The Dreamer

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I've been writing short stories ever since I was 5 years old and they're kinda fictional.

I usually do this every now and then, whenever I wanted to. Somehow, it felt like my brain and heart is connected with the pen and paper 'coz I can only create stories if I've been called to do so; I mean, if I'm in the "mood" to do so. ^_^ If I do write a story just for the sake of doing something, I'll just add another piece of junk in my trash bin... haha :D

So here's one short story inspired by Stephenie Meyer's Twilight which I made way back during my senior year (Mind you it's just a very short one 'coz I never got the chance to make a novel out of it.): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Dreams to Reality"

I'm walking on a dark tunnel.

Someone was walking alongside of me. I don't know his name though and it bothers me. But apparently, I think we know each other very well, the way I felt those dark green eyes stare at me with deep affection.

A Ben Affleck sort of guy... He is perfect! That is the best and suitable description of him and that's what makes him look so inhuman, like...


And I must admit I like him... For real

The thought of it brings life to the butterflies in my stomach and it made me laugh softly. My laughter echoed off the walls of this enclosed space which sounds like the wind chimes touched gently by a soft breeze. He stares curiously at me, not knowing the reason behind my amusement and I simply look away from him then stare straight ahead. There's a light ahead and even before I open my mouth to speak, he told me: "We're almost there." Even his voice sounds perfect.

But where? Even my own question bothered me since I have no idea where we are, let alone ask a question to where we are going. I try to keep my frustration at a low level and increase my patience as I match my pace with his. I decided to let him take the lead as I examine the place. My eyes can see every little thing clearly even in this dark place, from the grassy pathway to the dull, gray-colored brick wall and the moss clinging to it giving it a more strange, ancient look. Straight ahead was nothing but bushes that are not thick enough to block the sun. I closed my eyes and sniff the air as a cold breeze swept pass inside. There's nothing familiar about the scents except for the smell of the fresh, dampen earth - the nature itself. Does this passage lead to the forest? Or to a clearing maybe? I let a low curse, too low for anyone to hear. I really don't have a clue about this place though having been through a lot of travels, and it frustrates me even more.

I look behind our backs and saw nothing but the path - we've gone way too far now. I bumped into his shoulder as I turn back around and just realize that he stopped walking. I look at him and saw his eyes filled with sadness and emotions I couldn't quite understand, though his face didn't show it. He was staring, not at me, but straight ahead.

I follow his gaze and was surprised to see Jay. He walked quietly and slowly, too slowly for him, that I didn't hear him. My face lifted up into a smile and as I'm about to walk forward to hug him, I heard him snarl then smiled at us showing his sharp, pointed fangs.

I stared at him as my mind went blank. I'm so confused to see Jay act so strangely in front this guy; he shouldn't have done that! This guy would just freak out! My heart began to beat really fast and I take a glance at him, waiting for him to run away. But he just closed his eyes calmly like a man opening his front door and welcoming death into his home.

I won't let this happen! I know that he, this guy whom I secretly love, is in grave danger. My instincts have never been wrong and right now, it's telling me to protect him.

I positioned myself defensively in front of him as I glared at Jay.

Tears began to fill my eyes...

Why them? When they're both special to me...

Jay started to walk towards us. His actions made my choices and decisions firm, and that's what I'm going to do for certain. I choose love than friendship and if he wants to hurt him, he'll go through me first. I'm going to protect him no matter what.

I looked back at my love and he opened his eyes. He surely doesn't want me to protect him but he can't stop me easily for I already made my decisions clear. "I love you," I softly uttered those words I've been longing to tell him and kissed him on the lips only for a second; for my senses are telling me that Jay quickened his pace.

I swiftly turn around and growled at Jay as he approached us with a glint of madness in his eyes.



I fell from my bed, head first and I woke up with a start.

Stupid reflexes... Where were they when you needed them? I thought, as I gracefully leap and landed on my feet without a sound. I guess this must be the deepest sleep I had, ever since... ugh! Never mind. *Sigh!*

I sat by my window and glanced at the forest surrounding our backyard. I look at the clock on the table beside my bed. It's just 4 in the morning. There's still plenty of time left before going to school and I let out another sigh as I remember school.

Today's the first day of classes and I'm in my junior year now. Just 2 more years to endure and I'm out of here. On to a new life again, as Jay told me...

Jay... *Sigh!* What can I do if I don't have him with me? I suddenly remember what happened to me and I tap the floor where I landed using my feet. Even though, a soft & fuzzy white carpet covers the tiled floor, I could tell that it cracked into a dozen pieces. I should remind myself to call someone later, in order to fix it for me. After two and a half hours of thinking of a dozen rational stories to tell the repair man, I ended up with the choice of just inviting Jay after class and let him take a look at it. We'll probably do the work faster than any normal person, and I laugh at the thought.

I took a shower after that and as I did, I try to remember the dream I had. However, I couldn't remember it no matter how hard I think about it. It's all muddled and all I could remember is having Jay in that dream and that handsome guy with dark green eyes & confusing speech. When I'm done, I try not to think too much about it and put some clothes on. I had my hair done after that, setting it into wavy locks at the bottom.

Then I grab my bag and run gracefully downstairs towards the front door. I didn't bother to go to the kitchen and grab something at the fridge 'coz I have better options than the contents of it.

I locked the front door shut and went to the garage. I know I'm much faster than a car but there's no need to spill it to anybody - in fact, nobody should know that pretty little secret of mine except for Jay. So, out of boredom I bought a Chevrolet Corvette for myself and try to fit in like everybody else.

I turned up the music on high volume as I drive out of the house and hit the road towards school.


It's such a relief that the people can now manage not to stare at me and my car as I park at the school's parking lot. I can still remember the first day I came here and it was sort of a funny memory for me. I try to hide my amusement and not look like a crazy teen as I recall what everybody looked like when they saw me stepped out of my car. The boys were always gawking at me even though I wore simple shirts and jeans and tried to make conversation with me. I tried to be nice and diplomatic most of the times but if I'm not in the mood, sarcasm was there to save me a lot. Even the girls acted strangely too. I could sense that they are jealous of me from the way I dress to my car, even with my brains and my looks.

Ostentatious... I heard them and no matter how hard they try to keep their voice down, I can hear them. I sniggered at the thought.

"Hey! Care to let me know what's causing your amusement?", Jay said as he tried to surprise me but failed.

"Never mind you! I just looove myself!", I replied using my 'spoiled-baby' voice and I get out of the car to walk with Jay towards our classroom.

"I don't think so... Guess, you're thinking about what happened to us the first day we stepped into this school.. Aren't you??", Jay whispered in my ear. I gave him the how-did-you-know-that sort of look and he winked at me then said, "I was thinking about it too a while ago. Saved you from a lot of awkward conversations, didn't I?"

I laughed... "You know me too well. However, I thought you wouldn't keep your promise. I waited too long for you to come", I said as I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "I was just late for an hour.. It's your fault you came here early..", he told me in a matter-of-fact tone. "I know but still, you know I'm impatient and doesn't like to be kept waiting.. An hour is too long for me and for you! You know that!", I replied pointedly.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I was wrong and you're right. Now, stop frowning and I'm dead serious, you're ruining your angelic face with that.", he told me apologetically.

Then he pinched both my cheeks and said: "Gotta go now, bye!"

"But where are you going?", I asked sadly as I'm about to enter the classroom for our Chemistry subject but he was already gone around the corner as the first bell rang. "Oh, right! I forgot to tell you that we only had 3 classes together and I'll tell you about it later! Bye!", he told me and I looked around. He's not there but he still heard me. He is so unbelievable! I smiled and whispered: "Okay.. See you at the cafeteria, save me a sit. Please and thank you!" I do hope he heard that too. I didn't wait for his reply as I entered the classroom.

"You're just in time Ms. Greene, we're about to start the class. Please be seated.", Ms. Craig told me and I followed her instruction as I sat on one of the vacant chairs. Luckily, I have no seatmate yet, so I freely choose the one beside the window. Ms. Craig was my previous Biology teacher here and is just like my mother as I remember her - caring, thoughtful, a friend and everything a mother could be. I did my best to hide the tear thats escaping my eyes and pretended to yawn. I listen to her as she discusses the introduction to chemistry and out of courtesy, I decided to take notes even though I already knew the contents, not only of her subject but to the other subjects as well.

She was in the midst of her discussion when someone knocked quietly at the door. No one seems to hear it except for me, so I ignored it at first but someone out there just kept on banging the door until I became frustrated by it.

"Yes, is there anything unclear about the discussion Ms. Greene?", Ms. Craig asked as I swiftly raised my hand to catch her attention. I tried to hide my frustration by smiling. "uhm.. I think there is someone outside who wants to come in", I politely said. Everybody looked at me like I'm nuts. *Sigh!* I now hate myself.

"I think there's no one out there Ms. Greene", but she still walk towards the door. As she opened it, she was surprised to see someone out there smiling sheepishly at her. She looks back at me and smiles as she said: "I stand corrected. Thank you Ms. Greene". I just smiled back in return and doodled at my notes to avoid my classmates as they stare at me in awe. Ms. Craig returned after a short while with a guy who's just about my age- apparently.

I ignored the new guy and continued doodling. I heard Ms. Craig introduce him as "Vincent Riley" and asked him to sit at one of the vacant chairs. There are two more vacant chairs, one at the back and the one is beside me. I was expecting him to sit at the back and I was surprised to see him sit beside me.

I didn't see that one coming.

"Hi! I'm new here.. and uhm, I'm Vincent Riley.", he told me in a low voice. Probably not to disturb our teacher. I just nodded and said in a sarcastic voice, "So I've heard" without looking up.

"And you are?", he asked me politely. It's like first day of being here again. I let out a sigh and said: "Yvaine Greene" still without looking up. "Sorry if I'm disturbing you.. I just wanted to make friends and don't worry, I think class will be over soon.. We're almost there...", laughing as he said it, trying still to make conversation with me.

When he said those last words, a feeling of deja vu occurred to me and his voice suddenly felt so familiar that I look up at him. He was smiling at me showing a perfect set of white teeth and those dark green eyes that penetrates deep within my soul when I stared at them.

I was speechless.

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing with my own eyes.

I can see him vividly.

I can smell his scent that sent shivers down my spine.

I heard his voice that made me have the butterflies in my stomach and made my heartbeat stop.

He is here.

There's no doubt about that.

He is real.

The guy in my dreams...

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