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1. What did N.U.R.V claim it could do for society? N.U.R.

V claim that they could create a worldwide media distribution network called Synapse. Synapse would have been a platform that permits the connection of every single technological device or resource. 2. What type of technology was used to try to achieve their goals? N.U.R.V used various types of technology such as the main device they were trying to create: Synapse. Synapse is a platform that would connect all the technological devices and resources. Second, they used satellites that are essential in the industry of web, internet and devices related with those. Third, they used cameras to spy into the competitors programmers to steal their programming codes. Of course the public didnt know of this part of the creation of Synapse. 3. Explain in a complete paragraph what Open Source is. An open source is, talking about IT, when a programs code is available for free and for everyone. The objective of an open source is to provide a program to users and in this way the users can modify, edit and change the program to make a better program and bugfree. The open source was created to promote the collaboration work and also to create better programs with the perspective of many people of the world, which means less errors, for free. 4. How are they connecting the buildings to transmit data? They connected buildings to transmit data by the use of fiber-optic communications. That is a way of transmitting data and information from one building to the other by sending pulses of light through the optical fibers. Fiber optics have many advantages such as that is extremely high bandwidth, is easy to accommodate increasing bandwidth, resistance to electromagnetic interference and the early detection of cable damage have made it a secure way of transmissions. 5. Explain in your words what data compression is? Data compression is a process in which data can be store in fewer bits than the normal. This occurs by the elimination of various bits than dont have an essential role in the functioning of the file. This is very helpful when we want to send or receive a file. Also it plays an extraordinary function in the backups processes and data bases management. 6. Why was data compression so important for the company? It was very important because N.U.R.V had the Synapse that connected many devices. If it didnt use compression of data it will overload and crash. Also, because it will help to transmits the data in a faster way and encrypted. We can confirm this statement in the movie when we see that Teddy is working in a compressor that is so important that N.U.R.V kill him to steal his idea. So we can see how compression is so important in the movie. 7. Explain in a complete paragraph how Milo was able to discover the murder of his friend. After his friend Teddy died, Milo had various doubts about his death. Then he listen a phrase from his boss that Teddy used to say. With the illusion of finding what happened he decided to hack N.U.R.Vs server. He find out that the company had being spying many programmers and also he found a video of his friend being murdered when he was working in an improvement of his program. 8. Explain in a complete paragraph the expression: software engineering is binary. That expression stands for two sides or two states. The CEO of N.U.R.V used to say it a lot. He compares this expression with winner or loser, live or death and glory or failure. It was black or white. Grey doesnt exist for him. He was so obsess with winning that he illegally spy into others to copy their ideas and presented as his own. Also he gets to the point of murdering just to win.


Create a conceptual map in order to explain the relationship of at least 10 main characters from the movie. Give a brief description for each one. Insert a picture of each character. Be creative! Alice Poulson

Milo Hoffman

Main Character He was a great programmer. He worked for N.U.R.V. Conflict Milos bestfriend. He was also a programmer. He was murdered.

She was Milos girlfriend. At first she worked for as spy. She felled in love with Milo

Was the CEO of N.U.R.V He wanted to created Synapse. He was Milos boss. He killed Teddy.

Teddy Chin She works for N.U.R.V. She pretended to be Milos friend. She was a spy.

Gary Winston

He was a programmer. We works at N.U.R.V He spies on programmers.

Lisa Calighan

Phil Grimes

He knew about lot of technology. He seemed to be Milos friend. He worked to N.U.R.V. He was also conspiring with spying.

He is a policeman. He worked for Gary. He hides N.U.R.Vs crimes.

Redmond Schmeichel

Lyle Barton

He was Milos friend. Help him after he discover what N.U.R.V was doing.

He helped Milo after he discover what N.U.R.V was doing. He was a guard

Brian Bissel

Bob Shrot

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