Lesson Plan-6th Grade

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Teacher: Alecsandrescu Monica Ionela School: Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 Boboci, Picior de Munte Date: April 25th, 2013 Class: VI (L1) Textbook: Snapshot Elementary Unit 16: What would you like to do? Lesson: Leisure activities; Make suggestions and express preferences (would rather/ would prefer) Type of lesson: Vocabulary Time: 50 minutes Aims: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: talk about and express their opinion regarding leisure activities; make suggestions and express preferences using would like, would prefer and would rather; have a conversation on leisure activities while using the new learned grammar structures..

Skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking Methods: conversation, observation, pairwork, groupwork, explanation, repetition, puzzle, roleplay, brainstorming. Aids: flashcards, flipchart, worksheets, blackboard, textbook, handouts, textbook. Type of interaction: teacher-students, student-teacher, student-student Types of exercises: matching exercise, making sentences, jumbled images exercise, conversation exercise, fill-in exercise. Class organization: lockstep, pairwork, groupwork, whole class

Stages of the lesson

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Lesson stages Organizing the class

Time Teachers activity 2 The teacher greets the students; she asks them questions like: How are you?, Who is on duty today? etc. The teacher checks if there are any absents and prepares for the lesson. The teacher asks the students What was your homework for today?. The teacher names some students to come to the blackboard and write the answers. She checks if the answers are correct..

Students activity The students greet the teacher. They answer the teachers questions. The student on duty announces the absents (if there are any).




-to create a -conversation -roll proper atmosphere for teaching the new lesson

Class organization -whole class

Interaction Teacher Student, Student Teacher


Homework check-up


Checking previous knowledge

The teacher groups the students and gives each group a jumbled picture (puzzle): Look at these pictures! What can you see? Then the teacher asks what type of activities they are, when they do them. She tells them that they

The students answer the questions. The students named by the teacher come to the blackboard (ex. 1, page 91). They had to listen to the song Love is all around and fill in the missing words. The students answer the questions. Possible answers: a disco/ people in a disco, after school, in our free time. They write the title of the lesson in their notebooks.

-to check the mistakes

-conversation -textbook -blackboard

-whole class

Teacher Student, Student Teacher

-to check previous knowledge -to introduce the topic of the new lesson

-conversation -jumbled pictures Blackboard -notebooks


Teacher Student, Student Teacher StudentStudent



will talk about Leisure activities and writes the title on the blackboard. The teacher asks students to think of other places they can go or things they can do during their free time. Then tells them to write the words on the blackboard. The teacher writes the following headings on the blackboard: go to; go; have and tells students to group the words theyve written under the correct heading.

Possible answers: a concert, bowling a football match, a picnic. They come to the blackboard and write the answers.

- to arouse students interest in the topic.

-tape -conversation -blackboard -handouts brainstormin g

-whole class -individual work

Teacher Student, Student Teacher



The students group the words and come to the blackboard to write them.

-to practice vocabulary related to the topic.

-writing -conversation -blackboard

-individual work

Teacher Student, Student Teacher

Activity 1 listening


The teacher gives students a worksheet with a dialogue about leisure activities that they will listen to. She tells them to pay attention to the way that suggestions are made and how preferences are

The students listen to and read the dialogue. Possible answers: What would you like to see tonight?, Id like to go to the Goya exhibition., Id rather 4

-to introduce new grammatica l structures related to the topic

-listening -reading

-worksheet -blackboard -tape


Teacherstudent Studentstudent

expressed. Then she asks them to underline the sentences that are used to ask for suggestions, make suggestions and express preferences. They have to work in groups. 6

go to the dance festival.


Activity 2: reading


Activity 3: speaking

The teacher writes two sentences on the blackboard: I would rather go bowling; Id prefer to go dancing. Then she writes the following rules: 1) Would rather is followed by a verb in the infinitive with/ without to. 2) Would prefer is followed by a verb in the infinitive with/ without to. She tells to choose the correct word (with or without) to make the correct rule. The teacher asks the students to work in groups and write a dialogue in which to make suggestions and express preferences using the vocabulary and structures from the lesson.

The students write down the sentences and the rules, complete the task and read their answers.

-to identify the correct form of the grammatic al structures

-writing -reading


-individual work

Teacher Student, StudentTeacher

Students write the dialogue and role-play it in front of the class.

-to be able to make their own sentences using words and grammatica l structures related to




Teacher Student, Student Teacher

the topic 8. Homework 2 The students are supposed to solve exercise 9, page 95. The teacher explains the students what they have to do. She gives an example. The teacher makes sure that all the students understand the homework. The students write the homework and the examples in the notebooks. -to practise vocabulary related to the topic -conversation -textbook -whole class Teacher Student


Dismissing students

Students get grades. Greetings


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