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Level 1. Easy questions: 1.

. The alternative forms of a gene are called 1) Loci 2) Homozygotes 3) Alleles 4) Phenotypes Answer: Alleles Solution: As the alleles contribute for one of the expressions of a gene, it can also be called the alternative form of a gene Objective: To understand allele as one half of expression of a gene and the combination of contributions form both the parents together contribute for a gene and its character. Difficulty level: Easy Time: 1 minute Marks: 1 2. Match the crosses listed in column I with the ratios mentioned in column II and select the right answer showing the correct combinatin of alphabets of the two columns: Column I Column II Crosses Ratios A Monohybrid test cross e 9:3:3:1 B Monhybrid cross, F2 f 1:1 C Phenotypic ratio Monohybrid corss - F2 genotypic ratio 1) A = e, B = f, C = g 2) A = h, B = g, C = f 3) A = f, B = g, C = h 4) A = g, B = f, C = e 3. The antibodies present in blood group A are 1) anti-A 2) anti-B and anti-A 3) anti-B 4) None 4. Rh factor was discovered by: 1) Landsteiner and Wiener 2) Louis Pasteur 3) Watson and Crick 4) Khorana g h 3:1 1:2:1

5. Match the diseases given in column I with the chromosome sets listed in column II and choose the right answer with the correct matching of alphabets of the two columns. Column I Column II Diseases Chromosome sets A Turners syndrome e 44 + XY = 46 B Downs syndrome f 44 + X = 45 C Klinefelters syndrome g 44 + XXY = 47 h 44 + 1 + XX or XY = 47 1) A = e, B = f, C = g 2) A = h, B = g, C = f 3)A = g, B = e, C = h 4)A = f, B = h, C = g 6. The main reason of MENDELs success in discovering the principles of inheritance was 1) He considered each character separately 2) He was lucky not to encounter linkage problem 3) He liked pea plants 4) He considered only one character at one time 7. In pea plants round seed is dominant over wrinkled seed. A plant heterozygous for round seeds was crossed with a plant with wrinkled seeds. Which one of the following progenies agrees with expected result ? 1) 99 round and 300 wrinkled 2) 301 round and 100 wrinkled 3) 305 round and 301 wrinkled 4) 200 round and 100 wrinkled 8. Variability may originate during meiosis due to 1) crossing over 2) chromosomal aberrations 3) polyploidy 4) mutations 9. Which one of the following is the sex linked character in human inheritance ? 1) Diabetes insipidus 2) Colour-blindness 3) Breast in females 4) Beard in males 10. Cinderella of genetics is 1) Poecilocerus pictus 2) Drosophila melanogaster 3) Allium cepa 4) Pisum sativum

11. If a baby suffers from Erythroblastosis foetalis, the blood group of the mother should be 1) Rh+ 2) Rh3) A+ 4) AB+ 12. One of the following contains holandric genes 1) All chromosomes 2) both X and Y chromosomes 3) Y chromosome 4) ABO - blood group system 13. Test cross is used to determine 1) quality of a plant 2) height of a plant 3)genotype of a plant 4) phenotype of a plant 14. Okazaki fragments, produced during DNA synthesis are joined by 1) DNA polymerase 2) Helicase 3) RNA polymerase 4) DNA ligase 15. Match items given in Column I with those given in Column II. Choose the answer with the correct combination of alphabets. Column I Column II A Adeine P Pentose cyclic sugar B Cytosine Q Nucleoside C Deoxyribose R Purine D Uridine S Nucleotide T Pyrimidine 1) A = r; B = t; C = p; D = q 2) A = r; B = p; C = q; D = t 3) A = r; B = s; C = t; D = q 4) A = r; B = q; C = p; D = s 16. In human male the chromosomal condition is 1) 44AA + XO 2) 44AA + XX 3) 44AA + XY 4) Either (3) or (4)

17. A phenotypically normal couple has two normal daughters and a son affected with haemophilia. What is the probability of both the daughters are heterozygous carries ? 1) 0% 2) 25% 3) 100% 4) 50% 18. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder, in which 1)Blood fails to coagulate after an injury 2)There is delayed coagulation of blood 3)Blood clots in blood vessels 4)Blood cell count fails Level 2. 1. The law of segregation of germinal units includes: 1) Dominance 2) Recessiveness 3) The concept that each gamete of F 1 hybrid contains genes (or factors) for each alternative of a character, uncontaminated 4) All of these 2. Match the crosses listed in column I with the ratios shown in column II and select the right answer showing the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns Column I Column II Crosses Ratios A Cross involving e 9:7 incomplete dominance F2 phenotypic ratio B C Dihybrid test cross Dihybrid cross F2 phenotypic ratio f g h 1:2:1 9:3:3:1 1:1:1:1

1) A = e, B = f, C = g 2) A = h, B = e, C = f 3) A = f, B = h, C = g 4) A = g, B = e, C = f 3. Match the diseases given in column I with the attributes listed in column II and select the right answer containing the appropriate matching of the alphabets of the two columns: Column I Column II Diseases Attributes A PKU e Melanin not formed B Sickle cell anaemia f Absence of AHF


g h

RBC irregular Serve mental retardation

1) A = e, B = f, C = f 2) A = h, B = g, C = f 3)A = f, B = e, C = h 4)A = h, B = f, C = e 4. A colour blind man marries a normal woman and they have two daughters and two sons. The proportion of these children with regard to colour blindness will be: 1) All daughters will be normal but carriers and all sons will be normal 2) 50% of the daughters will be carriers and the remaining will be colour blind 3) 50% of the sons will be colour blind and the remaining normal 4)All of these 5. If a plant is heterozygous for tallness, the F 2 generation has both tall and dwarf plants. This proves the principle of 1) dominance 2) segregation 3) independent assortment 4) incomplete dominance 6. The cross-used to ascertain whether the plant is homozygous or heterozygous is 1) linkage cross 2) reciprocal cross 3) back cross 4) monohybrid cross 7. The expression of both alleles in heterozygote is called: 1) epistasis 2) codominance 3) incomplete dominance 4) pleiotropy 8. Recessive mutation are expressed normally in 1) has to express always since it is a mutation 2) heterozygous condition 3) neither in homozygous nor in heterozygous condition 4) homozygous condition 9. If the haploid number of chromosomes is 10, what is the tetrasomic number ? 1) 20 2) 10 3) 22 4) 40

10. It is believed that certain characteristics are transmitted from the parent to the offspring by non-chromosomal organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Which of the following is the strongest evidence i favour of such a role for mitochondria and chloroplast ? 1) They contain DNA 2) They are equally distributed in the daughter cells 3) They are present in both the gametes 4) They are found in all living cells

11. Heterosis is 1) hybrid incompatibility 2) hybrid vigour 3) structural hybridity 4) hybrid sterility 12. Trisomic condition in Downs syndrome is mainly due to 1) diploidy 2) nondisjunction 3) triploidy 4) translocation 13. The scientist who first synthesised DNA in vitro was 1) A.KORNBERG 2) A.DEWED 3) J.D.WATSON 4) HAR GOBIND KHORANA 14. The DNA is the genetic material was proved conclusively be 1) J.D.WATSON 2) HERSHEY and CHASE 3) ALFRED GRIFFITH 4) BOVERI and SUTTION 15. Noble Prize for one gene one enzyme was given to 1) BEADLE and TATUM 2) SCHLEIDEN and SCHWANN 3) WATSON and CRICK 4) H. HARRIS 16. Retrovirus has the following as its genetic material 1) single stranded DNA 2) double stranded doubplex DNA 3) DNA-RNA hybrid

4) RNA 17. Male individuals in Drosophila and Homo sapiens are 1) Homomorphic 2) heterogametic 3) homogametic 4) homosporous

18. Christmas disease is caused due to lack of antihaemophilic factor 1) VIII 2) IX 3) XI 4) All these 19. Royal disease is 1) an allosomal syndrome 2) an autosomal syndrome 3) haemophilia A 4) haemophilla B 20. How many phenotypes are found in the F2 generation of Dihybrid cross? 1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 16 21. Match the items listed in column I with the items given in column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the columns. Column I (Antigens on RBC) Column II (Antibodies in plasma) A Codominance p Stem length in pea plant B Complete dominance q A and B antigens C Incomplete dominance r Colour blindness D Sex - linkage s Flower colour in Four Oclock t Cholera 1) A = q; B = t; C = s; D = r 2) a = q; B = p; C = s; D = t 3) A = t; B = p; C = s; D = r 4) A = q; B = p; C = s; D = r 22. Dwarf pea plants were treated with gibberellin and grew as tall pea plants. If they are crossed with pure tall plants, what will be phenotypic ratio of the F 1 generation?

1) 50% tall and 50% dwarf 2) All dwarf 3) 75% tall and 25% dwarf 4) 100% tall 23. When two individuals, heterozygous for the same genes, are bred together, they produce 1) Only dominant phenotypes, all of the same genotypes 2) 50% dominant and 50% recessive 3) 75% dominant and 25% recessive 4) All recessive phenotypes 24. The amount of nucleic acid found in protoplasm is 1) 10% 2) 34% 3) 25% 4) 2% 25. What is the possiblility of a child with blood group O being born to a mother and father having blood group O and B respectively 1) 25% 2) 50% 4) 75% 4) 100% 26. Sickel-cell anaemia is an example of 1) sex-linked inheritance 2) Deficiency disease 3) Autosomal heritable disease 4) Infectious disease. 27. The genotype of Rh +ve person could be 1) rr 2) RR 3) Rr 4) Either (2) or (3) 28. After examining the blood group of a couple, the doctor advised them not to have more than one child. The blood groups of the couple are likely to be 1) Male Rh+ and female Rh+ 2) Male Rh-, O+ and female Rh+, O3) Male AB blood group and female O blood group 4) Male Rh+ and female Rh-

Level -3 1. In human, brown eye colour (BB) is dominant over blue eye colour (bb). If a man with brown eye marries a woman with brown eye, they have a daughter with blue eye. Which, of the following are the genotypes of the father of mother? 1) BB and BB 2) Bb and BB 3) Bb and bb 4) Bb and Bb

2. Match the Blood groups, given in column I with the genotypes listed in column II and choose the right answer containing the correct matching of the alphabets of the two columns. Column I Column II Blood groups Genotypes A Group AB e IBIB or IBi B Group A f IAIA or IAi C Group O g IAIB h ii 1) A = g, B = f, C = h 2) A = e, B = f, C = g 3) A = h, B = g, C = f 4) A = g, B = f, C = e 3. If the blood groups of parents are O x AB, then which of the following genotypes are applicable to their children? 1) IAIA 2) IAI or IBI 3) IBIB 4) ii 4. In India, the percentage of Rh- people is about 1) 15% 2) 5% 3) 25% 4) 20% 5. Which of the following is an example of inheritance by sex limited genes? 1) Pattern baldness in human male 2) Horns in male sheep 3) Beard in human male 4) All of these 6. The defective haemoglobin, responsible for sickle cell anaemia, differs from normal haemoglobin in one amino acid sequence and this is:

1) Valine instead of glutamine 2) Valine instead of histidin 3) Valine instead of glycine 4) Valine instead of glutamic acid 7. The normal amount of postprondial sugar level in human blood is: 1) 80 to 120 mg/100 ml 2) 120 to 160 mg / 100 ml 3) 40 to 80 mg/100 ml 4) 200 to 240 mg/100 ml 8. Who among the following coined the terms X and Y chromosomes? 1) Stevens 2) E.B. Wilson 3) McClung 4) All of these 9. In humans barr-body is present in 1) Females 2) Males 3) Both female and male 4) None of the above 10. MENDEL was borne in 1) Austria 2) Germany 3) Britain 4) Czechoslovakia 11. The principle of independent assortment of characters is proved by 1) the appearance of tall and dwarf plants in F2 population 2) the apperarance of tall and dwarf in the ratio 3 : 1 and also the appearance of smooth and wrinkle seeded plants in the ratio of 3 : 1 3) the appearance of smooth and wrinkled seed plants in the F 2 population 4) the observation that F1 progeny is tall 12. Resistance against a bacterium in tomato is conferred for gene h which is completely recessive to its allele H for susceptibility. If a resistant female parent is to be crossed with a homozygous susceptible male parent the genotype for pistillate parent, staminate parent, male gamete and egg are in order 1) Hh, HH, H, h 2) hh, Hh, h, H 3) hh, HH, H, h 4) Hh, HH, h, H

13. The genotype of a dominant parent is determined by crossing it with the recessive parent. This cross is called 1) back cross 2) test cross 3) long cross 4) out cross 14. What is true in case of honeybee? 1) Male dipolid, female haploid 2) Male diploid, female diploid 3) Male haploid, female haploid 4) Male haploid, female diploid 15. Drosophila having one half of the body as male and the other half as female is called 1) hermaphrodite 2) bisexual 3) gynandromorpy 4) protandrous 16. Which of the following is not heritable ? 1) Point mutation 2) Chromosomal mutation 3) Somatic mutation 4) Gene mutation 17. Which of the following is a mutagen? 1) SO2 2) CO2 3) CO 4) HNO2 18. In alkaptonuria 1) two genes for the trait are inherited 2) the pathway of phenylalanine metabolism is blocked 3) the urine turns black 4) all of these 19. The chromosomal complements of different individuals are given below. Choose the chromosomal complement of male fruitfly. 1) 44A + XY 2) 6A + XY 3) 6A + XX

4) 18A + XX 20. In born errors of metabolism were first described by 1) Robert Kotch 2) Louis Pasteur 3) A. Flemming 4) Archibald Garrod 21. One of the following was not involved in the rediscovery of Mendels works 1) Carl correns 2) T. H. Morgan 3) Hugo de Vries 4) Tschermak 22. Which of the following does not occur in women? 1) Colourblindness 2) haemophilia 3) Hypertrichosis and Ichthyosis 4) Albinism and Sickle - cell Anaemia 23. Match the items listed under column I with the items given under column II. Choose the answer which gives teh correct combination of alphabets of the columns. Column I (Antigens on RBC) Column II (Antibodies in plasma) A A, B and Rh p Anti B B O (Nil) q Anti A C A and Rh r Anti A and Anti B D B s Nil t Anti Rh 1) A = t; B = r; C = p; D = q 2) a = s; B = t; C = p; D = q 3) A = s; B = r; C = p; D = q 4) A = s; B = r; C = p; D = t 24. Match the characteristic inheritance pattern listed under Column I with the examples given under Column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the columns. Column I (Inheritance pattern) Column II (Examples) A Incomplete Dominance p Haemophilia B Codominance q Flower colour in Mirabilis jalapa C Criss-cross inheritance r Turners syndrome D Y. Chromosome inheritance s Hypertrichosis t A and B antigens 1) A = r; B = p; C = q; D = t 2) A = q; B = t; C = p; D = s

3) A = r; B = q; C = s; D = p 4) A = q; B = r; C = s; D = t 25. The enzyme that catalyses synthesis of RNA by DNA is 1) DNA polymerase 2) RNA polymerase 3) Ligase 4) Endonuclease 26. Which arm of tRNA does not bear a loop? 1) DHU arm 2) arm 3) Acceptor arm 4) Anticodon arm 27. Match the names of biologists given in column I with their contributions given in column II. Choose the answer with the correct combination of alphabets Column I Column II A Ruckert p Used the terms hetero and Euchromatin B E. Heltz q Used the terms lampbrush chromosome C Wilson r Used the terms chromatin D W. Flemming s Used the terms chromosome t Used the terms X chromosome 1) A = q; B = p; C = t; D = r 2) A = s; B = p; C = t; D = r 3) A = q; B = s; C = t; D = r 4) A = q; B = p; C = s; D = r 28. A person met with a accident and there is no time to check his blood group, which of the following must be given to him? 1) O Rh +ve 2) O Rh -ve 3) AB Rh +ve 4) AB Rh ve 29. Which one of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance ? 1) production of male honey bee 2) pod shape in garden pea 3) skin colour in humans 4) Flower colour in Mirabilis jalapa 30. If the mental age of an 8 yrs. old girl is 10. Her I.Q. will be 1) 80 2) 100 3) More than 100

4) Less than 80 31. Who is known as the Father of Human Genetics ? 1) F.Galton 2) Lederberg 3) Archibald Garrod 4) None of these 32. A girl who has dimples and is heterozygous for the trait marries a boy without dimples. What is the probability that their first child will have dimples. 1) Zero 2) 25% 3) 50% 4) None of these 33. Marriage between closer relatives should be avoided because it brings more 1) Dominent alleles to come together 2) Mutations 3) Muliple birth 4) Recessive alleles combination 34. Red colour blindness is called 1) Deuteranopia 2) Protanopia 3) Tritanopia 4) Anopia 35. Rh (-ve) person has 1) Rh antigens on RBC 2) Rh antibodies in plasma 3) Neither antigens nor antibodies 4) Both antigens and antibodies 36. The number of genes in human genome is approximately 1) 35,000 2) 3,500 3) 3,50,000 4) Between 3 lakh to 5 lakh Level 4. 1. Match the crosses in drosophila, listed in column I, with the progeny of such crosses given in column II and select the right answer containing the correct matching of the alphabets of the two columns. Column I Column II Crosses Progeny

A B C 1) A = e, B = f, C = g 2) A = h, B = g, C = f 3) A = f, B = e, C = h 4) A = g, B = h, C = f

e f g h

2. The IQ of an idiot is: 1) 50 2) Less than 20 3) 80 4) 100 3. Mr. Kapoor is heterozygous for one autosomal gene pair Bb and he carries a recessive Xlinked gene d. What proportion of his sperms will be bd ? 1) 0 2) 3) 4) 1/8 4. Gonosomes are 1) Golgi complex 2) Golgi complex of gonial cells 3) Sex chromosomes 4) Autosomes 5. Which of the following enzymes is absent in albinos ? 1) Phenylalanine hydroxylase 2) Tyrosinase 3) Homogentisic acid oxidase 4) Carbonic anhydrase 6. The aminocentesis technique is helpful in detecting 1) Congential heart defects 2) Sex of the foetus 3) Chromosomal absnormalities 4) Both b and c Level - 5.

1. The law of segregation of germinal units includes: 1) Dominance 2) Recessiveness 3) The concept that each gamete of F 1 hybrid contains genes (or factors) for each alternative of a character, uncontaminated 4) All of these 2. Match the crosses listed in column I with the ratios shown in column II and select the right answer showing the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns Column I Column II Crosses Ratios A Cross involving e 9:7 incomplete dominance F2 phenotypic ratio B C Dihybrid test cross Dihybrid cross F2 phenotypic ratio f g h 1:2:1 9:3:3:1 1:1:1:1

1) A = e, B = f, C = g 2) A = h, B = e, C = f 3) A = f, B = h, C = g 4) A = g, B = e, C = f 3. Match the diseases given in column I with the attributes listed in column II and select the right answer containing the appropriate matching of the alphabets of the two columns: Column I Column II Diseases Attributes A PKU e Melanin not formed B Sickle cell anaemia f Absence of AHF C Haemophilia g RBC irregular h Serve mental retardation 1) A = e, B = f, C = f 2) A = h, B = g, C = f 3) A = f, B = e, C = h 4) A = h, B = f, C = e 4. A colour blind man marries a normal woman and they have two daughters and two sons. The proportion of these children with regard to colour blindness will be: 1) All daughters will be normal but carriers and all sons will be normal 2) 50% of the daughters will be carriers and the remaining will be colour blind 3) 50% of the sons will be colour blind and the remaining normal 4) All of these

5. If a plant is heterozygous for tallness, the F 2 generation has both tall and dwarf plants. This proves the principle of 1) dominance 2) segregation 3) independent assortment 4) incomplete dominance 6. The cross-used to ascertain whether the plant is homozygous or heterozygous is 1) linkage cross 2) reciprocal cross 3) back cross 4) monohybrid cross 7. The expression of both alleles in heterozygote is called: 1) epistasis 2) codominance 3) incomplete dominance 4) pleiotropy 8. Recessive mutation are expressed normally in 1) has to express always since it is a mutation 2) heterozygous condition 3) neither in homozygous nor in heterozygous condition 4) homozygous condition 9. If the haploid number of chromosomes is 10, what is the tetrasomic number ? 1) 20 2) 10 3) 22 4) 40 10. It is believed that certain characteristics are transmitted from the parent to the offspring by non-chromosomal organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Which of the following is the strongest evidence i favour of such a role for mitochondria and chloroplast ? 1) They contain DNA 2) They are equally distributed in the daughter cells 3) They are present in both the gametes 4) They are found in all living cells 11. Heterosis is 1) hybrid incompatibility 2) hybrid vigour 3) structural hybridity 4) hybrid sterility 12. Trisomic condition in Downs syndrome is mainly due to

1) diploidy 2) nondisjunction 3) triploidy 4) translocation 13. The scientist who first synthesised DNA in vitro was 1) A.KORNBERG 2) A.DEWED 3) J.D.WATSON 4) HAR GOBIND KHORANA

14. The DNA is the genetic material was proved conclusively be 1) J.D.WATSON 2) HERSHEY and CHASE 3) ALFRED GRIFFITH 4) BOVERI and SUTTION 15. Noble Prize for one gene one enzyme was given to 1) BEADLE and TATUM 2) SCHLEIDEN and SCHWANN 3) WATSON and CRICK 4) H. HARRIS 16. Retrovirus has the following as its genetic material 1) single stranded DNA 2) double stranded doubplex DNA 3) DNA-RNA hybrid 4) RNA 17. Male individuals in Drosophila and Homo sapiens are 1) Homomorphic 2) heterogametic 3) homogametic 4) homosporous 18. Christmas disease is caused due to lack of antihaemophilic factor 1) VIII 2) IX 3) XI 4) All these 19. Royal disease is

1) an allosomal syndrome 2) an autosomal syndrome 3) haemophilia A 4) haemophilla B 20. How many phenotypes are found in the F2 generation of Dihybrid cross? 1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 16 21. Match the items listed in column I with the items given in column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the columns. Column I (Antigens on RBC) Column II (Antibodies in plasma) A Codominance p Stem length in pea plant B Complete dominance q A and B antigens C Incomplete dominance r Colour blindness D Sex - linkage s Flower colour in Four Oclock t Cholera 1) A = q; B = t; C = s; D = r 2) a = q; B = p; C = s; D = t 3) A = t; B = p; C = s; D = r 4) A = q; B = p; C = s; D = r 22. Dwarf pea plants were treated with gibberellin and grew as tall pea plants. If they are crossed with pure tall plants, what will be phenotypic ratio of the F 1 generation? 1) 50% tall and 50% dwarf 2) All dwarf 3) 75% tall and 25% dwarf 4) 100% tall 23. When two individuals, heterozygous for the same genes, are bred together, they produce 1) Only dominant phenotypes, all of the same genotypes 2) 50% dominant and 50% recessive 3) 75% dominant and 25% recessive 4) All recessive phenotypes 24. The amount of nucleic acid found in protoplasm is 1) 10% 2) 34% 3) 25% 4) 2%

25. What is the possiblility of a child with blood group O being born to a mother and father having blood group O and B respectively 1) 25% 2) 50% 4) 75% 4) 100% 26. Sickel-cell anaemia is an example of 1) sex-linked inheritance 2) Deficiency disease 3) Autosomal heritable disease 4) Infectious disease. 27. The genotype of Rh +ve person could be 1) rr 2) RR 3) Rr 4) Either (2) or (3) 28. After examining the blood group of a couple, the doctor advised them not to have more than one child. The blood groups of the couple are likely to be 1) Male Rh+ and female Rh+ 2) Male Rh-, O+ and female Rh+, O3) Male AB blood group and female O blood group 4) Male Rh+ and female Rh-

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