Quantities Advantages Disadvantages: Cumulative Frequency Less Than 19.995

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M3 (b) In order to ensure accuracy, we made sure that the reading on the vernier calliper was at 0.00/0.

01mm before taking the length of the conkers, and also the balance was at 0.00/0.01g (2dp). We also made sure not to lean on the bench bearing the balance and remove the balance from a draught. (C) The data was grouped in a cumulative frequency the reason for this is that it makes it easier to collate and saves time. One advantage is that, it makes it easier to plot on a graph where as if it was not grouped, it would have been impossible to plot as there was too many data, and also it Improves the accuracy and efficiency of estimation. D3 (d) quantities Length advantages Disadvantages One disadvantage was trying to determine the longest part.

mass The difficulties we had was that, sometimes we cannot determine the longest side of some of the conkers, and also at the start, we

Cumulative Frequency Less than 19.995 2

Less than 22.995 Less than 25.995 Less than 28.995 Less than 31.995 Less than 34.995

2+4=6 6+16=22 22+51=73 73+50=123 123+10=133

Table showing cumulative frequency against mass and its median calculations: Cumulative Frequency Less than 2.995 Less than 4.995 Less than 6.995 Less than 8.995 Less than 10.995 Less than 12.995 1 1+18=19 19=51=70 70+30=100 100+32=132 132+1=133

Table showing cumulative frequency against length for the mode graph: Amount 1 1 4 16 51 50 10

14 - 16.995 17 - 19.995 20 - 22.995 23 - 25.995 26 - 28.995 29 - 31.995 34 - 34.995

Table showing cumulative frequency against mass for the mode graph: Amount 12 30 58 29 4

2 - 3.995 4 - 5.995 6 - 7.995 8 - 9.995 10 - 11.995

An overall table showing the total, average, median and mode of both length and mass: Total 3784.41 901.36 Average 28.45 6.77 Median 66.5 66.5 Mode 28.9 7

Length Mass

Median Median Mode Mode Mean Range Range Length Mass Length Mass Length Length Mass Morden Hall 25 4.3 26.5 4.15 24.71 15.46 5.73 London Road 28.90 6.90 28.90 6.99 28.42 20.05 9.24 Mitcham T.C 32.995 10.5 33.35 10.67 33.34 11.94 9.74

All the data that every group recorded has been placed in the table above, the table shows the different results recorded by each and every other group in the classroom. The results are all different but are somewhat identical when or if rounded up. The conkers from Mitcham T.C is very different from the other data results because it was in larger in size. However all results are just about the same, because,

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