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INVITINGAPPLICATIONSFORDIRECTRECRUITMENTOFDISTRICTJUDGES (ENTRYLEVEL) Applications are invited for direct recruitment to (23) posts of District Judges (Entry Level) in the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service under the amended provisions of the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service (Cadre and Recruitment) Rules, 2007 from Advocates or Pleaders in India, who have not less than seven years of practice and practicingasonthedateofthisnotification.


BackwardClasses(OtherthanBackwardClassMuslims) GeneralTurn ScheduledCastes MostBackwardClassesandDenotifiedCommunities ScheduledCastes(Arunthathiyarsonpreferentialbasis)

6 8 3 4 1

(women2) (women4) (women1) (women1)





2. The 23 posts of District Judges (Entry Level) shall be filled by direct recruitment from amongst the eligible advocates on the basis of the written and vivavoce test prescribed and to be conducted by the High Court of Madras in accordance with the Rules. 3. 3 (i) The applicant must possess a Degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission, or any other equivalent qualification andgotenrolledintheBarCouncilofTamilNadu;andinthecaseofcandidatesenrolled in the Bar Councils of other States, they should submit proof of transfer of their enrollmenttotheBarCouncilofTamilNadu.

2 (ii)TheapplicantmustbepracticingonthedateofNotificationasanadvocateandmust havesopracticedforaperiodofnotlessthansevenyearsasonsuchdate. (iii)Theapplicantmustnothaveattainedtheageof48yearsinthecaseofSC/STand45 yearsinthecaseofothersason1stJulyoftheyear2013. (iv)ThescaleofpayforthepostofDistrictJudges(EntryLevel)isRs.51550123058930 138063070. 4. Theselectionshallbemadebasedontheresultsofwrittenexaminationandviva voce i.e., the selection will be made on the basis of the total marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination and viva voce taken together subject to the rule of reservation of appointment. The maximum marks allotted for the written examinationandvivavoceshallbe75%and25%,respectively. 5. The Notification, enlisting the successful candidates prepared under these Rules shall be published in the Tamil Nadu Government Official Gazette and it shall cease to be operative as from the date of Publication of the next list of successful candidates preparedundertheseRules,intheTamilNaduGovernmentOfficialGazette. 6. Acandidateshall,alongwithhisapplication, (i)ifhe/sheisanAdvocateorPleader,producefromthePresidingOfficerofthe Court in which he/she is actually practicing, a certificate indicating the length ofhis/herpractice; (ii) if he/she is an Assistant Public Prosecutor GradeI, or an Assistant Public Prosecutor GradeII, produce from the Collector of the District concerned, a certificateindicatingthelengthofhis/herservice;and (iii) produce a Certificate of Good Character, from a Senior Advocate/Counsel and another from a responsible person, not being a relative but who is well acquaintedwithhim/herinprivatelife. 7. (i) The written examination will comprise of two papers. The first paper will be for a maximum of 75 marks and will be entirely of objective type. This paper will cover Civil, Criminal and Constitutional Laws, apart from General Knowledge and Current Affairs. There will be 150 questions in PaperI, each carrying half a mark. Every wrong answer will invite negative mark at the rate of a minus one by four (1/4). The questions will contain multiple options and the candidates are required to select the correction option.ThePaperwillbeforadurationof150minutes(21/2hours).

3 (ii)PaperIIwillbeofdescriptivetype,carrying5problems.2problemswillbeon Translation, one from Tamil to English and another from English to Tamil and 3 problems will be on judgment writing. Each problem will carry 15 marks and the maximummarksforthePaperwillbe75.Theexaminationwillbeforadurationof21/2 hours. The examination on both Papers will be conducted on the same day, one in the ForenoonandanotherintheAfternoon. (iii)Eventually,themarkssecuredinbothpaperswillbetotalledandtheaverage scoredforamaximumof75markswillbearrivedat. 8.Candidateswillbeshortlistedforvivavoceonthebasisoftheirperformancein the written test, approximately at ten times the number of vacancies under each category,subjecthowevertotheavailabilityofasmanyqualifiedcandidates. 9. The duly filled up application in the prescribed format along with the attested copies of certificates as required should be sent by Registered Post with acknowledgement due to the Principal Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu, Public (Special.A) Department, Secretariat, Chennai 600009 so as to reach the office on or before 5.45 p.m on 31.05.2013. The applications delivered at this address, after the deadline, i.e. 5.45 p.m. on 31.05.2013, shall be rejected outright and no plea of postal delaywillbeentertained.Candidatesshouldcheckupthecorrectnessoftheparticulars furnishedintheapplication.Candidatesshouldsubmitonlyoneapplicationforthepost. The written examination will be held at Chennai on 06.07.2013 and the venue of the examinationwillbeintimatedlaterbytheHighCourtofMadras. 10. Candidates shall enclose along with the application form, a Demand Draft for Rs.500/ (Rs.250/ in case of SC & ST candidates) towards examination fee, by way of Demand Draft, drawn in favour of the Registrar General, High Court of Madras, payable atChennai. 11. The candidates shall take two passport size photographs, and affix one in the first page of the Application Form and another in the Hall Ticket. A copy of community certificateshallbeenclosedtotheApplicationForm. 12. Personsclaimingthebenefitofpreferentialtreatmentaspersonswhostudiedin Tamil Medium should enclose proof to show that the Degree in Law was secured by them in Tamil Medium, as otherwise they will not be entitled to the benefit of the quota. 13. IfacandidatefailstoindicatethecommunitystatusagainstColumnNo.11,inthe applicationform,he/shewillbetreatedonlyundertheGeneralTurn.Evenifa

4 candidate fails to enclose the Community Certificate, despite mentioning the same in Column No.11, he/she will be considered only as a General Turn candidate. In other words, a person claiming any benefit or privilege should necessarily enclose the CertificateofproofofthesamealongwiththeApplication,failingwhichhe/shewillnot beentitledtosuchbenefit/privilege. 14. No travelling allowance will be paid to the applicant for attending written examination/interviewandforjoiningthepostifhe/sheisselected. 15. Every person appointed to the post of District Judge (Entry Level) by direct recruitmentshall, (a)fromthedateonwhichhe/shejoinsduty,beonprobationforatotalperiod oftwoyearsondutywithinacontinuousperiodofthreeyears; (b)undergotrainingasprescribedbytheHighCourtofMadras;and (c)withintheperiodofprobation,passtheAccountTestforExecutiveOfficers. Only after satisfactory completion of the training, the direct recruit will be posted as DistrictJudge. 16. The Application Form can be downloaded by the candidates from the website at

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