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UGC NET Syllabus for Archaeology. | Entrance Exam Syllabus

UGC-NET-Syllabus Subject: Archaeology Note: There will be two question papers, Paper-II and paper-III(Part A & Part B) paper II will be cover 50 objective type question(Multiple type, matching type ,true/false, Assertion Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks Paper-III will have two parts Part-A and Part-B Paper-III will have 10 short essay type question (300 words) carrying 16 marks ach. In it there will be one question with internal choice from each unit (i.e 10 question form 10 units Total marks will be 160) PaperIIIB will be compulsory and there will be one question form each of the elective. The candidate will attempt only one question (One elective only in 800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of paper-III will be 200 Paper-II and Paper-III (A) [Core Group] Unit-I Definition , aim and scope of archaeology, history, and growth of archaeology, History of Indian Archaeology Relationship of Archaeology with social and natural science retrieval of Archaeological data: Techniques of exploration and excavations Aims and methods of conservation and preservation of Archaeological remains recording and preparation of reports Unit-II

Chronology and dating: Relative Startigraphy, Typology, Absolute, Carbon-14, Potassium Argon, Fission Track, Thermo luminescence, Dendrochronology, Pollen analysis, verve clay analysis Others Methods: Fluorine test, nitrogen and phosphate analysis, soil analysis method of objectives interpretation: Ethno-archaeology, experimental archaeology, application of new archaeology methods in India


Geological biological and cultural dimension of man 1/5


UGC NET Syllabus for Archaeology. | Entrance Exam Syllabus

Quaternary period: Pleistocene and Holocene,. environments and climatic changes Pleistocene flora and fauna, Main stages of human evolution and important fossil records Appearance of stone tools and development of technology: Main techniques and tools of stone age, Methods of study of prehistoric remains Unit-IV Hunting gathering stage: Paleolithic in Africa, Europe and South-East Asia, Mesolithic in Europe and west Asian Paleolithic and Mesolithic remains and important sites of India Beginning of flood production: Neolithic stage in west Asia, Major Neolithic cultures and important sites of India Unit-V pre and early harrapan village of North and North-western India Harrapan Culture: Origin, Extent, Chronology, factors of urbanization trade , scripts, religion, art ad craft, factors for the decline Devaluation of Harrapan culture: Punjab Haryanam Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat Heliolithic village communities of Gujarat, Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra Copper using culture of Gangetic Plains Unit-VI Early occurrence if iron: Chrono-cultural features Main Characteristics of the culture: painted grey , Black Slipped and Megalithic culture Northern Black polished ware culture: Extent, Chronology, Characteristics traits Important city sites: Rajghat, Ujjan, Vaisali, Taxial, Mathura, Sarasvati, KAushambhi, and Sishupalgarh Important sites of historical period: Sringverapur, Khairadihm, Satanikota, Chandraketugarhm Nasikm Arikamedu, and Adam Unit-VII Architecture of structure Stupas: North and Southern India Rock cut architecture: Monasteries and shrines] 2/5


UGC NET Syllabus for Archaeology. | Entrance Exam Syllabus

Main styles of temples: origin and development of temples, Main features and example of nagar, vesara Dravid styles Main styles of sculpural art: Mauryan, Sungam, Kushana, Gupta, Satavahana, Chalukya, Pallava, and chola periods Unit-VIII Origin and antiquity of coinage in India techniques of manufacturing coins Important coins: Punch marked coins, inscribed and uninsurable caste sins, Principles types of Indo Greek coinage, Saka and Kushan coinage, principles types of Guptas gold Coinage Brief account pf pre-Islamic medieval coinage Unit-IX Origin and antiquity of writing sin India: Origin of Brahami and Kaharsathi Scripts, Study of some select inscriptions- Ashokan ediscts, Besnagar Garuda, Pillarm, inscription, Hathigumpha inscription of Kahrvels, Junmagarh inscriptiopn of Rudramansm Allahabsdm, Pillar inscription of Samudra gupta, Aihole pillar inscription of Pulakesin II ad gwalior inscriptionm opf Mihira Bhoja Unit-X Proposed sear of research , aims, and objectives, proposed methodology, primary ad secondary sources , review of previous research in the proposed area and likely contribution f the proposal Paper-III(B) [elective/Optional] Elective-I geo-chronology and stone age culture of India-Sohan Valley, belan valley, Son Valley and Korlayar Valley Paleolithic cultures of India: Sohan and Aphelion tradition, Middle Paleolithic culture, Upper Paleolithic culture, Habitation tendencies of the Paleolithic period Pattern of Mesolithic cultures of India: Characteristics features of alluvial plains, horse-shoe lake, sanddune, plateau and rock shelter sites Neolithic culture of India: Early farming communities of Baluchistan and Kashmir, Vindhya -Belan region , Kaimur foot hills and ganga plains, Nagpur plateau and the north eats and Patoraaaal communities of Deccan and South Elective-II Pre Harrapan culture of India and border lands: Salient features 3/5


UGC NET Syllabus for Archaeology. | Entrance Exam Syllabus

Harrapan Culture: Origin, geographical distribution and settlement pattern, town planning and archetecture,Trade-hinterland and overseas, arts and crafts, material equipment, subsistence pattern, socio-political organization, religion and authorship, important excavated sites, concepts of Sorath and Sindhi Harrapan in Gujarat Decline and survival of Harrapan culture: Causes off de-urbanization , Late Harrapan culture of Punjab, Haryanam, Western Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat Other copper using culture: Copper Hoards ad Ocher Coloured Pottery Ahra. Kayatha, Malwa and Deccan Chalcolithic culture, Cultures of Gangetic Plains Elective-III Historical Urbanization: North Black Polished Ware Culture, extent, chronology, culture traits Important city sites: Rajghat, Ujjna, Vaishali,. Taxila, Mathura, Sarasvati. Kaushambhi, Sisihupalgarh, Satanikota Growth of urban settlements during Kushan period: Plan and expansion of settlements and growth of trade centers, Main features of material culture Excavated remains of Gupta and Early Medieval periods: Nature of settlements and main features of material culture Elective-IV Architecture Structural features of ancient fortifies settlements Origin and evolution of Stupa architecture: Sanchi, Bharhut, Amravai and Nagarjuna Konda Development of Rock out architecture: Chaityas and Viharas Origin and evolution of temples, Guptas temples, Chalukyas temples, Pallava temples, Kahjuraho temples, temples of Orissa and chola temples Sculpture Mauryan Capital figure, early Yaksha statue, Sunga Sculptures, Kaushana Sculpture, Mathura ad Gandhara school, Gupta Sculpture, Sarnath School, Sculpture of Chlaukyas, Pallavas, Palas, Chola and Chandellas Painting Rock cut cave paintings of Ajanta nd Bagh Elective-V 4/5


UGC NET Syllabus for Archaeology. | Entrance Exam Syllabus

Epigraphy Epigraphy as source of history, origin of Indian scriopts, Different theories Study of select epigraphs: Asoka edicts, Rock edicts X, XII, XXXXIII, Lumbani instruction of Asoka, Minar Rocl edict of Birat, Besnagar Gaurud Pillar inscription, Harthigumpha inscription of Kahrvelam, Junagarh inscription of Rudramanm Swat relic casket inscriptipn , Sarnah Buddha image inscription of the time of Kanishka, Lucknow Museum Jain image inscription of the time of Huvishka, Allahaba pillar inscription of Samudragupta, Aiholr pillar inscription of Pushkesian II< GGwalior inscriptionm of MIhaira Bhoja Tanjavaur inscription of Rajendra Chola and Sangli Copper plate of Govinda IV (Swarn Varsha) Numismatics Origin and Antiquity of coinage in ancient India, Metal and techniques used for coins Main coins types: Punch marked coins, Inscribes ad Uninsurable caste coins, Principles types of indoGreek coinage, Coin of Saka, Kushan and Satavahana, principles types of Gupta Gold Coins, Roman coins and grief contribution of pre-Islamic medieval Indian coinage


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