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Free vibration (Introduction)

A system is said to undergo free vibration when it oscillates only under an initial disturbance with no external forces after the initial disturbance. Examples The oscillations of the pendulum of a clock The vertical oscillatory motion felt by a bicyclist after hitting a road bump The motion of a child on a swing under an initial push

Free vibration (EOM)

EOM of a single degree of freedom system

&(t ) + cx & (t ) + kx(t ) = F (t ) m& x

Systems characteristics Free vibration: External forces = 0 External forces

&(t ) + cx & (t ) + kx(t ) = 0 m& x

The response of the system x(t) can be known from the solution of the EOM

Review differential equation (1)

Consider the differential equation shown below

d2y dy a1 2 + a2 + a3 y = 0 dx dx
Auxiliary equation:

a1r 2 + a2 r + a3 = 0
r1 , r2

Roots of the auxiliary equation:

Review differential equation (2)

Case 1: r1 and r2 are real numbers and r1 r2 Solution of differential equation:

y = C1e + C2 e
r1 x

r2 x

Case 2: r1 and r2 are real numbers and r1 = r2 Solution of differential equation:

y = (C1 + C2 x)e

r1 x

Review differential equation (3)

Case 3: r1 and r2 are complex numbers r1 = a+bi, r2 = abi Solution of differential equation:

y = C1e
From Euler identity:

( a + bi ) x

+ C2 e

( a bi ) x

e i = cos + i sin

y = e ax ( A1 cos(bx ) + A2 sin(bx ))

y = Ae sin(bx + )

Free vibration system (undamped)

EOM of the undamped free vibration system

&(t ) + kx(t ) = 0 m& x

Auxiliary equation: mr 2 + k = 0 Roots of the auxiliary equation: i k m Solution of differential equation:

(m and k are always positive, the roots of the aux. eq. are complex numbers)

k k x = A1 cos( t ) + A2 sin( t )) m m

x = A sin(

k t +) m

(A1 and A2 or A and are obtained from initial conditions)

Response of the free vibration system

Consider the response in the term

x = A sin(

k t +) m

k m is call natural frequency

n = k m

2 k m

n = 2f n = 2

k m

Free vibration only occurs at a certain frequency n. Response is sinusoidal and not decaying (undamped).

Initial condition (1)

&(t ) + kx(t ) = 0 Given EOM: m& x
& (0) = v0 Initial condition: x(0) = x0 , x

From given EOM

k & &(t ) + x(t ) = 0 x m

2 & &(t ) + n x x (t ) = 0

Response of the system is

x(t ) = A sin( n t + ) & (t ) = A n cos(n t + ) x x0 = A sin( ) v0 = A n cos( )

Initial condition: x(0) = x0

& (0) = v0 x

(1) (2)

Initial condition (2)

&(t ) + kx(t ) = 0 Given EOM: m& x
& (0) = v0 Initial condition: x(0) = x0 , x

Solving equations (1) and (2) yield,

2 2 2 n x0 + v0 A= n


= tan 1

n x0

Therefore the response is

2 2 2 n x 0 + v0 x sin(n t + tan 1 n 0 ) x(t ) = v0 n

Relationship between x, v, and a.


x(t ) = A sin( n t + )

Velocity & (t ) = n A cos(n t + ) x

2 & &(t ) = n x A sin(nt + )

Example: (m, k, n)
A vehicle wheel, tire, and suspension assembly can be modeled crudely as a single-degree-of-freedom spring-mass system. The mass of the assembly is measured to be about 300 kilograms (kg). Its frequency of oscillation is observed to be 10 rad/s. What is the approximate stiffness of the tire, wheel, and suspension assembly? [Inman ex1.1.2]

Example: Youngs Modulus from fn

A simply supported beam of square cross section 5mm5mm and length 1m, carrying a mass of 2.3kg at the middle, is found to have a natural frequency of transverse vibration of 30 rad/s. Determine the Youngs modulus of elasticity of the beam.

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