Christ: There Is A 4th of July Cover From Paluch

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1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148 Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692 Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139




There is a 4th of July cover from Paluch

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Year of Faith 2012-2013

June 30, 2013

Mass Intentions for the Week

SUNDAY June 30 - Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Special Intention 10:00 AM Sandra Caerio 12:00 PM Fred Runge MONDAY July 1 - Blessed Junipero Serra 8:30 AM Luz Del Rosario TUESDAY July 2 - Weekday 8:30 AM Mary Ellen Gallo WEDNESDAY July 3 - St. Thomas 8:30 AM Audrey Lantvit THURSDAY July 4 - Independence Day 8:30 AM Mr. & Mrs. Frank Oskin FRIDAY July 5 - St. Anthony Zaccaria St. Elizabeth of Portugal 8:30 AM Fred & Dorothy Runge SATURDAY July 6 - St. Maria Goretti 5:00 PM Marcella Qualkenbush SUNDAY July 7 - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Special Intention 10:00 AM Louis Bergantino 12:00 PM Delphine Kroeger

Readings for the Week

Monday: Gn 18:16-33; Ps 103:1b-4, 8-11; Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29 Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass For Public Needs, nos. 882-889, or For Peace and Justice, nos. 887-891 Friday: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17 Sunday: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [10:1-9]

Wedding Banns Announcements

I Christopher Abbott & Jean Rohret

Welcome Into The Mystical Body of Christ!

Congratulations t parents of James Theodore Toennessen and Brandon Zachary Seiler

Fourth of July Mass

The daily Mass with the celebration of the fourth of July will be at 9:30 am, (not 8:30) with Fr. Bob. 8:45am morning Prayer 9:00am Patriotic Rosary 9:30am Mass Please consider attending Mass to thank God for our many blessings. May God guard our country and Guide its People!

Pray for Our Sick

Frank Mastik, Carmen Giacalone, Tina Orlita, Marie Butera

Each month the list will be cleared of names. Fr. Peter has asked if you want to have name on list, kindly put in writing and send to Carol: Name Phone # Reason Has person been anointed Is person homebound Does individual need Holy Communion

Rest in Peace
Our condolences to the Families and friends of James Wareham and Charles Glickey

June 30, 2013

Year of Faith 2012-2013

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Call to Prayer
St. Petronille Church the last Sunday of the month through November. (They coincide with the Year of Faith.) Join us for a Eucharistic Holy Hour for Life, Marriage and Religious Freedom the last Sunday of every month throughout the Year Of Faith at 3 pm at St. Petronille Church in Glen Ellyn. There will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, readings and a short homily, and benediction. All are welcome to join our voices and hearts in prayer before the Eucharistic Lord. Upcoming dates are June 30, July 28, August 25, September 29, October 27 and November 24. Feel free to contact Joe or Margee Simeo at 630-469-1409 for details or

House Approved bill that bans abortions from after 20-weeks

The House of Representatives approved a bill that bans abortions from after 20-weeks of pregnancy up to the day of birth. The vote for the bill broke down on mostly partisan lines with Republicans supporting the ban on late-term abortions and Democrats opposing it. The House approved the bill on a 228196 vote with 6 Democrats voting for the bill and 6 Republicans voting against it. The measure, based on the medically disputed theory that fetuses at that stage of development are capable of feeling pain. The bill, if it receives a vote in the Democratcontrolled Senate, is not expected to pass and proabortion President Barack Obama has issued a veto threat. But pro-life groups hope to use the measure as an election tool in 2014 in an attempt to wrest the Senate from abortion advocates. Leading pro-life organizations issued statements praising the House for the vote.

Taking a Vacation? Dont Take a Vacation from Church

Miracles do Happen!
While traveling, parishioners may call 1-734-794-2100 or log on to for the location and schedule of Masses throughout the USA and other countries.

Year of Faith: Catechism Corner

A second miracle has been verified, which means that Blessed John Paul will now be raised to Sainthood by Pope Francis sometime in the Autumn. The miracle occurred on the very day that Blessed John Paul was raised to 'Blessed'. John Paul 11, the Blessed watch over and guide our Church. Please pray the Divine Mercy Prayers each day in preparation for this day. God is Good --All the time---God is good Fr. Peter Respect for the human person entails respect for the rights that flow from his dignity as a creature. These rights are prior to society and must be recognized by it. They are the basis of the moral legitimacy of every authority: by flouting them, or refusing to recognize them in its positive legislation, a society undermines its own moral legitimacy. If it does not respect them, authority can rely only on force or violence to obtain obedience from its subjects. It is the Churchs role to remind men of good will of these rights and to distinguish them from unwarranted or false claims. (CCC, n. 1930)

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Year of Faith 2012-2013

June 30, 2013

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

On behalf of Father Peter, and the Early Learning Academy, We would like to thank all those who so graciously stepped forward to volunteer at the White Elephant Sale in June! It was a huge success, raising over $7,280! We would like to thank Fr. Peter for allowing us to have the White Elephant Sale this year in the school gym. It takes a lot of volunteers to help set up, run the sale for three days and clean up afterward! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts: Ed and Karen Schumann Joe Iapichino Margaret Baluan Margaret Gorman Kathleen Gorman Ernie Karamas Victor Mandin The Bailey Family The Aresta Family Lori Bhardwaj Marianne Benes Tony Azzolin Karen Hanisch The Lynch Family The Batano Family The Gergen Family The Villardito Family The Gallo Family The Kirch Family The Ong Family Kevin OConnor Roger DSouza Don and Judy Knox Clare Deardorff Bob and Mariann Stepanek The Martini Family The Martin Family Adrienne Forstneger The Majernik Family Rich Greico Sherry Rochford Shirley Fitch Barbara Pizzotti McKenna Sanders Peggy Wieck Jorge Fraga Gina Gallo The Pandula Family Rita Kulevich Connor Placey Virginia Lesnik The Mueller Family Delice Serritella Alex Sokalski Kate Uhart Lynette Zelenka

Thanks a bunch!

*If your name has been forgotten please contact Mrs. Placey @ 630-936-9507.

Natural Family Planning Sessions from July 21 to July 27 Joliet Diocese

1. Presently at the St Charles Pastoral Center in Romeoville. As you know each month there are presently two- session classes in English and Spanish at the Center in Romeoville. The English classes are on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ( The first class is the introduction class for the Billings Ovulation method and the second class is the follow up class for those who intend to chart and use the method. The teacher is available to these couples for as long as they need to consult with her before and after the second class.) The Two session Spanish classes are held the second and fourth Sunday of the month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. After August, 2013 there will be no more English or Spanish NFP classes at the Center in Romeoville 2. Starting in September there will be English and Spanish classes at St. Dominic's in Bolingbrook The twosession English class will be the first and third Wednesday of the Month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The twosession Spanish classes at St Dominic's will now be held on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 3. Staring in September we are piloting two -session classes in English at St Joe's in Addison which will be the second and the fourth Wednesday of each month. For more information contact

June 30, 2013

Year of Faith 2012-2013

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On Thursday, July 4th, please join our parish families and march together proclaiming the founding of a nation that believes in the right of freedom for all. You are being called, will you answer the call? Join St. Marys, St. Josephs, Holy Trinity, Christ the King, Divine Savior and all Citizens for Life embracing Americas motto for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all citizens (pre-born, children, adolescents, adults and mature adults) Come join in the celebration of this countrys birthday! Line up at Station #4 on the new parade route (on Sherman Ave. by DGN High School) by 1:00 PM. Bring your American flag and a smile!

If you sustained losses or damage from severe storms or flooding you may be eligible for disaster aid.

Take Relevant Radio with you on vacation!

Download the free mobile app from the Android or Apple marketplaces. Then enjoy live or archived streaming of your favorite shows anywhere, anytime. Walking in holiness just got a little easier. Joliet (Chicago West) 930AM, Chicago 950AM, or NW Indiana 1270AM

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Year of Faith 2012-2013

June 30, 2013

Council of Catholic Women

The 2012-2013 Council of Catholic Women year is coming to an end. A new board has been selected and is beginning to prepare for the 2013-2014 year. Looking back at the years events, we wish to acknowledge the generosity of parish members, staff, and Fr. Peter who made all of our projects so very successful. Throughout the year we asked for help with our special collections. In September, we had our Meds Collection for those in need. In October it was the Undy Sunday collection for clients of Catholic Charities. November saw an outpouring of generosity for Operation Support Our Troops that was sent on to our men and women in the military serving overseas. The Saint Nicholas fair in December was successful, as was our Baby Bottle Collection to benefit Womans Choice Services in January. About 150 people attended our Luncheon to Honor St. Patrick in March. Ending up the year in May and June, CCW sponsored Flowers for Mothers Day and Fathers Day, listing the names of those being honored in the Bulletin as a Respect Life project. Thank you! We enjoyed many great programs this past year: a Salad Supper in September; a Talk on Missionary Work in October; Chili & a Movie in January; Bingo Night at Lexington Square in February; and a presentation on planning a Mary Garden in April. And now to answer the question What did you do with all of that money that was raised..? Well, pretty much we gave it away: Bishop Blanchette Scholarship fund Catholic Charities Auction Basket Catholic Charities Back to School Fair Playground equipment for our ELA Tuition Scholarship for ELA To help purchase items for PADS $50 $25 $100 $700 $200 $150

As we begin to plan for next year, we send on to you a special invitation to become more involved in our programs and activities. It feels good to have made a difference in someones life. We would love to have you join us and we could use your help! All women of Christ the King Parish are members of CCW. We encourage you to become an active member of our wonderful organization!

The parish staff would like to thank the former board under the leadership of Mary Ellen Clish, and we pray for our new board, under the leadership of Michelle Iwinski. Fr. Peter

June 30, 2013

Year of Faith 2012-2013

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Why a Fortnight in 2013? The second annual Fortnight for Freedom will take place from June 21 to July 4, and will consist of national and local efforts to educate Americans on challenges to religious liberty both at home and abroad. The Fortnight for Freedom in 2013 emphasizes the need for conscience protection as the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations to comply with the HHS mandate approaches, as well as religious freedom concerns in other areas, such as immigration, adoption, and humanitarian services. Focus on faith and marriage in the face of the potential Supreme Court rulings during this time are also of concern. For more information go to :

Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty

O God our Creator, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ. Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcomefor the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after usthis great land will always be "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Summer speaker & social series for young adults in their twenties & thirties

Theology on Tap

On Tap 2013 @ Ginos East from 7pm-9pm

315 W Front St Wheaton, IL
Wednesday, July 10th Conclave 101: From Pope Emeritus Benedict to Pope Francis; the Inside Scoop...with Paul Solomon Paul will share his first-hand experience of watching the transition between Pope Emeritus Benedict to Pope Francis. He will explain the process of how the Conclave operates, and give a reflection on the papacy from his recent experience in Rome. Wednesday, July 17th The Reality of Evil...with Fr. Jeffrey Grob Is evil a personal reality or is it some abstract phenomenon that simply exists? Who/What is the catalyst of evil? Is there a devil? What does the Catholic Church teach on this topic? Fr. Jeff will address these questions and more! Wednesday, July 24th The Pill & Pollution: How Birth Control Effects Women AND MEN...with Dr. Diana West We have several new resources through the Church that allow us to explain why birth control use is not good for the soul, but what about the effects of birth control on everything else? Come hear about the scientific studies that show how birth control may not be good for our bodies, relationships, & environment, and how its use effects women AND men.

May 20, Page 8 2012

Year Year of the of Faith Eucharist 2012-2013 2010-2011

June 30, Page 2013 7


In many ways SSTs. Peter and Paul could not be more different. Peter was a fisherman, working by the sweat of his brow and brawn, Paul came from a family of tent makers. Peter was a Galilean Jew from birth. Paul was born in Tarsus of Greek ancestry. Peter knew Christ personally on a daily basis through His Ascension while Paul did not know Christ till after the Ascension. Peter was married, Paul not so. Peter was called to Jesus through his brother, Andrew, but Paul had a personal call when knocked off his horse on his way to Damascus. Peter was a regular guy while Paul was Pharisee. But on the other hand, there are similarities. Jesus offered each His forgiveness for their failings, Peter on the beach when Christ asked him three times, "Peter, do you love me?" and Paul ,off his high horse ,when Jesus said, "Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?" After each encounter their names were changed to signify their new mission, Simon to Peter and, Saul to Paul. Their calls to serve were very different but each call beckoned them in the very circumstances of their lives as they set way nor words nor situations. We are aware through scripture the external matters of that call but God was working and forming and guiding each to that exact moment when His outward invitation would be extended. Calls for His servants are couched in everyday lives, in the minutiae of busy days. His call to serve is quiet, beckoning, ever increasing, ever gently moving towards that moment of encounter when the soul is aware of the Lord in a new insight. For me it became visible in an invitation from the priest at our parish in 1975. We entered into the Permanent Diaconate Program in Chicago and I was ordained in December of 1978,nearly thirty-five years ago. Peter and Paul, whose feast day is June 28th,are celebrated together because though different calls to two very different men in different situations, they conquered their differences and found the accomplishment of the Lord's call by working with each other and spreading out among many nations. Both of them were on fire with the power of the Holy Spirit and with that power fed through their natural personalities and gifts brought The Lord to the world. And at their lives' end each gave that life for The Lord in great courage and in an act final service. We are all called, as the hymn goes. Every vocation is a beckoning ,a calling ,an invitation to serve. Our job is to seek through daily prayer what is His calling for us.: how to serve, where to serve, when to serve . We also need to be open to go where it may seem a calling of challenge. Also, for our children and friends. We need to pray for the graces they need to know where Christ is calling them., perhaps a priest, a religious or even, maybe, a deacon. Like Peter and Paul you will know His invitation in the depths of your soul . You will be empowered by His great love and graces. My daily prayer is that you may respond to the grace He is offering you and the call He has for you in His kingdom of service. Be not afraid. In Him, Deacon Wayne (with help from someone who loves him)

June 30, 2013

Year of Faith 2012-2013

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June 22 & 23 collections
# Registered Families Account Weekly Offering Non Env/Loose This weeks total Weekly Budget Difference Debt Reduction Month to Date For the month Diocesan Annual Appeal Pledged 88% of Goal 6 1400 No. 333 Households Amount $8,758.00 $2,192.50 $10,950.50 $13,173.00 - $2,222.50 $270.00 $6,749.00 - $943.00 $49,573.00


Remembering a Loved One

Christ the King Church has a brick memorial garden surrounding our monument in front of the bell tower entrance. You have the opportunity to remember a loved one by purchasing a commemorative brick paver engraved with your choice of words and logos to be placed in the brick area. If you are interested in remembering a loved one in our brick memorial garden, please call Javier for a form with payment made to Christ the King church. If you cannot make full payment, you can put 50% down at time of order and the balance in the next few months. For more information about the memorial pavers you can contact Javier Aguilera, the operations manager at (630) 629-1717 or by email at

Going Away this Summer?

Dont forget your weekly/monthly giving even though you are away. Please support the debt reduction envelopes for our new narthex, parish life center and redo of parking lot. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. Elaine Ward

Todays Gospel reveals to us the beginning of Jesus journey to Jerusalem. We will journey with Jesus for many Sundays to come, and along the way he will teach us about the demands of discipleship. His instructions may seem harsh and unreasonable to our ears. His response to legitimate requests to postpone the journey reminds us that there are always justifiable excuses to defer the journey or put off the responsibilities of discipleship. Other important matters compete for our attention. Some of us must make heartwrenching choices, but there is urgency about Jesus mission to bring forth Gods kingdom. His demand is that we proclaim the Kingdom of God now. Is this our first priority, or do we have other priorities? God calls each of us to live as His Stewards - by living lives of holiness. Each day, this will require us to make decisions to follow Christ in a world filled with competing priorities and messages.


Please be sure to thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. Through their participation, our parish receives our weekly bulletin free of charge. Please cut out the thank you below and present it the next time you patronize one of our advertisers.

Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it!

*As a reminder our GYM and the Parish Life Center can be rented by parishioners or non parishioners for an event. Please call Javier at 630 -396-6093 for more information.

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Year of Faith 2012-2013

June 30, 2013


Mass Mass Mass

8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Church Church Church


Office Closed Adoration Break Open the Word

9am-8:00pm Church 10:00 am ER

St. Vincent DePaul RCIC

12:00 pm 7:00 pm ER ER

Prayer Group

7:00 pm ER

Rosary AA Meeting

After Masses 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Narthex Narthex Church PLC

5:30 pm 7:00 pm Church ER

New Parishioner Registration Confessions Mass Hospitality

Prayer Shawl Ministry

After Masses After Masses 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Narthex PLC Church Church Church

1:00 pm ER

New Parishioner Registration Hospitality Mass Mass Mass

Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm

Daily Mass 8:30 am Confessions 9:00 am

Rosary Tuesdays 5:30 pm Daily 9:00 am

Ministry Schedule for Saturday, July 6, and Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mass Time Lector Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Server Presider Ministers of Care

Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 12:00 PM

G. Doretti

D. Denn, K. Kulczyski M. & J. Maderak A. Weselak I. Boutiette, C. Clishem A. Enriquez, C. Paulsen M. Stellmach J. Iapichino J. & R. Myscofski R. & B. Venezio B. Diskin, B. Grino J. & B. Sasso, K. White

T. Wheeler

Fr. Bob Schoenstene Fr. Bob Schoenstene Fr. Peter Jarosz Fr. Peter Jarosz

M. Seagraves

C. & L. Grunert S. Dauz J. Ong A. Sokalski R. Beckman A. Sandei

E. Illes

P. Millsap

D. & A. Alzona K. Campbell M. Iwinski E. Mears L. Michalik M. Novak C. Paulsen A. Staron F. Rossi J. Seyller

June 30, 2013

Year of Faith 2012-2013

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Christ the King Directory

BISHOP: Most Rev. Daniel Conlon PASTOR: Rev. Peter Jarosz 630.396.6079; WEEKEND Associate Rev. Robert Schoenstene 630.629.1717 DEACONS: Deacon Wayne Storrs 630.629.1717 Deacon Frank Lillig 630.629.1717 Deacon Peter Robinson 630.629.1717 PASTORAL ASSOC./ ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Eileen Maggiore 630.396.6076 BUSINESS MANAGER: Elaine Colpo-Ward 630.396.6073; CHILDRENS FAITH FORMATION: Sherry Rochford Youth Outreach 630.396.6078; DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY: Bill Runge 630.396.6075; OPERATIONS MANAGER: Javier Aguilera 630.629.1717 ext 4 PASTORS/PARISH OFFICE SECRETARY: Carol Clishem 630.629.1717 BULLETIN EDITOR: Gina Gallo ACADEMY SECRETARY/ Assistant to Principal Lori Bhardwaj 630.627.0640; KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: Jill Placey, Academy Director 630.627.0640; KINDERGARTEN AIDE: Michelle Iwinski PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS: Karen Hanish, Sheila Knopf PRE-SCHOOL AIDES: Christine Leslie MAINTENANCE: Tony Azzolin, Joe Iapichino, Victor Mandin

Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 12:00 Noon


Saturdays: 4:00 pm-4:45 pm M-F 9am; And by appointment


Second Saturdays at 11:00 am


Weekdays at 9:00 am, morning prayer 8:10 am Tuesdays 5:30 pm

Thursdays 9:00 am-8:00 pm

Mon 10:00 am-3:00 pm Tues-Thurs: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am 12:00 pm After Hours By Appointment Main Office closed: 12-12:30 pm

REGISTRATION: We welcome you as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish activities. Registration is on the first Sunday of the month in the narthex, after each Mass or come to the parish office during business hours. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:
Will be on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month. Arrangements for baptisms are made by attending a preparation meeting. Parish registration is a pre-requisite for attending the meeting. 630.629.1717 x0

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Please allow eight months of preparation time. Date arrangements are made after the initial meeting with pastor or a representative before any other commitments are made. Contact 630.396.6076 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you or one of your loved ones are in need of the Sacrament contact the rectory or see the priest after Mass. In case of an emergency of illness or death, please contact the rectory, ext 1. SACRAMENT PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN: A child must be registered in Religious Education classes for two years prior to receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. Contact 630.396.6078 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Individuals who are interested in becoming in full communion with the Catholic Church ought to contact the parish rectory for an appointment.Contact 630.369.6076


1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148 Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692 Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139


CHURCH NAME & NUMBER Christ The King #512918 ADDRESS 1501 South Main Street Lombard, IL 60148 PHONE 630.629.1717 CONTACT PERSON Gina Gallo 630.290.6367 or Eileen Maggiore 630.308.1127 SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2007 E-Mail from Adobe Acrobat NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12


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