HIV Test Should Be Available in Drug Stores Like Pregnancy

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HIV Test Should be Available in Drug Stores like Pregnancy Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Imagine if you

got AIDS but you never reaslize that because you never know if you are infected by HIV! You are late to know that youre positive. The AIDS has in serious condition and broken your life down because you never realize before. You rest your life with nothing because of bad management. This situation will never happen if you know your condition better. As a generation that susceptible, remember that there are many ways and it infects us easier through liquid of our body, especially blood. HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Virus; a virus that can cause AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). AIDS is one of immunodeficiency that until now there are no drugs that can cure. ARV (Anti Retroviral) just can block the viral replication. There are many efforts from our government to prevent. For example information about HIV/AIDS for society, free ARV (Anti Retroviral) although the distribution is late sometimes, etc. But, there is no effort to give them facilities. Like test thats very expensive. ?harganya bearapa tiap sekali test? And its need preparation and complicated procedures thats just a doctor or person whos competent who can do the test. And sometimes people are shy to take HIV test. Afraid if their secret is known by the others. HIV test should be available in drug stores like pregnancy. There are three reasons why it should be. They are the spreading of the virus thats so fast and easily, to know the condition of the ODHA fast so they can get the best management, and because of privacy rights of ODHA. Pro: the spreading of the virus is fast More than 25 years, our world is pandemic of HIV/AIDS. WHO declaimed that 1.400 people are infected by HIV every day and every 25 million people died from 37 million people infected around the world. This fact showed us its spreading easily. We can imagine that how scary this worlds tragedy is. to know the condition better and fast Many people dont realize that they are has infected HIV because of their jobs that susceptible of HIV infection. And then because they dont know that theyre positive, without consideration they infect the other people. Beside that, they late to know then they cant get the best management because of late. By test that can give the accurate information and faster, they can manage the rest of their life better. The best management will give the great effect for their life. In fact, its longer the rest of their life. privacy rights Many people are shy to admit that they are positive, because of the society judgment. They dont want the others know their secret, know that they are positive HIV.

Contra: Need high technology and cost To make it reality, is hard. It needs high technology to create the equipment for test, so society can use it easily. Beside that, to make a high technology equipment test, needs cost thats not little. As mentioned before, by test thats easy to use, easy to get, and available in society can help them to diagnose earlier. So, the ODHA can manage their condition with best management. But, to make it dream comes true it needs high technology and much costs. >>Solution: The government should considerate about the generation and people that susceptible of HIV infection. It can start with collect donation to give best facilities for ODHA especially for the test that should be available in drug store and give subsidy so that the price is not too expensive. So, the prevention and the spreading of the viral can be decreased.

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