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1. REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS 1.1 Objective of the Project Ration shops are one of the main food product supply centers of Indian Government. Both Central and State government control this supply but these shops are managed under private sector. Now in all the activities of this shop are done manually in paper works. They keep all records in big paper file records. Govt. of Tamil Nadu Provide Register Book, Issue Book, Bill book, through the Supply Office to the Ration Shops. The Shop owners must keep and maintain these three books with proper entry of data. Due to the manual entry through paper work in the three books, duplicate entry or wrong entry may occur, resulting in wasting time and resources in this system. RATION-SHOP INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM is intended to fully automate Ration Shops. The system must provide an easy interface so that person of little computer knowledge can use it easily and efficiently.


1.1 Problem Definition:
This Software titled as RATION-SHOP expected INVENTORY of this CONTROL SYSTEM developed to control the inventory management of the Pudhucherry Ration shops. The audience document is the faculty of ************************* proprietor of ration-shop number **** .This documents is also facilitates the requirement of those who need to do back tracking in further.


1.2 Problem Analysis:

System analysis works with users to identify goals and build systems to achieve them. System analysis is an important phase of any system development process. The system is studied to the minutest details and analyzed. The system analysts play the role of an interrogator and dwells deep in the working of the present system. In analysis, a detailed study of these operations performed by a system and their relationship within and outside of the system is done. A key question considered here is What must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not the candidate system should be considered. The system is viewed as a whole and inputs to the system are identified. The outputs from the system are traced through the various data that are collected on available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. Once analysis is completed, the analyst has a firm understanding of what is to be done. Based on analysis, a cost/benefit analysis is considered. Here the cost for the system is calculated on the basis of the analysis made. The best one is selected as the solution. The proposal is presented to the user for an endorsement by the user. The proposal is reviewed on the user request and suitable changes are made. This is a loop that ends as soon as the user is satisfied with the proposal. After all this, the proposal becomes a formal agreement that paves way for the design and implementation.


2.1 Existing System
In existing system all the activities of this shop are done manually in paper works. They keep all records in big paper file records. Govt. of Pudhucherry provide register book, issue book, bill book, through the supply office to the Ration-Shops. The shop owners must keep and maintain these three books with proper entry of data. These books must be submitted to the supply office. Ration Inspector (RI) of supply office verify all the books entry-wise and calculate the closing stock using the equation opening stock + purchase stock sales stock=closing stock. With the help of closing stock she/he calculates the purchase quantity and allows the purchase unit

from the whole sales. The wholesaler only provides the quantity allowed from the RI. Wholesaler calculates the bill amount of the allowed quantity. Due to the manual entry through paper work in the three books duplicate entry or wrong entry may occur in the existing system, resulting in wasting time and resources. As per the Pudhucherry Govt. the customers are divided into two groups like APL [Above Poverty Line] and BPL [Below poverty Line]. RationShops provide rice, wheat, sugar, kerosene oil, atta to the customers. Each group gets products in separate quantity and rate as per the Govt. norms.

2.2 Disadvantages of existing system

Time consumption Error factor Storage of data Difficulty in accessing data Integrity problems Security issues Existing system consumes man power Corruption


In this project all the disadvantages of the existing system can be removed. And also provide the proper management of all the data properly and collect inventory record for daily.

2.4 Advantages of PROPOSED system

The proposed system has many advantages: Low response time

Cost effective solution Robustness Scalability Possibility of upgrading


The feasibility study is an important factor that analyses the capability of a project. The main objective of feasibility study is to weight the project. This is done through three types of feasibility,

Economical Feasibility Operational Feasibility

Technical Feasibility Economical Feasibility:

To install this software and to use it, there is no need for installing any additional peripherals or to train the user since, they have been working in windows explorer. Therefore they find it easy and comfortable in using this software and it needs only minimum amount of hardware requirement. The memory required for executing the software. It is affordable by all users as it is economical for them.

Operational Feasibility:
Operational Feasibility study is necessary as it ensures that the project development is successfully implemented in the organization. The operational feasibility of project is high since it is user friendly and easy to operate.

Technical Feasibility:
Technical Feasibility analysis makes a comparison between the level of technology available and the technology that is needed for the development of the project. The level of technology is determined by factors such as the software tools, machine environment, platform etc. since the resources required for the development of this project are already available in the organization, this project is technically feasible.


Operating System Front End Back End : : : Microsoft Windows XP Service pack 2 Visual Basic 6.0 Oracle 10g

3.2 HARDWARE REQUIRED: Processor Memory Hard disk Mouse Keyboard USB Controllers CPU Info : : : : : : : Intel Dual Core-2.2 MHz 1GB RAM 250 GB SATA Optical Type 102 standards USB Type 6 host port controller Intel Core2Duo CPU T6400 @2.00GHz Monitor DVD Drives Hard Disk Screen Resolution Manufacture : : : : : DELL LCD monitor LG DVD Drive 250 GB SATA Type 1366x768-32bit DELL Corporation



Fig 4.1: Over View Of Visual Basic 6.0

Fig 4.2: Visual Basic Form

Visual Basic is an ideal programming language for developing sophisticated professional applications for Microsoft Windows. It makes use of Graphical User Interface for creating robust and powerful applications. It

contains a build in interpreter with extensive tools for sensing and debugging code errors. The most amazing and useful component of Visual basic is that the programmer can use a text editor to write and make changes to the code. With Graphical user Interface (GUI), we can design screen presentations and menus. The GUI also facilities importing screen presentations, graphics and data from other applications into our application. Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows requires at least Microsoft Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows NT, 486 processor and at minimum of 16 MB of RAM. Visual Basic comes in three flavors:

1. 2. 3.

The Visual Basic Learning Edition The Visual Basic Profession Edition The Visual Basic Enterprise Edition

The Visual Basic Learning Edition is the introductory edition that lets to easily create windows application. The Visual Basic Profession Edition is for computer professional and includes advanced features such as tools of develop Active X and Internet Controls. The Visual Basic Enterprise Edition includes all the features for the Professional Edition, plus tools such as Visual Source Safe and Automation and component manager.


IDE is a term used to describe the interface and environment that we use to create our applications. The Visual Basic IDE is made up of a number of components. LANGAUGE SPECIFICATION Menu Bar Tool Bar Project Explorer Properties Window Form Layout Window Tool Box Object Browser

The menu bar displays the commands that are required to build an application. The main menu items have sub menu items that can be chosen when needed.

The tool bars in the menu bar provide quick access to the commonly used commands and a button in the toolbar is clicked once to carry out the action represented by it. The tool bar has buttons for the most frequently used commands in Visual Basic such as Open Project, save project, Cut Paste, Add Form etc.


The project explorer serves as a quick reference to the various elements of a project namely form, classes and modules.

Properties window lists the property settings for the selected form or control. A property is a characteristic of an object such as size, caption or color. The properties window displays the properties of only object at a time THE ONE THAT IS CURRENTLY SELECTED.


Form Window is a logical container for the visual programming objects (such as dialog boxes and action buttons) that made up a typical screen display.

It is a window that provides a set of tools that are used at design time to place controls on a form. The buttons in the toolbox are called controls.

It lists objects for use in the project and gives a quick way to navigate through the code.


A visual Basic application is made up of objects, events and code.

An object is a way of communicating with the user for eg Form, Window, and Menu.

When some aspect of the object is changed, an event is triggered. Thus an event is an action recognized by a control or form. An event occurs when the user performs an action with the mouse or keyboard. Events can also be caused by script statements and by the system itself. Some of the events are Click Double Click Mouse Move Mouse Down Mouse Up Unload CODE: A code defines the processing that takes place when an event occurs. Visual Basic executes the code for that event. A code is written in Visual Basic Commend. Load Drag Over Got Focus Lost Focus Activate Key Press

Visual Basic uses building blocks such as Variables, Data types, Procedures, Functions and Control Structures in its programming environment

Code in Visual Basic is stored in the form of modules. The three kinds of modules are

Form Module Standard Modules Class Modules

Simple application may contain a single form, and the code resides in that form module itself.

When additional forms are added, there may be a common code to be executed in several forms. To avoid the duplication of code, a separate module containing a procedure is created that implements the common code.

Class modules with filename extension .CLS are the foundation of object oriented programming in Visual Basic. Classes are the fundamental building blocks of a type of programming called object-oriented programming (OOPs). New objects also by created by writing code in class modules.

May include constant, type, variable and DLL procedure declarations.

A sub function, or property procedure that contain pieces of code that also be executed as a unit.

By default Visual Basic variables are of variant data types. The variant data type also store numeric, date/time or string data. The fundamental data types are integer, long, single, double, string, currency, byte and Boolean.

Variables are used for storing values temporarily. A variable is scoped to a procedure level (local) or module-level variable depending on how it is declared.

A local variable is one that is declaring inside a procedure. This variable is only available to the code inside the procedure and also be declared using the dim statement.


A module-level variable to all the procedures in the module. They are declared using the public or private keyword.

Visual Basic programs also be broken into smaller logical components called procedures. Procedures are useful for condensing repeated operation such as the frequently used calculation, text and control manipulation etc.


Any Visual Basic Database Application has three parts:


Database Engine

Data Store

The User interface is what the user sees and interacts with. It contains forms that display the data and enable the user to view or update it.


The jet database engine is contained in a set of Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file that are linked to visual Basic program at run time. It handled all housekeeping chores like indexing, locking, security and referential inferential integrity. It also contains a Query Processor that accepts SQL queries and acts on them to carry out the desired database operations.


The data is the file of files containing the database tables. The application might access data stored in several different database files or formats either in MDB file or in DBF file. The data control can be used to create application that display, edit and update information from many types of existing database. The data control implements data access by using the Microsoft Jet Database Engine. The data control can perform the following takes without the use of code. Connect to a local or Remote Data Source Open a Specified database table or define a set of records based on a Structured Query language (SQL) query of tables in that database. Pass data fields to bound control, where you can display or change the values. Add new records or update a database based on any changes you made to the data displayed in the bound control.


A Data Access object is a collection of object classes that model the structure of a relation database system. They provide properties and methods that allow accomplishing all the operation to manage such a system, including features for creating database, defining tables, navigating and querying a database. The DB Engine is the top-level database object and corresponds to the Jet Database Engine. The object is used to set database engine system parameters and default workspace. The workspace object is used to support simultaneous transaction and it acts as a container for open databases.

In order to work with data assess objects, a reference has to be set to the appropriate DAO libraries. There are two DAO libraries supported by Visual Basic 6.0 they are Microsoft DAO 3.51 object library Microsoft Dao 2.5/3.51 compatibility layer.

The most salient feature introduced by Visual Basic is the ability to author ActiveX, which is formerly an OLE control. Active control can be developed using wizards or can be designed using the interface of the control by writing code similar to that for classes. The ActiveX controls have been designed based on component object Model (COM).


The component Object Model (COM) is the basic for all OCX control. COM concentrates on the way in which two processes communicate with each other and defines some standards interface for them to communicate.


Distributes COM is nothing but Com over a network. It allows information exchange over the Internet, the local Intranet or any other network. While COM is the basic for OCX controls, DCOM is the basic for ActiveX control-as ActiveX itself is nothing but internet enabled OCX.

ActiveX provides a familiar client/server Infrastructure to run over applications. Stand alone Visual Basic application can be ported over to ActiveX documents so that they can then be downloaded via internet Explorer. Type Of active controls Visual Basic offers us to design three different types of controls. User-Draw controls Enhancement to existing Visual Basic controls New Controls built with Constituent control

These controls are developed from scratch for which the user is responsible for designing the controls interface and are in control of its appearance and interface.


The simplest of customs ActiveX control that can be developed is one that is based on an existing control and enhances its operation. We can keep most or all of the original controls functionality and them add custom members.

The controls that from part of the newly developed custom control are called Constituent Control.


To connect the Internet there is a Visual Basic wizard which sets up the Internet Web access. The wizard has default URL (Uniform Resource Locator). URL is the website address.


VB6 is having a tool to attach RTF files into our application called HELP Workshop By using we can create the help files*.hlp.


Creating report is a main function of any good business application. Previous version of Visual Basic included a version Seagate of softwares Crystal Reports tool. With the release of VB6. Microsoft has integrated report writer into Visual Basic that will provide most user an alternative to purchasing another tool.


The oracle Object Server is an OLE In Process server that supports a collection of programmable objects for oracle databases running either locally or remotely. An OLE in process server is a special kind of OLE server, running in windows DLL that supports the OLE automation interface. An OLE in process server has no user interface and is not embeddable. You can access the Oracle object server through the oracle data control, through any application that supports OLE automation (Such as in Visual Basic for Applications, in applications such as Microsoft Excel version 5.0 and Access 2.0)

To access interfaces provided by a COM automation server component and instance of the component needs to be created first. In visual basic, this is done by calling the create Object function. The argument to this function is the LD of the component to be used.

An Orasession object manages collection of OraDatabase, Oraconnection and OraDynaset objects used within application. Typically, a single Orasession object is created for each application, but you can create named Or session objects for shared use within and between applications.


Basic Installation When you install Oracle Database during basic and advanced installations, you make the following choices. Whatdatabaseproductdoyouwanttoinstall? You can install one of the following: Enterprise EditionOracle's full featured database product which provides data
management for enterpriselevel applications. It is engineered for missioncritical, highsecurity onlinetransactionprocessing(OLTP)anddatawarehousingenvironments.

Standard EditionThis installation type is suitable for workgroup or departmentlevel

applications,andforsmalltomediumsizedenterprises.Itisengineeredtoprovidecorerelational databasemanagementservicesandoptions.

Personal Edition (Windowsoperatingsystemsonly)Thisinstallationtypeinstallsthesame

softwareastheEnterpriseEdition,butsupportsonlyasingleuserdevelopmentanddeployment environment.

Custom InstallThis installation type enables you to customize the Enterprise Edition. Use
CustomInstalltoaddacomponenttoyourexistinginstallationthatwouldnotnormallybeinstalled orpreventcertaincomponentsfrombeinginstalled.

database,theinstallerautomaticallylaunchestheDatabaseConfigurationAssistantattheendofthe installation.

To install a preconfigured database, select one of the following database types, optimized according to usage: GeneralPurpose TransactionProcessing DataWarehouse To create an custom database in which you configure your own database structure, see advanced installation. What are your Database Configuration Options? These options include your Global Database Name and Oracle System Identifier (SID). The Global Database Name is the full name of the database that uniquely distinguishes it from any other database. The global database name is of the form database_name.database_domain, as in The database name portion sales is a simple name you call your database. The database domain portion specifies the database domain in which the database is located. Together, the database name and domain make up the Global Database Name. During basic installation, Oracle automatically installs the sample schemas. Many of the examples in the database documentation are based on the sample schemas. You will also be prompted to enter your database schema password for the SYS and SYSTEM accounts, which enable you to manage and administer the database.

SQL Statements and Other Management Tools: SQL*Plus and

The underlying operations in Enterprise Manager are performed using Structured Query Language (SQL) statements. SQL is an English-like computer programming language for accessing and manipulating data contained in a database. It is an industry-standard language for accessing databases. The following is an example of a SQL query: SELECT COUNTRY_ID, COUNTRY_NAME FROM HR.COUNTRIES; SQL is a powerful language and can be used to perform a variety of database administrative tasks. While performing these tasks, you can click Show SQL to see the underlying SQL statements being issued. For more information on SQL and on using SQL for database administration, see
Oracle Database SQL Reference . In addition to Enterprise Manager, you can use other Oracle tools to issue SQL statements such as SQL*Plus and its Web version iSQL*Plus. These tools enable you to perform the same database management operations, as well as to query, insert, update or delete data directly in the database.

Starting SQL*Plus SQL*Plus is a command line program you use to issue SQL statements to an Oracle database. You can issue these statements or in batch. SQL*Plus is installed with the database and is located in your $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. To start SQL*Plus, enter the following at the command line on all platforms: sqlplus username/password You can use the SYS administrative user and password you set up during installation. SQL*Plus starts and connects you to the default database. At the SQL prompt, you can enter statements that perform administrative tasks such as

database startup and shutdown. You can also query, insert, update, and delete data. On Windows, you can use the SQL*Plus Windows GUI to administer the database. From the main menu, select Start, Programs, OracleOraDB10g_home1, Application Development, SQL*Plus. For more information about SQL*Plus, see SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference. For more information about SQL statements, see Oracle Database SQL Reference. Starting iSQL*Plus iSQL*Plus is the Web version of SQL*Plus. Before you can connect to it with a URL, you must start
the iSQL*Plus application server. To do so, enter the following at the command line: isqlplusctl start

After the server is started, you can connect to iSQL*Plus with a URL such as http://machine_name:5560/isqlplus Alternatively, you can connect to
iSQL*Plus using Enterprise Manger. To do so from the Enterprise Manager home page, click iSQL*Plus under Related Links.

For more information about iSQL*Plus, see SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference. Basic Introduction to SQL*PLUS The SQL*PLUS (pronounced "sequel plus") program allows you to store and retrieve data in the relational database management system ORACLE. Databases consists of tables which can be manipulated by structured query language (SQL) commands. A table is made up of columns (vertical) and rows (horizontal). A row is made up of fields which contain a data value at the intersection of a row and a column. Be aware that SQL*PLUS is a program and not a standard query language. Getting Started It is a prerequisite that users are registered for ORACLE, an ORACLE account is needed. On Unix platforms you must start the script oraenv to set the ORACLE environment. Enter the command . oraenv and press <Return;>.

Don't forget to type a blanc between the dot and oraenv. If you are working with a PC using MS Windows, simply use Netinstall to install the product. You can find the software in the database folder. prompts by entering your ORACLE user-name and password. The SQL*PLUS command prompt SQL > indicates that you are ready to work. Some elementary Commands alter user user identified by new pass word enables user to change the password help ho[st] ho[st] oerr accesses the SQL*PLUS help system terminates SQL*PLUS leads to the operating system without leaving SQL*PLUS executes a host operating system command accesses the ORACLE error help for unix exit, quit Enter sqlplus on unix systems or run it on Windows from the start menue. Answer the displayed

ho[st] command

Editing and Executing All entered input is stored as a single SQL*PLUS statement in the command buffer. Pressing the <Return> key while editing will either open a new numbered line or, if the previous line ends with a semicolon or consists of a single slash, will execute the SQL*PLUS command. Opening new numbered lines allows you to structure statements and enables you to refer to particular lines by later using edit functions. l[ist] lists command buffer (the current line is marked with a star) ln or n ln m makes line n the current line and lists it lists lines n through m changes oldstring to newstring in current line

a text appends text to current line c/oldstring/newstring i inserts a line after current line

del / ;

deletes the current line runs command buffer lists command buffer If you use substitution variables, like &variable, instead of values or

r[un] runs and lists command buffer

names in your SQL statement, SQL*PLUS will prompt you and substitute the entered value. A substitution variable is a user variable name preceded by an ampersand. Working with Command Files You can use command files to save complex commands. After creating a command file you can retrieve, edit, and run it. The default file extension is .sql . If you use other file extensions you must write the full file name like name.extension. ed[it] overwrites a scratch file with the contents of the command buffer edit enables you to edit this file with the defined host operating system editor. The name of the scratch file is afiedt.buf . After leaving the editor the buffer is listed and you can execute it. ed[it] filename sav[e] filename enables you to edit an existing or new file filename.sql creates file filename and stores the command buffer into it

sav[e] filename [option] stores command buffer into file filename Possible options are cre[ate], app[end], rep[lace]. get filename loads the host operating system file filename into the command buffer sta[rt] filename [arg1 arg2 ..] executes file filename arg1 arg2 .. are arguments you wish to pass to the command file If you run a command file in which a substitution variable like &1 is used, you will be prompted for that value. You can avoid being prompted by passing an argument to the command file. Queries and Subqueries

Retrieving data from the database is the most common SQL operation. A query is an SQL command (specifically a select) that retrieves information from one or more tables. A subquery is a select which is nested in another SQL command. The Describe Command desc[ribe] name lists the column definition for table or view name Basic Select Commands The basic select command consists of two parts, called clauses: select some data from table. Examples select * from tabname selects all columns and rows from table tabname

select distinct col from tabname selects column col from table tabname and returns only one copy of duplicate rows select col1, col2 ... from tabname tabname select col1, col2*3 from tabname lists col1, col2 multiplied by 3 select 2*3 from dual calculates 2*3 and will display the result Selecting Rows and Ordering To retrieve specific rows from a table you need to add a where clause. A where clause consists of one or more search conditions which can be connected by logical operators. To display the retrieved data in a specific order you need to add an order by clause. Examples select col1,col2 from tabname where col1 < col2 and col2 !=0 order by col2 selects specified columns from table selects col1,col2 from table tabname and

Columns col1, col2 are selected from table tabname and all rows where col2 is not equal to zero and col1 is less than col2 are displayed in an ascending order (ordered by col2). select col1,col2 from tabname where col1 like '_A%' or col1 like '+++' order by col2 desc Columns col1,col2 are selected from table tabname and all rows where col1 is equal to '+++' or where the second letter in col1 is an 'A' are displayed in a descending order. In this example two different escape characters are used. The underscore matches exactly one character whereas the percent sign can match zero or more characters. select col1,col2 from tabname where col1 in ( value1,value2 ) Columns col1,col2 are selected from table tabname and all rows where col1 is equal to value1 or to value2 are displayed. select col1,col2 from tabname where col1 not between value1 and value2 Columns col1,col2 are selected from table tabname and all rows where col1 is not in the range between value1 and value2 are displayed. Using Set Operator Set operators combine the results of two queries into a single result. If a statement contains multiple set operators, they will be evaluated from left to right.

set operator union returns all distinct rows selected by either query union all intersect minus second

returns all rows selected by either query, including all duplicates returns all distinct rows selected by both queries returns all distinct rows selected by the first query but not the

select * from table1 union all select * from table2 This will combine all rows, columns of table1 and table2. Querying Multiple Tables If you want to retrieve information from different tables, you can do this by issuing different queries or a single JOIN query. In a JOIN query, you list the names of the tables you are querying in the from clause and the names of the linking columns in the where clause. The omission of the linking where clause causes a cartesian product of both tables. A JOIN combines rows from two or more tables where columns which the tables have in common match. If a column name is not unique, you must use a prefix to make clear which column from which table you want to select (e.g. tablename.columnname). Simple Join select col1,tab1.col2,col3 from tab1,tab2 where tab1.col2=tab2.col2 This is the most common type of join. It returns rows from two tables based on an equality condition, therefore it is also called an equi-join. Non-Equi Join select tab1.col1,tab2.col2 from tab1,tab2 where tab1.col1 between lowval and highval Since this join doesn't return rows based on a equality condition, it is called a non-equi join.

Self Join select alias1.col1,alias2.col1 "Header 2" from tabname alias1,tabname alias2 where alias1.col2=alias2.col3 In this example the table tabname is joined with itself. Using of two different alias names for the same table allows you to refer to it twice. Since the names of the resulting columns in this example are the same, the second column gets a new header. Outer Join select col1,col2 from tab1,tab2 where tab1.col1=tab2.col2(+) Suppose you want to retrieve information from two tables where not all rows match but the result should contain all values from one or more columns. A simple join will select only matching rows whereas the outer join extends the result. All matching rows will be selected and when you append the outer join operator (+) to a column name, those rows which do not match will also be selected. In the example the number of rows which are selected is the number of rows in table tab2. If rows match, the outer join works as a simple join, if not, the values from tab2.col2 and a NULL value for the non existing value of tab1.col1 will be selected.

Data Definition Language DDL DDL commands allow you to create, alter and delete objects (e.g tables, views) and also to grant and revoke privileges. create table tabname (col1 type1,col2 type2,...) creates table tabname col1 ... coln are the column names, type1,type2.. specifies the datatype of a column which can be number, date, char, varchar2.

number(p,s) specifies a fixed point number having precision p (total number of digits) and scale s (number of digits to the right of the decimal point). number(p) specifies a fixed point number. number specifies a floating point number. char(size) specifies fixed length (max 255) character data of length size.


specifies variable length (max 2000) character string having a maximum length of size

create table tabname as subquery creates table tabname subquery inserts rows into the table upon its creation. A subquery is a form of the select command which enables you to select columns from an existing table. create view viewname as subquery creates view viewname A view is a logical table based on one or more tables. drop table tabname removes table tabname from the database adds columns to table tabname alter table tabname add (col1 type1,col2 type2,...) rename oldname to newname grant privilege on object to user

alter table tabname modify (col1 type1,col2 type2,...) modifies column definitions renames table oldname enables user to change the password to newpassword revokes a privilege from user grants a privilege to user alter user user identified by newpassword; revoke privilege on object from user

Data Manipulation Language DML DML commands manipulate and query data in existing tables. These commands do not commit current actions. insert into tabname (col1,col2...) values (val1,val 2...) table tabname insert into tabname subquery &table tabname update tabname set col1=expr1,col2=expr2... where cond updates rows in table tabname columns are set to values of expressions if condition cond is true update tabname set (col1,col2...)=(subquery) where condupdates rows in table tabname inserts rows into

inserts rows(selected by a subquery) into

columns are set to selected values if condition cond is true delete from tabname [where cond] either deletes all rows from table tabname or rows where cond is true Schema When you select data from a table or you insert data into a table then this object has to be in your own schema. In other words, you must be the owner. If you are not the owner of the object, but the owner granted some privileges to you, you have to specify schema.tabname.

select * from scott.emp Transaction Control Commands Transaction Control Commands manage changes made by Data Manipulation Language commands. A transaction (or logical unit of work) is a sequence of SQL statements that ORACLE treats as a single unit. A transaction ends with a commit, rollback , exit, or any DDL statement which issues an implicit commit. In most cases transactions are implicitly controlled. commit rollback transaction makes all changes since the beginning of a transaction permanent rolls back (undoes) all changes since the beginning of a rolls back to savepoint savep

rollback to savepoint savep savepoint savep Storage:

defines savepoint savep

The Oracle RDBMS stores data logically in the form of tablespaces and physically in the form of data files ("datafiles"). Tablespaces can contain various types of memory segments, such as Data Segments, Index Segments, etc. Segments in turn comprise one or more extents. Extents comprise groups of contiguous data blocks. Data blocks form the basic units of data storage.

There is also a partitioning feature available on newer versions of the database, which allows tables to be partitioned based on different set of keys. Specific partitions can then be easily added or dropped to help manage large data sets. Oracle database management tracks its computer data storage with the help of information stored in the SYSTEM tablespace. The SYSTEM tablespace contains the data dictionaryand often (by default) indexes and clusters. A data dictionary consists of a special collection of tables that contains information about all user-objects in the database. Since version 8i, the Oracle RDBMS also supports "locally managed" tablespaces which can store space management information in bitmaps in their own headers rather than in the SYSTEM tablespace (as happens with the default "dictionary-managed" tablespaces). Version 10g and later introduced the SYSAUX tablespace which contains some of the tables formerly in the SYSTEM tablespace. Process architectures: The Oracle RDBMS typically relies on a group of processes running simultaneously in the background and interacting to monitor and expedite database operations. Typical operating environments might include some of the following individual processes (shown along with their abbreviated nomenclature): advanced queueing processes (Qnnn) archiver processes (ARCn) checkpoint process (CKPT) *REQUIRED* coordinator-of-job-queues process (CJQn): dynamically spawns slave processes for job-queues

database writer processes (DBWn) *REQUIRED* dispatcher processes (Dnnn): multiplex server-processes on behalf of users job-queue slave processes (Jnnn) log-writer process (LGWR) *REQUIRED* log-write network-server (LNSn): transmits redo logs in Data Guard environments logical standby coordinator process (LSP0): controls Data Guard logapplication media-recovery process (MRP): detached recovery-server process memory-manager process (MMAN): used for internal database tasks such as Automatic Shared Memory Management memory-monitor process (MMON): process for automatic problemdetection, self-tuning and statistics-gathering memory-monitor light process (MMNL): gathers and stores Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) data mmon slaves (MnnnnM0000, M0001, etc.): background slaves of the MMON process process-monitor process (PMON) *REQUIRED* process-spawner (PSP0): spawns Oracle processes

queue-monitor coordinator process (QMNC): dynamically spwans queue monitor slaves queue-monitor processes (QMNn) recoverer process (RECO) remote file-server process (RFS) shared server processes (Snnn): serve client-requests system monitor process (SMON) *REQUIRED*

Database "features" Apart from the clearly defined database options, Oracle databases may include many semi-autonomous software sub-systems, which Oracle Corporation sometimes refers to as "features" in a sense subtly different from the normal usage of the word. For example, Oracle Data Guard counts officially as a "feature", but the command-stack within SQL*Plus, though a usability feature, does not appear in the list of "features" in Oracle's list.[original research?] Such "features" may include (for example): Active Session History (ASH), the collection of data for immediate monitoring of very recent database activity. Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), providing monitoring services to Oracle database installations from Oracle version 10. Prior to the release of Oracle version 10, the Statspack facility provided similar functionality. Clusterware Data Aggregation and Consolidation

Data Guard for high availability Generic Connectivity for connecting to non-Oracle systems. Data Pump utilities, which aid in importing and exporting data and metadata between databases. Database Resource Manager (DRM), which controls the use of computing resources. Fast-start parallel rollback Fine-grained auditing (FGA) (in Oracle Enterprise Edition) supplements standard security-auditing features Flashback for selective data recovery and reconstruction iSQL*Plus, a web-browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) for Oracle database data-manipulation (compare SQL*Plus) Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC), tools which consist of: Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) Oracle Developer Tools (ODT) for Visual Studio Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Oracle Provider for OLE DB Oracle Objects for OLE Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Oracle-managed files (OMF) -- a feature allowing automated naming, creation and deletion of datafiles at the operating-system level.

Recovery Manager (rman) for database backup, restoration and recovery SQL*Plus, a program that allows users to interact with Oracle database(s) via SQL and PL/SQL commands on a command-line. Compare iSQL*Plus. Universal Connection Pool (UCP), a connection pool based on Java and supporting JDBC, LDAP, and JCA Virtual Private Database (VPD), an implementation of fine-grained access control. This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. Standalone tools: Users can develop their own applications in Java and PL/SQL using tools such as: Oracle JDeveloper Oracle Forms Oracle Reports

Oracle Corporation has started[clarification needed] a drive toward "wizard"-driven environments with a view to enabling non-programmers to produce simple data-driven applications. Oracle SQL Developer, a free graphical tool for database development, allows developers to browse database objects, run SQL statements and SQL scripts, and edit and debug PL/SQL statements. It incorporates standard and customized reporting.


Windows XP is an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops and media centers. First released to computer manufacturers on August 24, 2001, it is the second most popular version of Windows, based on installed user base. The name "XP" is short for "eXPerience." Windows XP, the successor to Windows 2000 and Windows Me, was the first consumer-oriented operating system produced by Microsoft to be built on the Windows NT kernel. Windows XP was released worldwide for retail sale on October 25, 2001, and over 400 million copies were in use in January 2006. [7] It was succeeded by Windows Vista in January 2007. Direct OEM and retail sales of Windows XP ceased on June 30, 2008. Microsoft continued to sell Windows XP through their System Builders (smaller OEMs who sell assembled computers) program until January 31, 2009. The NT-based versions of Windows, which are programmed in C, C++, and assembly, are known for their improved stability and efficiency over the 9x versions of Microsoft Windows. Windows XP presented a significantly redesigned graphical user interface, a change Microsoft promoted as more userfriendly than previous versions of Windows. A new software management facility called Side-by-Side Assembly was introduced to ameliorate the "DLL hell" that plagues 9x versions of Windows. It is also the first version of Windows to use product activation to combat illegal copying. During development, the project was codenamed "Whistler", after Whistler, British Columbia, as many Microsoft employees skied at the Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort.

According to web analytics data generated by W3Schools, from September 2003 to July 2011, Windows XP was the most widely used operating system for accessing the internet. As of January 2012, Windows XP market share is at 32.6% after having peaked at 76.1% in January 2007. User interface: Windows XP featured a new task-based GUI (Graphical user interface). The Start menu and Taskbar were updated and many visual effects were added, including: A translucent blue selection rectangle in Windows Explorer Drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop Task-based sidebars in Explorer windows ("common tasks") The ability to group the taskbar buttons of the windows of one application into one button The ability to lock the taskbar and other toolbars to prevent accidental changes The highlighting of recently added programs on the Start menu Shadows under menus (Windows 2000 had shadows under mouse pointers, but not menus)

Windows XP analyzes the performance impact of visual effects and uses this to determine whether to enable them, so as to prevent the new functionality from consuming excessive additional processing overhead. Users can further customize these settings. Some effects, such as alpha compositing (transparency and fading), are handled entirely by many newer video cards. However, if the video card is not capable of hardware alpha blending,

performance can be substantially degraded, and Microsoft recommends the feature should be turned off manually. Windows XP added the ability for Windows to use "Visual Styles" to change the appearance of the user interface. However, visual styles must be cryptographically signed by Microsoft to run. Luna is the name of the new visual style that ships with Windows XP, and is enabled by default for machines with more than 64 MiB of RAM. Luna refers only to one particular visual style, not to all of the new user interface features of Windows XP as a whole. Some users "patch" the uxtheme.dll file that restricts the ability to use visual styles, created by the general public or the user, on Windows XP. In addition to the included Windows XP themes, there is one previously unreleased theme with a dark blue taskbar and window bars similar to Windows Vista titled "Royale Noir" available as unofficial download. Microsoft officially released a modified version of this theme as the "Zune" theme, to celebrate the launch of its Zune portable media player in November 2006. The differences are only visual with a new glassy look along with a black taskbar instead of dark blue and an orange start button instead of green. Additionally, the Media Center "Energy Blue" theme, which was included in the Media Center editions, is also available to download for use on all Windows XP editions. The default wallpaper, Bliss, is a BMP photograph of a landscape in the Napa Valley outside Napa, California, with rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds. The Windows 2000 "classic" interface can be used instead if preferred. Several third party utilities exist that provide hundreds of different visual styles. New and updated features:

Windows XP introduced several new features to the Windows line, including: GDI+ graphics subsystem and improved image management and viewing in the shell DirectX 8.1 upgradeable to DirectX 9.0c Start Menu and Taskbar improvements A number of new features in Windows Explorer including task panes, tiles and filmstrip views, improved sorting and grouping, searching by document categories, customizable infotips, built-in CD burning, AutoPlay, Simple File Sharing and WebDAV miniredirector. Improved imaging features such as Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, improved image handling and thumbnail caching in Explorer A number of kernel enhancements and power management improvements. Faster start-up, (due to improved Prefetch functions) logon, logoff, hibernation and application launch sequences. The ability to discard a newer device driver in favor of the previous one (known as driver rollback) should a driver upgrade not produce desirable results. Numerous improvements to increase the system reliability such as improved System Restore, Automated System Recovery, Windows Error Reporting and driver reliability. A new, arguably more user-friendly interface, including the framework for developing themes for the desktop environment and richer icons with alpha transparency

Hardware support improvements such as USB 2.0, FireWire 800, Windows Image Acquisition, Media Transfer Protocol, DualView for multi-monitors and audio improvements. Fast user switching, which allows a user to save the current state and open applications of their desktop and allow another user to log on without losing that information The ClearType font rendering mechanism, which is designed to improve text readability on liquid crystal display (LCD) and similar monitors, especially laptops. Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop features, which allow users to connect to a computer running Windows XP from across a network or the Internet and access their applications, files, printers, and devices or request help. New networking features [32] including Windows Firewall, Internet Connection Sharing integration with UPnP, NAT traversal APIs, Quality of Service features, IPv6 and Teredo tunneling, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, extended fax features, network bridging, peer to peer networking, support for most DSL modems, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) connections with auto configuration and roaming, TAPI 3.1, Bluetooth and networking over FireWire. New security features such as Software Restriction Policies, Credential Manager, Encrypting File System improvements, improved certificate services, smart card and PKI support. Windows XP SP2 introduced Data Execution Prevention, Windows Security Center and Attachment Manager. Side-by-side assemblies and registration-free COM

Improved media features in Windows Media format runtime, Windows Media Player, Windows Movie Maker, TV/video capture and playback technologies, Windows Media Encoder and introduction of Windows Media Center General improvements to international support such as more locales, languages and scripts, MUI support in Terminal Services, improved IMEs and National Language Support, Text Services Framework Handwriting recognition, speech recognition and digital ink support accessible through the Tablet PC Input Panel (TIP) in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Numerous improvements to system administration tools such as Windows Installer, Windows Script Host, Disk Defragmenter, Windows Task Manager, Group Policy, CHKDSK, NTBackup, Microsoft Management Console, Shadow Copy, Registry Editor, Sysprep and WMI. Improved application compatibility and shims compared to Windows 2000 Updated accessories and games. Improvements to IntelliMirror features such as Offline Files, Roaming user profiles and Folder redirection. Service packs: Microsoft occasionally releases service packs for its Windows operating systems to fix problems and add features. Each service pack is a superset of all previous service packs and patches so that only the latest service pack needs to be installed, and also includes new revisions.[45] However if you still have the earliest version of Windows XP on Retail CD (without any service packs included), you will need to install SP1a or SP2, before SP3 can be installed.

Older service packs need not be manually removed before application of the most recent one. Windows Update "normally" takes care of automatically removing unnecessary files. Windows XP was criticized by some users for security vulnerabilities, tight integration of applications such as Internet Explorer 6 and Windows Media Player, and for aspects of its default user interface.[citation needed] Service Pack 2, Service Pack 3, and Internet Explorer 8 addressed some of these concerns. The service pack details below only apply to the 32-bit editions. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition was based on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and claimed to be "SP1" in system properties from the initial release. It is updated by the same service packs and hotfixes as the x64 edition of Windows Server 2003. Editions: The two major editions are Windows XP Home Edition, designed for home users, and Windows XP Professional, designed for business and powerusers. XP Professional contains advanced features that the average home user would not use. However, these features are not necessarily missing from XP Home. They are simply disabled, but are there and can become functional. These releases were made available at retail outlets that sell computer software, and were preinstalled on computers sold by major computer manufacturers. As of mid-2008, both editions continue to be sold. A third edition, called Windows XP Media Center Edition, was introduced in 2002 and was updated every year until 2006 to incorporate new digital media, broadcast television and Media Center Extender capabilities. Unlike the Home and Professional edition, it was never made available for retail purchase, and was typically either sold through OEM channels, or was preinstalled on computers that were typically marketed as "media center PCs".

Two different 64-bit editions were made available. One, designed specifically for Itanium-based workstations, was introduced in 2001 at around the same time as the Home and Professional editions, but was discontinued a few years later when vendors of Itanium hardware stopped selling workstationclass machines due to low sales. The other, called Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, supports the x86-64 extension. x86-64 was implemented first by AMD as "AMD64", found in AMD's Opteron and Athlon 64 chips, and later implemented by Intel as "Intel 64" (formerly known as IA-32e and EM64T), found in some of Intel's Pentium 4 and later chips. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition was produced for a class of specially designed notebook/laptop computers called tablet PCs. It is compatible with a pen-sensitive screen, supporting handwritten notes and portrait-oriented screens. Microsoft also released Windows XP Embedded, an edition for specific consumer electronics, set-top boxes, kiosks/ATMs, medical devices, arcade video games, point-of-sale terminals, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) components. In July 2006, Microsoft released Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs, a thin client version of Windows XP Embedded which targets older machines (as early as the original Pentium). It is only available to Software Assurance customers. It is intended for corporate customers who may wish to upgrade to Windows XP so they can take advantage of its security and management capabilities, but cannot afford to purchase new hardware.



Module 1 : Login Form

Module 2: Customer Registration Form Module 3: Item registration form Module 4: stock registration form Module 5: Staff registration form Module 6: Purchase details form Module 7: Sales details form Module 8: Create user account form

5.2 MODULE 1: LOGIN FORM This Form contains the attributes of the login information namely, User Name Password

5.3 MODULE 2: CUSTOMER REGISTRATION MODULE This form consist of attributes Regno Name Address Taluk

Houseno Cardno Category Gender Dob Electricity Lpg Adults Childrens AIncome

5.4 MODULE 3: ITEM REGISTRATION MODULE This form consist of attributes ItemID Name Unit Category Price Qty

5.5 MODULE 4: STOCK REGISTRATION MODULE This form consist of attributes Itemcode Stock

5.6 MODULE 5: STAFF REGISTRATION MODULE This form consist of attributes Staff ID Name Address Phone Gender Dob Age Salary

5.7 MODULE 6: PURCHASE DETAILS MODULE This form consist of attributes Receiptno

Productid productname purchaserate Salesrate Qty Total

5.8 MODULE 7: SALES DETAILS MODULE This form consist of attributes Billno Itemid Itemname Price AllQty ReqQty Netprice

5.9 MODULE 8: CREATE USER ACCCOUNT MODULE This form consist of attributes Username



LOGIN COLUM NAME Username Password DATA TYPE Varchar2 Varchar2 LENGTH 50 50

ITEMREG COLUMN NAME ItemID Name Unit Category Price Qty DATA TYPE Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Float Float LENGTH 50 50 50 50 8 8

CUSTOMER COLUMN NAME Regno Name Address Taluk Houseno Cardno Category Gender Dob Electricity Lpg Adults Childrens AIncome DATA TYPE Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Datetime Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Bigint Float LENGTH 50 50 2000 50 50 50 50 50 8 50 50 50 8 8

PURCHASEDETAILS COLUMN NAME Receiptno Productid productname purchaserate Salesrate Qty Total DATA TYPE Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Float Float Bigint Float LENGTH 50 50 50 8 8 8 8

SALESDETAILS COLUMN NAME Billno Itemid Itemname Price AllQty ReqQty Netprice DATA TYPE Bigint Varchar2 Varchar2 Float Bigint Bigint Float LENGTH 8 50 50 8 8 8 8


COLUMN NAME Item code Stock

DATA TYPE Varchar2 Bigint



COLUMN NAME Staff ID Name Address Phone Gender Dob Age Salary

DATATYPE Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2 Varchar2

LENGTH 50 50 2000 50 50 50 50 50









6.3 Use-Case Diagram:


6.4 Collaboration Diagram

6.6Sequence diagram



AUTHENTICATION Dim username As String Dim password As String Private Sub cmdLogin_Click() username = txtusername.Text password = txtpassword.Text If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("USER_NAME").Value = username And Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("PASSWORD").Value = password Then mainmenu.Show Unload Me Else MsgBox ("invalid username password") End If End Sub Private Sub cmdClose_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtusername.Text = "" txtpassword.Text = "" End Sub MAIN MENU Private Sub Command1_Click() createuser.Show End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() 'Closes the program

customer.Show End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() itemreg.Show End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() purchase.Show End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() salesdetails.Show End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() STAFFREG.Show End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() stockreg.Show End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Unload Me Unload createuser Unload customer Unload itemreg Unload purchase Unload salesdetails Unload STAFFREG Unload stockreg frmauth.Show

End Sub

CREATE USER ACCOUNT Dim a As String Dim b As String Private Sub cmdadd_Click() a = txtpw.Text b = txtrpw.Text If (StrComp(a, b, vbTextCompare) = 0) = True Then Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox ("record successfully added") txtuser.Text = "" txtpw.Text = "" txtrpw.Text = "" Else MsgBox ("PASSWORD DOES NOT MATCH") txtuser.Text = "" txtpw.Text = "" txtrpw.Text = "" End If

End Sub Private Sub cmdclr_Click() txtuser.Text = "" txtpw.Text = "" txtrpw.Text = ""

End Sub Private Sub cmddel_Click() a = txtpw.Text b = txtrpw.Text If (StrComp(a, b, vbTextCompare) = 0) = True Then If MsgBox("sure you want to delete", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete MsgBox ("record successfuly deleted") txtuser.Text = "" txtpw.Text = "" txtrpw.Text = "" Else MsgBox ("PASSWORD DOES NOT MATCH") End If End If End Sub Private Sub cmdexit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() a = txtpw.Text b = txtrpw.Text If (StrComp(a, b, vbTextCompare) = 0) = True Then Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox ("record successfuly deleted") txtuser.Text = "" txtpw.Text = ""

txtrpw.Text = "" Else MsgBox ("PASSWORD DOES NOT MATCH") txtuser.Text = "" txtpw.Text = "" txtrpw.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() mainmenu.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast txtuser.Text = "" txtpw.Text = "" txtrpw.Text = "" End Sub

CUSTOMER REGISTRATION Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY ADDED") End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to update", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to DELETE", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() TXTREGNO.Text = "" TXTNAME.Text = "" TXTADD.Text = "" TXTTAL.Text = "" TXTHNO.Text = "" TXTCARD.Text = "" TXTCT.Text = "" TXTGEN.Text = "" TXTDOB.Text = "" TXTELE.Text = "" TXTLPG.Text = "" TXTADUL.Text = "" TXTCHIL.Text = ""

TXTAI.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() mainmenu.Show

End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext End Sub ITEM REGISTRATION Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY ADDED") End Sub Private Sub Command10_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to update", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to DELETE", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() mainmenu.Show

End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click()

Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext End Sub PURCHASE DETAILS Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY ADDED") End Sub Private Sub Command10_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to update", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to DELETE", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click() mainmenu.Show

End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext End Sub SALES DETAILS Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY ADDED") End Sub Private Sub Command10_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to update", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED") End If End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to DELETE", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() mainmenu.Show End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext End Sub STAFF REGISTRATION Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY ADDED")

End Sub Private Sub Command10_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to update", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() If MsgBox("sure yoy want to DELETE", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext MsgBox ("RECORD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED") End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() mainmenu.Show End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click()

Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext End Sub STOCK REGISTRATION Private Sub cmdadd_Click() If MsgBox("SURE YOU WANT TO ADD", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew MsgBox ("record successfully added") End If End Sub Private Sub cmdclr_Click() txtid.Text = "" txtstock.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub cmddel_Click() If MsgBox("SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THE RECORD", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete MsgBox ("record successfully DELETED") End If End Sub Private Sub cmdexit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdupdate_Click()

If MsgBox("SURE YOU WANT TO UPDATE", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox ("record successfully UPDATE") End If End Sub



Testing is a major consideration in software development and maintenance. It is a major quality control measure used to the software development. It is basic function to detect errors in the software. Testing accounts for the largest technical effort in the software development process. Testing begins at the module level and work towards the integration of the entire computer based system. The goal of testing is to uncover requirement, design and coding errors in the system consequently different levels of testing are used. Testing and debugging are different activities that any includes debugging strategy. Software testing must accommodate low level test that are necessary to verify that a small source code segment has been correctly implemented as well as high level test that validate major system functions. No testing is complete without the verification and validation. The goals of verification and validation activities are to access and improve the quality of work products generated during the development and modification of the software.


The first step in system testing is to prepare a plan that will list all aspect of the system in a way that promotes its credibility among potential user. The test plan includes the following items. Output expected from the system.

Criteria for evaluating the output. A volume test data. Procedure for using the data. Personal and training requirements


Preparation of test data plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data, system under study is tested using test data. Efforts are uncover and correction are also noted for future. The system has been verified and validated by running. Test data Live data At first system is tested with some sample data with knowledge of possible range of values that are required to hold by the fields. The system runs successfully with the given data. Even though few problems arose as a result of live data testing all we rectified.


While testing the system by using test the data, errors were found corrected. Thus a series of test were performed for the proposed system before the system was ready for implementation. The various methods used for testing the system are: Unit testing Integration testing System testing

8.5 Unit Testing

In this testing a module is tested separately and is often performed by the coder himself simultaneously along with the coding of the module. The purpose is to exercise the different parts of the module code to detect coding, errors. In the system the experimental data and literature data are different modules each further divided into sub modules. The sub modules of experimental data and literature data are implemented individual further tested for syntax and semantics and obtain the working module, which is further integrated together. The objective of unit testing is to verify the individual units the smallest compliable components. Unit testing is also called component testing. However, component testing is some time consider to be a level of testing about unit testing. This may be a case with a system that contains individually testable components thar are components of multiple units. Alternatively, some people distinguish unit testing from components testing by the degree to which components are isolated. In unit testing, called components are replaced with stubs, simulators, or trusted super components so that the component being tested is isolated. In component testing, all stubs and simulators are replaced with real implementation.


The objective of integration testing is to test the integration of and communication between components. Additionally, it may include testing the integration of subsystems or communication with external systems. The

programmer may do integration testing, but the build captain, are the team lead, the project manager, or even a configuration management group may also do it. On some projects, integration testing may be divided into two levels. Assembly testing System integration testing

During assembly testing, the integration of the software components is tested. During system integration testing, the communication with external system is tested. After the unit testing the modules are gradually integrated into subsystems, which are then integrated into eventually from the entire system. During integration of modules, integration testing is performed to detect design errors by focusing on testing the interconnection between modules. It is very important to see proper links are provided when assessed. Having integrated the modules it was checked and verified

The objectives of system testing are to find defects that are attributable to the behaviors of the system as a whole, rather than the behavior of individual components, and to test that the software functions as a complete system. This level of testing is different from integration testing in that the test are concerned with the entire system, not just the interactions between the components . other then functionality and behavior , security , resource utilization , and performance. The system testing was tested against the system requirements to see if all the requirements are met and whether the system performs as specified

by the requirements. The system was done after designing all the modules and forms in the system. In the unit testing error may occur due to incompatibility. At first the NIS was developed independently and then it was added to the network. Since it was network related project the operating system and the system resources play a major role. The software can be under any type of system with minimal resources.

8.8 Implementation
The final and the important phase in the system life cycle is the implementation of new system. The term implementation has different meaning ranging from conversation of basic application to complete replace of computer system. The procedures are the virtually the same. Implementation includes all those motives that take place to convert to old system to new system The new system may totally replacing existing system. The method of implementation and time are scale to be adopted is found out initially. Next the system is tested properly and at the same time the users are trained in new procedures. Proper implementation is essentially to provide system to meet organizational. Requirements successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using the new system, but it will prevent improper initialization.

Careful planning. Investigation of the system and constraints. Design method to achieve the changeover. Training the staff in the phase. Evaluation of the change over methods. The method of implementation and the time scale to adopt the FTP crunch was found out initially. Next the FTP crunch was tested properly and at the same time the user should be trained to use of software.



The main aim of this project was to put what we learnt in our Software engineering class into practice. The payroll system designated to our team allowed us to fully exercise the techniques of XP. The final deliverable was a simple payroll calculator and we were able to learn a new programming language, VB.

9.2 Overview and Interpretation of Results Attained

We were able to attain our set objectives, and this helped us gain confidence in writing our own code and our own applications. In addition, the use of serialization was an experimentation to cut down the time taken in designing the front-ends and back-ends of applications separately. So we did not spend any time on designing how to store data. We also worked as a team, and gained some experience on how professional programmers work in the industry.

9.3 Recommendations on Future Improvement

There is always room for imporvement, and the software we created can also be imporved. This is especially because we had to create it within a limited time. With more time, the software can be improved to include security and

different types of users. This would be the first step in making the software network-enabled, and eventually web-enabled. This was our original afterthought to programming the software, and we had chosen XML. In addition, the software can also be improved in terms of the calculations it can do, and more flexiblility in the rates used in calculations per employee.


This project has many future applications like it can be used in any of the Retail Outlet of Any Type companies. This project was build keeping in mind all the requirements of these outlets and they can be implemented in any such type of organization with very few modification. With modifications it can be possible for Employee Attendance to control all retail outlets by connecting them through a network. Because of this software all they need is a Server application and any type of connectivity to that server.



Fig 10.1 Login form

Internet Resources:
http://www.Microsoft/visual Basic Bible6.0/home.html http://www.Microsoft/visual Basic Bible6.0/databeconnection.html http://www.indianpayoll/home.html http://www.payroll/home/LIC corp.html http://www.indian payment process system/home/ESI/p1.html

Refeence Books: 1. Deitel & Deitel visual Basic 6.0 2. Software engineering - Pressman 3. Software engineering Saumerwilli 4. SSI study material in visual basic 5. The complete reference visual basic 6.0-patrick

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