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Question three:

The education of youngsters is always a controversial issue, as it is associated with the future of human race. But due to the scarcity of the educational resources, schools cannot meet all the demands to study, especially in university level. It is claimed that colleges should afford standards choosing students to enroll, while others insist that is advantageous to teach students at various level together. They are both partially reasonable in my view. Provided some requirements, the selected students may share more in common, such as the academic abilities and personal characteristics. Therefore, instructors could concentrate on solving their common problems, and then make the schooling more effective and efficient. Moreover, based on the similar backgrounds and situations of the youths, it is easy to set the curriculums and realize the planed goals. Boys and girls tend to enjoy the developments physically, mentally and psychologically. As a result, it is expected that they can be more employable along with the adept techniques as well as adequate knowledge. There are benefits educating the young at different academic abilities as well. Undoubtedly, each individual is unique and owns the strengths others do not possess. For example, those children who do not have a strong affinity to sciences subjects, e.g. math and physics, may be talented at studying liberal courses supremely. If taught together, students are believed to learn from each other, and be motivated to acquire knowledge of different fields. In addition to the positive influence from peers, teaching in groups also make good use of currents resource and increase the student-teacher ratio which can future reduce the operating cost of the government. In conclusion, both views share pros and cons. But in order to effectively combat the problem relating to scarcity of educational resources, I think of schooling children with all types together as better option. Nevertheless, it is still tough problem for educators to seek better methodology with which students of different levels could fostered well-rounded and efficiently

Education is one of the important aspects of life. Nowadays, computers are being used more and more in education as a part of modernization. However, I am disagreeing with the statement There will be no role for teachers in the classroom if the computers take over, as there are still many things that cannot be done by the computer. The subjects such as Civic, Moral and Ethics cannot be teaches by the computer because it is something that is applied in real life. As the computer is not an invention with the sense of humanity, it is heartless. And it does not have a brain to think. For example, if we do an essay, the computer might say that the essay is wrong because it had already be programmed with just a few certain of essays example. This is unfair to the student and also a reason why there need to be a teacher. Another thing is that, we as a human would want a human companion. Human are bless with emotions unlike computers. Sometimes, when we are down we would want someone to express what inside our heart. And computer is not a good person to comfort with because they do not have a sense of sympathy like most human have. Teachers also play a role as a second parent, which is something that cannot be done by the computer. As a second parent, teacher will have to understand us and fulfill our need in education. They the one that identify our strength and weaknesses in academic. They also lend us a hand when we face difficulties. Last but not least, teacher are the one that teaches the student on how to uses the computer. If it not the teacher, then who? The computers? Dream on. If one does not know how to use the computer, how could a computer teaches he/she how to uses it. In this case, the teacher will have to keep updating the information regarding the current technology. To sum up, I totally disagree with the statement that said the computer will take over the education world until there is no more place for the teacher. For me, without teacher there will be no school. Cause teacher is one of the school most important pillars. _n.jpg

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.

There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people's lives, especially in the field of education. Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. Others have decided to leave the original way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools. These changes in the learning process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers in the classroom.

Some people believe the role of teachers started to fade because computers have been helping some students to progress in their studies quicker than when compared with an original classroom. For instant, in the same classroom, students have different intellectual capacities, thus some would be coupled to a slow advance in their studies because of others incapacity of understanding. In this way, pupils could progress in their acquisition of knowledge at their own pace using computers instead of learning from teachers.

However, the presence of teachers is essential for students because the human contact influences them in positive ways. Firstly, students realize that they are not dealing with a machine but with a human being who deserves attention and respect. They also learn the importance of studying in group and respect other students, which helps them to improve their social skills.

Moreover, teachers are required in the learning process because they acknowledge some student's deficiencies and help them to solve their problems by repeating the same explanation, giving extra exercises or even suggested a private tutor. Hence, students can have a biggest change not to fail in a subject.

In conclusion, the role of teachers in the learning process is still very important and it will continue to be in the future because no machine can replace the human interaction and its consequences.

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.

Nowadays, technology has improved rapidly and effectively, and it has become an important requirement in recent year, also it affected in every field in the world, for instance, government field and education field, environment field.

Computer plays a big and necessary role in today students life, almost, most of student cannot perform their duties, such as, education search or looking for a certain information, without using computer, because, going to libraries and looking for something is extremely tough and boring, currently, computer dominated on our life interestingly, whereas in the past students were performing their duties and searches without computer, because the life in the past was slow and simple, opposite of today life, it is rapid and complicated, thus, computer became necessary thing in the students life.

Nevertheless, role of the teacher in the classroom is significant and necessary for several reasons. Firstly, student needs interaction in the studying environment, but when you study with computer, you do not find this interaction. Secondly, group work is important for student to share his culture, experiences and ideas with his colleagues and teacher, group work has positive impact on students characters, it learns them how to gain new thought every day and how to avoid the mistakes which committed by their colleagues, whereas, when you study alone with your computer, of course, you will face various difficulties, because there is nobody guides you, such as, a teacher. Moreover, teacher is human and he has his respect, and method of deal with him as a human, therefore, it is really difficult to equal him with a machine, like a computer. We have respected him as well as we can, and consider him our father, he has especial place in their student hearts, because he has taught us benefit behaviors and many principles.

To sum up, I definitely, disagree with the statement: computer can play the role of the teachers in the classroom; I reject this statement which is unacceptable.

In recent years it has become more common for teachers to use technological tools in the learning process. However, I do not agree that this explosion in technology will 'innovate' the education system, by replacing teachers with computers.

There are several reasons why teachers will never be replaced by computers. Firstly, computers need to be operated by people. No one can argue that technological tools are must-haves for the classroom of today. For example, lessons are more attractive and easier to understand when they are put on a Power Point presentation and then presented with a LCD Projector. However, scientists prove that every classroom needs trained staff to use these interactive and innovative ways of teaching. I agree that nowadays the learning process benefits greatly from computers, but they are just tools for teachers and they cannot work properly without human's touch. Secondly, children need human interactions. No matter how advanced technology will be, it is clear that a computer will never be able to communicate with its pupils. As a recent interview with Josh Trumm the founder of the 'Teachers Global Group'- reveals, human interactions will never be imitated by computers: 'This verbal and non-verbal communication between teachers and children is the first step towards a proper education. Without someone who can explain and understand their problems, pupils cannot actually learn'. I am inclined to agree with this scientific view, because only a teacher can feel and connect with pupils, be a friend and a model.

In conclusion, there can be no school without a teacher. I think that computers will continue to be used by teachers in the learning process, but they will never take their place. Teachers are not just teachers, they are also friends and conseilieurs.

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.

In today world, where everyone is busy as a bee, computer has become an essential in life. Computers are not only being used in business, but also in education. The question that arises here is whether the usage of computer in education will delete the role of teacher. In my honest opinion, I would say no. Even though we can get everything that we need in just one click, but we still need a teacher as in the human one not the computer to guide us on how to do it. The computer may explain thousands of time about a topic but the computer cannot detect what we do not understand. This is quite understandable as the computer does not have the sense of humanity. Secondly, as a normal human we would love to have a human companions. Computer alone is not enough. Even though the technology in the computer is more advance everyday but it still cannot interact with human. Therefore, the teacher would play an important role here. Last but not least,

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