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Note that users refers to end users rather than the customer implementation team,
and the solutions are ranked in terms of lowest level of effort to implement first.
ProbIem ProbIem
One of the biggest complaints hear about when doing usability workshops, is how long it takes just to get to the place where need to start my work in Siebel. When
log in, it takes to me to application home page, then have to navigate to the right screen's home page, then have to get to the right top level view, from there
have to get to the right sub-level view. From there then have to query for the right record to start working on, and once find it, have to drill down on it to get to
a view where can actually start doing my work. Each time just views it takes a few minutes to refresh, so 3-4 view jumps takes me 10-15 minutes of waiting
before even begin to start work!
1. Train users on User Profile Preferences -> Behavior view, Startup field setting
'm sure that everyone reading this document already knows that individual users can chose their own views to startup at, but not all end users
do. Many probably have heard that it's possible, but probably very remember how to do it from training or bothered to try and figure it out
themselves. deally the right start-up view for each user type would be set correctly by the application administrator in the first place, but since this
doesn't always happen, or because each user will have a personal preference on where he or she would like to start work first, it's a good idea to
re-acquaint users with this functionality. t's even worthwhile for an administrator or power user to set up the start-up view for key users (because
it takes less time for an administrator to do it, than to walk someone through how to do it themselves). t's worth it, to provide this extra value to
key users, to ensure that they have a more pleasant experience with the system. A half day investment in this would go a long way in increasing
user satisfaction.
2. Train users to Drag and drop key records/views onto desktop, a launch pad or an email
1. Shortcuts/Bookmarks to specific views and records can be created by dragging and dropping. These shortcuts can be dragged onto the desktop,
into an email, into the Windows Start Menu or the Windows Task Bar. A record can be dragged into an email for a colleague or manager to review
or approve. The recipient can just double-click on the shortcut which will open Siebel and bring the user to the exact same view and record,
where the recipient can review the data then approve the item. The shortcut can even be dragged onto the Windows Start Menu or Task Bar.
3. Configure a Launch Pad to store all the favorite start up views/records
1. A launch pad can be configured that allows users to jump to the users favorite views and records. This launch pad can be icons stored on the
desktop or some other program such as word. The icons can even be customized to represent the customer's logo or a specific business process.
4. Reconfigure Home Pages to make them more dynamic and useful or remove them
1. Configure a Newspaper type Home Page with Dynamic data rather than static data. Give end users a cockpit where they can see something
interesting, such as what new orders or service requests came in yesterday or last week, what the most important tasks to do are today, or give
them quick links to get to the exact views and records they need to start work quickly. Showing them static data that only changes once a month,
does not buy them anything when they are forced to see that same page every day.
2. Remove the Home Pages if they are not useful and inhibit easy navigation rather than assisting with it.
1. Train users on User Profile Preferences -> Behavior view, Startup field setting
'm sure that everyone reading this document already knows that
individual users can chose their own views to startup at, but not all end
users do. Many probably have heard that it's possible, but probably very
remember how to do it from training or bothered to try and figure it out
themselves. deally the right start-up view for each user type would be
set correctly by the application administrator in the first place, but since
this doesn't always happen, or because each user will have a personal
preference on where he or she would like to start work first, it's a good
idea to re-acquaint users with this functionality. t's even worthwhile for
an administrator or power user to set up the start-up view for key users
(because it takes less time for an administrator to do it, than to walk
someone through how to do it themselves). t's worth it, to provide this
extra value to key users, to ensure that they have a more pleasant
experience with the system. A half day investment in this would go a long
way in increasing user satisfaction.
1. Train users to Drag and drop key records/views onto desktop, a launch pad or
an email an email
1. Shortcuts/Bookmarks to specific views and records can be created by
dragging and dropping. These shortcuts can be dragged onto the
desktop, into an email, into the Windows Start Menu or the Windows
Task Bar. A record can be dragged into an email for a colleague or
manager to review or approve. The recipient can just double-click on the
shortcut which will open Siebel and bring the user to the exact same view
and record, where the recipient can review the data then approve the
item. The shortcut can even be dragged onto the Windows Start Menu
or Task Bar.
1. Configure a Launch Pad to store all the favorite start up views/records
1. A launch pad can be configured that allows users to jump to the users
favorite views and records. This launch pad can be icons stored on the
desktop or some other program such as word. The icons can even be
customized to represent the customer's logo or a specific business
1. Reconfigure Home Pages to make them more dynamic and useful or remove
1. Configure a Newspaper type Home Page with Dynamic data rather than
static data. Give end users a cockpit where they can see something
interesting, such as what new orders or service requests came in
yesterday or last week, what the most important tasks to do are today, or
give them quick links to get to the exact views and records they need to
start work quickly. Showing them static data that only changes once a
month, does not buy them anything when they are forced to see that
same page every day.
2. Remove the Home Pages if they are not useful and inhibit easy
navigation rather than assisting with it.
The number of view jumps and the navigation path required to complete a single business process in Siebel, can cause a lot of anxiety with users. Though it should only take a few seconds,
depending upon how well (or poorly) a system has been performance tuned, it can take a minute or more to refresh the data when a user navigates to a new view. n addition, there are so many depending upon how well (or poorly) a system has been performance tuned, it can take a minute or more to refresh the data when a user navigates to a new view. n addition, there are so many
screen tabs, views links, sub view links and list applet hyperlinks in a typical Siebel mplementation that is it difficult for users to know view to go to, or how to get to the next view, to enter the next
piece of data. This leads to user frustration.
1. Train users on User Profile Preferences -> Tab Layout view and Show/Hide Views menu icon
1. User can put the tabs and views they use the most farther forward and hide the ones they don't use. n addition they can set the default view for each Screen Tab. Note that in
addition to using the User Profile Preference->Tab Layout view, users can quickly add or remove screen/view tabs using the appropriate icons in the main menu.
2. Train users on the Thread Bar
1. Not many users are aware of this functionality. The thread bar tracks the hyperlink trail that the user went through to get to where they currently are. Not only does it capture
which views the user went through, but it captures which parent records the user is under. Thus when users hyperlinked from an Accounts' Contacts screen to a Contacts
screen, and is "stuck under a contacts screen that only shows contacts for a particular account, they will know why, and more importantly, they will be able to click on the thread
bar links to move back up levels to get back to the views. Note that if you navigate to another screen using a screen tab or the Site Map, the thread bar resets.
3. Reconfigure applets into consolidated views so that users can complete a single business process without changing views or screens
1. Requiring users to change views and screens to complete a single business process confuses them, costs them time in terms of how long it takes to refresh a new view. OOTB
Siebel is set up with screens aligned by Object Type not by Business Process. n addition the OOTB navigation paradigm involves a list view landing page for each screen, then
a drill down to a view with a form applet on top and sub-applets down below. nstead of having users jump back and forth between the landing page and the details page, the top
applet of the details page can be swapped with a list applet to reduce jumping between views. n addition, when users need further details beyond the initial details view, instead
of requiring users to drill down on the child applet, it is better to put the additional information on grandchildren and great-grandchildren applets under the same view to reduce
unnecessessary and non-intuitive integration. f there are too many variations of possible information that the user many need to navigate to next, it is better to make that
additional information available via another subview tab in the same view, rather than requiring the user to drill down on a hyperlink to get to that information. For field users with
laptops, keep in mind Users' minimum screen resolution, and design to that screen size, noting how many rows and columns can be fit in each applet. For call center users with
large and multiple monitors, views can be made longer because call center users can turn their monitor sideways and/or extend their main monitors to additional monitors.
4. Reconfigure views and navigation menus so that hyperlinks are not the main navigation mechanism within a single business process
1. Hyperlinks are not an intuitive navigation method, as there is are labels on the hyperlink, the links take the user to a completely unrelated view and it is not obvious how to get
back to the original view. For these reasons, hyperlinks should be avoided as a main means of navigation within a single business processes. They may still be used in special
situations, such as for shortcuts for navigating to a parent record or drilling down to a specific piece of information, but it should be very limited.
5. Configure nBox to consolidate approval in workflow requests
1. Allows approvers to view and access all items that require their approval in one location. Alternative is navigating to each object separately to check for approvals required by
6. Configure iHelp to help coach users through steps to complete a business process
1. iHelp is very useful for coaching users through a complex business process that requires multiple screen and view jumps, and requires explanation of which fields need to be
entered, but a preferable solution is to consolidate the applets into a single view for that process, and to describe the fields with pop-ups and remove the fields that are not
7. mplement Task-Based U to streamline and simplify data entry for complex business processes
1. Task Based U is good for helping users execute complex tasks that would normally require the navigation through multiple screens and views. Note that a better solution is to
reconfigure the applets so that they appear in one or two views instead. Also note that this is only applicable for common but rarely executed tasks. t's not worthwhile to do if for
tasks that are too rarely executed and for tasks that are very common, users can generally enter the data faster directly in normal views rather than through a series of Task
Based U views.
1. Train users on User Profile Preferences -> Tab Layout view and Show/Hide
Views menu icon Views menu icon
1. User can put the tabs and views they use the most farther forward and
hide the ones they don't use. n addition they can set the default view for
each Screen Tab. Note that in addition to using the User Profile
Preference->Tab Layout view, users can quickly add or remove
screen/view tabs using the appropriate icons in the main menu.
1. Train users on the Thread Bar
1. Not many users are aware of this functionality. The thread bar tracks the
hyperlink trail that the user went through to get to where they currently
are. Not only does it capture which views the user went through, but it
captures which parent records the user is under. Thus when users
hyperlinked from an Accounts' Contacts screen to a Contacts screen,
and is "stuck under a contacts screen that only shows contacts for a
particular account, they will know why, and more importantly, they will be
able to click on the thread bar links to move back up levels to get back to
the views. Note that if you navigate to another screen using a screen tab
or the Site Map, the thread bar resets.
1. Reconfigure applets into consolidated views so that users can complete a single
business process without changing views or screens business process without changing views or screens
1. Requiring users to change views and screens to complete a single
business process confuses them, costs them time in terms of how long it
takes to refresh a new view. OOTB Siebel is set up with screens aligned
by Object Type not by Business Process. n addition the OOTB
navigation paradigm involves a list view landing page for each screen,
then a drill down to a view with a form applet on top and sub-applets
down below. nstead of having users jump back and forth between the
landing page and the details page, the top applet of the details page can
be swapped with a list applet to reduce jumping between views. n
addition, when users need further details beyond the initial details view,
instead of requiring users to drill down on the child applet, it is better to
put the additional information on grandchildren and great-grandchildren
applets under the same view to reduce unnecessary and non-intuitive
integration. f there are too many variations of possible information that
the user many need to navigate to next, it is better to make that
additional information available via another subview tab in the same view,
rather than requiring the user to drill down on a hyperlink to get to that
information. For field users with laptops, keep in mind Users' minimum
screen resolution, and design to that screen size, noting how many rows
and columns can be fit in each applet. For call center users with large
and multiple monitors, views can be made longer because call center
users can turn their monitor sideways and/or extend their main monitors
to additional monitors.
Reconfigure views and navigation menus so that hyperlinks are not the main
navigation mechanism within a single business process navigation mechanism within a single business process
Hyperlinks are not an intuitive navigation method, as there is are labels on
the hyperlink, the links take the user to a completely unrelated view and it is
not obvious how to get back to the original view. For these reasons,
hyperlinks should be avoided as a main means of navigation within a single
business processes. They may still be used in special situations, such as for
shortcuts for navigating to a parent record or drilling down to a specific piece
of information, but it should be very limited.
Configure nBox to consolidate approval in workflow requests
Allows approvers to view and access all items that require their approval in
one location. Alternative is navigating to each object separately to check for
approvals required by user.
Configure iHelp to help coach users through steps to complete a business process
1. mplement Task-Based U to streamline and simplify data entry for complex
business processes business processes
1. Task Based U is good for helping users execute complex tasks that
would normally require the navigation through multiple screens and
views. Note that a better solution is to reconfigure the applets so that
they appear in one or two views instead. Also note that this is only
applicable for common but rarely executed tasks. t's not worthwhile to do
if for tasks that are too rarely executed and for tasks that are very
common, users can generally enter the data faster directly in normal
views rather than through a series of Task Based U views.
1. Train users on Applet Menu -> Record Count command
1. Using this command is much easier than scrolling to the last record in the list.
2. Train users on Pre-Defined Queries, including defaulting the first PDQ
1. Almost all users are already familiar with the PDQ feature in Siebel. Most are also aware that they can save their queries for future use as PDQ's. However, not all users realize
that the queries for each screen are sorted in alphabetical order and that their top query winds up being the default query for the screen. Leveraging this capability makes it much
easier for users to get the records they want to work on, on a regular basis. t's also important to note PDQ's on lower applets can also be stored (which automatically limits the
record visibility in the top applets), and that sort orders can be saved with the queries as well! To get their queries to the top of the list users can add a space or an asterisk in
front of the query. Users should be cautioned against doing too many queries and losing track of which views and applets the queries are for, and getting "stuck in a query when
changing views.
3. Train users on Query Operators
1. Most users will not memorize these operators, and even if you provide them as a cheat sheet to users, most will lose them and not have them available when they actually need
them, but there are a couple operators that most users will likely find useful. These include the tilda (~) sign prefix for making queries case insensitive, and the (?) sign, as a
wildcard. A sample use case being when a user wants to perform a case insensitive query without wanting to use the tilda sign, which has performance issues. Replacing a letter
that could be upper or lower case with a (?) resolves that issues. Note that call center users and administrators will probably appreciate having the query operators cheat sheet
readily available to them.
4. Configure key fields for Case/Accent nsensitive Querying for usable yet performant querying
1. Removing accents and making all text upper or lower case to avoid this issue is a viable solution for many fields, but it is not viable if the field is used in correspondence to
customers. n addition, the traditional method of making the search on the field case insensitive, can cause severe performance issues. Unfortunately, the solution with many
implementations has been to keep the field case/accent sensitive, and train users to use the tilda (~) sign to make queries case/accent insensitive, or the "? for a wildcard.
Unfortunately, most implementation teams forgot the last part about training users on the tilda sign or the wildcard trick, or haven't trained new users on this functionality. Thus
many users are left with the frustrating issue of doing multiple queries to find their data. Leveraging the new Case nsensitive Querying delivered in v8.0 solves this problem
without causing any performance issues. For those techies in the audience that are interested in knowing, Siebel engineering did this by creating a parallel field for case/accent
insensitive fields, where the data is stored in an indexed field, agnostic of case and accent. Then when users query on the main field, the system converts the query specs into a
case/accent agnostic version that is queried against the parallel field. Pretty cool, huh?
5. Configure flattened/de-normalized list views to make children records more accessible and exportable
1. Users are often frustrated by data that is hidden really deep inside a hierarchy, because it takes so long to navigate down the hierarchy to get to the data that they want to see
and/or work on, and if they don't have the hierarchy structure memorized, the task is even more frustrating. To help users find low level data more easily and faster, create
denormalized list views (views where relational data is flattened into a OLAP type object), users can create their own queries from large data sets or export to Excel for further
6. Configure Explorer views
1. The Explorer view is good for visually representing Account hierarchies, Contact hierarchies the relationships between them, and other types of objects as well
7. mplement Secured Enterprise Search for flexible, intelligent, unstructured searches
1. The Siebel Search function improves the capabilities of the search engine, providing faster performance across a broad data set and offering a more intuitive interface through
which you can harness its power. With Siebel Search Center, customers' large and diverse knowledge repositories are made available to you in a central, transparent, and
intuitive interface. You can begin searching from a simple, intuitive Search Pane, or by clicking on the Search button from the applications toolbar. You can then expand your
search based on the results obtained from the initial search. You can refine searches, and save them for future use. An Advanced Search capability allows you to create
searches that use more complex logic, such as Boolean or parametric search terms, for more focused searching. Search results mirror the traditional layout that you see on
common nternet interfaces, with a document title, short autogenerated summaries, sortable columns, and automated refinements based on keywords and document type. For
more information about the Search center, see Siebel Search Administration Guide. NOTE: Search functionality is an optional extension to Siebel Business Applications.
1. Train users on Applet Menu -> Record Count command
1. Using this command is much easier than scrolling to the last record in the
Train users on Pre-Defined Queries, including defaulting the first PDQ
1. Train users on Pre-Defined Queries, including defaulting the first PDQ
1. Almost all users are already familiar with the PDQ feature in Siebel. Most
are also aware that they can save their queries for future use as PDQ's.
However, not all users realize that the queries for each screen are sorted
in alphabetical order and that their top query winds up being the default
query for the screen. Leveraging this capability makes it much easier for
users to get the records they want to work on, on a regular basis. t's also
important to note PDQ's on lower applets can also be stored (which
automatically limits the record visibility in the top applets), and that sort
orders can be saved with the queries as well! To get their queries to the
top of the list users can add a space or an asterisk in front of the query.
Users should be cautioned against doing too many queries and losing
track of which views and applets the queries are for, and getting "stuck
in a query when changing views.
1. Train users on Query Operators
1. Most users will not memorize these operators, and even if you provide
them as a cheat sheet to users, most will lose them and not have them
available when they actually need them, but there are a couple operators
that most users will likely find useful. These include the tilda (~) sign
prefix for making queries case insensitive, and the (?) sign, as a
wildcard. A sample use case being when a user wants to perform a case
insensitive query without wanting to use the tilda sign, which has
performance issues. Replacing a letter that could be upper or lower case
with a (?) resolves that issues. Note that call center users and
administrators will probably appreciate having the query operators cheat
sheet readily available to them.
1. Train users on Query Operators
1. Most users will not memorize these operators, and even if you provide
them as a cheat sheet to users, most will lose them and not have them
available when they actually need them, but there are a couple operators
that most users will likely find useful. These include the tilda (~) sign
prefix for making queries case insensitive, and the (?) sign, as a
wildcard. A sample use case being when a user wants to perform a case
insensitive query without wanting to use the tilda sign, which has
performance issues. Replacing a letter that could be upper or lower case
with a (?) resolves that issues. Note that call center users and
administrators will probably appreciate having the query operators cheat
sheet readily available to them.
1. Configure key fields for Case/Accent nsensitive Querying for usable yet
performant querying performant querying
1. Removing accents and making all text upper or lower case to avoid this
issue is a viable solution for many fields, but it is not viable if the field is
used in correspondence to customers. n addition, the traditional method
of making the search on the field case insensitive, can cause severe
performance issues. Unfortunately, the solution with many
implementations has been to keep the field case/accent sensitive, and
train users to use the tilda (~) sign to make queries case/accent
insensitive, or the "? for a wildcard. Unfortunately, most implementation
teams forgot the last part about training users on the tilda sign or the
wildcard trick, or haven't trained new users on this functionality. Thus
many users are left with the frustrating issue of doing multiple queries to
find their data. Leveraging the new Case nsensitive Querying delivered
in v8.0 solves this problem without causing any performance issues. For
those techies in the audience that are interested in knowing, Siebel
engineering did this by creating a parallel field for case/accent insensitive
fields, where the data is stored in an indexed field, agnostic of case and
accent. Then when users query on the main field, the system converts
the query specs into a case/accent agnostic version that is queried
against the parallel field. Pretty cool, huh?
1. Configure flattened/de-normalized list views to make children records more
accessible and exportable accessible and exportable
1. Users are often frustrated by data that is hidden really deep inside a
hierarchy, because it takes so long to navigate down the hierarchy to get
to the data that they want to see and/or work on, and if they don't have
the hierarchy structure memorized, the task is even more frustrating. To
help users find low level data more easily and faster, create
denormalized list views (views where relational data is flattened into a
OLAP type object), users can create their own queries from large data
sets or export to Excel for further manipulation.
Configure Explorer views
The Explorer view is good for visually representing Account hierarchies,
Contact hierarchies the relationships between them, and other types of
objects as well
mplement Secured Enterprise Search for flexible, intelligent, unstructured searches
The Siebel Search function improves the capabilities of the search engine, providing faster The Siebel Search function improves the capabilities of the search engine, providing faster
performance across a broad data set and offering a more intuitive interface through which you can
harness its power. With Siebel Search Center, customers' large and diverse knowledge repositories
are made available to you in a central, transparent, and intuitive interface. You can begin searching
from a simple, intuitive Search Pane, or by clicking on the Search button from the applications toolbar.
You can then expand your search based on the results obtained from the initial search. You can refine
searches, and save them for future use. An Advanced Search capability allows you to create searches
that use more complex logic, such as Boolean or parametric search terms, for more focused
searching. Search results mirror the traditional layout that you see on common nternet interfaces, with
a document title, short autogenerated summaries, sortable columns, and automated refinements
based on keywords and document type. For more information about the Search center, see Siebel
Search Administration Guide. NOTE: Search functionality is an optional extension to Siebel Business
mplement WebCenter Content for intelligent searching of structured
WebCenter Content is an intelligent search engine that will help users
find answers to questions in Siebel Solutions.
mplement nQuira for intelligent searching of unstructured data sources
nQuira intelligently searches through unstructured data sources such
as word and pdf docs and directly displays the solution most
likely to satisfy the users enquiry, rather merely presenting the
user with a list of potential solutions that may address the users
1. Train users on Edit -> Change Records command
1. hear many complaints about how much time it takes to change multiple records in Siebel. Most of these 1. hear many complaints about how much time it takes to change multiple records in Siebel. Most of these
users don't know about the Change Records command. n some cases T has turned off the command
because they are concerned that users may make mass changes by accident, but would recommend
against this, since this command can be such a time saver for users. f there is a high concern on the part of
T, they should at least unlock the command for specific views and specific fields where users have made a
request to enable mass updating of a certain piece of data. Highlighting multiple records then choosing the
change records command from the main menu brings up a pop-up applet that asks users which fields they
want changed to what value.
2. Train users on Edit -> Merge Records command, and how it can also be used to delete multiple records by merging
them then deleting the remaining record
1. There are relatively few occasions where users that need to use Merge functionality, but when they do need
it, it is invaluable. n particular, it is very useful during data cleansing exercises, such as de-duping Accounts
and Contacts. t's also very useful as a workaround for deleting multiple records. The mass delete
functionality has been turned off by T for many implementations (and for good reason), but it has not been
made available to power users and administrators, who really need this functionality when administering
large amounts of data. As a workaround, administrators and power users can be taught to use the merge
command for deleting multiple records at once. Specifically, they can merge all the records into one record
then delete the remaining record. Deleting one record at a time can be painfully consuming because of the
wait and delete confirmation after each delete, due to the system checking for possible children records to
delete also (when cascade delete is set to true).
3. Configure Reverse Views to allow a child records to be associated to multiple parent records at once, such as
Employee->Account view instead of Account->Sales Team view
1. This is a very effective technique for reducing data administration time. There are many instances where
users, especially administrators need to add the same child record to multiple parent records. Examples
include adding a new user to multiple parent accounts or adding a new product to multiple new forecasts,
offerings, promotions or audits. The alternative is to query for the parent record, click on the associate pop-
up Pick Applet, find the child record then click ok, then rinse and repeat another half a dozen times if not
more, which can be a pain-stakingly slow process. Note that the reverse views not only allow mass
associations of children records to parent records, but it allows the attributes of children records under
multiple parent records to be changed en mass as well. Configuring these reverse views can be as easy as
making the child record the top applet in a view and then adding a parent MVG field to the applet.
1. Train users on Edit -> Change Records command
1. hear many complaints about how much time it takes to change multiple
records in Siebel. Most of these users don't know about the Change
Records command. n some cases T has turned off the command
because they are concerned that users may make mass changes by
accident, but would recommend against this, since this command can
be such a time saver for users. f there is a high concern on the part of
T, they should at least unlock the command for specific views and
specific fields where users have made a request to enable mass
updating of a certain piece of data. Highlighting multiple records then
choosing the change records command from the main menu brings up a
pop-up applet that asks users which fields they want changed to what
1. Train users on Edit -> Merge Records command, and how it can also be used to
delete multiple records by merging them then deleting the remaining record delete multiple records by merging them then deleting the remaining record
1. There are relatively few occasions where users that need to use Merge
functionality, but when they do need it, it is invaluable. n particular, it is
very useful during data cleansing exercises, such as de-duping Accounts
and Contacts. t's also very useful as a workaround for deleting multiple
records. The mass delete functionality has been turned off by T for many
implementations (and for good reason), but it has not been made
available to power users and administrators, who really need this
functionality when administering large amounts of data. As a workaround,
administrators and power users can be taught to use the merge
command for deleting multiple records at once. Specifically, they can
merge all the records into one record then delete the remaining record.
Deleting one record at a time can be painfully consuming because of the
wait and delete confirmation after each delete, due to the system
checking for possible children records to delete also (when cascade
delete is set to true).
1. Configure Reverse Views to allow a child records to be associated to multiple
parent records at once, such as Employee->Account view instead of Account- parent records at once, such as Employee->Account view instead of Account-
>Sales Team view
1. This is a very effective technique for reducing data administration time.
There are many instances where users, especially administrators need to
add the same child record to multiple parent records. Examples include
adding a new user to multiple parent accounts or adding a new product
to multiple new forecasts, offerings, promotions or audits. The alternative
is to query for the parent record, click on the associate pop-up Pick
Applet, find the child record then click ok, then rinse and repeat another
half a dozen times if not more, which can be a pain-stakingly slow
process. Note that the reverse views not only allow mass associations of
children records to parent records, but it allows the attributes of children
records under multiple parent records to be changed en mass as well.
Configuring these reverse views can be as easy as making the child
record the top applet in a view and then adding a parent MVG field to the
A good thing about Siebel, is that a lot of information and capabilties can be built into a single Siebel view. This is also a drawback of the system, as the shear
volume of information on a screen can overwhelm a user. volume of information on a screen can overwhelm a user.
1. Train users on Text Editor button
1. Allows users to type and see large amounts of text in a big pop-up window rather than a smaller pre-formatted field.
2. Reconfigure applets to remove unnecessary fields
1. Many fields included in an original implementation may have been put there for admirable reasons, such as a contacts' birthday, or a contact's
spouse and kids names. Unfortunately, many of these fields were never used, and now they just clutter up the screen and cause user anxiety,
because they don't know if they might get in trouble from their management for not filling out those fields. t's important to denote on the screen
which fields users really should fill out, and which ones are completely optional. f the field really should be completed but isn't, thought must go
into the project to determine if business processes need to be changed so that the field is used properly, or if the field should just be removed.
Unfortunately, this process is usually more than just a BA asking a few people whether or not they still want the field. This process should be
taken seriously, and project sponsors should be involved to help decide how comprehensive the system should be.
3. Reconfigure applets to reduce the number of mandatory fields
1. Many older systems were configured with old business processes and objectives in mind, and configuration is now obsolete relative to current
business processes. Data quality should be controlled through exception reporting rather than system enforced business rules
4. Reconfigure the location and order of buttons, auto-instantiate them when appropriate and put them in sequence of the business process
1. Train users better on business rules incorporated into custom buttons and re-order the buttons so that they are in the order a business process
would be executed. Should also automatically initiate action based on data entry.
5. Configure separate views for entering data vs. managing and analyzing data
1. No need to have analysis fields cluttering views, when a user only wants to quickly enter their data, especially since many users may never use
those analysis fields.
6. Configure Hover Over functionality to describe what fields are intended for
7. Train users to Lock Columns in list views with double click
8. Train users to Expand/Collapse Applets and/or toggle between form and list applets with button (may require configuration)
9. Reconfigure form views using Personalization to dynamically display fields based on users' attributes
1. Train users on Text Editor button
1. Allows users to type and see large amounts of text in a big pop-up
window rather than a smaller pre-formatted field.
1. Reconfigure applets to remove unnecessary fields
1. Many fields included in an original implementation may have been put
there for admirable reasons, such as a contacts' birthday, or a contact's
spouse and kids names. Unfortunately, many of these fields were never
used, and now they just clutter up the screen and cause user anxiety,
because they don't know if they might get in trouble from their
management for not filling out those fields. t's important to denote on the
screen which fields users really should fill out, and which ones are
completely optional. f the field really should be completed but isn't,
thought must go into the project to determine if business processes need
to be changed so that the field is used properly, or if the field should just
be removed. Unfortunately, this process is usually more than just a BA
asking a few people whether or not they still want the field. This process
should be taken seriously, and project sponsors should be involved to
help decide how comprehensive the system should be.
1. Reconfigure applets to reduce the number of mandatory fields
1. Many older systems were configured with old business processes and
objectives in mind, and configuration is now obsolete relative to current
business processes. Data quality should be controlled through exception
reporting rather than system enforced business rules
1. Reconfigure the location and order of buttons, auto-instantiate them when
appropriate and put them in sequence of the business process appropriate and put them in sequence of the business process
1. Train users better on business rules incorporated into custom buttons
and re-order the buttons so that they are in the order a business process
would be executed. Should also automatically initiate action based on
data entry.
1. Configure separate views for entering data vs. managing and analyzing data
1. No need to have analysis fields cluttering views, when a user only wants
to quickly enter their data, especially since many users may never use
those analysis fields.
Configure Hover Over functionality to describe what fields are intended for
1. Train users to Lock Columns in list views with double click
1. Train users to Expand/Collapse Applets and/or toggle between form and list
applets with button (may require configuration) applets with button (may require configuration)
Reconfigure form views using Personalization to dynamically display fields based on
users' attributes
1. This is an interesting topic, as the users now require both extremes, in terms for data entry. Field Sales people using tablet type devices do not want to do any keyboard entry, and will only want to do data entry with finger or pen taps,
whereas call center operators need to enter a lot of data on the keyboard and do not want to remove a hand to use the mouse. To this extent it is very important to understand the users use cases before designing the U. whereas call center operators need to enter a lot of data on the keyboard and do not want to remove a hand to use the mouse. To this extent it is very important to understand the users use cases before designing the U.
1. Train users on how to use keyboard with Pick Lists
1. A drop-down list allows you to click a down arrow button to the right of a field to select from a list of available values. You can also type the value or the starting letters of the value you are looking for in the drop-down
field to automatically select it. After typing the value or starting letters of the value, tab or click off the field. The appropriate value appears in the field unless more than one value match the starting letters you entered. n
this case, the drop-down list opens and you must select the appropriate value.
2. f the picklist is long and the users know the value they want to choose in a Pick List, they may be able pick the value faster by typing than with mouse clicks. Simply typing the first letter(s) of the value they want to
choose until the value is unique will automatically pick the value they are trying to pick when the user clicks or tabs off the field.
2. Train users on how to use keyboard with Pick Applets
1. f the users know the value they want to choose in a Pick Applet, they will be able pick the value faster by typing than with mouse clicks. Simply typing the first letter(s) of the value they want to choose until the value is
unique will automatically pick the value they are trying to pick when the user clicks or tabs off the field. f the user does not type enough value to make the value unique, the available values to pick from in the pick
applet will be shortlisted based on the values initially typed, as a wildcard is assumed at the end of the characters entered, unless a wildcard is entered between to real characters, in which case a wildcard at the end is
no longer assumed.
3. Train users on how to use Keyboard Shortcuts
1. Using hotkeys to navigate list views may be easier for some users to enter data than using the mouse.
4. Train users on ability to use Drag and Drop for Attachments
1. Many users don't know that attachments can be added with drag and drop.
5. Reconfigure Tab Order in form applets
1. System should be re-configured to enable users to complete all data entry, including initiating actions, without needing to scroll and/or use a mouse
6. Reconfigure Column Order and Column Widths in list applets
1. System should be re-configured to enable users to complete all data entry, including initiating actions, without needing to scroll and/or use a mouse
7. Reconfigure pick lists with a shortlisted set of values based on user context
1. Put search specifications or make the LOV's a child of another LOV to reduce the possible set of values to pick from in a picklist. deal maximum picklist length is 10 values. Any more, and usability issues occur with
scrolling and/or need to perform queries within the pick applets.
8. Reconfigure MVG Pick Applets as Shuttle Applets instead
1. Users often don't know that they can multi-select using control-click and/or that feature is not enabled in the pick applet. n addition, shuttle applets are a more attractive, intuitive and faster U control. Shuttle applets
have the ability to see the values already chosen, while in the middle of choosing values and have the ability to remove values at the time are being chosen. Many developers believe that shuttle applets can only be
used with M:M relationships, but the control can be tricked into working with 1:M relationships.
9. Reconfigure Pick Applets as pick lists, Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
1. The time required to bring up pop-up pick applet and go through the click process to choose a record can be substantial. This U control should be avoided whenever possible, as the picklist, check box and radio button
controls are far more efficient. Picklist controls with short lists can be replaced by check boxes and radio buttons, as they are slightly easier to use.
1. Train users on how to use keyboard with Pick Lists
1. A drop-down list allows you to click a down arrow button to the right of a
field to select from a list of available values. You can also type the value
or the starting letters of the value you are looking for in the drop-down
field to automatically select it. After typing the value or starting letters of
the value, tab or click off the field. The appropriate value appears in the
field unless more than one value match the starting letters you entered.
n this case, the drop-down list opens and you must select the
appropriate value.
2. f the picklist is long and the users know the value they want to choose in
a Pick List, they may be able pick the value faster by typing than with
mouse clicks. Simply typing the first letter(s) of the value they want to
choose until the value is unique will automatically pick the value they are
trying to pick when the user clicks or tabs off the field.
1. Train users on how to use keyboard with Pick Applets
1. f the users know the value they want to choose in a Pick Applet, they will
be able pick the value faster by typing than with mouse clicks. Simply
typing the first letter(s) of the value they want to choose until the value is
unique will automatically pick the value they are trying to pick when the
user clicks or tabs off the field. f the user does not type enough value to
make the value unique, the available values to pick from in the pick
applet will be shortlisted based on the values initially typed, as a wildcard
is assumed at the end of the characters entered, unless a wildcard is
entered between to real characters, in which case a wildcard at the end
is no longer assumed.
1. Train users on how to use Keyboard Shortcuts
1. Using hotkeys to navigate list views may be easier for some users to
enter data than using the mouse.
1. Train users on ability to use Drag and Drop for Attachments
1. Many users don't know that attachments can be added with drag and
drop. Not only can they be added from the desktop, but they can also be
added from email
1. Reconfigure Tab Order in form applets
1. System should be re-configured to enable users to complete all data
entry, including initiating actions, without needing to scroll and/or use a
1. Reconfigure Column Order and Column Widths in list applets
1. System should be re-configured to enable users to complete all data
entry, including initiating actions, without needing to scroll and/or use a
1. Reconfigure pick lists with a shortlisted set of values based on user context
1. Put search specifications or make the LOV's a child of another LOV to
reduce the possible set of values to pick from in a picklist. deal
maximum picklist length is 10 values. Any more, and usability issues
occur with scrolling and/or need to perform queries within the pick
1. Reconfigure MVG Pick Applets as Shuttle Applets instead
1. Users often don't know that they can multi-select using control-click
and/or that feature is not enabled in the pick applet. n addition, shuttle
applets are a more attractive, intuitive and faster U control. Shuttle
applets have the ability to see the values already chosen, while in the
middle of choosing values and have the ability to remove values at the
time are being chosen. Many developers believe that shuttle applets can
only be used with M:M relationships, but the control can be tricked into
working with 1:M relationships.
1. Reconfigure Pick Applets as pick lists, Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
1. The time required to bring up pop-up pick applet and go through the click
process to choose a record can be substantial. This U control should be
avoided whenever possible, as the picklist, check box and radio button
controls are far more efficient. Note that Picklist controls with short lists
can be replaced by check boxes and radio buttons, as they are slightly
easier to use.
1. Train managers to delegate admin work to assistants and power users leveraging Change Position feature
1. Power users are often asked to manage data in the system for their managers, but don't have visibility or 1. Power users are often asked to manage data in the system for their managers, but don't have visibility or
security authority to make the changes. f they are given their managers' positions and responsibilities this
problem could be overcome.
2. Reconfigure security rules, so that more people have the ability and mandate to view and update data
1. System rules, either implied or enforced by the system, can cause user frustration and poor data quality. t is
important that the people who know the information have the ability to enter it and own it, rather than having
"a person of authority" own the data. Other business rules could be implemented to approve data entered by
the person that does not "own" the master object.
3. Reconfigure business rules using Data Validation to enforce field level business rules
1. Putting business rules in the system as administrative data rather than in Tools as configuration will allow
them to be more nimble, thus more appropriate.
4. Configure Audit Trail to track updates rather than locking down the system
1. System rules, either implied or enforced by the system, can cause user frustration and poor data quality. t is
important that the people who know the information have the ability to enter it and own it, rather than having
"a person of authority" own the data. Using Audit Trail to track who broke a business rule, rather than
hardcoding the business rule into the application is easier for T and causes less user anxiety.
5. Configure OBEE exception reports to track and manage bad data
1. Exception reporting is a far more effective way of enforcing business rules in a system than hardcoding
business rules. Hardcoding business rules often cause users to enter data in such a way as to outsmart the
system, such as entering an expense of $499, when they know the system will not let them enter values over
$500. t is better to let the user break the rule so that they enter the data as accurately as possible, then user
exception reporting to notify management so that they can understand and approve the exceptions to the
business rules.
1. Train managers to delegate admin work to assistants and power users
leveraging Change Position feature leveraging Change Position feature
1. Power users are often asked to manage data in the system for their
managers, but don't have visibility or security to make the changes. f
they are given their managers' positions and responsibilities this problem
could be overcome.
1. Reconfigure security rules, so that more people have the ability and mandate to
view and update data view and update data
1. System rules, either implied or enforced by the system, can cause user
frustration and poor data quality. t is important that the people who know
the information have the ability to enter it and own it, rather than having
"a person of authority" own the data. Other business rules could be
implemented to approve data entered by the person that does not "own"
the master object.
1. Reconfigure business rules using Data Validation to enforce field level business
rules rules
1. Putting business rules in the system as administrative data rather than in
Tools as configuration will allow them to be more nimble, thus more
1. Configure Audit Trail to track updates rather than locking down the system
1. System rules, either implied or enforced by the system, can cause user
frustration and poor data quality. t is important that the people who know
the information have the ability to enter it and own it, rather than having
"a person of authority" own the data. Using Audit Trail to track who broke
a business rule, rather than hardcoding the business rule into the
application is easier for T and causes less user anxiety.
1. Configure OBEE exception reports to track and manage bad data
1. Exception reporting is a far more effective way of enforcing business
rules in a system than hardcoding business rules. Hardcoding business
rules often cause users to enter data in such a way as to outsmart the
system, such as entering an expense of $499, when they know the
system will not let them enter values over $500. t is better to let the user
break the rule so that they enter the data as accurately as possible, then
user exception reporting to notify management so that they can
understand and approve the exceptions to the business rules.
1. Train users on User Profile Preferences > Quick Fill Templates
1. deally the system should be intelligent enough to default fields for new records on it own, but when this 1. deally the system should be intelligent enough to default fields for new records on it own, but when this
hasn't been done, end users can default fields for new records via Quickfill Templates. When users create a
new record, they can fill in the fields that they always fill in the same way, then save the record as a
template. Then for the next record, they can hit CTRL+J, and the new pre-filled record based upon the last
template created will be created, or they can hit CTRL+K, and create a new record based on any one of
multiple templates.
2. Reconfigure fields to be defaulted based on parent record or fields already entered in the current record, such as record
name field
1. Time and effort should not be spent typing data or chosing values when they should already be known based
on user context. There are often loose relationships between fields on a single record, and one field can be
defaulted based on the value of another field, such as Sales Status, Close Probability and Sales Stage.
3. Raise Master Data (Accounts, Products, LOV's) tracking level so that a higher level of data, and thus less data, is
1. Master data often comes from a legacy system and was developed by/for Marketing, Finance, Accounting or
Demand Planning. The problem with this is that the data may be at a lower level of granularity than the sales
wants to manage the data at. For instance, asking all sales people to create a SKU level forecast, when
really only think at a product category levels causes a lot of unnecessary data entry, anxiety on the part of
the sales people, and in the end less accurate sales forecast data for management.
4. Re-structure Master Data hierarchies from being ERP centric to Sales, Service and Marketing centric so that less time
is spent navigating hierarchies to find data
1. Using Financial, Accounting, Marketing, Operations or Demand Planning centric hierarchies will make it
much more difficult for sales people to choose the right Account(s) and Products(s) they need to enter into a
CRM system. An example of this is a customer worked with that put the product Brand level higher than the
product Package Size in the product hierarchy. This sounds logical, but when it came to entering promotions
and discounts for the products, because this company often promoted/discounted their products by package
size across multiple brands, when users created cross brand promotions, they had to pick each brand then
the package size for each brand in the promotion, rather than being able to choose the package size, then
the brands to be promoted under that package size just once. The bottom line is changing the product
hierarchy structure reduced the amount of time it took to enter those promotions in Siebel by about 70%.
1. Train users on User Profile Preferences > Quick Fill Templates
1. deally the system should be intelligent enough to default fields for new
records on it own, but when this hasn't been done, end users can default
fields for new records via Quickfill Templates. When users create a new
record, they can fill in the fields that they always fill in the same way, then
save the record as a template. Then for the next record, they can hit
CTRL+J, and the new pre-filled record based upon the last template
created will be created, or they can hit CTRL+K, and create a new record
based on any one of multiple templates.
1. Reconfigure fields to be defaulted based on parent record or fields already
entered in the current record, such as record name field entered in the current record, such as record name field
1. Time and effort should not be spent typing data or chosing values when
they should already be known based on user context. There are often
loose relationships between fields on a single record, and one field can
be defaulted based on the value of another field, such as Sales Status,
Close Probability and Sales Stage.
1. Raise Master Data (Accounts, Products, LOV's) tracking level so that a higher
level of data, and thus less data, is referenced level of data, and thus less data, is referenced
1. Master data often comes from a legacy system and was developed by/for
Marketing, Finance, Accounting or Demand Planning. The problem with
this is that the data may be at a lower level of granularity than the sales
wants to manage the data at. For instance, asking all sales people to
create a SKU level forecast, when really only think at a product category
levels causes a lot of unnecessary data entry, anxiety on the part of the
sales people, and in the end less accurate sales forecast data for
1. Re-structure Master Data hierarchies from being ERP centric to Sales, Service
and Marketing centric so that less time is spent navigating hierarchies to find and Marketing centric so that less time is spent navigating hierarchies to find
1. Using Financial, Accounting, Marketing, Operations or Demand Planning
centric hierarchies will make it much more difficult for sales people to
choose the right Account(s) and Products(s) they need to enter into a
CRM system. An example of this is a customer worked with that put the
product Brand level higher than the product Package Size in the product
hierarchy. This sounds logical, but when it came to entering promotions
and discounts for the products, because this company often
promoted/discounted their products by package size across multiple
brands, when users created cross brand promotions, they had to pick
each brand then the package size for each brand in the promotion, rather
than being able to choose the package size, then the brands to be
promoted under that package size just once. The bottom line is changing
the product hierarchy structure reduced the amount of time it took to
enter those promotions in Siebel by about 70%.
Embed External Web Applications such as Google Maps
Maps can be integrated with Siebel to visually show the locations of accounts, and even to plan optimum driving routes between the accounts. Maps can be integrated with Siebel to visually show the locations of accounts, and even to plan optimum driving routes between the accounts.
Handheld client for Microsoft windows devices can now be extended with C++ scripting and COM integration
Web Templates allows implementation teams to create attractive modern user experiences
OBEE 11g now with Geo-spatial mapping, has now been enhanced so that it is fully compatible with iPad and other non-nternet Explorer browsers
There are many new features in OBEE 11g, including geospatial mapping reports and record expand (without refreshing the entire report) .
Adobe and Google Gadgets allow users convenient access to data in Siebel
Especially valuable for occassional users, such as marketing managers that only want visibility to how their campaigns are going in real-time.
CRM Desktop allows users to use MS Outlook as their U for Siebel
Basic Account, Contact, Opportunity and Activity management is pre-configured, and additional objects can be configured. Note that synchronization is
with the MS Outlook/Lotus Notes client, not the server.
Web Services and REST AP enabled objects allows new U's to be easily built using tools such as Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flex
The new REST AP available OOTB in Siebel 8.1 enables a fancy new U to be created for Siebel very quickly and easily. Special new controls include
flicking, accordian views, smooth page transitions, etc.
SonGo is Siebel's new Adobe Flex based mobile client specifically designed for tablets.
ncludes basic SFA functionality and specialized functionality for Pharma Sales reps, including visit scheduling, samples management and personal
content delivery (interactive multi-media presentations)
iSales, Oracle's new mobile platform, will leverage iPad/iPhone, Blackberry and Android native app technology, to access in disconnected mode
New mobile platform for Siebel and CRM OD coming available in 2011.
Open U will leverage Jquery/Jscript technology to allow users to access with any browser using a modern and fully flexible and extensible framework
Fusion will be Oracle's new open standards based enterprise architecture
Embed External Web Applications such as Google Maps
Maps can be integrated with Siebel to visually show the locations of
accounts, and even to plan optimum driving routes between the accounts.
Handheld client for Microsoft windows devices can now be extended with C++ scripting and COM integration
OBEE 11g now with Geo-spatial mapping, has now been enhanced so that it is fully compatible with iPad and other non-nternet Explorer
There are many new features in OBEE 11g, including geospatial mapping reports and record expand (without refreshing the entire
report) .
Adobe and Google Gadgets allow users convenient access to data in Siebel
Especially valuable for occasional users, such as sales and marketing managers that want visibility to data in the system in real-
time, but do not want to log into Siebel and navigate to the appropriate view each time they want to "check on progress for the
uptake of a marketing campaign, the total forecasts during planning season, the recent orders received/shipped or the customer
service requests logged. Oracle has developed a Google Gadget builder for Siebel that is available for customers to use, to more
quickly build their own gadgets. Note that Oracle's Google Gadget builder is available to customers at no charge and is not an
officially supported product.
CRM Desktop allows users to use MS Outlook as their U for Siebel
Basic Account, Contact, Opportunity and Activity management is pre-configured, and additional objects can be configured. Note that
synchronization is with the MS Outlook/Lotus Notes client, not the server.
Web Services and REST AP enabled objects allows new U's to be easily built using tools such as Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flex
The new REST AP available OOTB in Siebel 8.1 enables a fancy new U to be created for Siebel very quickly and easily. Special
new controls include flicking, accordian views, smooth page transitions, etc.
SonGo is Siebel's new Adobe Flex based mobile client specifically designed for tablets.
ncludes basic SFA functionality and specialized functionality for Pharma Sales reps, including visit scheduling, samples
management and personal content delivery (interactive multi-media presentations)
iSales, Oracle's new mobile platform, will leverage iPad/iPhone, Blackberry and Android native app technology, to access in disconnected mode
New mobile platform for Siebel and CRM OD coming available in 2011.
Open U will leverage Jquery/Jscript technology to allow users to access with any browser using a modern and fully flexible and extensible
Fusion will be Oracle's new open standards based enterprise architecture
Handheld client for Microsoft windows devices can now be extended with C++
scripting and COM integration
Adobe and Google Gadgets allow users convenient access to data in Siebel
Especially valuable for occasional users, such as sales and marketing
managers that want visibility to data in the system in real-time, but do not
want to log into Siebel and navigate to the appropriate view each time they
want to "check on progress for the uptake of a marketing campaign, the total
forecasts during planning season, the recent orders received/shipped or the
customer service requests logged. Oracle has developed a Google Gadget
builder for Siebel that is available for customers to use, to more quickly build
their own gadgets. Note that Oracle's Google Gadget builder is available to
customers at no charge and is not an officially supported product.
CRM Desktop allows users to use MS Outlook as their U for Siebel
Basic Account, Contact, Opportunity and Activity management is pre-
configured, and additional objects can be configured. Note that
synchronization is with the MS Outlook/Lotus Notes client, not the server.
SonGo is Siebel's new Adobe Flex based mobile client specifically designed for
tablets. tablets.
ncludes basic SFA functionality and specialized functionality for Pharma
Sales reps, including visit scheduling, samples management and personal
content delivery (interactive multi-media presentations)
Open U will leverage Jquery/Jscript technology to allow users to access with any
browser using a modern and fully flexible and extensible framework
Open U will leverage Jquery/Jscript technology to allow users to access with any
browser using a modern and fully flexible and extensible framework
OBEE 11g now with Geo-spatial mapping, has now been enhanced so that it is fully
compatible with iPad and other non-nternet Explorer browsers compatible with iPad and other non-nternet Explorer browsers
There are many new features in OBEE 11g, including geospatial mapping
reports and in-place drill-downs (record expand, without refreshing the entire
report) .
With at single authoring session, for example, how to create an account related
activity in Siebel, you record the transaction and can immediately select from all of
the outputs, from test scripts to training documents, multiple web based simulations.
Easy to create, change and deploy

Advance by click: the most beneficial time for a user to get support is when they are
in the application with Siebel and other Oracle applications you can select Help
(CLCK) and (CLCK) UPK context-sensitive help appears, and knows where you
are in the application and you can open (CLCK) an in application job coach to walk
you through the transaction step by step just in time training, when you need it
and where you need it.

Fusion will be Oracle's new open standards based enterprise architecture


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