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1st - Study of English

6th grade 2012 February 1trimestre teacher patrcia Salvo

Hotspot 2 (student book/ activity book) - Unit 1

- Unit 2 - Unit 3 - Unit 4

Grammar Time 3

- Unit 1 (Verb to be / subject pronouns)

Verbs List

Hotspot Unit 1
Objetivo: dar informao pessoal, escrever nmeros ordinais.

Hi! My name is Marry Moon. Im ten years old. And this is my world! My address is Morgar Avenue 562.My birthday is on the twentyeighth of February. My favourite things are my computer, my collection of books and my drawing notebook. My top three sports are handball, football and swimming. My friends name is Samantha Kooler. Her address is Road Fair, 239. Her birthday its on the twentieth of October. Her favorite things are her ball, iPhone and her bike. Her top three sports are volleyball, swimming and athletics. 1st - first 2nd - second 3rd - third 4th - fourth 5th - fifth 6th - sixth 7th - seventh 8th - eighth 9th - ninth 10th - tenth 11th - eleventh 12th - twelfth 13th - thirteenth 14th - fourteenth 15th - fifteenth 16th - sixteenth 17th - seventeenth 18th - eighteenth 19th - nineteenth

20th - twentieth 21st - twenty-first 22nd - twenty-second 23rd - twenty-third 24th - twenty-fourth 25th - twenty-fifth 26th - twenty-sixth 27th - twenty-seventh 28th - twenty-eighth 29th - twenty-ninth 30th - thirtieth 31st - thirty-first, etc.

Hotspot Unit 2
Objetivo: descrever a aparncia de pessoas, comparar interesses. Adjectives

2-Shape 1- Size
Long Short Medium Length Curly Straight Wavy

(hair) 3-Colour
Brown Blond (boy) Blonde (girl) Red

This is the order from describe hair.


Hes got short, curly, blond hair.




Example of a description of someone: Shes got long, wavy and brown hair. Shes got brown eyes and beautiful hearings. Shes good at sports. Shes got three sisters.

Hair -Brown -Dark Brown -Grey -Blonde/ Blond - Red -Black -Curly -Straight -Wavy -Long - Short -Medium - Length

Eye colour - Green - Blue - Brown

Hotspot Unit 3
Objetivo: dar informao pessoal, falar do que gostamos e no gostamos. Grammar Spot Like/ Dont like/ love / hate
+ ING I like sailing. I hate getting up early. + NOUN I dont like purple. I love music


Hi, my names Luiza and I live in Brazil. Im eleven years old and I love swimming, reading books and drawing. I dont like maths and I dont like being alone. The special thing about me is I can laugh using vogals.

Hotspot Unit 4
Objetivo: escutar informaes sobre outros pases, escutar sobre o Brasil.

I live in Brazil. In Brazil the official language its Portuguese but I can speak Spanish, English and Portuguese. The typical food in Brazil is rice and beans, another food is feijoada , a kind of bean with meat. A popular sport is football. In Brazil the weather is sunny and hot but in the winter it is very cold.

Grammar Time 3 Unit 1

Revision of subject pronouns I = eu You (singular) = voc He = ele She = ela It = (object, animal) We = ns You (plural) = vocs They = eles/ elas Verb To be

Long Form Short Form

Subject Pronouns
I You She He It We You They am are is is is are are are m re s s s re re re

Long Form Short Form

Subject Pronouns
I You She He It We You They am not are not is not is not is not re not re not re not am not arent isnt isnt isnt arent arent arent

Am I...? Are you...? Is she...? Is he...? Are you...? Are we...? Are they?

Verbs List
1) Break = quebrar 2) Comb = pentear 3) Draw = desenhar 4) Fly= voar 5) Hit= bater 6) Paint = pintar 7) Run= correr 8) Smile=sorrir 9) Throw= jogar (lancer) 10) Catch= pegar 11) Ride= montar (moto,cavalo,bicicleta) 12) Carry= carregar 13) Cry= chorar 14) Drive= dirigir 15) Freeze = congelar 16) Give kiss = dar um beijo 17) Play= jogar,brincar 18) Sew = costurar 19) Study = estudar 20) Turn= girar 21) Ring = toque (de telefone, sino...) 22) Cut = cortar 23) Eat= comer 24) Give= dar 25) Take= pegar/receber 26) Listen= ouvir 27) Pull = puxar 28) Push = empurrar 29) Sing= cantar 30) Type= digitar 31) Swim= nadar 32) Saiw= velejar 33) Climb= escalar 34) Dance=danar

35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40)

Fight = lutar Hide= esconder Open= abrir Sleep = dormir Wash= lavar Write=escrever


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