Inc or 86-4 Dec Periodic INC or DEC Periodic with add INC or DEC Periodic with cancel INC or DEC ID a b c d e f fp g1 g2 g3 h1 h2 h3

simultaneously or independently of each other. The time parameters are related to the ANT-20 settings of the Pointer Generator VI. Table 12 shows the default values for each pointer test sequence and the corresponding range requirement.
T3 n.a. 2 ms 0.5 ms ...1 s n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.25 s (T2/2) 0.05 ... 0.5 s n.a. 0.5 ms 0.5 ... 2 ms n.a. n.a. 0.5 ms 0.5 ... 2 ms n.a. T4 20 s (2 x T1) 1.5 ... 60 s 30 s (40 x T2) 10 s .. .60 s 30 s (40 x T2) 10 s .. .60 s 20 s (2 x T1) 1.5 ... 60 s 30 s 10 s .. .60 s 30 s 10 s .. .60 s 30 s 10 s .. .60 s 3.06 s (90 x T2) 3.06.. 900 s 3.06 s (90 x T2) 3.06.. 900 s 3.06 s (90 x T2) 3.06.. 900 s 1s 34 ms ...10 s 34 s (1000 x T2) 30 s... 60 s 34 s (1000 x T2) 30 s... 60 s T5 n.a. n.a. 15 s (20 x T2) 5 s ... 30 s n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 17 s (500 x T2) 15 ... 30 s

ANT-20 parameters Default values Proposed ranges n T1 T2 1 10 s n.a. 0.75 ... 30 s 40 n.a. 0.75 s 34 ms ...10 s 40 n.a. 0.75 s 34 ms ...10 s 2 10 s 0.5 ms 0.75 ... 30 s 0.5 ms ... 1 s 1 n.a. n.a. 3 6 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 1000 1000 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 ms 0.5 ms ... 1 s 0.5 s 0.1 ... 1 s 34 ms 34 ms ...10 s 34 ms 34 ms ...10 s 34 ms 34 ms ...10 s n.a. 34 ms 34 ms ...10 s 34 ms 34 ms ...10 s

Table 12: ANT-20 time parameter settings - default values and ranges

For some time parameter settings, xed relations are precongured in the ANT- 20. These relations or conditions are listed in table 13.
Pointer sequence a b c d fp g1 g2 g3 h2 h3 Relations and conditions between time parameter settings T1 given: T4 = 2 x T1 T2 and T4 given: n = T4/T2, where n = Integer, T3 < T2 T2 and T4 given: n = T4/T2, where n = Integer, T5 = T4/2 T1 given: T4 = 2 x T1, T2 << T1 T2 and T4 given: T3 = T2/2, T2 << T4 T2 given: T4 = 90 x T2 T2 given: T4 = 90 x T2, T3 < T2 T2 given: T4 = 90 x T2 T2 and T4 given: n = T4/T2, where n = Integer, T3 < T2 T2 and T4 given: n = T4/T2, where n = Integer, T5 = T4/2

Table 13: Relations and conditions between time parameter settings

Figure 20: Example periodic 87-3 pointer sequence


Instrument and application set-up Step 1 Click the STS/AU button in the tool bar. Step 2 Select 87/3 INC from the STS/AU Pointer box. Step 3 Set the distance between the two pointer actions in the T2 entry box. Step 4 Set the desired sequence length in the Mode box and select whether single sequence or continuous repetition (T4) should be used. Step 5 Click on the AU/STS ON button to activate the pointer sequence. Step 6 Start the measurement by pressing F5 or by clicking the green trac light signal in the Application Manager Interpretation of results The peak to peak results are necessary to evaluate the combined (pointer) jitter behavior of the DUT. The maximum peak to peak jitter values caused by combined jitter are dened by standards bodies including ITU-T, ANSI, ETSI and Telcordia (table 14).
Bit rate (kb/s) Jitter mea- Maximum peak-to-peak combined jitter surement (UIpp) bandwidth ITU-T ANSI ETSI EN Telcordia G.783 T1.105.03 300417-1-1 GR253 W 1.5 1.3 * 0.7 (1.9 ****) H * * W 0.4 n.a. 0.4 n.a. H 0.075 n.a. 0.075 n.a. W 1.5 * n.a. H * n.a. W 0.4 n.a. 0.4 (0.75 **) n.a. (0.75 ***) H 0.075 n.a. 0.075 n.a. W * 1.3 * 0.4 H * * W 0.4 (pro- n.a. 0.4 (0.75 **) n.a. posed) H 0.075 n.a. 0.075 n.a. (proposed)

ITU-T G.783 ANSI T1.105.03 Telcordia GR-253 ETSI EN 300 417-1-1

Characteristics of SDH equipment functional blocks SONET jitter at network interfaces SONET transport systems common generic criteria Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks

Table 15: List of Recommendations XXX for combined (pointer) jitter measurement

Maximum tolerable jitter (MTJ)

Maximum tolerable jitter measurement is used to determine the jitter amplitude on electrical and optical line and tributary inputs which causes errors and alarms. Here, the ANT transmits a specic test pattern with sinusoidal jitter at a dened frequency (gure 21). The jitter amplitude of this signal is increased with a half interval progression until errors occur at the output of the DUT. This amplitude is the MTJ result for the dened frequency. This measurement is repeated for dierent frequencies with results used to form the MTJ graph. Table 16 lists the interfaces for use dependent on the signal under test.
Tx Rx ANT-20 Jitter simulation Network element Error detection

1 544

2 048 6 312 34 368

Figure 21: Maximum tolerable jitter setup

44 736 139 264

Data Tx/Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical

1.5 to 2 Mb/s RX [12], Tx [13] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14], Tx [15] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43], Tx [46] 10 Gb/s Rx [114], Tx [104] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17], Tx [18] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44], Tx [47] 10 Gb/s Rx [113], Tx [103]

Table 16: Recommended interfaces for usage depending on signal under test

*: for further study **: Pointer sequence C (EN 300 417-1-1) ***: Pointer sequence d (G.783) ****: Pointer sequence A5 (T1.105.03) n.a.: not applicable
Table 14 Maximum peak-to-peak combined jitter

Important Always use the lowest possible measurement range. Make sure the correct lter settings and worst case payload oset on the Tx side are selected Apply the required pointer sequence Ensure a warm up time of 30 minutes.

Instrument and application setup: Virtual instruments (VI) required Signal Structure O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer MTJ measurements must be performed under worst case or 1 dB optical penalty conditions as described in G.823, GR-253 or T1.105.03. Here, the DUT receiver should function with a level 1 dB that is higher than the sensitivity limit. An adjustable attenuator is inserted between the output (Tx) of the test set and the input (Rx) of the DUT. The optical level is set so that a limit bit error rate of for example 1-10 is obtained. As an example, at 10 Gb/s this BER corresponds to one bit error per second. When the level is increased by 1 dB, bit errors should not occur. The MTJ measurement is most commonly


performed with an error threshold of 1 (TSE) and a gate time of 1 s. Appendix III of G.823 states that ...The attenuation function is needed for optical interfaces to be able to determine the 1 dB sensitivity penalty (in terms of optical power) at a certain bit-error ratio. Measurement settings Follow the steps below using the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer VI. Step 1 Select the MTJ command in the Mode menu, or click on the corresponding button in the tool bar. Step 2 Select the error source in the Error Source list eld to be counted during the gate time. Step 3 Enter the error threshold in the Error Threshold eld. This eld provides a decision criterion for the MTJ algorithm. Step 4 In the Settling Time eld, enter a delay for each measurement to allow the DUT to settle on the jittered signal before measurement (error count) commences. Step 5 Enter the required gate time in the Gate Time box for the test intervals. Step 6 In the Settings menu select MTJ or click on the SET symbol.
Figure 22: MTJ Settings dialog box

Step 9 Press Start to commence measurement. Although measurement stops automatically, it can be halted at any time by clicking on Stop. Important Check that the instrument is set to the correct wavelength. Assure matching optical input power levels according to the 1 dB penalty approach. Interpretation of results Results can be generated in table (gure 23) or graphic (gure 24) format.

These steps will open the Settings dialog box that contains both the measurement frequencies for MTJ measurement and the characteristic data for the tolerance mask (gure 22). Step 7 Predened setting can be used or, if necessary, scan frequencies selected and the tolerance mask values modied according to individual test needs. Step 8 Conrm the input with OK.

Figures 23 and 24: Maximum tolerable jitter result screen


Table format Measurement results are displayed in the table under UI. Measurement results where tolerable jitter of the DUT is greater than the maximum amplitude that can be set on the jitter generator are indicated by the greater than sign (>), for example >64 UI. Measurement results that are below the tolerance mask are marked with an exclamation mark (!) in the table. Graphic format Measurement results are marked with a + on the graphics. Measurement results where the tolerable jitter of the DUT is greater than the maximum amplitude that can be set on the jitter generator are marked with on the graphics (instead of the +).
ITU-T G.823 ITU-T G.824 ITU-T G.825 ANSI T1.105.03 Telcordia GR-253 Telcordia GR-499 ETSI EN 302 084 Jitter and Wander within networks based on 2048 kb/s Jitter and Wander within networks based on 1544 kb/s Jitter and Wander within networks based on the SDH SONET jitter at network interfaces SONET transport systems common generic criteria Transport systems generic requirements The control of jitter and wander in transport networks

Instrument and application setup Virtual Instruments (VI) required Signal Structure O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer It is recommended that FMTJ measurement be performed under worst case condition or, 1 dB optical penalty as it is referred to. In this case, the receiver of the DUT should work with a level 1 dB higher than the sensitivity limit. An adjustable attenuator is inserted between the output (Tx) of the test set and the input (Rx) of the DUT as illustrated in gure 25. The optical level is set so that a limit bit error rate of for example 1-10 is obtained. As an example, at 10 Gb/s this BER corresponds to one bit error per second. When the level is increased by 1 dB, bit errors should not occur. Measurement settings Follow the steps below using the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer VI. Step 1 Select the Fast MTJ command in the Mode menu or click on the corresponding button in the tool bar (gure 26).

Table 17: List of Recommendations for MTJ measurements

Fast maximum tolerable jitter

For Fast MTJ (FMTJ) measurements, given combinations of jitter frequencies and jitter amplitudes that lie on the limit curves as dened in standards, can be set on the jitter generator. Each measurement point is classied as either OK or Failed thus indicating whether the DUT has met the limit curve. Table 18 lists the interfaces to be used dependent on the signal under test.
Tx Rx ANT-20 Jitter simulation Network element Error detection

Figure 26: FMTJ measurement VI

Figure 25: FMTJ setup

Data Tx/Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical

1.5 to 2 Mb/s RX [12], Tx [13] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14], Tx [15] 2.5 Gb/s Rx 8439, Tx [46] 10 Gb/s Rx [114], Tx [104] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17], Tx [18] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44], Tx [47] 10 Gb/s Rx [113], Tx [103]

Table 18: Recommended interfaces for usage depending on signal under test

Step 2 Select the error source in the Error Source list eld to be counted during the gate time. Step 3 In the Error Threshold eld, enter the error threshold above which the DUT would be considered as having failed the test. An error threshold cannot be entered if an alarm is selected from the Error Source list box. Step 4 In the Settling Time eld, enter a delay for each measurement to allow the DUT to settle on the jittered signal before measurement (error count) commences. Step 5 In the Settings menu, select MTJ or click on the SET icon (gure 27).


ITU-T G.823

Jitter and Wander within networks based on 2048 kb/s ITU-T G.824 Jitter and Wander within networks based on 1544 kb/s ITU-T G.825 Jitter and Wander within networks based on the SDH ANSI T1.105.03 SONET jitter at network interfaces Telcordia GR-253 SONET transport systems common generic criteria Telcordia GR-499 Transport systems generic requirements ETSI EN 302 084 The control of jitter and wander in transport networks
Table 19: List of Recommendations for FMTJ measurements

Jitter transfer function (JTF)

Figure 27: FMTJ settings dialog box

Step 6 If required, select individual frequency and amplitude combinations or use the predened recommendations for performing the measurement. Step 7 Conrm entries by clicking OK. Step 8 Click Start to commence measurement. Measurement will stop automatically on completion or when the Stop icon is clicked. Important Check that the instrument is set to the correct wavelength. Assure matching optical input power level in accordance with the 1 dB penalty approach. Interpretation of results Each setting, respective of the measurement, is classied as OK or Failed (gure 22). Table 18 lists the Recommendations for FMTJ measurements.

Jitter transfer function (JTF) measurements are of particular importance when dealing with regenerators (diagram 2). Checks are carried out to demonstrate that the jitter gain of a regenerator is below a predened value and attenuated above a dened cut-o frequency. If this is not the case, jitter accumulation occurs after several regenerators. JTF is measured by applying a signal with jitter that is constant over frequency or adjusted to the maximum tolerable jitter (MTJ). The jitter analyzer measures the resulting jitter amplitude at the output of the DUT at various TX jitter frequencies (gure 29). The log of the ratio gives the jitter gain or attenuation. For maximum measurement accuracy a calibration measurement is necessary and recommended. Table 20 lists the interfaces to be used dependent on the signal under test.
Jitter transfer function: H (f) = 20 log output jitter input jitter

Equation 2: Jitter Transfer Function

Tx 2 1 DUT



1. Calibration measurement 2. Measurement with DUT

Figure 29: Jitter transfer measurement setup

Data Tx/Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical
Figure 28: FMTJ result screen

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12], Tx [13] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14], Tx [15] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43], Tx [46] 10 Gb/s Rx [114], Tx [104] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17], Tx [18] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44], Tx [47] 10 Gb/s Rx [113], Tx [103]

Table 20: Recommended interfaces for usage depending on signal under test


Instrument and application setup Virtual Instruments (VI) required Signal Structure O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer Measurement settings Follow the steps below using the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer VI Step 1 Select JTF in the Mode menu or click on the corresponding button in the tool bar (gure 30).

Step 4 To perform measurements using a constant amplitude for all scan frequencies, mark the Fixed Amplitude check box and enter the required amplitude in the box below it. Step 5 To use the results of a previous MTJ measurement for scan frequencies and amplitudes, click the MTJ Adaptation button. The MTJ results are then automatically matched to the permissible ranges (measurement and frequency) of the jitter meter. If no MTJ results available, the button is grayed out. Step 6 Select whether single calibration measurement (internally stored), or calibration measurement before every JTF measurement are required. For maximum measurement accuracy, calibration measurement should be carried out before every JTF measurement. Step 7 Click Start to commence measurement. Measurement will stop automatically on completion or when the Stop icon is clicked. Interpretation of results Measurement results are displayed in two separate windows. The default values for the scan frequencies and the tolerance masks in the JTF Settings window are set in the window with the table display (gure 32).

Figure 30: JTF measurement VI

Step 2 In the Settling Time eld, enter an appropriate settling time for the various measurements steps so that analysis starts once the DUT has settled. Step 3 Use the predened settings or click on the Set button to individually conrm the scan frequencies and amplitudes (gure 31).
For example: ANT-20 looped Mask exccceeded Figure 32: JTF result screen table format

Default values are dependent on bit rate and change automatically when the bit rate is altered. Measurement results are displayed in the table under dB. Measurement results that are below the tolerance mask are marked with an exclamation mark (!) in the table. Measurement values are indicated in the graph by a plus (+) character. See table 21 for a full list of recommendations for jitter transfer function measurements.

Figure 31: JTF settings dialog box


Figure 33: JTF result screen graph format

Important Set the instrument to the correct wavelength. Make sure that the optical level is in the range between 10 and 12 dBm. Ensure a warm up time of 30 minutes.
ITU-T G.705 ITU-T G.783 ANSI T1.105.03 Telcordia GR-253 Telcordia GR-499 Characteristics of PDH equipment functional blocks Characteristics of SDH equipment functional blocks SONET jitter at network interfaces SONET transport systems common generic criteria Transport systems generic requirements

Table 21: List of recommendations for jitter transfer function measurements


Wander measurement
Measuring Wander Wander test equipment requires extremely precise external reference clock sources. The same input jacks are used for the signal under test as with other ANT-20 measurements such as anomaly/defect analysis or performance and pointer tests making it possible to perform these measurements in parallel on all relevant interfaces. The wander reference clock has a separate jack and can accept clock signals at 1.5 MHz, 2 MHz, 5 MHz and 10 MHz as well as data signals with bit rates of 1.5 Mb/s and 2 Mb/s (gure 34). Unlike jitter results which are given in UI, TIE values are given as absolute values in seconds (s) or nano seconds (ns). In addition to this, the extremely low frequency components in the mHz/Hz range require test times of up to several hours or days.

Instrument setup and application settings

Instrument and application setup Virtual Instruments (VI) required Signal Structure O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer Pointer Generator (for pointer wander measurement only) Step 1 Add the VIs required to the list of those used in the Application Manager (gure 36). Step 2 Click on the JIT button to open/change to the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer window.

Figure 36: Application manager

Step 3 To dene the TIE measurement setting, select TIE in the Mode menu. The wander display (TIE vs. Time) will appear in the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer window.

REF ANT-20 time

Figure 34: Basic principle of wander measurement

Current MTIE * and TIE values * max. TIE value in reference to the observed measurement time

The time interval error (TIE) value represents the time deviation of a clock/data signal under test relative to the reference source (gure 35). TIE measurement forms the basis for further maximum time interval error/time deviation (MTIE/TDEV) calculations.

Figure 37: TIE result screen


Step 4 In the Settings menu select TIE and congure the instrument in accordance with the references. Then set the connector to be used and the frequency or bit rate of the reference signal.

Observation intervals Test period T

time (t)

Figure 35: Determining TIE value

Figure 38: Wander settings dialog box


Dierent connectors are used dependent on the dierent bit rates at the measurement interface. These include: Up to 622 Mb/s BAL [34] or UNBAL [35] 2488 Mb/s UNBAL [54] 9953 Mb/s BAL [121] or UNBAL [122] Step 5 Select the sample rate required. The low-pass lter is set automatically. For most cases a sampling rate of 30 samples per seconds is recommended. Step 6 Click OK to conrm. Step 7 To set the measurement time, click on the Application Manager and choose Measurement Settings from the menu (gure 39). Then set the appropriate measurement time in the gate time window.

values measured using the JDSU ANT-20 test set, includes the mask for a variety of signal sources and is in line with recommendations outlined in ETSI EN 300462, EN 302084, ITU-T G.811, G.812, G.813 and ANSI. Instrument application and setup Step 1 Starting the MTIE/TDEV Analysis program from the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer VI. After displaying the TIE results the MTIE/TDEV software can be directly initiated by pressing the TDEV button in the TIE measurement window. Results of the TIE measurement are automatically loaded. Step 2 Click on the MTIE/TDEV button. The MTIE/TDEV analysis software will open and display the TIE graph (gure 40).

Figure 39: Measurement settings dialog box

Step 8 Press the function key F5 or click the green trac signal icon in the Application Manager to commence measurement. Important For reliable results the accuracy of the measurement reference clock should be approximately ten times as accurate as the accuracy of the DUT. Ensure the optical level is between the range of -10 and -12 dBm when measuring optical signals. Ensure the recommended sampling rate is being used. Allow a warm up time of 30 minutes. It is recommended that a short term measurement be carried out prior to any very long term measurements to prevent ineective use of measuring time through oset and mask exceed failures for example.

Figure 40: TIE analysis screen - MTIE/TDEV oine software

Step 3 Click the MTIE/TDEV button in this window to enable TDEV if required. The values will then be calculated and displayed. A range of pre-dened tolerance masks from the Masks list box can be selected. They can be used to give a quick overview of whether the measured values meet the tolerance requirements. Step 4 Click on Analysis to display the measurement results are displayed together with the selected masks. Possible evaluations The check boxes at the lower left of the MTIE analysis window can be used to select the values for display (Zoom & analysis range). It is also possible to generate dedicated graph analysis using the Marker functionality. The displayed graph can be printed out and MTIE/TDEV results exported in CSV le format via the Export menu (gure 41).

MTIE/TDEV oine wander analysis

The MTIE/TDEV Oine Analysis software provides precise time domain analysis of MTIE and TDEV with reference to the captured TIE vs. Time graph. The program evaluates TIE


Figure 41: MTIE analysis result screen

Storing results To store results, the Export menu must be selected followed by either MTIE or TDEV. This will open the Save As dialog box. The target directory must then be chosen and the CSV format set to ensure interoperability with calculation ore spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel. Click Save to start the export process.

Slope of Possible causes MTIE TDEV Frequency oset s Clock not from PRS. s2 Delay variations due to temMTIE values Frequency drift perature changes. TDEV values White noise Phase s-1/2 Typical parasitic noise processes Selection Modulation (WPM) in dierent types of oscillators. of Flicker Phase Modula- s-0 tion (FPM) White noise Fre s1/2 Passed/ quency Modulation failed (WFM) indication Flicker Frequency s Modulation (FFM) Random Walk Fre s3/2 quency Modulation (RWFM)
Table 22: MTIE/TDEV interpretation


Wander measurement of a clock source (TIE/ MTIE/TDEV)

The wander measurement of a clock source is used for verifying the accuracy of a primary reference clock or a DUT (gure 42). Here, the clock signal to be measured is compared with an external reference clock. To ensure reliable measurement results it is important that the accuracy of the reference clock is essentially better than the accuracy of the DUT. Maximum tolerable interval error (MTIE) provides a measure of the long-term stability of a clock signal. In contrast, time deviation (TDEV) analysis is a calculation of the clock signals short-term stability. TDEV curves are used for assessing oscillator performance. Table 24 gives an overview of recommendations for jitter and wander measurement.
PRC Reference for example TSR-37

Interpretation of MTIE / TDEV results MTIE and TDEV may yield dierent results depending on the type of interference signal (table 22). As well as the obvious eects due to frequency oset and drift, the typical noise processes encountered in oscillators are also listed. As the table shows, the MTIE calculation is the only method described that can detect the important (and frequently occurring) case of frequency oset. The TDEV calculation also gives information about frequency drift or oscillator noise. If, for example, the slope of the TDEV curve corresponds to the square root of s, this would indicate phase modulation with white noise. Buers are used in digital switches, synchronous cross-connects and add-drop multiplexers to compensate for phase variations. The MTIE value is useful for conguring the buffer, in other words, the buer is dimensioned according to the specied limit value for MTIE. If this value is not exceeded it can be safely assumed that no buer overows will occur and hence frame slips will be absent. If results appear to include a phase ramp (consistently increasing or decreasing) this may be eliminated via the MRTIE function. See section Wander measurement for asynchronous signals for further information.


Wander reference


Figure 42: Verifying accuracy of a PRC

Data Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Electrical Optical

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14] 622 Mb/s Rx [16] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43] 10 Gb/s Rx [114] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17]


Optical Optical Wander reference Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock

2.5 Gb/s Rx [44] 10 Gb/s Rx [113] up to 622 Mb/s [34] or [35] 2.5 Gb/s [54] 10 Gb/s [121] or [122]


T4 OC-N/STM-N Wander reference

Reference for example TSR-37

Table 23: Interfaces for use dependent on signal under test and reference


Instrument and application setup: Follow the instrument application and setup procedure under Measuring wander on pages 18 to 20. Important For reliable results the accuracy of the measurement reference clock should be approximately ten times as accurate as the accuracy of the DUT. Ensure the optical level is between the range of -10 and -12 dBm when measuring optical signals. Ensure the recommended sampling rate is being used. Allow a warm up time of 30 minutes. It is recommended that a short term measurement be carried out prior to any very long term measurements to prevent ineective use of measuring time through oset and mask exceed failures for example. For reliable wander measurement, the minimal measurement time must be at least twelve time the length of the required TDEV mask.
ITU-T O.172 Jitter and Wander measuring equipment for SDH signals ITU-T G.810 Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks ETSI EN 300 462-1-1 Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks ETSI EN 300 462-3 The control of jitter and wander within synchronization networks (species MTIE and TDEV masks)
Table 24: Overview of recommendations for jitter and wander testing
ANT-20 Figure 43: Wander generation with DUT

Data Rx Electrical balanced Electrical unbalanced Electrical Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical Wander reference Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14] 622 Mb/s Rx [16] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43] 10 Gb/s Rx [114] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44] 10 Gb/s Rx [113] up to 622 Mb/s [34] or [35] 2.5 Gb/s [54] 10 Gb/s [121] or [122]

Table 25: Interfaces for use dependent on signal under test and reference

Instrument and application setup Follow the procedure in section Instrument setup. Important For reliable results the accuracy of the measurement reference clock should be approximately ten times as accurate as the accuracy of the DUT. Ensure the optical level is between the range of -10 and -12 dBm when measuring optical signals. Ensure the recommended sampling rate is being used. Allow a warm up time of 30 minutes. It is recommended that a short term measurement be carried out prior to any very long term measurements to prevent ineective use of measuring time through oset and mask exceed failures for example. For reliable wander measurement, the minimal measurement time must be at least twelve time the length of the required TDEV mask
ITU-T O.172 Jitter and Wander measuring equipment for SDH signals ITU-T G.810 Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks ETSI EN 300 462-1-1 Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks
Table 26: Overview of recommendations for wander generation measurement testing

Wander generation measurement of DUTs (TIE/MTIE/TDEV)

Every SDH network element (NE) commonly makes use of an internal clock (SEC/SMC). This clock source may be synchronized via an external synchronization signal or via the data signal on the line input. To check the quality of the internal clock source, the clock of the reference source is compared with that of the transmitted data signal. The dierence is referred to as wander. The ANT-20 can be used to perform measurements on all interfaces of the instrument. Figure 43 illustrates wander generation with a DUT and with synchronization via an external synchronization input. Table 25 gives and overview of the recommendations for wander generation measurement testing.


Wander measurement at network interfaces with synchronous signals (TIE/MTIE/TDEV)

The wander measurement for synchronous signals is used for verifying the wander performance of synchronous data signals (gure 44). Here, the data signal to be measured is compared to an external reference clock. To acquire reliable measurement results it is important that the accuracy of the reference clock is essentially better than the expected accuracy of the synchronous signal. Table 26 lists the interfaces recommended for use dependent on the signal under test and references. An overview of recommendations for these types of measurements can be found in table 27.

Ensure the optical level is between the range of -10 and -12 dBm when measuring optical signals. Ensure the recommended sampling rate is being used. Allow a warm up time of 30 minutes. It is recommended that a short term measurement be carried out prior to any very long term measurements to prevent ineective use of measuring time through oset and mask exceed failures for example. For reliable wander measurement, the minimal measurement time must be at least twelve time the length of the required TDEV mask.
ITU-T O.172 Jitter and Wander measuring equipment for SDH signals ITU-T G.810 Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks ITU-T G.823 Jitter and Wander within networks based on 2048 kb/s ITU-T G.824 Jitter and Wander within networks based on 1544 kb/s ITU-T G.825 Jitter and Wander within networks based on the SDH ETSI EN 300 462-1-1 Denitions and terminology for synchronization networks ETSI EN 302 084 The control of jitter and wander in transport networks
Table 28: Overview of recommendations for Wander measurement at network interfaces with synchronous signals (TIE/MTIE/TDEV)

Reference for example TSR-37

Signal source for example 2 Mb/s

Network Wander reference



Wander measurement for asynchronous signals (MRTIE)

Maximum relative time interval errors (MRTIE) measurement is used if the source is not available during wander analysis due to spatial separation for example. In this case, MTIE analysis can have a frequency oset superimposed on it. It is a function of the clock dierence between the signal and the reference used for measurement. In MRTIE measurement, the frequency oset is determined and subtracted from the result so that only the network wander is displayed. Figure 45 illustrates the instrument application setup for wander measurement with asynchronous signals.

Figure 44: Wander measurement at network

Data Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical Wander reference Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14] 622 Mb/s Rx [16] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43] 10 Gb/s Rx [114] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44] 10 Gb/s Rx [113] up to 622 Mb/s [34] or [35] 2.5 Gb/s [54] 10 Gb/s [121] or [122]

Table 27: Interfaces for use dependent interfaces on signal under test and reference

Instrument and application setup Follow the instrument application and setup procedure under Measuring wander on page 18. Important For reliable results the accuracy of the measurement reference clock should be approximately ten times as accurate as the accuracy of the DUT.


Asynchronous clock source for example 50 ppm

Reference for example TSR-37

Signal source for example 2 Mb/s

Network Rx Wander reference

Figure 45: Wander measurement with asynchronous


Data Rx Electrical bal. unbal. Electrical Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical Wander reference Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock

Figure 46: TIE result screen the blue line illustrates TIE with eliminated oset

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14] 622 Mb/s Rx [16] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43] 10 Gb/s Rx [114] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44] 10 Gb/s Rx [113] up to 622 Mb/s [34] or [35] 2.5 Gb/s [54] 10 Gb/s [121] or [122]

Step 3 Click the MTIE/TDEV button. Then select analysis in the next window to display the MRTIE (gure 47).

Table 29: Interfaces to be used signals dependent on signal under test and reference

Instrument setup and application: Follow the instrument application and setup procedure under Measuring wander on pages 18 to 20. MRTIE calculation The MTIE/TDEV Oine Analysis software provides precise time domain analysis of MTIE and TDEV in reference to the captured TIE vs. Time graph. The program evaluates TIE values measured using the JDSU ANT-20. Evaluation is performed according to ETSI EN 300462, EN 302084, ITUT G.811, G.812, G.813 and ANSI T1.101 recommendations, and include the masks for the various signal sources. This software also includes MRTIE calculation. Table 30 lists the recommendations for performing wander generation measurements Step 1 After displaying the TIE results, the MTIE/TDEV software can be started immediately by pressing the TDEV button in the ANT-20 jitter VI when the unit is in TIE measurement mode. Results from the TIE measurement are loaded automatically (table 30). Step 2 The oset must be removed (click eliminate in the frequency oset window) to acquire the MRTIE.
Figure 47: MRTIE analysis result screen

Important For reliable results the accuracy of the measurement reference clock should be approximately ten times as accurate as the accuracy of the DUT. Ensure the optical level is between the range of -10 and -12 dBm when measuring optical signals. Ensure the recommended sampling rate is being used. Allow a warm up time of 30 minutes. It is recommended that a short term measurement be carried out prior to any very long term measurements to prevent ineective use of measuring time through oset and mask exceed failures for example. If there are doubts as to whether the trac signal to be measured is synchronous to the reference clock, perform a short TIE measurement and check for oset rst.


ITU-T G.823 ETSI EN 302 084

Jitter and Wander within networks based on 2048 kb/s The control of jitter and wander in transport networks

Table 30: Recommendations for wander generation measurement

Wander tolerance measurement / Maximum Tolerable Wander (MTW)

The Maximum Tolerable Wander (MTW) function is used to perform automatic wander tolerance measurements that conform to ITU-T G.823, G.824, G.825, O.172 and ETSI EN 302084 recommendations. Here, the DUT is stressed with a wander amplitude of a given frequency and the DUT output checked for denable errors (gure 48). The measurement is repeated for dierent frequencies and the results (OK/failed) displayed. Table 30 lists the recommendations for performing MTW measurements.
Ref. clock in [25] Reference for example TSR-37

if the internal clock source is used for MTW measurement. Variable combinations of wander amplitudes and wander frequencies are set once measurement is initiated. The output signal is modulated for one period of the wander frequency for each combination of values. The measurement point is then marked as OK (no alarms or bit errors detected) or Failed (alarms or bit errors detected). Instrument setup and application Follow the instrument application and setup procedure under Measuring wander on pages 18 to 20 and apply the following additional steps described: Step 1 Synchronize the measuring instrument to the same reference used by the DUT to avoid unforeseen wander or pointer activity due to synchronization dierences. Step 2 Click on interface/settings in the signal structure window (gure 49). In the interface settings dialog box, set the clock source format provided to be connected to the reference clock in [25] interface.

Tx DUT Rx ANT-20

Figure 48: Wander tolerance measurement setup

Data Rx bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical Reference clock Tx Ref. clock

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12], Tx [13] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14], Tx [15] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43], Tx [46] 10 Gb/s Rx [114], Tx [104] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17], Tx [18] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44], Tx [47] 10 Gb/s Rx [113], Tx [103] in [25]

Figure 49: Interface settings dialog box

Table 31: Interfaces to be used dependent on signal under test and reference

For this measurement, the input level must be 1 dB higher than the sensitivity level of the interface. The sensitivity level must be determined by decreasing the signal level of the TX signal without wander modulation until a BER of 10-10 occurs. This is the sensitivity level of the DUT. Once this has been determined, the power level should be increased by 1 dB for the tolerance measurement. The error threshold should be one error. The ANT-20s generator is normally synchronized externally in MTW mode. This is performed by connecting an appropriate reference signal to socket [25]. An appropriate message will be displayed once MTW measurement commences and

Use the following procedure to select the settings in the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer window. Step 1 Select the Wander command from the TX menu in the O.172 Jitter Generator/Analyzer window, or click on the TX WAN icon in the tool bar. Step 2 Select the MTW command from the Mode menu or click on the MTW icon in the tool bar. NB: The MTW function can only be activated once the generator has been set to wander (TX WAN). The generator must be set back to jitter (TX JIT) to enable use of other automatic jitter measurement functions such as MTJ, F-MTJ, JTF, after performing MTW measurements. Step 3 Select the error source (for example, TSE, Test Sequence Error) in the Error Source list box.


Step 4 In the Error Threshold box, enter the error threshold above which the result will be assessed as Failed. An error threshold cannot be entered if an alarm was selected in the Error Source box. Step 5 In the Settling Time box, enter the time allowed for the DUT to settle after each frequency/amplitude setting is activated before counting errors (Gate Time). Step 6 Select the MTW command from the Settings menu or click on the SET icon in the tool bar (gure 50). If required, user specied frequency/amplitude combinations can be used for the measurement by simply double clicking on the values to be changed or selecting one of the pre-dened values as recommended by the standards. Click OK to conrm entries.

Interpretation of results Depending on the alarm/error monitoring result, each setting is classied as OK or Failed.

Figure 52: MTW result screen

Table 31 gives an overview of recommendations for MTW measurement

ITU-T O.172 Jitter and Wander measuring equipment for SDH signals ITU-T G.812 Timing requirements of SSU slave clocks ITU-T G.813 Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave clocks ITU-T G.823 Jitter and Wander within networks based on 2048 kb/s ITU-T G.824 Jitter and Wander within networks based on 1544 kb/s ETSI EN 302 084 The control of jitter and wander in transport networks ETSI EN 300 462-4-1 Timing characteristics of slave clocks suitable for synchronization supply to SDH and PDH equipment ETSI EN 300 462-5-1 Timing characteristics of slave clocks suitable for operation in SDH equipment ETSI EN 300 462-7-1 Timing characteristics of slave clocks suitable for synchronization supply to equipment in local node applications
Table 31: Overview of recommendations for MTW measurements

Figure 50: MTW settings dialog box

Step 1 If required, the Tx bit rate oset can be set to the maximum value allowed. An example of the signal structure virtual instrument can be seen in gure 44.

Figure 51: Signal structure VI

Step 2 Click Start to commence measurement. Measurement stops automatically once all measurement points have been tested. It can also be stopped manually at any time by clicking on Stop. Important Measurement times may be quite long due to the frequency settings. Thoroughly check the optical level for the DUT input.


Pointer wander measurement

Pointer wander is the simultaneous occurrence of mapping and pointer wander in synchronous network elements at plesiochronous interfaces when the DUT is stimulated with denable pointer actions at the SONET/SDH interface according to G.783, T1.105.03 and GR-253. Both types of wander occur only at tributary interfaces of SONET and SDH network elements. Figure 53 illustrate a typical setup to perform pointer wander measurement. Table 32 gives and overview of the interfaces to be used dependent on the signal under test and reference.
Reference for example TSR-37

Setting the transmitter To set the transmitter the dierent signal structures for the interfaces at Rx and Tx must be set as applicable. Pointer wander measurement is performed via half channel measurement. Figure 54 illustrates an OC-192 Tx signal being fed into a DUT and E1 PDH signal for Rx.

Figure 54: OC-192 Tx signal being fed into a DUT and E1 PDH signal for Rx

Ref. clock in [25]

Tx Wander reference [in] Rx LP filter, e.g. DS1 100 Hz DS3 10 Hz


POH tributary DS1/DS3

When setting the clock source, the ANT-20 must be set to an external clock/data signal to avoid unforeseen pointer adjustments and wander activities in addition to the set pointer sequence. Step 1 Click on Settings in the Interface menu in the Signal Structure VI. Step 2 Select the external reference source format for interface [25] to be used from the Clock Source box and click OK to conrm (gure 55).


Figure 53: Pointer wander measurement setup

Data Rx Electrical bal. Electrical unbal. Electrical Electrical Electrical Optical Optical Optical Wander reference Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock Wander ref. clock Reference clock Tx Ref. clock

1.5 to 2 Mb/s Rx [12], Tx [13] 1.5 to 155 Mb/s Rx [14], Tx [15] 622 Mb/s Rx [16] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [43], Tx [46] 10 Gb/s Rx [114], Tx [104] 52, 155, 622 Mb/s Rx [17], Tx [18] 2.5 Gb/s Rx [44], Tx [47] 10 Gb/s Rx [113], Tx [103] up to 622 Mb/s [34] or [35] 2.5 Gb/s [54] 10 Gb/s [121] or [122] in [25]

Figure 55: Interface settings dialog box

Table 32: Interfaces to be used dependent on signal under test and reference

Step 3 To select a sequence, pointer generation must rst be congured. Measurement of single INC/DEC sequence for the STS pointer The Pointer Generator enables test sequences (in accordance with ITU-T G.783 and ANSI T1.105.03 recommendations) to be generated for AU/STS or TU/VT pointers. Both pointers can be generated simultaneously or independently of each other (gure 56).

Instrument setup and application Follow the instrument application and setup procedure under Measuring wander on pages 18 to 20 and apply the following additional steps described: In order to set up pointer wander measurement, the transmitter pointer generation needs to be congured to the appropriate signal structure with the required sequences. The receiver must also be congured to wander measurement (TIE vs. Time).


Pointer sequence test procedure Complete test sequences for specic bit rate and pointer sequence consist of several dened periods. In order to prime the pointer processor and prepare the equipment for the test sequence, initialization and cool-down periods must be applied prior to starting the measuring procedure. The following sections explain the rationale for these dierent periods.
Initialization 60 s Cool-down >1 period Measurement >60 s or >1 period time INC 87-3 INC 87-3 INC 87-3 INC

Figure 56: Pointer generator dialog box

Step 1 Click the AU/STS button in the tool bar. Step 2 Select INC/DEC from the AU/STS Pointer box. Step 3 Set the distance between two pointer actions in the T2 entry box. Step 4 Set the desired sequence length in the Mode box, then select either single sequence or continuous repetition. Step 5 Click on the STS/AU ON button to activate the pointer sequence. For detailed descriptions of all available pointer sequences, please read part 7 Technical Background of the ANT-20 manual. To set the receiver for TIE measurement, follow the procedure described below. Step 1 In the Wander Settings dialog, set the frequency or bit rate of the reference signal, connector to be used and the sampling rate (gure 57).

Figure 58: Example pointer procedure for 87-3 INC periodic test sequence


Initialization period To ensure that wander on the demultiplexed tributary signal is nevertheless aected in the event of single and burst sequences, it is important that pointer movements are not absorbed by the pointer processor. For periodic sequences, the pointer processor must be in the steady-state condition it would be in if continual pointer movements had been constantly present. For single and burst test sequences, the initialization period should consist of pointer adjustments applied at a rate exceeding that of the test sequence, but lower than 3 pointer adjustments per second, in the same direction as the subsequent test sequence. The initialization period should last at least until a response is detected in the jitter/wander measured on the demultiplexed tributary signal For this purpose it is recommended that a 60 second initialization period be used. Cool-down period After the initialization period and in the case of single and burst pointer tests it is recommended that a 30-second cooldown period is allowed where no pointer activity is present in the test signal. For periodic test sequences (both continuous and gapped) a 30-second cool-down period is recommended during which the periodic sequence is applied so that a steady state condition is maintained. If necessary, the period should be extended to include an integral number of complete sequences. Measurement Period During the measurement period the wander (TIE) of the tributary output is measured. The recommended measuring period is 100 seconds. If necessary, the period can be extended to include at least one complete pointer test sequence. Table 33 gives an overview of recommendations covering pointer sequence for pointer jitter/wander measurements.

Figure 57: Wander settings dialog box

Step 2 The low-pass lter is set automatically. For DS1 measurements, 300 samples/s (LP lter = 100 Hz) are required. DS3 measurements for example should be performed with 30 samples/s (LP lter = 10 Hz).


Important For reliable results the accuracy of the measurement reference clock should be about ten times better than the accuracy of the device under test. If measuring optical signals make sure that the optical level is in the range between -10 and -12 dBm. Make sure that you are using the recommended sampling rate. Ensure a warm up time of 30 minutes. For very long-term measurements it is recommended to make a previous short term measurement to prevent ineffective use of measuring time by failures (e.g. oset, mask exceed). Interpretation of results An overrun of the recommended masks indicates an error of the desynchronizer.
Telcordia GR-253 (2000), Section 5.7 ANSI T1.105.03 (2002) ITU-T G.783 (2000) SONET transport system common generic criteria SONET jitter at network interfaces Characteristics of SDH equipment functional blocks

Table 33 : List of recommendations covering pointer sequences for pointer jitter/wander measurements


Jitter and wander test equipment

A jitter/wander test set consists of the following functional blocks: Pattern clock converter Reference clock generator Phase meter Weighting lters Peak value detector (with possible rms & phase hit determination). The pattern clock converter generates the clock signal from the digital signal, with all its attendant phase deviations. This clock signal is then compared to the reference clock in the phase meter provided either by the reference clock generator (jitter measurement) or an external reference (wander measurement). The reference clock generator provides a phase reference by slowly tracking the jittered input clock with the aid of a phase locked loop (PLL). The PLL has a low pass lter with a cuto frequency in the range of 1 Hz (ANT-20: 0.1 Hz) so that high-frequency jitter components are ltered out. The PLL bandwidth also determines the lower limit frequency for jitter measurement that is to say, components below this frequency are not detected. An external reference is therefore used for wander measurements. The voltage uctuations at the output of the phase meter are proportional to the phase uctuations. Put another way, the output signal corresponds to the jitter/TIE vs. time curve. Standardized weighting lters connected after this limit the frequency spectrum of the jitter signal. The positive and negative peak values of the ltered signal are measured and displayed as the jitter result in UIpp (additional alternatively RMS or PH). The ltered signal is available at a demodulator output for further external processing. Further time and frequency domain analysis of the jitter is thus possible by using an oscilloscope, selective level meter or spectrum analyzer for example. Figure 59 illustrates the principle of jitter/wander analyzers.

Clock with jitter wander

Jitter-free reference clock

Output voltage proportional to phase difference between signal clock and reference clock Demodulator output

Digital signal (with jitter and wander)

Pattern Clock

Ext. Int.

U Phase detector


UIpp UIrms

Jitter weighting filters

Peak-to-peak and RMS evaluation

Result evaluation and display

Ext. reference clock input (jfor wander measurement)

LP PLL PLL 10 Hz Internal reference clock generation Low pass TIE MTIE

Figure 59: Block diagram of a jitter/wander analyzer


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