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Welcome lo lhe Mix!

This QuickSlarl Cuide will help you lhrough

inslallalion, lrequenlly asked queslions, and lips and
lricks. lor lurlher lechnical queslions a User's Cuide is
available under lhe help menu. Tulorials are available
How do l inslall MemoryMixer?
lnserl disc ! lo inslall lhe program, il will aulomalically
begin inslalling. ll you purchased lhe lull version, you will
have addilional discs. lnslall all discs belore beginning lhe
program. These addilional discs conlain more backgrounds,
embellishmenls, QuickMixes, elc. (MemoryMixer Lile conlains
only one disc.)
Do l need lo regisler my sollware?
Yes. Al lhe end ol inslalling disc one, you will be prompled
lo creale a user accounl al Once you've
crealed your user accounl, you will be noliled ol updales and
new producls lhrough email.
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
Whal can l make wilh MemoryMixer?
Scrapbook pages can be crealed
individually or in albums. These pages
can be prinled lrom your home
prinler, local pholo developing
cenler or senl lo MemoryMixer.
com lo be prinled or be bound
as a Pholo8ook. Pholo8ooks are
available in bolh hardcover and
PholoCards can be crealed using
card QuickMixes or lrom scralch.
They are a greal idea lor Chrislmas,
gradualion, birlh announcemenls,
invilalions and much more.
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
Calendars can be crealed using a calendar QuickMix or lhe
calender embellishmenls.
You can easily burn CDs and DVDs ol your lavorile album.
Albums on CD or DVD can include video, music, and personal
Try lhese suggeslions or come up wilh somelhing crealive
ol your own.
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
How do l gel slarled wilh my lrsl page?
When you begin your lrsl album, you have lwo choices.
A QuickMix is a greal way lo begin, wilh a pre-
designed album wilh coordinaling pages designed
by a scrapbooking prolessional. All elemenls and
papers can be revised, reposilioned or removed as
you decide.
ll you're inleresled in somelhing lruly individual,
lry crealing an album lrom scralch. Layer by layer,
you'll selecl papers, embellishmenls, and lonls
enlirely on your own. You can add embellishmenls
and papers lrom any QuickMix lo your album.
(Also see lhe "Tips and Tricks" seclion
lo add your own digilal lles.)
lrom Scralch
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
How do l use all lhese lools?
Look lor lhese shorlcul icons lound on lhe lop lool bar.
Creales a New Album
Opens an
exisling album
Saves lhe projecl
Views lhe album in an
unobslrucled lormal
Prinls lhe album
Culs lhe seleclion
Copies lhe seleclion
Pasles lhe
seleclion ollsel
Pasles lhe seleclion
direclly on lop ol
lhe currenl seleclion
Spell Checking
Adds a new page
Add pholo or jpeg lle
Add embellishmenl
Add lexl
Add movie clip
Add hol spol
(link lo lles, inlernel
or album pages)
Add shape objecl
Add music lrom your
compuler's hardrive
Organize objecl's
posilion on lop ol or
benealh olher layers
Align objecls verlically
or horizonlally.
Show or hide grid
Show or hide rulers
Help/check lor updales
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
How do l prinl my layouls?
Prinling pages lrom your own color prinler is
quick and easy jusl click lhe "prinl" icon lrom
lhe share menu or lop lool bar.
When you selecl "Prinl Services" you have lhe
choice ol prinling pages lhrough MemoryMixer.
com, or local pholo developing cenler.
When prinling or ordering pages, be sure lhe image
shape malches lhe prinling shape, olherwise image may
be cropped.
Prinl Services
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
How do l keep up wilh
MemoryMixer news?
Slarl by visiling, where you can
view lulorials, purchase lhe newesl digilal papers and
embellishmenls, gel inspired by olher people's layouls, and
lnd answers lo your queslions.
Our weekly newsleller is lhe perlecl way lo be in-lhe-know.
ll keeps you updaled on new papers, embellishmenls, and
QuickMixes by our besl designers. Make sure you sign up
loday. You don'l wanl lo miss oul on lhe lreebies, sales, and
8e sure lo creale your accounl during inslallalion, lhen click
on "updales."
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
MemoryMixer's Tips & Tricks
Click on lhe "add pholo" icon. This lels you bring
in a pholo or olher jpeg lle (like a paper) and
re-size il as you decide. Click on "My Compuler
Local Disk (C)" and selecl "Program liles."
lrom lhere, choose MemoryMixer and click "Objecls," lhen
"8ackgrounds." Hil enler and resize as desired.
To cul your paper inlo a shape, choose lhe shape menu on
lhe righl hand side ol lhe screen. lind lhe "pholo shapes"
drop-down menu and selecl your shape. Pe-sizing is easy by
clicking and dragging on lhe edges ol lhe shape.
To use olher digilal scrapbooking supplies on your compuler,
bring lhem in as a jpeg using lhe "inserl pholo" icon as
described above.
Nolhing makes a scrapbook personal like memorabilia. Using
your home scanner, add marriage cerlilcale's, children's
drawings, elc. Simply scan in lhe ilem and save il lo your
desklop. Click on lhe "inserl a pholo" icon and lollow lhe
same direclions as lisled above.
Add Pholo
di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy di gi t al scr apbooki ng made easy
MemoryMixer's Tips & Tricks
Selecl cuslom lrom lhe background menu and browse lor
your pholo. You can also bring lhe pholo in as a jpeg and
posilion and resize lo ll page.
The perlecl lool lor malching colors lound in your pholos or
elemenls. Add lhe selecled color lo lavoriles lor use on olher
lhings like mals, lexl or backgrounds.
More lechnical queslions?
8e sure lo check oul's supporl seclion.
Here you'll lnd an exlensive lAQ seclion, plus help lor
Windows Visla.
Wilhin lhe MemoryMixer program ilsell, click on lhe help
bullon or menu al lhe lop ol lhe screen lor complele Users
Lasling lmpressions
244! Soulh !560 Wesl
Woods Cross, Ulah 84087
phone. 80!-298-!979

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