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On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS


I. INTRODUCTION Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya as one of the leading educational institutions in Indonesia always strive to produce high quality human resources, which later can develop the industrial world. ITS Graduates are expected to apply knowledge gained during lectures in the industrial world. This can only happen if students were given the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the real world through that field has study, on job training, and others. Knowledge been gained through working

experience on actual conditions provides maturity for student to face the challenges of globalization.


BACKGROUND On Job training is one of the subjects that should be done in

the study of Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of industrial Technology ITS Surabaya. Besides, on job training program is expected to increase student knowledge about the actual conditions that occur in the workplace. Knowledge that appropriate to the challenges faced the workplace will be of greatly assist students in the implementation or application of the theory that has been acquired during the lectures. PT UNISEM is a global provider of semiconductor assembly and test services for many of the world's most successful electronics companies. Located in Batam Islands, Kepulauan Riau Indonesia, PT. UNISEM BATAM has had considerable experience in semiconductor assembly and test services. As a company in charge of semiconductor assembly, PT. UNISEM BATAM is a company that is
Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS


related to

Department of




Surabaya. Through the cooperation in the form of on job training, students are expected to get a lot of knowledge and experience related to semicondutor assembly. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of industrial Technology ITS Surabaya has 5 fields of expertise: 1. Power system This field of expertise is related to the engineering energy conversion, transmission engineering and power distribution, interconnection system, control engineering and safety, the use of computers for planning calculations 2. Multimedia Telecommunication Students learn communication systems, engineering of sending and reception information signals, transmission and propagation or electromagnetic waves, transmitter and receiver design, the use of microprocessors in signal processing of information and communication systems. 3. Control System This field of expertise is related to the study mathematical models, dynamic system, components and hardware control, setting the computer, planning and analysis of system models, optimal control engineering, digital control engineering, robotic engineering, and the application of techniques other regulatory system 4. The engineering computer and telematika This field of expertise is related to the learn the hardware and computer software, system logic, the use of logic in computer design, use of computers as a data processing equipment results.
Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)






On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

5. Electronic engineering Learn the circuits and electronics components and circuit integration, electronic equipment planning, component manufacturing techniques, and the use of measuring tools in the industry and biomedical electronics. Activities that can be done such as engineering design and electronics systems based on Fuzzy Logic, medical electronics and instrumentation, design and training. For further support of the co-curricular, research and

community service, Department of Electrical Engineering provides supporting facilities in the form of sixteen laboratories. III. RATIONALE 1. The Objectives of Our National Education, which are to increase the quality of Indonesian people that have a strong faith to the God, Noble heart, Good Personality, Tough, Independent, Bright and broad minded, Creative, Discipline, have a good work Ethics, Professional, Responsible, and Productive and also having a good health condition. 2. Tri Dharma University, Which are Education, Research, and Devotion to the community. 3. The Educational Objectives of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya which are Leaderships, Skills, Scientific Thinking and Life Community attitude. 4. To build a good relationships among industrial institution in order to increase our quality of education , and research. 5. The Curricullum requirement that has to be taken in Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of industrial Technology. 6. Link and Match between College Education and real Industry.

Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

7. Internship ( On Job Training) program is a good facility to implement the general knowledge from college education to the real industrial work. IV. PURPOSE ON JOB TRAINING PROGRAM The main objective of the Programme is On Job Training to understand the activities and processes in the semiconductor assembly, the application of theoretical knowledge from university education to a real semiconductor assembly, and has a comprehensive understanding of the handling of management and troubleshooting in semiconductor and product testing services integrate circuit. Hopefully with Intrenship, students will be better prepared to accept the challenges of the industry, the ability of students to analyze and anticipate problems in the field will be increased, and also has creative ideas, innovative and bright to make the right decisions to solve problems in the field. V. ON JOB TRAINING PROGRAM SUBJECTS During On Job Training program, things that are desired to be studied include: 1. Semiconduktor assembly 2. Testing service 3. Design / Characterization 4. Package Offerings VI. SCHEDULE On Job Training Program will be conducted within 2 (two) months, in July-August 2013 with the following schedule: No . 1. 2. 3. 4. Activity I Literature Study Field Observation Field Study Special Activities II July August 2011 Week III IV V VI VII


Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

5. Report Writing VII. PRACTICAL WORK PARTICIPANTS Participants of Practical Work Program are: 1. Name NRP 2. Name NRP : Kiki windasari : 2210 100 0111 : Ni Wayan Yuli Astuti : 2210 100 112

Department : Electrical Engineering ITS Surabaya

Department : Electrical Engineering ITS Surabaya VIII. CLOSING We hope this Job training Program will develop a real good relationship between ITS Surabaya and PT. UNISEM BATAM. Finally, we thank you for your kind attention, and hopefully we will be able to do our Job training Program at PT. UNISEM BATAM.

Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

I. Place : PT. UNISEM Jl. S. Parman Kav. 201, Batamindo Industrial Park, Muka Kuning; Batam; Riau Islands; 29433 II. Time : 24 Juni 2013 24 agustus 2013 Surabaya, Nopember 2012 Participant 1 Participant 2

KIKI WINDASARI 2210 100 111 Approved by,


Coordinator of Job Training Program,


Ir. TOTOK MUJIONO, MI.KOM. NIP. 196504221989 031001

Ir. TASRIPAN, MT. NIP. 196204181990 031004

Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

KIKI WINDASARI, +62-0857-4756-0584, institut teknologi sepuluh nopember

Personal Details Full Name NRP Nationality Sex : Kiki Windasari : 2210 100 111 : Indonesian : Female Surabaya, East Java 60111 Permanent Address : Kav.Flamboyan Block C No. 67 Dapur Dua Belas Batu Aji Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29425 e-mail Phone Number : : +62-0857-4756-0584 (mobile) +62-0821-4347-3731 Language Known : Bahasa Indonesia English Education 1. SD 015863 Sei Renggas Nourth Sumatera (1998 - 2004) 2. SMP Negeri 2 Kisaran Nourth Sumatera 2007) 3. SMK Negeri 1 Batam 2010) (2007 (2004 -

Place, date of birth : Sei Renggas, April 4th, 1992

Current Address : Keputih Gg. 2 No. 10

Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

4. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya present) Department of Electrical Engineering


Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

Organization Experiences 1. Students Association of Department of Electrical Engineering (HIMATEKTRO) ITS Workshop Division Staff of Division June 2011 present 2. Riau archipelago Student Association (KPMKR) Surabaya Department of the arts and culture Head of the Department 2011-2012 3. ITS robotics unit student activities Department of the event and competition Staff of Department 2010-2011 4. ITS robotics team Humanoid Robot Team 2011-present Committee Involvements 2010 As organizing committee in ESTRA 2010 As organizing committee in FORTEI 2010 Release of Graduation to-100 Department of Electrical Engineering FTI-ITS 2011 2012 Release of Graduation to-101 Department of Electrical Engineering FTI-ITS As organizing committee in Kampung Binaan Department of Electrical Engineering FTI-ITS As organizing committee in HCC 2011 As organizing committee in INTERVAL As organizing committee in LCEN 2012
Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)

On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

As organizing committee in Robot In Action ITS

Training, Seminars and General Lectures 2010 2011 Personality of Training LKMM pra-TD (Management Leadership Training Students of pre-primary level) PLATJURDAS (basic level journalism training) Guest Lecture Rosiana Silalahi Goes to Campus Seminar Indonesia Menentukan Nasib dari reformasi ke Transformasi Kelembagaan By Executive students of ITS 2012 SCC (Summer Camp CAK) Leadership Training Seminar FTI Go Green For East Surabaya

Ni Wayan Yuli Astuti

Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)


On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS, +62856-4854-8549, institut teknologi sepuluh nopember

Personal Details Full Name NRP Nationality Sex : Ni Wayan Yuli Astuti : 2210 100 112 : Indonesian : Female Surabaya, East Java 60111 Permanent Address : e-mail Phone Number Sagulung Sumber Jadi Blok A7/75 Batam, Prov. Kepulauan Riau : : +6285-648-548-549 (mobile) English Education 1. SD Negeri 009 Batam 2004) 2. SMP Negeri 21 Batam 2007) 3. SMK Negeri 1 Batam - 2010) 4. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya present) Department of Electrical Engineering (2010 (2007 (2004 (1998 Language Known : Bahasa Indonesia

Place, date of birth : Lampung, July 05th, 1992

Current Address : Keputih Gg II No.10,

Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)


On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

Organization Experiences 1. Students Association of Department of Electrical Engineering (HIMATEKTRO) ITS Workshop Divition Staff of Divition 2011- present 2. Riau archipelago Student Association (KPMKR) Surabaya treasurer 2012 -2013 3. ITS robotics unit student activities head of secretariat 2012 -2013 Committee Involvements 2011 2012 2012 2012 As organizing committee in ESTRA 2011 As organizing committee in KRI-KRCIRegional IV As organizing committee in thesis seminar As Organizing Committee in Data & procceding section On Intelligent Application Training, Seminars and General Lectures 2010 2010 2010 2011 Personality of Training LKMM Pra - TD PKTI Seminar Indonesia Menentukan Nasib dari reformasi ke Transformasi Kelembagaan By Executive students of ITS Kuliah Tamu engineering HESS By Electrical SITIA 2012 (Seminar and Its Technology of the Riau archipelago Student Association (KPMKR) Surabaya


Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)


On Job Training Proposal Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI-ITS

2012 2012

Seminar FTI Go Green For East Surabaya PEKIL FTI ITS

Kiki windasari (2210100111) | Ni wayan yuli astuti (2210100112)


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